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How do we stop this?

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How do we stop this?
I liked her in EMH
You can't stop Marvel from pushing what they want. You can only hope that her MCU version is decent and lazy writers just copy the movie
Better men than you have tried. >:^)
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How fast we gonna hit bump limit this time, /yass/?
You mean making her wear too much clothing? Vote Trump in for a second term when the time comes and watch the SJW War come to an end. Within 8 years, Spider-Man will snap Black Cat out of a hypnotic spell by grabbing her pussy.
You don't. You either YAASS or get slayed by the queen.
If you yell about Allah as you do it they'll make comics defending your actions

I've seen this a lot lately. What does it even mean?
How do we get him back?

we need more sexy blond men in marvel
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We need more fanart and cosplay of her classic and EMH looks. If they start trending, then there might be some hope for MCU Carol. I'm not expecting a 1/1 comics costume, but preferably something less butch.
You know, I found this scene from right before Carol's costume change...
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You're one of those armpit fetishists, aren't you?

Skintight suits are hot too fgt
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Tumblr meme Marvel used in her advertising.
Dumb girl way to say yes

Perhaps stolen from gay people
I don't know enough X-Men chronology to know if you're serious.
Man, black on gold is just sweet.

Blue and red is boring and makes her look like a Superman ripoff, especially since there's more blue now.
Why would you want one of Marvel's most poignant stories undermined so?
>we need more sexy blond men in marvel
ah, I getcha

Also thanks for the pic, I didn't know this What If was a thing.
Why does she even wear a belt?
Well it's a homage to 2nd generation Superman ripoff so...
Hidden zip pocket on the inside of her sash. It's where she keeps her phone, wallet, lipstick, mask glue. Kind of a fashionable fanny pack.
The EMH suit is so much better it hurts.
It's true. Mutants are the reason we can't have nice things.
she didn't really do much
Shazam reference perhaps? Like the thunderbolt?
When the MvC4 trailer hit my poobrain legit thought "Shazam" for a split second. The sash close-up reminding me of his shoulder-cape.
>he'll never see what a cunt his wife turned into

Let him sleep.
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When will Carol marry Peter?
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whatta worker
What issue senpai?
I wanna check if it was before or after Secret Avengers.
I care a lot more about the character than the suit she's in. Carol's push has really fucked how she's been written for a long time now. I don't mind the short cut or the more uniform-like outfit. But to be fair I also think the headfin is the best Moonstone outfit.
I don't remember this. When's the last time she showed up? Hickman shit?
And she literally tried to kill him when they met so no biggie.
Marvel's gonna give you Mari-- er, Carol, and you're gonna LOVE her.

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When he gets a gender-swapped clone.
Marie Shelly?
It's from "New X-Men" (the X-academy book) issue 28, page 13.
Secret Avengers came out about two/three years later.
You piece of shit, I know what you mean!
Already happened.
At least.
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That's the joke. Different universe, same name.
i love how rockslide use to try to be smooth with all the females he encounter
Kill her and make Kamala the new Captain Marvel.
Yeah, it's almost as if the rocky natured mutant character is thematically incapable of being smooth...
Don't go to her movie. If she bombs at the box office, Marvel will finally get a fucking clue about how people really feel towards her.
Why is best (fan)girl even keeping the "Ms." name after Carol role-model failed so epic hard?
Shouldn't she have changed her moniker to "Stretch-girl" or something by now?
>shitposters on a Saskatchewan tapdancing board
It's not like Carol really did a lot for the name.
Ms Marvel's basically a blank slate anyway.
Her fanbase is way smaller than Marvel wants you to think. They're just very fucking loud.
Call her Marveller

She's a fangirl so she marvels at stuff

Also a Supaidaman reference
Disney is the Borg. Resistance is futile.
And Tony's/Thor's/Strange's/Quill's/ScottfuckingLang's was huge, I'm sure.
Character notoriety's a total non-issue, they could make a profit off of a Puma movie with the kind of movie marketing Disney allows them. How do y'all still not get this?

That's thing. People don't remember how boring iron man was before the movie came out. I don't think Iron man had even a quarter of the fans that any other hero did. He was a real nobody desu.

Things that trail or flap in the breeze are free cool points, though only if you're already registering on the style scale.
Leave it alone and let them keep relaunching her failing series over and over, and over until they get the point.
Didn't marvel mention something about not bringing him back until some succeeded in curing cancer?
Or was that DC with Barbra Gorden?
Or did neither of those happen and my mind is further gone than I though it was?
That was best Carol

So? She was interesting and better than YASS QUEEN who had how many volumes and issues and still managed to be nothing but a wet fart or awful.
Make her go full fascist dictator.

Then everyone gets mad when she forms an alliance with DOOM.
You do realize IRon-man was popular enough to get his own show in the 90s, and made tons of guest appearances in media since then, right?

He was never really a b-list hero.

Thor was similar, he wasn't b list, eveybody knew him, but he didn't get much screen time.
just like the comics really.
Ask /pol/ to borrow some meme magic and damage her They seem pretty into comics lately
>eveybody knew him, but he didn't get much screen time.

Thats what being b-list is.
>How do we stop this?
nigga, I don't want to stop it. Bow before your empress, scum!
Another Carol and Jess thread. Cool.
It's too bad she is so bad now. Her team up with Spidey back in the day was fun.
I don't know. She's on her fourth relaunched series now and they all tanked financially. Marvel is obviously dedicated to pumping out this character hat nobody gives a shit about in a role that nobody wants her in ("Marvel's premiere female"). It's probably the same thing as with the Inhumans, someone at the top decided this was going to be a thing and now they're hell-bent on making it a thing against all business sense.
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Nothing would make me happier than if she became Empress of the Kree after being disgraced on Earth.
that would be a fun storyline
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If Marvel doesn't write it, I will.

My way will have Captain Hydra fabricate evidence so she is disgraced in the middle of her fight with Tony at the end of CWII, but it will be difficult to have all of Carol's friends try and arrest her without going too far and end up bashing those characters.
I'd read it. Go for it, anon!
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Ok. But don't get your hopes up or expect anything soon, because I'm very lazy. I'll make a thread to whore for attention and comments after ch. 01 is published in the nebulous future.
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yay! attention whoring for Carol!
I got no problem with her new duds, I just prefer black to blue

Never ever ever.

Legs are evil, exposing them leads to degeneracy.
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I wish they would have gone with B or E.
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That's the spirit!
You don't have to. It's not selling well.
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So you didn't read any of them. Gotcha.
Why is Steve wearing lipstick?
Marvel wants their own Wonder Woman.
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coz he's a faggot, fampai
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It's like they are building up Carol to be a FtM transsexual. Scratch that, they may kill off Cap permanently and former Carol will take up the mantle and also the name Steve.
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fuckin Grado in my /co/, thumbs up mate
I like her current costume...sue me.
Storm really has some of the best female costumes.
Not Storm, I was talking about Carol. I like all of Storms costumes oddly enough.
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And i was calling you pleb for that
EMH got cancelled for this shit. I can never and WILL never show love to this.
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Anka's costume is her best.
I think the black and gold one looks cool don't get me wrong, but it's too simplistic. I really feel more "space" based.
Plus Storm wore it, and Storm is the worst.
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Spread the word to normies online that she was raped her own son from the future, got Hulk killed, is a complete sadist, hurt Lockjaw, pulled a minority report, and is an alcoholic.
Why? marvel want everyone to forget about that
>Hurt Lockjaw
That monster must be brought to justice
Well it's not working
While I don't mean to steer this conversation in a different direction, I keep hearing people say Trump is a big threat to the SJWs, and I don't get why that is.
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>Long hair Carol
>Marvel's still trying to have Cap, Iron Man, and Carol be their trinity
>They're still trying to have trinity in the first place
1/5th of the way there!
Was someone tasked with making a new brick for X-Men and they just said "Fuck it. It's the Thing. The Thing is an X-Men now" and they were all "He can't" and he was "I already drew it faggots" so they were all "Well can you make him grey?" and he was all "FIIIIIINE".
Fuck off. Mar-Vell is perfect as he is. He shows up. He has one good tragic arc. He gets cancer. He dies.

It has a begining, middle, and end where he stays dead, making it more consistent and competent than 99% of cape characters in existence.

Jean Grey should have stayed dead too.
We need to go deeper.
First WoS Champion bump
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Dude don't start, he's hurting.
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rip carol/steve shippers.
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Maybe they should stop paying people to bring it up then.
The fuck are you on about?
Carol's gonna be part of the backup Trinity, with Strange and Panther.
Eh. She's aryan and reasonably conservative. You can't really get /pol/ to unite on this one IMO.
>we need more sexy blond men in marvel
He's memeing.
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The problem is only 20k people read her book, marvel doesnt care about them in the big picture
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I ain't usually one to shout "g-goalposts!" but come the fuck on son.
They published them, they released them, they ain't hiding 'nout.
Shit the biggest Carol retcons I've seen lately have been people wholly ignoring KSD.
If you haven't figured out that Marvel doesn't care about their comics AT ALL except as advertising/testing ground for their film/television projects, you are delusional.
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>Holy shit!
M-Marvel is publishing this?!
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simple, you don't. if sells then it stays. if it doesn't then it goes away...eventually.
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>Kamala gets caught in the middle of YAASQUEENing
>how to stop it?

Stop guzzling down the shitty movi...oh who am I kidding? This is /co.

You can't and wouldn't if you could.
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You can't stop it anon. Which is sad because there is 50% of chances this push is gonna end like a trainwreck.
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Carol thread!
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Pic related is still the best Carol, and Bobbi for that matter.
Bobbi is dead for me anon. Marvel killed her character for good.
everybody is ignoring the latest miniseries, so it never happened or, more likely, it was a fever dream.

She's still fine,
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>which ass is the fattest?
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Jessica Jones is faux-MAX since it's basically Alias 2.
I am annoyed by the Carol push and the fact that they threw away her character for a movie deal, and wasn't going to watch her movie. But Brie Larson looks really cute in the Kong trailer. Help.
Only by embracing Queen Yaas can you be saved.
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