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So who should write the eventual LOSH rebirth book? For me:

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So who should write the eventual LOSH rebirth book? For me:

Not Levitz because the last volume he did was mediocre at best and he's already written a lot of Legion stories

Not Keith Geffen because he already had a decent stint in the 80's and he hasn't written anything good in a long time

Not Geoff Jones because he already tried his hand at it and I would prefer he get to work on the fucking Shazam book already jesus christ

Not Hickman because he doesn't know how to handle a large cast of characters well without turning some of them into background filler and it would inevitably just be nothing build up with a wet fart of an ending

not Tom King because I don't want an overly serious sci fi book about MUH PTSD

If I had to choose I would say Abnett because he knows how to write good character dynamics (see the current Titans run) and he co-wrote Guardians of the Galaxy so he is familiar with doing sci fi
King and Hickman co-writing.
Writer: Tomasi, Gene Luen Yang, or Abnett.
Artist: Definitely no house style. Maybe Mirka Andolfo, Shaner, or Nick Derington.
Warren Ellis?

Shazam is axed due to copyright woes.
Parker or Gillen
King with Johns coplotting is my dream desu. Someone new would rock but I don't know them because it would be someone new.

Artist is tricky as fuck too. I have no idea
For art?

Barnaby Bagenda.
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Humpries will be interesting to see. I am loving Green Lanterns but that book is fixed around a concept with a small cast and LOSH's gigantic numbers are a big hurdle for anyone
Jeff Parker, no contest.
What copyright woes? They completely own the character. Maybe trademark issues, but that’s why they changed the name in the first place.
Ownership of the character. Hasnt shown up since rebirth issue.

Not in new game. Movie split from adam. Only to get quietly axed.
That’s because they have no clue what to do with the character.
DC had licensed the character from Fawcett through the 70s and 80s, but by the late 80s/early 90s they had actually bought the characters. There is no ownership or copyright dispute. Only the trademark issue.
Actually they found out he is public domain.
His Golden Age stories and rendition are, not the character himself. Same thing with Plastic Man, Blue Beetle (both Dan Garrett and Ted Kord), the Question, and other Charlton and Quality characters. The current rendition of the character is wholly owned by DC, like the others I mentioned. I’ll admit there are grey areas in copyright law, but it doesn’t affect DC as they own the current versions of the characters and the Golden Age versions are public domain and can be used by anyone. The problem here is the trademark on the Captain Marvel name, which Marvel owns.
>Not Geoff Jones because he already tried his hand at it and I would prefer he get to work on the fucking Shazam book
He's not going to be writing Shazam. He even said that a title is coming but he isn't writing it.
typical rebirth house style faggot.
I'm going to disagree with you on two counts.

First, Giffen. While he has already said all he needs to say about the Legion over the course of his many, many issues with the team, and probably doesn't need to come back, i've gotta disagree with the statement that he hasn't written anything worthwhile in some time. OMAC, Threshold, Larfleeze, and JL3K were all very enjoyable titles. Sure he co-wrote some of those with longtime friends, but they were good.

And Hickman. You are spot on with your criticism of his handling of Avengers. But the nigga's got a 60 issue pitch ready to go, and even if it's The Brainiac 5 Show, i'd want to see what concepts he'd play with. At a minimum we'd get some nice UP intergalactic politics, and making the Legion's universe bigger than them is always nice.
>referencing GotG instead of Legion Lost/the Legion to vouch for Abnett


Which is why they never used the originals anymore.
Nobody from current DC roster is capable of writing a space opera with a large cast.
Si Spurrier, Peter David, James Roberts or Gillen would be my choices. If not them, then Hickman.
this is by far the best option
He completely shat the bed on that for me. Made me lose faith in his ability to write good stories. Also I here his current Blue Beetle isn't very good either
His best recent work is sugar and spike.
Meh, Jeff Parker is a safe and "fun" writer. He's good, but nothing great.
Maybe JL3k1 but JL3k was alright. Also, if one title makes you think that about a veteran of 30+ years then you're fucking retarded.
He's perfectly capable of doing blending in a more serious tone while keeping the jokes.

And he handled a pretty sizable, rotating cast in his way-too-short JLU.
Hickman and especially Gillen are fucking terrible.
also he made the best Thunderbolts ever
True, but he's better than truly generic safe writers like Pak or Abnett.
I don't know about "best," but I do love it.

The back end kinda lost me, with the time travel and the Dark Avengers shift.
They're a lot better than any option DC has.
not spurrier, he writes his characters and dialog in a specific way I don't think would work with the legion
Gillen/McKelvie should get Legionnaires
they're popular
You mean Humphries, Abnett, Seeley or Tynion? I'm not sure. Hickman's run would be crap but overhyped and obnoxious and Gillen is just pure shit. Either way, Rebirth isn't gonna put anyone good on LoSH.
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Gillen is bad enough, but McKelvie? Fucking eww.
Who would you even suggest?
I don't know, scout some talent. I'm getting real tired of hearing the same damn names I have been for 10 years and that haven't impressed once. And then there's hacks like Humphries.
Abnett is so boring though.

Now that I think about it I'm not sure there really is anyone available I'd like to see write this kind of scifi. King did great on Omega Men but his writing might not transfer well to LoSH, and he's already hinting at writing another series anyway so he's too busy. Gerard Way would probably do great based on his Doom Patrol, but there's no way he could keep it on a regular schedule in his current position.

I guess they should just give it to Johns or Hickman because they're at least big enough names to get some attention for the franchise. Even if they mess it up it would get a big enough fanbase to justify relaunching with a different creative team eventually.

Maybe give it to the Cave Carson writer for a decent, fun series. Or the Allred family if they do well on Bug!.
The dream is Morrison.
>Allred family
They're also boring as fuck. The writing is overly light and "fun" to the point that all semblance of substance is lost and their humor is lame as fuck(and humor is 80% of what an issue by them is made of). Mike's art is great but with Bug, Surfer Who and... I wanna say some other project that's too much on their table for 2017.
Cave Carson is the worst YA book
Yup, but it's still better than 80% of Rebirth.
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Allreds are doing a digital Batman 66 meets the Legion story if you wanted a dream to come true today.
that doesn't mean it's bad, so far all the YA books have been great
>not going full throwback with the helmets
>not going slut throwback by giving everyone their cleavage costumes

what's the point even
This >>91515516 was my reasoning, but most people I've talked to like it more than Mother Panic.

Too bad, I haven't read anything written by them yet. I've liked Mike's art a lot in everything I've seen it in.
Parker or Abnett on writing. Whoever did the Legion feature in Legends of Tomorrow, Alina Urusov, Marcus To or Chris Batista on art.

Most definitely not Gillen or McKelvie anywhere close to it.
Warren should write them
Ellis? He'd flay the whole team alive in three issues flat.
You mean like hipsters? I don't know, space hipsters in the future doesn't sound so bad and he's definitely creative. With a good editor to rein him in he could do a good job. Godshaper was crap though.
LoSH vs 40k when?
no, the good one
Let's pair Warren with Warren and see what happens.
It looks like semi-manga with skimpy costumes and everyone dies very very quickly because they're horrible people?
King or Abnett



Alternatively just give it to Scioli
Why not just reteam King with Seeley? King has shown he is good with space stuff, and Seeley would prevent him from going full PTSD.

I don't have a perfect candidate, but would accept:

Mahmud Asrar (if they are teens)
Doc Shaner or Chris Samnee (if it's a Silver Age-y series)
Gleason (for weirdo aliens)
Wtf is this from?
Spurrier channels Claremont when it comes to dialogue I feel, which is A-OK. He likes his heavy accents and regional dialects which would be interesting to see with an intergalactic cast.
Ooooh! I will need to get my hands on this.
Bikini legion.
Sorry, it's a fanmade banner
>Alternatively just give it to Scioli

Ooooooh that's a direction I could get behind. I'unno entirely though, that's a hard retro throwback that might not be the best for the brand. The Legion should keep up with the times and strive for modernity imho. That's one of the reasons I liked Waid's Threeboot so much, he updated stuff and worked new concepts in that I felt worked nice. Eat it Grandpa was cool.
Booo hisss boooo.

Kill all women.

I would like that, if feels like the Legion could benefit from having more developed planets with different cultures and languages and what not.
>Not Hickman

He is my #1 choice for it. #2 choice Marv Wolfman
I've been a Legion reader my entire life. There are some distinct planetary cultures, but not as many as there could be.

Colu is full of more cold, less emotional academics.
Winath has the whole twin-based society.
Durla is bizarre as shit.
Talok-V is a more classical, warrior culture

And that's really all that's immediately leaping out at me. Honestly I'd like a more political focus dealing with the United Planets and showing all the difficulties that must be inherent to a government that geographically and culturally dispersed.

The Legion could serve as poster children for an intergalactic civlization working in harmony, but then have it's own motivations and objectives somewhat separate from the UP over time.
Exactly. Even the planets that have a defined culture aren't very well defined so it would be cool if someone decided to play with that aspect of it.

It has for example been sort of hinted at that Colu is incredible conservative and isolated, but they still have students at intergalactic institutes and political representatives on other worlds. How do they deal with realising that the rest of the universe is so different? How are they treated when they get back to Colu with all of these foreign ideas about stuff? And how does the UP handle a member world that has important tech but doesn't really want to work on their terms?

(It's also been stated that Winath is 100% dependant on Coluan tech, which could be an interesting issue in itself.)

It shouldn't be that hard to incorporate more political elements into the comics and it would make for some really interesting storylines if handled well. Showing the differences, but also showing the similarities between worlds and people.
Yeah I disagree that it would have a " wet fart of an ending." Left on his own, like a LOSH book should be, he won't get dragged into crossovers and events wrecking the pacing and build up

If you want to give it a chance, you have to give it to Johns. It's the thing he does best, resurrecting forgotten franchises and characters. JSA, Flash, GL, Aquaman. Teen Titans is a curse franchise.
Jeff Parker
Michael Yost
Mark Russell
I would definitely take another Keith Giffen run even if it'll hurt me
I think Dan Abnett could do it
In the realm of "weird but I'd want to see it" always thought of an Ann Nocenti LoSH
It was his fucking events and crossovers, numbnuts.
>Jeff Parker
Parker is the best safe choice. I don't really love any of his work, but his Thunderbolts and JLU were consistently enjoyable
fuck you faggot
>Michael Yost

Christopher Yost obviously. No idea where I got Michael from, I think maybe from the co-writer on Thor?
Yeah, but is LOSH going to be the center of multiple company wide events?

FF didn't have the problems his Avengers did and East of West is delivering good on all the build up
LOSH would probably not even tie into events anyway. But the point was that his shitty Avengers run wasn't shit because he was "forced into events and crossovers".
I liked Yost's New Warriors. It seems like he's pretty good at handling teams and young adults.
I'd love to see Chiang have a crack at the Legion
I wish Chiang had got to do something with his anime-inspired redesigns of the major heroes. Like the Lensman GL, Queen Emeraldas WW, etc. They all looked amazing. Would have loved a mini.
We got so little of it it's hard to tell but his Kaine series was good and he was at least not all sweetness and light on NW, good at integrating that with some darker/deeper stuff. The edginization and redemption of Speedball is really proof no writer choice is bad enough future writers can't spin it into something interesting.
What about Gage? Avengers Academy was great, especially in terms of character stuff.
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I was about to say, I thought Abnett already wrote Legion with Lanning but no one mentioned it so maybe I was crazy so thanks for making me not crazy
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Azarello could be good, as long as editorial rode him hard to make it less Rapeazons and more pic related
Forgot to add
'Oh God, please, no' category:
King (without Seeley)
Also Lemire. He's too big a fanboy and can't into teams
Good Giffen is a great Legion writer, but he seems to be on an extended vacation so Bad Giffen is in charge instead and he can't write anything...
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>All these people saying Abnett "could probably do it well" as though he hadn't already.
>tfw the new collection was cancelled
Yeah. It's a damn shame he can't write an ensemble cast for shit because he clearly has a love for the LSH.

The hijacking of JLU will always be hilarious to me. "Aw shit, my exclusive at DC is almost up and Marvel wants to poach me, better write ALL THE LEGION while I still can!"
I'd take King without Seeley over Humphries/Abnett/Parker. The reaction to his Batman is what it is, but Omega Men and Darkseid War: Green Lantern show he has skill for sci fi characters. Seeley would help with the tone but hurt the consistency - King's issues of Grayson were always noticeably better than Seeley's.

King on his own with "PTSD" LOSH would be better than most of the suggestions people are making. Of course he's apparently writing New Gods (which will probably be a great use of his writing) so it's a pointless argument. I'm just a little surprised people want guys like Abnett over King.
Abnett is really mediocre without Lanning. His Titans has been one of the least interesting Rebirth comics.
>hasn't written anything good in a long time
I don't want him on another Legion ongoing, but fuck you Sugar and spike was great
who has excelled at writing teen teams before and also writing one of the best books of Rebirth?

Please don't.

You get a (you) but please don't.
You could have picked an Infectious Lass page to be more topical.
Looks like Evely's finishing up on WW
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