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Where did adult cartoon fans get the idea that using Internet

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Where did adult cartoon fans get the idea that using Internet memes in cartoons was pandering directly to kids? The people who use Internet memes are usually teenagers and young adults. I completely agree that using memes (especially if they're outdated) is lazy and cringe-worthy, I just don't understand the reasoning people on /co/ and elsewhere use.
This video explained it pretty well. Memes get tired quickly and are only funny for a short while to people who saw them in their original form and then enjoyed the variations that came after. The Rage Faces have been old for years, which is forever in relevant meme time.
I get how using memes is lazy and unfunny, but I don't understand the people who claim they're looking over older fans to pander directly to kids.
When somebody complains about shows like PPG using memes I don't think they literally mean it's mean to appeal to children, just younger viewers.

It feels like the show is written by out of touch adults who don't really get the joke or the cultural context in which they were funny but puts them in anyway to appeal to the youth (children, teens, young adults)
Do you not interact with kids very often? They love that shit. Kids today are still saying things like "Epic fail".

Memes are essentially inside jokes of various communities. Usually people who use them wrong don't get the fact that memes have to be used in specific context, just screaming them out loud or inserting them somewhere for no reason is not funny by itself.

Using memes wrong is essentially the same thing as modern "parody" movies thinking that just referencing something is funny by itself.
kids love memes bro. they popularized them. why do you think they sell meme-stickers and notebooks? because adults know better but not all adult,s because not all grown-ups are mentally mature enough to be adult. think about all the memes spawned by manchildren on 4chan, of course children are going to like them they're juvenile and immature, just like us.

and another thing, memes are instantly recognizable as memes and often used ad-nauseum which kids love because kids love repetition. take dat boi for example, proof that memes don't even have to come from in-jokes to be recognized as memes.

memes are the pogs of this generation. collectibles in the information age.
This. I don't even know any kids and I overheard an entire kiddy table full of them quoting outdated memes at an event for work. The main one I remember them talking about that day was the John Cena meme, and I really doubt any of those kids actually knew shit about wrestling.

The Lion Guard specifically made one of its characters a honey badger because kids still aren't over the "honey badger don't care" meme. The show doesn't even make particular use of it with direct quotes, but kids still associate the character with the meme and quote it. It may actually be one of the better cartoon uses of meme trends now that I think of it, because its subtle enough not to feel dated later on.
>not kids
I feel as if memes are too ephemeral to be included in a production that will take longer than 3 weeks to produce and air from scratch.
South Park can do it when they're not hinging an entire season plot on a politician winning the election, but at that point episodes become dated extremely quickly.

Hell, the '08 election episode was actually pretty good, considering that it partially focused on people celebrating like jackasses just because their candidate won (when in reality not much would or did change) and half on a diamond heist plot that would have worked no matter who won.
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It's just people desperate to defend the new PPG.

>No me gusta rage face came out in 2010
>Like all internet memes it died out quickly
>The PPG reboot came out in 2016
>The show's target demographic is something like 5-12
>C-come one guys! They put that reference in there for the kids!
I forgot for a second that the me gusta and NO rage faces were two separate things and the show decided to mix them but you get my point
I don't mind memes in cartoons as long as it's clever, not forced, and not outdated.

What if the meme itself is forced?
>The people who use Internet memes are usually teenagers and young adults
Precisely the goal

They were hoping to expand its popularity via internet meme to gain 'hipster' fans. Hipsters tends to be in their early teens to mid twenties, but can sometimes vastly improve the show's popularity and overall profit in an even longer period of time; this is especially when most people currently in that age range likely grew up watching the original PPG series and may watch the new one out of nostalgia.
Examples of shows that were made huge as a result of 'hipsters' would be: 'Adventure Time', 'Regular Show', 'Gravity Falls', 'Steven Universe', 'We Bare Bears', 'Invader Zim', 'Wander Over Yonder' and especially 'My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic'
However, these shows were actually good and made with talent.

Shows like PPG(2016) and 'Teen Titans GO!' are artificially trying to weasel their way into this same demographic, without actually deserving such appraisal.
Adult cartoon fans are fucking morons.
>and not outdated.
Memes are inherently outdated. By definition they're just jokes on the internet that gets repeated over, and over and over and over until people get tired of the joke.
I have an idea for a cartoon about three gay-acting 10 year old boys. They believe walking to the toilet is a waste of time, so they just pee their pants whenever they need to go.
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Pretty much what >>90670753 said

I work at middle schools and at activity places where youngunz come all the time. I once gave an activity for my history class. It involved drawing a fake facebook profile.

Shit you not. Six kids drew the founding fathers as "le memes". One was actually well done, a Pepe George Washington.

They reference memes all the time. They wear the shirts. They got FNAF and Minecraft shirts and merchandise, and these are essentially memes in game-form.

Kids. Like. Memes.

The fact you don't consider this a thing proves you rant about something without first fact checking your rant to make sure you don't come across as some sort of dipshit.

It'd be like I started a rant that the Last Unicorn fucking ripped off the Hobbit animation because they look the same and both have magical/fantasy elements.
>Getting this worked up over some irrelevant opinion
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The Legend of Korra was also a phenomenal show that became insanely popular online as a result.

Memes tend to follow good shows. Bad shows trying to force it just come out as cringey and condescending.
>adult cartoon fans

you're assuming
>kids love and popularized memes

but they didn't love and popularize PPG because PPG existed before they were born
>they got Minecraft shirts
>merchandise is the same as memes

no. that's not it at all.
>it's real
Christ. I thought they were taking the piss in this image.
Cartoon Network is aimed at ages 7-11. Only a fraction of middle schoolers even count as the target demographic.
Scary acurate
It means the guys using the memes are reading the same child pornography website as you are.
Even that ThunderLOLcats sketch on MAD used memes better than this whole show.
>The people who use Internet memes are usually teenagers and young adults.

Yeah, real memes like Bane? or anime reaction images. The shitty Reddit face memes like your pic are only liked by children and really old people.
me gusta was fucking ages old and by the time ppg referenced even kids had stopped using it
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why is [as] a bird?
>People will never unironically use rage faces again
2012 was such a simpler fucking time.
>memes are the pogs of this generation

Remember memes? They're back, in Pog form!
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>The side few, the animation errors and Blossom's eyes constantly being wrong
rage faces were reddit trash since 2010
because they are partners with the illuminati and show this through their obsessive use of owls
kys cancer
name ONE (1) meme in a cartoon that has those qualities

didnt the loud house have a LOSS poster in the bg?

I get the impact text, but the filename leaves me puzzled.
the ass shaking thing in the sixth panel is real too.
>not realizing that 4chan basically created rage faces

It's either some retarded adult who doesn't understand memes

Or it's some shithead loser normie millennial who doesn't understand memes
Mostly the second one.
Except if the meme is Loss or Baneposting

Sometimes even Tumblr furries can get something right.
You found out the secret anon: memes that aren't funny to begin with can't get less funny.
The ultimate millenial cartoon is about noodle arm'd kids talking like vine niggers, making meme faces, being wrong about everything and crying about their relationship to make it extra deep.
>Ripped Pants is about a joke getting less and less funny as people run into the ground
Simpsons did it
What meme is this anyway?
That one was good because loss has mutated into a more subtle/abstract meme, and because no attention was brought to it. It was just a background item.
Even IF loss ever loses it's relevance on 4chan, most people will just look at that and think nothing. Now, if it is a "funny face with catchphrase" meme like the Me Gusta, you'll probably assume it's a meme even if you never saw it by the way it's presented.
Anon you are old
This kind of related to the the topic. It's funny that everyone used to take and copy memes from 4chan; now we're just copying memes from Twitter and Vine
Loss was dead before it even got off the ground and only continued to exist partially because out of spite for the guy who made it unironically.

Baneposting is the uber meme, a transcendental meme that can never be destroyed or devalued and will forever exist in /tv/ as the meme that consumes even other memes. It is The Thing of memes. There are thesis about why Baneposting is the ultimate meme. Even if you don't laugh at it it's still there and there are still ways to make it funny.
It's a big meme
>i m p l y i n g
my little brother uses all sort of outdated memes. He says shit like "ermagerd" to me. There are plenty of kids just discovering the internet and thus discovering old memes
>the moment when Jack realises that he's in the future where Aku is CN's CEO
>Jonny bravo made by adult swim
yes please
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Saving this
>meme's are not memes if they have torn the fabrics of reality and become real
the point of those two memes is to annoy someone else, that never gets old, its just becomes stronger.
>TLOK was a phenomenal show

that's a weird way to spell disappointment
There is new Johnny Bravo

It's Indian, but it's Johnny Bravo

Hothead detected
for (you)
>the point of Loss and Baneposting is annoying someone else
/co/ really IS tumblr
>Simpsons did it
My girlfriend recently pointed out how often I mentioned that there was a Simpsons episode about whatever subject was at hand. They done literally everything.
South Park did it.
They've got stories for years.
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Like! Marge becomes a Robot!
Lose has always stayed an inside joke rather than being adopted by normies, and baneposting is such a transcendent meme it's outright killed people
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>y-you dont understand my meme
>weeb calling someone else pathetic
>in a taiwanese woodblock printing forum
its worse than i thought
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>All those /vp/ threads with retards unironically comparing that new pokemon show to PPG because of 'meme faces'

Is it just a case of the retarded, or has PPG polluted people's minds into not being able to appreciate wacky facial expressions and wild takes?
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this, mainly
Thanks to the internet and its neverending supplies of content, it becomes harder and harder for adults to track just what kids "are into" anymore. If you think "an arrow to the knee" died quickly (or before that, "the cake is a lie"), well, memes get stale and die even faster now.

And it's only going to get faster. The internet is literally compressing time; it's like the reverse of reaching lightspeed.
Whoa, Mama!
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Thanks for reminding me what I have to wear going into work today. Thanks Kmart.
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[greeting fellow kids internally]
/vp/ is full of idiots. This is coming from someone who likes pokemon.

They will ruin anything they get their hands on. They will drive every joke directly into the ground.
me gusta is an old meme anyway
nobody uses it since 2013
they just don't know what the fuck they're doing
itt: memester young adults/teens bashing memester teens/children
It's not just PPG. It's the Internet. Every weird face is a meme now apparently.

Can someone explain the FSH joke to me? The only thing I can find about it on Google is Follicle-Stimulating Hormone.
It's a stupid joke. You would think the answer is a certain type of fish, or a more clever punch-line, that you wouldn't expect anyone to use the low hanging fruit of FSH, which is the fish with no I.
It's a joke that only works verbally, so I don't know why they'd ruin it by putting it in text on a T-shirt.

The joke is that the word "eye" is pronounced the same as the letter "i." So the joke teller seems to be asking "What do you call a fish with no eye?" but then gives you the answer to the question "What do you call fish with no 'i'?" And the word fish without the 'i' is spelled fsh. It's a first grader-tier joke.
Ialways have the opinion that your cartoon produce memes, not the other way around
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