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Runaways Pt. 1

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I saw a Runaways thread earlier today and even thought it was filled with whiny little bitches that can't stand the ending, I thought it would still be a lot of fun to go through. I'm starting earlier so I can post the entirety of Volume 1 before I go to bed.
Heading home now. See you kool kats soon
But professorBro, this was literally storytimed less than a week ago
You are such a dumbass >>90719862
Still ain't stopping me.
You are such a cunt.
Sorry for insulting your boyfriend, geez.
I love how Vaughn used a single page to expose us to the main cast before grouping them all together.
Let me guess Typical BKV ending.
Jesus you're a cunt.
Also forgot a page.

I'll leave you to form your own impression of the ending. It's polarizing to say the least. Too many people get buttblasted while reading it though
Chase was one of the characters that I initially thought was a colossal douche but he and Gert ended up being some of my favorite characters.
I think this was the point where I was about to drop this series the first go around
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Lurker here. Don't stop. I want to see what the big deal is.
You want to see what the "big deal" is while posting an image in a fucking storytime. Nice going, retard.
Now this is how you introduce your readers to a comic book.
I'm going to argue my scans that I've accumulated are probably smaller and of better quality than the one's that are probably floating around.
Source: My Ass
>Buy son a game
>Get mad that it requires subs
>Son offers to get a job to pay for it
>No, cancel the game

I'm frustrated just reading this
>whiny little bitches that can't stand the ending
I thought the ending was fine.
>posting an image during a storytime
Burn in hell, newfag.
TO anyone reading, sorry for posting this series apparently too soon after someone else already did. I personally haven't read this series in a while and I thought it would be a fun set of issues to share. If not, it's only a one day detour from Spider-Man
Well that was a quick turnaround.
Don't care. Been meaning to read this but never got around, so thanks.
Better than generals and shitposting, I say.
I thought it was fine too, but it definitely could've been better.

I agree to this too.

The biggest gripe I continuously saw was that everyone was buttblasted that Vaughn decided to make Alex the villain. Apparently having Alex be the big bad was incredibly racist when I simply see it as good character writing. I do wish Vaughn had hinted at it a little more but it still seemed like a logical progression from where he started (also considering that he knew about the Pride before his friends did which led to his fate).
Wow. That's dated.
What's funny is Alex's parents were named after his own he identified more with Alex.

I used to go to his forums back when the comic was still going and he talked about this stuff. Like the reason he chose characters to die was because he liked them more and especially the second one, wanted to be the one to off them before handing the book off.
wait is his walkie a no-hands model or something, or did he shout really loud?
Ugg....I'm getting old.
Gert's a fat, purple-haired leftist, yet she's infinitely more interesting and likable than Marvel's recent teen characters. Why doesn't Marvel tell new, up-and-coming writers of theirs to read Runaways to research how to write well?
Runaways storytime? sign me the fuck up
No idea. Seriously, no idea. Vaughn is one of the few writers that I actively look too for good dialog and genuine character interactions. You'd think doing "research" would be fun for these guys. Apparently not.

DUmb Question: If you were to write your own comic, which writers would you say would have the biggest impact on your style? It could be with regards to dialog, panel layout, or overall story construction.

Brian K. Vaughn.
>As stated above, I look to Vaughn when trying to create characters with unique voices and motivations. Also I love the upper and lowercase dialog and that's something I decided to incorporate into my own work.

>His stories have a "bite" to them and he's fairly good with providing some degree of explanation for all the superheroics/sciency stuffy. His work on Fell was a push in the right direction because of his attitude that every issue should be worth the price of admission. A master of the "done in ones".

Joe Kelly
>From what I've gathered, almost all of his works for both the big two and his indie stuff have a geunuine heart to them. Amazing Spider-Man 617 & 625 brought me to tears and he managed to do it in two issues. That is master level writing (or at least it is in my book).

Glad to have you aboard!
Probably Gaiman, since when I first got into comics, I got some trades of Sandman to read through. And his ability to make these larger-than-life beings was eye opening.

I agree about Ellis, since even in his work-for-hire stuff where he admits he just uses to kill time until a creator-owned idea pops up in his head, there's still those layers of intrigue that make for at the very least a fun read.
Molly's...a bit insufferable. Only gets a pass cuz she's 11
I've actually never read Sandman. The only Gaiman I've been exposed to was his Miracleman work and his book American Gods (which I loved).

In hindsight, you shouldn't have been creepin'
So, this is half the reason Alex turns evil?
I'd say at least a good third of the reason easy
You should definitely get on Sandman, then continue with Lucifer when you finish it. Lucifer is more of an action/adventure, but Sandman has some really great stories in it
I'll definitely get on that! Do you by chance happen to know if Eternals by Gaiman was any good?
Poor Karolina.
These teens are fucking ruthless.
I have never read it, so I will add it to the list. I would not recommend story-timing Sandman or Lucifer for a first read, because spoilers are actually super important in those books
Holy fuck way to shit all over the de facto leader and strategist
I knew you sucked, Topher.
Fuck yeah!
Poor Karolina, finding out her sexuality and finding love with a genderless alien who would rather be a man than a woman

How much Runaways do you plan on doing?
Why do spoiler tags not work if you see it through a reference from another post? Just ruined this ...
I'm going to try and get through all of Volume 1 but

I actually do see the spoiler tags. Maybe it's a 4chanx feature.
But I'm not sure if I'm going to continue part II tonight. Hopefully I can but I'm not sure I can commit the time to watch the thread in case a malicious code error comes up. We'll see where I'm at when I reach the end of this thread.
What, kids don't say things are "gay" anymore?

Granted, I graduated HS in 2009, so I don't know what kids are like, today.
Yeah, I feel like outside of student council and honor society kids, the average high schooler is still gonna think being gay is dumb.
OH SHIT I didn't know Cloak and Dagger were in this. Neato
Bruh, you're about to hit cap

Are they an item?
Nico seems to have a thing for being mind controlled/influenced by Vampire-like beings:

I always assumed so. From my understanding they physically need each other to keep the other's powers in check.

I fucking hate how this dude draws the girl's faces

i WANT to like them but their weird looking faces just kill it. ugh
Nah they've always looked after each other as pseudo siblings but with the upcoming tv show you can expect it happen thanks to synergy.
>nico's mom
I saw it coming the first time I read it because he just happened to be the only one who seemingly didn't get anything from his parents. It made me suspicious.
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