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Can we have a thread dedicated to the best of /co/ related vidya?

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Thread replies: 155
Thread images: 51

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Can we have a thread dedicated to the best of /co/ related vidya? I'm telling you man, this game is one of the best adaptations of a movie I've ever seen.
Trips of fuckin' Truth right here. This game was fantastic.

Also have a soft spot for this. Haven't played it since I was a kid though so it might not be as good as I remember. That said, most of the Disney stuff was a safe bet.
i played the ps1 version
man it was fucking cool
I had the PC version. I think gameplay wise they all were the same game, but graphics might look prettier depending on what platform it was.
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If ever there was a game to truly capture the essence of the show it was based on, it's this.

Fractured But Whole fucking WHEN?
Aight see this >>91325068
I've seen gameplay footage. I say it's fairly good and got a few laughs from it.
This for sure. Like, I can appreciate when a /co/ game is good at being /co/, but a game that's both good /co/ AND good /v/? Not just good, but excelling in both fields? Fucking yes.

I would be mad about the FbW delays but honestly I can't be mad if it'll be as quality as SoT was.
I absolutely fucking hated this game. Still do to this day. Toy Story 2 is truly best cartoon game to come out desu.
>I absolutely fucking hated this game
Why? It was no masterpiece, but it was a fun game based on a movie a lot of people liked.
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goddamn amazing
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Exactly because it felt nothing like the movies. I wish it followed the story somehow, instead it's just Mike and Sully going around some random locations to collect those containers and scare some robots. Rinse and repeat.
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If it was made by capcom, it was always the best. Except aladdin, genesis was best aladdin.
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Back when Inafune was put on a leash.
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nice jackpot

ps1 spideys were better
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Only because of how much fun it is to break the game.
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Fuck Jontron or AVGN or whoever it was who made everyone hate this game. It is a fantastic game.
As annoying as the boat sections were I was actually really impressed by the unique challenge they presented.
This game came out when I had entirely given up on videogames and it pulled me right back in
AVGN, also this.
The nerd is just a character, he irl actually likes simons quest. I loved it too as a kid and I don't think anyone hates it just because the nerd did a video making fun of it unless the're a mindless fanboy zealot.
>entirely given up

quit being dramatic
Yes that's a dramatic way of putting it but what I mean to say is that for a long time any game I tried playing couldn't hold my interest and nothing appealed to me and I just wasn't playing anything or paying any attention to games. This was the game that reminded me that videogames can actually be good.
One of my earliest videogame memories was playing the PS version of that game and almost immediately going to the basement on the first level, clipping through a wall and falling out of world.

Buzz endlessly falling into the void while his Tim Allen scream looped freaked me the fuck out.
I actually just got an FMB card for my ps2 recently and will have the stuff to hook up a hdd to it soon so it's great that I've found this thread. Thanks for all the recs fellas.
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>had the PC version
>decided I want a nostalgia trip
>Installed it in like 10 seconds
>Over the course of the next weeks played through most of it
>"Shit this is a good game"
>Get to the Zurg boss fight
>Learn Zurg's reaction time is directly related to processor speed or something, meaning the game is now utterly unbeatable past that point
I'm a grown ass man. This shouldn't bother me, but I felt the genuine, childlike sensation of dreams being crushed when I realized this.
I'm sure there are programs that let you limit the processor speed or cap frame rate or whatever.
Made me want to be an animator
In the PC version of Toy Story 2, a boss battle on level 12 featuring Emperor Zurg, has a speed glitch on some of the modern Windows versions including Windows XP, 7. The speed glitch has caused Emperor Zurg to continuously evade Buzz Lightyear from ever touching him rendering the game nearly impossible to beat. However, you can still beat Emperor Zurg, the way to do this is by getting him cornered and trapped between 2 wall corners. Once you get him cornered, charge up your spin attack, release the spin attack, quickly jump forward and pull back, otherwise your fall down, repeat this until he gets defeated. This Speed Glitch only happens in the PC version and does not happen in the Playstation 1, Nintendo 64 or Dreamcast version.
I had this glitch happen to me as a kid, I ended up beating him very slowly by standing completely still and waiting for him to pass by me in his normal movements, which he did very infrequently, and hitting him then.
Believe me, I tried it, but it in practice (because you're playing on top of the elevator, and can fall off on all sides, with Zurg hovering over the gaps), this basically amounts to:
>Get Zurg to stay in a corner
>Spin and jump
>Hope to god you're jumping at the right angle, because if not, he'll dart out of your way and instead of hitting him and missing the gap by an hair's breadth, you'll plummet to your death, eventually running out of lives.

Granted, if I was willing to put an evening's worth of elbow grease into it, and practice a bit, I could potentially beat him, but it's very clearly not how it was designed and really just isn't fun.
The best Looney Tunes game to ever exist. Such a wide variety of fun locations and levels, fun story, great use of a bunch of classic characters, nice soundtrack. Just a blast from start to finish.
Anyone remember the Billy and Mandy Fighting game? That shit was sick.
>Everyone had alternate costumes based on parts of the show
>Wierd Al was the Announcer
>Pud'n cameo on every stage
>Unique victory lines for when each and every single named character defeated another.
>had this for the N64
>didn't have the extra memory storage device
>accidentally became the first and only game I ever speed ran by memorizing everything about the levels to beat it in one try
This shit had some of the greatest platforming zones I've ever seen
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Comin through lads.
M r. C o n n o r s C l a s s
Nick gave platinum a shitty budget for this.
Wow, the budget really shows in this.
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Easily one of the best.
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The best
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I always wanted to try this. I heard it was alright, but the graphics look really nice. Wish we got more cartoon-y style games these days, something with Taz Wanted's style with today's technology...

I don't know if this one is considered good, but I absolutely love it. One of my favorites. I mean, all the characters play the same, but at least they have specific voice clips for beating specific characters.
funny, out of all the Cartoon Network related games for Game Boy Advance, this one has the most substance and was actually fun as well.
This game was fucking amazing, my only conplaint is that the fight against alternate didn't feel as epic as it should had

Also I know they have to follow the movie's plot but the 3 Bosses at the end feel anticlimatic after fighting Zurg, he should have been the final boss

Surprisingly decent puzzle platformer, that game. Only thing is that collecting things only got you points, and they didn't get you a grade or a special ending or anything. I'm actually usually the kind of person to like to aim for high scores, but this one made it hard to care as it was clearly a secondary thought in development. But a laid back game that was thoughtful at its core.
underrated game
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WFC/FoC were great, but you didn't post the actual best /co/ related game. You can really tell Platinum liked doing this game, lots of references and the combat system was amazing.
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Loved this game in middle school/high school.
I felt the Time Trials to unlock the costumes (with their own sprite animations too) to be more fun than the points.
>Well it was a blowout alright, blowout your ass!

fucking classic avgn episode man
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this was surprisingly fun with two players.

this shit was amazing
I still have it.
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It's a crime that this game remains unreleased on Steam.
Fucking Disney Interactive Brazil. Making this random gem out of nowhere.
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>That face when Traveller's Tales didn't come back for the TS3 game so they could have a complete trilogy.
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Best TMNT game in years. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

there was something magical about being a kid, playing a horror game in the dark till your feet and your hands were cold and you could feel your heart beating harder and harder, immediately turning the ps1 off , taking the disc out, poppin one of these bad boys in, turning the ps1 on again and feeling your soul slowly drifting back into your body.
im gonna tell you otherwise, I really did want to like this, but I couldn't. I even found Out of the Shadows more fun.
TS3 game was bullshit, not nearly as fun as TS2, the only redeemable part is the Buzz videogame level
Never played it but I'm curious. Did you play it with friends or solo? I generally hear it's enjoyable when it's the former, but if it is the ladder then it's a total slog.
I heard the TS3 game was pretty good.
I paid like $5 for this game and still feel ripped off.

I need to replay that game.
The pizza theme in this game is unironically really good. That shit is really catchy.
...that...That actually looks pretty fucking cool. I've been staying away from the Transformer games because they're licensed and I'm not that much of a Transformers fan.

But I do like some of the Platinum games, and that gif reminded me a lot of Gotcha Force and I do like me some Gotcha Force.
Wasn't shit but that's it
I played the PS1 version. Yeah, that game was uncommonly good. Awesome level design and the UI when switching levels was just swanky. It was practically flawless. Always made me wonder how a tie-in was so good.
Mein nigger.
I remember playing this one with my brother. Fuck the count faggot.

dude, i replay this game every two years

Logan the vidya would be another beast
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I don't think any child could actually beat this game.
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And definitely not this one. Not even halfway.
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this and pic related were 2 games I always tried to beat but never could cause I had no memory card. Furthest I ever got before getting a memory card was Canis Lunis 2, which I still say is one of the most bullshit stages in any videogame
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I watched a playthrough of this on youtube.

I didn't even know it existed until recently.

It had most of the original VA's except phil.

If you like the show, then watch a playthrough on youtube.
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Did anyone ever play this? I'm tempted to emulate it
I'll tell you otherwise because that game is dogshit and barely functional dogshit at that.
>Zurg's reaction time is directly related to processor speed or something,
What the hell
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>tfw pc fag who can't play it

On the plus side at least I have ultimate which I could argue is better

Also this is my favorite star wars game which is saying something
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>that soundtrack
This is the one where you start off in the House, right? And there's sidequests all over as well as a boss fight in the attic?

Man it was good
pussy shit.

try finishing back to the future for nes and get back to me.
poorly designed games don't count
Really good yeah. Guess Aladdin on Megadrive would fits too given how good it was.
That's not uncommon for things to be tied directly to things like the framerate or the processing speed. If you were to run Jet Set Radio at 60fps, the game would actually be running twice as fast.
The first few levels are a drag but the rest is great
It was BfBB for poor kids.
>Type Bastard in the cheat menu
>Spidy tells me off
I still can't beat that finger nail boss
muh childhood
Did they get Gary Cole for it?
Pizza time.
Yup, every original voice was there except Colbert
I never even got to know what it was like playing as adult Simba.
How hasn't it been posted yet?
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Tell me this soundtrack doesn't get you fucking pumped. I wasn't even paying attention to it until this song came on while I was wrecking house as megatron, then I got the biggest adrenaline boost of all time as I destroyed waves and waves of autobots
Bullshit or not, it was pretty fun
I loved that game as a kid, had it on PC. Also had Meet the Robinsons, which I remember really liking but I can't remember if it was actually good or not.
Managed to beat that game. Never played anything like it in my entire life and still nothing has come close. I don't even know what to call it. Action, racing, platformer?
>Canis Lunis 2
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I knew I wasn't the only one finding that one to be bs. My God the PTSD that level caused me.
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Fuck yeah, shame High Moon studios flopped with the shit Deadpool game.
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>decide to ask my dad where those games are
>"oh I gave those away, I thought you guys had outgrown that stuff"
Just emulate, son.

Speaking of, do I really need both .bin and .cue files when emulating PSX games?
>Buzz using a gun instead of the laser built into his suit
What the fuck is this bullshit?
It hasn't aged well.
It´s aged fine. Meaning, it´s just as subpar as it's always been, but people just don´t give a shit about anything in that game aside from the neat webswinging mechanics. Why else do you think every open world Spider-Man game is the same thing but worse every time?
Hey now, I liked it because of the creative usage of virtual NYC and the general willingness to let you fuck around as Spider-Man with little to no consequences. The webswinging was just icing on the cake.
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Shit game I know.
But name another game where you can make Chuckie drop niggas with a TATSUMAKI.
A few good tracks too.

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Donald did have some luck in starring great games, right?
Yeah, but it's not worth buying it like 15 fucking times when each game gives you the exact same thing. If you want absolutely anything other than swinging around new york, there are much better mook punching games than the open-world Spider-Man crap.
Ackchyually, Shattered Dimensions and Edge of Time were not open world and they were still great.
I remember the PC version which had Angelica challenge you to a series of minigames to find a series of useless trinkets so you can stop Chuckie's Dad's wedding.
Especially annoying was the fact you had to beat nine levels of the Chuckie Chan Minigame with only 3 lives. I was probably just shit at the game though.
I fucking love that box art. Game is pretty good too.
I liked it and I didn't run into any glitches when I played.
The Samurai Jack game for the Game Boy Advance, the GameCube/PS2 game wasn't that good but I loved the Game Boy Advance game back when I was a kid because it was a Metroidvania and my favorite games were always Metroidvanias, JRPGs and Action-Adventure games like Zelda.

I still like it today as a fairly fun but average Metroidvania.
He did that in the TS2 game , gotta shake things up a bit
What does that have to do with my comment?
Not every Spider-Man game is open world, and not every open-world Spider-Man game is crap.
>Not every Spider-Man game is open world,
Yes, that is specifically why I said " open-world Spider-Man crap" and opposed to just "Spider-Man crap"

>and not every open-world Spider-Man game is crap.
And I didn't even suggest this once.
You know you were born a /co/mrade when you had those games instead of stuff like Mortal Kombat.

Also post god-tier soundtracks, this game was alright but the ost was catchy as hell.
I assumed when you said "each game gives you the exact same thing" you meant all Spidey games and not just open world ones, sorry.
Yes, the cue file tells the bin where everything is - or something.
Think of it like a file that keeps all the songs in order on a CD.

You could always try to emulate it with only one file though.
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>no one posted pic related
for shame
>>tfw pc fag who can't play it
Just emulate it, what's wrong with you?
This shit right here. The best.
ok, i got the gamecube version of the meet the robinsons game on my emulator, and I'm already bored with it
What did toy thunk about the later newer episodic sam and max games?
Happened to me with Nicktoons Unite. You really can stomach so much shit when you're a kid, huh?
It's really fun.
Go for it.
Can you play as Sally?
Season 1 and 2 were fun, was just super happy to have them back. Loved season 3.
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Forgot to include image
Thanks for the response anon
Season 3 might be my favorite because of the lovecraft theme, especially the final episode the city that dares not sleep
yeah, stuff like this makes me remember that I had absolutely no quality filter as a kid

I really wanna play these again. Season 1 was basic but enjoyable, love seasons 2 and 3.

Where's all the Sybil fan art
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My dad bought me a playstation in 99. Afterwards, I'd tell him what kinds of games I wanted, and he'd mail me some with others he'd thought I like. Muppet Monster Adventure was one of them

While me and my dad never had the best father/son relationship, the fact that he knew me so well as to send me probably the most treasured game in my modest PS1 collection speaks volumes to me. I feel sad that we never got to have that bond outside of console and PC gaming
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