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/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons

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Thread replies: 560
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Grand Admiral Edition

>Upcoming Releases:

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What is she, /swco/?

>Think about it like this: what do you think most people think of when they think of Star Wars? Darth Vader, stormtroopers the Death Star, Luke Skywalker, Han, Leia, Chewie, Millenium Falcon, Yoda, ewoks maybe.

>No one's first thought when it comes to Star Wars is Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Anakin, Mace Windu, Grevious, etc.

Huh, there ARE people so delusional that they think that only the OT stuff and characters are iconic. I thought they'd have long died out by now.
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>B1s aren't iconic
Fuck that guy.
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Best imperial coming through
If he was best why did he die on the Death Star?

Checkmate, Yularenfags!
the fuck
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The end of Rogue One is so utterly fucking perfect.
Everything from when the Destroyers crash into each other onward is just incredible.
Our lead's deaths are beautifully handled, music is utterly superb, Vader is beast as fuck.
I have to say I wish they didn't all die so close ro eachother timewise.

More spread out over the movie would have been better, but then the Scarif part would've had to take longer.
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>You think the average person would recognize a LAAT over an AT-AT?
Shit taste confirmed.
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Not even close
>Best at anything
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>Tell me, why does he wear the cape
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Fulcrum, I...
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Jar Jar Binks 2017 We're officially bringing him back, Jar Jar resurgence, get out there and buy the merch my dudes.

>tfw when Thrawn/Kallus would be best ship
>but it will never happen because Kallus blows now
>and will probably die by Thrawn

Wow, what a complete and utter douche nozzle.
Fuck off. We established last thread that Rear Admiral Krennic is best Imperial.
I'd watch Jar Jar: A Star Wars Story

Krennicposting is best new meme. Because I'm already completely sick of it, yet I also still love it. And it seems to have scared away SS poster and Ezra-shipper.
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Why settle for him when you could have the best?
>Inside of tantive iv doesn't match up with blueprints
Immersion = Ruined
>Nien Nunb isn't throwaway (he's the literal greatest)
I know this meme has been around for years at this point, but has anyone put forward that we don't even know what the hell Yoda is?
Think again sonny
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Disney is fucking weird
That is true for most people though
Out of everything they could make plushes why chose that, literally just make a line of star wars plushes that's in-universe and your set, imagine loth-cat variants plush
But that's exactly what I mean, we don't know what they're called or where they come from, why does any one rando alien matter?
They look like if I decided to decorate my turds.
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I know right. Not a single prequel character tsum tsum, but fugging K-3PO gets one
Hey to be fair, the Darth Maul Tsum Tsum is adorable as fuck.
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>imagine loth-cat variants plush

Oh fuck I really want a lothcat plush.
Just pretend it's TC-14.
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it absolutely is not.
Fuck you I bought the Tarkin one

it was 5 dollarydoos
Hey, my MOM knows who Mace Windu is.
>Inside of tantive iv doesn't match up with blueprints
>Immersion = Ruined

What blueprint?
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I'm just being autistic though
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What I like about the Empire is that they're a weird, composite evil made up of a really industrial military side (Stormtroopers, AT-ATs, Death Star) and a mystical, evil wizard magic side (Sheev, red lightsabers, Vader).

Has there ever been any instance where the two halves have been in conflict with each other?

I feel it was a missed opportunity of TFA to not have the fall of the Empire cause a chism between the two. With the First Order being lead by an old Tarkin/Yularen type Moff and Snoke being a Dark Sider who disagreed with Palpatine's methods.
Have Snoke think that political domination isn't the right method and that it's more effective to manipulate and operate from the shadows. Have the Knights of Ren fight both the Resistance AND the Fist Order to perpetuate the ongoing suffering.
Rather than having Empire 2.0
That's way too nuanced for JJ. He wanted it to be a carbon copy of the Empire
Is that' Barris' evolved form?
>Has there ever been any instance where the two halves have been in conflict with each other?
No, because Sheev had a monopoly over mystic shit, and he was in complete control of the industrial side.

Oh I like that idea. Hell, they could have had Thrawn lead the non-mystical splinter group.
This is pretty dumb. The Sheevster had this shit on lockdown.
Well we do see a rift between Kylo and General Hux, and we know that the Knights of Ren exists independent of The First Order so hopefully we'll get something in the next two episodes that develops on that.
Not even in Legends?
>military branches in conflict
>it's WW2 japan and germany all over again
I wouldn't mind.
>The end of Rogue One is so utterly fucking perfect.
This is what sequel-infants actually believe.
Rate the Star Wars Endings.

4 > 5 > 6 > 2 (literally just the part with Sheev and the clones) > 1 > 7 > RO > 3
Red Lightsabers vs Stormies
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>Ranking ROTS last

You fuckin wot?
But the montage at the end of RotS IS perfect
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Can someone screencap the shot of Vader from this? My tiny monitor can't reap the benefits of proper 1080p resolution.
Tries to fit a bunch of plot points into ten minutes and just comes across as rushed and lazy. Like George almost didn't plan things out.
> Obi-Wan "Well I'll just leave Luke with this couple I've never met"
> Yoda "Ghosts we can be now"
> You're a robot Vader.
> Oh yeah C-3PO doesn't remember Obi-Wan. He got a mind wipe or something.
>and just comes across as rushed and lazy.
Only if you summarize it the way you did in your post
3 > 6 > 4 = RO > 2 > 5 > 1 >>>> 7
Oh yeah sure I forgot about all the groundwork they laid for force ghosts.
ROTS has to cover way too much ground in general to get to the place fans expected it to end. The ending basically tries to place everything into where it is at the beginning of ANH. It's just too much happening at once and doesn't feel like a definitive ending compared to every other episode.
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I know have an entire folder on my computer for Krennic posting

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That's nothing. Behold.


Are we blind? Deploy the garrison.
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Shit. I had forgotten about all that.

...Damn it, thats actually pretty cute...
It's like Smurfette wearing a thong
Cause General Tagge is better.
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What did they do to Sheev's monster face?
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no, tagge wasnt much at all
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My fuckin nigga
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hes fucking enchanting to look at
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>yfw Rey is actually Abeloth
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I don't know why, but I love named characters that don't really have a part. I have tons of them.
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I'm physically attracted to female rodians, what's wrong with me ?
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I'm physically attracted to Tarkin, what's wrong with me ?
So does Hasbro
t. tagge
Dick suckin' aardvark lips.
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Your tastes are patrician, what could possibly be wrong about it?
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>RO and 3 last
>no Jabba
>no Boba
>no Jar Jar
>no Palpatine
>no Qui-Gon
>no Mace Windu
>no B1
>no clones
>no mention of any of the planets or moons
>no action included; Podracing, flying, sword fighting and gunslinging
But Ewoks were memorable.
>Maul wasn't iconic
Why did the Jedi defend the corrupt and falling Republic during the clone wars?

Why were the separatists considered to be evil?
Forget it Jake, it's Reddit.
>Why did the Jedi defend the corrupt and falling Republic during the clone wars?
They were Guardians of the Republic. It was their job. It paid for their temple.

>Why were the separatists considered to be evil?
They were led by Dooku, a Sith. Ergo they were evil.
>It's a Resistance and Stormtroopers team up to fight the Knights of Ren episode
I love that stupid trope
That would be too deep for most people.
Weren't Jedi misguided in putting themselves at service of the Republic rather than the force?
The closest thing we get to this is Thrawn/Joruus passive-agressing over who actually deserves to lead the Empire Remnants
5 > 4 > TCW 3-6 > 3 > 2 > 1 > RO >>> 7
The Republic brought order and peace to the galaxy. Plus the Force only pays minimum wage
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If we kept the premise that 'the map to Luke Skywalker' is the key plot point, how about this scenario:
>independent faction holds the map - pirates, corporate sector, you name it
>tries to sell it to different factions, both the new Republic and the first order,
>however the knights of Ren also get to know of it
>both the new Republic and the First Order don't want to pay, instead they launch an offensive, a small band of spies for the Republic and an invasion for the map
>knights of Ren join the fray for an epic four way fight
>both the new Republic and the first order want Luke and his Jedi to join them, as they think they represent the best future for the galaxy
>Luke disagrees, and KoR fear him
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So since Gallius wears red robes instead of Imperial uniform like people assume how likely is it that he wears the same outfit as the messenger droids in Shattered Empire?
Why are people so boring?

>I don't like Hayden force ghost.
>Nah. I'd rather Luke die in The Last Jedi and return as a Force ghost in Episode 9.
>No thanks.
>Hell, no. He ain't got nothing to say anyone needs to hear.
>I never want to see Hayden Christiansen as a Force Ghost. I grew up with Force Ghost Anakin looking like Sebastian Shaw, and dammit, that's the way I like it. Boba Fett also doesn't have a New Zealander accent and Jabba never appeared in A New Hope.
>Nope. No more Hayden.
>Actually, no. It makes sense for force ghosts to return at some point. But I fear it is gimmicky unless done well, and I just don't think Anakin is the character to do it with. Obi Wan or Yoda if they do it at all. And possibly Obi Wan if in fact he is of Rey's lineage, if they go down that route. Except for maybe Yoda, I think it should be someone who has some connection to Rey. She is the protagonist.
>... portrayed by whom? Hayden = no. Anyone else = yes.
>Only if it's cg Sebastian Shaw, Rogue One style ;)
I really like the theory that Snoke is just a con man using the First Order as a means rather than the end.

When you look at TFA, he's pretty indifferent about the secular matters of the state. There are two things he's all about: stopping Luke from coming back from wherever he's hiding and finding/training his Force disciples.

It's Hux who convinces him to destroy Hosnian by stressing the political side of the issue, as all Snoke is concerned about is the map getting to Leia. Snoke just offhand approves the plan and goes straight back to rambling about "the awakening" and Kylo's trust in the dark side. Same in the second scene after Rey's interrogation. It's Hux who has the grand fiery speech as the Starkiller is first deployed. Kylo doesn't attend the event at all, he's just chilling on the Finalizer in the orbit.

Then when the Starkiller is destroyed, Snoke isn't even bothered by what is the FO's greatest military asset going up in flames. All he wants is Kylo back. Compare to the Death Star, where Palpatine's entire post-Senate strategy hinged on the damn thing.

There seems to be a certain separation between the church and the state, so to speak. Snoke isn't a political figure, like the Emperor was. He's like a theological leader, yet the FO is distinctly a militaristic state, even more so than the Empire was. It doesn't fit.

Then, you have the recent spoilers from the Empire's End about the FO's origins. I think it's rather clear now, that Snoke just moved in and somehow took control of the FO, by the time the faction was already well up and running. He's not interested in restoring the glory of the Empire, or even taking control of the galaxy at all - FO is just a tool he's using to get what he wants, a movement he hijacked because it was easily spun under his control and his real goals aim higher than merely replicating what Sheev did in his life.
They hate the prequels because they watch RLM. the shitstorm if they made him come back woudl be fucking awesome to witness, especially if he has good bantz
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These are the same fucking RLM sheep that hate on anything prequel related.
This is sad to read, how can people not give something a chance just because a guy liked it?
Wow, what a bunch of fags
What's funny is that Rogue One turned out to be pretty darn good, great even. And better than The Force Awakens.
It's almost like good old George understands what's good for his own creation.
Damn these people really are fucking faggots
>Boba Fett also doesn't have a New Zealander accent

Bitch doesn't like Temuera Morrison.
Wow, even B1's have more individuality and personality than those drones.
Good edition
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How does the Holonet works ?
It it some one-way broadcasting system like television ?
Or more like the Internet ?

In that case, is there a neimoidian cartoon image board on it ?
>neimoidian cartoon image board
Only Kaminoan fish breeding enthusiast forums my friend.
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Don't tell me those comments at the bottom are real. I don't want to believe there are people that didn't get what the movie was about.

I can understand forgetting what DS Bothans were about but thinking this was about yet another DS or part of the ST is beyond stupid.
Thanks fampai
God that shot was so fucking cool

RO got Vader so right
Not long left in this season of Rebels.

Is there still time for Hera getting raped by Thrawn and then, as soon as she thinks she's over it, Hera getting raped by Maul?
Oh fuck I didn't read those.
It's even worse than I thought.
Those guys should be 66'd ASAP.
Found the original thread and a cursory search didn't yield any Bothan posts.

I like Tem, but I do find it silly that Boba would have the exact same accent as his Dad. It was a fairly unnecessary change in my eyes.
More like it got what "fans thought Vader was in the OT but really wasn't" so right.
I'm the Anon who screenshot all the reddit comments. Those Bothan ones are from one of the trailer threads they had for Rogue One.

We only saw Vader interact with jedis and high-ranked officers in OT, never with rebel grunts.
And it's not quite hard to imagine how he would act in such cases.
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I want my mommy
>but really wasn't

Yeah, I remember the scene where he sends the rebel ship captain to spend the rest of his life in a dungeon.
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name a better pair

Protip I'm curious to see what you come up with
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Id like to see the knights of ren being more of a real knight order instead of what we got schoolshooters with homemade weapons . they'd all be dark force users but not following the teachings of the sith.
im thinking deus vult in space

its mostly only because i'd like to see force users utilizing shields
Who is this monster tentacle waifu?
I'm just saying people seem to remember this unstoppable killing machine in the OT when he really wasn't.
I meant the atmosphere of the scene you fucking mong

It got why he was such a terrifying character down
Only kids would think Vader was scary
Shields are for pussies who can't see the future
You're the perfect fucking evidence SW "fans" hate SW and have lost their fucking minds.

Someone says R1 was good and people assume they must love TFA or anything George made in the last 20+ years. R1 feels more in common with the first two SW films and it baffles me to find people who think otherwise.
Good thing Star Wars is made for kids then
They made a 3.75 inch of this guy, back in the day when Black Series articulation was the default figure....i have it.
No fun allowed

You're not allowed to think a villain has a presence. I bet Krennic is a sad gay baby to you too.
Only if there is also enough time for SS to come back as a cyborg-spider waifu and drain Ezra of his seed.
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Vader had presence yes but he wasn't scary, maybe it's cause i was an adult when i watched Star Wars for the first time
If both you and your opponent can see the future, what is the point of fighting?
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Who's hoping we get a Bane novel or comic series?
Ask Anakin and Obi-Wan
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Hey there /swco/.

Isn't Kallus a great character? It would be a shame if something happened to him, right?
The torrent for Clone Wars in the OP has fucked up, skipping audio for Season 3. Is this an issue anyone else has had? It might be some settings issue, although everything up until Season 3 played perfectly.
n-noo kallus is t-terrible!-! i sure hope he d-doesn't stay on the show f-forever-!1
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is she alive m8s?
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>Rae Sloane
>starts off as just a one-shot from A New Dawn
>ends up as the last Grand Admiral and founder of the First Order
On that note, that makes this early picture of her with Vader is hilarious in hindsight.
I think I had a dream last night where she got murdered by Darth Vader.
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I wonder if she will show up in EP 8? Its only been 20ish year since Endor, and the turnover for a grand admiral with an SSD is probably not very significant.
Disney won't let her die. She is too popular among the kids.
She's dead. Filoni just did not have the balls to have her die on screen, so he metaphorically did it with her walking deeper into the temple, essentially a metaphor for 'on a journey to the afterlife'. F.



D-don't kill him my Lord! He was misguided, he meant to wrong!
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>Take a look at these exclusive shots from Checchetto’s sketchbook for the upcoming STAR WARS: THE SCREAMING CITADEL, the one-shot that kicks off the newest Star Wars comic crossover.
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>Has there ever been any instance where the two halves have been in conflict with each other?

There was Grand Admiral Zaarin's attempted coup in the old TIE Fighter game. Zaarin was a technophile who thought 'technology > all' and openly mocked the Force at one point.

>Soon he will have nothing but his pitiful Force to rely on'

Kind of hope they bring back Zaarin as a Grand Admiral in the new canon.
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That was all of them.
Does anyone know what this Screaming Citadel comic is going to be about? Are these dudes Old Republic guys?
Is this any good?
Hasn't come out yet.

You know, this is one of the reasons I hate that the sequel trilogy just killed off Luke's order offscreen. Because I was kind of interested in seeing how Luke would build up his New Jedi Order. Would he tie his order to the New Republic, like the OJO did but as others have pointed out, lead to their downfall when the Republic grew rotten and corrupt. Would he keep them separate from the Republic and have them follow the Force and their own consciences, but invite tension with the NR, since I doubt they'd like the idea of super powered monks with laser swords walking around without any kind of control or accountability. Would he keep the 'No attachments' rule of the OJO or try to find a new way? Really a bunch of potentially interesting ideas tossed away because JJ and the Story Group are allergic to coming up with original ideas and would prefer to just rehash the OT.
Oh, sorry, you're right. I was padding an order on Amazon and saw it, didn't notice the "not yet available" label.
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Well as someone who's been reading the Aphra comics, I can tell you the story leading up to it is that Aphra helped her dad go to the temple on Yavin 4 and use it to find an abandoned Jedi temple hidden somewhere in the galaxy. Supposedly, in ancient history, there was a war between two feuding Jedi factions and a superweapon in the temple ended up killing everyone.
I'm hoping for a Bane movie, personally.
I recently rewatched Revenge of the Sith and the last ten or so minutes are (almost) fucking flawless.
Same. Also, all of of Order 66.
I'm hoping for a Revan miniseries
>She's lost the will to live
What, like Carrie's mom?
>Inkies die like bitches minus Grand
>Saxon dies like a bitch
>half the imp cast dies like bitches
>Maul probably going to die like a bitch

is any villain i like going to stick around or at least have a final blaze of glory or would that interrupt the thrawn circlejerk
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Hard to believe that someone yesterday kept saying that RotS had the worst ending out of all the films.
Maul getting killed by Kenobi is absolutely not "dying like a bitch"
He did say "almost".
Question: Did Luke even like Owen or Beru?

Because his reaction to seeing their burned corpses is little more than "Oh Dear", yet seeing Obi-Wan die gets a full blown "Noooo!" out of him and bums him out for a decent part of the movie.

I know he's young and dumb at the start but you've got to be a real ungrateful piece of shit to not care about the people who raised you for 18 years just because they wouldn't let you run off to Toshe Station.
In old canon? Maybe. Star Wars comics have already said Obi's long past his prime by the time this showdown will happen.

Still holding out for them just talking or some sort of development instead of just doing Old Wounds but in CGI form
>still ni thrawn tsumtsum
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Give them time. They have a fucking Greedo one, he should not be far behind
isn't this the same faggot responsible for those hideous cringy OC DO NOT STEAL custom stormtrooper designs in the Harbinger arc? If there's one good thing that came from Salvador Larocca's awful tracing, it's that it took that horrific Liefield-tier stylization and turned Kreel's squad into normal shaped stormtroopers with extra little bits on them.
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are these hacky sacks
Oh no she's hot.jpg

I really like this one.

Its not RLM. Everyone hates the prequels. Prequel love only started on 4chan when the RLM stuff became popular. Because you're a bunch of whiny contrarians with a victims complex.

Its fucking pathetic.
What is a Legends/EU character you want to be canon and what is a Legends/EU character you never want to be canon?
Well, imho it looks too much like a normal medieval armor with led on it
Same goes for >>90160350
What comic are you talking about?
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none of this garbage is star wars
I don't know how "the prequels" became an equally detestable entity. I was a teenager when Revenge of the Sith came out and I distinctly remember most people loving it. The first two prequels were definitely disliked but people were saying the third redeemed the prequel trilogy. I don't know when it became popular to say RotS was just as bad as the first two.
Prequel love is an outgrowth of Clone Wars fandom. The show helped people re-evaluate their positions on the prequels.
>Nihilus solos an entire squad by virtue of accumulating so much health he can tank nukes to the face
Why is shitty mobage nihilus infinitely more threatening than the real one
>What is a Legends/EU character you want to be canon

>What is a Legends/EU character you never want to be canon?
Galen Marek
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Well, I mean, you could use them as hacky sacks, but they're just small, tubular and pretty cute plushies.
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>Only my opinion matters!
I dont want to trigger this general but KotOR
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A Bane movie?
To predict a little of the way past the future.

Also genuine precognition is not a trait all Jedi share. What people seem to mistake for precognition are actually heightened reflexes. Precognition is found in those particularly strong in the Force, like Anakin or Yoda. Sometimes it even comes to you randomly, like with Pong Krell and Sifo-Dyas. Other times it takes more than one Jedi concentrating on the future to get a glimpse of it, like in the Children of the Force arc in TCW. Some Jedi can even see back in time by interacting with objects, like Quinlan Vos.
the Star Wars comic arc where the gang steals the Star Destroyer Harbinger than those mary sue edgelord beeftroopers invade and btfo everybody until the protags put them in their rightful place (the garbage can) at the last minute

Laserwhip are, even if they have nothing to do with the lightsabers
don't give (you)s to shitposters as pathetic as this, hide their posts and ignore them
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As somebody that can't be bothered to give half a shit about RLM, I can honestly say that I still don't have much love for the prequel trilogy. That said, however, there are many elements of them that I DID like. Lightsaber battles were a lot more dramatic and tense, new settings, a closer look at the world that was before the rise of the empire, Maul, lots of nifty things.
I feel as though "hating the prequels" is just a tired old meme at this point, and people still cling to it because these OT purists still keep squawking about how only the OT was any good and anything that came out after them is trash. People are free to feel that way, sure, but I think it's a shitty and closed-minded view to have.
stop replying to the bad bait, posts as awful as that do not deserve (you)s, it's an objectively wrong redditor shillpost designed to make people mad
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>Nihilus is in GoH

What does this mean
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>Lightsaber battles were a lot more dramatic and tense

People love to post this gif as evidence that the lightsaber battles are cheesy but I honestly thought the Vader/Obi-Wan fight in ROTS to this day is very solid and intense. This part is a little silly taken out of context but the fight itself is very well choreographed and feels real.
>I'll try spinning, that's a good trick.
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>home spun sativa plant fiber robe
holy shit did pablo just make marijuana/hemp canon
explains why she idiotically fucked everything up for everybody
story time by the way
>space hemp
>"red sash of the enlightened"
so she was a space hippy?
>they made Iceland a planet

I approve
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What if Snoke isn't the "big bad"?
Seeing as he didn't really care about the First Order's lost when the SKB was destroyed, what if he's just using the FO for his own goals? But don't really care about the politics or the destruction of the New Republic. That was just sort of Hux' thing anyways.

He has to be out for something else right? Maybe he's tricking the FO that they need to find Luke to "kill him", because he needs him for something?
what is rlm
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A true war hero.
Wow. Never looked at it like that. Is there a Star Wars version of the Hypercrisis?
raging loser maniacs
Yea this place has opinions, are you frightened? If so you really should go back.
He is. The new canon teases him as the ultimate darkness evil bad guy villain.
Rapist Lesbian Milkers. They go around gay bars squeezing of lesbo titties and collecting dyke milk.
Watched all of season 3 episodes and I'm finally up to date.

Fuck, I'm loving the adherence to continuity and the character development. You guys were right, I really like what they're doing with Kallus!

I absolutely love that they went back to having clan-based warrior Mandalores, but that creates a question: didn't Mandalore evolve past its warrior ways? I remember Mandalore being a pacifist neutral planet in Clone Wars, with the Death Watch being the "exiled" warriors who refused to renounce their ways. So, what happened? Is there any official answer on this, or did they just ignore that all together?
> Want to be canon.

Kyle Katarn, Jan Ors, Mara Jade, Revan,

> Don't want to be Canon

Vong, the kitten Jedi, Luuke.
hot, this would be a lot more entertaining than their actual vids
Why would I be frightened? I find it hilarious that you have such an awful opinion.
Nothing, the nature of the game (literally just hologames) means he's non-canon, just like when HK-47 was in the game at release, it doesn't have the semi-canon power of that commander game.
>Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors
they already are canon senpai
Don't care about Kallus, you can have him
>the ultimate darkness evil bad guy villain.
Sounds intense
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If Kallus dies I will be sad

unless it is done artistically
>essie keeps an eye on the horizon for intruders
bravo pablo
There's a storytime in progress ya dingus
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>Override code: Rukh

This was a sign wasn't it
Not me and i wasn't here yesterday. I just find interesting you feel the need to bring up someone else's opinion from 24 hours ago jusy to see of you get any upvotes on your totally awesome opinion.
everyone keeps mentioning rukh was he mentioned in a trailer or something?
Yeah, it was in the most recent preview for Through Imperial Eyes. We get a scene of Thrawn sparring with some droids and he uses the word "Rukh" to end the simulation
you think galen fought in the clone wars?
Anon did you even bother reading Catalyst?
(At 24 seconds if it doesn't work)
I love this take on the Imperial Shuttle. Stark, monolythic, and yet grounded within the Star Wars universe.
ty anon
Dude was probably shellshock, but he still has Obi-Wan to rely on. Once Obi-Wan gets ghosted, he has no one left so he freaks out.
>I just find interesting you feel the need to bring up someone else's opinion from 24 hours
There's nothing wrong with having an opinion. The guy's opinion wasn't the problem, it was his reasons he listed. If you read it, you would know that the guy was clearly trolling, hence why it was funny.
>jusy to see of you get any upvotes on your totally awesome opinion
>Abbomie the Gig

Holy shit. I'm taking him home with me
its my new favorite ship for sure
the mc75 is mine desu, saved you the effort of merging the two separate pages
Funny, I've seen the Death Trooper helmet with the green light up tips in most promotional materials, and even in the black series replica, but I don't recall them lighting up in the actual movie.

> you guys were right

Most of /swco/ does not like what they are doing with Kallus. It's sloppy.
>strong jaw for crushing roots
>It's sloppy

What do you mean
yeah i dont remember seeing them either

Sloppy how? He's developing rather well, I think.

Sloppy would be to just have him stay the same as he was in Season 1 and 2.
>and people assume they must love TFA or anything George made in the last 20+ years

there is absolutely no correlation between TFA or anything George made in the last 20+ years

You're basically saying TFA is great

Season one Kallus and Thrawn could have been so good.
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Naw, he was a navigator on a spice freighter.
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>Kallus didn't become his Pellaeon
>referencing the Death Troopers book

So they're willing to bring up stuff that was NEVER canon for funsies. Neat.

He has too little screentime to make his turn believable, he needed at least another season. Rewatch season one, and read the comics. He's still a borderline psycho there. He kills with glee.

Also they should never have made him ISB. Are you seriously expecting me to believe an ISB agent is surprised by how cold and cruel the Empire is?
Hurrr If someone doesn't like ROTS they are trolling, cuz it's the bestest.
Durr If someone doesn't like every last Star Wars thing and hold it to a high standard they must HATE Star Wars.
Oh I see what you mean

There was a time skip between season 2 and 3 though, so they'll just chalk it up to that, I imagine
Did... you watch all of The Clone Wars? Because it sounds like you didn't.

He's not surprised at all, he's tired.

Season 1 Kallus was still hot, hating rebels passionately. He was 100% sure they were the barbaric chaotic enemy the Empire makes them out to be.

Season 2 he's still fighting rebels, but isn't AS emotional about it. And then his episode with Zeb forced him to reconsider the reasons why he was so passionately anti-rebel. At the end of the episode, he's spent, and rethinking his role in the conflict.

By Season 3 a LOT of time has gone by, and he had time to take his stand.

He starts out just kinda letting them get away with stuff, until eventually going full informant.

I don't think it's sloppy at all. Of course it's not 100% perfect: Season 1 was a lot less heavy on continuity and overarching plots, it had a much more episodic feel to it, so they probably had no idea they'd end up taking the character down this road.

But they did, and I love them for that.
How much of Clone Wars did you watch?

I did, I just don't remember all the little details. There's no mention of what exactly happens to Mandalore after Maul is taken down, but it's implied in the show that Mandalore has been that way for some before the events of the TV show began, and most of the Warrior Clans had been wiped out in a civil war, with the Death Watch being a kind of nostalgic faction wanting to MAKE MANDALORE GREAT AGAIN so it's a little weird that only a decade later the entire culture reverted back to Clan-based warmongers.

He's still around after ROTJ.
Was he mentioned in Empire's End?
Not your personal army, faggot. You want to start shit on reddit keep it their. Stop bringing your fights for others to fight in.
Yeah, still a senator and still the minister of finance I think.
>Be Mark Hamill
>The big day arrived and it's time to talk about EP7 with the whole crew
>JJ hands everyone a script except you
>JJ when do I get a script?
>He ignores you as he talks with Daisie now
>4 to 6 hours fly by, 2 of them with Ford threatening to fly a plane in JJ's house if he doesn't kill Han, and no one talked to you for a bit
>JJ when do I get-
>Oh Mark there you are! Yeah you just turn around to look at Rey for a bit
>Just bear it, hide your face and bear it
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I was right, she really is from Taris!
But I also was wrong, she's a different lady than the one from Clone Wars.
If you remember the aftermath of Maul's killing Pre Vizsla, Almec announces to the public a cultural revolution, that they're giving up the pacifist ways that made them gluttons for punishment during the war, and that they would return to the warriors they were always meant to be. Almec supervized this transition until Bo Katan took power at the end of the civil war and finalized it. Then the Empire took advantage of their warrior prowess and pitted the clans against each other to weed out those who would be loyal.
>Senatorial affairs

Oh my
To determine which person's vision will be realized.
im gonna go take a shit. will continue dumping later
Aww did the mean word offend you?
Should I play nicer?
So, since its here to stay, post your favorite scene from TFA.

There's no clip for mine, but its when Finn is running after Kylo's ship.
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Thanks, anon
All the establishing shots of the junkyard on Jakku.
Hux's speech just makes me feel warm inside.
but then its not really future vision is it?


The end credits announcing that the pain was over.
Not only is the future always in motion, but every thing one sees is dependent upon one's point of view.

Oh, I see. I thought the New Mandalorians had been in power for decades, and Warrior Clans had been a thing of the ancient past, but apparently the Clans had been warring for control of the planet as recently as Episode I.
And people said I was trolling!
How do you define ending in this case? When does the ending start?

I guess for me:

RO > 3 > 6 > 4 > 5 > 7 > 2 > 1
but how do you know that the future always is in motion? theres no way of knowing that unless you can timetravel
I think of it as the last five or so minutes after the climax. Like every thing after Starkiller, or the medal ceremony.
Is that Tarkin?
That's hilarious.
I'd buy a Krennic. Do they have Krennics?
You can accept the word of an authority, Yoda.
You can look ahead frequently and see it shift each time.
You can recall in the present your vision of what was then the future, and note the differences.
We all travel through time already, anon.
Is there a visual guide for The Clone Wars? Where did you get that image from?
If your vision of the future constantly changes how do you know that "the future is in motion" and not simply your precognition abilities are shit?
>Best Imperial
Asking the real questions
Yeah he's so evil because he blew up 5 planets compared to Palpatine's one.
Reading Empire's End, reminded of how absolutely everyone is quippy and insecure in these books
I'd give the DS a three-kill count, honestly. Jedha and Scarif are basically fucked forever now, so they are essentially uninhabitable.
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Oh my, indeed!
Satine's rule had been a relatively recent thing, as early as prior to Episode I, yes. Because she aligned with the pacifists, the conservative warrior clans clashed with her rule and instigated a civil war. This was eventually quashed by the Jedi Order, allowing Satine to rule largely unopposed for the next decade until the Clone Wars again saw the rise of the warrior clans through the Death Watch, and their overthrow of Satine's government by way of Maul's Sheeving.
>Star Wars game made by the team behind Ace Combat
Would you play it?
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I think most of the clone wars info pages came from the star wars magazine.
>Tarkin's Shenanigans on the Death Star only galvanized resistance and allowed the Alliance to become a military power in its own right.
Quit posting, Daala. You aren't canon anymore.
>Just a minimum power blast from the Death Star is enough to cause a K-2 level extinction event on a planet.
Honestly blowing up the entire planet would be mercy compared to that. At least the deaths would be quick.
Might be alright so long as it wasn't done by the team that did Ace Combat: Assault Horizon.

Alright, that clears it up. Thanks.
So how badly did JJ Abrams burn the bridge between him and Lucasfilms?
Besides, she totally slept with Krennic
If you accept that the future is predetermined, then any difference between vision and realization is explained by faulty vision. If not, then any difference is due to the actions of the myriad of other people seeking to create a different future.
Philosophers and other mental masturbators have argued all three sides of that question for millennia, and found nothing concrete save navel lint. I eschew the argument. Instead I choose the point of view where living beings can influence their path in life, rather than reject my own ability to influence the world around me.
porn when

Most , and the best, of Lucasfilms employees are Star Wars fans, not normies. I'm pretty sure they share most fans opinion that TFA was just a nostalgia-pandering popcorn flick that not only didn't add anything interesting to the SW universe, but made it so that a shit ton of better ideas wouldn't be possible.

So I'd say they're pretty mad at him, definitely.

The teams working Canon stuff normally have tons of respect for UE works. See Clone Wars, Rebels and the Prequels: they tried as much as they could not to override or step on established Legends stuff, and even include Legends cameos when possible.

Abrams just shat allover the EU, and for what? A really shitty script.
What part of Alderaan do you think got directly hit by the laser? The main capital, right on Bail and Breha's heads? Some random mountain range?
Krennic is a little bitch who was in way over his head. Like that wannabe Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds.
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Apparently there was some planetary shield, probaably hit the controls for that head on
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No idea about Canon, but Legends it hit the Mountain range next to the capital.
>Most of /swco/ does not like what they are doing with Kallus. It's sloppy.
Don't act like /swco/ shares your opinion faggot
I've suffering from severe withdrawal, /co/.

I've watched everything Clone Wars and Rebels. I need a new show. What are you guys watching? What do you recommend? I've already seen Firefly and The Expanse, and I loved them, so anything remotely like that would be pretty cool. I tried giving Farscape a try, but only managed to get halfway through season 2. Too much melodrama and dialogue exposition, too little action.
Without Krennic the DS-1 would never have been built!
>Bail died knowing Leia was captured by Vader and the Death Star plan foiled.

Damn, that's true.
>When the powerful superlaser was fired at the planet, it met Alderaan's powerful planetary shield. However, the shield was unable to withstand the incredible power of the superlaser, and was destroyed within milliseconds.
Cowboy Bebop for space western.
Oban for pod racing.
Actually, he died believing Leia was killed and the Death Star plan foiled.

>"Send a distress signal and then inform the Senate that all aboard were killed."
>Quotes Wookieepedia Legends page
Not Canon
fuck off nigger

post your shitty french anime in /a/, stop filling /swco/ with this shit every day.
Try out Roughnecks: the starship trooper chronicles
More of a war show but is still fun
It's canon until it's not
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>stopping before Liars, Guns and Money
>not appreciating character development and Crichton's descent into madness
that's not how it works
Sure it is, they didn't remove the old canon. They just won't be beholden to it anymore.

It's not gone, just not yet over-written
Other way around, it's non-canon until it is

Huh, this looks fun. Will give it a try.


I don't know, I just thought it was too slow-paced. Too many talky episodes, where the crew just kinda hangs around Moira and goes through some wacky in-fighting for a reason or another. I'm an autistic manchild, I need lasers and action once in a while to keep me interested, and so far there's been very little exciting action. I still have all of Season 2 downloaded here, so you're welcome to convince me to give it another chance, though.
>Huh, this looks fun. Will give it a try.

Be warned it gets edgy as fuck half way through
No dude. It's all not canon until the new works make it canon. They went full clean slate. So like, they made Thrawn canon. That, however, doesnt mean his exploits in his old books are canon. Only what he does in the new works will be canon,
>they didn't remove the old canon.
There is no "old canon". All they did was officially declare the Expanded Universe as a truly separate thing and rename it "Legends".

Legends was never truly canon and is not currently canon. It is a writer's resource that can and will be drawn from.

It's not

"canon until it isn't"


"non-canon until it is recanonized"
All that talky stuff sets up the action, it all grows organically from the development the characters get. It's continuity heavy, and it's very satisfying because of it.
For example: Liars, guns, and money, is a 3 part arc that relies heavily on past characters and D'argo's relationship with his son, and also the consequences of John's previous interactions with Scorpius. Everything important comes into play, and the consequences of that arc continue to have effects all throughout the rest of the series. It also happens to be a fun bank heist 3 parter, with lots of shoot shoot and big explosions going on.
Also, as the series goes on the crew is going to find themselves in more high stakes situations. So more shoot shoot happens.
That Jedi fighter looks like shit, it doesn't even look like a dorito

I get your point. I'll watch the rest of Season 2 eventually, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
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snoke cant be the big bad, sheev set snoke up for some thing.

a "destiny" or some thing
Galen should go back to designing superlasers, he's shit at toys.
Man, I trust Rian Johnson. He seems a way better fit for Star Wars than Abrams.

I just don't know where they're taking this now that JJ has shat allover the plot.

He just tried so hard to bring back nostalgia OT feels that he completely neglected the actual plot.

How can The Last Jedi build something interesting out of the extremely dull stuff TFA gave Rian to work with?
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>You and your girlfriend are waiting in line at the cantina
>This guy slaps your girl's ass
What do you do, /swco/?
Giving the New Republic a bigger part will definitely set a lot of things straight. So I hope they do that.
>This guy slaps your girl's ads

i hope he survived rogue one but i dont think he did...
Of course he didn't, not when Vader was aboard his ship.
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>Introduce Darksaber on Rebels
>Belongs to Sabine now
>Jyn and Cassian looking for the Death Star Plans
>Think to myself "Maybe that has something to do with the Darksaber?"
>New Episode of Rebels
>Sabine leaves to reunite Madalore against the Empire with the Darksaber
She's gonna die, isn't she /co/?
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As if I could ever get a girl
>She's gonna die, isn't she /co/?
we can only hope, seems to be the only plot device these shitty rebel writers know.
He didn't, Leia was Vader's only link to the hidden rebel base.
They're not gonna kill Sabine

Thrawn will execute his mouse trap master-plan and have them trapped, then be distracted at the last moment by the one thing he didn't prepare for - a united Mandalorian force attacking

Sabine will save the day and everyone will suck her meaty mando dick forever

>not a single main cast character has died yet
>all of them have gone through personal arcs and character growth
>plenty of twists and reveals since last Season

Are we watching the same series?
So what is the Blacksaber project in your theory? Mecha Sabine brought back to life by imperial scientists?

I don't see any connection.
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Grand Admiral Edition, you say?
Sabine doesn't have to die for the Darksaber to end up in an Imperial research lab somewhere. She all-too-easily gave the saber to her mother, with the intention of her keeping it or passing it along once more. I can see the Empire killing it's "rightful" owner at some point, who we know from the episode isn't Sabine.
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>it's "rightful" owner
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Is Korkie Bo-Katan's son?

If so, how the hell is he Satine's nephew if he isn't actually Satine and Obi-Wan's lovechild?
Blacksaber could be another darksaber produced by the Empire to lead the imperial mandalorian faction.

How is she main cast you fucking doofus?
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i never said main charaters, i said they kill people to advance plot.
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It also could be a luxury cruiser variant of the AT-AT.

There is NOTHING to base any theories on. Just like with the stupid Sabine's mother theories, retarded "Rogue One has to be connected to Ep. 8" and everyone's favourite "X is Snoke" that all have been BTFO.

You mean like literally 99% of all fiction?

The inquisitors' deaths were hardly plot movers. They were more like consequences of bigger things than narrative devices.

How much of a bitch do you have to be to whine about villains not having plot armor?
Sure it is the only way they know.
Are you retarded or watching duels on YT is your whole experience with Rebels?
One could argue that this is actually true, since Gallius and Palpatine by extension are responsible for the Imperial fleet losing.
Hate to break it to you, but she's already been confirmed to survive at least past the Battle of Yavin, creating propaganda in support of the Rebels.
That should say "if not," not "if so".
>Jyn and Cassian looking for the Death Star Plans
>Think to myself "Maybe that has something to do with the Darksaber?"

it's literally just a reference to this

>based on stolen DS-1 plans
>based in the Hoth asteroid field from ESB
Fuck sake.
I'm actually pretty sure it's set up for a future movie.

Wouldn't be surprised if "Blacksaber" is something that's fucking up Kashyyyk in the Solo movie that they have to destroy
Congratulations, Lucasfilm just selected you to create a Netflix series set in the canon Star Wars universe, and it can be about anything you want. What do you pick?

Hard mode: No KOTOR
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>Escape craft: 1 scooter.
They have the entire Clone War, already established, to give Kashyyyk a problem pre-Empire. They don't need to do more than that, especially for a part of a movie that should only be 10-20 minutes..
Finish TCW
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Can someone explain how the Imperial ranks work exactly. Like, we have Grand Admirals and Grand Moffs, but also Fleet Admiral as sector governors and stuff. I thought Governors, Moffs and Grand Moffs were more like civilian positions that control the running of Imperial government on particular planets and sectors and that Admirals in the Navy were just that: military officers. But then we have Tarkin, a Grand Moff, being in charge of a military weapon instead of doing governing. And then we don't see any real difference between Admirals, Fleet Admirals and Grand Admirals -- they all just seem to control fleets with no real power differences.
>Tarkin skipping leg day
>a Grand Moff, being in charge of a military weapon instead of doing governing
Tarkin put himself on the project at it's end, the Empire's structure didn't do it. He was going to use it to govern planets through fear of it appearing in their skies.
What all has been announced for the 40th anniversary thus far? So far I've got:
>Hasbro Black figures
>Topps cards

Anyone else know of anything?

Legacy comics.
Just... fucking whatever dude.
Stick blue, yellow and red squares on your chest. Whoever has the most wins.
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>A gritty, Band of Brothers-style war drama miniseries based around an elite platoon of Stormtroopers in the midst of the Galactic Civil War that highlights both the moral ambiguity of Empire and the good and bad men that make up its Army.

>Rami Malek as a recently commissioned, newly promoted Lieutenant put in charge of the Platoon. A by-the-book officer that scored near the top of his class at the Imperial Academy, but whose lack of real experience and naivete will cause a major shift in his persona as the war rages on and he faces the reality of combat. He is seen as a model officer and skilled tactician when the series opens.

>Viggo Mortensen as the Platoon Sergeant First Class and its Second-in-Command. A gruff, seasoned and cynical veteran shock trooper whose experience, skill and willingness to do whatever is necessary for victory is indespensible to the Platoon. He also personally leads the Assault Squad and has learned to detach his personal feelings from his work.

>Tatiana Maslany as a young and overzealous COMPNOR commissar/morale officer attached to the unit to make sure they remain loyal to the Empire and who is ordered to report or personally stamp out any dissent, but must confront her worldview as she experiences the light and dark of the Empire's reality. She isn't in the normal Chain-of-Command, but is given special authority to discipline soldiers that display any sign of disloyalty.

>Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as a Staff Sergeant in charge of the Platoon's Scout Trooper Squad. An experienced, charming and friendly soldier with a talent for gathering intelligence and long-range sharpshooting. He is also the second highest ranked enlisted member and Third-in-Command of the Platoon. He often acts as a mentor and surrogate older brother to the younger soldiers.

>A clone raised by his father has the exact same accent
How the fuck is that silly?

>Michael B. Jordan as a Corporal in the Platoon's Assault Squad. An everyman just trying to get by and do his job without compromising his morals. He sometimes questions the methods that the Platoon is forced to use, but is unsure of how to confront these feelings.

>Rodrigo Santoro as the violent and volatile Sergeant in charge of the Platoon's Demolition-and-Heavy Weapons Squad. He sees the Rebels as nothing more than terrorists and sometimes enjoys his job a bit too much, but genuinely believes the Empire is the "good" side regardless of the the means they use against their enemies.

>Jack O'Connell as a young, recently conscripted Private assigned to the Platoon as support due to his prodigious engineering knowledge, skill with technology and flying skills. He functions as the Platoon's primary mechanic, gunship pilot and radio operator while in the field. He is deeply conflicted about his military service due to the knowledge that his family was present on Alderaan when it was destroyed.
Starship troopers Roughneck style drama of Imperial Stormtroopers and Imperial Starfleet
He's a clone and all of the clones have the same accent.

Except for Cut Up for some reason.
Jokes on him, we're on Poliss Masa with a squad of repurposed battle droids.
Luke and Ben Solo going around the galaxy trying to find holocrons
it's a cartoon
Accents aren't genetic.
It works either way but going out of your way to change it makes it seem silly.

Star Wars: Imperials
>Accents aren't genetic.
They are in Star Wars
Do you have only a small understanding of how humans learn language? The majority of it comes from hearing the people around the child talking, and the child emulating it as closely as they can. Boba was around his father and all of the clones that had to learn Basic from the Kaminoans and Jango.
This is also why Rey is "Core-worlds British" in TFA (and likely the rest of the movies). She hears most of her Basic while on Jakku, from all the Imperial recordings, records and what not in all the abandoned ships she goes through.
I guess. Whatever, I just thought it was an unnecessary change is all.

He's spent most of his life jacking off around the Galaxy with aliens and shit, accents can change. If Tem had been the original voice, nobody would bat an eyelid but changing it and somehow implying that the original voice was somehow wrong is a little daft.
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The Emperor mostly dicked around on whatever projects he personally wanted to be involved in and he allowed close friends to do the same. So if Tarkin were a very good governor Sheev might go to him and say 'Hey, you're really good at keeping people in line and you've earned my respect. Wanna be in charge of this super weapon project and have your name remembered in history books?'

As for Admirals and Grand Admirals I wanna say that Admirals control a few fleets (like maybe the fleets of a sector like the Anoat sector) while a Grand Admiral controls the fleets of an entire chunk of the galaxy like the Outer Rim. Thrawn is probably one of only a handful of Grand Admirals and I wouldn't be surprised if Sheev had a few underachieving Grand Admirals killed and by the time of Rebels Thrawn may control something like 1/3rd of the military.

Tl;dr None of it matters because Sheev doesn't give a shit about the actual structure of the bureaucracy and gives people power in any form as a reward for their service to him.
Jar Jar cartoons done in the style of Looney Tunes.
That sounds fun
Shouldn't Finn have an Imperial accent?
yes but adults often lose their accents if they spend a lot of time around a different one. Arnold Schwarzenegger for example has to take diction coaching in order to maintain his famous Austraian hoch, because he naturally speaks with the standard "unaccented" American accent. Where I am (San Diego) there are a lot of Australian immigrants who have noticed the phenomenon that their accents are growing weaker the longer they stay here. If you don't spend a lot of time around people that speak the same as you do, you lose your accent. So while it's plausible that Boba Fett might be able to keep his and sound just like Temuera Morrison (which is cool and badass) the Jason Wingreen voiceover makes just as much sense scientifically, if not dramatically.
Did she find Wookkiee and Droidspeak tutorials there as well?
he does irl, because boyega is british
She never stumbled over a Imperial masturbation manual, so she had a lot of time on her hands.
>implying that the original voice was somehow wrong is a little daft.
It is, because Wingreen does not sound like Temura.

the Jason Wingreen voiceover makes just as much sense scientifically, if not dramatically
Except it doesn't, because Wingreen sounds nothing like Temura. It doesn't matter if the accent can change, Boba would still sound like his father.
Boyega's natural accent isn't really Received Pronunciation, but I'm sure he's capable of it and it would make more sense for Finn's backstory.
>It doesn't matter if the accent can change, Boba would still sound like his father
That sentence contradicts itself.
Droidspeak is very possible, since the Imperials did have to command and understand non-talking droids now and then.
>That sentence contradicts itself.
It does not. Boba can have a different accent than his father, sure, but his voice would not sound completely different
This is a wild guess but I'm assuming the reason Boyega was told to do an American accent is because Daisy can't do one and they didn't want to have two British leads.
I wouldn't mind if Snoke was a loose adaptation of an Abeloth inspired entity for the new canon.
How do you know that he actually sounds totally different? We never hear Morrison give off raspy guttural bass growls like Wingreen did for his lines outside of the action scenes where he grunts in pain or toil or whatever. He could very well sound similar but we haven't heard an example given. Additionally, how the hell can you complain about this when Dee Bradley Baker butchers an impression of Temuera Morrison for 6 seasons of TCW and 2 seasons of Rebels?

abeloth posting is even more annoying and forced then Rig Nema
>British person who can't imitate a generalized American accent
I've yet to meet one in my life
Star Wars: Deadwood edition
Or because it's part of his character. Most First Order Stormtroopers don't have English accents either.
It was probably something force related.

Also, this.
more likely her best imitation sounds ridiculous, like a Cajun rednuck, the same way many Americans' best attempts at RP come out horrifically cockney
I've only noticed Abeloth posts this week to be honest.
Was Abeloth retconned to be the "Mother" to the whole Mortis shindig back before Disney acquired Star Wars or was that just a fever dream?
Let's be honest here.
It's more likely because they thought him sounding posh and English would confuse his role as the wacky black guy
>How do you know that he actually sounds totally different
Because Jason Wingreen does not sound like Temuera Morrison

>We never hear Morrison give off raspy guttural bass growls like Wingreen did for his lines outside of the action scenes where he grunts in pain or toil or whatever. He could very well sound similar but we haven't heard an example given.

We don't need to, Temuera doesn't sound like Wingreen, period. Their voices are entirely different sounding.

>Additionally, how the hell can you complain about this when Dee Bradley Baker butchers an impression of Temuera Morrison for 6 seasons of TCW and 2 seasons of Rebels?

Because it's a cartoon.

And they can't afford(or properly schedule in all likelihood) Temuera to do the voices. Plus, Baker's voice for them wasn't that bad and allowed to differentiate between them a little easier. And again, it's a cartoon, the voices aren't going to be 100% perfect.
I knew a British guy who could only do a very redneck-sounding American accent that no American actually sounds like.
>Was Abeloth retconned to be the "Mother" to the whole Mortis shindig back before Disney acquired Star Wars or was that just a fever dream?
Sadly not just a fever dream, she was something invented by the Fate of the Jedi books.

TCW was personally financed by George Lucas they had every ability to get the struggling actor Temuera on board and didn't take it, fuck off retard.
What all has been announced for the 40th anniversary thus far? So far I've got:
>Hasbro Black figures
>Topps cards

Anyone else know of anything?
>struggling actor Temuera
>works in New Zealand
>travels with his band
Fuck off, retard. He probably had scheduling conflicts. You would know this if you ever worked the biz
Kotor comics adapted into a 10 season epic that cost 10 mil an episode.
So let's be honest here. Revan is canon isn't he? We know they're referencing even absolutely stupid shit like Darksaber in nucanon and Lucas took him out of TCW for reasons other than the actual character Revan breaking his canon. We know that they consider a lot of cut ideas from TCW canon since it was so close to George and the Mandalorian Wars themselves are canon. They made Thrawn canon so that shows that they're not stupid and know that bringing back fan favorite characters is a good money making method.

Any day now Revan is going to become canon. I'm not saying this for any stupid reasons like the normies or 'bring back the EU!' fags. I just want to be secure in knowing that we have another canon Sith since they're really low on characters now. Plus I like how Revan turns to the dark side by fighting in a war and it would be cool if Yoda was thinking of Revan when he said 'Wars not make one great'.
>TCW was personally financed by George Lucas
Only after it was proven successful.

>they had every ability to get the struggling actor Temuera on board and didn't take it

Also, Temuera is in no way a struggling actor.

>fuck off retard.
Woah, who shit in your scrambled eggs?
Stop posting this
To be fair, acting and voice acting is very different.
Help me out, then.
What all has been announced for the 40th anniversary thus far? So far I've got:
>Hasbro Black figures
>Topps cards

Anyone else know of anything?
The Last Jedi trailer
What all has been announced for the 40th anniversary thus far? So far I've got:
>Hasbro Black figures
>Topps cards

Anyone else know of anything?
ebin, absolutely ebenn

>fuck off retard
You're right but that's no reason to be rude.
>So let's be honest here. Revan is canon isn't he?

>We know they're referencing even absolutely stupid shit like Darksaber in nucanon
Just an offhand reference, and easily could be turned into something far less stupid if they ever expand on it

>and Lucas took him out of TCW for reasons other than the actual character Revan breaking his canon.
Doesn't make him canon.

>We know that they consider a lot of cut ideas from TCW canon since it was so close to George
They do, but it's not stuff that was cut from individual episodes from past seasons, it's cut content that would've been turned into episodes in the final two seasons, Seasons 7 and 8.

>and the Mandalorian Wars themselves are canon
A conflict between the Jedi and Mandalorians is canon.

>They made Thrawn canon so that shows that they're not stupid and know that bringing back fan favorite characters is a good money making method.
Thrawn is only canon because Dave Filoni and Kiri Hart loved the character and pitched him for Rebels


>Any day now Revan is going to become canon. I'm not saying this for any stupid reasons like the normies or 'bring back the EU!' fags. I just want to be secure in knowing that we have another canon Sith since they're really low on characters now.

>Plus I like how Revan turns to the dark side by fighting in a war and it would be cool if Yoda was thinking of Revan when he said 'Wars not make one great'.
That sounds retarded and fanfictiony
your mom
a prolapsed sarlaac anus, life size and fully functional
Why would a Sarlaac need an anus?

People are eaten alive and disolved over 1000 years
>it would be cool if Yoda was thinking of Revan when he said 'Wars not make one great'.

Why the hell would Yoda be thinking of Revan when he himself along with his entire Order had been brought low and exterminated after fighting their own war not thirty years before? He was referring to the Jedi Order in his watch. If Revan does end up existing, he'll likely be a obscure history lesson on why Jedi do not fight wars. What would and wouldn't be "cool" in your eyes has never applied to Star Wars. "Cool" isn't the point because "cool" is fleeting.
>Why would a Sarlaac need an anus?
>People are eaten alive and disolved over 1000 years
there would still be a waste product produced
You realize the Clones were the most common characters on the show right?

Paying for Celebrity cameos and voicework was actually pretty common on TCW, but getting one to regularly voice characters almost every single episode?

Thats insane
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Every British girl I've met who's tried to do an American accent does a ridiculously over the top Valley girl accent.
Some primitive sea life only have one orifice for ingestion and excretion
The sarlaac isn't a sea nor is it primitive
British guys can usually sink into convincing american accents easily, but girls usually cant

Like how half of the male cast of The Waking Dead are british, but theres only one british girl
it's also not real, what's your point
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Also, looking at that chart raises some questions:

1.) Is Tarkin the only Grand Moff in the current canon? Like, he alone holds that rank? Does Grand Moff really rank above the Imperial Ruling Council and the Grand Vizier?

2.) Does Vader actually have an official position in the Imperial hierarchy? He's noted as a member of the triumvirate but is that an openly acknowledged position? Is he officially a ranked in the Empire or is his position more unclear? He seems to have some level of actual power by commanding stormtroopers, his own fighter squadron, the authority to depose of or promote Naval officers and has a flagship, yet he's not listed as having an actual title or being in the Imperial Military hierarchy. So where does he stand officially as far as we know?

3. Is the Imperial Army and the Stormtrooper Corps now the same thing? Is the IA still separate from the SC or are stormtroopers now just the standard soldiers of the Army in the new canon?

4. This chart doesn't show Grand Admirals at all, but it does show the Imperial Navy and the Joint Chiefs for the Empire's entire military. Where would a Grand Admiral rank in comparison to the Joint Chiefs, would they technically be lower than someone appointed to the Joint Chiefs council, but effectively have more power since they would he actually out in Galaxy directly operating? Furthermore, is there a companion rank for the Imperial Army such as Grand General?

5. Do we know what the difference between the ISB and Ubiqtorate is? We see that a leader of the latter was formerly a lead member of the former, so what is the difference between these two organizations?

6. What exactly is the difference of the mission of the ISB/Ubiqtorate vs Military Intelligence, which is listed as a branch of the Imperial Military itself? Would this be similar to the difference between the various military intelligence organizations and the civilian intelligence organizations like the FBI/CIA?

Tarkin is outside the normal command structure. He's a personal appointee by the Emperor, like The Queen making Prince Charles an Admiral, Air Marshall and General all in one.
1. Tarkin is the only official one. Some guys try to take the title for themselves when the Empire starts fracturing post-Endor, but it's never official.

2. The Triumvirate isn't a public or acknowledged thing. He just does what the Emperor commands, and his troops listen because they are scared of him.

His official position is Supreme Commander of the military. Believe it or not, it's technically a desk job.
I wonder what Vader's desk looks like
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Would you /swco/? Suck her dick, that is.
You know damn well she had a vagina and used the Force to ensure she always had an intact hymen
every time I find myself debating whether rignemaposting or SSposting is worse, I always remember that "What is she, /co/?" keeps to one easily hideable post per thread
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Either finish TCW or a series detailing what happens between ROTJ and TFA.
1: Tarkin is Grand Moff of the Outer Rim. There are apparently Grand Moffs for the other sections of the galaxy as well.

2: Other than commending the 501st Legion and being the leader of the Inquisitors no. He's just some scary guy who's best friend with the Emperor who gets sent somewhere if you fucked up and need to be killed or if a super important project needs protection.

3: I'm not sure but I know Imperial marines still exist because they were in Rogue One.

4: I think the Joint Chiefs would technically rank higher than the Grand Admirals but they probably serve more of an informational role while the Grand Admiral will actually command fleets. For example the Joint Chiefs may tell a Grand Admiral about a Rebel cell's capabilities and what they would recommend to do but the Grand Admiral technically doesn't have to listen to them and can do their own thing like Thrawn does. In situations involving Coruscant, the Emperor, or the Death Star I wouldn't be surprised if the JCs can actually force the GAs to do something but I imagine for GAs like Thrawn they respect his reputation and would still take his plans into consideration.

5: The ISB is like the KGB. If I what the Ubiqtorate is but I think they may be the ones who decide policy in the Empire (like how to go about the war with the Rebellion and when to build Death Stars, etc). I could be wrong though.

6: See above.
The greatest love story never told
ISB - National law enforcement. Think FBI or Military Police

Ubiqtorate - Intelligence Gathering/Special Ops. Old canon had them acting as the head of Imp. Intelligence, but I'm not sure if that's the case at the moment.

Stormtrooper Corps. - A subdivision of the Imperial Army. It's a square/rectangle thing; all stormtroopers are party of army infantry, but not all infantry are stormtroopers.
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I need it to be saturday

I think you mean "smug" anon
The wait is really gonna be killer a month from now. IIRC, they don't do the early releases for season premieres or finales.
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he looks frustrated in that one to me, this one looks smug

>go to get a haircut yesterday
>haircutter guy asks me to show him a picture of what I want
>stands behind me as I scroll through 20+ thrawn pics to get to the felicity jones image I wanted

It was in that moment that I truly wanted death.
There are no more breaks this season from what I understand
Yeah, nothing but new episodes until the finale a month from now.
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>>stands behind me as I scroll through 20+ thrawn pics to get to the felicity jones image I wanted

I know that feel too well.

I can never show anyone my phone.
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Who is the best TCW waifu?
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>5: The ISB is like the KGB.

Well then. There is no such thing as ex-KGB agent.

Tomorrow is betrayal day.
Ahsoka, we had a vote last year.
Shaak Ti

Or saturday. Because this anon can't count to seven.
>stands behind me as I scroll through 20+ thrawn pics to get to the felicity jones image I wanted
Are...are you a gril?
Not necessarily. We're only a day and a half away from when the episode usually hits the interwebs.
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>haircutter guy asks me to show him a picture of what I want
>stands behind me as I scroll through 20+ thrawn pics to get to the felicity jones image I wanted
Oh my god im dying

I share a thread with people like this
Do they plan the book releases during rebels/movie down time or does it just happen to be that way, I wonder
Possibly a bit of both

They try and keep a steady stream of Star Wars content flowing, and that includes the downtime between seasons and movies

Probably not a coincidence that the first major release right after the big finale with Thrawn is going to be the Thrawn book
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this worries me

everything is pointing toward the worst
>everything is pointing toward the worst
For Thrawn or the Rebels?

Because I am only okay with one of those.

Really? Why do you think that?
Similar thing happened last year, right after Season 2 where Ahsoka "died", we got the Ahsoka book.

What that means for Thrawn, well...
He may just get exiled or recalled to the Core systems or sent into the Unknown Regions. Kinda like a reverse Outbound Flight
Supposing the unthinkable happens. How would you react?
Depending how it happens, I'll probably be ok with things.

But I know a lot of people would be pissed, and all the EUfags who dont even watch the show will go fucking ballistic
It was all part of the keikaku
I might be satisfied if Callus sacrifices his life to take out Thrawn.
Even if it wasn't artistically done?
The Supreme Commander thing is Legends now afaik. It's not mentioned in any canon film, TV or literature that I've seen yet. So technically he doesn't have an official position/rank mentioned in canon yet.
Aren't other Grand Moffs existing technically not-canon right now? The rank was made specifically for Tarkin and he's the only one is the new canon that we've seen with it so far, isn't he?
Do we have confirmation that the stormtroopers corps is a subdivision of the Imperial Army though? Every Imperial infantry soldier we have seen has been a stormtrooper of some kind. We've never seen normal-looking Army soldiers in the Empire outside of land vehicle operators.
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Mostly confusion

They brought him back for one season, and the majority of the season he didn't feel like a real threat. It would be strange, why even bother bringing him back at all, why not just create another random enemy.

If it's well done, I guess I can't be upset, but I will be a little disappointed.

this would make me upset
>Thrawn lays a trap the entire season
>Constantly letting people go when he probably shouldn't otherwise
>His fucking master plan doesn't even work
>He did fucking nothing
Not gonna lie, I would be mad.

That would be too sad, anon.

Maybe if Thrawn kills a Rebel first.
Commander Sato
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I was thinking Zeb. Or Kanan.

Let the main character blood flow.
No chance
Then it'd be a KEKaku.
I feel like Thrawn will be successful but inadvertently creates the Rebel Alliance by forcing the Rebel cells to fight together.
Honestly, the best way for Thrawn to be written out of the show would for him to seemingly succeed. The Rebels are gone. He dealt with them and then is re-assigned to the unknown regions.
Kallus is standing to one side of Thrawn watching the Rebel fleet get slaughtered. Thrawn orders him to have Konstantin move to close a gap in the englobement that may let some rebel ships escape. Instead, Kallus stabs him in the back, a la Ruhk, then tries to reach an escape pod to leave the Chimera, only to be shot down by Yularen. The chain of command is disrupted long enough for some but not all of the rebels to make an escape.
To be honest, Thrawn being in this Era is both perfect, but also dooms him.

I mean, he quite literally has to fail. The Rebel Alliance has to form, and go on to blow up the Death Star.

There's no way of getting around it, Thrawn's plan to wipe out the Rebels in one swift attack literally has to fail. I hope you guys aren't expecting much more than that. Best case scenario, he takes Chopper Base out and dissolution's the Rebels for a short while.

It's entirely possible that Thrawn could die here too, because what is his other possible outcomes? Also failing to win at Endor? At Jakku? Leaving to known Galaxy, and returning as an old man into the ST (fat chance of this happening)

Unlike the Empire winning in Revenge of the Sith, current Canon doesn't have any other point in history where the Empire is winning except pre-ANH, and even then it ultimately has to end with the Rebels being able to get strong enough to fight back by Rogue One.

The absolute MOST you could stretch Thrawn is to have him be an oppressive and powerful villain between ESB and ROTJ, give him a few golden years.

But other than that, there is no real time in the Star Was canon that will allow him to be anything other than something for the Rebels to quickly overcome.

So unless they are saving him for the ESB->ROTJ time period, I can't see him doing much more than "almost beating the rebels" this season.
yes!!!! if you look at the shadow moving into the temple before the weird owl takes off at the end before they show Dark vader that is asoka
Mucha shaka paka
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So Kallus takes what was before an alien's role?
...reverse affirmative action?
We know now that Thrawn was involved in the development of Sheev's big project at Jakku and the effort to journey into the Unknown Regions, but isn't around for the big Battle of Jakku as far as the perspective we see in Empire's End is concerned.
It's a disgrace, I tells ya! A disgrace!
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Anything involving Stormtroopers day-to-day activities has my money on it.
I used to think the same, but then the new book came out
I still think he isnt going to do anything relevant, but they liked the Saw Gerrera cameo in RO, so they'll probably use him in a live action
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Post cute boys.
>what happens between ROTJ and TFA

I put my money on the fact that the next Disney series will deal with that
Yup, i dont care if they made books and comics out of the undone episode, i want to see those stories animated, the way they meant to be
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>TR-8R: A Star Wars Story
>Thrawn appears now with a greener shade of Turquoise skin and Orange eyes in both the present (30+ ABY) and the prologue a few years after Rebels
>Unceremoniously WTF Booms
>Then guest stars in an episode of Star Wars: Kanjiklub Niggas set in 29 ABY where he randomly has red eyes again but green skin

Are we talking of animated or live action? btw
Something about bounty hunters, i think it would work better then a movie
>>90169757 meant for >>90169490
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>552 replies
>Page 10
Why haven't we evacuated yet?
I'll get on that captain
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?

>no /swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
fuck I'll remake it

new but this time for real
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