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When is western animation ever going to create a work that can

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When is western animation ever going to create a work that can measure up to something like this?

I have been waiting so fucking long for us to catch up. The US absolutely has the greatest resources for creating films and an neverending army of talented animators, so I always assume it was only a matter of time until we overtook Japan entirely and started making goddamn masterpieces they could never hope to touch, but instead we still get kid's films (in which 2D animation has been abandoned almost entirely) and tiny art projects and fucking nothing in between. France at least is trying.

I hope Castlevania opens the doors for an older audience in the west, but that seems unlikely since Aeon Flux didn't, and even that would just be one tiny step towards a fucking emotional masterpiece like this.

I love my all-ages action shows, but fucking goddamn, I want more. We could be great. If a bunch of Japs on a shit island can make this, imagine what we could do.
Because Americans don't want animation, they want something they feel they can relate to. That's why you see so many live action shows and films, because audiences feel that they can be a part of it, and animation has always been a stigma to a large portion of audiences. Yes, there is the funding, but it's all put towards animations for children, since that is what audiences are told animation is for. Your Name was so good, saw it in theaters and it's one of my favorite movies ever. I'm happy that Japan is making their movies, and America is making their movies. If everybody was making this, it would soon get stale, and I'm fine with how everything is going.
For most execs there is simply no money in it. They feel most western audiences see animation strictly as kids stuff. Which they do. They wouldn't make bank on a high budget high concept film.

Not to mention aren't to many Ralph Bakshi types working in the industry trying to push boundaries and even if there are, the aforementioned studio execs aren't going to back those kinds of things. At best a Kick starter would be needed.

Maybe internet streaming services like Netflix and Hulu are the best bet to get stuff like this made if they're willing to fund. Which is more likely than DreamWorks or even Disney

I don't need the whole industry to change, but if just a little bit of those resources and talent could be put to use on something more complex we could be making fantastic works.
They've created plenty that measure up to and above this, Makoto Shinkai is garbage and a hack who makes the same movie over and over again.
People are still mindless and want nothing but flashy blockbuster movies and think of animation as a medium just for children or teens. Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks also have a vicegrip on all animation fields to the point where making anything that isn't some family-friendly animated movie will just get you stares. Illumination tried to be a little different and then immediately went to shit, and Laika's movies are gorgeous and beautiful but would easily get canned if he wasn't loaded to begin with.
People eat up constant remakes, cheap-horror films, and repetitive dramas without really asking for more. There aren't enough people/funds to make something solely because artists want something beautiful because it would get stopped at the door for "being too dangerous and non-profitable". Iirc most animated jpn movies break even or do slightly above average, but that's how their whole anime industry is.
There's just not enough of a draw in other places. Your Name probably won't even sell out anywhere.
You are aware that Japan consumes american movies like crazy, right?
Pokemon happened.

The American animation industry crashed because anime got ridiculously popular and sank the American industry.
>They've created plenty that measure up to and above this
not really
OK and?

Shit forgot about Laika. Kubo was criminally underrated

I'm not that interested in the consumption of the films as I am in the production of them.

I was gonna criticize your post as bait when I saw the image, because even though I fucking love Your Name (cried like a bitch when I saw it on an airplane, saw it in the theater last week and cried like a bitch again), it's exactly the smash hit anime movie someone trying to troll /co/ would use to bait us into defending our non-ching chong cartoons.

But then I read your body text and yeah, you have a good point. Since animation = kids' stuff here, and most to all successful adult-oriented (or even just not-kid-oriented) American animation is comedic, we just have no incentive to branch out into stuff like Your Name. When's the last major movie animation release that wasn't explicitly aimed at families? ...that wasn't an import or 80s-edge tier like Heavy Metal?

The last piece of American animation I remember seeing in a theater that was not explicitly aimed at families was fucking Paperman (not every kid is going to relate to an office guy in a dead-end job having a crush on a woman he met on the train), and that was a short BEFORE a kids' movie.

Given our history of comics and animation often emphasizing either superheroes or goofy comedy our own TV and movies are going to be pretty limited. And when we get shit with more adult themes it's tryhard "now Batman can swear!" nonsense.
american live action is a whole another beast compared to other mediums. too bad we hit the point where we are just pandering to the chinese.

Kubo also only made $48,023,088 domestic and $69,929,545 worldwide on a budget of $60 million. And even THAT was trying to be all-ages, although at least it wasn't afraid of death and tragedy and more complex themes.

Any American exec looks at that, they're going to say "well fuck, that lavishly-animated creator-driven boondoggle didn't make anything and Trolls just bought me six more houses, let's slate Trolls 2-7 right now. Leave the weird shit to Pixar."

>too bad we hit the point where we are just pandering to the chinese.

remember that time a Chinese doctor cured Tony Stark's heart condition, something apparently nobody in America had thought of doing?

Who are these people who are going to see Trolls and ignoring Kubo? Even as a fucking tot I would have picked Kubo in a heartbeat.

How do we educate these scum?

Hell, even I never watched Kubo in theaters. I watched it during the same international flight I watched Your Name on. And I love animation.

People just don't go to the movies in theaters as often as they used to, myself included, and it's often a more social event than it used to be, so people end up going to big tentpole releases like Marvel films or Pixar or Star Wars or the latest big artsy-farts movie (last one for us was Arrival) and don't have the time to plunk down 13 bucks for a stop-motion movie they've never heard of.

Was so pissed when Inside Out took Best Animated Film over Kubo. Inside Out was beautiful and creative, but every single frame of Kubo was a work of art.


You'd think companies like Netflix or Amazon would be experimenting more with adult animation beyond dark comedies like Bojack. Instead they're importing anime and making more dark comedies like Bojack.

Also, my cousin has three boys. He takes them to Trolls and Lego Movie and Pixar films. He wants the guaranteed entertainment of a major studio release and has no idea what something like Kubo is. He wanted something he knew would be fun and colorful for his kids, nothing more, because animated movies in America are things you can take your kids to (that, god willing, have material in them you'll enjoy as well).
>France at least is trying.

Not really, don't think Ankama Studios are a litmus test for what's going on in French animation at large. It's the same shit there.
Studios make profit with that kind of movies, supply and demand and such, american studios do what works for them.

I don't even give a fuck about the average, I just want outliers.

Most of Japan's animation is still just designed to sell titty figures.
Or crap out action shit like Naruto the Last or cute girls shit like Love Live. Stuff like Your Name is a fraction of what gets made in Japan due to how much animation gets made there compared to America.

Yeah I see how it could be seen as b8. But I'm not saying western animation is shit is anything; quite the contrary, I think our potential is greater and I'm just frustrated we're not living up to it. In the 90s, I just assumed we'd slowly get over the ANIMATION IS FOR KIDS thing but we just haven't.
It's obvious WHY this is true, but how long is it going to stay that way? Does the western market have a chance of breaking away from kids films in our lifetime?
Zootopia was still a better film
The fuck is this?

Western animation has already created works that can measure up to Your Name, but you're mostly not going to see ground-breaking animation and a decent story from a major studio.

Art always has to fight with commercial interests and 99.9% of everything is crap, including animation. Find the good and tell your friends.

We have had some wonderful animated western works on TV, like the early seasons of Adventure Time and Steven Universe, and the new Samurai Jack episodes. Also, while the storytelling is nothing impressive, Buddy Thunderstruck on Netflix is a fun work by experienced stop-motion animators.

Many of his films have been love stories about young people who are growing up, they are different people with different relationships; I don't think exploring a similar theme makes him a hack (and two of his major releases weren't love stories), what specifically do you dislike about his body of work?

I thought 5 Centimeters Per Second and The Garden of Words were better films than Your Name, but I've only seen Your Name once. Maybe I'll pick up more on it later, I honestly didn't get the whole 'forgetting each others name'-thing as a theme.
American audiences do not take to animation. Look at a show like Game of Thrones. It would be a thousand times better as a high budget animated series. But it wouldn't get a tenth of the ratings. People would rather watch live-action actors tangle with laughably bad CGI monsters (Walking Dead) than watch an animated show. Even if the animated show had high quality voice-acting, animation, etc. We're stuck with comedy because most people do not take animation seriously. They're willing to laugh at the absurdity of it but will not suspend disbelief to buy into the drama.

I hate that. Animation can pull off anything. I'd watch high-budget animated series. Most people here would. But that's the extent of it.
I wouldn't go so far as mindless as I would say people just can't bother with good entertainment.

Just like how some will eat cheap fast food rather than a a better quality meal, there are those that don;t have the time to appreciate the arts but still need to find out how to kill a few hours. There are various factors for this but I think the biggest one is the average persons workload. You come back from 8 hours or work and 2 hours of travel got 4 hour left before sleep, fuck it lets watch Minions with the kids.
Your Name is just as much for everybody as say, Toy Story 3 is. You can try to make the argument that japanese works are often more mature than western works, but I don't think your argument is served all that well with this example. If you want a film of the caliber of Your Name by westerners, I do recommend Kubo. Of all the animated stuff that came out last year, Kubo and Your Name are the best of the bunch.
>When is western animation ever going to create a work that can measure up to something like this?
When you stop asking this question, i.e. never.

There's virtually no chance the West is ever going to to commit to animation the way Japan has and reach the same level or even get close to it. Europe takes animation more seriously than America, but they hardly produce anything and they kind of go too far in the other direction and make stuff that's very "arthouse."

>an neverending army of talented animators
In Korea, not so much stateside.

>makes the same movie over and over again
No he doesn't.

Not as much as you might think, especially as of late. Domestic movies have been doing very well and even many live action movies that are big hits in America get eclipsed by anime movies in Japan.

>Most of Japan's animation is still just designed to sell titty figures.
No. Figures and other merchandise are by-products in most cases and constitute only one revenue source out of several others. They are also rarely "titty figures." In fact the real titty figures use either original characters or something obscure I've never heard of.

Figures have become a very popular bogeyman as of late.

"Cute girls shit" can mean almost anything.

>99.9% of everything is crap
So it's hopeless. Executives don't care and moviegoers want something more specific, even if it's the Boss Baby.

My only complaint with Kubo was that it was kind of short. If only it was like ten minutes longer, then it would be perfect.
>American audiences do not take to animation

Archer like just got renewed for even more, this isn't entirely true.
So has Fox's bullshit for decades. We'll never get a variety of stuff that will get 12 episodes at the very least.
Looks generic but shiny.
This is yet another example of how "generic" has become this completely meaningless catch-all label/explanation for anything people don't like but can't describe why.

Makoto Shinkai is not generic, and that is because he has a distinct style.
I think people on this board expect something more distinct that nobody copies like Miyazaki or Fujiko F Fujiko.

I could tell a Shinkai work from the way it looks through the bottom of a Coke bottle from a mile away, what are you on about?
>>91457570 (You)
>99.9% of everything is crap

What is your issue with that statement outside of semantics? Would you be happier if I had said: "Most things are not of surpassing quality and that is a reality"?
I'm amazed that /co/ can have a more civilized discussion about this film than /a/ can

I will say there is some weird hypocrisy with American viewers. They can eat up low tier slapstick like Adam Sandler or Tyler Perry, will happily partake in comic book superhero movies, and adore Disney animation.

But they will completely dismiss this style of animation regardless of content. I adored this movie even with it's few flaws
When our film industry crashes to the point where we have to go to animation for people to tell their stories.

Like Japan.
it's going to move to China no matter what because of the population, Spielberg already made a deal

And with shit like the Emoji movie coming out I think the fresh audience is needed
>I have been waiting so fucking long for us to catch up. The US absolutely has the greatest resources for creating films and an neverending army of talented animators, so I always assume it was only a matter of time until we overtook Japan entirely and started making goddamn masterpieces they could never hope to touch, but instead we still get kid's films (in which 2D animation has been abandoned almost entirely) and tiny art projects and fucking nothing in between. France at least is trying.

You know, it is strange. You would think the US, by sheer viewer count alone, could afford larger animation budgets, right?
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Mitsuha a cute.
Miyazaki's style had a great effect on other Ghibli staff.


^ This is from Studio Ponoc, comprised of ex-Ghibli staff.


^ This is from someone who used to be an animator at Ghibli. 0:55 in particular looks unmistakably like Ghibli.

Miyazaki and other Ghibli people may not draw in exactly the same way but it wouldn't be that easy to tell them apart I don't think.

>What is your issue with that statement outside of semantics?
That it isn't true yet people everywhere keep parroting it as if it were.

Most things are ok, decent, pretty good, mediocre or average.
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>teen romance
no thanks
>When our film industry crashes to the point where we have to go to animation for people to tell their stories.
Isn't making a animated feature more expensive and time consuming than an indie like Moonlight?

General American audiences don't give a shit about Kubo or even that generic Ghost in the Shell film that nerds whine about.

They can. Princess and the Frog cost like $105 million to make, which is probably like five times more than Your Name but half the budget of Cars 3.
>Because Americans don't want animation


They do, it's just all for kids stuff.
It's less that people don't want to make art and more that people don't want to see art if it's animated. People in America think that animated shows or movies have to be a lighthearted and child friendly or a wacky, immature adult comedy. I know for a fact that there are people who desire to make serious things but it just doesn't sell, and the industry is about money instead of creativity.
Their movies are waaaaay more expensive than Japan's, and so are their shows. They have money to spare.
Make that every industry. Don't forget that.

And then you have shit like Sausage Party where it's clear that even with raunchy South Park shit, only like less than $5 million gets spent on actual animation.
>Make that every industry.
The anime industry puts out a lot of really weird/niche/experimental/original stuff and I often don't know how they are expecting to make a profit.
>Isn't making a animated feature more expensive and time consuming than an indie like Moonlight?
Than an indie yes because those by nature are made cheap.

But honestly I wouldn't argue that the film is more specialized in live action in America because of budget. It's such a fucking explanation of culture and history that it's hard to sum up easily but can be roughly said as at some point in history, probably when we dropped the bombs on them, Japan went towards animation and America went towards live action stuff.

The reasons why are so hard to explain but it's what happened.

Western animation is probably never going to do what a Ghibli did or whatever the fuck OP is again, but even with the oversaturation of blockbusters and shitty capeshit movies, America is going to continue to murder Japan in terms of good live action filmmaking.

Questions like why isn't western animation as good or mature as, which honestly anime is not all that mature, as Japanese is like asking why those two italian families are still murdering each other.

Something happened way back nobody fucking remembers but it's what we're doing now.
>The anime industry puts out a lot of really weird/niche/experimental/original stuff and I often don't know how they are expecting to make a profit.
Because they shove tits, ass and waifus in it.
I remember reading that Walt Disney tried to be ambitious with Fantasia but it flopped. Then he had to do shorts and Dumbo to pay the bills and they made big bank instead. Same thing happening today I guess.
>Because they shove tits, ass and waifus in it.
Fanservice in anime does not occur nearly as much as people think and does not sell nearly as well as people think it does, and a waifu is not a character type, it's a personal perception.

I'm not talking about fanservice anime.
>Fanservice in anime does not occur nearly as much as people think
Having watched and listened a shitload of anime yeah it fucking does.
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If I wanted teen romance garbage I'd watch a Korean Soap Opera.
>Fanservice in anime does not occur nearly as much as people think and does

I've been watching this shit for fucking ages and it certainly does. It's even more in your face about it than ever this decade.
Are you fucking joking?
Oh God. Fanservice in the 90s and early 00s feels quaint compared to today.
>teen romance

/co/ likes this kind of shit?
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Holly shit you can't be this retarded

Those are cheap animators, not talented animators.
Japan didn't choose animation over live action, because it's not a choice between one or the other. The anime and live action industries operate separately. Japan just never developed the same notions about animation as America did, and the manga and anime industries are very de-centralized and flexible so they can't get sabotaged by some "executives."

I meant exactly what I said: it doesn't occur nearly as much as people think. A lot of people go around saying they've watched this and that much anime and know what they're talking about even though what they're saying is nevertheless false.

About what?

What did I say that was retarded?
nope just the lost /a/ people that don't have anything better to do on their board so they come here to shitpost (japan is better give me all the (you) ) type stuff
>Japan didn't choose animation over live action, because it's not a choice between one or the other. The anime and live action industries operate separately. Japan just never developed the same notions about animation as America did, and the manga and anime industries are very de-centralized and flexible so they can't get sabotaged by some "executives."
This is the best example of completely missing the point I've seen in a while.
What point did I miss then?
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>A lot of people go around saying they've watched this and that much anime and know what they're talking about even though what they're saying is nevertheless false.

But of course you do, right senpai?
>What point did I miss then?
That one that wasn't making live action development and animation like being gay.
Why? Are you all a bunch of tweens?
So what point did miss?
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I fucking loved this movie.

I haven't seen 2D animation in a theater since The Wind Rises (4 years ago), and this movie has tons of gorgeous spectacle that warrants seeing it on a big screen. Not to mention the story is great and the mystery/drama gripping.

Go see it in a theater if you have the opportunity. It's having a limited run right now in the U.S. and probably won't stay long.
You watch the sub or dub?

I watch a fuckton of anime. Hell, to be honest, I'm an /a/ crossboarder. And Fanservice is all over the fucking place. It's in everything outside of kids shows, even the darker, psychlogical stuff. Even some of the art stuff (MeMeMe, Girl, the entire Expo).

The better stuff and the older stuff just has it there while the story chugs on, or even have it during action scenes like Shingeki no Bahamut or Legend of Lemnear, but it's more common these days to stop everything while we pan up the girl's body and get a KYYYAAAAAAAA or what the fuck ever.

This doesn't neseccarily kill a show, mind you, but yeah, it's fucking everywhere. It's even in OP, Shinkai even called the Kuchikamizake a fetish thing in an interview.
>Not to mention the story is great and the mystery/drama gripping.
Isn't it just a teenage romance with some stupid twist on it?

Not him but I strongly reccomend watching the dub despite being an elitist weeb.

You don't want your eyes glued to the subs for this film.

This. Whether you care for anime or not, You Name is fucking fantastically written. They got me to care more about these two characters in 2 hours than most shows do in 50 episodes.

Every twist and turn felt like a punch to the gut. I cant remember the last time any media got its hooks in me like this.
Code Geass?
>And Fanservice is all over the fucking place.
It really isn't. People just think it is.

You're either vastly overestimating how much anime you've seen, you're oversensitive and think anything short of islamic fundamentalism is fanservice, or you're so weak-minded you're allowing memes to override your perceptions and experiences, which is not at all uncommon.
Oh I've seen both the dub and the sub, I was just wondering which he saw.

The dub was pretty good, liked the original voices better though. Some of the translations were better in the dub while some were in the sub. I do agree about the dub letting you really check out the visuals though, when I saw the dub I made sure to sit towards the back so I could easily take everything in.

No. There is an actual plot, but I cant tell you what it is without spoiling at least 2 giant twists that are better experianced as the surprises they are meant to be.

Fuck, even telling you what GENRE the movie really is is a spoiler.

Sub, but I've heard the dub is good enough.


Go see it
I just looked at the wikipedia entry.
It's fucking Donnie Darko except they sort of live.
Gotta agree with this guy, it's best to go in blind with as little foreknowledge as possible.
>you're oversensitive and think anything short of islamic fundamentalism is fanservice
Not sure what to make of this guy anymore.

Yeah any time they put titties with the intent to titilate it's fanservice, and it's in fucking everything with rare exception.

Ew, no. I liked Code Geass, but its drama and twists were kind of flat. More like moves on a chessboard than a real emotional investment in the events.

I spent most of Your Name in a state of gut-wrenching cold sweat terror over how it was going to end, screaming internally at every time things got worse and breathing a sigh of relief when things got better.
What does it have to do with me?

>Yeah any time they put titties with the intent to titilate it's fanservice
People will say this even about scenes where characters are bathing, showering or swimming without there being any particular attention paid to their breasts.

>it's in fucking everything
It isn't.
Heard a lot of neat things about Donnie Darko. Is it that good?
It is. In fact the "twist" hinges on two teens using cell phones to communicate and yet never noticing the date, making this an "idiot plot." It's still enjoyable, driven more by emotion, but you have to give them that one conceit.
Nothing's perfect.

>Remake The Lake House with cartoon characters
>Weebs think it's the best thing in the world

lol get fucked.
>storytelling is about basic premises
>details and execution don't matter

lol get fucked.

Also it doesn't have cartoon characters. It's not Mickey Mouse or something.
Donald Duck and Daisy Duck would make great characters.

>Also it doesn't have cartoon characters. It's not Mickey Mouse or something.

Anime is cartoons.

Yeah, that's fanservice. They didn't randomly choose a bath for those scenes.

Name two shows this season that isn't a kids show and doesn't feature intentional titation.

Hell, if it's not in most everything, you should be able to name more.

They dont remember a lot of the details after they wake up. Its why the notes were so important.
Its a plothole, sure. But one that has a baked in explanation.

It has it's flaws, but that's not one of them, because they have hazy memories about the seitch because of SHINTO DREAM MAGIC

Wasn't this a water commercial?
You must be a really shitty one then.
Anime and cartoons are separate subsets of animation.

>Yeah, that's fanservice.
People take baths. People take showers. People go swimming. These are normal things that people do in real life. This is an example by the way of how cartoons and anime are different from each other.

>Name two shows this season that isn't a kids show and doesn't feature intentional titation.
Sakura Quest, Seikaisuru Kado.

U wat

>different subsets

They are literally the same just made in different places.
So these are the same thing, only made in different countries:

Yeah, I know you weeb fags have come up with this fan-ficcy excuse. The problem is THAT only works if you didn't watch the movie. The kids had perfect recall of themselves while in the other's body, so aside from "it needed to be this way for the plot" there's no reason for the boy to have woken up as the girl, seen the date on lock screen, and left her a message asking "why's the date on your phone a few years behind mine?"
Don't give into the groupthink.

They didn't, though
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I still think that what animation needs is its own version of Doom.

Aka something unrelentingly adult, violent, and in with the times (as much as doom was in with 90s metalheads) and something legitimately new enough in the field that people would want to pay for it and make it successful. Maybe it even needs the same sort of controversy.

I'm not talking about sausage party dudeweed lmao edgy shit, I mean something like the animated equivalent of, I dunno, evil dead 2.

I think what you anons aren't realizing is that the kind of western otaku audience necessary to make western adult animation a THING, the same audience captivated by gundam in japan, for america? They're all paying attention to videogames because that's where the action is, that's where their interests are being catered to, videogames have usurped animation as the ultimate field of the illustrative creative, because it IS animation and so much more.

So the only way to combat that or at least take advantage of that, is not to pull punches. It's to make the kind of animation that would captivate western otaku and the youth in a relevant way, in a way that doesn't babyhand them, in a way that may even shock them. And after you start the trend, you need to keep it going with more and more of that content and MAKE that movement heard and make sure people understand it isnt a fad, that this is what this kind of animation is now, and that the mantle will be taken up by anyone. You don't need the cartoon hangover or netflix reah, you need to reach into the crowd that gives a shit.

t: indiefag making some adult animated shorts and hopefully features.
I like it when it is done good
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Yeah check out the year on my phone's lock screen

Hopefully the Castlevania show

yes just like this is the same.

based off the judge dredd animated miniseries the director for that made, I don't have a ton of faith that it'll be anything to write home about. In fact I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a pile of shit. But I hope I'm proven wrong cause fuck I want some more vampire hunter D style shit, man.
But OP was pretty good and wasnt actually baiting. And you guys always say /a/ thinks that japan is better when they critisize japan all the time
There's already been edgy animation made in America/the West.

This isn't a matter of making that one key work that will finally open everyone's eyes to the power of animation and usher in an age of adult animation kino, and anime has already shown countless examples of all kinds of adult animation for decades.

America just fundamentally does not view animation the way Japan does, and there's no reason to think it ever will.

I was fully expecting someone to yet again commit the common fallacy of thinking that any animation made in America must be a cartoon, when in fact cartoons are a specific kind of animation that can be made anywhere.

Anyone who thinks the two clips I compared are the same either suffers from neurological problems or is lying in order to advance an agenda.
>getting triggered over cartoon

You weebs are precious.
The Western anime community does little else but criticize anime and Japan all the time, even though almost none of their criticisms are accurate.

I didn't get triggered anywhere and I'm not a weeb. In fact weebs don't really even exist.

Fuck that. Dont give up hope. Be the change you want to see

This generation grew with anime and we love that shit. All it takes is the right mix of shit that appeals to americans to catch on. But lets start smaller than movies. Aim for some more solid tv/netflix shows

Fear is the mind killer
The story/plot of Your Name was a 5.5/10 at best, the main reason people like it is because its pretty.
>Anyone who thinks the two clips I compared are the same either suffers from neurological problems or is lying in order to advance an agenda.

The only thing that's different is that they were made in different places. Aside from that they are still both cartoons.
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>In fact weebs don't really even exist.

There is an unhealthy amount of delusion in this thread. Some anon needs help.
Like I said just now, it's not a matter of making that one show that will change everyone's minds. Americans have been making animation for a century and have been watching anime (even if unknowingly) since the 60s. There's not going to be any sudden change of heart.
Not same guy but Warau salesman, Kyokai no rinne, Natsume yuujinchou,
Everything about them is different. So which is it: do you have neurological problems or are you lying?

People who are accused of being weebs never are weebs. I never see weebs anywhere. The climate today is so incredibly anti-Japan and anti-anime, even in anime communities, that it's difficult to see how weebs could even be created.
This isn't true, and I bet people would love an animated GoT. People are just afraid to try new things making these shows
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>There's already been edgy animation made in America/the West.

again, it's not about being edgy, it's about giving an audience of adult the kind of content they actually want out of a movie. Nobody wants weird indie shit or stoner cartoons, they want the kind of shit that has made videogames become a more profitable industry than hollywood in a quarter of the time animation has been a medium.

>This isn't a matter of making that one key work that will finally open everyone's eyes to the power of animation and usher in an age of adult animation kino, and anime has already shown countless examples of all kinds of adult animation for decades.

I agree, one single work wont do it, but I'm arguing that there needs to be something that resonates enough with the culture that it will create a trend that follows its success. Like how doom alone didnt make FPS games a thing as much as all the doom clones. If enough people do it for long enough it becomes normal.

Once upon a time anime was considered kid shit too, but enough people got drawn into gundam and kept up the trend of adult animation that it eventually got normalized enough to be sustainable.

It's a hard thing to achieve, but this culture animators have of thinking animation is a dying medium they're lucky to keep on life support instead of animators who just make adult wave after adult wave of content until people start paying attention, instead of lone wolves like ralph bakshi who pretent they;ve made a difference, it doesn't do anything except perpetuate mediocrity.

>America just fundamentally does not view animation the way Japan does, and there's no reason to think it ever will.
Once upon a time vidya was just kid shit, and before that even movies were looked down upon. America does have a history of changing its perceptions of art.

Maybe the problem isnt the audience, maybe the problem is animators who lack insight into how to get a different audience because they're all insulated.
When people stop memeing about this show existing
They do exist but newfags in /co/ think that /a/ is full of Weeaboos
9 posters
thats some real same fagory here

Maybe i came off the wrong way. I dont think that 1 show is going to change our cultural perception either; its more that slowly, it becomes apparent american audiences can handle animation with a continuous story as more shows inspired by anime become normalized. This will take decades at the quickest. But just giving up and saying "oh well" is a bullshit attitude; no human being ever got anywhere with that attitude
>and I bet people would love an animated GoT

Not the same amount of people. That's the point.
Don't know what you're seeing but I have 46 unique IPs.
>I never see weebs anywhere.

You would have to get out from under that rock first.
No anon, you have it backwards, weebs are the ones beneath the rock, everything above rock is normiedom
Anime is fucking cancer. Constant raid threads like this prove that weebs are worse than Bronies ever were.

Do us all a favor and fucking kill yourself.
Not really. Most of weebs are just annoying teenagers but why are complaining about weebs when you are on 4chan?
Why are people acting so fucking crazy over this anime movie? It's generic as fuck.
>extremely generic anime look and "animation" (animation used very loosely here)
>teen romance shit
>obvious twist thats somehow makes it suddenly so deep and unique than all the other anime garbage of today
>not made by Miazaki
I've seen hentai with better plot and animation.

You got meme'd, this isn't Keit-Ai
>SOL moeshit garbage

gee how can anyone compete

Give me one example of an anime where the characters expressions changed more than once in for a single thought outside of dialog.
go back to /trash/ fat fag
What? That's a request that sounds pretty vague so you can move the goal posts later, mind posting an example of what you're talking about?
Kubo was made without the intent of making money
When will you learn? Spamming a thread with nasty images won't kill the thread. The janitors will just remove your posts.
Newfags pls. Where do you we are?
Anime was doing story-driven shows, cinematic storytelling, mature subjects and realism almost immediately, and it was never children's animation the way children's animation was and is in America.

America's spent the past century developing the theory that animation is "children's cartoons" no matter what, while anime started going in the opposite direction right away and has been doing so ever since. Attitudes towards animation were not as well-established then as they are now.

I'm not under any rock. I've been all over the place, there's no weebs anywhere. You're imagining them.

See >>91458181

It isn't SoL, and moeshit doesn't mean anything.

There are no weebs here.

No it actually is generic as fuck.
I googled generic looking animes and all the images look better than Your Body or whatever it's called.
Do you know what weeb means?
It actually isn't and you're actually using the word in a meaningless way.

>I googled generic looking animes and all the images look better than Your Body or whatever it's called.
Even if you think something looks better than Your Name, that does not mean Your Name is generic. Maybe you should have instead googled what generic means.

I'm not from /a/ or a weeb. There are no weebs here.

>they try desperately to redefine the word "weeb"
That's what everyone else is doing.
Dude this 4chan of course it is allowed.
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>I'm not under any rock. I've been all over the place, there's no weebs anywhere. You're imagining them.
>I'm amazed that /co/ can have a more civilized discussion about this film than /a/ can

It's like how you can have a better discussion of a tv series outside of /tv/ or a videogame discussion outside of /v/. The boards have too many memes surrounding their topic.
Again, there are no weebs. You are imagining them.

I'm not a newfag.

Otaku and weeaboo are two completely different things and being Japanese is not a requirement for being an otaku. If a Japanese person called me otaku it would not in any way mean that I'm a weeaboo.

Autist doesn't mean anything.
But i dont call myself otaku nor does most of /a/ either.
Not him, but before I saw it I thought the movie was going to be a more generic slice-of-life affair; in this case I think he meant generic in that it doesn't look unique (eg. Japanese schoolkids romance anime, wow that's never been done)

The movie itself isn't anything like that, though, but any other important distinguishing details would spoil the experience a little but, so the poster looks kinda generic.

>I'm amazed that /co/ can have a more civilized discussion about this film than /a/ can
I went to /a/ to talk about the film after I saw it, all I could find was discussion about fucking the boy as long as it's the girl inside.
This is an anime site.

Again, Makoto Shinkai has a distinct style.
Why are you so against anime? This is 4chan where anime can be posted on every board and nothing will chance it
You're the one spamming you hypocrite, remove yourself
Are you against anime reaction images too?
It wasn't incorrect, I'm not a newfag, and I'm not from r/anime nor do I belong there.
>it was
Yes it is generic. Just because you don't think it is doesn't mean it isn't. Cry harder weeb faggot.
Where does it say that? I dont see any problem anime reaction images
>Again, Makoto Shinkai has a distinct style.
It's distinct if your familiar with a bunch of different anime and directors. If you're not, like most people, you look at that and think "anime.
I'm not saying there's not a distinction, but I wouldn't count on most people knowing it.

Also I was saying it initially looked generic to me with respects to the plot, not the artwork.
It still kinda is. There will always be anime here you want or not
C'mon man, I'm not against anime at all, but the style of Your Name is very generic.
You should watch more anime if you think it looks all the same
It is.

Again, Makoto Shinkai has a distinct style. That means not generic.

I'm not a weeb. There are no weebs here. The weebs are all in your head.

Anime has a great deal of visual variety.

Once again: Makoto Shinkai has a distinct style. That means not generic.
Can we fucking ban the guy bumping the thread with disgusting obese women?
I think it's worth asking why >>91461671 has so many pictures of fat women readily available and why he still thinks he's so much better than anime fans.
And are you keeping /s/ (or /trash/ or whereever this stuff belongs) on the appropriate board?
The fat chicks dont belong on the board either

You're breaking the rules of the board and keeping this thread bumping to the top of the page

You aren't even fucking saging you stupid fuck
>Again, Makoto Shinkai has a distinct style.
And yet you've never explain what makes it so unique, because it's not, it's generic.
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I was interested in knowing and discussing why westerns wouldn't want to progress in animation I didnt want it to come to this Why
I don't have to explain. It's self-evident. You can look at a Makoto Shinkai movie and tell that it's Makoto Shinkai because of his personal style that identifies it as his.

If something has a distinct style then by definition it is not generic. If you can't explain why you hate something without spamming generic generic generic generic then maybe you shouldn't say anything at all.

I'm not a weeb. There are no weebs here. The weebs are all in your head.
So are you saying that even anime reaction images should not be allowed on anywhere other than /a/?
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There once was a time when American projects were measuring up to that, it's that we became too cheap to use Japan anymore.

If we start putting in more money in cartoons again we can have another Tiny Toons again.
where the fuck are the god damn modes not only is this a blue board it's for cartoons

stop fucking bumping with fat chicks dear god
>I don't have to explain.
Rather you can't explain because there's nothing distinct to explain, thus generic. Thank you for proving me right.
just report the bbw posters

for some reason a lot of /co/ hated tiny toons

I thought it was pretty damn good
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The topic of this thread is the western animation industry you retard

Are you suggesting the two never be compared?
just ignore him and report, mods should be off their coffee break soon
>You can look at a Makoto Shinkai movie and tell that it's Makoto Shinkai because of his personal style that identifies it as his.

Except for Children Who Chase Lost Voices which is obvious aping Ghibli.

But yeah his other stuff does have a distinct style even if it's not as distinct as someone like Masaaki Yuasa.
Movie is shit. Also the creator is creeped out that people like it so much and is telling people NOT to watch it

I think that guy's baiting at this point, but his color choice is very distinctive
No, only a very tiny amount of people hated it, most people loved it.

Anyway, there once was a time when American projects looked just as good as OP's picture but when we stopped using Japan the quality dropped like a rock and now the only studio outside of Japan that is even trying anymore is Mir, and we need to catch up to them and put them to shame.
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>posting non-board content to protest a topic that doesn't belong on the board

of course the chubby chaser degenerate is a retard
As I just said:
>I don't have to explain. It's self-evident. You can look at a Makoto Shinkai movie and tell that it's Makoto Shinkai because of his personal style that identifies it as his.
>If something has a distinct style then by definition it is not generic. If you can't explain why you hate something without spamming generic generic generic generic then maybe you shouldn't say anything at all.

4chan has a vastly disproportionate number of "weeaboo" boards. Sites do not normally have this many. Most sites don't even have a dedicated anime section. Nor do most sites have a mascot from a manga, or almost every banned being anime or manga related.

4chan started focusing exclusively on "weeaboo" topics and over time expanded to include other topics because "weeaboos" also want to discuss those topics with each other.

>Is his "style" looking identical to every other anime?
No, and that is not even possible.

>Something looking "generic" means it looks like every other fucking anime.
Which, as already stated multiple times, is not the case with Shinkai, who has a distinct style.

>You're retarded.
No, that would be you.

>It's like you're having a mental breakdown.
This coming from someone raging against imaginary opponents.

>Repeating something over and over doesn't make it true.
Take your own advice.

>Stupid fucking weeb
I'm not a weeb. There are no weebs here. The weebs are all in your head.

The story is similar to Ghibli, but the look of the movie is not.

How is it baiting to state the fact that Shinkai has a distinct style?

>there once was a time when American projects looked just as good as OP's picture
No famicom, there wasn't.

What's with all these pictures of statistically slim Americans?
>even Fat Fuckers ruined thread spam
Man remember when gore/scat spammers actually drove away shitposters?
I only have a few criticism of the movie and none of them are the art style

It looked fucking amazing
And just as I said.
>Rather you can't explain because there's nothing distinct to explain, thus generic. Thank you for proving me right
Fatposter is going to HATE Castlevania threads

Damn, this was a good thread once.
in all honesty I think people find the fat women more disgusting than gore

it's kind of like how /d/ can have every disgusting hentai porn known to man but they ban scat
it's funny because /co/ is normally more civilized when talking about anime that's released in the west

at least until the fat poster appeared

it's good to know mods aren't on at this time of day
That logically means everything is shit, which makes your statement redundant.

My post refutes yours. It is SELF-EVIDENT that Shinkai has a distinct style. It does not need to be explained.

We weren't even discussing anime

He just saw an anime image and got triggered.
>Most sites don't even have a dedicated anime section.
all the normis sites have this
deviantart , twiter ,lediit ,facebook grups ,tumbler etc
I know right? The guy lost his mind because he thought this thread was discussing the movie and it wasn't.
Those are all sites where people can create whatever communities they want. Are you telling me you're completely unfamiliar with forums?
My post refutes yours. It is SELF-EVIDENT that Shinkai has a generic Anime style. It does not need to be explained.
I can keep going, your poor troll attempt needs work.
holy shit you turbo autist we're not even discussing the fucking movie you just had a fucking auspie meltdown over a GOD DAMN IMAGE

Yes, there was, Toshihiko Masuda put his whole heart and soul into those shows.
The way you are talking about this movie makes me feel like I will hate it once I get down to watch it

I mean is this another "the place promised in our early days"
Thank fucking god based mods
So now I'm TROLLING because I point out the fact that Shink has a distinct style and therefore by definition is not generic? Are you brain damaged? Like actually, legitimately brain damaged?

Reddit is a site where everyone can create whatever community they want to. I was very obviously talking about forums, which I guess you have also never heard of. Which tells me a lot about how old you are.

Same dude, so yeah
So now that the thread can actually talk without that spam, I definitely think we're starting to hit a singularity where it has become so cheap to make 3D animated movies that the quality is going to drop fast
If only the janitors actually deleted THICC shitposters as well.
I'm giving you the benefit of a doubt that you're a troll instead of a genuine retard. I know I'm already right but please humor me, I'll give you one more post to point out one distinct thing about the movie's generic style. I'll wait.
>inb4 i don't have to explain or point anything out yet again
You admit you're a retard and wrong if you spew that again.
I just leave this here.
fat womans anon im no a fan of your fetish
but i like that you want to scare away all the weebs
if you really does work good job
if it doesnt at least you try
While I agree with your argument, TLA is a bad choice to include
It is not a generic style. Since it is Shinkai's own personal signature style that anyone can self-evidently identify as his own personal signature style, it BY DEFINITION cannot be generic. Point this out IS NOT TROLLING.
When is Okiura going to direct another film?
He needs to save Japanese animation again.
Right, Because "the place promised in our early days" is a shit movie

Give it a rest, both of you please
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It's only talking about it's coloring as that show had very bad color.
So you admit you're wrong and a massive retard. Ok thanks for confirming what I already knew. You can't point anything out because there is nothing to point out, it's a shitty generic anime movie.
Forever. The world runs on capitalism.

Maybe if someday animation becomes cheap and easy enough for less than a dozen people to make in under a year, there might burgeon a small indie scene like with comics, music and video games.

But right now it takes a really talented animator nine months to make ten minutes of animation that'll make him enough YouTube ad money to buy groceries until his next thing comes out. The economics just don't work out.
well is color diversity inherently a good thing?

I admitted no such thing anywhere, and stating the fact that his style is distinct and therefore by definition not generic is not a sign of being a massive retard.

>it's a shitty generic anime movie.
You are just a fucking fanatic. A fucking mentally ill raving lunatic who should be shot in the fucking head.

Shouldn't that increase the quality, if they're easier to make? More lower budget creator driven stuff, more time spent ln writing etc.?
>One is the cover
>The other is from the game itself
A bit of a bad comparison
the bottom dollar will always be the deciding factor

and sadly american audiences will eat up low quality shit like minions or adam sandler movies like crazy

so even though it should increase the chance a good animated movie is made, why risk it when you can go for the cheap formula? As animation because cheaper quality becomes less and less a factor of success
I'm not a weeb. There are no weebs here. The weebs are in your head.
If discussing Western animation compared to Eastern isn't /co/ because Eastern, then discussing it also isn't /a/ because Western.
You do realize the mods deleted all the fat posts and left the thread up right?

I would say no. Sometimes it can be a bad thing.
>I admitted no such thing anywhere
>inb4 i don't have to explain or point anything out yet again
>You admit you're a retard and wrong if you spew that again.
>not one example is given in >>91462295
You're really boring, I've seen shitposters that did the same shit as you (spewing the exact same thing over and over) and weren't as boringly retarded. I guess you being so boring explains why you like this boring generic Anime.
it's just a tool but I would probably agree with the guy who brought it up that creators tend to have a lack of color and not an overabundance
Dude, we debunked this, otherwise Mir would of never been founded.
>The story is similar to Ghibli, but the look of the movie is not.
The character designs are straight out of a Ghibli movie and the monster designs are clearly in that same style too. I'm not going to go by character by character and monster by monster since that would take forever, but here's one little comparison image.
stop talking about anime
How in the fucking christ has >>91462484 not been banned yet? What the fuck does someone have to do to get banned around here?

It does not look like a Ghibli movie. If you don't know what Ghibli movies look like then don't make claims about something looking like one.

I'll agree with that.

I don't think Avatar belong in the bad color side so much though ; much if the show is flatly colored but highlight moments the last Agni Kai are very striking with their colors.
exactly. I absolutely could be colored better but it's not lacking to a fault
What kind of question is this? Have you seen the amount of shipping that goes on here?
Also how is >>91462543 not banned yet?

Jesus fucking christ, I could probably post CP for the next two hours and not get banned. This is another example of how reporting posts is utterly useless. At best you'll get banned yourself, for some made up reason.
Brown & Gray are not good colors.

What ever real colors they do use are just crayon box colors.
mods came in and did a ban wave, probably going to come back and do a perma ban wave

That's closer to possible now than it ever has been

If only we could convince audiences to spend money on entertainment again outside of feature films.
They deleted a couple of posts which of course didn't do jack shit, and somehow >>91462484 is still here too.

/co/ is unmoderated. So actually there is no problem >>91462632 since this board has no rules and therefore nothing can break them.

I'm more talking about the use of the colors. Talk about the last Agni Kai and people almost always remember the clashing blue and orange.

It's no fucking Shinkai film, but it was striking and memorable.
I feels like they went all out for the final, I wish they had that polish through the rest of the series
I doubt this is that good. I'm sure it is, but its not the greatest animated film of all time.

I'm going to play the bad guy in this thread and say what you faggots probably don't want me to say.

I'm sick of the anime art style. It's even worse than the American ones. At least those have varying sense of style and weight to them. Anime all fucking looks the same aside from Dragon Ball Z (those fuckers have some large-ass foreheads). It's either the same chibi style or this weird shit. It's also choppy and low frame most of the time so it looks like ass. I'm not a fan of anime at all. Most of the shows and movies are all copied 100 times a year (ie: magical girl, pocket monster, moeshit, battle arena, romance). I just don't like it. I'm sorry. Maybe it's because Japan had different ideas I don't particularly care for, or maybe it's just that I'm senile and a pain in the ass. I don't care for it. I might watch this though, is it online?
Two of those faces were from a ghibli movie so...
I'm the only one have on-topic discussion faggot, fuck off.
Yeah it's online, as usual sub is way better than the dub.

It's honestly one of the better films out there and only dips into the tropes at two moments that I can remember.

I will say its memorable because of the themes of loss.This movie deals with that very, very well.
You're a shitposting retard piece of shit lunatic.
> I'm sick of the anime art style
>art style

Stopped reading right there. You're a literal retard, please refrain from posting and drink bleach

I think there's a cam rip, but it's shit.

It's great visually and doesn't really suffer from the issues you list, frame rate is very high, colors are ORGASMIC. Milage may vary with the story.

No one really thinks it's DA BEST EVER, though it is a top 10 film for me personally.
not him but anime has dissolved into a very general art style. It's pretty easy to look at the average faces especially per decade to see the general theme

Also good job /co/ were were actually having a legit discussion about animation. Then the kids came home from school. Later
The go to post-2010 style has been just ripping off K-on.
watching it in theaters was an insane trip

the "falling" scene in particular holy fucking shit
We already fucking did that in 2011 with The Tragedy of Man. Not a single anime has since come close to it.
sorry OP, I'd love to have this conversation, but maybe save it for when there are actual mods around.
>studios are too chicken shit to do decent animation
>9/10 ideas for Western animations are worthless, uninteresting dreck
same, I'm out

I feel happy knowing that regardless of anything that we do in this world, we all die, including the fat poster

get perma banned that's porn
>not quotation both posts

No doubt

Going to see it a second time so I can see it in a theater again. That scene made me want to quit my job and go back to school for animation.
you don't think the mods are going to ban you?
This is the only ameican 2d movie this year that tries to be more than just kiffy stuff. Support whit all your money and heart.
from curiosity how big is the you're folder?
I hope you get banned on principle... I posted a pic on some other blue board that had a tiny bit of nipple showing and I got like a two week ban.

This is a myth. Half of the "masterpieces" that people rave about on the anime side of things are okay at best.
>Tokyo Ghoul is just Parasyte with different powers and a protagonist who is all butt-hurt about eating skin, and they really overdo the whole "human food is disgusting to ghouls" thing.
>OPM and Kill La Kill are both great, but they are basically just satires of the rest of their genre. The over the top fan service in both shows (specifically action fan-service in OPM) are the things that are most praised about the shows, and the most neglected evidence that both of them are mocking the very medium they are cut from. Take note: I said "great", but not "classic" or "light years ahead of western animation"
>Pokemon started out as a great kids show and then spiraled off into a shitty kids show
>Dragon Ball (Z/GT) was/were good, but clearly had flaws
>Actual classics like Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, and Gurren Lagan all had issues of their own as well. Trigun didnt feature very many actual "fights" and lacked a lot of detail in the mythology where it would have benefited the story, Cowboy Bebop's pacing was shit, and Gurren Lagan asked the viewer to suspend disbelief but never even *attempted* to meet us halfway between the characters who were all "eccentric [to the point of being annoying]" with no explanation (except for the Kamina).
This is to say that even the best animes have flaws, but it is trendy to ignore them and call the whole genre "wildly advanced" or something similar.

Face it kids, animes are indeed cartoons, and they are made by normal(ish) people, just like Adventure Time and Family Guy.
You got upset I btfo you hard and now you show your true shitposter self.
Every single time.
>inb4 that's not me/I'm not that person aka me
Every. Time.
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Oh what do you know we actually have mods

I don't think most people would consider what you listed masterpieces compared to stuff like Jin-Roh or 5cm per Second or Perfect Blue or Your Name
It works when people actually report shit.
I ran out of reports

you realize you're going to get your proxy fucked after a while right?
>it's a "baby gets his first proxy and burns it in a single day" episode

yep, he's going to get a ticket to hiro can get ranged permabanned
I need to catch up first.
Is he gone? Is it safe to come out now?
yeah he's on a list now
TV is an absolute shit medium and always will be.

I don't know how Japan manages to ocaasionally get creator-driven TV because over here, if something goes well, you're expected to churn out 800 episodes of it until it dies and you end up jumping the shark hard like AT, or execs will swoop in with their boardroom writing and shit all over everything.

The film industry over here is bloated as all fuck, too, and you again are reliant on those execs whoring up your work to appeal to as many people as possible in order to make back the money.

Japan's secret is it's mid-sized market, where a product doesn't need to make every dollar ever printed in order to profit and doesn't need to sell ten million tickets to be seen by a significant portion of the market. Netflix and sinilar services are probably our best bet for reaching that type of balance where the works are widely available enough that they can break even but don't need to hit every eyeball in America
I'm hoping that when we get massive populations like China in on the medium then we can see some high tier shit
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We are doom

The only real solution is hope that don bluth short get support from executives

then they give him creative liberty to do stuff that worth something instead of making it a "just for little kids markatable" 2d animation.

AND THEN hope he have the creativity and the ability to make the movie actually good, instead of he just run out of juice.

AND THEN he doesnt have to die during the production of the real film
Man, Jackie's gotten gigantic in the last year or two.
You mean the shitposter?
No you're still here kid, and you still haven't pointed out anything about how this shit generic anime move is not generic.
I get the vibe that the Toonami guys would love to produce something original but have about ten dollars between them.

Jack is based on an already successful property, but it's a great step in the right direction for this.
The best part is that when she eventually winds up immobile and diabetic I won't feel bad because she's such an insufferable cunt.

Don Bluth has it in him to make something really wonderful
There's always Rwby.
How do Pixar movie make so much money? They have both great animation and deeper stories.
If no body wants "better" storytelling and amazing animation, then he does Pixar do it?
I saw how much money Your Name made, thinking it was going to be huge, but it only made $300 million. That's how much a decent movie from DreamWorks would make.

Your Name was great aside from the weird J-pop insert songs. The only one that really fit was Zen Zen Zense.
>Look up 5cm per Second

This sounds like the most painfully generic story ever told, holy shit.

I know you're meming but the animation has gotten a lot better in this recent season

Maybe in ten years RT will make something of worth.

It helps that Pixar's stories are easily digestible.

Not that Your Name isn't.
Don't worry /co/.

I've been using my recent wealth to create the adult animated television show I've always dreamed of. A Hitchcock-esque animated thriller. Hoping for a 2019 release.

It's Shinto magic, I ain't gotta explain shit
File: image.jpg (39KB, 600x750px) Image search: [Google]
39KB, 600x750px

How much did it cost to make?
>no hips at all
what a shame
It's not just the west that animation is seen as a medium for kids; over the whole world, OP is the only not-kid-focused animated film to break the top 50 highest grossing animated films, except for the Simpsons.

The problem is that most of the genres portrayed in animation are not the hollywood blockbuster type of story. People wouldn't be going to see these films if they were live action, either. They're too niche.
I really hope this is bait, Makoto Shinkai is garbage.
Stop posting your mother nobody wants her.

Oh c'mon, even a shitposter has to see that his use of color is fantastic

It makes the switch to digital coloring worthwhile.
>When is western animation ever going to create a work that can measure up to something like this?
They already did, it was the work of a man named Richard Williams.
>OP is the only not-kid-focused animated film
>Teenage bodyswap romance shit
>Not young adult bait as all hell
And him and the movie were fucked over so hard, he never made animation for others again.

Richard williams is an absolute genius and I don't want this statement to detract from his work at all, because it's fantastic exactly how it exists. Absolutely one of the best animators ever to grace this earth.

But it's still aimed at kids and doesn't go much farther than that.

I didn't say Young Adult, I said kids.

I'd love it for another Young Adult film to break into that list.
Who cares if it was for others?

Prologue outdoes Your Name and it's only 6 minutes long.

Prologue is great and a great step towards the west as a whole owning the animated film like they should be.
And what are comics and cartoons for, my wise friend?

Men such as yourself? Patricians?
Does A Scanner Darkly count?

Just ignore and report m8
1. I'm not a shitposter.
2. His visuals are great (more or less, the shadows from rockets' tails don't fucking look like that).
3. Doesn't change the fact that his movies are garbage.

If this was /a/ I would assume this post was bait by calling those "the best animes"

But I figure that might be what a guy who doesn't wath any anime thinks are the best animes

Probably because it's on topic except for the ban evading fatposter.
It's extra frustrating that comics HAVE reached and surpassed this point, but no one will risk it in animation.
Well here.

Try your patented work on this. You clearly don't have anything going for you in your life.


Good job not stopping the 300+ post thread m8

And that's noble as hell, but it's hard to get people to pony up 60 million smackers for a work of art that exists solely for its own sake.
Link doesn't work. Try again.
well, desu this threads usually get 600+ posts with the same faggot responding to every post dissing anime and people responding.
at least this one died faster.
Go back to /b/
Now go shit on >>91462870
What's wrong with The Life and Times of Tim?
Is the thread in autosage mode?
Fucking mods.
Pokemon got better with X&Y, also...

>Hamtaro was botched, we could of got female character that were treated the same way as their male counterparts with Laura Haruna & Kana Iwata but instead got hamsters, at least the games are better then the show itself.
If thers any IP that needs to pull a Mighty Mouse, it's Hamtaro's human cast.
I'd rather blame the shitposter.
desu I rather have them delete the thread, but this is fine too.
>someone's life is really so sad and pathetic and lonely that he will spam pictures of naked obese women because he was upset that people were discussing anime on the cartoon and comic board

this might be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen
He's still doing it in another thread.

I told him to do it and he actually did the absolute mad man
>think of animation as a medium just for children or teens
Actually, just the former. Young teens are expected to have outgrown animation by the time they're 13.
Thread posts: 341
Thread images: 23

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