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Fraction Titles (and Others) Pt. 4

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Thread replies: 250
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Picking up with the final issue of Iron Fist and then we'll switch to a new title.
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Heading home now. See you soon.
>On an unrelated note, I caught a couple students cheating on their take home exam by working together. Same questions answered with same responses and same questions unanswered.
>Naturally they're going to fail the assignment, but I'm not if I should stop there. This wasn't a HW assignment, it was a fucking test. AN OPEN NOTE OPEN BOOK TAKE HOME TEST!!!!!
>What would you guys do in my situation?
make them read iron fist

also i love this series and greatful for the storytime but fraction didnt write this one.

Any chance at getting his punisher civil war arch?
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Thanks for the bump Preacher anon. You and judge anon are good people.

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>also i love this series and greatful for the storytime but fraction didnt write this one.
Oh I know, I just fucking hate stopping mid series when the series itself so close to teh finish line. Also I'll see if I can track that down.

Concerning the cheating thing, I'm strongly considering failing both cheaters for the course because out of all the classes they decided to pull this in, it's a major degree requirement. In order to progress in the psychology curriculum, you must get a "C" or above in the statistics course (my class), research methods, or their specialized senior project. They would have failed the exam anyway because of their clear lack of trying, but to cheat on what little work they did turn in batshit insane.
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.....I'm probably not going to fail them outright (dependent upon whether or not they fess up), but I do want to put the fear of god in them. The kinda fear that low level henchmen get when they see The Punisher stroll into their hideout read to murder eveyone inside.
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I feel like the series was front loaded with most of the important stuff.
Ask your colleagues not your /co/lleagues
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They were actually some of the first people I went to because I wasn't sure if I had legimitate evidence or if I was just reading into things. Universally they agree it was cheating. Concerning how to handle it, some said bring the pain while others suggested a more lenient approach considering that it's the last week of classes. It doesn't help that I already don't like the students because I constantly get on them for talking in class. I guess it comes down to what kind of message I wanna send.
>Paragon - Fail them on the assignment and cap them at a "C" for the course.
>Renegade - Fail them for the class.
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Decided to go with Fraction's Defenders.
>This point one contains the first part of the Defenders series so I thought I'd start there.
>Also the entire thing is pretty neat so it's getting posted.

And if anyone happens to have an HD copy of this issue it would be super duper appreciated if you could share the link.
>I won't lie to you, I did not work on the Spider Chronology today.
>I am looking into series to add and am wondering if I should just collect all of ASM rather than just the post OMD issues.
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First introduction to Sam. He has come so far since then. I'd argue that he was one of the best additions to the 616 universe. What started as blatant attempt for Loeb to insert his dead son into a comic, has evolved into a character all his own with distinct personality traits that make him all his own. But that's just my opinion.
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I'm really enjoying this Watcher story.
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I hope to god David doesn't do anything stupid with Kaine in the new Scarlet Spider series. His Ben seems fun though.
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ifunny cuck
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And this is the main reason I storytimed this issue.
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Love this lineup.
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Now I kinda wish Fraction was writing Dr. Strange instead of Aaron (last I checked it was Aaron).
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Really? That's all you can say about a fucking world dying? Epic Fail???
holy fuck dannys face in that pannel is awful
He did not start off on a high note. That line gets worse the older I get.
Already off to a fantastic start Stephen.
Neat little page.
I always liked Namor.
>You...were...the snowfall?
Absolutely no fucking need for the first two panels to be separate like that.
Because of the Incredible Hulk cartoon in the 90s, I totally have a thing for She Hulk. That scene was insanely sexual.
>They knew full well what they were doing.
Is that Misty or some other girl he's seeing?
I think someone needs to stand in his way.
Thread almost died on me. That was close.
This art is amazing on all fronts
Not sure about you guys but I'm enjoying this way more the second go around then I did the first.
I think I like where this is headed.
Surfer looks like he's having a fucking ball
Loving this trippy art.
Uh...did T'Challa just die?
I'd turn back right then and there. Ain't got time for that.
Loving this guy's attitude. Take down a Black Panther, declare war on Wakanda, caressing a brass frog, this guy's got it all worked out.

Also I hope that everyone enjoyed the Fraction Expansion! We'll finish up Defenders tomorrow and then either forray to Mighty Avengers of Invincible Iron Man.
Cheers, PB. I've never read this series but I'll give it a shot.
So how close is this to Strange's usual characterization?
>>I am looking into series to add and am wondering if I should just collect all of ASM rather than just the post OMD issues.
Crazy but alright, cool.
This is a nice looking team.
Strange has good taste as always.
Shit! I meant to say Mighty Thor or Invincible Iron Man! WIsh someone had caught that. Also on the possible list.
>Five Fists of Science
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