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Which is better?

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Which is better? Start Vs The Forces Of Evil or Steven Universe.
Begin the war
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I kind of like both, actually.

I tried watching Steven and I could not get over how annoying the little shit was, dropped it. Star was WAY easier to get into.
Star, like cuckoldry, is for the thinking man
Steven is for autistic man children afraid of growing up

>Actual character development
>Actual stakes
>Actual lore
>An actually decent hero
Reminder Steven is 14 and still acts like that
I cunt wait for Star to go the way of AT and SU on this board.
Star VS
It actually has payoff to its build up
Toffee >>>>>>Diamonds
This is great. I actually like both. But lately I've been leaning towards Star more
Steven acts like an 8 year old
>Which is better? Start Vs The Forces Of Evil or Steven Universe.
The one whose showrunner has the story mapped out and is progressing towards its conclusion, whose storyboarders are not trying to inject their personal problems into the show, whose characters are drawn consistently on-model, and whose demographic is not reflected by how much merchandise it has at Hot Topic.
oh come on
I don't watch either, but I've seen a few episodes of both, they aren't even comparable. SU is shit, Star Vs is pretty good and fun. And my mom thinks so too, you can trust her.
Steven doesn't act like a 14 years old.
Steven acts like 6 at his very best. Not even old enough to pass the Sally Anne test.
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>Steven Universe
>Fat, ugly, melted looking or otherwise badly proportioned characters
>Uncreative world building (Beach City, Gem Homeworld, The Cluster)
>shitty voice acting
>fanfiction.net tier melodramatic writing
>cross-dressing episode that was cringey as fuck
>jokes are never funny
>no villains

>Star Vs the Forces of Evil
>great character design
>exceptional worldbuilding rivaling that of Avatar
>crossdressing episode was actually funny
>the jokes are mostly great, only a few misses
>great voice acting
>actually threatening villains
>a plot that feels like its going somewhere

Its a disservice to Star to be compared to a piece of shit like SU to be quite honest. SU should be compared to something like nuPPG or Bunsen is a Beast.
>Steven acts like 6 at his very best
Pretty much this.

I like SU and have seen every episode. I have only ever seen Star episode 1. With this information I must say Star is better.
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>Star, like cuckoldry, is for the thinking man

Fuck you, you made me laugh
I'm ending the war, svtfoe wins
SU is brony MLP teir
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Has anyone in this thread said SU is better?
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Is this a shit on SU thread?
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I'm gonna have to go with Steven Universe on this one, at least as of now. Mainly based off the larger number of great episodes the show has had.

Season 1 of Star Vs. only had about 3 top-tier episodes while the rest were pretty forgettable. Season 2 has been a real improvement. I'll probably go with Star Vs, depending if the quality of the show keeps improving like it has been and it shows in the next batch of episodes.

Meanwhile SU is on a decline in quality, and the storytelling has gotten even messier lately.
Steven isn't a man. He is a feminised cuck that no real women would want to have as a partner.
I loved both in 2015, but as of 2016, Steven Universe started getting a slight drop in quality.

So at the moment, Star Vs is my favorite I still like both, but if Steven continues to go downhill, Star has my vote
I've watched SU from the beginning and at one point it was really hype and awesome, but recently it's fallen off so hard while at the same time Star vs has really picked up and is getting intense lore-wise and plot-wise. The drama and character development is leagues better than SU as well.
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And it gets way better after like 6 episodes when they tone down the randumb humor and start with D E E P E S T L O R E.
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>Star, like cuckoldry, is for the thinking man
>never masturbated

No he doesn't.
The show has just fallen on its face recently. The cluster was just brushed off, Peridot went from being a mysterious villain to a dolt (don't get me wrong I still like her, she's just incredibly less interesting), Jasper used to be an ever looming evil force, now she's bubbled and ignored. There used to be theories, stuff about bismuth. Well bismuth turned up, did her thing, then guess what? Got brushed off.The cluster was just "power of love'd" out of the plot. Even the big reveal with blue diamond was disappointing. Oh, she's just another character who is crying. As if we don't have enough of those. I mean, I still watch the show, and I'm still hopeful it will pick up and be as good as it used to be. But as of right now, it's looking pretty shit.
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No he acts like a child much younger than 14, like a 6 year old who hasn't even discovered self pleasure because he's "SO PURE OMG".
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Star vs because I can actually masturbate to the characters in it.
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The problem is you now know how it'll end. Steven convinces YD that earth is great and humans and gems should live in peace and love together. YD agrees and sings with him.

Star Vs. showed the villain eating parts a fellow sentient being. You have no idea what could happen next.
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Apples and oranges.

Steven Universe is a show trying to act as a window for kids to see themselves and to see and understand relationships of all stripes (family, friendly, romantic, hateful, etc.). It's usually shat on here by people who forgot that the majority of S1 had nothing to do with space aliens or fighting empires and want the show to change to match what they want it to be, rather than remember what it is and has been.

Star vs., meanwhile, is trying to tell a story in a semi-serial format with drama, where the point is drawing people in by peeling back layers of mystery and revealing an unexpectedly broader world and its conflicts, while periodically including episodes meant to entertain separately of this--though lately it's looking more like even these 'filler' episodes serve to enhance the plot and themes of the current arc. It's not really trying to act as a mirror for kids to see their own experiences in, or to try and teach empathy.

I prefer Star, myself, but if I had to pick between them while babysitting my young niece and nephew, it'd be Steven Universe.
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Parallel cowboy universe Star when?
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Now that looks like a good blowjob giving mouth
Eh, 6/10. I barely REEEE'd
Needs more wacky hair color.
It already did the moment they removed Ferguson and Alfonzo. What was the point of rewriting Marco as a friendless ballet shoes wearing loser whose only friend is a autistic alien?
>wanting Ferguson and Alfonzo back
They were one of the worst things in the show back in Season 1, they work better as background characters
they made perfect sense to have in S1, and just as much sense to move to the side in S2
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No. That's why its unlike shitty SU or AT. They don't keep vomiting characters in and doing nothing with them. They will AXE THEM if necessary. Something that shows refuse to do. If it doesn't work, take it out. Adding extra characters to SU didn't help shit, it only made it even more disjointed, and it spread out bad writing and poor consistency across even MORE characters.

Star made is simple and removed what didn't work. SU said, oh, lets add more characters since we've already horribly mismanaged the ones we had.

Same thing with AT and Finn's fucking awful luck and shitty attitude with every girl he's ever been interested in. Adding more characters in is EXACTLY what the simpsons were making fun of with the Poochie episode. The answer isn't to add more if something isn't working. That just makes a shitty show even shittier.
>SU said, oh, lets add more characters since we've already horribly mismanaged the ones we had
"We want the Homestuck audience"
So how does both of these compare to Gumball?
SU still sits at the bottom.
I think Bunsen is a Beast is decent for what it sets out to accomplish, personally
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>implying SU doesn't have cuckqueans too.
Alfonzo was a waste of Chapman's voice talent, and Feruson was far
Wasn't there a huge tumblr freakout over this comic?
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-too fat for my liking
Fuck tumblr
I forget, does the Pink Haired Girl episode happen before or after Greg becomes a multimillionaire. Depending on the answer, the comic becomes a lot more or less plausible.
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But they still ARE in the series. They just havent had any episodes lately with them. They were in the recent comics which takes place almost mid season 2
Well I have watched all the current episodes of both series and i have to say this. I like both series. One does things better than the other with certain stuff and vice versa. But overall I think i like Star vs a lot more. It took a lot less episodes for me to get really into it.
If I remember right, one person tried to make this some thing about "ruining LGBT relationship" or something. S/he was promptly shouted down by a bunch of others.
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Star vs the Forces of Evil is way better.
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This person on Tumblr said it is so I obviously agree.

I kinda slacked off the show. The most I hear is that it's okay. Is it just shitposting?
SvFoE is the best cartoon airing right now.
There is a tumblr freak out happening RIGHT NOW
Over what?
i like SU and i hate star vs
i hate the characters i hate the comedy and i dont see whats the fucking lore in it
Wasn't /co/ shitting on Star vs episode 1? What made you like it?
you sound like a faggot with shit taste.
I really liked SU until it got all progressive.
At least star doesn't have lezbot main characters.
Background gayness is okay with me.
DESU I don't care what fags do, as long as they don't bother me. Kinda like cockroaches.
Generally as a show, I feel like SU will be able to air longer than Star because it doesn't really have any need to go anywhere.
However Star has villains, and direction, and a bunch of things that point towards an end (like starco)
I still prefer Star b/c it's a more entertaining and well made show overall, but it has already quantified itself, thereby limiting new possible episodes and directions for the show to take, since instead of going off into infinite tangents, it can only take place in a finite place. Which I think is exactly what the creators were trying to avoid by doing the whole multiverse scissors thing, but the character interaction and development kind of got in the way of that.
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Fucking heteronormality
To be fair, season 2 both took away characters and created more ones. Some new comers were good, like the magic high council, while others were completely useless such as the talking dog, Mina, the weird bag lady, or Comet Pizza Thing.

While I know Brittney isn't popular here because "wah alpha girl cliche", it was actually refreshing to have at least one character on Earth who didn't worship Star and called her out on her shit.
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jesus christ
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Mina was good though.
I quit after the the first line of the post after the iron man gif

I never knew tumblr even had comments there

He clearly meant, damn, Steven acts like *THAT*
>Comet Pizza Thing
>character development
I used to love Steven U but season three was awful and season four is even worse. The characters have begun to irritate me, I'm constantly disappointed in the writing decisions, and in general I've just started to hate it. It makes me sad. I haven't watched Star VS but I can tell it has a big high school drama element to it which is a huge turn on off for me, so I can't say for sure, but I doubt any of its seasons are better than the first season of SU.
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> it has a big high school drama element
>start vs
tism tickled.
Surprisingly little drama.
DESU I was kinda worried about the same thing, but I gave it a shot and now I love it.
Frankly, I wouldn't allow my children to watch Steven Universe.
What have I started?
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That explains a lot. Thank you
Interesting how she put her hair in ponytails immediately before taking that position. Animators know exactly what they're doing.
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can someone give me the rundown on these two?
>talking dog, Mina, the weird bag lady, or Comet Pizza Thing.
Including one-off-ers.
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I'll always like Steven Universe more then Star Vs.
I never liked Star that much from the beginning and I admit it's an okay show, but Steven Universe is much more entertaining to me. I know a majority of 4chan hate it for reasons beyond me, but I don't care, 4chan hates everything. I don't know what's so bad about a protagonist that's good at heart but still acts like a child.
Star is superior in every way and does what SU wants to do with no effort. To even compare the two would be like comparing shit and a diamond.
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Spread the L on that "Ifunny" thing of yours
a lot of people call out the horrendous character off-drawings, long trips of filler with little pay off, sugars writing style (the one about learning consent is the first thing that comes to mind).
It set itself up to be from what I could tell would be an interesting show, but turned into a lackluster shitshow that was just as preachy as evangelicals, little to know plot or real character development, 2 things I thought I was gonna get from the pilot on.
Like it all you want, I just can't because of all the lowballing shit that goes on.
A year ago, I used to prefer Steven, but now I find Star is the stronger show.
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Wasted Potential Universe could have been great if the retards making it actually knew what they were doing, like SVTFOE's team
How so?
You meant "Satan"
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that's probably bait though. The one tumblr complaining has the username delusionalqueer, which fits quite well with xer(?) argument.
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Moon > Rose
Toffee > The Diamonds/Kevin/Ronaldo
I don't get it
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Oh my fucking god
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yeah she was
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Good morning have an early morning

trying to become some kind of internet personality are we?
it's funny cuz she's a cuck lel
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>tumblr reaction gif
you might as well post the default one
Were you even trying?
>but I can tell it has a big high school drama element to it
Even if you only watched the first few episodes you'd know that wasn't true
Thats ifunny
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For a modern cartoon, Star vs. got some real villains that are not suck.
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Reminder that Star Vs. is SJW made

SU is based

No, Ok-Ko is based
And yet, he could plausibly be trusted with more responsibility than Star, which is pretty fucking embarrassing on her part.
Steven>>>>>Star the Cuck Princess
Would probably cry at every situation/bring up his mom

I know her parents would have sent her to saint olgs / not give her the wand until truly ready if she was not responsible at all. But they have seen her take action/ own up to a mistake
>actual stakes
>actual lore

Holy shit bro. I dont even like SU right now but Star has the worst lore ever and the stakes dont even make sense hal the time
Which has the better memes?
He doesn't really do either of those things in a way that negatively impacts his ability to do accomplish shit. Stop using the show as a strawman.
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>Toffee just kidnaps Connie
>easily finds ways to mess with most of the CG's heads when he's gearing up to make his move

Gotta love the guy. A real people person.
The big one happens in Collateral Damage, where Star gets off scott free in spite of destroying the school's beloved mascot, but instead of just taking her get out of jail free card and bailing like her Season 1 self would, she actually tries to fix her mistake in spite of several setbacks and it not really being her problem.
Oh? So what are you doing then?

After, thought Greg doesn't really show off his wealthy status outwards
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Both are good. Star is generally funnier though while SU has a stronger grasp on my emotions.
Saying that Steven is at least slightly more responsible as a person than Star, which is not really a bold statement to make, unless you feel liking a character more needs to mean they're superior in every way?
Star couldnt handle Steven's /suffering/

Delusional star will always be more responsible than Steven , because he barely does a lot each episode

If I had a twin that had the thinking as star but would get himself into trouble then try to fix it . And I would barely do anything. That wouldn't make me more responsible that would make me tame.
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>More responsible then /ourguy/

Star is a walking trainwreck. Steven's a nice kid.
Yes Steven does less, but consider that much of what Star does is partially mitigate the result of her own careless actions. Zero is still higher than a negative number no matter how you look at it.
>Sonicposter likes the two worst trash aimed at faggots currently airing on TV
nothing to see here folks
She has matured better than Steven

Season one: at every corner she would get her self in trouble

Season 2: she tries to avoid trouble / fix other people's trouble (minus collateral damage , but she did fess up in the end
Rather watch a show about a train wreck of a girl developing than a tame boy who barely shows development
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At least he doesn't have to worry about having to disappoint his mother.
No he has to worry about disappointing 3 to 4 moms.
both have hentai character designs
Is Steven going to grow up as a nu-male?
>Better story
>Better animation
>Better worldbuilding
>Better characters
>More diverse characters
>More LGBT representation
>Better humor
>Has the best waifus out of any cartoon
>More popular

How can Star vs even compete?
>>More diverse characters
>>More LGBT representation
hentai shit
>Better story
>Better animation
>Better worldbuilding
>Better characters
>Less annoying characters
>Less LGBT representation
>Better humor
>Has the best waifus out of any cartoon
>Less popular

How can Steven even compete?
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>More LGBT representation

Not even close. SU didn't have the guts to go all the way.
>better story

Yeah you mean the one/two story driven episodes surrounded by a sea of filler. Need I remind you about uncle grandpa?
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Not the same thing. And he's too blasé to ever really disappoint them.
Right now, Star vs. Is my fav of the two. I expected a funny typical fish out of water, magic shenanigans cartoon and it delivered. The lore and world building was a welcomed surprise.
Steven Universe most interesting thing is it's lore and watching Steven become better skilled with his abilities, but not every episode focuses on that. I wouldn't mind that if the characters were more likeable, or the show was really funny, but they're kind of not. Star delivers on everything it does and tries to do.
>SU literally has a permanent lesbian relationship onscreen
The episode was called Say Uncle and Last I check most people found it amusing.
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Star Vs is literally all filler though.
But that's literally wrong though.
>woah! Toffee is up to some shenanigans!!! Xd
Season 2 was literally more about character development and lore than anything with villains.

>woah! Townies are up to some shenanigans!!! Xd
is like objectively worse anyway.
Steven Universe started out meh, improved, and is now stagnating at a level not unlike that of Adventure Time. The animation has gotten worse too, not to mention the ridiculous inconsistencies in character design. I enjoy the show's expansive lore but as of late SU hasn't really done anything. The last important arc that I know of, the Cluster arc, was just so rushed and inconsequential

Svtfoe started out as episodic and somewhat aimless, but there is a clear effort to improve the show and work on telling a story. Svtfoe feels like it has heart, something I haven't seen in SU in a long time. There is still room for improvement but like I said, there is an effort and it's showing. I enjoy Svtfoe a lot more than SU. If SU gets back on the rails in terms of storytelling and animation it could be enjoyable again, but from what I've seen I doubt that'll happen
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>boring as hell
>"muh gem in the belly" kind of humor(because he is fat, do you get it? IT IS H I L A R I O U S)
>literally zero character development
>Steaven act like 5 yo
>Steaven is retarded( he belive guy with hole in ears is his friend while he hate him)
>stupid realm without any sens (why Steaven doesn't live with his father?)
>ugly animation
>boring typical characters - fat and cool one, strong and silent one, smart but pedantic one and the raterded one

Star vs.
>intresting story
>divided humor- sometimes it is obvious like laser puppy, sometimies it is subtely
>a lot of character development - Marco slowly turn out from beta looser to Chad Thundercock. From zero to guy who manage to cuck literally crown princess
>characsters act like they should - maybe star is a little bit random but she is literally alien
>nice animation

SU do you even try?
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I posted >>90889705, but not >>90912898, so it's not the same person. That said, he makes for some pretty good reaction images.
>wanting them back
Steven Universe is now worse than both of them. I'd say Gumball is slightly better than Svtfoe
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When are they not having a freakout
>forcing wars
First kill yourself then fuck off
>muh straight people
Star's sense of responsibility, or lack thereof, is an integral part of her character arc. There are real consequences towards her habit of ignoring problems and hoping they'll go away. With Steven, I feel like he constantly sticks with his whole "let's be friends" shtick and in all honesty the effects of that don't seem to stick. Not to say that they aren't addressed (the episode with the butterflies, for example) but I feel like it's not fully expanded on
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Let's end this

Star was given a season two when season one aired and got season 3/4 when season two ended. It has accomplished more story wise in two season than SU did in 4 . Disney actually cares about this show because they don't need to sell toys from the show because they have other business that give them the money. Thus giving the show the freedom to be fully story driven.

SU is on Cartoon Network . So naturally they need to make ends meet .TTGO is a prime example no continuity means better sales .this show will get dropped because the fan shows will leave because of all the bs .

You can say whatever you want because in the ends star will always be a better show than SU
I like both.

I would say that Star's first season was harder to get through than any of SU though. It has real problems with direction, tone and humour that meant that a lot of it had to be suffered though. The show only really got gud in season 2.
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Both SU and Gumbal are trash besed on "lol so random"
SU is the least random, though.
>Star vs has better character development than SU

Okay, I like both, but this is hilariously wrong.

There was almost no character development of any kind in S1 of Star vs. It was a long long time before we started getting into what makes these characters tick, and even longer before anything resembling an arc appeared. Star has only really started having an arc as of the third episode of S2.

The sheer level of progression and development just Steven goes through, from the beginning of S1 to the start of S2, is probably one of the greatest strengths of SU. I would say that only Ludo has come close to such a seamless and well done character arc.
Youtube being shit again but this time it's targeting the LBGTQ community by blocking videos and channels of openly gay and trans people. Instead of crying why don't they do something about it? Contact Google and ask them what is this about. Maybe it's some homophobic employee fucking with shit I don't know but youtube is now trash anyway since it's no longer about the content creator but Hollywood promoting their bullshit entertainment.
>SvFoE is the best cartoon airing right now.
weird spelling for Samurai Jack fammm
You don't even see him for most of the 2nd season.
Half these people end up being /our guys/ deep undercover
What's their endgame?
I-Id never make a deal with you anyway Kevin.
L-Lori are you still out?
SU and GF are great shows but i think they make great concepts for shows on thier own, like if either of those shows were done by another beloved /co/ showrunner they still would be pretty good.

Star Vs, on the other hand, has what i think is kind a shitty concept but the execution of that concept takes it to the next level. I can't Star Vs done in any other way the way I see SU and GF.

I think thats why i like Star more that SU even though SU has more going for it.
Starfags are this transparent huh?
File: pearlsicle.png (49KB, 691x870px) Image search: [Google]
49KB, 691x870px
Steven Universe has pearlsicles.

Check mate.
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