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Have you ever found a character attractive exclusively because

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Thread replies: 279
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Have you ever found a character attractive exclusively because of their voice actor?
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Her as well
All the time, but not Linda. She's ew.
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>being turned on by Linda's VA
Wanting to fuck a woman voiced by a man is still pretty straight.
But OP specifically said he was turned on solely by the voice.
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Well, not solely because of it, but...
I love the artist's style so much.
Yes, and?
Goddamn, how the hell do they make such a sexy fucking beast out of Bob?
OP's a faggot
Yes, the main chast from MLP

Is this some kind of horsefucker lingo?
just a typo for cast
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Came here just to post this. Instaboner tier
Rie Kugimiya or Laura Bailey?
Paula Poundstone or Jannie Ditullio?
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the voice sounds just like a woman, not manly at all
Just about any character voiced by Tim Curry.
Laura Bailey, I don't play in sub
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> His song from Ferngully

It doesn't sound like a man's voice though. So why does it matter that it is voiced by a man?

Who sounds more feminine, her or Linda Belcher?
The only cartoon character I have ever been attracted to was Harley Quinn in BTAS
Just the voice? Not even scalie but I'd go for the whole package.
Fuck, marry, kill?
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bird girls voice makes me diamonds.

Who da artist, yo?
doot doo doo doo~!
Some chick called CandyBrat
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I guess you could say the voice/character made me appreciate the design too, but that's probably how it started.
I want to fuck Linda almost exclusively because she reminds me of a milf I know who's also from New York and sometimes let the New York accent slip. Plus she was hot in the crossover with Archer so I always pretend like that's what she 'really' looks like.

Plus I like her personality.
White fashion horse.
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>Let's mix Patrick Bateman with Hercules's hades

>make him a Croc

>oh let's call him toffee

Hard work.
>exclusively because of their voice actor

Dr. Girlfriend's the whole package, mate.
Her for sure
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There are stranger things to get upset over in the world.
I'm attracted to every character Laura Bailey voices. Rise, Nemissa, Luna, Nozomi, Catherine, the list goes on.
checked n respecked
nice choice
also nice
quad quads speak the truth
Which actress?
Laura Bailey as Rise is fucking perfect
Alright man of taste
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I never knew I wanted this. More.

Bob and Linda are definitely the best married cartoon couple by far. Linda far surpasses Marge, Lois, Francine, Peggy etc.
The voice makes her hotter
Oh, she's got a whole package alright. If you know what I'm saying. Do you know what I'm saying?

Dicks, anon. I'm talking about dicks.
Tru dat
I might argue Fancine, but the others I agree with hole heartedly
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not exclusively, but it seals the deal for me
She just smoked a lot, you dingaling.
I love toffee not only because of his voice; but because he's so freaking cunning. The guy is probably one of the smartest villians in a cartoon that I've ever seen. Intellect and a calm demeanor is everything that I strive for.
If only the show looks like this...
Would you also say he's witty, nihilistic, and has a wicked sense of humor?

Memes aside, Toffee is a great villain
>ITT: gay
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Second and third scenes.
Hell yes.

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I find him quite elegant, can't wait for his return.
I know the whole universe is more wacky, but she (and Stan) are too batshit for me. Linda is a normal, loving, faithful wife and mother with a positive attitude and good sense of humor.
>voiced by men
>drawn by men
>played by men

Who cares, it's still a woman.
As a Pharah main, I appreciate this
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Does anyone have that vocaroo?

you know the one
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At this point it's safe to say I'd fuck anything voiced by Jemaine.
BEWARE! First page has Bob/Linda lewds
I think my favorite aspect to Linda is the way she dotes on just about everything

Still need to see Moana
This artist is being very favorable to Bob's head of hair.
It's to be expected, that's why source was requested, why are you telling him to "beware"?
Wait, like, multiple dicks?
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fuck yeah
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Because blue board addlepate I don't want no anons gettin into trouble at work. One of the first pics on the page is Lin smashing her vag into Bob's face.

so anon isn't an idiot an opens it at work or something.
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Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES.
It absolutely MELTS me everytime he speaks
Damm you. I was THIS close to moving up within the company
Either canon or R34 Gumball ends up fucking his mom
i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who thinks that
Men are better than women at everything, including being women.
>you do a lot of crazy things when you date super villains
Why do scalies end up being girls?
I want to fuck his mother more myself
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I wonder
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Even Marta from Tales of Symphonia 2?
same, cutesy voice crazy girl kills me even if it's a lego cat
Okay, fine. Maybe not her.
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Oh I second this especially Penny's voice
Same here. Dress horse best horse. Her grace and poise are rare traits in cartoons overall, let alone within the show itself. It's quite attractive.
Scaly and reptilian features tend to be pretty masculine
I can't believe that I was a Terifag at one point.
Jesus Jemaine looks like he's aged 20 years.

>Flight of the Conchords first aired 10 years ago

That's not Bird Girl, that's Phil Ken Sebben's daughter
My African American brothers

what's wrong with her now?

Ashly Burch?
>Big Band will never put the hammer down on any clown that comes around
>Ywn be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the JAM
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I want to find this arousing, but I keep reading the dialog in her (or rather, his) voice
My taste changed with time.
I like how you stop hearing it as weird, and its just her voice.
Then your mom walks into the room, and asks "wtf is wrong with that woman, or is that a man in drag?"
Quickly you tell your mom no that's just how Dr. Mrs. The Monarch is.
Finally your mom just looks at you all confused and walks away.

If we're going to talk about male VA's who make female characters hotter, why hasn't this be-
>mah nigga
>Hercules's Hades

Except he isn't a sleazy car dealer. Toffee's deal is that he's BORING. He isn't flashy, he doesn't twirl a mustache, and he doesn't abuse his minions at the slightest provocation. He identifies a goal and aims for it in a very pragmatic fashion. He's the office manager of evil.
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Are you a Nicolefag now?
I need more of this bob

they actually feel like a married couple. The rest mostly hate each other and only really interact when the plot demands it.
>So why does it matter that it is voiced by a man?

Because the question posted wasn't VOICE it was voice ACTOR. Meaning OP is attracted to a dude and is totally fucking gay.
I'd say Hank and Peggy win out over Linda and Bob
I am the OP. I meant the voice itself. Not the actor.
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I can't be the only one.
The voice was just beautiful
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I get boners every time I hear that grandma voice
he's more than that, he's absolutely amazing at whatever job he takes on, to the point of possible supernatural powers.
That is strangely hot.

too small.

How does this make you feel, OP?
This isn't /a/ you humongous faggot.
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Not /co/ but great taste
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superb taste
The only thing I disliked about Bob's Boners was that the genetic females in the cast could not carry off Linda and Tina's voices
> same voice as Blackfire
I'm good
in that order.
Thank you, anon. I'd seen other work of hers elsewhere, and it's almost always hot. Thanks for hooking me up with the source.
Young Ana is way better than Pharah, but Pharah beats old Ana.
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true patricians itt
I said it in another thread. I never thought I'd waifu a snake, but Viper's giggle at the end of her special is too cute to be legal. Also, she doesn't have fangs and is essentially a very long flesh light, so that's a plus I guess.
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Forgot the pic, not that anyone here doesn't know Viper.
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anything scratchy, raspy, or shrill but in a cute young way gets my motor running.
Is it weird that the man voice unironically makes her hotter
I don't like Nicole.
I never really cared for the Watterson family at all. Just a huge distraction from the show I thought I was going to get.
Alison Brie's voice does things to my dick no other woman will ever come close to repeating
I can't get off to it because it's clearly attached to a male body
Not /co/ related, but it was the first thing that came to mind
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I don't know the one but I wish I did.
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I loved that anime, I haven't heard of a second season sadly.
>The world is full of obvious things
I don't know how these type of stupid lines can be so cool
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The seiyuu who voiced Ana passed away from cancer recently so if we ever did get a season 2 she'd have a voice change.
>This will NEVER be green lighted..Why live on?
I was so mad when the 2000 shorts implied they broke up/divorced
Why must you continue to depress me.

>And who's with me on plowing Beth?
You do strangely get used to it.

maybe not at cn but i have faith that twelve well get picked up somehow, sometime this year
*will, fuck my spelling
Cancer? I thought she had the flu.
>Bernadette Peters
Anon that's cheating
Phyllis from LEGO Batman
Yeah, I fucked up since it's been so long. It was pneumonia. It happened back in late 2015.
but its a pretty basic southern voice
i hear that voice quite a bit IRL
>never watched the twelve forever pilot
>these images make me decide to try it
>don't read anything about it, just jump in
>Butt Witch character shows up
>suddenly, Matt Berry
I haven't laughed like this in months, holy shit

I got used to her voice fairly quickly and never see it as anything other than a deep woman's voice these days. Her eyes are creeping me out though.
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God me too. What other voices have she's done?
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>not getting turned on by women voiced by men
>OOOH, Senpai!

fucking love the way she says that
Maybe when it comes to realism, but not entertainment value.
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I want to fuck Eden Sher in the voice.
Yellow Horse Pink Mane
Her voice is what keeps turning me off the show. It sounds nothing like a young girl's voice. It's almost as bad as Dipper's voice.
its "Milkin' the Cow"!
why wuld she say milk of the cow?
the gag was that she was apparently pulling her boobs and saying that
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For me it's Symmetra.
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Paget Brewster
She played Elise in Dan vs.
Elise a cute
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I can't help it, I was pleasantly surprised to find she voices the Male Trooper's LI in Swtor

good taste
He doesn't want to fuck the voice-actor.

It's the juxtaposition of a reasonably feminine character with a not feminine voice.

The only real exception is Butt Witch, that makes you bi_
Hey he's pretty good. I never noticed. It also explains why I wasn't attracted to the voice.

It's easy to look like a smart villain when you're in a show where every other bad guy is a cliche.
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I'm not even into femdom and I'd let Brit dominate me.
It got worse.

how is wanting to smash the personification of female maturity bisexual
It was weird at first, now it's sexy as fuck. Stupid, sexy conditioning.

I can't say exclusively, no. The right combo helps a lot though.
I actually like him better now. He was kind of awkward looking when younger.
Give me sauce on the artist. Please.
Let's see your cartoon.
Thanks dude
The reason why I made the switch is because they did more with Death in two issues of The Sandman than they ever did with Teri in the entirety of Gumball.
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Her voice is pure sex.
See I don't know if I like Symmetra or just the idea of a woman who'll treat me with sneering disdain.
I might actually put them on par with them as a couple, because Hank is an amazing husbando and makes up for for where Peggy is obviously lacking, but I'd definitely say Linda beats Peggy alone.

Also, the Belchers seem to be more affectionate and they have more kids so I give them points for that.
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I don't know what it is but there is something about Kath's roles that triggers something in me.
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>I'm not into femdom but
it's okay anon.
We understand.
I'd say most characters voiced by Nike Futterman but especially Black Widow.
I put Hank and Peggy below simply due to Peggy being an insufferable cunt.
Sort of, it was the spanish dub on a movie, though.
Ah yes, the dreaded cold as portrayed in Japanese media claims another victim.
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Admit it, he's probably as handsome as he sounds, I'm envious of this voice.
Anyone knows how Curry is doing after the stroke? Last i saw was when he got the Actor's Fund thing.
You should go back to >>>/pol/.
Isn't Linda voiced by a man?
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I know I'm ridiculous for loving this "spoon" with hair, but every time she talks I get hot and bothered
It's not /co/, but...yeah, I'm with ya, Anon.
I wanna _pet_ that cat.
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As much as I love Kath Soucie, I feel the need to point out that particular design for Janine Melnitz was only ever used when Laura Summer was voicing her.
>It sounds nothing like a young girl's voice.

Pic related. I'd bang Grey Griffin like a barn door in a hurricane but she made no attempt to sound like a 16 year old here and I will accept that literally no one else was bothered by this.
>someone calling her Griffin and NOT DeLisle
Such a rare find!
i dont hate transpeople but i hate people like you. you fucking nigger faggot
Fuck, Fuck, also Fuck
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i just hate shitheads point out obvious shit
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I never realized how much I wanted to fug the voice of the chick from 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia'
>i dont hate transpeople
What a mistake.
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Eartha was such a qt.
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True delusion senpai.
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Brisby is nervous and cute
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
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Not /co/, but whatever.
Oops, guess I should have looked through the thread first.
The matter isn't the fact that trans people wanted to be referred to as a woman.
It's that they can never biologically BECOME women. That's just a fact.
To imply otherwise is simply madness.
Are you really taking what people say about trans people on 4chan seriously? It's all memes.
Stop perpetuating off topic garbage by replying seriously
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All of it.
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My favorite Sonic character which is funny because I usually shit on Sonic for having too many damn characters
Haha! I know right?
Huh, was under the weird impression he was dead
I have to live with reality, Anon
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Does anyone have those old vocaltwit recordings she did as Azula?
>he's probably as handsome as he sounds

You know Tim Curry is a kinda big actor with a good amount of liveaction work under his belt as well, and even if you aren't familiar with any of that you can always just look up what he looks like, right?
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Pretty much every character voiced by Jenny Slate
I can't recall did we ever get her to voice "I hope you're not planning on pulling out dear brother"
mah nigga
Becky is one of the most underrated waifus I can think off
great taste
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Ello's voice is pretty cute too, but Becky just has that extra sass I like.
I know it is /a/ but fuck it.
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YES came to say this
>she made no attempt to sound like a 16 year old here

Good, cos the character's 14.
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Have you listened to his podcast? It's behind a paywall, but the two episodes I heard were sort of amazing.
Janine was hotter when she had 80s dyke hair, and was a thirsty, sarcastic and bored with your shit lass instead of a mom.
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I still can't get over how fucking good this show was. It was WAY better than it had any right to be.

Great characters, old gods, killing said old gods, nazi murderbots, characters actually dying, and the timeline being rewritten with their hometown never existing but they remember everything, so they decide to head to the coast and solve every mystery along the way making this a prequel to the original series.

I fucking love this.

What happened?
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It's okay, Kanbaru's best girlness transcends cultural barriers.

You all have problems.
>Bad guy
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Did we actually get this far in the thread without this goddess being posted yet?
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yeah, come to think of it, he's just like me!
I always wanted her VA to voice Squirrel Girl

He still has his humor, but he's certainly not acting anymore.
where the fuck is this cat from?
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Just voice, regardless if you know the actual actress? Yes.

All of them.
>tfw these characters all exist as voice actors, real women that you could potentially date... If fate is kind to you.

Wyrd bið ful aræd
Dark souls 2
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>never waifu a snake
You didn't see Fish Hooks did you?
>people say don't stick your dick in crazy
>crazy have sexiest voice
>tfw you stopped being attracted to 3D women years ago but are still attracted to disembodied female voices
if i get a gf can i just wear a blindfold and pretend she's 2d
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>tfw schediaphilia
2D gals are all I'm attracted to. Always have been.
>will not try being sexy but ending up silly
>will not be cringey parent
>will not have mundane married life

kill me
this idiot draws toes like fingers

An anime call "Shimoneta: A boring world in which dirty jokes don't exist". It is 99% sexual comedy. 8/10 in my book.
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>wanting to fuck a bird

Reconsider your life choices.
A man of wealth and taste.

He does still do VA work. He's maybe not as strong-sounding as he could be anymore and takes more time but he's said he hasn't been too seriously affected for VA jobs. He did Young Justice's Godfrey.
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Her voice is pure sex.
>wanting to fuck a panda loli
look who's talking
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I'd fuck any character that had cree summers as her VA
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Not /co/ but still
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>pic related

post more of her in her panties
I disagree.
>Linda's breasts are canonically saggy with big, dark nipples
Ruby Gloom.
Thread posts: 279
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