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>Bring back a show after 13 years >Only have ten episodes

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>Bring back a show after 13 years
>Only have ten episodes
>Decide to focus on a random litterally who side character for half of those episodes instead of the main character
Why is this allowed?
Capitalism, man. Not even once.

I'm serious BTW
"Appropriation" is a disease that divides us all.
You're saying that like the first 4 seasons didn't have episodes where minor characters had more screentime than Jack.
The original show wasn't about Jack really as much as it was about the challenge of the week.
52 episodes != 10 episodes
Dumb shitposter.
you should go back to best Korea my friend
>I haven't seen the show but I decide to jump on the hate wagon for (You)s
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I love the show, I just wish they wouldn't focus on a shoehorned love interest and bring the focus back to jack finding his sword.
I think they are establishing his soul searching first before he can his sword again.
Why does he need to search for it when his soul appears and talks to him as a ghost constantly
That's just him being beaucoup cockoo, babe.
It has officially become an anime.
This is completely untrue.
Episode 1 DID dedicate half of its time to establishing the daughters of Aku, which was fine in my opinion to set up a new threat for Jack to face.

Episode 2 focuses almost completely on Jack and the psychological damage of his decades long quest for vengeance, the daughters of Aku appear only as antagonists and you literally can't even tell which is which because they are all wearing masks.

Episode 3 again focuses almost entirely on Jack recuperating from his battle with the daughters of Aku and struggling with his decision to kill them. There is a single scene that characterizes the daughters and it is very short. We get a brief view of Ashi's face at the end of the episode.

Future episodes will probably focus on Jack and Ashi's relationship, but this season has already given more characterization to Jack than the entirety of the previous seasons. People are just looking to complain, the new season has been amazing thus far.
They haven't even established a fucking love interest in the episodes that were released.

3rd episode was entirely about Jack and how he perceives killing, it was so fucking personal we got a flashback that shows us he's familiar with death since childhood.
I want all the new episodes supercut as the Samurai Jack Movie.
Son of a bitchin’ no good lousy ass anarchistic capitalist bitch. That’s what I say about my relatives, but you won’t say it.
>It has officially become an anime.
I'll bite.

What do (you) actually meme by this?
You're actually too dumb to understand a cartoon...woah.
Because it's been 50 fucking years, you retard.


This is why nobody pays you to write cartoons.
Steven universe threads go in the general guy, you don't have to feel threatened because SJ is better, it'll be over in six episodes.
Stephen universe is shit, I just wanted a good cartoon but Genndy dropped the ball.
Caplocks don't get your point across and just make you seem like an angry sperg.
Not him, but he has a point. Jack needs some reason to chase after his lost sword; starting off with the lost sword and Jack looking for it would lack the same emotional impact we¡re getting by having Jack giving up.
Not that anon, but if you literally have nothing to say and point out anon using capslock just to have "final word in an argument xD" you might as well shitpost in Trump's Twitter account with Bess Kalb.
Can you calm your goddamn autism they haven't even aired the episodes you're crying about yet.
Can you at least wait until your food is set in front of you before you go complaining about it?
Opposite of this image is also not how it works
>Sir why are you shitting in my food
I mean it like those casual 12 episode romantic animes that always end with the guy getting the girl.
>Jack is in different world filled with magic
>10 episodes
Jack is Konosuba.
In a very twisted way, I can actually see this being a thing.
Remember, these autists haven't even seen the episode that has ruined the series. No one has. All these people have is a fucking mention of a girl and the waterworks starts. Foaming at the mouth and posting retarded /v/-tier analogy comments about eating shit like you're a god damn 15 year old.
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You know shit is going to come out of the asshole because that's the conclusion you've experienced yourself a million fucking times, not because you're some fortune telling master who can tell a dildo from your boyfriend without looking or touching.
Judging and coming to conclusions on ANYTHING before you've even seen any evidence for or otherwise is beyond retarded.

Everything you're doomsaying is entirely based off of nothing more than the fucking INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPHS, thats all the info you have and you're jumping to conclusions, do you even have the slightest clue how completely stupid that is?
Predictions are not truths until confirmed, until then they're still fucking predictions you preschool dropouts.
If you want to just sit around and be contrarians why don't you all head to /v/ and shitpost about the latest hit game and how its terrible, I'm sure you'll be among your kin there.
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>Why does he need to search for it when his soul
He's a broken man who's basically failed his father, his people, and lost all the one thing left from his past that he needed in order to defeat Aku.

You don't think that'd leave some kind of mark on your mental state? Plus, he's in a land riddled with the scars of his past plus it's been nearly over half a lifetime for him and for all he knows he'll spend the rest of eternity in it.

Of fucking course they're going to focus on his mental state. You say you want them to focus on him more yet you say you don't want them to at the same time? Him finding his sword is so much less interesting than him developing as a character and finding his sword as RESULT of him coming to terms with who he is.

Contradicting yourself, plus the world doesn't just revolve around Jack. What made the original show so great was that it had interesting characters in this world that Jack interacted with. You saying you don't want them to focus on Ashi is like saying they shouldn't have focused on Jack's father in the Birth of Evil. It's fine to have multiple characters in a single story.
Dear /co-/v/ please lend me your hatred and let us ride the horse and punish its abusers who have been beating it up dead for so long. You know what horse I'm talking about. This evil abomination must be put to an end. It's been 7 years.
ok but he still has his soul
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It's not literal, Anon. Not sure if this is bait or not.
Are you talking about the wolf or the DoA?
>this season has already given more characterization to Jack than the entirety of the previous seasons
How can anyone be so blind that he can't see this.Jack went through more character development in the 3 new episodes than the rest of the series combined.There is literally no way to not notice this.Just poor men's trolls that need to be E R A D I C A T E D.
>mistaking character destruction for development

This is exactly what happened with LOK.
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>tfw I think these past few episodes are better than the original run
You're actually too dumb to understand a joke
>mistaking character development destruction
>character destruction
>jack has ptsd from living a life in what is basically hell for him
>this is somehow destruction
kys :)
>Episode 1 DID dedicate half of its time to establishing the daughters of Aku, which was fine in my opinion
Should've done that in ep 3, so that the audience, just like Jack,would assume they're robots right until the reveal.
And why the hell was the time skip any necessary, if not as an excuse to change the show's core elements in the form of a soft reboot?

None of the crap about Ashi or losing the sword would've aired in the original Samurai Jack. That's not what the series was about.
This is coming from the guy who hates the entire new season due to episodes that haven't aired yet.
So that guy who wondered how long will it take for people to turn against this show: not very long.
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'cept it ain't crap
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That the new season isn't crap.This is my point and it was obvious in the previous post.I can see why you would have trouble understanding basic concepts like language and logic.
Does anybody have the Mega links? I can't find 'em.
Literally the ONLY thing to be worried about is how they will be able to set the stage for the final showdown in like 2-3 episodes. That is all. Hopefully the Scotsman will be there. I don't know what else to expect. I hope they address the Guardian.
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I'm not the only one who wants Jack and Aku's daughter to get involved romantically right?
Are we talking about the descriptions for the next 4 episodes some anon posted? Was there ever even a fucking source?
Even leaving out the fact he's effectively fifty, it kinda feels wrong.

Jack's the type who shouldn't worry about girls until he's gotten back to the past, or failing that, at least killed Aku.
>always end with the guy getting the girl
So, 90% of all stories ever?
There is no damn love interest. All three episodes have been about Jack trying to get back on his path again. Jesus Christ. At least watch the damn show
It all depends on how it is written.

I could see at least a platonic love emerging as Jack teach her his own worldview.

And then she get to be killed by Aku before they can even consider some sort of Snusnu.

Then again, maybe Genndy will blow our mind with something else.
You fucking idiots who think that there's gonna be a love interest in this show- The damn listings say "Relationship." They're going to be friends, at best. Morons
Stalin died in 1953, anon.
>>Decide to focus on a random litterally who side character for half of those episodes instead of the main character

>claiming that half the episodes focus on nobody side characters when we are only 3 episodes into a ten episode season

Wow, you're retarded.
3/5 > 50% tho

3 out of 10 is 30%, though. And considering that most of those nobody side characters died by the third episode, I think it's safe to say that half of the episodes won't focus on them, and that OP is a fag who likes to complain for the sake of complaining.
>beaucoup cockoo
I really hope this has staying power. I want to be a confused old man browsing /co/ in the future and see some young anon bitching about Civil War VIII Carol Gets BLACKED being beaucoup coocoo
I request that you stop using any devices or technology involving or currently being used in a capitalist system.

That includes this website.
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I request you stop opposing the mainstream usage of the Omnissiah's gifts.
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lol "character destruction"

>Waah, muh heroes should never kill anyone ever! Let Jack fight hordes of endless robots like when I was a kid! Character development is icky!
>This is exactly what happened with LOK.
I don't see Jack reaching the levels of idiocy or incompetence of Korra.
>tv guide mentions the character in episode description
>that means the episode is only about them and nothing else will happen in the entire episode

If Jack regains his sword in Ep 7, will we see Scaramouch pass on the news about Jack having lost the sword before that?
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Then stop being critical of the system the has brought the Omnissiah's gifts in to reality.
the most creative insult since "gamer gators", brava
isn't jack 70?
Wait does everyone hate samurai jack now for all we know Ashi can just be a small quiet side character
They're going to Fuck.
Jack does not age.

Technically he's like 3000
Best Korea is capitalist af.

Like they don't even pretend not to be, like China does.
All 3 episodes as of now are about Jack. You have no basis beyond speculation.
Yes, you are.
>hype up ninja girls
>they all fucking die after two episodes
>Jack even gets to fuck one of them

kino, genndy
motherfucking kino
20-22. Aku's magic had a side-effect on him after he threw him through time.
leaks imply ashi is gonna turn on aku & help jack

whether they're real or not is another story but it's pretty obvious that she's gonna turn face & join up with jack based on the episodes we've seen.

and that's ultimately why /co/ is shitting themselves.
no they arent
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>half of the first episode is about the daughters
>good bit of the second is about aku
>half of the third is a river shot
>good bit of the second is about aku
>with that animation and voice acting (not to mention the writing itself, which was too humorous)
You're not even trying, are you baitposter?
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I agree with that, the voice acting was terrible (that's the best they could find, really?) and aku was way off model.
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>which was too humorous
>aku playing catch the portal
>The entirety of Aku's fairy tales
Did anybody watch the show at all?
This was the first time we'd seen Aku in 13 years. The writing should have shown off the evil side a lot more. Plus some of the humor was just retarded.
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Why would I watch a mediocre show?
The show quite honestly was never good, you look at any of the serious anime that out at the time and samurai jack looks awful. Every action-y moment is ruined by poorly mixed stock sounds or over the top goofy voice acting. What a joke western animation must be if Jack is considered the cream of the crop.
ATLA is considered the cream of the crop, Jack is somewhat below that. But I feel ya, man.
So you have an opinion over a show you have never seen?How typical of an anime fan.
>samurai jack looks awful
Oh fuck off
Jack and the haunted house>You're favourite anime tbhfam
>ATLA is considered the cream of the crop
I sometimes forget that was even western, i was very well done.
I have watched it, I fell for the memes on /co/ and thought it was good.
What poorly mixed stock sounds?
What over the top goofy voice acting?
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
If anything is wrong with the original, it's the writing.
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Sorry one (good?) episode doesn't redeem 51 bad ones.
yet you considered avatar well done
Mayhaps it was too slow for you
If she's in half the episodes then she's not a literally who.
Fans of the original disagree.
he says he hasn't seen the show yet then he says he hasn't seen and then he says 51 episodes were bad
I like this post-truth thingy
If you run a show for 4 seasons and then introduce a major character in the last it's a literally who.
No, fans of the original agree.
fans of the original love the new season
I didn't watch the show when it was released because I was watching better animation. Recently /co/ decided to fellate the show so I gave it a chance and watched any episode that was A: essential or B: listed as very good. The very good episodes were mediocre and the essential ones had poor writing. I watched what was considered the best of the series, I'm not going to waste my time on episodes like "Chicken Jack" or "Jack and the Farting Dragon " Sorry.
>People are literally complaining about the "plot" of a guy who wanders around and fights robots being ruined

There really was no plot to ruin. All this season has to do is put closure on the reign of Aku. Nothing else was promised.

And how can you get mad about a "literally who" getting character development so she is no longer a "literally who?"

You haven't even seen the new episodes, how do you know if they will be FOCUSED on her? And don't tell me that you know everything through a fucking plot synopsis
not anymore
"Chicken Jack" is generally considered excellent
pray tell what better animation were you watching?
Episode 4 is a shared one, 5 is purely about Jack and 6 is one that focuses on Jack's deeds over the past fifty years. Please go back to /v/.
Again, here's a list for the uninformed:
horseback rider
and of course getting BACK TO THE PAST
guardian may be ded
the guardian is ageless tho
>Show brought back after 13 years
>Expecting it to be done well
aku E R A D I C A T E D all the time portals :/
t aku
As I just said in the other thread, he may simply not have known about it, and in any case it stretches the suspension of disbelief way too far to think that he could actually beat the Guardian.
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>"Chicken Jack" is generally considered excellent
I just watched half of it, it's not
>shittalking about based Wolffo
You may want to look into ADD treatment.
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Is there a problem with Jack now?
For anyone countering, there's an entire full episode coming up dedicated to Ashi trying to find Jack and seeing the beauty he's saved over the years.

It's shit ideas mixed with a god-tier season. Ashi isn't needed and is just the female character for modern audiences.
ITT: Bored /v/ posters trying to create an artificial "controversy" originally sparked by autistic /r9k/ robots
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I'm not going to watch a full episode that I don't find interesting.
Actually that's a good point, why doesn't THIS useless character seem to bother /co/ at all?
can we wait until we see the actual episode though?it's not like we are not going to shitpost, no matter what happens
If Ashi "isn't needed", you can just ignore the parts she's included in.

But you won't because
i'd rather doggo to be jack's sidekick the russian jew talks about.
ITT: Butthurt fans can't handle different opinions and blame /v/ because they can't figure out how to blame /pol/
>/r9k/ robots
It's sad this is the rebuttal whenever something bad is said about female characters.
>soul appears and talks to him as a ghost

Cuz that ghost is kind of an asshole. And scary.
she is going to be his daughter, not his love interest.
Fag, jesus christ. "Isn't needed" meant she didn't have to be in this arc, but since this is the way it was decided to be written, she's now needed. There wasn't any reason prior but now they want the girl in it and adjusted the story for her trials too. She's needed now but only because they switched the plot to be a double focus.
What is it about this show of all things that attracts contrarians like flies to shit? Is it because pretty much everyone loves Samurai Jack and its an easy target for baitposting?
No, it has genuine flaws in the opinions of some but the whole "every show has a baiter /co/ntrarian" meme makes it look all like bait and everyone dismisses it as such when they don't like the opinion, rather than argue/say "that's wrong, fag" and leaving it at that.
So you're saying that it's bad the writers chose to add more depth into the new season instead of rehashing what we've already had for four seasons straight?
It's popular and we're in 4chan.
it's why they will fail in the end
Maybe if criticisms came from more than just "she's only there to be the female character REEEEEEEEE" that wouldn't be the case.
No, I'm saying that this particular idea wasn't necessary, and I don't like these specific female characters because of how they're being used, among other issues.

I don't hate more depth, I don't hate all directional changes, and I don't hate all female characters, since I have to spell it out to you.
>T-this is legimate criticisms and you guys are suppressing it! Echo chamber much!

No, faggot, this is a bunch of spergs caterwauling about a female protagonist.

No one would have a problem with Ashi if she was male and you KNOW that.

>inb4 g-get out tumblr!

That'd be suppressing my opinion, tho
>No one
I would. Theory disproven.
You quoted 1 (one) post out of almost 150.

20-30 may have similar structure but not the same point.

The rest are different.
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I was really hoping they weren't gonna shackle Ashi to Jack as his sidekick but that it seems to be what they're doing.

Hopefully it doesn't turn out bad.
>Tara Strong in every episode
Is this what autism feels like?
For (you), maybe.
Quoting the same post twice? Probably.
>Genuine flaws

Hi contrarian, is this your first Genndy show? Are you going to lecture me on how Jack shouldn't have a human relationship with anyone or how you know better than he does, maybe lambaste the writer over the fact Jack hasn't recovered his sword yet?

It's un-fucking believable how people like you have PLUMBED THE DEPTHS OF SAMURAI JACK SEASON FIVES THREE EPISODES and come out the other side scholars of Genndy's stories, here to enlighten the masses how he's wrong and the flaws of his story.
In other words, it's an episode revolving around showing Jack's effect on the world through the eyes of a third party? That sounds like exactly the kind of plot the original series would have done, although with some one-off character.
No, not (me). Just me.
>misunderstood assumptions that extended a post that lengthy with irritation
I meant it, like every fucking series ever, has flaws. Cry more if you assumed I meant the girl(s) and it hurt your feelings.

I never said what flaws I know about, care about, or even whine about. I said S O M E people have issues with it that are genuine, but they're just thrown into a pile with the rest because "they're the designated contrarian, every show has one".

No shit some of it is bait, but everyone groups anything negatively said with bait.
I believe you.
Name one western animation that holds up to beserk or ghost in the shell. JoJo is better than jack.
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>Tara Strong in every episode
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Accidentally posted this in the fushoji thread, but I though this was maybe a funny if accidental reference. Creepy eyed girl couldn't speak but at least her descendants found a way to communicate.
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Anything hanna barbera
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wasted trips desu

>this particular idea wasn't necessary

And Genndy believed otherwise. Since he is the one who made the show and all, I would tend to think he gets the final say in what is "necessary". Seems like you hate female characters, really.
Where's the "Jacked" gif when you need it?
Exactly. You are no one.
But I said theory disproven.

Yup. You can tell who's an oldfag watched it as a kid and they're generally enjoying it. And who's a newfag, who didn't see as a kid, heard it was being renewed and then went and watched it online just to find things to nitpick about like they always do.


This too. I can't even tell anymore since so many faggots on this site get their orgasms from pretending to be retarded.

How does one prove their opinion is genuine? To me it's about explanation. They have to put in their own words.
I watched the original as a kid, got hyped after the stunning first ep, and was bitterly disappointed.
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That's not even close to the best western animation lmao.

>This is exactly what happened with LOK.

Fuck off, Korra didn't have ANY development, negative or otherwise in that damn show. That was the whole fucking point of criticism. Every season she reset to the same cocky asshole that gets stomach punched to submission by cheesy fools who aren't half her strength, because she was too busy creating worse quips and fighting techniques than the panda cuddler and his terrible fire bending brother.

There wasn't even any romantic development towards her final pairing apart from one extremely platonic and mopey letter.
I was talking about the Book 3 finale, though.

>WAAAAAAH, this former villain will learn the truth and actually side with Jack once her false connotations of Aku's deeds fall apart

It's a look at Jack's deeds through a third party perspective you dunce.


>I don't like these specific female characters because of how they're being used

Yeah you're right man, we've never had female villains in Samurai Jack. I'm sorry, we'll get Genndy to suck your dick in order to apologise.
>being this butthurt over the truth
feels good man
There is no truth, autist.
what is truth
baby don't fool me
don't fool me
no more
The truth here is that you're worried you won't be able to self insert as Jack anymore if he becomes friends with a girl.
Based on the ep description, I don't think "friends" is accurate.

stupid tripsposter
>"Relationship" automatically means "romantic"

You can't truthfully be that socially inept...?
"burgeoning relationship" does
Look up what burgeoning means.
I already did. I also looked up the term as a whole.

Conclusion: I'm right as always.
Oh fuck off, that meme comparison is retarded and you know it.
>Season 5 is announced
>someone posts leaks of deformed Blue Jack
>Daughters of Aku are introduced
So far all the predictions of contrarian little shits like you were completely wrong every single time so far. Fucking kill yourselves.
I can't speak for all of /co/, obviously, but the fears that I got from the first episode (despite enjoying it thoroughly) were largely realized in the next two.
>my autism proves me right!
>So far all the predictions of
bitch we're talking about direct episode descriptions
he says, browsing 4chan
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>Ep 1, Jack focus, mild Ashi attention
>Ep 2, Jack focus, non-specific sisters as antagonists
>Ep 3, Jack focus, sisters attack, Ashi attention
>Ep 4, supposedly Jack + Ashi working together
>Ep 5, supposedly Jack fighting a bio-harvesting robot - no mention of Ashi
>Ep 6, supposedly Ashi meeting people Jack helped while pursuing him. Probably an Ashi focus episode
>Ep 7, supposedly Jack and Ashi working together to get Jack's sword back
>Ep 8, supposedly Jack and Ashi being hunted by a bounty hunter, 'burgeoning relationship' mentioned

Doesn't really seem to be focusing on her any more than a given Scotsman episode.
There were several Jackless episodes in the old seasons (The Princess and The Bounty Hunters, Seasons of Death: Winter and Autumn parts, Aku's Fairy Tales) and all of them were among the best in the series.
I honestly thought this post was sarcasm up to the last line.
It's still predictions. A synopsis doesn't tell you literally everything that will happen. You have no idea how Jack and Ashi's relationship will pan out. This is just projection because hating on a popular show is "edgy".
Don't forget X9, or Scotsman saving Jack. Jack vs. Aku is almost entirely about Aku, too.
>it's the "autistic to browse 4chins" meme
Yeah, but they didn't revolve around a stronk female character Mary Sue.
>best meme
All we've seen of Ashi is that she's been raised in a child abuse cave and can't even come close to taking Jack one on one in a fight.

Nothing about that says 'stronk mary sue.' I'm beginning to believe the '/sug/ shitposters' meme.
>Used as a literal tool
>Fails to kill her first and only target
>Outmatched even when in groups
>Reduced to a raging woman child
>Mary Sue

You are such a faggot. Do you even know what "Mary Sue" means, or do you just use it as a buzzword to label characters you don't like? And it seems the only reason you hate her is for her gender.
Stop using that fucking term, you seriously don't know what it means because Ashi isn't remotely Sueish.
>I have no rebuttal, I'll just imply he's hipster and that'll show him what for
I'm pretty sure he was agreeing with you there senpai
Yeah, these too. There was quite a lot of them now when I think about it.
Bebin buzzwords lad.
The deer scene shows pretty well that her isolated upbringing made her a borderline retard when it comes to anything else than combat. Assuming she was the one who scared them away she's pretty insecure about her shortcomings.
And she's not even that great at combat either, considering that Jack whooped her ass along with her 6 sisters without much effort.
>doesn't know shit about anything
>lacks self-confidence
>is a slightly above average fighter
Wow, such a Mary Sue! Here's your (You), now you can fuck off back to /v/.
No, oh touched by kek, he was using the fedora meme.
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What a surprise, he only knows how to regurgitate memes he heard on /lol/ and has no input of value to offer of his own

So which sister is Ami?
Either the one with the spear, or the one that Jack knocked out cold with a single punch
>knocked out cold
Pretty sure he broke her neck with that blow.
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I'll miss the one with the pixie cut
She was the cutest
>implying old season episodes have never spent time developing the enemy so that Jack could knock them down harder and that these scenes weren't necessary to give the ass whooping he gave them as much impact
>implying less than 5 minutes of Aku being upset over Jack is A) a "good bit" of the episode B) something they haven't done before or C) something worth complaining about
>implying the river was a time waster and not relevant to Jack
You're just all kinds of stupid, aren't you?
>implying old episodes didn't do that in the same episode, not stretch it out over several episodes (but muh continuity... no)
>implying any of that was being argued about
>implying it wasn't and it was, at least to any significant extent
No, I really don't think so. (And I'm not even that anon.)
Yes, it was a big disappoint for me as well. I can't believe they'll actually pull this romance/pupil thing.

I want to see how jack gets his sword back, his crown and jesus cape, his struggles, liberations and a lot more death. I really hope this doesn't go to the shitter.

And i want a Samurai Jack movie finale too.
They didn't stretch anything with the daughters you idiot.
The river wasn't wasting any fucking time.
God stop making threads you fucking idiot.
Why? Seeing people get butthurt over a cartoon is hilarious.
The whole show is just Aku as that frog.
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>tfw Samurai Jack causes a bunch of normies to migrate to your board
/co/ is normie board already
No idea what you're talking about, friend. I've been coming to /co/ for 3 months now! :D
>not decades
fucking pleb
Have your brain cells drink the kool-aid?
So, what do you think the odds are that Jack will have to die to kill Aku?

From full on mutual killing blows, to linked-lifeforces?
I made one thread because I'm genuinely concerned. There's been a slew of pro Genndy threads but mine is a problem?
Concerned about what? That they have the audacity to introduce a new character?

She's not going to steal the spotlight. She hasn't and won't.
Wasn't the first thing Aku did in physical form was kill someone's horse?
Why does this look like shit, and why are you spamming it? >>91179167
Pretty sure his sword already found him as the wolf.
>internet was developed in part from DARPA-NET.
>along with computers that were largely supported in government funded research programs for missiles/missile defense systems.

anyway, capitalism has issues and isn't perfect by any means. Marx basically had capitalism emerge organically from mercantilism and then morph organically into socialism.
Will we ever have a proper ending?
Would it also require to make seaon 6 for it?
I want the story to be complete
We still have 7 episodes to go.
That's plenty of time for Jack to get his shit together and defeat Aku
*5 episodes maybe pertaining to jack's quest.
atleast 5 and 6 are side stories.
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get back to /a/, nigger.
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It's more entertaining than here, guess it matches the quality of western entertainment.
yea and most anime is moeshit and stupid fanservice and garbage cg and i like anime
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>This is still miles ahead of western trash
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holy shit you need to go back and fuck your west vs east shit you pathetic weeb

Can you drink proto-Aku slime?
how do you even hold that sword?
by holding it?
>Episode 10 promo ends with "tune in next week for the hour-long finale of Samurai Jack"

Would you be hype?
Not after these 8 episodes, no.
>these 8

That already implies you didn't like the first three. What are you, a faggot?
I liked the first one.
Yeah, it was pretty great. Worst of the 3, however.
Episode 4 when???
Not by a long shot.
Scaramouch + doggirls > 7 stronk female character Mary Sues any day m8
>the 7 jobbers
>Mary Sues

Yeah, I was having fun giving you (You)s before but this got too retarded. Catch ya cunt.
I'm not a cunt. Not sure about you, though.
>>tfw Samurai Jack causes a bunch of normies to migrate to your board
>He doesn't realise that /co/ is normie and tumblr-central
pick one
Would you pet the Doggo?
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>Decide to focus on a random litterally who side character for half of those episodes instead of the main character
>said side character is pure waifu material
All is well
>All is well for KHVs on 4chan
I want eother Ashi, Jack, or Doggo to sit on my face
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at least it kill off steven universe /co/mblr
seriously i havent seen this little su thread in a long time
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>7 stronk female characters that got rekt by a superior alpha male
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>Mary Sues
>5 of them murdered with ease in the span of five minutes
You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means.
>Wait does everyone hate samurai jack now
No, a ton of people are just baiting now to be contrarians, the new Samurai Jack season has already become one of the best cartoons of the decade.
>one of the best cartoons of the decade
That's... not exactly praiseworthy, anon.
>I'm serious BTW
That's what makes your post so cringy
this is what I was afraid of all along, that new episodes will be so great that they end up incomparable to older ones.
So far, for me, they're not, even tho the third one was better than many episodes of the old show.
>None of the crap about Ashi or losing the sword would've aired in the original Samurai Jack. That's not what the series was about.
Yes, it was about main character with flat moralities (the Shaolin moncs episode is very evident of that) fighting obviously evil foes. But even back then, they started to realize that this couldn't last forever, that's why Season 4 introduced characters who were a bit more morally ambiguos (Da Sam Moo Rai, the Princess, X9). Season 5 making Jack's inner conflicts harder to resolve is natural progression.
That's because SU is on a hiatus, and all the fans have migrated to Jack threads imbecile.
the old show in general had a lot of episodes that were useless
They're mostly behind all the shitposting, too.
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Jack can look like an anime grill too.
>The being literally sheared from evil incarnate just wants to be friends guys :^)
this is so OOC it hurts physically
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Ban all dorks.
Please tell me what these
>better animations
evil is a spook
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I know, triggering butthurt capitalists was the point.
You can not say that at all based off just the most basic of descriptions.
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We sure got trickered anon.You are the man of the legendary tricks.

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That info came from genndy himself.
You havent seen entire season you FUCK.

This love interest might avtually solve his problem with AKU and end this mess
>it's another "/a/ tries to shit on Samurai Jack by parading weeb shit as better"
...They're still the most basic of descriptions, though. A synopsis doesn't tell you everything that will happen, just the barest of essentials.
Its obvious they going to hook up
>Jojo is better than Jack
Jojo animation is spaced, it barely moves most of the time while Jack is all about stylish and colorful animation with minimal plot.

If the argument was "the Jojo manga is better than Jack's comic book" I'd be inclined to agree because Jojo is about fun with weird ass super powers and the art is gorgeous and over the top most of the time.

Why are you comparing an animated movie to a tv show?
Which one? The 2016 abomination is pure shit and the 90's one... Was pretty much hated and disliked by the Berserk fanbase with plenty of "read the manga instead" for years up until the movies came out, then it was considered good (funny thing: After 2016's debacle people are looking more fondly on the movies now.)

Either way, I've always enjoyed the Berserk animation (that soundtrack from Susumu Hirasawa is the best shit man) but it's a budget anime who is also sparsely animated. The tone and the audience for it is different from Jack's, so this comparison is baseless. Unless you are talking about the 3 episodes we got from Season 5 - So far all have been better animated than the 90's Berserk show, even if the plot is barely there.
The fact that manga purists dislike something means jack shit. The average anime is so much better than the average cartoon it's hilarious to even compare them, so anime is obviously held to a much higher standard.
>Why are you comparing an animated movie to a tv show?
Genndy touted that Jack's first three episodes are like an animated movie.
They actually were released as a movie in a screening.
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I just want him to be happy.
But I'm also a shipfag
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Nice try, avatarfag.
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i wonder why samurai jack threads are so tox-
It melted a fucking sword, but go ahead and try. It didn't seem to melt Jack's dad when he was thrown in the stuff. You could end up turning into a mini Aku, though.
Actually, what Genndy was that he wanted the fifth season to be seen as a very long movie.
Tumblr is not really the problem here, for as much as we like to blame it for our turmoils. It's typical /co/ntrarians and "clairvoyants" who can see the future and have come to tell us how much the new season will suck from now on to those of us who can't see the future.
because wolfbro went and fucked off after his story finished, Ashi is obviously around to stay for the entire season and will be filling the role of the redeemed henchman and waifubait.
i googled 4 chan tumblr and this was all over the place
its clear samurai jack is the new steven universe of 4 chan
they are not even the same genre, and even then, SJ was more honest than the second season of GITS
and gits is one of muh favourite animu's
10 examples of AVERAGE anime in contrast to 10 examples of AVERAGE cartoons, please
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Tumblr needs to leave
Retard, you're basing all of this off TVguide descriptions for episodes you haven't even fucking sen for yourself yet. Jesus Christ.
>we 4chan are perfectly ok with this (cartoon?)
>go back to the place that doesnt dicuss politi- i mean comics and cartoons
>Automatically waifubait
>As opposed to actual waifubait characters with revealing clothes or ridiculous body proportions

Nice buzzword, faggot.


All the more reason for crossies to come in here and shit on SJ because it's "cool".
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>Why do you base your expectations on promotional material
A leaked synopsis is not promotional material.
And it's not even leaked.
Aren't there usually leaked screenshots and a short episode clip on Friday?

When are those happening
It's been only 3 episodes (4 after tommorow)
Not much has happened for these episodes and there is this much shitposting faggotry going on
What did /pol/ invade the show or is it the Contrarian cult of "new SJ is bad and you know it"
Waiter, there's /v/ in my /co/

It sounds like a great idea.
>although with some one-off character.
That's not a minor difference.
Go to the place that is not corrupted by capitalism... SPACE!
I would if I could. Not even joking here desu.
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C'mon step it up troll, no (you) for you.
He's not trolling you manchild.
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>Both are food analogies
That was a one-time thing so far, at least regarding leaks.
>everything that disagrees with me is a troll
>coming from a furfag
>Mary Sues

Go back to English class and don't return until you get a fucking passing grade, retard.

They're both food analogies because the comic in >>91186116 was done as a refutation of >>91163702, which is regularly posted on /v/ when people want to justify their arguments about why any particular unreleased game will be utter shit.
>misusing a term
>not a cunt

Yea, that makes you a cunt.
>le scat meme

Nuke this site already.
Misusing a term does not make one a cunt, but even if it did, nobody was misusing any terms there.
Yes it would, and yes they did.
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>Food analogies
Repeatedly shitposting is cuntish behavior, OTOH.
I'm not shitposting, though. But hey, nice attempt at dodging the issue, cunt.
I know you are, but what am I?
A garbage man.
Still better than a cunt.
You are a cunt, though.
shitty writing then, since Aku tracks Jack wherever he goes
We didn't see him tracking Jack in that episode. Maybe he was too bored that day.
nah, shitty writing. though genndy never cared too much about writing, so whatever
Come on tripsposter, that is such a tiny plothole that it might as well not exist - especially compared to Aku not knowing about Jack losing his sword. THAT one is pretty bad.
Who says he beat the Guardian?
Maybe he just destroyed the portal and left.
>nah, shitty writing
Great argument, bub.
I'm sure the Guardian would just let him do that.
I just explained why, bub. Aku always tracks Jack, and in fact, Jack knows Aku tracks him. don't be a fanboy
where's the proof of this ya shitposter
Jack and the Monks, and basically the entire fucking show. he uses drones and a screen to track him, sends minions constantly after him, etc. again: don't be a fanboy
* not Jack and the Monks, the one with the Xiaolin guys
That does NOT mean he does this in every single episode (referring to the original series here only). Otherwise, he would probably be doing that stuff literally all the time, and that's clearly not the case.
Doesn't mean he was tracking Jack 24/7, just most of the time. Obviously, Jack gave the slip, or Aku decided to leave him be to plot one of his more craftier schemes.

There's plenty of episodes where he didn't know what Jack was up, like the Scottsman saves Jack. Aku would not have just sat by as his fucking sworn enemy was brainwashed and left helpless and weaponless.
I know he didn't, because the Guardian episode is proof. I'm saying that he usually should always track him, and apparently stopped doing that for no reason for the Guardian episode, even though Jack knows Aku always tracks him, which isn't good writing, especially since the Guardian prophecy is apparently being addressed this season.
It is kind of odd how they have written a very clear way to block Aku's tracking, someone with a "strong chi" is capable of blocking him, but then they proceed to only ever use that once when there are multiple points in the show where Aku tracking Jack would provide a plothole somehow but they don't bring out the "strong chi" or similar excuse again.

All that said, another thread was thinking of why Aku doesn't just see that Jack lost his sword and came up with the explanation that Aku just stopped worrying that much about Jack some time before the sword was lost

Although if that is the case that still leaves us wondering why Aku wasn't constantly watching Jack in seasons 1-4.
>Aku would not have just sat by as his fucking sworn enemy was brainwashed and left helpless and weaponless.
THANK YOU for providing proof.
Aku probably stopped watching whenever he hired a powerful bounty hunter or figured Jack was in a situation he wouldn't survive, only to come back and find Jack had prevailed. He probably even grew a little bored because he more or less knew the results.
In other words, not the first three goddamn episodes.
What kind of ruse cruise are you taking us on? Just watch the episode. Or read this spoonfeeding.

>Jack, Aku's greatest enemy who wields the sword that is capable of killing him, is often watched and ambushed by Aku and his forces.
>Jack at one point lost his memories, sword, PURPOSE!, and just hangs out on some ship helpless if Aku were to strike then
>It appears that Jack lived like this for some time before the Scotsman shows up, but I don't remember a specific time being given. No one mentions anytime before the Scotsman shows up that Aku or his minions too this oppurtunity to attack Jack
>During the course of these two episodes Aku never shows up, and no one explicitly sent by Aku to kill Jack shows up
>Bounty hunters become aggressive once they learn who Jack is, but they are not explicitly sent by Aku to kill Jack
>Therefore, it does appear that, even in the original series, there were stretches of time when Aku never checked on Jack
Are you fucking retarded or something? I'm agreeing with you. I'm saying you provided proof against the other anon.
Oh, sorry. Not this >>91200166 Anon, just someone who didn't understand your tone and am too used to all the shitposting that usually goes on in these threads. Nevermind.
I think it's actually for the better, 'cause other anon really needs some greentext that size to slap some sense into him.
Only Tim Curry deserves that privilege
The SJWs were mad there were no good female characters in Jack before, so they made daughters of aku with one of them joining Jack
Why would Genndy go along with it, though? He seems so based compared to the nucreators out there now.
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>He thinks SJWs wrote this season
>muh genndy would never do anything I disagreed with
Holy shit the sheer fanboy is making me cringe
Just false flagging nonsense.
>female characters are added
that was before the SJW menace showed itself
Because he never has, and certainly is not doing it with this season.
They're pretty much written that way, though. I just have a hard time seeing Genndy go that way of his own free will unless AS forced him to or something, so it's all very confusing.
>they're pretty much written that way
No, not they are not. Nothing about the Daughters was remotely SJW-minded at all.
Why don't you suck his dick, too, Jesus
>female characters that can fight
>must be SJW
people like you ruined this board
stop biting bait
>no female protagonist recurring character before
>suddenly in full swing with the setup on the comeback season
>Get proven wrong
>"g-gg-g-go suck more cock, f-f-f-fanboy!"

Cry harder, kiddo.
>female characters are inherently SJW

>proven wrong
??? You didn't do dick, boy, you just showed "Genndy never did anything I disagreed with to my knowledge, so I'll assume he literally can't because I'm such a fanboy"
The powerpuff girls always had recurring female protaganist characters. The same can't be said for Samurai Jack.
He's baiting m8
Because he hasn't. And not like you proved what he's done is remotely SJW. But hey, keep buzzwording like the retarded kid you are. Bet you're itching to use "Mary Sue" wrong again.
the version of Genndy that you believe exists only in your own mind. Gnndy has no obligation to act according to your headcanon of him. he doesn't even know it exists
Adding a female recurring character does not SJW make.

Stay wrong, bub.
I'm not the anon screaming "SJW", dude. Guess you were the wrong one
>I'm not that guy!
Sure you ain't, retard. Sure you ain't.
>Get (actually) proven wrong
Here we go
Have you taken a biology class, anon? Women are weak as fuck compared to men. "Female characters that can fight" IS a good definition of SJWism in this sense unless there's a VERY GOOD explanation provided, like magical powers or something, which was not done here.
>if I pretend to be someone else, I can prove THEM wrong

Good on ya, kiddo. Really showing us what for with that tactic.
>see "relationship"
>immediately think it's about love
why is this a thing
4 seasons he never introduced a protagonist recurring female character, of course this was before SJW became mainstream.

Regardless of the fact they are even playing up the narrative of one of the daughters being

Which simply hasn't happened before as well, why waste so much screen time.
Have you heard of the concept of bell curves, anon? Women who have trained their entire lives could in all likelihood kick the average guy's ass. Stop being an idiot.
THAT's the guy you want, you idiot.
>Women are weak as fuck compared to men.
That literally depends on the kind of training and body build between them, idiot. Jack is fairly muscular, but no more than most extremely athletic Asian men. Not only that, the daughters were trained from an extremely young age in various forms of combat. With enough training, even women can stand on par with men. It's not like eggs versus a wall where the egg will always get smashed. And once more, writing female characters as strong does not make something SJW.
>Women are weak as fuck compared to men. "Female characters that can fight"
It sure is a good thing then that Jack managed to massacre them all with ease.

Also, I know you are baiting and this is redundant, but take this
>It's not me, it's HIM!

Yea, keep lying sport.
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You are so fucking retarded, or you have the inability to just admit you were wrong.
The data says that 99% of women are weaker than the average man. No amount of training can really overcome that gap, I'm afraid.

And that's ignoring this extremely important point: Jack is not in any way, shape, or form the average guy physically.

>but no more than most extremely athletic Asian men.
Don't make me laugh anon, the shit he pulls off is insane even by in-universe standards.
Because the season is more story-driven, that's literally it. Just because it's a female character does not mean it's being done to appeal to SJW folk.
>I-I-I-I-I-I-It's not me!!!

Whatever you say, pal. Whateeeeever you say.
>With enough training, even women can stand on par with men
males have more fibers as a result of their greater total muscle mass
Nice bullshit, amigo.

>The shit he pulls off is insane
Because he's a cartoon, retard.
The data straight from your ass?
>And that's ignoring this extremely important point: Jack is not the average guy physically.
He ended up beating them, you moron, they caught him off guard at first.
You're making yourself look bad anon, just save face now.

>Less expected was the gender related distribution of hand-grip strength: 90% of females produced less force than 95% of males. Though female athletes were significantly stronger (444 N) than their untrained female counterparts, this value corresponded to only the 25th percentile of the male (untrained) subjects

And those only mean something if said men USE them. A women in great shape is going to easily handle a fatass who gets winded just by jogging 30 feet.
That's not 99% you math-illiterate.
see >>91201399
If professional athletes can't even beat the average joy (in muscle), you know it's lel
Nice out of date material, junior.
You made yourself look bad saying nothing was proven. But hey, guess I shouldn't be surprised of a retard such as you.
where did I say 99%?
Did females suddenly evolve in 10 years?
You actually have a good (bad) point with that link, but at least she wasn't a major character like Ashi is supposedly becoming.

Feel free to insert foot in mouth if you must.
So where's your newer peer-reviewed study anon?
Look at the reply chain you hambeast, that wasn't me
Nope, stop trying anon, I won.
where did I say 99%?

Literally a few posts above you absolute retard. >>91201316
I said that. The anon you're replying to is another anon.

I've actually seen the 99% figure though, possibly in that very study. Let me read through it for a bit.
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>it wasn't me!
Oh boy, here we go again.
>I won
Whatever you say, kiddo. Whatever you say.
you really aren't bright
this is all me
It was a different study, and it's actually 99.9%: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/247233659_Costs_and_benefits_of_fat-free_muscle_mass_in_men_Relationship_to_mating_success_dietary_requirements_and_native_immunity
>The mean effect size for these sex differences in total and upper body muscle mass and strength is about 3, which indicates less than 10% overlap between the male and female distributions, with 99.9% of females falling below the male mean.
Here have another one
Neither are you, candyass.
Again, it's pretty much just as BS as this shit now, but at least they're minor characters, and more importantly could be replaced by male characters without virtually any effect on the story. A romantic partner, not so much.
And nothing at all says they're going to become lovers.
I don't understand whats bullshit about it. You bring up statistics about females being weaker than men in real life, but this is a fucking cartoon where a man can fly by jumping good. Biology has no argument here.
People who fear the SJW boogeyman tend to bring up irrelevant bullshit whenever they can to prove their delusional claims.
I told you above, it needs to be justified, e.g. she has magical powers, or unusual genetics, or SOMETHING. We literally saw the birth of the Daughters - other than the creepy rituals, which don't show any connection to increased physical strength, there's nothing like that at all.
Quien es ella?
So we're just gonna ignore this cited 99.9% figure? All of those 5 minutes I spent searching wasted...
> there's nothing like that at all.
Except for the training that they went through for years you fucking dumbass.
Training doesn't give you physical strength beyond your own potential. Dumbass.
Then explain how Jack learns to fly by training with boulders. Once again, you are applying real world logic to a CARTOON.
>It needs to be justified

Trained from birth. There you go, JUSTIFIED.
Next retarded issue to be stamped out, please!
And guess what? The real life katana isn't nearly as strong as wapponese cartoons have made them out to be. But you know something? Jack's is magical, because it's a cartoon show and not real life.
I really hate anonymity sometimes.
Even if these buffoons had trips or whatever to block/hide, they'd still find some way to spread their retardation here.
You conveniently left out the "even in-universe" part.
I just said why that doesn't justify it.
>I just said why that doesn't justify it.
Which was countered with
It doesn't need to be said. It's a cartoon, mate. Cartoons can work however they want. Just like how Jack was able to travel across the entire fucking world for 15-20 years or whatever and train with fucking Africans and Egyptians.
That's not why I hate anonymity, it's because of the idiots screaming samefag
Because most of it is clearly samefag.
i know this is bait but i still hope you die tonight.
No, most of the time someone says samefag, it's clearly not a samefag. That's what I hate about faggots who scream, if they show a screenshot, they'll just say "nice shoop". It's just a way to destroy the conversation.
That "counter" is stupid though. Jack is the MC we know from the very beginning, who has a MAGIC sword that is prophesied to destroy Aku. He comes from a royal lineage that is also implied to bestow special powers (e.g. that episode when he called upon his ancestors to destroy a robot). It's very much plausible that his physical abilities are somewhat beyond ordinary human range.

The Daughters, of course, have nothing like this.
And yet in the case of this thread, it's clearly justified since it's just some retard baiter catching everyone with his inane nonsense.
No it's not, nowhere in this thread was it clearly the same guy. Baiting or whatever the
"90%" guy is doing =/=samefagging.
> It's very much plausible that his physical abilities are somewhat beyond ordinary human range.
See now you are reaching just to remain right.

I don't even see what your problem is, Jack beat them with ease. He only had a problem with them once they ambushed him, and according to real world logic that you like to use, 7 people suddenly attacking 1 guy not expecting it tend to win. He killed them, so clearly they weren't stronger than him.
Jack's lineage never once implied he has innate powers, he just simply asked for his ancestors' help because it's referring to how most Asian cultures (and even non-Asian ones) believe that your ancestors are all watching you and can give you strength when called upon. Jack was merely trained extensively in the gap between his childhood and young adulthood when he returned to Japan to claim the sword and face Aku.

The daughters, while not taken on any globetrotting, were clearly shown to be trained from the moment they could walk and put through the wringer until whatever age they were when the priestess sent them out into the world.

It isn't rocket science.
Prove it, then. Clearly you must know if THAT is somehow the biggest issue with this thread and not the retard who thinks fighting females are some kind of SJW plot to destabilize cartoons.
I forgot to mention (again) that this is on TOP of the whole female strength disadvantage thing.

Basically, Jack's strength = Daughters' strength + inherent male advantage (not to be underestimated) + magic (sword?) + ancestry + far more training + far older and wiser overall
The Daughters should fare much worse against him than he did against the Guardian based on this equation.
That's the problem, you can't disprove the samefag accusation like I said, faggots won't accept even a screenshot, but "not that guy" said more than once SHOULD be enough.
>My real world bullshit has to equate into this CARTOON about MAGICAL TIME TRAVELING SAMURAI WHO FIGHT DEMONS

Alright, alright. Fine. Here, have one more (you). I'm done with your horseshit.
Nice accounting for the fact he was outnumbered, and ambushed which was the primary reason why he had trouble ONLY IN THE BEGINNING.
>+ magic (sword?)
He was fucking naked you can't use this in the equatioin.
>+ far older and wiser overall
As well as mentally losing his mind and focus.

Did you even watch the episodes?
Not really, especially when both spouted the same shit and then try to say "wasn't me" when confronted on something they were proven wrong of.
They said different stuff, one said 90% and one said 99%.
Other anon didn't mention the 99% figure, idiot. Only I said that (and later backed it up with an even worse figure for you).
They are literally only 3 episodes in and they've been about Jack, all other characters that aren't aku or the emoji doggos that appeared on screen are dead. What are you talking about you dumbass?
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Whatever you say, champ.
You're the annoying faggot saying samefag at everyone in this thread, aren't you.
You realize it's literally impossible for those 2 posts to be same anon, right? They're less than 60 seconds apart.
I have watched enough 10 episode Animes to be perfectly fine with this. If all the episodes are as well executed as the fist 3, and the show is eneded in a satisfactory manner, then I can die a happy man.
Don't. Nothing will get through to him.
You're the whiny shit complaining about something that's not as big an issue as the retards thinking the daughters are SJW-concocted Mary Sues.

Checkmate, scientologist.
So far the season has been great but I am indeed worried that Ashi will take too much attention.

This is about Jack, not about Jack and his new companion, please Genndy let The Samurai finish his fight alone.
I'd say it's not me, but nothing will prove anything to you, so fuck it.
>what is 4chan pass and using your phone, Alex?
>buying a pass
>being a phonefag
Shitposters have done far worse, scamp.
Yeah like accuse everyone of samefagging
Or apply real-life shit about women vs men into discussion about a CARTOON.
That's not shitposting, that's sincere retardation.
It's both, actually.
There's a love interest?
People are jumping to conclusions on supposed leaks.
>this website must be 100% accurate

Uh huh. Sure thing.
>Characters are created to "pander to SJWs
>Characters are slaughtered by a single man

Go back to /pol/
Or /r9k/

Just don't stay here.
>plebbit spacing
>immediately brings up political buzzwords
maybe another website is for you
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Pretty sure this woman can kick your ass and make you cry for mercy, faggot.
>autism over the spacing of text

Because *the* TV schedule website would just be pulling full episode descriptions out of its ass.
I looked up her stats, she's literally like half the size of the average 4chan autist, let alone the average guy on the street.
Considering it looks like a website from 2004, yea, it does look like something that would have bullshit.
>T-this is about Jack only!

That's not up to you.
Stop typing like a faggot.

My typing is just fine, kiddo.
They actually modernized it recently and then restored the old version when autists complained. Pretty sure that's the first time I've seen a site do that desu, so major props to them.
Well that's how want it to be.

I mean seriously Jack never needed a companion, and I really hope Ashi doesn't become his.
Still doesn't stop me from shitposting about it tho.
So what if she does? All it would mean is someone who can react to what's happened over the years (both in-show, and in real life in a sense). People are jumping to conclusions with this "they're gonna fuck" shit and then saying it's a SJW plot when told to stop saying such retarded shit.
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>implying Jack doesn't deserve a love interest after getting fuck over by Aku

It's only "forced" because you wanted your precious father/daughter relationship. Eat a dick.
I for one didn't want the Daughters of Aku at all.
>muh SJW boogieboggiedoobieman

Stop, not every story needs to be about 2 characters, romance or muh daughter father relationship. I just don't want SJ to follow those faggot trends.
Besides, there's no shame in having an audience surrogate as long as they don't hold up the plot or act annoying.
Tell me then, oh wise anon, what does "burgeoning relationship" mean in your view?
I'm not spouting SJW boogeyman shit, the idiots complaining about it when confronted with "nothing says they're gonna be in love" are saying that shit.

Even then, this "trend" is hardly that bad.
>She weighs less than a 4Chan artist

Whoa, what a shocker
I can tell you it doesn't ONLY mean "they fall in love" as some idiots keep assuming.
Disregarding that relationship could mean a whole lot of different things, why is everyone ignoring the
>takes a turn
in the guide?
Because that part merely confirms it already went somewhere.
A "GROWING" relationship, twat.

And, seeing as how they were trying to kill each other not long ago, literally any kind of development would be growing.

And it turns out, there's a middle ground between "acquaintance" and "life partner". But I wouldn't expect you to know much about relationships in general.

You say that like most people on 4chan are even in good enough shape to make it up their basement stairs without needing a defibrillator shock.
Not to mention not even the dregs of current shit shows would write something where a girl who literally lost HER ENTIRE family would fall in love with the man she was trained to HATE.

I don't think any anime has even done something that stupid; having the MC kill somebody's family and said survivor just being like "please fuck me silly!"
It is though. We have not had stories of men in so many time without a female companion of some sort being shoe-horned into the story, fuck off.
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>Me looking at this thread
> Me seeing that it's 45% bait
>Every single one has a reply
You did this to yourself, /co/.
Except the daughters weren't shoehorned, retard. You fuck off with this conspiracy nonsense.
The daughters weren't but Ashi will.
The man who taught Jack how to jump good was just some lost kid who was raised by those jumping creatures. He wasn't magical, or special at all, and there is no reason to think he comes from a royal lineage. But just like Jack he could exceed what in reality are human limitations just by training.
He's already given an explanation for her inclusion.

You like it or you don't, but don't call it shoehorned.
In what way? It's obviously not going to resolve their animosity in ONE episode. Even then, that wouldn't be shoehorning anything, just lazy writing. How about you park the autistic concerns and just wait until the damn episodes come out?
>stop disscussing things

Eat shit.
Let's not forget; cartoonish training. With boulders strapped to Jack's body in a way that would have crippled a real person, if not killed them from the strain.

But hey, our friend clearly knows more about how cartoons work because apparently there's some internal, consistent logic us retards are simply missing.
Great argument, kiddo. You really showed me what for with that witty barb.

Also, this isn't remotely discussion. Discussion doesn't involve goalpost shifts and boogeyman claims all over the place.
And to add to this, yes, Jack is special. He learned how to jump good in a short period of time, and he learned many things throughout his life in a shorter amount of time than one might think. The other man who taught him how to jump good seemed to have taken longer judging by the flashbacks and how happy and surprised he seemed when Jack starting jumping with the boulder.

But this ordinary minor character is still more "special", has more potential, than an actual human in real life. Jack is more "special" than others in his universe, but others in his universe can exceed human limitations just fine as well.
>Stop projecting your personal problems on something you know only the bare essentials of

We're still going to discuss it after the episodes air anyway. This is a whole lot of nothing.

Or rather, it's more like a bunch of bored /v/ users trying to spark an artificial "controversy" originally started by /r9k spergs, because of SJ's "connections" to Tumblr.

Or more simply, it's popular so you want to try and downplay it.
You are literally doing the same thing.

>it's going to be shit because of X
>it's not going to be shit because of X
>how do you know it's not going to be shit? it hasn't come out
>how do you know it's going to be shit? it hasn't come out

Choke on it.

The fucking Scottsman is a CRIPPLE with a gimmicky prosthetic leg, and you don't see people complaining about him pandering to the handicap crowd.
No, I'm not. I actually gave solid reasoning for why it's nothing gong to do whatever nonsense people say it is. And yet, retards like you just fly in and shout "Eat shit" like it somehow shatters all of my arguments and those of everyone else who have proven those claims wrong.

Keep being ass ravaged, child.
>it's going to be good because Genndy said it's going to be good

I really hope it's not the case, but if it is, keep eating shit.
The difference is

One guy is just trying to revel in a show he likes and wants to enjoy his experience with others

The other guy sees something popular, so he has to try to ruin it with nitpicks, projections, and ad hominem, for the sake of making people he sees as "intellectually inferior" feel worse for his own personal gain
Whatever, you literal shitposter.
>nitpicks, projections, and ad hominem
See? Now you are the one reducing my arguments to "muh contrarian".

Truth is it works both ways, one half says that the other one hates shit because they are contrarian and the other one it's so fucking stupid that they think that worring about something being bad or pointing out flaws is being contrarian. You faggots just want to believe everything you like it's a flawless 10/10 and if anyone dares to talk about flaws or what was done wrong despite of it being an enjoyable show you throw a fit and begin crying like a bitch.

Grow up, faggot.
>Why do you have faith in a guy that's created numerous classics that have built a reputation for a reason, a guy that's trying to give you closure while being as respectful to the classics as he can? You should listen to the clever contrarians, like me, because we are so much smarter than you will ever hope to be. Never mind that I'm not finding a better use of my intellect than shitposting on an anonymous forum

>TV descriptions of the episodes came out already and they are pointing out EXACTLY what some people didn't want
>people point out their concerns and worries

I'm still waiting for you to point out any "flaws" that aren't just you trying to fight the "evil SJW Boogeyman".

Pretty funny how you're the one throwing a fit when someone calls you out on your bullshit.

It's so clear how emotionally stable you are by desperately clamoring to get the moral high ground.
Nobody has even once said or implied this is going to be flawless. All most people have done is just say "stop overreacting" and the like. But hey, please keep playing the victim card because it really helps your case, especially when you then follow up with an insult or some scatological retort.
>people point out their concerns
Where? All I've seen is "this shit reeks of SJW appeasing cucks" and the like.
So in the supposed episode where Ashi travels around seeing the good Jack did, who do you expect to cameo?

>Spartan King
>Dogs' great-great grandpuppers
>Da Samurai
>Why aren't the writers pandering to me? How dare he try to make a story of his own?!

What's the difference between pandering to SJWs and spergs? In the end, you're ruining a narrative so one side doesn't poop their diaper.

You like it or you don't. It's pretty sad how you have to make this into more of a production than that.
>hunted by one of the galaxy's deadliest creatures.
It's not going to happen, but it would be cool if The Minions of Set returned.
>How could someone possibly be concerned about the series of a single character having a single overflowing arc through 4 seasons suddendly having a side-kick that didn't need for the finale?
Saying it sounds like it was done to appease SJWs and misusing the term Mary Sue hardly sounds like concern.
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not critizing her character, I'm critizing the posible direction of the series.

People are already complaining that aside episode 1 the tone of the show isn't quite the same, which isn't a bad thing per se, but some people think, myself included, that giving Jack a partner is too much.
>More back peddling, damage control, and playing the victim card

How expected.

If Genndy had created a show you fell in love with in the first place, then he should be fully capable of making a "sidekick" character to be likable. You won't know for sure unless you see it.

Either that, or you're just a newfag from /v/ pretending to be an SJ fan so you can post drivel while feeling morally justified.

At that point, there's no pleasing you. And the more you post, the more it seems likely.
And yet we don't know how much of "partner" she's going to be. Could very well just be there to see Jack do some shit and only help out in a pinch. Even then, the idea of a sidekick is not inherently bad, it can be done well and has been over the years. Besides, Jack has teamed up numerous times in the show, namely with the Scottsman on at least 4 separate occasions.
Where's the back peddling? or Damge Control? Just because you keep spouting this shit it doesn't mean it's true.

>If Genndy created...

Aha, that's why I'm concerned that the TV previews are STILL talking about Ashi up to episode 8, and again, it's not about her, it's about what she's going to do to the tone of the series.

The Scottsman was in like 5 episode of 40+, Ashi might as well become a main protagonist with the directiong the show seems to be taking.
And would that really be bad? If it's done well, then there's nothing to be worried about.

>b-but Jack fights alone
And yet NOBODY complained about the comic's ending with Jack assembling a fucking army comprised of every race and person he helped over his long journey, something that could still very well happen albeit with the new official canon.
That's the thing, I don't care if it's done well or not, because it's probably going to be the same fucking story we've heard a million times already, I would much prefer an unpredictable ending that the same played out predictable garbage of daughter/father ending.
>Just because you keep spouting this shit doesn't make it true.

You should really try reading your posts aloud to yourself, sometime.

The damage control comes from you dropping any and all aggressive behavior you've showed to other Anons, by all of the sudden strawmanning them to make them into the villains.

Again, you can't know how well executed this "tone" will be. If it's bad, you have full right to bitch. If it's not, you can quietly shuffle back to /v/, maybe their echo chambers will be nicer to you.
Until then, it's just negative projection, and by that I mean a cry for attention.

Still waiting on those "deep flaws" by the way.
>it's probably going to be the same fucking story we've heard a million times already
And that story is? We don't even have any clues about the final episode's events. Hell, a lot of people are foreseeing Ashi giving her life to save Jack and help him find the opening to finally striking down Aku.
You don't know how well executed it will be either, so you coming here with your speriority complex trying to convice people that it is going to be done right it's fucking pathetic.

I'm being pessimistic and you are being positive about it, the difference it's that I don't cry nor scream contrarian when someone posts their opinion.

>how will it be predictable? Some people even think [predictable thing] will happen!
You can literally call anything predictable considering everything that can be thought of for the conclusion has been done in some way in another work.
I never once said Genndy would do a good job, actually. I'm just not stupid enough to not notice how you're trying to start an argument for the sake of attention.

And saying I'm the one with a superiority complex is a better joke than Ashi could ever turn out to be.
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>I don't care if it's done well or not
Why not lie on your right side and lift your left leg? Not like there's a difference in strength between the two sides.
>calling other people from being from /v/
>not acting like a superiority complex faggot


>starting an argument

Literally nobody asked for your imput, faggotron.

>I like predictable, uneventfull and lazy writing as long as it's well done
I don't think I'm superior because I know what a sore thumb looks like.

>Literally nobody asked for your opinion

Took the words right out of my mouth!
You invited the concept of actual discussion with your posts, and yet someone bothering to respond to you should be dismissed because they aren't playing how you wanted them to. How typical.

>more name calling
And that shit ain't helping your case one bit, cupcake.
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You just want everything to pander to you. It doesn't matter if it's actually good or not. And for that reason, you can go fuck yourself.
>nobody asked you faggot
>lol nobody asked you either

Are you autistic?
>muh pandering

Well yeah, I would prefer it if Samurai Jack pandered to fans of Samurai Jack, that would be pretty good.
I know what you are, but what am I?
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But so far it has and there hasn't been any real reason to doubt it.
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>Are you autistic?

He said, while raging about the plot synopsis of a cartoon

Still reaching for that high ground huh?

>Dude you have a superiority complex
>Your opinion is meaningless

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Oh yes, you speak for all Samurai Jack fans. Will you just end yourself already?
Or they can just tell a story and have the fans shaped around the story, and not the other way around

You know, like a good story
Of course not. But whatever comes next looks to be the true concern, I don't know why people can't understand that.
>But whatever comes next looks to be the true concern
Maybe for you.
>But whatever comes next looks to be the true concern
But see thats the thing, nothing looks like anything. All we have is a few extremely small definition of plots for episodes that may not even be right to begin with. Everything is just pure speculation.
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>What comes next is the true thing
>You know, the thing that isn't here yet so it's both impossible and meaningless to argue or defend it
Exactly. I recall people constantly saying the last few episodes of Symbionic Titan were going to see Lance, Ilana, and Octus returning home, and yet that seemed less and less likely by the time they reached the episode where Octus fucking died.
It should be against the law to post something that smug.
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>tfw you know this /v/egan faggot is just gonna show up in another "controversial" SJ thread to spread his arrogant drivel

And nothing of value was gained or learned from all this
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Small victories, anon.
He's gone now. Off to drown his sorrows in hotpockets and wanking it to moe anime. We're safe for the time being.

Name a single episode where this was the case besides The Scotsman Saves Jack Part 1 and 2.
Tale of X9

The Princess and the Bounty Hunters

There, I gave you TWO. And there are more that could be counted.
I read an article about gendy saying that he couldn't make a continuous storyline for the original episodes due to the fact that its was on cartoon work then and kids wouldn't be able to follow it. That's why it was always a one off villain episode every week.
Shame though, given that plenty of kids can follow a linear narrative.

Of course, it's always got to do with how networks want their shows to be episodic so they can marathon shit in any order, even making up related things for the hell of it.
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