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/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 549
Thread images: 166

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Profit Edition

>Upcoming Releases:

>Coming out This Week:
The Book of Hondo (March 33)

>Rebels 3.20/21: "Zero Hour" Parts 1 and 2

>Rebels Recon: Zero Hour

>Download links: (Check here for new Rebels Episodes + Books, Comics, Films, etc)
>Canon Guide:

>Legends Recommendation List:
I wanna fuck luke skywalker
I want to fuck Tarkin
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First for the best imperial
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Who doesn´t?
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>The Book of Hondo (March 33)
I wanna fuck a kind but honest girl that can tolerate my autism while she slowly rehabilitates me back to normie status
thread off to a bad start
Holy shit that bulge
>hype season 2 with Vader
>hype season 3 with Thrawn
Who will be the character they use to get hype for season 4?
Ken the Jedi Prince
A young man who at the end of the season we learn is called Snoke.
the last inquisitors, maybe the likes of General Tagge and Admiral Motti, Yularen hunting Kallus, and ultimately Thrawn because they still have to make that attack on the Lothal factory which was presumably a success according to the ROVG before the battle of scarif happened

and I'm requesting it yet again: anybody have screengrabs of the differently colored Y-wings from Zero Hour?
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Well, for anyone worrying about TLJ having uninspired ships, here you go.
it's cute
Boba Fett.

Not Luke
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All my money.
Snoke is Bigger Luke
why do you keep posting this
what could possibly give you the idea that this gradeschool level art project is legitimate
I'm honestly expecting this at some point.
It'd be really fucking easy. I imagine the only reason we haven't seen him already is Disney is still considering him for a movie.

Ewww that'll never get all my autism completely haram unless girl is imaginary, Star Wars, and some kind of colored buttcheeks. Nothoiin and gold is my pick for conversion therapy. She'll force ghost fade when I am ready for 3D, it'll be sad.

Yfw Chuck Wendigo tried to but the story group told him no.
>which was presumably a success according to the ROVG before the battle of scarif happened

Fucking really?

Also who is that artist that does the rebels episode summary comics?
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I think I'd like that

1000% relief
I remember reading it in the Rogue One visual dictionary but I can't remember where exactly and can't find the little caption blurb that says so
Icpe or ipce on Tumblr
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Right now in Rebels, their A-wings the jack-of-all-trades variety with shields and average speed. They excel at nothing.

How long until the rebellion starts modifying their A-wings into the "gotta go fast, nothing else matters" variety that can out-pace a Tie Interceptor?
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>mfw the entire reason the Darksaber exists and why Ahsoka's sabers are white is to build up that Snoke has a white Darksaber/spoiler]
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Good. He's a POS
I actually wouldn't have a big problem with this, though maybe not this early.
No anon, he has a gray crossguard darksaber
Soon (TM)
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He's been confirmed for never-ever, but I will always be /myguy/.
Probably when they get the x-wings and b-wings in full.
Yfw he got to keep a scene where Mister Bones's voice inexplicably warps to a "strange, hard-angled" accent and he says, "COMMENTARY: I SAY WE BLAST THE MEATBAG AND SAVE YOU THE TROUBLE, MASTER"
Kylo and the Knights are medieval themed, but he's from the TOR era so he's dressed like a Shogun.

he's wearing a silk robe for gods sake
Kedalbe battleship standing by.
>Yfw Snoke won't use a lightsaber because the emperor never did in the original
>Yfw he uses force storm instead
oh cuz the whole things a ripoff, lol very funny! one (you)!
Sure hope they go ahead and move Thrawn out of the sector for that.

Never. A-wings suck now in canon.
It's not fair, he deserves to be canon.
>emperor shows up and one shots kanan and leaves

>series ends
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>I don’t think a ship is going to take these down by firing on the reinforced legs. So if the classic AT-AT foot is a shoe connected to a leg, this is a boot with a sleeve that is thick running up more than halfway through the leg. From the front it resembles a gorilla with its front arms firmly planted on the ground. When I first heard about these, I was told they would resemble gorillas. Imagine looking directly head-on at a gorilla and how its front arms are thick and give it an intimidating presence. For this reason, they were called “Gorilla Walkers” informally by some during production.
Sheev doesn't have time for Stevie Wonder, heck Vader barely has time for that failure.
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>tfw clankers are back on the menu
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when will aphra get character development?
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Better take out the Resurrection ship.
Yeah, he needs held back a bit. Though I'm not sure they could get away with his whole sexpest routine.
I'd want Dash to show up first though, give us some fleshing out for Rendar and then bring in Xizor
A-wings don't suck they're just not overpowered bullshit anymore
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>ywn be dominated by a STICC qt

I'm one with the feels and the feels are with me.
>Kylo is the Son
>Rey is the Daughter
>Luke is the Father
>implying that's STICC
Get on my level, meatbag
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Pash Davane.jpg
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more like shit

Her comic? I dunno


They could do the sexpest thing, he's rich af, it's romance.
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>just pictured SS as a thick muscle waifu.
The only references to Rebels I can find in the Rogue One Visual Guide is the timeline mentioning Mon Mothma fleeing Chandrilla, and Saw Gerrera investigating Geonosis.
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>B1 droid
>probably still less of a fuck up than Maul
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Yeah, you might as well post a screencap from a different board.
Look harder on Mothma/the Alliance's pages. It's in the actual blocks of text, not around pictures.
>it's romance
I remember reading Shads in high school, I remember the awkward boners from that book. That was not romance.
better than wanking over a mediocre finale
Can someone get Michael Fassbender to voice a new Imperial villain like Gallius Rax? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeWgS1K34FA
The villain of Fable 3 was the only good part of that shitheap
this is where Lothal is mentioned
>new star wars rpg
>takes place between ROTJ and TFA
>border lands style
>buncha space combat
I think we have more options than "rumors and clickbait.net" or discussing the finale.
He would've been a better Kylo Ren imo. Matches Han's looks more and I can imagine his face in the costume.
You forgot
>High-profile strikes on Lothal, Garel, and Ord Biniir have emboldened the Alliance, but none of these actions have constituted a victory that proves to all the potency of their Rebellion.
That could just as easily be a reference to the Ghost crew hijacking the Imperial communications tower to brodcast their call to action in Season 1. Nothing is mentioned about Lothal being liberated.
>border lands style

Everyone is BADASS and GAY because MEMES
Yeah, I was just providing the page for reference

Was being cheeky in suggesting it was 50 shades of Xixor.


Give it to me now
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i find your lack of this ship disturbing
I think he's comparing it to 50 Shades of Grey. And not saying it's a romance, but rather saying there is a demographic who will think it's a romance.
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We're on our way!
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I get that, and thank you. It's just that other anons in these threads have been referencing a mention of Lothal in the guide to suggest that it's liberation has to take place before Scarif. I'm just suggesting that I find the info less conclusive.
This image feels way too cluttered
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>no daddy time tonight
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It's so dense.
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the same could be said of the oc donut steel designs
Sad that these got phased out really quickly in the NuCanon. Like give them a shout out in Rebels and have a back water garrison still field them
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I love the nebulon b but this slavshit artist fucked up his cg model
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You guys ain't /toy/, but fuck it, anyone know a decent Cad Bane fig? Feel like my shelf could use one.
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So I just read the short story about Sidon Ithano the red corsair.

I was shocked to find out that the fucking medic trooper from TCW was frozen for 50 years since he knew about order 66 only to then join the red guys crew since he knew about old republic shit.

I just find it odd the fucking medic trooper was the one who got this focus
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Wait seriously Kix? Hes alive in TFA? Man he wasnt even that major of a clone character in the clone wars
Filoni interview on Season 3. Too big to copy-paste

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hey anons. I still play that mobile game called galaxy of heroes or whatever. Anyways, I have a pretty good feeling that cassian AND K2 will appear in season 4 for rebels, as one of the event descriptions notes that "Battle Chopper's rival K2-SO".
>but anon why would a mobile game give potential spoilers for season 4
EA owns the rights and they're allowed to see select footage from Disney/Lucasfilm to base their characters off of. That's how they got phrases for abilities for toons and the likenesses of a toon to a character that appeared in Rogue one.
Now EA could've easily made the event against R2 especially since we've seen him in previous seasons in rebels and the fact that they already have a toon for R2 in game.
It's pure speculation, but a little hype I guess?

Getting Diego Luna onto Rebels would be pretty cool.
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Huh thats kinda interesting why the medic trooper though?
>I just find it odd the fucking medic trooper was the one who got this focus
>why the medic trooper though?
It's been a while, so I don't remember for sure, but after the Fives incident, didn't Kix look into it, and as a medic was uniquely placed TO look into it?

Kix was the only one Fives told to look into it before he died
>its a movie adaptation comic wastes precious release dates month
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The mission after that is R2D2 its probably nothing since he's the only droid that would make sense to fight since the others like magnaguard and HK are from different eras
The Empire blew all its resources on bathrooms and had nothing left for guardrails.
My sides.
>Everyone is BADASS and GAY because MEMES

Is this the best way to do gay characters /swco/?
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Y-wing 3.jpg
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Even with Season 3 I am still not feeling Rebels I dont know why buts its just something I dislike about the series.

Clone Wars even at its worse was not this bad in my opinion I just hope like the clone wars Rebels picks its shit up for season 4
No. All Borderlands does is mention how gay everyone is. It becomes their character traits.

it's not natural and it's fucking stupid.
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Rebels feels like some loser kid's self-insert fanfic. An orphaned young boy who lives by himself in a field next to the city and dreams of adventure and one day gets what he caught up in a group of misfit rebels. A few days later the boy finds out that he has hidden powers and that the only human male in the group has the same powers too. He falls for the mysterious alt-chic who takes shit from no one and befriends also is a mandolorian, and the old seasoned veteran who is also the last of his kind. Later the evil empire is after the boy because he has powers and could be trained to work for them. Along the way self-insert boy meets his favorite characters Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Ashoka, Captain Rex and Darth Maul.
>Konstantine finally getting what he deserves for being an overly arrogant prick that was full of himself
>at the expense of Thrawn's well devised and executed plan
>and Sato

Was it worth it? Cause Konstantine was pretty shit character even by Empire and villain standards.
He may have been a shit character, but he was a perfect embodiment of what the Empire is, individually. Almost every officer of any rank thinks they can do better than those around them, only for it to kill them, even if it's not for the benefit of the Empire itself.
This is true, which makes it all the more amazing that Rebels is a good show.

probably because the entire show is just one giant cocktease. Literally the only time something has paid off was the Ahsoka vs Vader fight, but then even that was left unanswered. Literally nothing fulfilling happens in rebels.
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Think we'll see her next season?
A gift from me to you
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Yes and she will get overly touchy-feely with Ezra, as is tradition within the Inquisitorius.
Man, what if a relationship with an alien milf is what spurs Ezra to the dark side.
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I fucked up the endcoding, but enjoy this tidbit from the Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Celebration Teaser
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The first one didn't seem to do the trick. Perhaps second time around it will work out?
Would you, /swco/?
I'm guessing Ezra is gonna be an adult by next season.
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holy fucking shit its like back in 2013 again with the clone wars leak
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No. That would be gay.
Why is Ezra dressed like a grand admiral?
of course
Fuck me they're using ISD-IIs now with the unfucked bridge
ty friend i was just about to ask if anyone had a download link for rogue one
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ss delet this.jpg
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>Ezra is gonna be an adult by next season.
Probably not. Unless Ahsoka comes back. Otherwise she has no one meaningful to interact with and will comes across as just another inquisitor.
is that Boba at 11 seconds?
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I'm down.
fug is there any higher quality?
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Seems legit
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Evil Ahsoka is hot.

0:00 Tatooine?

0:02 x-wing

0:03 Star Destroyer Bridge

0:05 Star Destroyer variant of a interdictor (eu fags?)

0:06 lavaland mustafar x-wing action

0:08 ties escorting blockade runner (?)


0:12 more defender HYPE
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>he's actually falling for it
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Mara Jade
search your feelings, you know it to be true
Fug me
>embedded title is "My_Movie4"

nice try faggot
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I think most of the people "falling for it" are just the guy samefagging to make it seem like more people took his shitty bait
Is that a fucking Chiss Clawcraft at the end, or just a Defender?
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Was a decent 3.75'' toy from back in like 2011, it was really well done, but my fucking dog chewed it up and im still made
I only finally got around to watching Rogue One.
It was alright.
I miss Plo Koon
I'll post some highlights;

>I think it was always a plan from the very beginning that Kallus would probably turn

>“Do we kill him or should he make it out.. Should we kill him off?” But it didn’t feel right. It would be pretty sad that this guy that was a bad guy actually turning into perhaps a good guy… Why should he pay a price for that good thought? That didn’t seem like it would be communicating the right story point.

>If I had the scale and scope to do it, it’d be great to show side battles that Thrawn is probably winning against other Rebel threats and Rebel cells. Hopefully we can cover that in other material or comics or books somewhere so you’re getting a better view of the character now that he’s in play
("other material", or comics, or books. Thrawn animated movie incoming?)

>I was there when George [Lucas] and I talked about the Nightsisters so I know how they work and I can be very sure in my footing of what I’m doing with that. I was there with the Darksaber’s creation so I can be sure that this is where you go.

>That was George always. Though I contributed a lot to younger Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Clone Wars, I had George there to help guide the character and make sure I got it right. It’s just a different way of looking at it. The responsibility to keep this all consistent and in continuity to Star Wars is there now and everything, but when it’s a character like Maul who I had a very big hand in bringing back, I can be a lot more sure with how the story is going to go because I work off of concepts and ideas that I was working on in Clone Wars with George.
Based George.
>>Nothing points to me any bigger than that than Ahsoka. Everywhere I go now they ask about her. They’re worried about her. “Is she dead? Is she alive? What does the owl mean?” It’s fascinating to me because I think in that example is the future of Star Wars for me, which is a character becoming so popular in the minds of fans that had nothing to do with the original trilogy.

>We give an award away here for people who have been here at Lucasfilm for twenty years and we do that quite often because people stay. Adding to that legacy is important. I see it as this whole big thing that I’m just fortunate to be here to help guide. All those characters -- the Nightsisters are as real to me as Bespin is to someone who grew up with Empire Strikes Back.

>It’s all one world because I was taught to think about it that way by the guy who created it.
Based George.

>I firmly believe that Obi-Wan, if left to his own devices, would not have killed Maul if he didn’t have to.
>I’ll give you this... I heard from the crew that it was being debated about when Obi-Wan says that "He is the Chosen One." I think you have to understand that in that moment -- after the terrible loss of Anakin in Obi-Wan’s eyes -- that Anakin is not the Chosen One to Obi-Wan Kenobi and that Obi-Wan is hoping that “that boy is our last hope,” and that Luke Skywalker is the Chosen One. I always wonder about the Chosen One and the mythology of the Chosen One because it’s clear George will tell you that Anakin is, in the end, the Chosen One. And the Jedi say at one point maybe this is a prophecy that’s been misread. Yoda says that in Revenge of the Sith. I think in a way it’s that nobody understood what it was going to take for the Chosen One to achieve his goal - this selfless path. It’s not that he was going to come as a warrior and destroy the Sith. Obi-Wan says “You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them.” But we’re not thinking in the right way. It’s really the selfless act of his son -- to go before the Emperor, to throw away his weapon -- that inspires the selfless act in his father. That’s the core of this whole idea of the Chosen One.

>I was involved in what was going on in the movie, which was fun to be aware of things and talking to John Knoll about stuff and I brought Gary Whitta on afterwards when he was done there to write some things on Rebels, and he would be aware of certain things that they’d been talking about. I have to say too, a lot of people contribute, with the Story Group… Kiri Hart is instrumental to making the connection between the films and us flow nicely. I’m right next to her so I can talk to her all the time about stuff and we can make little connections up to the minute as they’re happening.
So Filoni is basically an honorary Story Group member right? It looks like he was feeding into Rogue One just as much as the story group was.Brilliant!

Who had the worst order 66 death Plo getting butt fucked in the sky or alyla getting butt fucked in the jungle
>So Filoni is basically an honorary Story Group member right? It looks like he was feeding into Rogue One just as much as the story group was.Brilliant!
Yeah, he's an unofficial member. He knows so much about Star Wars thanks to working on TCW with George and having all those talks. Especially the ones he had with George after TCW was ending and the sale was happening, George infodumped a lot of stuff to Filoni
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truly he is the Chosen One
Is there a 1080p version yet? It's not in the pastebin if there is.
>If I’d only followed the Anakin story in Clone Wars, perhaps I’d feel like we felt coming out of the Original Trilogy, but George added giant creatures like the Zillo beast and witches and brought Darth Maul back and we had a whole droid surreal odyssey. There was just no end to the type of story that could be told using the canvas he created
Based George, taking risks.

>There’s probably weirder stuff than Bendu out there. The Mortis gods, what happened to them? Are they dead? Do they exist in a different dimension?

(In regards to Hera in Rogue One, so where are Kanan/Ezra?)
>Right? I’ve gotta go with you on that one. That would be true. That would be true. That’s a big “Oh what happens there?” …Who knows?

That's all the good stuff. I'm very excited for Rebels Season 4: Rogue One Boogaloo

>13 GB

Can you or someone please put this on Google Drive? MEGA caps free users at 5 GB download.
get megadownloader

it bypasses the cap
Kek. I'd not seen that one before.
Megadownloader is windows only. Unfortunately a Mac user here.
>When her death came, I pray it was quick. She earned as much.
I got you
In 6 hours
thanks mate
Well she just got shot. I guess there are worse ways to die.
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>maybe the likes of General Tagge and Admiral Motti,
>an entire season of Motti spewing sick burns at everyone and everything

Don't play with my heart, anon.
>nice try
I increased the contrast to make it more clear in movie maker before webming it. I don't get what's bait about that?

You caught me, I totally rendered multible scenes to make a joke on fucking 4chan you retard
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>Krennic showing up
>Motti roasting krennic
>the entire command staff smirkin and Krennic telling them all to shut up


Goddammit Kallus, you big pussy. I want to hate you but I just can't.

Not just Krennic, he can roast all Imperials. The man has no fear, clearly.
So with us getting both Mon Mothma and Forest Whittaker this season, I'm curious:

What TCW/Rebels characters have been voiced by their real counterparts? Off the top of my head...

>Mon Mothma
>Darth Vader
>Neese's Pieces

Who else?

Also how the fuck did they get Neeson a decade after he had been associated with SW?
>Hey, thrawn, you're looking a little blue in the face today
>So I take it people expected the inquisition?
>Where are the glorious 'chops?
>Nice rack

the possibilities are endless

He needs money?
Would you work out with Andi, /swco/?
Boba Fett was played by the kid from AOTC in TCW
>Hey you want to be in Star Wars again? We'll pay you

I'd be jumping on that so fucking quick
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>Well I'll be, it's Lord Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin! Have you two ladies set a wedding date yet?

He'd get choked but it'd be worth it.

>So I take it people expected the inquisition?

space kek
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Chop Posting.webm
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Chopper from Rogue One actually voices Chopper in Rebels!
If it was that simple, wouldn't they get more people from the movies?
Samuel L Jackson and Christopher Lee reprised their roles for the TCW movie.

Lee heard the voice actor for the tv show and remarked that they needn't have bothered bring him in when they already had the perfect voice actor
Some actors are too busy to play recurring characters
Some people are busy. Some people can't do voice work. Acting, yes. but some people do NOT translate to animation.

See: Most celebrity cameos in anything
Grievous in TCW, Yoda and Lando in Rebels, C-3PO in everything (I think playing Threepio is literally all Anthony Daniels has done for the last 30 years)
I love how he basically pulled the equivalent of calling his boss a "Fucking Jew" and actually ended up getting promoted for it.

Sheev's got a sense of humor.
But he didn't. You're thinking of Tagge.
Revan' force ghost.
It will be specifically designed to piss at least one group off.
>(I think playing Threepio is literally all Anthony Daniels has done for the last 30 years)
He's only made two movies in his entire career that weren't Star Wars. He did some TV stuff in the 80's and 90's but I think the last time he did anything that wasn't Threepio was like 2003.
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And he got Haduken'd

It'll a she, Anon
*it'll be

my bad
My fucking sides man.
It's kind of weird seeing people praising Motti for shittalking Vader like they just turned the movie off halfway into that scene and didn't see what happened next.
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What do you even do with Revan at this point?

He can't just be some random old Sith Lord, because there's no reason to include "Darth Revan" over any random Sith Lord. On the other hand, he can't be the Force Ubermensch, can he? EU Revan did things no other Force user has done. You can't just have that in nucanon. But if you don't have him be a Jedi, then a Sith, then a Jedi, then nothing, there's no point in having Revan at all. If you need a random old Sith or a random old Jedi, there's tons of other names to use.
Maybe just a friendly nod to the fans who still like Revan and want him to exist in some way.

Just make him out to be one of the first Sith and left a bunch of artifacts and teachings around.
It's like Darth Bane, why use another name when you can just use this one ?

Sheev himself.
Wait what did Tagge do?
I havent done any cardio in months. I'm literally just arms, chest and calves
Darth Bane was actually created by Lucas, he was always canon, his role was always to be the founder of the Rule of Two.

Its just Lucas didn't get around to using this idea until the very end of TCW, so everybody thinks that Bane is an EU creation.

The only reason Revan will eventually return, even in a heavily neutered role, is just fanservice.

And that's not entirely a bad thing. Lucasfilm like her, the fans do too, sometimes, just sometimes, its ok to say "we're just doing it for the fans."

Lucasfilm is usually above needless fanservice, as Filoni has proven with Rebels this season, but Revan will be an obvious exception when he does show up.
>But if you don't have him be a Jedi, then a Sith, then a Jedi, then nothing, there's no point in having Revan at all.

Is there any reason this couldn't happen in the new canon? Just this once, like you say. Make Revan something truly unique, like Thrawn already is. Someone who had a relationship with the Force unlike any other being. Someone who wasn't the Sith'ari or the Chosen One, but who was always in control, even to the end, unlike nearly everyone else in the history of the Force.

I think that might be cool. Just once, with no one else ever able to do what Revan did.

He was a madman anon, he knew what the consequences would be and he didn't give a flying fuck. He risked going out on a sick burn. You gotta respect that.

Don't listen to /fit/ anon, cardiovascular health is important, even if you want to leave humanity behind.
The problem is overshadowing Vader, which was a huge problem in the EU.

Vader and Sheev are supposed to be the culmination of the Rule of Two, the most powerful Sith to ever live, with Vader being the Chosen One.

How do you tell a story like Revan, without it overshadowing Vader, and contradicting pre-established lore about the Force?

Pablo, who likes Revan, has already talked about KOTOR's problems with not fitting Star Wars, so I am sure they'll find a way around this, but the problems are there and worrying.
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I'm just really lazy
Got promoted. Motti didn't get shit and died on the Death Star.
Yeah that's not the reaction of a man who knew who he was fucking with
Just make it ancient as fuck, a story where myth and reality are indistinguishable from each other
While it is worth noting that Lucasfilm are very much aware of the problems with KOTOR, it's still important to note that Filoni and Pablo have both expressed desire to bring Revan back in some form, and Lucas himself was absolutely not opposed to Revan existing in some form, and only shut down the TCW cameo because he didn't want Revan to get to be a ghost. So they have his "blessing".

So it seems Lucasfilm is absolutely in favor of Revan showing up eventually, but is completely clueless on how they hell they can execute it without fucking it up. So they're waiting, for now.
If they just referred to the events of KOTOR as a literal legend, i think it would satisfy anybody without autism. Even if Revan exists as a simple story, it should be enough.

There will always be people adamant that Revan needs to be explicitly shown and proven to exist though, but to be fair, fuck that, if Lucasfilm canonized Revan as a legend, that's good enough for me.
Revan doesn't have to be the most powerful, he just has to be the one who sees things the most clearly. The one who peers through illusions. That's the point of both KOTOR games, right? Or, at least, KOTOR 2 retroactively makes that the point of both games. To shake off the lure of the Dark Side, the influence of the Light, the influence of your allies and enemies, and to see things clearly. That's what Revan did. He was only ever himself. The most authentic man in the history of the galaxy. He doesn't have to be the most powerful of them all for that.
>We will never get a bunch of legendary stories where it is unclear whether it is true or fiction

god that would be so fun. They could do ANYTHING
Pablo's Twitter for Pablo's statements on Revan (including how if he had it his way, Revan will be female when made canon)

Here's the TCW deleted scene, which according to Filoni, was only cut because Lucas didn't like the idea that Sith (other than Anakin) could get to be immortalized as ghosts as it contradicted the ways of the Sith;


Don't have any links on hand to interviews about this, sorry.
This might come as a shock to you, but, there is a reason why they re-titled the EU as Legends.
I really liked Tales of the Jedi for this reason.
Even if everything around ancient Sith is showed clearly, it always got this mythological vibe around it, probably due to the artstyle.
>Revan appears to Rey to warn her not to get entangled in Luke or Snoke's bullshit
>Run while you can
Legends is 99% dick measuring contest and you know it
Read the short story "All Creatures Great and Small" (I think that's what its called) from Tales of a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens

It was released last year, and Bobbajo recounts a very fun little story that I think is exactly what you're looking for.
Yeah, I know.

But worth mentioning that's what the EU is now, a bunch of Legends that probably never happened, at least not how we know them in that way.
I miss maul
>Fly, girl. Run. Steal a ship and burn its hyperdrive out. Aim for the furthest, coldest arm of the Galaxy and pull the lever. Go until you find a star system where the locals do not know the meaning of the words "Jedi" or "Sith" or "Dark Side" or "Light Side." Settle there, and live a quiet life. If you stay, if you remain, you will live to regret it. Fly. Run. Flee!
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>People ship Veers and Piett
>Revan doesn't have to be the most powerful, he just has to be the one who sees things the most clearly. The one who peers through illusions. That's the point of both KOTOR games, right? Or, at least, KOTOR 2 retroactively makes that the point of both games.

I have to remind that Kreia was an utterly deluded villain, oscilliating between denial of her own slavery to the Dark Side and the desire to destroy the world due to that slavery, and any relationship between her interpretation of Revan and reality is purely accidental.
I dont.
There's so much going on!
You know, I legit thought they were the same person when I was a kid.

I was a retarded kid.And bad with faces.
I acknowledge that. But I think there's some truth to her interpretation of Revan. In the end, he walked away when she couldn't.
I find Price way hotter than I think I should.
Next season is going to Yavin 4.

You know what that means?

Wait but didn't Revan return back to the light?
Like you said for Thrawn, boyo
They're going to have Sith shit in those temples.

I bet we see Massassai/

Possible that they're going to have to cut that part of his story completely if they bring him back
Never said it for Thrawn, but the difference there is that Filoni and Kiri Hart wanted Thrawn to come back(and Filoni's been wanting to do something with thrawn since the TCW days) and pitched him for Rebels back in 2014. No one's said shit about Exar
But then there's no point to Revan, that's half his story gone. Might as well make up an original character.
Are yu certain?
What if they go to Dantooine?
Probably Dantooine first, since that was their base before Yavin.
They said they were going to Yavin at the end of the last episode. Rex was arguing with K2 about needing a third jump to throw off the trail on the way to Yavin.
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I feel kinda bad about it, but literally every time Andi is on screen, I can't stop staring at her tits.

They're so springy
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Then that's a pretty cute puddle of puke.
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>Not Tarkin

fucking pleb
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Andi is best Imperial.
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Here's one for your collection
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A fine addition, indeed.

>Dat hand placement
Now we know Andi wants Boy Blue
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Holy fucking shit, I'm washing my eyes with bleach
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I just want a clip of Mendelsohn saying 'oi cunt' in his krennic costume

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I love how everyone was all "Ooo, there's an empty chair here, maybe it was Krennic's".

What they don't know is that Krennic's chair IS, in fact, in this scene.

Tarkin is sitting in it.
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I just love the idea that he designed that fucking throne for himself

I wonder what Tarkin thought when he saw it
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Fuck, wrong image.

But seriously, the one chair in the room that's bigger than the others? Of COURSE it's Krennic's fucking chair.
>"Charming, to the last... Tryhard".
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Ghost Krennic watching Tarkin command the Death Star
>Galen you tell them
And Galen isn't there even in the afterlife, he got cucked
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Why is Krennic posting so fun? I love dissing on this guy.
>rolling desk chairs

you think they spin in them to pass time?
You know, I've seen this scene so many times, but I've only just now noticed that they've all got coffee thermoses.
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Because he's a walking fucking punchline

He loved galen, got cucked. Tried to toggle the poggle, got cucked. Tried to peev sheev's bff, got cucked. Built the death star, got cucked. and then got super mega cucked by getting headshot by the guy he said was trying to steal it from him.

Krennic is great 11/10 character.
I swear it can't be a fucking coincidence krennic looks like george bush
No he doesn't
he does!!!
Alright. Make a comparison image right now.

I'm curious what you see. Put two images you think look similar together
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And more than all that, all the shit he did to try and make himself a big deal when all he was was a tiny little upstart.

>White uniform
>Non-regulation anti-static cape
>Weasled an Admiral-equivalent rank from Mas Amedda
>Super special limited-production shuttlecraft
>Giant conference room chair
>Parading his personal death squad everywhere

He's so tragically hilarious.
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I'm convinced he did most of it to impress Galen. Like, he brought him back saying 'look how important I am; LOVE ME' and Galen just ignored him. It made him a cynical bastard who just wanted to fit in with the big boys. But he's a space 'strayen and they all know it, so they don't care for him. And most of the people on his level fought in the clone wars, or were otherwise useful. he clawed his way up by designing buildings. You know people give him shit and don't respect him. Especially motti. I'm still convinced he looked up to Tarkin because he's from the outer rim too, and respected. He expected him to understand him, but instead, he got massive shit from everyone.

he just wanted to be successful with his husbando but got giga-cucked
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I've seen that "Looking up to Tarkin" theory floating around in these threads, and I fucking love it. There's so much more that I want to know about Krennic, even though we saw a lot in Catalyst. I want to see his college days, what he and Galen were like when they were younger, and what Krennic's aspirations were before he knew about the Death Star.
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He's a very compelling character. He didn't join the empire because of some jingoistic desire to prove himself worthy, like Tarkin had to. He did it to make himself feel more important, because he didn't when he was growing up. And Galen was his ticket. But he also saw that he came from somewhere similar, and that no one listened to him. So he had the aspirations and the confidence and Galen had the brains. And when Galen left, it devastated him. Not to mention that he had to figure out how to build the death star without the only guy who understands crystals.

I wish we'd get a buddy comedy comic about their exploits in the futures program or something. Make Krennic the party boy and Galen the silent one who takes care of him.
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>When u shitposting but then start to deeply analyze a characters motivations
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Hadn't seen that comic yet, thanks.

Hell, even if Disney ever did a one-shot for stuff like this, I'd love to see an "Galen and Orson's Excellent Adventure".

One of my favorite things about Krennic is about how he thinks he's playing this Game of Thrones-level cat and mouse game with Tarkin, with spies and intrigue and plots and maneuvering, and Tarkin's all "Hmm, look at the tiny mosquito hovering by my ear".
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I'd buy every issue. In paper. There's just so much potential. These are characters who feel like real people. They did such a good job with them, and they deserve to be treated as such.

He's playing checkers, and Tarkin is playing holochess. It's amazing and I love that Tarkin is so aware of him and seemingly amused by it. And how His plan to make Tarkin look incompetent backfired and Tarkin found out is was him, and that might be part of the reason he bitch slaps him so hard in Rogue One

I also want more Coruscant scenes with Galen and Orson 2bh
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>There's just so much potential.
Heh. Sounds familiar.

Kidding aside, I love how we see that little glimmer of Tarkin's self-indulgence when he aimed the superlaser right at Krennic's fucking face instead of the base of the tower.

As an aside, I love the lighting in the background of the Coruscant shot. It has a very real late-evening look to it. I wonder if they pulled out their giant screen that they used with the pilots for it.

I feel like that scene exists in a longer form somewhere, with dialogue... The ROVG has shots of Lyra sitting down and a few others that suggest there's more to it. Hopefully we get to see it someday. Regardless, I hope we get to see more of these characters.
I thought he had antlers in your thumbnail.
It's pretty funny because in French the expression "having horns" is a way to say "being a cuck".
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>Krennic the silver-haired try-hard,
>Had a very shiny cape~
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When I saw that, I actually smiled. That's fucking classic Tarkin, it's why I love him. His smug face when he ordered them to fire when ready really made the end of that movie.

I loved that shot too. It's a shame it's so short, I would have loved to have seen more. It's interesting that it's told from Jyns point of view. It makes me wonder what she thought of Krennic.

That scene where Galen is talking about putting a flaw in the Deathstar, while everything else is silent, is the only time I teared up during that movie. Mads is SO GOOD. and K2 because he was PURE AND GOOD
>Had some very shiny hair~

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Did you ever read the Rogue One novel? It actually adds some pretty cool stuff, and is very well-written besides.
All Jyn knows is that "The Man In White" is very bad, and he's plagued her nightmares the entire time she's grown up. He's a recurring figure in her mind, along with the cave she was hiding in while waiting for Saw. It becomes a metaphor for how she closes herself off from others.

What's even better is Krennic's reaction at seeing the Death Star above Scarif. At first, of course, he feels rage, but he takes comfort in the fact that he thinks Tarkin is an imbecile who doesn't realize the station's true potential, and that all Tarkin's future victories would be won with HIS achievement.

And then, right before the laser fires, he closes his eyes and imagines himself where he should be, on the DS1's bridge, about to fire on the planet below. But he catches it in his mind's eye-- Galen's treachery, a half-forgotten e-mail chain about exhaust ports. And then he dies realizing what Galen had done.

Basically, what Catalyst did for Rogue One, the novel does for the movie, to a lesser extent.
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>"The Man In White" is very bad, and he's plagued her nightmares the entire time she's grown up.
Shit, I better pick it up then. I had no idea it was actually decent, I usually skip them.

>a half-forgotten e-mail chain about exhaust ports. And then he dies realizing what Galen had done.
Holy fucking shit. That actually is really really good. I didn't know how hard I was missing out. He comes to terms with his death, and then realizes it was Galen that betrayed him all along, and how he did it. And if Tarkin hadn't been a petty bitch, he probably would have been able to save the day.

Fuck Force Heaven is going to be super fucking awkward for everyone involved. Especially when Tarkin shows up getting blowed the fuck up with the station.

you're a great anon, you just made my day. That actually made me feel something.
Did they actually call it that
>Force Heaven

So what is the afterlife like in the Star Wars universe if you're not a space samurai that gets to annoy people as a ghost?
Oh, nah, just what I chose to call it. Between the chapters are these little snippets of documents from Imperial and Alliance archives that fill in little bits of the story and background, sort of like the interludes in the "Aftermath" trilogy.

Except good.

I'm really glad, man! Seriously, though, going through the novel enriched an already fantastic film, and felt like an even more natural progression from "Catalyst". It's Alexander Freed's second novel after "Star Wars: Twilight Company", which I'm certain was a warm-up for this.

It fleshed out every single one of the character's thoughts and motivations, including some very, very touching stuff with K2-SO. It also adds some fun insight on the politics behind the Rebel leadership, like how Draven thinks Mon Motha is compelled to seek a diplomatic solution, not because she think it will work, but because she feels compelled to try.

You won't regret it, I promise. I rank it high along with "Lost Stars", "Lords of the Sith", "Catalyst" and "Twilight Company".
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I like to think that in Krennic's personal Force Heaven, he cruises around on the Death Star's bridge with Galen by his side, and the Emperor on speed dial.

And a carbonite-frozen Tarkin for a desk.
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Anyone else noticing Disney pushing this subtle shift in the perspective of the force?

Seems like their preference is for the grey area of the force. Not a preference for lightness or darkness, but the middle.

Seems a little lame to me. I'm hoping they don't shove it down our throats. I enjoy that stark contrast in dark & light.
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Or he shows up, sees Tarkin happy with Anakin, Galen with his wife and daughter, and he's all alone.

Cucked even in the afterlife
D-don't say.
At least he has his fellow death troopers with him... r-right ?
Well, that's the trick, isn't it?

For Lucas, Star Wars was all about a very simple line between bad and good. But what he saw in his own creation, and the potential that fans saw were completely different. Fans saw a rich world with characters all across the spectrum, and how the Force shouldn't be so clearly defined.

I think this new direction is mostly a difference of core ideals about what Star Wars inherently is, i.e. a setting for pulpy adventure stories, or a complicated universe without as clear a definition.

Essentially, "A New Hope" is what George saw in his head, and "Rogue One" is what the fans saw in their heads.
What's he going to do? Yoko Galen while he's catching up with his daughter that he hasn't seen since she was like eight

he totally would
Does Pablo really want Revan as a woman or did he only say that piss people off?

That being said if Revan was a chick then Exile would have to be male, though he would never come back cause of the force wound stuff.
Lee was so utterly based.
It still hurts
Sidious killed Plagueis in his sleep i highly doubt the claim of him being the be all end all of the Sith.

Unlike Plagueis he never got close to unlocking the secret to eternal life.
Not really.

Please tell me you're not just pulling this shit from that awful Dash Star video?

Lucasfilm is actually mostly against the grey area. Pablo has openly mocked the concept of Grey Jedi. The last Rebels episode even showed how sitting in the middle isn't always the morally right thing to do. And its completely canon that you cant just tread the lines of the dark side without repercussion. It fucks with your mind. Just look at Vos in Dark Disciple. The dark side is inherently selfish and malicious, you cant sit in the middle and get lightning powers to go with your good morals. Doesn't work that way, and never will.

Jedi/Light is very much the shining beacon of "being a good person will lead to a happy life"

Star Wars can often be morally grey, but some aspects very much will always remain in the fantasy-esque vein of Good vs Evil, and there's nothing wrong with that,

>Does Pablo really want Revan as a woman or did he only say that piss people off?
Both. He loves pissing KOTOR/Reddit/Revanfags off because they hounded him for so long. But he also seemed genuine when he said that he liked playing as a female character in the game.

His exact quote regarding the eventual recanonization of the character was something like, "If it were entirely up to me, Revan will be just as awesome as I remember her"
So we can all agree that Tarkin is literally the worst Impeial ever?

>gets his ship stolen, tens of thousands of people die
>is not a fighter pilot, decides to participate in a space battle to impress his boyfriend, almost dies
>orders Thrawn to take prisoners while planning to kill them anyway, Rebels escape
>has important informations about security leak, doesn't tell Krennic until he is ready to steal his achievement, risking further leaks
>doesn't want to destroy the moon, Rebel team escapes
>targets the base at Scariff instead of the Rebel flagship, giving it time to transfer the plans
>kills Krennic, never learns of the Death Star weakness (DS2 has a similar weakness so maybe the engineers assumed the reactor should explode like that, after all that's what Star Trek reactors do)
>because of his petty revenge a shitload of data and a lot of people are lost
>destroys Alderaan, burining all the bridges and basically making the Empire's stability dependant on the DS
>orders a valuable prisoner killed as another act of petty revenge
>doesn't even bother launching fighters when the Rebels attack
>even after he is told that the attack can fuck them up badly
>refuses to evacuate knowing there is a danger

actually, the last point is the only thing he did right
Well it's being more emphasized under Disney's umbrella than Lucas's. And no, I'm not pulling it from that.

Hell, the name of the next movie is quite literally called "The Last Jedi." Feels like they're drifting from /lightdark and more a chaotic medium. Like the Bendu.
>I Haven't Seen the Prequels Nor The Clone Wars: The Post
Don't forget:

>By destroying Alderaan, ensures growing support of the Rebel Alliance on a galactic scale
As I said, he makes the Empire's future completely rely on the Death Star, which he graciously explodes a few days later.
Pablo's always been a male feminist cuck i'm not surprised.

Plus the story group was started by a woman and was originally all women until they realized needed guys who actually knew shit about Star Wars so they got Lee, Pablo and recently Matt.

They really need people who won't let their political/social views affect canon.
100% agree Rebels and Rogue One are such feminist SJW propaganda they gave me sex reassignment surgery when I watched it!
>Pablo's always been a male feminist cuck i'm not surprised.
No he is not. Even left-leaning, Pablo is no SJW, I have never seen anything like that from him or most of Lucasfilm.

>Plus the story group was started by a woman and was originally all women until they realized needed guys who actually knew shit about Star Wars so they got Lee, Pablo and recently Matt.
This is partly true, but you're excluding a lot of context. Kathleen Kennedy put the story group together, and yes she only hired like three women. But those women were smart enough to go straight to the Lucasfilm veterans to get them into the group.

If you have a problem with that, then look to Kathleen Kennedy.

Since the LSG's inception, yes there has been a noticeable increase of female characters (and in particular, black women, probably because one of the LSG women is one)

But has there been any SJW-tier pandering? Outside of Cuck Wendig, not really.

>They really need people who won't let their political/social views affect canon.
Firstly, Star Wars has always had political statements and allegories in its storytelling.

Secondly, the political stuff in current Star Wars is not really much different to what it has always been. Left-leaning, anti-establishment, ect, how Lucas always did politics. Despite that, political stuff in modern Star Wars has even tried to give a much more mature look at both sides of the arguments. Look to Bloodlines for example.

Cuck Wendig is the only creator at Lucasfilm who's recent work genuinely feels pandery and SJW. Bitch about him if you must, but please drop this silly "Star Wars is SJW now :(((" shit because it's just not true.
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>being this misinformed about Star Wars

Oh Anon...
I'd rather Revan be shown as an identityless force ghost, and you only infer their identity at the end.
If they brought the Ezra dark struggle back, it could've done by having him meet the ghost of one who had his struggle and eventually overcame it, maybe dropping a line like "hero, villain, saviour, conquerer; I was all those things, but in the end I was nothing".

That way you assuage the fanboys, but don't make him/her into the ultimate Jedi/Sith, or reduce him/her to a little bitch that gets their trousers stolen.
They could also use them to show us how ancient Jedi dressed, like how Bane showed us what ancient Sith looked like.
thanks for your epic post my dude!
Damage control all you want. Your perspective on the Star Wars mythos and it's sub-texts are pulled from arbitrary examples at best.

You read an article and watched a Mr. Plinkett video and now you know everything about Star Wars. We know.
You could've maybe put some effort into that...

All good points.
>You read an article and watched a Mr. Plinkett video and now you know everything about Star Wars. We know.

Are you insane? I fucking despise Plinkett, and Star Wars is my life, I've read and watched every single thing released for as long as I can remember.

I don't know how the fuck you have come to this conclusion so I can only assume you are trolling.
Plagueis was also drunk as shit.
furry scum
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>Star Wars is my life
Not only what I said about your obscure "fact" pulling. But you're a nerd too.

>I can only assume you're trolling
Once again with the damage control. Sorry if this is the first time someone has called you out on your moronic posts. Maybe do some real research before talking about the political undertones Star Wars conveys. That bliss must be nice.
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Um... How, uh... How about some more Krennic, guys?

He sure is pathetic, ain't he?

Pls stop fighting ;_;
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That is where you are wrong anon. You can never find Pryce hot enough. She is best girl.
He's objectively a lot cooler than Darth Vader, that's for sure.
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Why does he wear the dorky cape?

Why is he even allowed?

Source might dubs man
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I will pay you ten million credits for the link to the full version.

See webm.

He follows the Fabulous side of the Force.
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Fuck Revan bring back Marka Ragnos.
Tarkin a shit. We all know who is best Imperial.

It's Lyste.
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>MFW anons fighting and no source for Price titties
Your mom is pathetic, Wilhuff, no wonder you are such a cunt when your own parents tried to abort you when you were eleven.
Wait... Seriously?

I haven't read "Tarkin" yet, is that in there?
It's an antistatic cape, absolutely mandatory if you have top level access to all the sciency engineery stuff.
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Yes, he survives tho so they make up some bullshit about proving to be worthy of the name etc.
Pryce a cute. The way she goes "I don't want to hear it, j-just stop them! Nothing gets through" after the second Interdictor gets destroyed.

She sounds so insecure, so vulnerable, so fuckable.
>Fucking a rando trooper
>Not Thrawn

Doesn't matter, still sex. Thank you, SS.
Does /swco/ have the meme power to convince artists into drawing Thrawn/Pryce porn?
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So what's next for Kallus?
Probably gonna run off on his own adventures, I don't think he'll join the ghost crew
A fair trial, death sentence, hanging.
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>tfw the wait for season 4 begins
Being a good boy
We have all these books coming out in between though, anon! Thrawn, Inferno Squad, those ones with the Rogue One characters. I only care about the first two though
>Black Sun hijinks
>Bounty Hunters
>Cad Bane makes a return
Wow. Rex is still a bad-ass fucker, for an older gentleman.
>Krennic's professionalism in front of the brass is all an act
>During construction of the Death Star he was known to refer to the Geonosians as "beady eyed cunts"
>Orson drinks like a champ and his holster doubles as a stubby cooler
gotta establish that Alliance Intelligence
>Arihnda Pryce (2)

I can't say I'm surprised, but goddamn, no love for Space OL, huh?
A squad of Bothans
Is he gonna be the new Cracken or another Madine? That'd actually be cool.
>check Seventh Sister tag
>26 pics
>only two of them with Ezra


Pretty sure that's all canon.
Got around to watching the last 2 episodes and I noticed Hera's VA sounded much more lively than normal. When Kanan tells her hes still alive after the bombardment she sounded so genuinely relieved.
I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna make a Kallus cosplay.
I am gonna join the 501st with it.
And then I am gonna troll them while getting dual membership into the Rebel Legion.

Do it anon!

And post pics. Post lewds if you're /fit/.
Not /fit/ yet. I look more like Daru from Steins;Gate atm.
But i've cut out lots of junk food and pop, and going to the gym so i will be /fit/ soon for this.
Lewds once i get a good photog to do the Kallus pinup calendar
What's the timeline here? How long until they catch up with Rogue One?
IIRC we are 4 years away. Probably 3 once season 4 starts up?

Sweet sweet future lewds. Make Zyzz proud anon.
We're just 2 years away from ANH, they could absolutely catch up to Rogue One by the end of season 4 if they wanted.
4 years is waaaay off. Season 3 started in 2BBY and likely ends in 1BBY.

Why the fuck do people ask this constantly anyways when you can literally google this in like 3 seconds? And how do people get so far off with their assumptions knowing that Ezra is the same age as Luke?
I figured Ezra was like 15 at the start of Rebels, and seeing Luke was 19 in ANH, there's that.
Wikia also shows these ages, but i take them with a grain of salt
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>So since Ezra is 19 does that mean Luke is like 4 now?
>Does this season take place 13 years before ANH?
>This is the last season right? Because they said the show ends before ANH.
>So I guess the whole main cast is dying this season since they don't appear in the OT?
>every fucking thread until they explicitly show Ezra and Luke go on a mission together 3 years from now and have Ezra literally say "Man LUKE SKYWALKER WHO IS THE SAME AGE AS ME, the Battle of Yavin WHICH APPEARED IN STAR WARS EPISODE 4: A NEW HOPE was crazy. I can't believe I'm still alive after that BUT THEN AGAIN ITS ENTIRELY POSSIBLE FOR ME TO BE ALIVE DURING THE EVENTS OF THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY"

Never being fully trusted by other rebels, no matter how hard he tries
They lasted much longer in Canon than Legends. They were still used almost 10-15 years after the war.
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>So since Ezra is 19
So if Kallus joins the ghost crew does he get Sabine's old room or does Zeb jack that shit and he bunks with Ezra?

Shit will be shenanigans

Rooming with Zeb, barbed catdick in his future.
Not gonna lie, I hope they kill both Jedi characters and Sabine. But especially Ezra and Sabine.
comic books too but the wait in between the issues is ridiculous
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shit opinion desu
I don't even like sabine and that opinions shit
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Instead of spending all those credits on a Death Star, why didn't the empire just blow up planets by accelerating a small ship to light speed and flying it into a planet?
yes but that power is autistic pestering and actually paying them to do so
That middle post there is me.

Just thought I should say that I think Trials of the Darksaber was everything I could have hoped for with Sabine, and keeping her as a side character with the Mandalorians has finally given her a proper place on the show that is fitting for her newfound character developments and arc.

Sabine in her current state isn't really a problem to me anymore.
Because that would involve Star Wars being more scientific than SFINO
>Knights of Ren are european themed

>Snoke wears a white kimono

I'm glad you made that middle post because it's by far the most succinct and accurate analysis of her problems, and even with all the Sabine episodes since you posted it I still think it's true and that Sabine hasn't developed one iota.
star wars girls don't develop

>Sabine will always be flat in character and chest
Why not just shoot heavy elements into the Stars of systems you want destroyed?
This isn't 40K
>Mon Mothma
how many have I missed dipshit
Because that doesn't cause as much terror in planets' populations as knowing that the next eclipse they see could be their last.
The real reason is that most civilized planets have planetary shields that could prevent something like that happening so a Death Star was needed that can just one shot the planet instantly. Also this >>91110189
because the ships aren't travelling at anywhere neear lightspeed
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Dude Star wars ships fly millions of times faster than lightspeed.
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/tv/ has the spiciest memes
not in real space m8
>translation: no Star Wars writer has even the faintest idea of how science works because it's aimed at the most casual, normalfag people out there
Yeah and? Do you have any idea how Star wars ftl works? Crashing into stellar bodies is a real problem in Star Wars.
>After the cloning process
Stopped reading right there
>didn't call BB-8 the BasketBall-8 Droid
you had one job /tv/
I agree with you.
>too autistic to ignore when memes don't reflect canon
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In hyperspace, you don't interact with matter, just the gravity shadow of the planet. Tidal forces tear you apart.

Momentum is not preserved when entering and exiting hyperspace, so you can't do a hyperspace ramjet.

Major planets also have theatre shields and orbital defense systems that can detect relativistic kill vehicles.
I dont think the droid even had a name at that point
hello Asimov how are your bone dry twenty thousand page space politics novels without a single fucking alien species coming along
Sure you don't.

If it makes you feel any better, I'd settle for just Ezra dying.
I mostly agree but I am pretty sure that a ship can still fly into a planets mass shadow and cause catastrophic damage to the planet itself in real space.
I do. The ships aren't going fast enough to be comparable with the Death Star.
You obviously don't or you would know that if a ship ran into a planet in hyperspace they would at the very least wipe out all life on the planet.
Or maybe it's just fun to have space fantasy without worrying about the rules of physics.
Also I remember the posts where people insisted that Finn not being a clone is proof that Disney is ignoring the prequels.
I was referring to the SF crowd (who hate the appellation of SciFi for Science Fiction as philistine) who are mega autistic about science and the technical or political aspects of speculative futures, while being totally unable to write a compelling story or create a compelling setting within a Bible sized novel.
lol, if that was true hyperspace travel would be extremely limited by the government.
This. Alderaan's shields held up a few Mico seconds to a Planet vaporizing laser beam. Do you have any idea how powerful that planetary shield was? If it could hold a superlaser that long a hyper space ship ramming it would do nothing
that's far worse than sabine dying, ezra is not only an interesting character but also the MAIN character
If you took an object of any mass and accelerated it to light speed (let alone faster than light speed), it would effectively have infinite energy and destroy anything it impacted.

Because planet-ship hyperspace collisions don't seem to actually do anything to the planet, it seems likely that hyperdrives don't work this way.
It is true but civilized planets have shields just in case a hyperdrives safety functions fail for whatever reasons. Come on now aneutral Asteroid can do the same at relativistic speeds how much more damage can be done by a ship flying millions of times faster than light. Biggest reason why they have planetary shields
Wait, but didn't Han solo fly through Starkiller Base's planetary shield by using hyperspace?
So? Main characters can die.
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Does it look better or worse now?

cant call it a K-wing now tho
JJ is a fucking hack.
Malevolence made a big impression on that planet when it tried to hyper space jump through it.
Didn't the Falcon emerge from hyper space below Starkiller base's shield?
>Because planet-ship hyperspace collisions don't seem to actually do anything to the planet, it seems likely that hyperdrives don't work this way.

what would be the point of hyperspace if the ships could just accelerate to ftl speeds?

Hyperspace is another dimension, Star Wars ships can't achieve speeds even remotely close to the speed of light.
>this thing is canon
>doesn't count because my autism is too strong
Yes anon but it's...
The Starkiller base had its shields refresh in microseconds and they timed the jump perfectly to fly in between them. They explain this in the movie anon...
They have shields in case someone attacks them, not in case John's space car malfunctioned when he was coming back from a family reunion and turned into a planet killer.
Actually they can approach light speed with their sunlight engines but of course we don't see that on screen since human eyesight wouldn't be able to track the ships.
No it completely goes against all established canon of star wars hyperspace rules even Hildago thought the scene was Bullshit
This is wrong. Planetary shields were started to prevent mass extinction events from giant asteroids.
>No it completely goes against all established canon of star wars hyperspace rules even Hildago thought the scene was Bullshit
care to give a source?
Source? They also obviously stop asteroid impacts and starship flying at lightspeed is more dangerous than an asteroid.
Falcon did do that, and it's technically possible, because you're not directly overlapping. It's just like cartwheeling through a room filled with fire while covered in lamp oil levels of stupid/dangerous.

As for the Malevolence fucking up a planet by warping through it, got a link to when this happened? I vaguely remember it, but can't find it.
>Star Wars ships can't achieve speeds even remotely close to the speed of light.
The Millennium Falcon traveled to an entirely different star system in ESB without a hyperdrive.
>even Hildago thought the scene was Bullshit

Oh, that would resolve this nicely if you could dig up the source. Not like mistakes don't happen.
Also, this is only true for Starkillers shields not others. It's listed as a design flaw.
starship flying at lightspeed is more dangerous than an asteroid.
good thing spaceships don't fly at fucking lightspeed then
>All these people trying to argue physics in Starwars

You goes do realize its SOFT sciencefiction right? Its so far soft its basically fantasy and no amount of viagra is making that shit hard
which is the worst plothole in the whole franchise but was retconned to Han having a super slow backup hyperdrive.
Are you baiting? It's wildly known TFA did a lot of things that pissed off Lucasfilm. See Starkiller and production notes
That doesn't mean that there aren't established rules on how stuff works in the universe, which is what most of the posts seem to be about.
ok Christopher Nolan
t. subhuman brainlets
That's not a plot hole retard
you don't need to be powerful to do great shit

Revan wasn't truly powerful until MMO fuckery ruined his lore.

The dude's credit was being able to 1. start the revanchist movement mobilizing jedi and jedi sympathizers to war. 2. turning that movement into an empire right in the middle of Republic territory and basically bringing the sith back from the dead. 3. recovering an ancient superweapon

He wasn't a great Jedi, he wasn't a great Sith. He just did shit that was influential. He was a leader, something Sith in canon sorely lack. Different from individually powerful Sith like Bane who revolutionized their doctrine or Sidius who perfected it
Never mind, it was a moon, and I found it. The Malevolence never actually seems to enter hyperspace there at all, but crash directly into the moon while the drive is still spooling up.
No? I'm just trying to use a polite tone rather than a sperg tone.
Yeah and everything regarding fast moving objects is completely glossed over and regularly retconned for the story. Seriously why not use mass drivers? If a Stardestroyer was taken out by a slow moving asteroid then clearly their shields suck vs suck objects. But wait colored tubes flying through space looks cooler so we're going to do that instead.

Everything is extremely inconsistent and you really shouldn't be thinking along those lines. Just look at when they used a jump to hyperspace in Rogue One when they were only a few hundred feet above a planet's surface. They completely broke the pre-established rules of Starwars physics and nobody gave a shit.
It is, mongoloid. Just like Luke's training.
>It's just like cartwheeling through a room filled with fire while covered in lamp oil levels of stupid/dangerous.
No one said it was smart, just doable.
>As for the Malevolence fucking up a planet by warping through it
Season 1 Ep. 4.
I don't have a source but its true. Nothing in Starwars is real and using viagra won't make it hard. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
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Oh well, cheer up Governor. At least Agent Kallus will no longer keep third wheeling.

Finally some alone time with the blue boy.
>nobody gave a shit.
there were people seriously butthurt for it
but hyperspace was fucked up by TFA already so whatever
There are mass drivers in the Clone Wars, actually. I believe they were mostly a CIS thing.
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and what a wonderful time it will be
She has.
>Just look at when they used a jump to hyperspace in Rogue One when they were only a few hundred feet above a planet's surface. They completely broke the pre-established rules of Starwars physics and nobody gave a shit.
You shouldn't, but you can.
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someone said mass drivers?
You mean a Star Wars Role Playing Game session? Because that's pretty much what this seems inspired by
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Woah nelly
Governor Pryce femdom 34 WHEN?
I'm honestly salty about this.

Until TFA, this feat was only displayed by Anakin fucking Skywalker, Jedi Knight, and the Chosen One.

But now it seems they are bending that otherwise-miraculous achievement so that any hyper-talented pilot could pull it off.

Nigga you know he's just going to be obsessing about his revenge on Kallus now.

Poor Pryce can't catch a break.
Yeah, he lead an expeditionary force to Dantooine to see if the Rebels were there.
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>not pryce worshipping thrawn's huge brain
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the guide for that TCW episode mentions that it was a mistake and it was supposed to happen in orbit, but well, what's done is done, and, as we are talking Star Wars, what's done, will be done
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>Governor Pryce
No. That is pic related's speciality.

We all know Pryce likes to submit to the big blue cock.
It's Tarkin's body double that he used to escape from the Death Star. Now the real Tarkin works as a successful Coruscanti rapper- Tarpac
>(((Chosen One)))
Luke hasn't done that yet, anon.
I'll take more of her while we're at it.
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Collaboration with K2 when?
>I wonder if they pulled out their giant screen that they used with the pilots for it.

Speaking of which now that they can do this, what are the chances of their expanding this tech for full sets instead of usual green screen? It's a bit of a helping hand, but it could help actors with immersion.
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I surprised you have a holonet connection in that mud hut in the desert, Kenobi.
Leia a cute.

It'd also potentially be the perfect marriage between the mattes of old and greenscreen.
I don't see how. "Mattes of old" weren't visible for the actors.
>In fiction, a plot hole, plothole or plot error is a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot. Such inconsistencies include such things as illogical or impossible events, and statements or events that contradict earlier events in the storyline.
You listed none. Try again.
>illogical or impossible events
there you go
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oh my, bellator class is my legends shipfu
Man, that was a fun ship in Battlefront 2, fucking space shotguns.
you're in the wrong place
Something about Pryce's design is so strangely attractive to me. She doesn't appear traditionally hot other than her lovely lovelies, but I feel like she would be great if you ever got her feeling passionate. But you would need to be an Alpha plus plus kind of man for that to happen.
>any hyper-talented pilot
If you deserve that kind of title then you deserve to be able to pull of Jedi levels of fuckery with your spaceship.
>Whatshisname from Rogue One who just pushes the lever too early
>Wasting your time to get with an Imperial harpy past her middle age
>Not setting up for a cozy farming life with a Mirialan qt
>Imperial harpy past her middle age
If only the young Imperial cutie hadn't been blasted to bits by that callous bastard Kallus.

She looks like a dominatrix. Congratulations, you have a fetish.

A great festish.
Unlikely, considering that like half of them were Empire defectors.
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>that callous bastard Kallus.

Oh admit it, you love Krazy Kallus.

I'm sad we won't get to see him kill with glee again.
>illogical or impossible events
>literally the entire story of Star Wars
>That last post

Isn't that exactly what they did with her in the finale?
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>illogical or impossible events
>in Star Wars

Tell me more.
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Nu Leia a cute
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Gareth Edwards is cute in a nerdy pudgy white guy kind of way

So much potential if he would work out a bit. Gareth pls.
Huh, so Leia was secretly a Mirialan all along.....
This fetish needs to end.
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Please do not invite space Strayans to this board. Thank you.
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But apparently there's more
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Not my fetish Anon, Togruta all the way.
They even mocapped the hand?
But Anon, those don't get qt french accents.
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I wonder what he's looking at
>This anon didn't recognize Carrie Fisher's hand in Rogue One
normies need to get the FUCK out of my thread
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One last TarKino
Two lekku good, three lekku better!

>they all look good

Why did we stop wearing uniforms and boots again? Is there anything more flattering?
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>mfw people miss the pryce/spalko connection
s m h t b h f a m
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now this is qt french accents
Comfort > Fashion
Association with Fascism/Naziism/Totalitarianism/Imperialism

But those pants look comfy as fuck. Boots are also comfy, if they're decent quality.


Such bullshit, really. Not the clothes' fault.
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>you will never be an imperial officer aboard a capital ship

Not the Anon who requested it, but thanks famalam.
blame neoliberal crypto-communists for fostering guilt by association
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>>you will never fugg an imperial officer aboard a capital ship

Might as well tie my tubes.
I mean...
We have a real Navy
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sexy blue aliens.jpg
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what about four?
>wanting to be Imperial waste

>wanting to be Rebel trash

fuck off Kallus
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how did you know my fetish
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>tie my tubes
B-but, that's something that can only be done on a,
That's not in space

Anon, there are a lot of men pretending to be women on /co/.

Abandon ship!

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Well I'm glad we got that sorted out.
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>page 9

Billy D Williams voiced Lando in Rebels.
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*blocks your path*
How did anyone take him seriously with all that shit on him?
Actors usually know how to ignore things while performing and aren't held up by how something looks.
I wouldn't be surprised if they do a KOTOR trilogy after Episode 9. I can't see them jumping into Episode 10 right away, but with KOTOR they could still have an "event movie trilogy".
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