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SU parody

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Thread replies: 260
Thread images: 49

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>gender swap the cast
>make them metallic terminator esc beings
>give it a future version cyber punk earth
>have them be actively at war with homeworld
>no townie episodes
Sounds like Transformers.
> Steven = Steffanie, daughter of a copper soldier
> Amythest = Colbalt
> Pearl = Alluminum
> Garent = Nichrome (Ruby = Nickel, Saphire = Chrome)
Sounds better already.
Genderswap SU is always terrible, the gems aren't good as guys and Steven is the grossest little girl ever (though OP's version is one of the better I've seen).

This is the truth.
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Just as gay.
Is Greg's equivalent Sarah Connor?
>she is half naked
So how do they die then, revert back to sheet metal?
I like i. Make every "episode" or whatever a strange parallel to every Seven Universe episode. The townie episodes are battles with home-world or space adventures.
Man, what is it lately with us comparing Steven Universe to Transformers? Is it because it's a good match?
they have a biomechanical core that's like their heart, if destroyed they die. but their cores are inside their chests not out in the open and easy to get to.
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I'm enjoying that Colbalt design too much.
What would be the equivalent of Greg "Murdercock" Universe?
So basically Transformers.
Also why is male/metal Pearl so much taller than male/metal Garnet.
And is this version of Garnet actually two tiny gay dudes? Cause that's pretty neat.
>keep genders the same
>still give them cyberpunk outfits
>still make them at war with Homeworld
>Crystalline vs. Metallic is up in the air, because frankly either aesthetic would be awesome
>fewer, less pointless townie episodes that actually world-build and flesh them out
>also maybe don't cry so damn much; don't eliminate it, just... save it for a moment that deserves it
Grenda "Murderhips" Universe, apt and supportive single mom.
the core manipulated the metal that is their bodies. When the core is destroyed the body melts into a puddle of liquid metal.
So the Father died of aids or the clap.
>What would be the equivalent of Greg "Murdercock" Universe?
Georgia "Thunderpussy" Universe. Aging glam rocker. I'm thinking Joan Jett meets Jem meets space imagery.
I like the idea of the characters being metallic, it means the way they live, act, and fight is based around how the metal behaves.

Sarah Connor
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metal pearl is named Aluminum but I made her to tall here on accident. and yes Nichrome is an alloy made from Nickel and Chrome
and think of all the gay fanart it would produce!
I dig it
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I'd say that Aluminum needs a pointier nose.
Go full burd.
They look kinda like Bakura and Marik Ishtar.
Nickel looks like Snake Plissken.
No, it was death bu snu-snu.
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So uh... Where's Stephanie's gem?
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viola I give you Georgia Star
That's not a parody, that's just ripping off someone else's idea.
She doesn't have one these guys are living metal they have electromagnetic cores that hold them together but their located inside the chest.
>monogendered race
>born fully grown
>story involves war
>can "Transform" into different shapes
its like a cross between Transformers and Gem and the Holograms
>no townie episodes

There, there, I understand your frustrations, but it only makes Homeworld arcs better

Because it's an intelligent alien race interacting with humans
The term you're looking for is "Tombwomb".
It is a criticism of the original, this falls under parody.
Why is she wearing a male beach bum outfit? Obviously she would wear something along the lines of a bikini top and hotpants/short shorts.
If I would make a spin off, I'd go full toku. Humans using gems to transform, maybe getting armor or clothing similar to what them gem normally wears and using whatever gem weapon the gem gives them to fight gem monsters.
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Peridot = Silicon
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>Thicc Georgia walking around the show in a bikini top and booty shorts
It's official, I want R63 SU to be a thing
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>no afro on not-garnet
2 gems land in a similar way like the main trio, this time on a field near New York

they hate each other but can't live without each other either


>Jet - Funk soul brother loose cannon that doesn't play by the rules

>Calcite - by the book straight man that keeps his partner on a leash

Together they're a buddy cop duo from New York that gets transferred to Beach City after a particularly nasty incident involving christmas and frozen tears in the cold new york winter used as a viable weapon against fleeing criminals

Realizing about all the honky ass crystal gems sheneaningans that are happening, Jet and Calcite stay as the only police force that Beach city has

Now they shall arrest, beat up, seduce and maybe do some actual police work as things get funky THIS SUMMER
I dub this series Steffanie and the Metalloids
This would be better then the crying faggot musical show we have now
I posted a crack parody here once where the girls were based off food dye. Blue #1, Red #40, and Yellow #6 were the main cast. I tried finding it in archive but it's gone it seems.
>Base form: Rose Quartz
>Weapon: Rose Defender

>Quarter season upgrade: Fusion
>Weapon: Fusion weapons

>Mid-season upgrade: All gem fusion
>All weapons

>Final Form: Cubic Zirconia
>Weapon: No idea, maybe a double handed Clay more?

>In case of giant monsters form: Obsidian
>It's a giant robot form
>Georgia Star's sexy car wash
>Mayor Dewey pretends she just uses the service out of courtesy but actually enjoys Georgie's fat tatas pushed against her windscreen way too much
It's not garnet it's Nichrome
It sounds like a parody metal album.
This sounds like a fun premise

two crystal gems that defy the moral of "Everyone can be given a second chance" simply because they're cops and cops are supposed to arrest and detain people, not forgiving them for their shit

I see them pointing out all the pansy shit about the world around them, and touroughly beating it, arresting it, or seducing it
You guys just have to find a way to talk about this shit show don't you?
We are turning it into something decent.
And I now realize that Bismuth would work best as the giant robot form
With Bismuth drills
That would take a miracle.
Or not, Steven Universe has some glimmers of a good concept. This thread is taking the many ideas from SUs concept that actually work and making a far better concept out of it.
Oh no, I've drawn fanart, all is lost.
Have some silly faces.
I bet the corroded ingots, the equivalent of corrupted gems would look super metal. Pun intended.
I imagine his entire thing would have the aesthetic of cyberpunk 80's anime OVAs.
Oh my god this is the best. This must be a thing now.
>that upturned pig nose
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Yeah turn a series with a lot of plot and heart into a generic sci fi anime inspired show. BECAUSE THOSE ALWAYS TURN OUT GREAT! LOOKING AT YOU PSYCHO PASS!
>a lot of plot and heart
That's a funny way to spell shit.
>Connie is replaced by a little nigga who wants to tap dat fat ass
Fits perfectly.
I would bet that the metals can get corrupted, but is easily fixed by being melted down by its respective melting point and ridding of its "impurities".
>Oh no! Stephanie, it looks like my metal pole got corrupted again! Could you come over and slobber all over it and make it all better like you usually do?
Why won't Soundwave ever be leader? He's more competent than Starscream and almost kicked Megatron's ass back in the day.
I'm starting to warm up to this SU parody thing.
Would fusions be called alloys?
I think garnet would work better as steel, which is an alloy of nickel and iron.
Yeah fusions are alloys, steel is grey which is already taken by aluminum.
I picked Nichrome to have a different color pallet from Aluminum or Cobalt, Metals don't come as wide variety of colors and I wanted to try and keep the main cast varied.
What are you talking about? Metals can be almost every color of the rainbow if you count oxidation. It's just that the majority of metals aren't encountered in everyday life.
>>give it a future version cyber punk earth
>>no townie episodes
I dunno, part of the fun of Steven Universe is the way it's sunny exterior belies the darker nature of the gems. Without that it loses some of it's heart. But it's your AU so do as you please.
Nice drawings btw. Well done.
I like the whole, friendly exterior bleak interior sort of writing style. But steven Universe's bleaker aspects are far too underutilized.
Keep it up.
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GwtB tv series when?
>first people out in the morning trolling each other by yelling the wrong platoon numbers
>people who come out later confused as fuck
It's ridiculous what sort of stupid things you can get nostalgic about.
>le metal men
Try to have an original thought instead of just copying tired memes
Reversed stupidity is not intelligence
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OP im begging you.
Please stop this madness.
It's all fun and games until we have another /co/co/ general on our hands.
don't listen to this fag >>89033540, OP. DON'T STOP UNTIL /STEELUNIVERSE/GENERAL!

Sounds better already.
And yet, no Bronze.
this thread proves every single stereotype about nerd boys

>Lapsis is Mercury
>Jasper is Tungsten

Would the Diamonds be Noble metals of Gold Platinum and Silver?
yes gold platinum and silver for the diamonds
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> Copper: Her body is filled with metal, she can barely move... without a core she'll die... So I'm giving her mine.
> Nichrome: Copper.
> Copper: I can't let her die Nich.
> Nichrome: .... How can I help?
> Copper: You can start my not telling Al about this, he'd only try to talk me out of it.
He gets pushed around too much. He's leader of the remaining Decepticons in the main IDW verse before Optimus stepped in and made him second in command.
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Hey, it's Skrillex. Joking aside, nice design. I like it.
Yes, but you'd need to rework the design for a smol Silicon twink later on.
Do they all just manipulate her into lewd acts, and if so who does it the most?


How would that even work?


Did the Rose equivalent shapeshift part of itself into sperm and inject them into the Greg equivalent's womb and then, what?

Did he crawl inside after it so that he could meld his core onto the babby after it developed?
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FemGreg basically gave him the best feeling of his life. DudeRose probably gave some of his dna that qualified as sperm, and knowing that it won't hold the day of FemSteven's birthing, he poofs permanently to ensure that the girl lives through infancy.
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Good job PLAGIARIZING an already existing comic book idea you guys.

PREVIOUSLY on "The Totally Not Metal Men" Show...
>the daughter of the woman who took the giant metal dick
Also you just know that teen Steven and Amy are going to get into trouble sooner or later. A teenager wouldn't be able to control his dick around someone so loose and slutty.
Sounds like shit desu. I get you guys are jealous that you'll never create a successful cartoon of your own, but you don't need to create autistic fanfiction of a superior product to inflate your ego.
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Sounds pretty gay.
>Making Steven look like a whore
>Making Greg look like some sexy bombshell when she's supposed to look as old as Vidalia but even more unkept
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What about this:
They have metallic core right? When DudeRose ejaculates inside femgreg, his core becomes liquid and he cums his core into and all over[\spoiler] her.
We're talking about an inorganic alien species comprised of a physical consciousness core animating a body that is capable of changing shape and, in some cases, combining with multiple numbers of other individuals of their species. This species is, for the most part, a single gender, is long lived, and does not reproduce sexually, instead gaining new members of its population through the injection of new cores into suitable material. This species has a long history of strife and war, both internal and external, and has the ability to colonize and reform planets to their needs to expand their empire. The society of this alien species is largely class-based, with clear mistreatment of the lower class by the higher class. Some individuals share body designs, meant to preform specific tasks. Other technologies and techniques include long-distance teleportation pads, warp ships, and non-lethal core containment. Many members of this species exhibit unusual and supernatural powers, while others have no special powers at all. Some members prefer to stay in their combined state, while others see combination as a blight to their society. In a very special case, a combination of an individual from this species and DNA from a human created a young hybrid that had a variety of special powers and was a different gender from the norm, who acted to bring members of both species together as a family and defend Earth from threats of the alien species.
They all look the fucking same
That's the genius of it.
I would say to them "You want ice cream cone?" both of them say "Yes".

How in the hell? What the hell.
were those to assigned male at birth?
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This feels like the same people who did Ugly Americans.

>"...lets discuss thermal dynamics."

>click the box to prove your not a robot...
What about Bismuth, who already is a metal?
Garnet should be a gestault bot.
That's why they're so good. They look the same yet they're obviously R63s
You know what the fuck I meant.
Like Kamen Rider Gaim, but with gems instead of fruits?
>DJ Sagara is the Cluster
No, >>89033540 is right. /co/co/ might be one of the most autistic things ive ever seen. Nobody needs more of that.
So like...as Autistic as this sounds....

Can i get a commission of a Male Element "Gold"? I even had an idea of a fusion for him and steven "Rose Gold"

I'll see myself out
Keep Steven a Male

Make Steven a fgt and we got a good show here.
>All that changes with Bismuth is a mustache
Then who was the dead Pink Diamond? Rose Gold?
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>not an universe where the humans are the bad guys
Only the humans look like R63.

The gems still look feminine, just flat.
I'm gonna fuck it
I'd rather they keep Steven a boy, that girl is cringe inducing. Or at least age her up to like 18
This isn't just a rule 63 though it's a full fledged pardoy.
I'll draw a pick of gold and silver later
Platinum (I know it's not punk but copper isn't pink either)
Humans are good guys but instead of the rebels fighting homeworld alone these future humans inhabbit multiple planets and are actively at war with the metelloids and have been for some time.
I was gonna make like 16 and short, her bodies really sense and heavy.
Give yourself a name, it is confusing following your posts.
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Ok, i am fine with this
I miss Copper
The townie episodes are incredibly important because they break up the action and let us know/care more about the people Steven's trying to protect.
The chrarecters were all draw separate then tossed together so the pic above doesn't have the all sized perfectly to one another.
Then if Gold and Silver are YellowD and BlueD, who is WhiteD?
I thought it was Platinum but that's PinkD?
This series would have more subdued slice of life episodes to break up the action, but instead of beach city Stefanie would be traveling the world with Nich Al and Col. They'd be training her to use her powers and searching for the weapon her father used to kill platinum. Georgia is hunting them down in her can because those guys ran off with her daughter without her consent and she's kinda of like an angry mama bear.
Bismuth stays pretty much the same, but it's now voiced by Keith David.
cool designs but i dont see a need for genderswapping
I'm passing on making whit diamond, I know she'll probably be important later but SU has taken so long to tell it's story I could be fucker to care at this point. I might replace white diamond with a sort of control brain like super computer.
They probably make more sense here, given we actually see a war going on and that the Metalloids are going to need to prove that not all of them want to fight the humans.

Unlike in Steven Universe which practically abandons its premise when it tries to make townie episodes.
Mostly for fun but also, too many lesbians in media we could use some more gay men. Also it makes more sense for an asexual race to appear male (why would you have blobs, also how the fuck was rise able to get pregant? Stefanie's conception is still impossible but it doesn't actively hurt my brain like steven's) Also if Stefanie and Gorgia were treated like SU arrested Greg and Steven early on people would scream sexism. Cause it's totally ok to make men idiots or incompetent but not women. Steven was dumb as dirt and the constantly tried to treat Greg like a dead beat dad despite all the conflicting evidence to the contrary.
My phones auto correct is horrible, but I'm sick and stick in bed right now.
so quit bitching about it and turn the fucking feature off

jesus christ, people, TURN IT OFF IF IT'S CAUSING YOU ISSUES
I see, make up a supermetal that is the super best if it's ever is needed.
So we take a failed pilot and make something that sounds like it might actually work. I'll bet theres dozens of superheros who are practically identical to ones we know except for a palette change.
Gems don't have boobs. And there are plenty of masculine or androgynous appearing gems already, there's literally no point in 'genderswapping' a sexless species.
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This is both the first in a uncomidic way and he second definition only because the original is a cartoon and this is merely a concept.
You could even argue that this concept is an adaptation derived from the source material like Lion King is to Hamlet, only Steven Universe still has it's copyright.
They are twins that's why.
You need the shitty townie episodes though. Despite how garbage they are, they establish the idea that there is something besides the main characters on the planet worth protecting. Plus it makes watching episodes not about the townsfolk better because "at least it wasn't about the fucking townspeople".
I'd imagine Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum to be the Diamond Authority equivalent of this.
Garnet IS basically a combiner. Which shine a new light on the true nature of Devastator.
Don't make it literally just R63, make it a sort of mirrorverse.

>Metals are a race of technologically advanced extraterrestrials, with physics-defying abilities beyond human comprehension
>technically genderless because they don't use sexual reproduction
>some appear more feminine, but all act male and have male mannerisms
>Metals are more technologically oriented than Gems
>Gems have inherent magic abilities and use a little tech, Metals have inherent technological compatibility and use a little magic
>form is solid like a Gem's, but liquidy instead of holographic - instead of going "poof", they go "shlurp, like the T-1000
>can't fuse, but can "combine" in a manner similar to Transformers, with big Devastator-esque frontline warriors
>architecture and equipment is gruff and industrial instead of colorful and whimsical, with practicality favored over aesthetics
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I made a femgreg, I like this idea.
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The Crystal Gems are now the Metal Alloys.

>home base is Badland City on Earth
>more "rough n ready" than Homeworld opponents, worn and dusty instead of cold and clinical
>seen as abominations by Homeworld Metals because they have chosen to ruin their "purity" by augmenting themselves with other metals, thus the "Alloy" designation
You had me at terminator-esque, but you won me over with Cyberpunk.
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We all do son. We all do.
I think Cosmos sounds better than Star.
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SU is inspired heavily by weeb shit, so I think this should be inspired by the antithesis; Western sci-fi. Influence comes from such works as Aliens, Starship Troopers, StarCraft, Transformers, Halo, Terminator, Star Wars, etc.
Yep pretty much.
>In a very special case, a combination of an individual from this species and DNA from a human created a young hybrid that had a variety of special powers and was a different gender from the norm, who acted to bring members of both species together as a family and defend Earth from threats of the alien species.

Did that happen in transformers?
Sari from Animated


Pasted the wrong fucking video
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> Jasper = Tungsten, a mercenary charged with hunting down Stefanie and retrieving Copper's core
why did you turn steven into assigned male
I want to see this fucker chase down the metal men with a huge rocket launcher
Would we get Lodestone, the metal ore used to make magnets?
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> Lapis = Mercury, a scout who's core was damaged and they were abandoned. Steffanie finds him and repairs his core.
Sounds like the seed is strong but would end up crippling her.

That actually makes the WOMB TOMB version of mudercock even more hilarious
mind making it closer to >>89031689 ?
Gorgia Wombtomb Star
>this thread proves every single stereotype about nerd boys
How? I'm a grill and I love this idea.
>When Gorgia rides you, you can see your life flash before your eyes
>Gorgia always brings a minifridge for ice because they all end up in the wheelchair one way or another
unless you have a metal dick I suppose
>all act male and have male mannerisms

How does every gem act female, what does this even mean?
Needs a classier hairstyle, that's about it.
meh I like it
So moon girl and the metal men?
Mudercock and the TombWomb
Sounds like a buddy cop porn parody.
this looks good for once
You do know that she's back, right?
She was in their recent story.
how is this for a backstory took a bit of inspiration from halo, mass effect and alien

>metallic beings were warriors created by an advanced race to combat some existential threat to the galaxy, they lost the war
>their creators sacrificed themselves to purge the galaxy of the threat
>afterward they found no meaning in their existence so they did what they were created for, wage war
>they now cyclically let organic life build up then genocidally kill it all in an empty attempt to find meaning in existence
>troop ship crash lands on planet not slated to be purged for a few millennia, only the commander, his lieutenant and a few troops survive
>commander is injured and separated from his surviving platoon
>gets took in by stevens mom and nursed back to health
>finds meaning after falling in love
>Tracked down by high command for desertion
>Leads humans in a successful defense of there planet
>piques high commands interest that a planet not slated to be conquered successfully repelled an attack.
>has kid
>finds out she cant survive without a core
>gives his up out of love
>the surviving members of his crew now defend Earth from increasing attacks from high command out of loyalty to there commander.
Will it end sad as opposed to Steven Universe ending good?
open to both

I toyed with making the creators be assholes who come back to reclaim there former domain by overriding the warriors and defaulting them to mindless drones and having "steven" sacrifice herself to give the warriors autonomy and them uniting with humanity to fight the creators but felt it was to cliche.
So basically Batman Beyond but Steven Universe as a Girl Beyond.
New fag here, What in the holy testicles of the lamb are you sirs referring to?
also instead of metallic being defecting, events similar to what happened on earth in parallel with a number of rebel worlds resisting the warriors with earth being the most successful, with them later forming a coalition.

autism that span out of shitposting daffy duck and tom in zoot suits
Who will be their voices. Because I can see Nichrome being voiced by Donald Glover.
Don't mind the hate for it, it's a Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Parody brought upon by the Daffy Duck literally me meme. A lot of /co/mrades actually worked on it a lot and made a pretty good made up story for it
>tfw I designed the first draft of the men at work
it was fun but it got to autistic way to fast

also jaw is breaker is best chapter
Pear/Alluminium reminds me of Roy from Bladerunner
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The first time copper had the pleasure of entering the tombwomb.
Loud Sound Warning


The Second Time.
I don't want the series to solely focus on the metal aliens barring Steffanie and Georgia.
Men at Work what's that?
No it wouldn't, there would still be episodes with Stefanie interesting with other humans.
Oh hey it is that "Meet the Vampires" dude.
its /co/co/'s bizzare adventure shit

basically it was the name for edd edd n eddy

eds stand could command your total attention, but only if yo didn't know of it being a stand, i you did it had no effect

double d's stand could make any technology out of trash

and eddy's stand could double any monetary gaining he got
She's perfect
So I guess young Georgia Star was a bombshell babe?
Stop masturbating over your shitty fanfic
This isn't a fanfic.
Maybe the diamonds could go
Those elements are all next to each other, and are very rare and dense.
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I have this idea for the origin of Stephanie and the backstory for Georgia.

> Georgia is from a wealthy and well know family in the equivalent of Empire City.
> She is teach to be a classy woman so in the future she marry a successful Business Man.
> Everything fall apart when is discover that she is sterile.
> She run away and changes her last name to not be found, around age 15.
> She is presumed to be dead by the family after 2 years without any clue of her.
> Fast forward some years... she meets the Copper soldier.
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> Georgia fall in love with the Copper Soldier.
> Copper find her interesting and amusing as a common creature of earth.
> At her lowest point she breaks in tear and confronts him in furious anger.
> Copper never experience something similar like this before.
> He is not in any danger but somehow this creature make him stand immobile in fear.
> Maybe was him trying to process how something so fragile like a human would ever fight him
> or that she show a will so mighty that overcome her lack of physical strength

> Copper find the mighty will of Georgia extraordinary and invaluable.
> He what that will to be part of him to achieve his secret objectives.
> Use various samples of Georgia to decode what make her like this.
> He starts to appreciate her companionship more and more, while the tests don't show any results.
> He learn about Georgia life and -tribulations-
> Finally understand that he can't have that mighty will
> Since the struggle to survive against everything make humans keep moving forward.
>Turn Steven Universe into Undertale (everything stays the same)
I kinda feel like she should be less paunchy.
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> Copper decides to try one last experiment.
> He use what he learn from the DNA of Georgia, human genetics and biology to design a new CORE
> A CORE capable of combine the power of a Copper Soldier with a new born human.
> and overpower any obstacle that this child meets.
> The problem is that a regular CORE can kill Georgia, so he decides to make the new CORE with parts of his own.
> He disassemble his CORE and build the new one, take the remaining parts and join them to keep himself alive.
> Georgia doesn’t believe that he can impregnate her, but give it a try.

> The CORE is inside Georgia for about 1 weeks and she star to feel a pulsating pain inside her.
> Is the CORE making her suitable to bare a metal-human hybrid.
> After weeks it's official, she is pregnant.
> The remaining parts that made the CORE of Copper are falling apart, so he doesn’t have too much time left.
> He leaves Colbalt, Alluminum and Nichrome with the mission of take care of Stephanie.
> And talks to Georgia about everything that he learns in the time they spend together.
> In the end Copper don't make it to see his child.
> But leave something for Stephanie to keep moving forward and don’t give up.
What if you turn it into Star?
Star: Steven
Marco: Pearl
Pony Head: Amethyst
Glossyric: Garnet
I agree. Greg, Andy, and Steven are all overweight, but they look a bit fatter than they actually are, due to their stocky builds. A r63 version of any of them wouldn't be super fat, she'd probably have a similar chubby+stocky physique.
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Star would be Pearl because they are both cuckqueans.

I pictured it as him Oh Facing followed by a sound similar to what comes from a toilet when your septic tank is being pumped and then he violently inverts into FemGreg.
Do they just like like afros or?
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>eds stand could command your total attention, but only if yo didn't know of it being a stand, i you did it had no effect
>double d's stand could make any technology out of trash
>and eddy's stand could double any monetary gaining he got
I wanna call /co/ autistic for making this, but those are actually cool stands
Georgia and Stefanie aren't actually exactly gender bents of Greg and steven. Stefanie is a tomboyish sort of character her mom owns a repair shop and both of them are really good with machines.

Stefanie's powers essentially make her a human swiss army knife. Because she's a good mechanic she can repair damaged cores and she's rather durable. She can be a bit impulsive and, despite being fascinated by it, underestimates the horrors of war in the beginning toughening up as the series goes along.

Georgia was a mechanic in small town she met Copper after he had been damaged and separated from his friends. She took pity on him and took him in a repaired him. They fell in love and he decided to stay with her in hiding (this was shortly after he had killed platinum so he needed to hide) for a few years they lived like spouses. Nich, Col and Al find him while Georgia is still pregnant with Steffanie. They all live together for a while until Stefanie is a couple months old. Copper with the assistance of Nichrome gives his core to save Steffanie and dies. Al is angry and grieving and drags Col and Nich with him back of to the frontlines to fight with the humans after Copper's death.

Years later when Steffanie is about 15 Nich, Col and Al come back for her after learning about a super weapon Copper had used to kill platinum that he hid somewhere. Silver and Gold find out about it too and put out a man hunt for Copper who they don't even know is dead just yet.

In the pilot Nich Col and Al accidentally lead a bounty hunter to Steffanie, they beat the bounty hunter and get away but run off with her to search for the super weapon. All the while they have to try and hide from Metaloid mercs and bounty hunters, as well as one very angry Georgia who is hunting them down trying to get her daughter back.
>human swiss army knife

So, she's basically the generator Rex guy?
>generator Rex
yeah close
I just want to genderswap steven into a cute 14 year old girl.
So it is Steven Universe with an overarching plot.
All the genderswapped Pearls still look like women desu. The most masculine genderswap pearl I've seen is creepy-Pearl.
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> Tries to sneak into a place, only women are allowed. Stef needs a fake mom, all turn to Al.

> Stef: Cool it Al you're gonna blow our cover!
> Gaurd: You ok miss you look a bit flushed.
> Al: Fine...
> Stef: Don't mind her, she's from earth 7 (whispers) they have three suns.
Jasper doesn't really act female, and neither does Peridot, the rubies or the full grown amethysts. I'm guessing because both their powers and fusion is very much feelings-oriented, they gravitate to a more female state of mind.
peridot doesn't act female she is literally the awkward nerdy teen girl
jasper is a butch or tomboy
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I will be honest with you OP, most of your designs aren't good or memorable and their colour scheme is boring.

Your plot is also incredibly generic and derivative.

You should just focus on doing lewd drawings of your Fem Steven and Fem Greg >>89031689 because they are the best thing that you did.
you sure about that? i can't stop seeing "assigned male" in their faces.
Jasper look manlier than him
Steven is already a fucking girl trapped in a male's body.

Hell, Connie is much more of a boy then Steven could be.
So what would Lion be in this thing?
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>Connie and the Maheswaraens are replaced by Tyrone.
>Is this a Gun!
>Nah Dad, It's A Metalloid Hand Held Rail Cannon.
>Oh Lord, What has that girl gotten my son into, baggy pants, missing bible study, playing those little ERPs.
>RPGs, Dad.
>Steven is already a fucking girl trapped in a male's body.
lol, never realized this. Is this intentional pottery?
Hey, this one looks great.
These designs don't work as well without the central pieces, the gemstones.
>cores in their chests
>not cores being their dicks
You had one job

Lion is basically a giant magic house cat so to flip it the analogue would be a wolf that acts like a dog
I love it.
Would it also be vaguely metallic?
this just gave me chills, dude.

needs bigger hair, bigger legs, bigger chest...
>The second time is the actual moment he gives up his form for Steffanie
He needs a lot of work done

>Hair too short
>Not buff enough
>Horrid color scheme
>Eyes not detailed or menacing enough

Also, I still feel like the stars should be on the protagonists and find something else for Homeworld since diamonds wouldn't make sense
Better than SU tho.
Lion is replaced by a robot animal that copper built to protect his daughter in his absences. I'll probably get design inspiration from something like transformers or voltron or something.
I'm probably gonna try and find a way to distinguish the rebels but haven't just yet.
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Stiff her out Jojo, I'm not leaving till we find Stef, I'll tear this whole town apart if I have to.
It looks you based that design on Rush.
just looked at a bunch robot shows and got ideas from there, the ears are a slight nod to K-( from doctor who though.
> Everything fall apart when is discover that she is sterile.
why? like obviously finding out you can't have children isn't exactly pleasant but it's not exactly the end of the world, ESPECIALLY when you're 15
just seems super lazy to me
>Not Dynomutt
>/r/co/co/ is le leaking
I got you senpai.

Base Form: Rose Quartz
Weapon: Ching-Shing Sparkling Defender
Jingle: Start! Universe de odore, uchuu ga mamore

Quarter-Season Form: Quartz Sans Rose
Weapon: Bouseki Rasen Basher
Jingle: Bokutachi onaji hito, spiralling biito

Quarter-Season Form 2: Quartz Avec Crimson
Weapon: Gekitotsu W Shields
Jingle: San'nin de hitori, denkou no hikari

Quarter-Season Form 3: Quartz Avec Alabaster
Weapon: Kakusari Kasablade

Mid-Season Form: Temple Quartz
Weapon: Kirameki Quartizine DJ Gun
Jingle: Chou power up, ooki na hero to the top!

Final Form: Shining Crazy Diamond
Weapon: Tankoushoku no Hekiki-Shitsu
Jingle: Fujimi no shinka, kongou no da!
He got Eddy's wrong. His stand was essentially a snowball effect, where if he swindled you into doing one thing he could trick you into doing progressively more and more without you realizing you were being conned.
>literally my moms dynomutt 2.0
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I just want to say that this thread is awesome and I love you, /co/.

Carry on.
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Rule 63 Steven looks like such a trailer trash slut.
Bismuth, in the show, is based on crystallized bismuth, not the raw metal.
Not even close.

The story looks like something that would have aired on the worst period of CN, but made by canadians.
It isn't live action, so it can't be from the worst period of CN.
I wonder if Metal!Lapis would still be best boy.
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I think the design should show more skin, like Lapis'
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