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Marvel's 'Generations': Original Wolverine, Hulk,

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-Iron Man (Tony Stark and Riri Williams) – written by Brian Michael Bendis
-Spider-Man (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) – Brian Michael Bendis
-Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers and Kamala Khan) – G. Willow Wilson
-Thor (Odinson and Jane Foster) – Jason Aaron
-Hawkeye (Clint Barton and Kate Bishop) – Kelly Thompson
-Hulk (Bruce Banner and Amadeus Cho) – Greg Pak
-Jean Grey (young and older) – Dennis Hopeless
-Wolverine (Logan and X23) – Tom Taylor
-Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell and Carol Danvers) – Margie Stohl
-Captain America (Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson) – Nick Spencer
>Jean Grey (young and older) – Dennis Hopeless
triple cancer
That's it then
Chip is our last possible hope for Peter
If his book doesn't do well...
>-Thor (Odinson and Jane Foster)

So a Thor book without Thor?
>Jean Grey (Jean Grey and Jean Grey) by a Hopeless Revolver Ocelot
Oh boy, I'm looking forward to the storytimes of pain already.
>logan, jean and bruce coming back

Whats the catch

>mar-vel clmming back

I have my doubts
>Does this really mean the return of the Logan, Bruce Banner and more?! One word -- Yes.
And Ross is doing all the art for this?
DC about to get crushed. I'm predicting 14%.
Only Wolverine, Hawkeye, and Captain Marvel (mar-vell and carol) aren't cringey new forced legacy takeovers

The rest of these are recent trash
I may be wrong, but there's also a generations mini too, written by Waid. That's the one Ross is in.
Are they really doing this?
>There are people who still read Marvel comics

For what reason?
Spencer on suicide watch
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Marvel some people need to stay dead
Disney owns ABC. Shouldn't be a surprise.
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Oh god, they're pulling an original X-5, but for the entire Marvel universe aren't they?
Does anyone outside of autistic 40+ yr old comic grognards even care??
Mar-Vell made Alan Scott look like a well fleshed-out multidimensional characterization.
Why not call it a "Rebirth" instead?
>"There's that old cliche, 'absences makes the heart grow fonder,'" he added. "You don't take these characters off the board with the intention to keep them off the board forever. One of the tropes of our medium is characters get a second wind. They die and come back. That's part of the beauty of what we do."
This is just going t be the legacies showing up the originals and the originals talking about how the legacies are so much better, isn't it?
>What I will tell you is we have an ingenious device [to bring them back]."

>Is this self-contained? Is this an alternate timeline?

>In one word: No.

>"These stories do happen, they really count. They really matter. This isn't some alternate reality story or some time-travel story," Alonso explained.

>There was real excitement coming from the 20-plus-year veteran of the publishing industry when Alonso added, "I wish I could tell you the mechanism [to bring these characters back], but that's also a bit of a spoiler."

Spoiler: it won't be ingenious

>Marvel has spent the last year supporting and embracing change. They've let characters like Morales step up as THE Spider-Man, along with the likes of an Amadeus Cho taking up the mantle of the Totally Awesome Hulk.

>But can the two coexist? Sure, someone like Stark can mentor Williams and Logan can certainly do the same for X-23, but what about both Spider-Men, the Hulks and two Jean Greys?
Article writer doesn't actually read any spider-books I see.
Because having the original teen X-men come to the present day universe has been nothing but garbage while Rebirth has actually been decent.
Mar-Vell was fucking awesome, shut your mouth. That said, no true Mar-Vell fan wants him back. He's one of the few characters that should stay dead. "Untold Tales of Captain Marvel" are all fine and good, but actually bringing him back? Fuck nah.
Why must Tony mentor Riri?

I would rather read about Tony and War Machine
Tony is already mentoring Riri. He's just doing it as an AI instead of from a flesh and blood body, but there really isn't any difference between a perfect AI download of his brain and his actual self.
One token black character at a time, Anon.
So, how badly did the ending of Secret Empire get changed so Cap and Sam could still be on the same page? Isn't this exactly what Spencer has been ranting on twitter about how terrible DC is with the Rebirth formula (going back to basics)?
Rhodey wasn't even a token when he was introduced.
War Machine is fucking dead.
Back...To formula?
So are at least four other people featured in this book.
Can't, don't own the rights and never will so long as Fox keeps pumping out crappy FF movies.
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Kobik just fixed everything probably.

What? Did you really think the Avengers, the most useless superhero team in the industry, was actually going to save the world by themselves?
They don't have the X-men rights either, that doesn't stop them from having a dozen X-books.
Wow. So the comics are so desperate for sales that Marvel begged their Disney overlord to have ABC shill for their entire line this time.
I know, but that's basically what he became. It's kind of tragic, honestly.
Kobik pulls the real Cap stranded in Hitlerverse
Nobody said they will be on the same page.

The characters aren't the problem, it's Marvel entire editorial and creative team that needs a goddamn cleasing enema.
X-books are guaranteed money makers, even if they're terrible, since x-fags wil buy anything. FF, on the other hand, haven't been big sellers in decades.
They tried phasing them out with the Inhumans.

It worked as well as expected.
I'm calling it now, time travel shenanigans. Each hero gets thrown back or some shit and teams up with their namesake.
Didn't Hackman's run sell? It was important for Secret Wars.
Really? I thought Hickman's run was a pretty big seller.
will they ever learn with the fucking events? I'm so tired of this
Yes, extremely well. It even outsold Batman a few times. It sold so well that it got 2 ongoings.
This is not.
If they're bringing back normal Logan then why are they shoving Old Logan in every new X Book?
Reboot then, whatever, it's all the same shit. Why don't they do what DC did instead of more meme-garbage?
This is not.

>Why don't they do what DC
You're aware DC has already announced it latest crossover, of the kind you hate so much?
Rumors is they also bringing Ultimate Wolverine Jimmy to 616.
>Slott letting Bendis write Peter
>Mar-vell coming back
One main mini and 10 spin-off minis, how is that not an event? Though it is hilarious how it's launching right when Secret Empire's still going.
Except Dark Days sounds based as fuck. Wow, the shills really are out in full force this morning, aren't they? Sad!
pretty sure Hickman's run sold well
>-Iron Man (Tony Stark and Riri Williams) – written by Brian Michael Bendis
>-Spider-Man (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) – Brian Michael Bendis
Oh great more bendis
>-Thor (Odinson and Jane Foster) – Jason Aaron
I want Aaron gone
>-Jean Grey (young and older) – Dennis Hopeless
Oh no
>-Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell and Carol Danvers) – Margie Stohl
What is this??? Don't drag him from the depths of death into this nightmare that is modern marvel
>-Captain America (Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson) – Nick Spencer
Maybe they'll just de-age OML.
>Hopless on jean grey

Why the fuck is he even still at marvel?
This might explain why Spencer seemed so assblasted on twitter a few months ago about Rebirth, though that seems to be his default twitter mode
>Romita Jr
>Lee sharing writing duties
>Edgy tone
>More Batman
Yes, it must be the shills. Idiot.
what about hickman?
Yes he was, he was good enough you didn't mind, and enough time has passed for the character to get a voice of his own.
The difference is that the newer ones are first a minority and then a character and the current writers are actual racists so it will be this way for a while.
>Romita Jr
Not only is Romita one of the best artists in the industry as made obvious by his top tier, genre-defining art over in All-Star Batman, but he's not even doing the art. Greg Capullo, someone that even the Marvel shills can't deny is a master of the medium, is doing the art. It's pretty much guaranteed to be a modern classic.
>Nova in the promotional splash
>not lined up for a Generations story
What the fuck?

Also, is this all just relaunches? Are they touting this "crossover" as being the Next Big Thing because they want to sell another million issues?

I can only hope nobody falls for this again, because I know it's going to happen.
hickman's run was actually a decent seller if I'm remembering correctly
Why couldn't this be a two-title ongoing between Champions/Avengers? like how Hickman's Avengers? Marvel is dumb
Snyder said that even though the lead in is called Dark Days, it's not going to be a grim story. It's big, dumb, loud summer blockbuster stuff.
>Not only is Romita one of the best artists in the industry as made obvious by his top tier, genre-defining art over in All-Star Batman
Holy shit. And you call others shills?
This is not.

This is not.
Nova isn't there because his ongoing is essentially what the one shots are about
>the newer ones are first a minority and then a character
Let me guess, you don't read them. Moon Girl, Blue Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Nova are all characters of their own.
These are just gonna be some embarrassingly hamfisted attempts at torch-passing, aren't they?

Like Banner clapping Cho on the shoulder and going "You're doing a great job of being Hulk I'm so proud of you kid"
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>Romita one of the best artists in the industry as made obvious by his top tier, genre-defining art over in All-Star Batman
So here's the article if you don't want to click through:

>Does this really mean the return of the Logan, Bruce Banner and more?! One word -- Yes.

>Last month, Marvel set the internet ablaze after sharing a tweet with just four simple words.

>"GENERATIONS – coming Summer 2017," was posted on Feb. 16, along with a picture that led to far more questions than answers.

>An Alex Ross art piece had the likes of Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson both sporting Captain America garb, Peter Parker and Miles Morales wearing Spider-Man gear, and Logan and X-23 in the classic Wolverine yellow and blue -- wait, what?! Wolverine died in 2014!

>There were 10 pairings in all, the rest just as shocking, given the current status of the fractured Marvel Universe. Fans have already mourned Logan and now the same can be said for Bruce Banner, whose 55-year-run came to a close when he died last year in "Civil War II." So what's going on?

>ABC News got on the horn with Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso to answer the questions running through fans' minds right now.
Spencer, how does it feel to have an event you have been crafting for a year be hijacked for the newest status quo?
>No Rightclops and Tykeclops by Rucka

Don't get mad just because you can't read a single article and figure out this isn't a relaunch nor a crossover.
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This is all her fault.
>"Generations" launches in July and runs through September. The full list of pairings includes:

>-Iron Man (Tony Stark and Riri Williams) – written by Brian Michael Bendis
>-Spider-Man (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) – Brian Michael Bendis
>-Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers and Kamala Khan) – G. Willow Wilson
>-Thor (Odinson and Jane Foster) – Jason Aaron
>-Hawkeye (Clint Barton and Kate Bishop) – Kelly Thompson
>-Hulk (Bruce Banner and Amadeus Cho) – Greg Pak
>-Jean Grey (young and older) – Dennis Hopeless
>-Wolverine (Logan and X23) – Tom Taylor
>-Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell and Carol Danvers) – Margie Stohl
>-Captain America (Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson) – Nick Spencer

>Aside from a late Logan and Banner, not to mention Stark left in some sort of coma following the end of "Civil War II," you also have a reeling Barton, struggling with the fact he just killed off his long-time Avengers teammate. There's more! You also have Rogers, who's just been outed (to fans) that he's Hydra! The heroes in the Marvel Universe will soon find this out too during the events of "Secret Empire." (Issue No. 0 hits stands next month).

>So, the universe is a mess, but these iconic pairs could unite the heroes. But first, really, how is this possible?

>"We are looking to honor the legacy of the entire universe, so we are taking the iconic legacy heroes and pairing them with the new class," Alonso said. "It very much indicates where we are going in the future with all of these characters and what we've been planning for some time for the universe."

>The trials and tribulations that this series will bring for the 10 pairings should "illuminate" who they are and "indicate where they will be moving in the future."

>Alonso is well aware of the question at the forefront of everyone's mind.
Spencer on suicide watch.
>Adult Scott dies so they bring back Jean
This is the worst X-Men timeline.
>"How did we do this is part of the fun," he said. "Right now, Rogers isn't much of a good guy. Why would Sam want to team up with him? Banner's dead! Logan's dead! These are questions that demand to be seen. What I will tell you is we have an ingenious device [to bring them back]."

>Is this self-contained? Is this an alternate timeline?

>In one word: No.

>"These stories do happen, they really count. They really matter. This isn't some alternate reality story or some time-travel story," Alonso explained.

>There was real excitement coming from the 20-plus-year veteran of the publishing industry when Alonso added, "I wish I could tell you the mechanism [to bring these characters back], but that's also a bit of a spoiler."

>The series will tell 10 stories and will affect the younger generation of superheroes as much as the classic ones coming back.

>For instance, Bendis told ABC News that "Riri is at the MOST impressionable stage of her life. Every reveal to her has fascinating potential," so you can imagine what teaming up with Stark could do.

>Furthermore, "The spiritual connection between Peter and Miles is so fascinating because they are SO different. They have different temperaments, different motivations, different upbringings, but their connection allows writers like myself to delve into the core principle of Spider-Man ‘with great power, must come great responsibility’ and examine it from a completely different perspective."

>For someone like Danvers, this can be a time to mentor a young Kamala Khan after she may have taken a bit of an image hit within the universe for her stance in "Civil War II."

This doesn't sound cool at all. Just more of Marvel not learning the right lessons like with Resurrection. And then once this does suck and no one likes it, they'll say "we gave you what you wanted, oh well."
>Moon Girl
Don't read her, the premise sounds like pandering af
>Blue Marvel
Not THAT new, not a legacy character. Its exactly what they should do.
>Ms Marvel
Read the first 6 issues. You can't say that shit wasn't pandering. So is Champions.
not a minority
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>No Novas
>No Ghost Riders
No buy
>"At its heart, 'MS MARVEL' is about growing up, and a big part of growing up is discovering that your idols have feet of clay -- and forgiving them for their flaws as you gain an adult understanding of your own. Carol and Kamala have a close, mentor-and-student kind of relationship, but it's been tested in some very serious ways. They've come down on opposite sides of important questions," Wilson said.

>Taylor shared very different sentiments about Logan's effect on an impressionable X-23.

>"Being alongside Logan will only strengthen Laura's resolve to be the best there is at what she does," he said. "Logan battled his demons, literally, until his dying breath. Laura has overcome most of her own demons in 'All-New Wolverine.' She's ready to show what else her claws can do. She's ready to step away from her violent past and use her claws for good. You know, good stabbing."

>Can the Marvel Universe handle all these dual characters? Alonso said that is the space they're now testing and playing in.

>"There's that old cliche, 'absences makes the heart grow fonder,'" he added. "You don't take these characters off the board with the intention to keep them off the board forever. One of the tropes of our medium is characters get a second wind. They die and come back. That's part of the beauty of what we do."

>Marvel has spent the last year supporting and embracing change. They've let characters like Morales step up as THE Spider-Man, along with the likes of an Amadeus Cho taking up the mantle of the Totally Awesome Hulk.

>But can the two coexist? Sure, someone like Stark can mentor Williams and Logan can certainly do the same for X-23, but what about both Spider-Men, the Hulks and two Jean Greys?

>Alonso says this question will certainly be answered in this series. Fans will have a grasp on what to expect moving forward.
We knew logan and Hulk were returning in CW2 thogh.
Nova is Mexican, bub. And I don't care how her "premise" sounds, Moon Girl is the best all ages title we've had since Marvel Adventures. Your post basically said you don't know what you're talking about, so why post?
>not a minority
Sam is a spic
I can't wait for Miles to always save the day while Peter openly wonders if he even needs to be Spider-Man anyone now that this hip, cool kid's in town.
>"[But] the answer might be different for each character," he added. "There's potential for friction, there's potential for team-ups. Minimally, it's something that's going to require food for thought and introspection on the part of every character. That's part of the goal when we were sculpting it."

>The stories will all intertwine but still be different at the same time.

>"Particularly in the United States, we culturally enshrine the idea of unique genius and shun conformity; we like our hero to be the Chosen One, not the Chosen Two. That's the tension that makes every legacy character so rich and fraught and complex," "Captain Marvel" writer Margaret Stohl added.

>ABC News and Marvel are both part of parent company Disney.
Except they've already teamed up several times and that has never happened.
I have a gut feeling we're going to have two separate Marvel comics lines after this. A Legacy Line for the newer heroes and a Classic Line for the old guard. Now, will it be separate universes> A classic Marvel and a New Marvel. I guess we'll see.

>Marvel's face when the classic line sells better
Hickman was on the series from #570-611
>Fantastic Four #570 - 62,335
>Fantastic Four #611 - 45,322
Also the series was successful enough that it had a spin off series, FF
>And I don't care how her "premise" sounds
Ok, I didn't read that anyways.

> Your post basically said you don't know what you're talking about, so why post?
Because Riri, Miles, Kamala, Jane, Cho and so on.

didn't even notice, I just read the previous ongoing and the first 2 issues of the current one and don't make a big deal out of it
>Last month, Marvel set the internet ablaze after sharing a tweet with just four simple words
Really? I don't remember.
>b-but it's okay when deecee does it
Every. Time.
>we have an ingenious device [to bring them back]."
>Is this self-contained? Is this an alternate timeline?
>In one word: No.
didn't someone liken this to House of M except with Kobik & Steve at the center?
>The trials and tribulations that this series will bring for the 10 pairings should "illuminate" who they are and "indicate where they will be moving in the future."

They know.
>We're bringing back people you like.
Oh that's ni...
>And teaming them with the ones you hate so the OGs can tell you how great the kids are and you'll finally like them too!
I get the feeling this will be Marvel's Convergence... bringing back classic characters in a stupidly convoluted way in a shitty story
Literally doesn't preach anything, bub
They are so desesperate that they are outdoing their SJW agendas to see if they can even compete with DC summer event.


Marvel Comics gonna get rekt son
> Captain marvel (Mar-vell and carol danvers)

Fucking what?

> Kate Bishop "I'M WOMON HEAR ME ROAR" Hawkeye
> Not cringey
Surely you jest

Honestly this generations thing is just fucking sad.
This post is absolute cancer.
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Hawkeye is my favorite Marvel character but I'd rather give a rub for a character that never had an ongoing before than pairing him with Kate in a book again.
fuck of waifufag
So is your mom but I still fuck her!!!
jk aside what I said is fucking true

The only reason DC is not #1:
> Marvel outshipping and giving free copies that still count in Diamond Charts
> Have more Comics
> 3,99/2,99

Just see the difference between DCYou and Rebirth and tell me that DC didn't catch up with marvel
No, bro, you post is still cancer. Marvel's "SJW agenda" is only present in three or four books from the 40 they publish. And nothing is being "undone". You're just a DC fanboy.
Wait, so Carol Danvers is in this event as both Ms. and Captain Marvel? How the fuck will this work?
This will be a fucking dumpster fire
> Mosaic, Ms.Marvel, Nova, Occupy Avenger, Champions, Hulk and so on so on
> 4 out of 40

Sure dude
You can't count
>Occupy Avengers
Not SJW.
Not SJW. Oh wait, you don't even read it, you just know he's asian.
Maybe her interactions with Captain Marvel are shown in a flashback?
This is just going to be an entire line of books with pet characters shitting on the classics.
This will sadly happen, nobody wants your shit Bendis rEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I read the first 4 or so and didn't get sjw out of it. Same for Nova.
Champions a literal shit though.

The thing is, that maybe a book isn't sjw in its entirety but most almost always end up getting there some time. The new Hulk one(Jen, not Cho) for example with le epic gay friend and le epic I men hating scenes.

>Carol does some shit with Kamala
>Carol does some shit with Mar-Vell
not that hard anon.
Occupy Avengers is literally Tumblr the book
Peter and Miles have coexisted for years and it never happened. They've met multiple times and it has been written by Bendis. Moron.
How? Because of wanting to help an indian reservation? It's not SJW, just face it.
Except all of these characters have teamed up in the past with no shitting involved.
Hopefully DC's Summer event does well and they can push their next inevitable "Soft" reboot back another 5 years.
Is it just one faggot or is shill force out today?
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Nah they're gonna take a page from Marvel's playbook and soft reboot all the characters individually.
>Coexisted for years
Two years are barely anything
"Spider-Men" Crossover before don't count
>In an era post Bendis wanting to kill Peter
He will take every opportunity to shit on him
Just because he didn't do it before doesn't mean he won't do it now
I'm gonna screencap your post and go to the story times patiently waiting for you to get BTFO
>all this identity shit about facing your race

Bitch don't act like a nigga, bitch won't be treated like a nigga. Simple enough to me.
How'd you miss America.
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>Nova is Mexican
No, he's American. He's from Arizona. Born and raised. And his dad is a white guy.
>They've let characters like Morales step up as THE Spider-Man

I understand marvel just straight up lies in these interviews but hot damn.
He's still brown in the latest volume.
The only SJW one from your list is Champions. Just because a book stars a minority doesn't mean it's SJW you faggot.
Italians are also brown. That doesn't suddenly make an Italian-American not an American.
>They've let characters like Morales step up as THE Spider-Man

Yeah, no. Once Miles starts selling at Peter's numbers then you can make that claim.
>Same writers
Game over
>Mar-Vell brought back
>Same creatives
>Same lack of editing
You only have yourself to blame if you fall for this.
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>Same person who writes shit like this is supposed to also write a "celebration" of the original character

Who the fuck are they kidding?
DC's reboot is proportional to the state of their comics
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>Spider-Man (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) – Brian Michael Bendis
>So, will the resurrected heroes remain once the story told in “Generations” concludes? Alonso wouldn’t answer straightaway, though he offered some clues.
“The answer might be different for each character. There’s potential for friction, there’s potential for team-ups. Minimally, it’s something that’s going to require food for thought and introspection on the part of every character. That’s part of the goal when we were sculpting it.”
Time displaced versions.

Yay. Except spiderman and nova.
So the Miles book is just gonna be 5 issues of Peter talking about how great Miles is and how much cooler he thinks Miles' costume is, right?
B-but Alonso says it isn't a time travel story. He would not lie to us, right?
Then you didn't actually read any of those team ups. Because that's ALL that happens.
You can just admit that you don't actually read comics. It's really obvious, Anon.
Nah. Miles beat Peter in a fight, yeah, but Peter never went "wow, I guess I'm not needed anymore"

But I do, DCasual.
Either time displaced, soft reboot, or cube resets characters back or revives them.
Time travel requires going back in time. This is present day.

Could be cube related instead.
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>Jean Grey Dennis Hopeless
It's like they want to lose money.
>exact same sable of writers
What's the point.
not that guy, but he has been doing almost shockingly good work recently
>The spiritual connection between Peter and Miles is so fascinating because they are SO different. They have different temperaments, different motivations, different upbringings

Boy, I wish I knew what those motivations were.

While Im at it, I also wish any writer other than Bendis knew what those differences were so they could stop writing Miles as either a block of wood or Peter Parker lite
they've both gotten pretty preachy recently
To teach everyone their mistake for asking for a Marvel """Rebirth""".
>Marvel publishes 40 books
try over a hundred
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I liked the idea and then I saw this post
>implying Bendis knows

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? This is absolutely hopeless.

Jean fucking Grey.
I wish, I could give them less, but I am not even paying any cent for Marvel.
Closer to 100. Marvel's biggest problem is that they have way too many books.
Not really.
I only want to things from this.
>the Captain Marvel one will be all in Carol's head and/or is set the past so that Vell stays dead

>if through some miracle this is successful, we get a second round with Rich/Sam Nova, Danny/Johnny/Robbie Ghost Rider, Wendell/Avril Quasar, Jan/Nadia Wasp (written by Waid), and... shit, I dunno, one for the new Giant Man once Pymtron is back. I'd be happy with an Erik/Bill Foster's son Goliath, too.
Last Crusade was top-tier and while I don't really care for All-Star's writing, the art is pretty good
>Why the fuck is he even still at marvel?
Because nobody else will hire him
Movie rights. Sorry but the FF might as well be dead.
Dudes coming back.
This. A billion times this.
>I wish I could tell you the mechanism [to bring these characters back]
They just want to emulate the awesome success of the O5 for the rest of the Marve Universe!

Of course, I don't think all of them are staying. Obviously Wolverine won't be around with OML, Laura and now seemingly Jimmy Hudson.
Axel says they're staying. Could be cube related.

Retro versions with legacies is the next direction. However they only kept it down to 11 retro versions.

You can easily write the cube zapping the old ones into their old selves or making copies.

This is running around right next to secret empire.
So they are bringing some characters from the death to reassure that these heroes are ok with the new generation?

that it? that no only sounds forced but it also sound like an awful way to bring back a character from the death.
>Not laughing at Kate's suffering from imaginary offenses
It's like you read these things to find stuff you can be mad over rather than to have fun.
Why wouldn't they be? They're not butthurt fans.
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>Nah. Miles beat Peter in a fight, yeah, but Peter never went "wow, I guess I'm not needed anymore"

He never says it, Bendis just shows it.
can it be the end of the SJW madness that have been fucking up Marvel Comics in the last years?
will this be the long awaited turn around, where Marvel finally give the fans what they want and save the comic book industry?

of course not, they will end ruining this too
I am not arguing that, i am saying that the execution of that idea sounds awful.
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>-Spider-Man (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) – Brian Michael Bendis

Oh boy! I can't wait for tons of interactions like pic related, where Peter just keeps talking about how much better Miles is.
is Bendis literally a 12 year old who thinks a black and red color scheme makes everything automatically cooler
Because Ghost Riders don't sell. Look at all the unadvertised relaunches and stealth minis they've done over the last 5 years.

They could 100% get rid of every shred of SJW shit in their comics and it wouldn't actually improve anything even slightly, because the problem was never "SJW shit" and only idiots who don't actually read comics fell for that meme and thought that was ever the problem.

They could have every issue of every comic be forced to include an obligatory scene calling Trump the lord and savior while crucifying SJW strawmen and it wouldn't improve anything.
>When you hate Conservatives so much that you think good storytelling is bad.

Nick Spencer needs to leave this planet.
>le SJW ruining le comics
>not shit writers, shit editors and overexposing the same IPs over and over
It is part of the problem though. I stopped reading Ewing because his preaching got worse.
>Bruce Banner is coming back to life

Fuck. How long has he even been dead, half a year?
>Wendell/Avril Quasar
Has Avril Quasar even done anything yet? I just keep seeing panels of her training / making out with her black girlfriend.
He died last June. This will be out in July, so it'll be one year.
Show me the page that triggered you, anon.
>points out sjw strawman logic rant
>its own post is a strawman logic rant
>do not address what he believe is the real problem, just want to make a point that SJW isn't it.
> because I need my feminist agenda
that's more your autism flaring up
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This was the last straw for Ultimates. With US Avengers, it was the first issue with the muh immigrants strawman.
She output about ten times the destructive force of Hyperion, Spectrum (might've been Blue Marvel), and Starbrand combined when the Great Wall of Hydra was being tested.
I feel like shit like this is why the Ultimate Universe was so amazing. If you wanted a black Hulk you could just fucking make a new character and plop him down in the Ultimate Universe and nobody would've cared, or if suddenly Thor wasn't Thor you just get some random girlfriend from his past to pick up the hammer, and still no one would've cared.

But because there's only one fucking Universe now you've got people who might have good intentions and want to try new things, but can't use the experimental universe and have to fuck up the main universe.

Then you've got Bendis who just wants as many IP's of his as possible out there in hopes that Disney uses them in the movies.
Marvel list of problems:
1-Disney is not in control of Marvel Comics.
2- Marvel comics editors are idiots.
3-endless pandering to SJW and Tumblr community
4-very bad plots, very badly developed and reused many times

or the simple version:
1- Loeb
3-Sjw feminazi agenda overdrive
dubs confirm
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>no Rightclops.
Fucking hell.
>But because there's only one fucking Universe now
Except, you know, that's pretty fucking far off from the truth.
>s-shit writers can't be SJW

oy vey
>2- Marvel comics editors are idiots.

This. They might as well not exist at all with the work they're doing. Fucking useless.
when did /co/ become in favor of asshole dudebros with manbuns
Okay so, hyping up her power level, okay. Has she actually done anything with it? Fought a villains or something?
>muh immigrants strawman.
What strawman? What's wrong with having immigrants say that they're proud of being American?
Oh right excuse me.

>But because there's only one line of comics from Marvel right now

That's probably better. Aside from Web Warriors what else goes outside the main universe right now? And America I guess.
What's wrong with this? Are you uncomfortable with someone who shares your views being portrayed negatively? So uncomfortable with it that you think having it in comics at all is offensive? Because that makes you sound exactly like one of those Tumblr hysterics who keep crying for more positive representation.

There was no pro-refugee message in USAvengers.
The real problem is the non-existent editors and hack writers steering the ship. None of that is changing. That you needed this spelled out for you just further proves you have no fucking idea what is bringing Marvel down and just want to shitpost about "m-muh SJWs."
>listing someone that isn't even working at the comics division instead of Alonso
never mind that they're all legal and none of them are Muslim so I'm pretty sure he's creating the strawman in his own mind
Because "immigrants" aren't actually Americans. They're leeches, stealing jobs from actual hard working true Americans. Fuck, this place really is /co/mblr, isn't it?
the list is mine and I put any name I want there, even fucking Stan Lee.
if you dont like, make a better list, I dare you
Not an argument.
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Ewing made his strawman as obnoxious as possible on purpose.
He had Sam Guthrie talk about Americans needed to help everybody.
Ewing is consistently one-sided and everyone who disagrees with him is either stupid or evil. This is agitprop.
>Aside from Web Warriors
That got canned a while ago. Spider-Gwen is in an AU.

Also, at the end of Hickman's Secret Wars, they show Reed and Franklin just endlessly creating universes. Several other universes are discussed in both New Avengers and Ultimates, too.
You're conflating illegal immigration with legal immigration.
Not really. Marvel Internet fans are toxic whiners.
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>They're leeches, stealing jobs from actual hard working true Americans
I don't see what's wrong with this page.
illegal immigrants take jobs that Americans don't want to do so that doesn't really hold up either
>Because "immigrants" aren't actually Americans
The only "actual" Americans are Native-Americans, everyone else is either an immigrant or descended from immigrants, most likely yourself included.
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>we want the rebirth audience but don't want to offend of the tumblr """audience"""
Absolutely gutless. Exactly what I expect from Marvel.
>Fuck, this place really is /co/mblr, isn't it?
the tumblerinas who don't have friends nor followers come here to rant and preach, makes them feel relevant.
>He had Sam Guthrie talk about Americans needed to help everybody.
I don't think that's what he actually said
You don't see the problem with Outlaw suddenly going from "I felt guilty about killing all those criminals" to "BRITS ARE SO MEAN BECAUSE THEY WANT TO DENY MIGRANTS THE DOLE"?
The only difference is a piece of paper, a piece of paper that gets handed out to anyone that asks as long as they're not a straight white man, and you know it.
Not really. Invaders keepers. Plus europeans wrote the papers that make you american not mudd hutters.
Black people are lazy, mexicans steal work for 10% what normally you'd pay for. There's a difference
>not a muhmuhmuhmuhmuh
>Niggers are too lazy to work
>Mexicans are stealing jobs
How is that hard to understand?
he's literally just talking about dehumanization for political purposes
Blew up some chitauri.
I guess that's why middle-Americans and blue collar workers get so ticked off when corporations move their factories out of the country. Jackass.
>No Novas
Do you know this is basically what's happening with the actual Nova ongoing? It's good Anon and we are a few issues in, read it, you'll thank me later.
>mexicans steal work
farmers across the country have repeatedly said that white people don't show up to replace Mexican farmhands when the Mexicans are hiding from ICE
>that gets handed out to anyone that asks as long as they're not a straight white man
Are you seriously trying to claim that white Europeans have a hard time getting legal status in America? You can't be serious.
>what else goes outside the main universe right now?
Europe and the US can't be the safety net for the entire world, it's unsustainable.
But Ewing will never, ever have a character disagree with him rationally. They'll either be pure evil or stupidly flummoxed like Frank.
you're conflating two completely different things
Like what that Westminster guy did when he rammed that woman under the bus and stabbed all those people! Brilliant!
Again, you seem to be missing the point of the page.
Usa indeed does prefer non whites. Thats racial discrimination.

Sad for a former 80 percent white nation.
So, what, a character isn't allowed to have an opinion unless that opinion reaffirms your view point? If it was USAgent saying that shit, then sure, I could understand why you might be annoyed, but this? It's a fucking non-issue.
>it's unsustainable.
our global economy and consumption rates are unsustainable.
that's literally not what he's saying
>Usa indeed does prefer non whites. Thats racial discrimination.
Post proof of white Europeans being denied entry then. Just beause there's now more non-white immigration doesn't mean that Europeans can't still move to America if they wanted to. It's just that Europeans don't really have much of a reason to move to America anymore while people from other places do.
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It keeps happening in every single issue he writes.
Look up the stats yourself. Spend even one day on /pol/. Stop taking everything that the MSM and tumblr shove down your throat at face value and think for yourself. It's plain as day for anyone that cares to actually open their eyes and see that straight white men are being discriminated against for no other reason than their race or gender. Immigration officials actively try and block more white men from entering the country because they feel threatened by it, and it would get in the way of their agenda to turn white men into a minority that they so desperately want.
Is this thread really turning into politics? Because if so I'm out
>Spend even one day on /pol/
and there it is
No. I would have said so if there were. Between the training, girlfriend, and energy blast, her list of noteworthy activities is complete. Beyond those, she's appeared in one additional scene, which was just Cap saying he'd need her help with something in the future.

New Rulk explicitly says he doesn't like mutants on the page he's introduced. Now maybe you could say that this is portraying him as stupid because he's a conservative military man, but that says more about your projections than it does his politics.

What has Ewing even written that's handled political topics seriously?
And depending on how you look at it, 2099. Marvel is pretty inconsistent on whether that's a literal future of current 616 or a completely separate alternate universe.
>Spend even one day on /pol/

someone call the mods, we need some quarantine here
He's talking about poverty. What about it?
It also explains why his USAvengers are what they are in terms of composition. Wonder what he thinks of good ol Britannia now that it's Muslim population's getting all HYDRA.
He's talking about how the depression was worse for blacks than it was for whites and that triggers him.
>It keeps happening in every single issue he writes.
Now (You)'re just being silly
Again, I don't see what's wrong with this page. Are you saying that black men didn't have it rough during the Great Depression? Or that a black man raised during the Great Depression wouldn't hold this viewpoint?

It's one thing having a character contradict previously established characterization to go on a politically charged rant. It's another thing entirely to have them make a couple inoffensive, barely political comments comments that are entirely in character for them.

I'm starting to think you're actually just a false-flagging tumblrite trying to make /co/mrades look bad because there's no way you could be this fucking stupid and easily triggered.
I never asked for, nor do I want replacement heroes. Some of the stories have been good, sure, but I want to read about the people who made the name mean something, not some new person who got the name and is trying to live up to it. That's good for a story, but not for the dozen characters Marvel has done it to recently.
Build bridges, not walls! Open borders, you fascist!
Just because there are more non-white immigrants than white immigrants now doesn't mean that America is turning white immigrants away.
It's downplaying the suffering of non-blacks during the Great Depression, dimwit.
now you're just making things up
I was under the impression that is one of a multitude of possible futures.
>I'm starting to think you're actually just a false-flagging tumblrite trying to make /co/mrades look bad because there's no way you could be this fucking stupid and easily triggered.
You underestimate the stupidity of the average /pol/tard.
I am now convinced this is a false-flag
Keep telling yourself that, kiddo.
He had to include the "hurr lazy poor whites don't want to work these jobs" meme.
I'm pretty sure the depression was equally bad for a lot of poor people.
There was a time when Ewing could be liberal in ways that didn't annoy me (David Cameron did sound like a psycho fascist when he said this), but that time is now over.
Only ones I can still see being tolerable are Pak and maybe Wilson (Haven't been reading the latest Ms.Marvel run so don't know how it's been going).

Have no idea who Margie is and how Taylor Wolverine book has been, but wew a bunch of these are gonna be shit.
The burden is on you to provide proof. Who exactly is preventing whites from immigrating and how are they doing it?
More importantly, if this is actually happening, how come your God-Emperor Trump hasn't brought it up?
Good idea. They can set one up around that festering cyst up your ass
That implies he can estimate at all.
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Yes, just like MC2 was at its creations. But, like MC2, 2099 may also be an entirely separate universe. It was when the original 90s series (pic related, for example... which is also supported by Contest of Champions) was being published. It really depends on who is writing the books.
>I'm pretty sure the depression was equally bad for a lot of poor people.
so? He's talking about his personal experience, not making a grand sweeping statement about everyone who lived through the Depression
Bendis on Peter. Press F to pay respect
No. Bendis is fucking terrible when he writes 616 Peter.
That you're annoyed by this says more about you than it does Ewing. Not a single thing you've posted is even remotely "SJW." It is, at worst, "not conservative." And if having characters say things that aren't explicitly conservative talking points is enough to get you to drop all his books despite apparently liking them otherwise, then that doesn't really make you any better than the SJWs. In fact, it makes you worse since at least the SJWs don't pretend like they're not trying to push an agenda.
>dat shit talent
No shame in stopping making comics Marvel, just focus on movies and move one
Fuck We're doomed.
Holy fucking shit, are you seriously complaining about a JUDGE DREDD PARODY being too over-the-top with its portrayal of fascism? What the absolute fuck are you on about?

Off course. You know Peter is going to die don't you?

Exactly. Being a peterfag is suffering
Abandon thread. I wonder if it's the same guy who storytimes the US Avengers issues only to complain about it the entire time. They skipped the last quarter of the issue last time
It both is and isn't. "616" is indeed the "past" of 2099, but 2099 is also often classified as its own alternate universe. Same deal with the OG Guardians of the Galaxy or MC2. They're both treated as an alternate universe and "the future." They have their own universal designations seperate from 616 yet when they time-travel to the past, they end up in 616.
Go back to reading your Holy Menstruation comics.
>You know Peter is going to die don't you?
different guy but I wouldn't be surprised if Slott ended his run with Peter biting it just to be a dick
>Slott's run
Bendis tried to kill him in CWII, but Slott told him to fuck off. Its only a matter of time before Bendis gets what Bendis wants. Editorial already bends over backwards to cater to any of Bendis's wants and needs. They're too afraid to even correct him when he says University of Cambridge is in London or that Google existed in 1996 and was a common verb at the time.
>Slott told Bendis to fuck off
/co/'s average reading comprehension is still shot to buttfuck nowhere I see
If anyone would actually approve of Cho being Hulk it would be Banner considering he actually already did that in the comic, mate.
So the source is your ass, got it. Did you miss the part where Spider-man is about to get a movie? And that he's getting yet another ongoing that even has "Peter Parker" in the name?
I think what that Anon was concerned about is that these are all books announced for after Secret Empire ends.
Nova is down to 19k with issue 3, so it definitely won't last much longer. With it being absent on the relaunch roster about the old and the new teaming up, there's a reason to be concerned.
>You will never get paid to let a guy fuck up
>You will never get paid to do nothing
Ha no.
Peter is the company's biggest moneymaker, they ain't killing him.
Try again, casual faggots. It happened:

OK? Where in there does it say that they're going to kill off Peter Parker. It explicitly says that they're NOT going to kill off Peter.
kill hopeless devour hopeless!
>Reading comprehension

You fail at it. The point was: Bendis has been trying to kill Peter, so he could shill Miles even harder and have Miles take over the Spider-Man name full time for a while now.
>Slott WHISPERS to the guy reporting he knows it won't be Peter
>most of the table shifts attention to someone else

>S-S-Slott totally screamed at Bendis to let Peter leave

Ergo, /co/'s reading comprehension is still shot to buttfuck nowhere.
>The future is brown!
And they're surprised that people are calling diversity "white genocide." You're openly announcing that white people have no place in the future...
You said that Peter Parker is going to get killed off. Nowhere in there does it say that Peter Parker is going to get killed off. If Bendis "always gets what he wants" like you seem to think, then peter would have been killed in CWII. He wasn't.
that would be redundant as that already kinda happened and was great.
>>S-S-Slott totally screamed at Bendis to let Peter leave
>thinks someone actually claimed this
>thinks the article shows the actual interactions of the meeting in question
>accuses others of lacking reading comprehension.

Oh the irony.
And yet Peter Parker is still alive.
They are. Brownies have no reason to be here.
>You said that Peter Parker is going to get killed off.

That was a different anon, you dumb mongoloid. I was saying that there is actual evidence that said anon's statement might have some merit. Bendis has a history of wanting to kill Peter.

Again: reading comprehension. You utterly fail at it.
>Bendis writing the Peter and Miles team up
Man, I hope that's not legit, I actually wanted that book on my pull list, but if it's Bendis I sure as hell ain't paying for it..
Sorry Shlomie, it is naturally a fluff piece but at this point you just want what inside your head to be true - and your headcanon is dope and all but you might as well hop on to fanfiction.net and write "The True Civil War II Meeting" where Slott yells at Bendis "fuck off!!!" and he relents.
Right. Because Slott told Bendis to go suck a dick. As originally said by >>90998016

Try to keep up.
Oh, you're just baiting. Got it. Here's your (you)
Wow. Only Hulk will be half decent
Maybe for (you) :^)

I have no doubt Bendis wants to do everything in his power and beyond to prop Miles forevermore but like everybody else said, it's not like Marvel is going to bend its back to have him killed off when he has a movie out this year and they always bend their spine 5 ways from Sunday for SYNERGY.

Peter Parker still makes much more money than Miles Morales.
>implying they won't just launch another teen Spider-Man book, ala Spidey (even if its just a mini), for said synergy
>"hurr lazy poor whites don't want to work these jobs"
You clearly don't understand what's being said. He's not saying that the whites didn't want the jobs because they were lazy, but because they were shitty jobs that didn't pay shit. But once the depression people who didn't have any job resented a black man that had a job even if it was a shitty one.
Not how it works

If that were the case BuckyCap wouldn't have been undone poorly and rushed out like fuck in Fear Itself, they'd just make "Steve Rogers' Excellent WW2 Adventures" a monthly.

Same deal with Superior Spider-Man getting undone just in time for Amazing Spider-Man 2 and forcing Duggan into complying what GotG2 is going to be doing.

They want readers to recognize the key players as the same ones in the movies on the main continuity, even if all the baggage is going to make it barely accessible to newcomers.
>Not how it works
I don't know if you realize this... but we already have solicitations for all of ASM's books through August. And nothing in ASM even hints at alleged synergy (he will still be dealing with Osborn and Superior Octopus/Secret Empire stuff). So if they're going to do it, they're going to launch a new book in July.
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This is gonna be shit
Having Spider-Man be Peter Parker is literally it. Back when Fear Itself happened every book was busy fighting Norse Gods of fear and that sort of BS, but they still got Cap in the suit just in time for the movie the same way.
What's up with Taylor? Superior Iron Man was excellent, but his Earth 2 was an immediate freefall from Robinson and his ANW has been extremely lacklustre (it doesn't even have good art to carry it).

which they have to announce within the next three weeks
Fear Itself came out after TFA though
>Guise, they're totally gonna do synergy with le movies!
>See, look at this list of examples of bad stories because of le synergy!
>What? Solicitations already prove I'm wrong?
>Guise, he JUST needs to be Peter Parker! THAT is the synergy!

Keep it up.
>>Talking shit about Taylor.
Right, my "comics should be apolitical or give equal time" agenda.
No, I said that page is fine, even though it's blatantly liberal, because Cameron deserved to be parodied for saying that.
>Superior Iron Man was excellent
it wasn't, /co/ just memes it because they like Tony acting like a villain
It was better than Superior Spider-Man, that's a certainty, though.
Nah, that was already all covered on how this baggage makes it unfriendly to newcomers (they didn't stop the NORSE GODS OF BS arc either in its tracks to match the movies). But if this helps feed your headcanon that Bendis only stopped himself from killing Peter because Slott told him to fuck off as opposed to Marvel as a whole saying that's dumb, more power to you.
my dog's poops are better than Superior Spider-man, that doesn't make them excellent
>>All New Wolverine
Dafaq you talking about?
No, 3rd issue was already out by the time TFA released.
ah shoot I got my dates wrong
Taylor is garbage, ANW is horrible and you know it.

>same fucking writers
Dead on Arrival, I had my hopes up for one second this would be a modern remake of Marvels with Ross on art lol shame on me.
Anyways this sounds like a series of 1 shots designed to boost sales of the failing legacy books, kinda like when DC did this with Zero Hour's #0 issues, where before fucking off to wherever, the old hero will say "gee whiz, I'm sure glad there's a [Insert Hero's name] like you to carry on for me when I'm done.

Phoenix isn't coming back, Mar-Vell for sure isn't coming back, Spider-Men and Ms. Marvels may be in continuity and not involve time travel BS but that's it.

Marvel is dead folks move on until Axel and Sana are fired.
Yes it was, you tasteless retard
It's just really forgettable. It's not really bad, just kinda underwhelming.
Hopeless is the Chuck Austen of our age.
but she's the only editor who actually does her job
Isn't Taylor also writing Injustice?
The heads of DC aren't even conservative, they're as liberal as they come.
They just don't use the "piss off the fans to get them to buy more books" business model.
As far as Nick is concerned, anything that isn't loudly liberal might as well be for right wing.
Its cosmic cube related.
he just equates DC and right-wing in his head because he hates both of them and everything he hates is the same
So this is basically going to be a circle jerk of the new characters and how they're better than the originals? Nah Marvel can keep it.
Please it's easily one of best books out.

Well I beg to differ, this book has phenomenal for me.
I wouldn't know, I don't give two shits about Injustice.
Especially with Darkseid as fucking pre order content.
oh so you just have shit taste
>all these shit writers
this is going to be pathetic and all of them will amount to the older saying how proud/happy they are of the younger taking their place
When will marvel get its head out of it's ass?
For not caring about Shitjustice?
no, for liking ANW
for not caring about a dlc ridden Mortal kombat reskin?
or for not liking a comic that stopped being fun to read after year 2
Are NAAARRGS a thing that Netherrealms or DC require? Because I've yet to see a single one in AN Wolverine.
The only pairs that haven't had regular team ups anyway are Jean/Jean, and Stark and the Riri.

Everything else here is retread, but with one of the set in a goddawful shitshow of a modern status quo, and the other from some nebulous ill defined point in the past.

The best this could POSSIBLY turn out is like the O5. Meaning terrible.
Marvel's forgotten that the reason why everyone liked Spider-Man was because everyone hated him in-universe.
Our only hope is that Hopeless will have adult Jean be utterly repulsed by teen Jean's decisions.
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They've done it before.

Marvel's been pretty media leaky since at least Death of Captain America.
llike forcing iceman to be gay?
>the reason why everyone liked Spider-Man was because everyone hated him in-universe

You have literally no idea why anyone likes that character.
>>"shit taste"
>>"AKA you like something I don't so I'll be a faggot about it."
>Marvel's forgotten that the reason why everyone liked Spider-Man was because everyone hated him in-universe.

people like Spider-Man, because he's young and hip
>The thing about Peter Parker is that there was so much about him not to like. Indeed, he’s the kind of kid that most other kids who were typical readers would have, under ordinary circumstances, distanced themselves from in school. Think about it: He wore glasses, neatly pressed pants and sweater vests.

>He was a brain–the kind of guy who wrecked the grade curve.

>His aunt babied him and he let her.

>He whined constantly about all his problems.

>He never, ever, wanted to go out and have a good time. Instead, he was studying constantly.

>He wasn’t on any teams.

>Let’s face it. Peter Parker was not the sort of guy who anyone would have been friends with in real life.

>But Stan Lee and Steve Ditko created a hero whom, nevertheless, we rooted for. We liked him (no small feat) not in spite of his failings, but because of them. Because we were able to relate to his struggle against tremendous odds and, ultimately, we admired him for his resolute ability to pick himself up, no matter how many times he got knocked down, and keep coming back.
Today's young Marvel heroes: "Look it's X isn't X great?"

I don't like Peter Parker.
I like Spider-Man though.
>I don't like Peter Parker.
Get the fuck out of here, Milesfag. Your kind isn't welcomed anywhere outside of Tumblr.
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>No Nova


He's on the poster

Marvel seems to hate Nova and refuses to give him any promotion at all

thats an interesting leap
Nova doesn't need a Generations mini because his monthly is already that same approach
Oh boy! A new shitty series about the Real Heroes shilling the shitty new ones to try and convince us they are good!!!! Just what I asked for. Oh wait! I didn't ask for this!
Either because Nova is already using the same formula Generations will have or there are no plans to have a Nova book then.
I want to know, does saying Tumblr really mean anything, or is it just a buzzword that's meaning varies wildly between each usage?
>does saying Tumblr really mean anything
Its a safe space/echo chamber for SJWs and diversityfags. The overwhelming majority of which don't even bother reading comics. They just enjoy characters for superficial reasons (i.e. Miles is cool because's he's black/not white).
So, Taylor is also writing Shitjustice then?
White people only exist due to a freak mutation that caught on.
>G. Willolol
>Nick Spencer
I already know this will be a shit.
only the comic
>The overwhelming majority of which don't even bother reading comics.

How is that different from /co/?
>Jean Grey (young and older) – Dennis Hopeless
This one is so shit that must be purposeful.
they're essentially mirrors of eachother
/co/ and tumblr are pretty alike.
though /co/ does sometimes care about who writes comics
>classic characters returning
>same garbage creative teams

And retards will fall for the nostalgiabait
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But that's the Marvel way of doing legacy characters.

>Legacy character: "I am a better version of you!"
>Original character: "You really are much better than me, how can I even compete?"

Remember Wally West struggling through 3 different runs and one decade until he accepted that he shouldn't be ashamed of being on pair with Barry? Yep.
>I was saying that there is actual evidence that said anon's statement might have some merit
Which isn't what I was asking for a source on, you dumb fucking mongoloid. I was asking for a source on "Peter Parker is already confirmed to be killed XD" which the original anon was saying.
finds a way
>Peter Parker is going to get killed
>Here's an interview that says that Peter Parker isn't going to get killed
>then how do you know that Peter Parker is going to get killed?
OK, anon.

i love how people can't take a joke

There are zero jokes on /co/. 100% of users are serious, 100% of the time.
As one of the world's few Marvfags, I would pay good money for him not to return. The Death of Captain Marvel was one of the earliest comics that I remember making me feel a whole slew of emotions, Mar-Vell was the best and he got closure that most characters seldom receive these days.
Also I'm only 18
Mar-vell returns every two years, anon.

He i just killed again after two issues.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind them doing something like having an arc where it flashes between Mar-Vell dealing with some threat back when he was alive and then having what happened then have repercussions for Carol now. Like him fighting a villain, thinking he killed them only for them to barely survive and regenerate stronger than before then returning to get revenge on Captain Marvel and taking out that revenge on Carol instead.

The first arc of the ANAD run did something similar but with pre-superhero Mar-Vell and I liked that well enough. More stuff like that where they blend Untold Tales of Captain Marvel with modern Carol adventuring is a solid framework.
Which one of you did this?
Besides the Skrull sleeper agent posing as Marv (was that in a Brian Reed MM run Secret Invasion tie-in?) and that AvX prelude, where else has he properly returned? I only skimmed over some of the early KSD Captain Marvel issues and I haven't read any of the other volumes, so I have no idea if he's come back at any point in the past 5-ish years.
>Jean Grey gets two versions of herself for this story
>Nova just gets to be put on the cover and that's it
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Then fuck Taylor.

>-Jean Grey (young and older) – Dennis Hopeless

we white hot room?

for the love of god can we get Rachel and Jean to have a conversation?
but they already said no flashbacks or time traveling
Damn, that works pretty nicely
Also>>91000460 I almost forgot, I did read some recent ANAD CM issues with the past Marv/current Carol dynamic like this anon pointed out, that or an Untold Stories title are the only real ways to "bring him back."
Also I'm at least hoping that Marvel acknowledge Genis and Phylla in this Generations shitshow, it's bad enough that Monica gets shafted all the time these days
Why is Marvel pushing Jean Grey so hard?
so ghost of mar-vell haunting carol? could they bring his kids too to call her out on shit?
it's hard because one is old Carol and the other is young Carol, without flashbacks or time traveling
Can we get another writer?
After IvX I lost my faith in mainstream comics.
No fucking clue, other than her being a qt redhead

Rachel and Hope won't even be mentioned. Guarantee it.
>in a POLITICS thread
Fuck off. Politics are SERIOUS business. There's no room for """"""""humor"""""""" here.
it took you that long?
With your president?
>Rachel and Hope won't even be mentioned
Rachel and Hope have already been confirmed to appear in the book.

Jean's ongoing is about her meeting with a different former Phoenix host each issue to prepare herself for becoming the new Phoenix host. Rachel, Hope, Namor and Quentin are already confirmed for appearing.
He's your president too, libshit.
Not my.
But anon! Maybe if we support the book, Marvel will stop cycling us and finally give Thor a hammer?!!!! They can't Vick us again right?
honestly i would rather have mar-vell interact with kamala than carol.

Why would he be interested on an Inhuman? They have nothing in common?.
See >>91000755
I wanted to do it after new 52 but Rebith has been good so far.
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>Why would a Kree be interested in an Inhuman
How it should happen
>Hope shows up
>starts wailing on Jean
>Jean tries to use her psychic "venom blast"
>Hope shrugs cause she's already handled Omega Telepathy
>slaps the shit outta Jean
>"you may think you're hot shit, but you don't know the bird like I do, and you're not prepared. Let's fix that"
>cue cool training montage

How it will happen
>Oh wow you're THE Jean Grey!
>so you're like my grandma xD
>Jean you're so incredible
>leaves for another couple years

And for Rach
>tons of tears

How it will happen
>so um, yeah The Phoenix
>I'm sure you'll be fine because you're Jean Grey and you're like the best Phoenix Host that ever lived, so good luck "mom" love you haha and Cyclops was a douche.
Because their women are hot.
>he be interested on an Inhuman?
Didn't he very briefly become the phoenix host during Latour's run? I honestly can't remember.
You forget the ''You are gay'' part.
Do you know nothing of the Kree-Inhuman relationship?

That said the other anon should do the same.
new direction same writers, it won't be a sudden upgrade in quality
So did Clint and Kate ever fuck?
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Out of all of these I'm only hyped for 2, Wolverine and Ms Marvel. The short team up we had during Last Days between Kamala and Carol were very enjoyable, and Logan and Laura are always good together.

I want to be hyped for spider-man, I've wanted a team up ongoing between Peter and Miles for a while now, but Bendis just kills all my hype. I mean, how can one writer be so toxic? Makes me sad.
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Busiek's Avengers
No, much to Kate's chagrin.
>You're aware DC has already announced it latest crossover, of the kind you hate so much?
Exactly, is just one given that JLvsSS barely counts, not one "universe changing" event after other, after other, etc.
>Wonder Man came back
>Dr. Druid came back
>Mockingbird came back
>Thunderstrike is still dead
It's not fair!

>not one "universe changing" event after other, after other, etc.

what is convergence, rebirth, the superman/action comics crossover that just ended
Bendis please resolve the Spider-Men cliffhanger.
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Forgot about this
not universe changing
not an event
>superman/action comics crossover
neither an event or universe changing
Hellcat and Swordsman came back too. Only Eric is dead.
>implying miles isn't and hasn't been always a bendis self inster while roleplaying as a nigger

that fucker doesn't even knows Miles's motivations apart from being a "better" Peter Parker which will never happen because miles has been shit from the day Ultimate Peter was killed
Wrong in all three.

How a 4 issues crossover between two Superman books is a "universe changing mega-event"?
Nobody likes/wants black Iron Man, Ms. Sharia, and Captain Falcon. Purge them/return to their original roles
Dude I'm with you on your argument, but while Rebirth might not be a reboot it is definitely an event.
Bendis has gone out of his way keep Miles out of every Spider-Event so far and himself from doing tie-ins. If Defenders doesn't do well then I don't think Alonso, Brevoort, or whoever the fuck is in charge will let him write Spider-Men 2, especially if they have Slott.

>How a 4 issues crossover between two Superman books is a "universe changing mega-event"?

i mean i've seen people yelling "Real Superman is back" and "Flashpoint/nu52 didn't happen" and shit is all
The only good and/or interesting enough of those is Nova.
His mom is latin and as a mexican myself I can tell you Sam has been portrayed so much more as latinamerican than Miles Morales (Miles is just black and he has nothing of latino at all).
"Real" Superman is back, but Flashpoint and the nu52 definitely happened in universe.
>-Wolverine (Logan and X23) – Tom Taylor

What has Tom Taylor done before?
Because this pairing is the only one on the list I'm interested in. Parent and child team-ups are a softspot for me.
He did the so stupid it's fun parts of injustice.
is jimmy alive? I liked the character
Currently writing the All New Wolverine ongoing

He's been doing all the stuff with X-23 as Wolverine
Superior Iron Man, some of Earth 2, InJUSTice.
He's got a very uneven track record.
All-New Wolverine
Power Rangers/Justice League
Some Green Lantern issues
>one of the only truly forever dead Avengers was murdered by Tony Stark

The Iron Man was never a hero.
It was more Universe-fixing than changing, and not an event, not even really a crossover, it was contained on just a couple of Super books and took just a month from start to finish.
So what will /co/'s face be once this and the relaunch ends up being successful despite it being aggressively mediocre and still somewhat pandering to SJW?
>no Pym
>no Novas
>no Ghost Rider

is it even a relaunch? it looks like it's concurrent to Secret Empire
I wouldn't call an 80-page special that was basically "COMING SOON TO DC" an event

At the very least, it's not an event yet*

There's too many damn people for Pym

I'm a little shocked at no Wasp tho desu
I think they've mentioned something about a relaunch later this year where they go "back to basics"

And come the fuck on, this is modern Marvel. Of course they're doing their traditional annual relaunch
I really hope 2018 brings a refreshed writing talent roster like BC been hinting, because this is getting sad.

And Mark Waid, the one current writer who would be better at this past meets present stuff than what he's doing now, isn't on the list.
They are saying it's not a relaunch, so they are liars or they are hypocrites, in any case they are awful people and deserve to fail and die.
>Marvel list of problems:
>1-Disney is not in control of Marvel Comics.
>2- Marvel comics editors are idiots.
>3-endless pandering to SJW and Tumblr community
>4-very bad plots, very badly developed and reused many times
>or the simple version:
>1- Brevoort
>3-Sjw feminazi agenda overdrive

I won't be surprised in the least, because we're all fucking sheeps.
BC's rumor was that Marvel was going to try and get some bigger names for 2018 by allowing them to stockpile scripts (because big name writers, especially from other media, can never do comics on time).

If that's true and not just bullshit, then 2017 is basically just marking time and can't really change anything because 2018 is already being written. It would explain a lot.

>not an event yet
Ok I'll give you that.
>Iron Man and Spider-Man both by Bendis

Fucking really?!
Clearly you, you fucking idiot.
>jean grey and jean grey
>refusing to calling Thor by his real name
>making the asian guy write the asian guy
>>making the asian guy write the asian guy

He created the fucking character (Cho) and has written hulk books in the past
Hulk is probably the only one that'll actually be good
Same shitty writers going ''W-we can do Rebirth too!'' Yeah, no. What are the odds this will lead into another event which will change the Marvel universe forever again?
I guess him and hitler would have at least one thing in common.
Not an argument
Replace Breevort for Alonso. Breevort is an actual good editor when you have a short leash on him.
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I dunno, X-23 as Wolverine is one of the legacy characters that has made sense to me. And the book is honestly not bad, as long as Angel stays away from it.
Brevoort is a good editor of ongoing comics when he has good talent (Brubaker Cap, Busiek Avengers, Hickman FF, etc). I don't think that's transferable to EiC, where you barely read most comics.

Successful EiCs often are people who aren't longtime editors, like Jim Shooter had been mostly a writer and Quesada mostly an artist.
>''W-we can do Rebirth too!''
Seems accurate. Both have shitty writers.
>Bendis went with Laura/Warren instead of Laura/Tykelops
I will never not be mad
WHY do you want a Nova comic for this?

I was waiting with some trepidation to see Rich brought back ever since Thanos Imperative, but his current comic is already what Generations is supposed to be.

We don't need to hear for the 6th time he's cool with Sam doing his thing and they're basically partners at this point. It's already way more meaningful than this gimmicky 'meeting of generations' that seems to be focusing on past-era characters (if artwork is any notice) giving their mandatory seal of approval to the kids down the line and then go back to their home timeplanet.
>-Spider-Man (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) – Brian Michael Bendis

Fuck no
Fuck's sake, just put Yost on the book instead.
There's no one else currently affiliated with Marvel, outside of Peter David, that is qualified to write about the Hulk more than Pak.
I would love to see Sam meeting kid Rich


Well there is a difference between Sam knowing Rich at his current stage in life than Sam knowing him when he just started out.

It was briefly dealt in Zeb Well's run when Sam kept going on how he should be a big shot and the Watcher showed him Rich ripping out Annihilus' intestines and Sam said that Rich was a badass but then the Watcher tried to tell him that Rich also started from the bottom by showing him a scene when Rich was a kid and the other heroes ignoring him.

I dunno but seeing that Rich was once a dork and a loser like him might make Sam see him more as a person? You can make an interesting story out of it.

Although if this is a means to make the older heroes permanently stay in the current Marvel universe then yeah I don't want it then.
A bunch of SJW-pandareing shit Hulk books maybe. Why not bring back the guy that did Planet Hulk? Oh wait, it's because he probably wouldn't toe the liberal line and insist on actually writing a good comic.
>Pak and the usual hacks
>Dude! Wow, your costume is so cool! I wish I came up with coming like that!

>Aww, man, you beat me in a fight too?!?

>You have electric powers /and/ can turn invisible


>And you've been through a lot, what a well written character.

Compare that crossover to the first crossover Peter had with 2099 where at the end they consider each other as equals and they both nerd out over each other's costumes.
But the swastica isn't a red and black color scheme? It's primarily red and white, and he wasn't even the one to come up with it.

I don't understand what point you were trying to make here.
this is a top-quality post, A-grade, 10/10
Don't get excited. I'm guessing most of these will be either temporary resurrections or time travel shit. Marvel's not smart enough
>-Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers and Kamala Khan) – G. Willow Wilson
>-Jean Grey (young and older) – Dennis Hopeless
>-Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell and Carol Danvers) – Margie Stohl
Can we trade Captain Dyke for Ms.Marvel Carol and Jeen for Jean?
>It will all be motherfucking time travel.
No, muscledyke Carol is best girl.
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>-Wolverine (Logan and X23) – Tom Taylor
Let me get this straight. On top of inverted Sabretooth, Jimmy Hudson, X-23 and 3 books with Old-Man Logan we ALSO get Logan Prime back?
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>-Jean Grey (young and older) – Dennis Hopeless
Smart like Beast goes back in time and brings the past versions of those characters into the present where they get stuck here?
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>-Jean Grey (young and older) – Dennis Hopeless
Wait, this isn't even a Legacy character. This isn't multiple generations of the same title.
This is the same fucking character twice.
Marvel, what the fuck are you doing.
They didn't announce their event yet tho. Dark Days is the lead up
>>"There's that old cliche, 'absences makes the heart grow fonder,'" he added. "You don't take these characters off the board with the intention to keep them off the board forever. One of the tropes of our medium is characters get a second wind. They die and come back. That's part of the beauty of what we do."


What happened to "dead means dead"? "This is the status quo for the foreseeable future, fans will have to get used to it"? "These are the new characters, going back to the classics would feel like regression"? "We have no intention of bringing back [famous character] any time soon"?

And all the other wonderful pieces of bullshit we've been fed over the past few years about how Marvel's EXCITING, BOLD NEW DIRECTION is here to stay and if you like the older characters you suck and should just get used to the new, better ones?

For once, Marvel, for once, don't spin
something. Admit you're changing tack. Just say "The fans have been vocal about missing the iconic heroes, and we've found a way to have our cake and eat it, too - these pairings will bring out the best in both heroes and show us why the older characters deserve their classic status, and why the legacy heroes are worthy of carrying their names".

It wouldn't even be saying "We're copying Rebirth/Our sales are going down/People are sick of reboots/Clearly we've angered too many fans with poorly-written tumblr pandering". Just acknowledge that this is a shift in company policy, and hopefully acknowledge older fans (the ones actually buying your books for decades) as something more than unseemly lepers.

Don't fucking pretend this is what you had in mind all along, that this is an organic outgrowth of the Marvel Universe in 2017, and that you weren't talking trash about fans who wanted THIS EXACT THING just a few months ago.
Yeah muscledyke Carl is a """""""girl"""""""
You mean "muscledyke Carol is a girl (male)"
This looks like "Readership Repellent: The List"
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Laura should be deaged somehow.
Man, can Marvel just cancel Nova already, I'm sick of reading anything associated with the directionless shit heap the Marvel universe has become.
she's gonna show mar-vell her yass queen
He's going to join Bunn's X-Men Blue
I wouldn't worry about Nova lasting much longer
Does someone have an image of the last panel of the last page of the last book Remender wrote for Marvel?

It needs to be in this thread.
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Sigh, of course she did, even though the Quantum Bands are only equivalent to a Green Lantern ring. Gotta make sure she's the bestest ever.
>Peter & Miles written by Bendis

Well, we all know this will be 100x Bendis wanking Miles off as the greatest thing to ever walk this earth, and how Peter is nothing to him and how Miles is better then him in every single way possible, this is why I dont buy Marvel books
>before Wolverine is killed
>Wolverine appears in 15 different books
>after Wolverine is killed
>Wolverines appear in 15 different books
>What happened to "dead means dead"?
That died with the Ultimate Universe.
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Pete came back before Ultimate Universe ended
>Jean and Jean with Hopeless

Could you make a worse book? I'm not sure it's possible.

>Bendis is writing another Peter/Miles teamup for multiple issues.
I mean at least Danny, Robbie, Johnny, Miguel, and Kamala weren't done that way.

...Really stretching with Johnny and Miguel, I know.
Well at least Logan(prime) and Jean (adult-prime) will finally be together, settle down and form a family.
But no one wants that. When it happened in AoA, they were together for all of one issue before she flew off to see Scott, and in Earth X they were Al and Peggy Bundy (and then Jean turned out to be Madelyne).
What about the end of "What if! Avenger VS X-Men"? (BTW somebody has pic related???)
How powerful was Wendell? Because he always seemed like he was a Cosmic powerhouse.
Made some Chitauri disappear out of thing air.

Honestly Spencer is just setting her up to be the one who finds out about Cap being Cosmic cubed, she's Cosmically aware so she'll know about Kobik fucking with Cap.

But so far she's pretty whatever.
>"This isn't some alternate reality story or some time-travel story," Alonso explained; while pointedly not mentioning the sentient Cosmic Cube that's been running around since Avenger's Standoff and who previously de-aged Stevecap and then made him Hydracap.
So a literal Deus Ex Ass-Pull Event?

I'll skip the setup event but prolly check out most of the totally-not-rebooted series (not that I expect much given the current mediocrity of the Marble Creative Stable).

This is as close to Heroes Reborn 2.0 as we're likely to get ( until the sales crash hard enough for Jewmutter to notice ).
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