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So, this movie seems to be the start of a brand new chapter in

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So, this movie seems to be the start of a brand new chapter in Transformers movies...with an animated film and a Bumblebee movie apparently in the works, what are your thoughts on and hopes for the future of this franchise?
As a longtime fan, no I don't really think it would be as good as I would hope. Even though I'm more positive about it than the marketing they did with Age of Extinctions, I feel like the only way they can improve with what they have without rebooting is actually using the budget they have for more CG time, and stylistic use of the robots.

Obviously we'll never actually get an IDW or post-war series that isn't a kid's show so I just hope for this one to actually be passable. It's hard to be optimistic at present what with the trailers only showing the three main bots and not the others, but if the speculation that Earth and Cybertron will combine and break status quo, it could mean more robots in the future films.
>what are your thoughts on and hopes for the future of this franchise?
That is sinks and takes those shit-tier comics with it.

If they go full anti hero with megatron, it'll be the best one since the first one.
>That is
Fuck I can't type this morning.
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Great chance this is Lennox if basing it on one production promo they did back then.
Is there any point? I mean, each of these films is the same thing. First hour is humans shenanigans, second hour and a half is cluttered robot fighting.
Well there's definitely an audience for it despite its failings in critics. Besides, most cape movies follow their own formula (and sometimes noticeably too formulaic) as well, only better than these movies.
Shut up.
>t. bayformers fan
He's right though and I hate to admit it but we get less of that latter. A couple of times I've seen people watching DOTM and comparing it to AoE, they seemed to be fonder of the former because it involved a lot of robots-only dialogue though mostly reserved for Optimus.
DOTM and the first one are the best IMO, I quite enjoyed pretty much everything about DOTM minus the usual complaints one would have but must accept with this franchise (humans killing decepticons, annoying parents, blah blah)

Hell, even the humor made me laugh a bit when in TF2 it was pretty much all cringe worthy
Even then DOTM was a pretty straightforward invasion movie. I still chuckle at Optimus Prime's killing spree where random explosions were more noticeable than the other fight scenes, not to mention Ironhide and Sideswipe fighting without human help. If TF5 actually does this shit again I might actually not sleep through it like in TF4.
damn, just think of how many manhours went into making that sequence
Always remember, ROTF Devs was so complex he caused a computer to fry.
And Driller from the same movie as >>89834234 had his files take an hour to load and needed the entire renderfarm.
These guys traumatized ILM so hard that they probably begged Bay to be a bit cheaper on the AoE, which took a toll on making them less realistic.
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Not too much probably but given the speed of the shot, they had to make up a better way of delivering the sequence
This movie gonna be a pile of shit, just like the previous too. Every time you watch those trailers you think that maybe this time it'll be a good movie. But no, they only worse and worse.
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I'll give it a shot because my favorite minor character Con is there. Seems like the pattern is
They won't.
>Revive Megatron
>Turn Optimus evil
>In time for the Bumblebee movie

There's a chance, bigger than Barricade getting more than one page's worth of dialogue

Tom Hardy should voice Megatron in a movie reboot.
>I don't really think it would be as good as I would hope
No fucking shit, Sherlock.
>Turn Optimus evil

For 15 minutes or so.
I hope it dies
>So, this movie seems to be the start of a brand new chapter in Transformers movies
except AoE was clearly that
How good are the Transformers comics?
Where should I start?
AOE's poor reception is making them do that, again.
Every single Transformers movie has been almost exactly the same.
>ancient artifact on Earth
>big government stupid
>military is always the good guys
>big government at some point trusts decepticons over autobots or works to stop autobots and not decepticons
>Optimus Prime is the only one to get kills that matter besides the humans
>other autobots are just window dressing
>what are your thoughts on and hopes for the future of this franchise?
That they continue to piss people off by being hugely successful
They'll probably never get better, but as long as they keep being accurate I don't mind.

Because really, while the robots may not get as much screentime as they should, when they do they act just like they're supposed to.
At this point, I can no longer blame Bay for this, Hasbro are the only ones left at fault.

Sure the guy with multiple traffic violations is in court again for crashing a really expensive car through an all boiy's loaded school bus at 120 miles per hour, again; but at some point you have to start blaming the person that keeps willingly giving him keys to a car over and over again.

Its not really Hasbro. Its Don Murphy, the producer. He once flat out said that if he had his way it'd be Bay directing every movie in the series until it dies.
What's so bad about Age of Extinction? I was thinking about watching all these movies out of curiosity and having absolutely nothing else to do. What makes the first movie and Dark of the Moon the "best" and the other two so much worse?
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>hopes for the future of bayformers


Its too damn long.

But on the other hand, the robots have actual developed personalities, scenes all to themselves, and designs that make them easier to spot during fight scenes.

Have you ever tried pausing a movie half way through, leaving and then coming back later to watch the rest.

Try it some time.
- it's two plots smushed together in a very obvious way
- lack of transformations
- legoforming
- bungling of the dinobots (and i'm not talking "not muh g1")
- cutting out finished robot scenes while leaving in shit like the literally pointless statutory rape law scene (protip: tessa was legal regardless)
- pisspoor editing
Too fast.
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The main difference between AoE and DOTM is that Dark had a more coherent plot. AoE had two plots mashed together that made the other insignificant. Think of it as like BatVSup only instead of spending three hours advertising a universe they spent it for product placement and less than ideal CG in comparison to the original trilogy.

Also, piss poorer editing.
In an actual theatre screening it's still an embarrassment to remember.
I'm glad Lennox and Robert are back.

So is Barricade going to be the only Con resurected in this one? No Starscream No Shockwave? No Soundwave? Just Barricade?
Age of Extinction is on TV right now and although the movie is pretty terrible I do kind of like the NuDecepticon way how they turn into like, swarms of nanites.
Yes, because apparently he was the only fan favorite minor bad guy to actually get a big push in merch and lore (IDW, Animated, Prime all adapted his Police/Black motif more than his original G1 red and orange).

Also based on /toy/, one of the Dreads might be coming back.
On paper it's actually an OP power but Bay really rushed AoE because he was too excited to work on his Benghazi movie which honestly was pretty decent.
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Yeah. According to the set visits, out of all the corpses, only a few were still functioning. Barricade's like the Kenny/Lancer of the movies. He just keeps coming back.
and Simmons. He's back too. Also speculation, Hound might get a load of dialogue for this one since Bay mentioned him by name in one of the streams. He's sounded pretty excited to have him back.
Where you at right now?
One of the very few things Age of Extinction did right was give the supporting Autobots more personality. This was particularly true of Hound, even though half the time it did sort of feel like John Goodman playing himself.
I hope they show a fight in New York City and they show Shia Labeouf as Sam (now sporting a hobo beard) and standing in front of the art museum camera and he says
>He will not Di-
>gets squashed by a decepticon
>Optimus/autobot looks down at the squashed face of Shia Labeouf, decepticon pauses and looks down at his foot
Optimus/autobot says
>We couldn't save him, not even from himself
>and they continue fighting
Shia Labeouf actually sexually assaulted a Black Man live on the camerahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNCLe-kCXLw

I'm definitely curious to see what those three have been up to since DoTM (I figured they either got arrested or went into hiding), and maybe getting a clue as to where the other's are.

As for Hound, he may have 'seniority' over Drift and Crosshairs, either making him the de facto leader of the group, or Bee's advisor if he's the leader now. That'd get him more lines.

I still don't know how I feel about this movie, or the future plans. Bay's burnt me too many times before. I'll probably wait a few weeks to see the general fandom concensus before watching it.
That's a good thing. I remember in Dark of the Moon I was hyped as shit when the Dreads came up and Sideswipe was all fuckin TEAMWORK with Ironhide, kicking the gun at him and shooting the fuckers.


Then of course I got disappointed that I went to hating the movie for several months before rewatching it and finding it pretty swell if I focused only on Murdermus, Cybertron, Megatron, Sentinel and so on.

In retrospect, Crosshairs doing jack shit in AoE probably disapponted me the most. Hound delivered well and Bay probably loved him as an army bot with 12 guns.
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Yes yes, we all know. The man is practically a living meme nowadays. /toy/ had a small fit laughing at the tweets of his fans
Imagine Bay getting political about this and making fun of it.
>black guy arguing with a white police
>suddenly Barricade shows up and runs over the police guy, and then transforms.
>Black guy thanks the black bot
>Barricade scratches his head and proceeds to kick the guy into the sky
>"bloody humans"
AoE has way more robot-only dialogue, though. DoTM has Megatron have an epiphany because a Victoria Secret catalogue model calls him a bitch. In AoE Every Autobot has at least 2 or 3 lines and a clear persona or place on the team. In DoTM Autobots literally disappear because of improper editing.
>took down the deceptions 3 times
No, The autobots took down the decepticons, Shia just tagged along making stuttering noises like Porky Pig the entire time. except for the third when he threw, what?, 2 grenades at Decepticons?
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The one thing I hate about Bay is he doesn't give any of the other robots screen fight time. It's always just Optimus coming in out of no where taking down 100 guys.
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Simmons was arrested in holy matrimony after this scene most likely
He took down Starscream, Megatron and revived Optimus. I'd say that's a feat for any human.
Speaking of which, Hound practically dominated the final fight. Drift had like two sword fights and Bee just kinda kicked Lockdown and buggered off. I betcha next movie it's gonna be Barricade and Hound getting the spotlight.
I always figured Simmons should've been the Coulson of the Transformers universe
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In contrast, it's probably why I liked Optimus in the movies. He's like that dark gritty version of him that every inconsistency he had was now fixed by his brooding in the IVth.
>revived Optimus
Yeah, after he travelled a rediculous time in the desert to find the "matrix of bullshit" when he could have just used the shard of the all-spark that he had to revive Optimus instead of reviving JetFire.
>Took Down Starscream and Megatron
Could anyone actually tell that was Starscream and like I said, he just chucked a grenade at him and he died because Shia had to do something worthwhile in the third Transformers movie.
>took down Megatron, that was total bullshit, and besides he didn't even get it close to Megatron's Spark before the thing activated.
I would like to see Bumblebee vs. Barricade round 2(?). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_MQujzFQbY

Yea, I do like how he doesn't take anyone's shit in the Bay movies.
>CIAyylien operative turned deli worker turned rich-ass author

He was way too fun.
>he could have just used the shard of the all-spark that he had to revive Optimus instead of reviving JetFire.

I don't think Jetfire was dead-dead, just extremely out of energy, or a really deep "Stasis lock". He's old, but he had to been walking around as recently as a few decades ago, the Blackbird is from '66 . Optimus was dead-dead, no spark.
Wait, wait, wait I thought the Police Car was Prowl before he switched sides
>Could anyone tell it was Starscream?

>spend a minute standing up and talking with Shia
>Spend one part of the movie being sarcastic with Megatron

I think people would remember a triangle creature more.
I don't think Prowl has been in any of the Bay movies yet.
>Optimus was dead dead no spark
You're forgetting that the All Spark creates transformers life (literally a spark) it made the electronic appliances have a spark at the beginning of the movie and the shard of the All-spark that the government had (which was stolen from the government) was used to revive Megatron.
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Nah they wanted an evil authority figure in and it fucking worked so well he survived a timeline of four movies.


and read the /fit/ sticky
Has Prowl ever been a Decepticon defector, in any continuity?

I don't think it's a bad idea. It could actually be a good idea. But I don't think it's ever been done.
Nah. In IDW he just hates Decepticons but his actions are damaging to the Autobot name.
>Has Prowl ever been a Decepticon defector, in any continuity?
not really, although there was a period in IDW where he was unwillingly converted into being a component of Devastator
To be fair it was more like his fandom than a loyal batch of Decepticons.
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>movie discussion and no one talks about the comic previews
Don't fret, we've had tons of comic threads and figuratively rare movie threads this chill once in a blue moon.
But I want to know whether the pod man is Killmasterbator or nottttttTTTTTTT
I'd rather wait out for the actual release of the comics so I don't feel short with the previews.

Also speaking of Prowl, where the fuck is he? Last I remember he was with Sentimental Trump
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