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Toonami General #1

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 544
Thread images: 128

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Toonami Drinking Game

Toonami Q&A

Toonami tumblr. Ask anything Toonami related there

Toonami panel 2014

Toonami music

Naruto story

One Piece story

Tweeting info

New Samurai Jack season

FLCL news

DBZ news

Gundam news
>thw toonami gets to BITES ZA DUSTO
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So when is Demarco going to air the Nekopara OVA? Winky face.
>Finally back to watching Dragon Ball on tv with the family
>with all of us waiting for something to happen
good times
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Best OP tonight?
why the fuck did you make a new thread?
Super was fucking terrible. Can't believe you guys lap this shit up with a smile, and are excited to do it again in a few hours
Also, you got the number wrong. This should be #2.




Says you.
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Because the other one was at bump limit newfag

>put new show at 8
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Best Girl never dies.
It's amazing how much better the dub of Dragon Ball is better than the Japanese version. I can't even sit through a whole episode of the Jap of DB Super because the voices make me want to vomit. The dub is godly and holy fuck do the voices sound so much more natural in English. Funimation really nailed the Dragon Ball dub
t. pedro
I forgot Super was airing earlier, oh well.
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kuck la kuck spammer shit is beyond old, your garbage show ended over a year ago, get over it
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Reminder that last weeks music video was botched because Demarco didn't air this one
But can she Help my crippling loneliness?
The man uses a hyper realistic style while keeping the typical trappings of the style. Read Eyeshield 21 with good scans and realize how fucking much detail he puts into each part of the body and conveying motion.
>One Punch man
>not generic anime artstyle
Yeah because all those spiky haired bishonens are soo different.
It looks the same as every other manga

>not generic anime artstyle
Jesus fuck part 1-3 are all generic 80's style

This is bait right?
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We'll never get to see Carrot animated.
That and the ratings weren't near as high as the best episodes of OPM.
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No, because she's mine. Shoo, shoo. Go get your own.
the only newfag here is you, the block doesn't start until 11:30, the 8PM thread goes to page 10 before a new thread is started, or is made at 11:20. TTG is just being a retard because >muh super
You're beginning to realize how fucking terrible the Dragonball mouthbreather fanbase is.
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begone you swine
Didn't we get 11:30 back?
so who's excited for Little Witch Academia soon?
here's proof to the schedule changes (including an hour of classic AS on Sundays and Samurai Jack after DBS at 8:30 on Saturday) http://www.adultswim.com/adultswimdynsched/asXml/14.EST.xml
http://www.adultswim.com/adultswimdynsched/asXml/15.EST.xml (I don't think this works on Safari but it does on Chrome and Firefox)
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good, she's a shit
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>The man uses a hyper realistic style while keeping the typical trappings of the style
And? It still looks like generic anime, he's really good but it doesn't make his style or what he's going for different. They're still the same as other anime characters.

I have eyeshield right here I don't need you to tell me how his art is.
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The best time of the week has finally arrived! And I'm glad we're back to the normal lineup after weeks of marathons. Too bad Super takes a few episodes to get going. I'm gonna like hearing everything in "proper" voices.
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Ah yes it has begone
fake and gay
Except if you weren't a newfag you would know we used to hit thread 3 before Toonami started back in the day. Page 10 rule only started with discussion slowed way down and threads didn't hit bump limit till 30 mins before Toonami. With 3 hours left till it starts there is plenty of time for the old thread to be pushed off before Toonami actually starts
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What's the highest rated show to air on Toonami? Do you think the debut of Dragon Ball Super will top it? I mean, it's new Dragon Ball on Toonami. That's a match made in heaven and oozes nostalgia
>hyper realistic style
Please stop, you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.
>le I don't like anime/manga BUT this series I happen to enjoy is so different and cool amirite guise

Kill yourself, read more manga.
>past performance is an indicator of future results

fucking newfag
Kai at a little over 2mil
AgK at second place with 1.8mil

Having 2 air times will probably prevent breaking either record
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so is Stardust Crusaders gonna premiere after the end of season 1?
You do realize what actual photorealism is right?
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Most of us don't, but that has never stopped us before, and it sure as hell ain't stopping us now!
Could Goku beat Heihachi
>hyper realistic style

Jesus fuck kill yourself retard
Not unless the ratings go up
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fucking best girl cannot be topped

Surprised in all of the times this has been posted, no one has ever found that chick.. Anyway, how was everyone's week?
Oh I forgot I had wiped the cache

Thanks for posting, now I can filter you again
she's down at the ocean
The page 10 rule is relatively new, it only started after the new rules for how many active threads an OP could have. If he spammed new threads before the block started he'd only be able to make new threads for the first 2 or so shows before hitting the cap. So we stayed in the first thread til it hit page 10 or the block started to preserve TGG's thread count.
Jojo's killing Toonami
This. Might have done it only being at 11:30.

I definitely see is contending for a top 10 spot though. Only this week though. Hype and slow start episodes will slow it down
End of Dragonball Goku could beat pretty much any fighting game character outside Orochi, Power of Nothingness Ryu, Oni, Shao Khan and Shinnok
There is nothing "realistic" about Murata's style. He draws the exact same stylized characters and backdrops as everybody else. He just draws them better. Murata is exceptionally skilled in what you call the "generic anime style". The fact you claim to hate that style but then say you like shows that use it shows you have no clue what you're talking about.
It's in the air right now. This new arc needs a big numbers boost to guarantee going straight into SC
Given how badly Jojo is performing I seriously doubt it. This is what Jojofags deserve after hyping their show up, half of them probably never even watched the first two parts.

Nice edge there, kid. Come back when you have a real argument.
>wake up
>go grab a pizza from town
>forget the time
>9:20 when I get home
>only 63 posts

You take down CP sites for money? Interesting.
>TGG makes the thread early and fucks up the numbering
Is this an imposter using TGG's name?
This is Thread 2
This is thread number 2
TGG misnumbered
We're already on thread 2 dickcheese. TGG ain't what he used to be and fucks up the numbering almost every week now though.
So like most Saturdays these past few weeks?
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>he does it for free
You got diddled?

Do you know what happened to Johnny Gosch?
>Roger gets transported to the DC universe
What happens?
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doing god's work anon
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Who here /shotaxshota/?
Gwei or hope your cable provider allows AS simulcast.
no one, stop fucking asking
Yeah, I think that episode ends with a pretty alright Killua moment
We don't know.

If ratings pick up a bit, then probably a week after Season 1.

But if they don't, they'll probably air another show in its place and then air Part 3 after its done.
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Good taste, Anon.


Don't see why not.
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>Das Boot
>Ending with them all sailing off into the sunset
Fuck dude that's more than enough spoonfeeding, figure the rest out yourself
Do you like Bub's Baggers?
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It's alright
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That is true,If you think about it any box could have vibrators or dildos in it.
Do you go after jailbait sites too?
Fuck, I forgot that Super airs early. Oh well, already watched it subbed. How was the dub?
Pretty alright
This show had lots of good smugs
That is why I do not go through anything in my mothers room.
It's funny in the way earlier episodes of the Simpsons and King of the Hill were. Finding humor through mundane tasks and family life.
Also Louise is my daughterfu. She is so adorably diabolical.
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The smuggest

Pretty much what you would expect of the DBZ cast. Goten and Chi-Chi sounded a bit off, but otherwise the cast sounds as good as always. It will be neat to hear Beerus' VA more often now instead of just the movies.
About as much as you expect.

>hearing the old narrator say "Last time on Dragon Ball Z" for the first time in years

Felt like a kid again.
So what are you doing to pass the time till Toonami starts anons?
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>Implying JoJo isn't getting axed after part 2 fails to bring the ratings Demarco expected
Slamming my meat missile around
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Just finished catching up to Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
>Not too sure if I like the show yet
>They kill off my favorite character 12 episodes in
God fucking damn it.
Viz will determine that.
are you guys ready for what is likely a historical night for toonami?
I want to like it but HOLY FUCK those visuals are loud. It's like, they realize they hit a wall on the volume/length/annoyingness of the belt sounds so now they're dumping the effort into garish VFX.
You're doing God's work. I reported a few jailbait sites that were advertising on Gelbooru, but it was a total pain in the ass and it was easier to adblock their shit instead.

Don't speak for all of /pol/, everyone hates you there too. If anything they were doing that specifically to antagonize your stupid ass
>Super OP cut
>Kai's OP possibly cut

Most likely
Hyrule Warriors Legends
Remember when anons were saying that DBZ Super was never ever coming to toonami?
>Everyone in the world tunes in to watch, Super gets seven billion views
>Toonami gets moved to seven and takes all of AS' timeslots
>Toonami is now everyday, AS gets canned for more Toonami
I can't wait
Well, I scheduled all my drinking game tweets, so I'm fucking done with that.

I hope to God there isn't another 3 show replacement anytime in the next few years, because that shit's a MASSIVE pain in the ass.
Viz doesn't get to have a say. Demarco isn't cucked by every distributor. Only Funi with Super and Sunrise with Gundam

They probably cut it for the early airing, could air in full for the later showing.
The cuts were for primetime TV.

First show always gets the full OP.
The Super OP won't be cut for the Toonami airing. When Kai aired reruns at 8pm, its OP was cut short too.
Dog whistles?
Let's be honest, it didn't. It came to 8pm and they threw the 11:30 rerun in to say it's on Toonami
Be fair, Toei was being retarded and only recently got Super on legal US streaming. No one had a reason to believe it was coming at any point before that.
You're doing God's work, Drinking Game Anon
Probably gonna draw.

I'm starting to warm up to it a little. hoping the they upgrade the other belts soon.
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What >>88971352 said, and RE:0096's op is some touchy-feely emo shit with lines like AND IT'S EVVVVERY TIME YOU HURT YOURSELF WITH KNIVES.

Seriously, not even kidding.
It's not like those are any good compared to Bloody Stream though.

Great Days is still the best
Rest easy, we probably won't get anything new for 6 months. I'm assuming you saved the old GiTS drinking game of course
Watching 'Road' movies while nursing a torn muscle.
You mean the 8pm airing they didn't advertise at all and was probably only done to appease Toei?
Bob's Burgers is so fucking bad.
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I fucking hope so. I swear to god they better leave it full for at least one night.

Literally the best OP of the series next to Bites the Dust version
Ok mr robot. Did you get you get your pilot's license and doctorate in astrophysics by 16 too?
In all likelihood it won't top the premier night of AgK which will dissapoint everyone. That night was a total fluke that probably can't ever be outdone
>I'm on Rizon if you want to hand over anything for me to deal with.
That was years ago at this point and since I adblock and script block the shit out of the boorus, I don't see that stuff anymore.

>Rest easy, we probably won't get anything new for 6 months. I'm assuming you saved the old GiTS drinking game of course
Is that kicking in tonight? If so, I'm just updating the current pastebin.
At least it's not *shivers* Home Movies..
Hey hey hey. That's my job to ask. I've been pulling my hair out on how fucking obnoxious Kingdom Hearts Final Mix 1.5 has been.
Oh, by the way, if we ever get Blue Exorcist S2, be ready for a pretty boring episode that regresses character development because nothing past episode 17 of season 1 is canon.
Did people even like Blue Exorcist S1?
We couldn't get Sonochi no Sadame and you expect us to get Bloody Stone?
No, It starts the first week of Feb. Still a bit more of OPM left
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When do they use RE: I AM? Cause while the song's message is extremely easy to see, it's fucking terrible for how Unicorn tries to get that message across.
first episode with the OP retard
>want to order a pizza
>realize it's only 6:51
>if I order it and go to pick it up, it'll only be 7:30
The one time I want time to speed up
>Did people even like Blue Exorcist S1?
People like the stupid shit in it, like "I'm gonna beat the shit out of Satan!"

Thank fucking God.

Damn, that does sound pretty good. Hmm, let's hope they don't cut it.
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Was Dimension W any good?
>regresses character development
That's because, as you said, nothing past episode 17 of S1 is anime original. S2 is basically taken from the Manga

People here didn't like it but they had fun with it.
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Yes it was lots of fun
I can't pick a favorite opening between the first five.
They are all so good in their own ways.
Arguably Papenbrook's only decent Toonami performance
Loni's entire character was butchered in the anime. Rewritten and it made no sense
No, not really. The flashbacks to the past were WAY more exciting than most of the show and the only interesting character was Loser.
The MC wasn't a mopey bitch like his brother.
Bob's Burgers was great for the few seasons I watched it, definitely miles above the rest of Fox's shitty animated sitcoms, but I admit I haven't seen an episode in years so I don't know if it's gone full nu-Simpsons.
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How would you react if they brought back Dragon Ball GT instead of showing Super?
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It was OK, dunno how the ratings fared.
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No but this robot gave me a boner so that made it good

I was playing Trials. You know what, I think Battle Tendency characters would make great playable characters for a crazy bike stunt game.
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True, they were making her family much more sympathetic, especially to the regular Zeon forces. It's still Zeonwank with the ending though.
Is it redubbed? Because I don't think I could handle Kid Goku's new voice
>regresses character development

How can it regress character development when that development never existed in the first place?

Also the whole
Trash was really fucking bad.
It's still the best of FOX's cartoons, but Family Guy has honestly been getting a resurgence lately. The gore in the new season has been toned down a lot and political soapboxing hasnt been a thing for years.

Only nu-Simpsons is still slacking. The most recent episode was just atrocious.
I never really liked either of Part 3's OP but I admit that the The World bit was cool. Even if Bite the Dust did it better later on.
Everyone would've been pissed and shat on DeMarco for the biggest fuck up since Tenchi GXP.
Since it's the first airing, it'll probably be the full OP this time.
But it had Robutts, so all is forgiven.
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Playing some Payday 2.
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Ep 18 special op. Which is a bunch of show footage redone as an eroge-grade PV really.

Also, this is a 22 episode series, so it's pretty late.

The entirety of Unicorn is Zeek and Charwank, it's fucking trash.

>le char wouldn't have done what ur doing full frontal xDD because Char never wanted to kill everyone on earth xD

Fuck off
Yeah, fuck TGG!

Z got redubbed, and afaik, GT didn't
Any abnormal amount of people filling out the name field

I wonder if its the same guy. I wonder if its someone with a trip.
Yeah, I know that was all anime original, but it's been years since the show was on and I totally forgot where the dividing line was, so I had this "wait, didn't they already get past this?" feeling while watching the episode. Then I saw one of the ANN reviews and it explained where the dividing line was and I was like "okay, NOW I get it."

Bob's Burgers hasn't turned to shit, it's just gotten stale, pardon the pun. Every episode there's the same asshole degenerate antagonist, the kids doing the same schemes, and Bob appreciating the chucklefucks in his world. But apparently people like the formula.
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missed last couple of weeks
anything noteworthy happen lately?
I could probably handle it then. I didn't mind GT that much
I expect the political soapboxing to come back in force soon
I'm a jojofag, and this doesn't surprise me.

Honestly, if it ended up going off the air, it wouldn't bother me. I loathe the newfags that this has brought in.
Twitter is a vile and disgusting place.
It didn't really pick up until the last few episodes for me anyway.
Did we ever find anything of mole girl?
By the way, Unicorn has a fucking godly OST.

>anything noteworthy happen lately?
JoJo has shifted to Battle Tendency, so Best JoJo is now the protagonist.

IBO ended with Ein not satisfying his child murder boner and Mikazuki partly fucked up due to brain damage.
What do you think about /a/ as well as here and other boards aggressively turning on Jojo posters and comparing them to bronies?
>eroge-grade PV
That's been the case for almost anything that was an OVA then turned into a TV series. Broken Blade is a great manga, but the anime veered off too much from the plot so we get an OVA original ending and skipped plot points because they didn't care. At least the whole "womb removal" was taken out unless you read the novel.
oh yeah IBO ended, how are people liking the replacement Gundam?

That reminds me, HorribleSubs never did ep. 22 for some reason. Time to find that.
It hasn't even started

We hate it
Ask again when it premieres in three hours.
Hasn't officially started yet. Tonight is the first episode

Is it just me or does Goten sound more annoying than he's supposed to? Also shouldn't he look a bit older?
It hasn't aired yet, but if you're tired of Universal Century and/or Zeon wank, you're not going to like it.
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That's by Sawano, right?
Good. I unironically love his music. Cheesy Engrish and all. Please tell me there's some half-baked lyrics tracks like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmUeqMnWmDY.
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Too bad he plateaued fucking hard there. Everything he's made recently sounds like it belongs in Unicorn. Also Aimer is in too much shit now, so they're getting to be annoying to listen to too.
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just the robutt

This is the first I've heard about it.

Been playing vidya alot, so I haven't noticed, I guess.
The sad part is bloody f8 was actually halfway decent. But what the fuck is with Sawano's track naming? He sure likes to do a lot of numbers and symbols.

And if you don't know what Universal Century or Zeon wank means you're not even going to understand it.
Time zone fuckery, did it happen yet?

Yeah, it's Sawano. All things considered, all 3 EDs grew on me; the 2nd one the most.
Got ya timezones right here my man

*unzips dick*
Probably because it isn't OUR MARRIAGE IS ON THE ROCKS.
If I had to pick the weakest I'd say it's the first OP of Stardust Crusaders. It's kind of generic and the only part that I absolutely love
Is the "Jojo! Jojo! Jojo!" showing Jonathon, Joseph, and finally Jotaro.
'End of THE WORLD' took some time to grow on me, but it's unique enough to be given praise. Especially with all the subtleties in it and the different versions.
No, that's March, I think.

Also, apparently Nobunagun got shoved into Funi's SAVE line, which is a shame, because that show might've done okay on Toonami. It had an art style very similar to Hellboy and psycho protags, plus it was short, but not rushed.
sounds about right

Before this show, last time I heard Aimer was in Bleach, but I'm probably forgetting some shows.
Who cares about new shows? None of them could come to Toonami even if they wanted to. No room.

Reminder for anyone who forgot, we get NOTHING new until June at best. We have this same lineup for 6 full months. After that we might get one new show. One new thing for all of 2017
The SAVE line didn't stop Michiko & Hatchin from getting on Toonami. The lack of Watanabe will most likely stop Nobunagun though.
If you watched Unlimited Blade Works, you'd be hearing more Aimer. Felt like they were getting tossed into everything.
Does that redditfag who used to lurk here still make the end date chart?
>Who cares about new shows? None of them could come to Toonami even if they wanted to. No room.
It honestly would've been a better fit for the post-Dimension W lineup, since that one had some room for flexibility, IIRC.

I haven't seen that chart since at least June or probably a little later than that.
More like lack of space will
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>they're actually showing super
it's gunna be a wild memetastic ride
What if they get two short series?

For example Ao no Exorcist season 2 and then another one.
>One new thing for all of 2017
>Samurai Jack season 5
>FLCL season 2
>something else potentially

Yep, that's all one thing anon.
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T-this isn't /trash/ what am I supposed to do with this?
He doesn't need to anymore, nothing ever ends now

Yea probably, that was exactly when Demarco decided to max out long runners too
That's because of Aniplex

Same reason LiSA is everywhere
>For example Ao no Exorcist season 2 and then another one.
That one's 26 episodes, right? Plus it's ultra new, so it's not going to get here in less than a year unless Viz REALLY thinks it can push more manga.
That too.
Yeah Goku voice only worked that high as a kid and Krillen sounds like a 12 year old.
Super, Unicorn and Kai are all 2016 pickups. Starting the first week of 2017 doesn't make the 2017 pickups. Jack has no ETA, and FLCL was slotted for late 2017-2018, which means 2018
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Will they keep "ZAMASU" and "NINGEN" tho?
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Good for the ass, not so much for the story.

Granted, I don't know about the manga, which might be better than the anime.
They'll probably keep Zamasu but switch Ningen for Humans
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Hi there Demarco
No it's 13

Wasn't a better word for it "Mortals" instead of "Humans"?
Ok they could, so mark down 2 things then

TWO new things for the entire year is not acceptable
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Most likely.
Mortals, stupid. They'll switch to mortals. Dragon people arent humans. Maybe they'll even say humanoid. But definitely not human
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Yeah, the first SC OP was definitely forgettable because I don't remember it at all. I'd say it and the first DiU OP are the worse. In fact, the Part 4 OPs all follow an upward trend
OP 1 incomplete: memetastic but bad
OP 1 complete: meh
OP 2: Good
OP 3: Great
OP 3 - Bite the Dust: Fantastic
The anime was made when the manga had like 4-5 chapters. It was absurdly early in it life which led to the horrid anime only crap we got
I'm not saying it is, Blame Demarco for putting only long running stuff.

I mean Naruto I understand, it even gets decent enough viewers for it's timeslot but One Piece will never ever take off, dunno why they keep pushing it
I'm surprised anyone outside a handful of people on /a/ knows about that show. Those threads were really dead while it was airing, but comfy. Think I still have webms that I made somewhere.
Depends on how human you consider dinosaurs with clubs.
I know, I just said the first thing the came to memories from the subs I've watch
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These are fun, shame we don't have any good death scenes for new ones these days
So like how most anime is done, because they can't understand that popularity doesn't wane that quickly. It's why we have Shippuden still fucking going even though the manga ended almost a year ago.
>The anime was made when the manga had like 4-5 chapters

no it wasn't, the manga started in 2011
There was a thread on a forum I frequent that wasn't super active, but we totally got into it, because it was pretty XCOM.
Demarco personally likes it is why
You could have used that scene from IBO when they turned the bitch boy MY CAPTAIN faggot into the mech while he was a vegetable.
>almost a year

mate it ended in 2014
>Super, Unicorn and Kai are all 2016 pickups. Starting the first week of 2017 doesn't make the 2017 pickups.
That really sounds like you're twisting semantics to fix the goof you made.
Yeah, no
The wonky production values and weird premise made it not really popular, but I liked the spergy MC girl and the OP was fun too.
I can see liking the manga but the anime is terrible with how bad Toei drags everything out.
When does Toonami start? what time is it in the US?
They have four new OP premiers tonight so I'm wondering if they will show all of them or stagger them.
Maybe, I'm not the guy who makes them
>When does Toonami start
In one hour.
>what time is it in the US
10:24pm on the only coast that matters.
1:02 was the specific part I was talking about.
It's a catchy song and there's nothing wrong with it, but nothing really sets it apart from other series openings.
Toonami starts in one hour and 7 minutes, it's currently 22:23
Except I'm not. Had we not had two marathons, which I'm not saying weren't justified, all of that would have started 3 weeks ago
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>Naruto ended 2 years ago and we're going into a third
Probably cut the DB ones since they always get theirs
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Well Boruto will run for the next 10 years anyways
Don't mind the cuts for final chapters since we'll probably get the engrish op/ed
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Playing FF14. Because while I resisted the pestering to play it from some of my friends this long, the winter sale and the pending Garo promotion finally got me to try it.
The official subs use them interchangeably.
Well ED gets cut on everything no matter what.
Who cares, he took away Hinata's prominent feature.
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>we'll never get Youjo Senki on Toonami
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>Boruto is almost certainly going to get an anime if it hasn't already
>Toonami may very well air a motherfucking Boruto/Naruto power hour in the near future
Thank god. Seriously, fuck that show.
We've gotten the full ending for a few shows in the past at least once IIRC.
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Spare us the fucking loli who is a reincarnated salaryman bullshit.
If you mean Black Lagoon, there was some rights thing where they couldn't cut the OP or the ED for it.
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Imagine. Nardo into Wan Piss into Bort into the rerun slot
One of the few times Funimation's contract shit worked out for the better.
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That's wrong though. Both aired full. Black Lagoon has a shorter runtime so neither needed cut
naruto x Sasuke yaoi
Considering that OP is moving into filler hell soon there's no point in watching it.
We've also gotten the full eds for Jojo with Roundabout I'm pretty sure outside of a marathon and Early Kai.
>>Boruto is almost certainly going to get an anime
starts july this year
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Having sex with my wife

Oh that's right, I don't have one.
That's stupid. If it was up to mean I'd completely restart Shippuden and put it in the rerun slot, and have Bort ahead of it
>That's wrong though. Both aired full.
But that's exactly what I said anon. How was I wrong?
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Sorry I'm not into derpy edgelord moeblob lolis being the 1337 sekrit weaponz of WW2.
>completely restart Shippuden
>airing a show that spoils the ending to another show on the block
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I love this place
Well then, we are done here. Wrapped that up quick
Why does God hate us?
Yeah we get it you're a homosexual.
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That's a WHOLE flag more of water!

Because I'm drinking
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>Tfw they axe HxH to make room in the schedule for Nalts and Bolts Father-Son Power Hour
That's if Viz even dubs it that soon. They're still years behind in Shippuden and it took them years to get the Rock Lee spin-off.
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Wish they'd let people vote on which show gets the full OP.
>and then they couldn't get half the VAs for it

What is DB Super
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Delete this in the hope nobody who would think this a good idea to steal it.
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Because Toonami exists.
>What is DB Super
A sequel to a show everybody watched 10 years ago dipshit.
So I just gotta watch tonight's episode then, right?

Waka Flaka

We turn everything into memes
>10 years ago
Try 20 years ago.
It spoils Buu, which is another show on the block.
That's not even a pun you fucking idiot of a bear.
>spoils a 20 year old series

Kill yourself
>It spoils Buu
Buu has literally aired MULTIPLE TIMES on Toonami in the past you dumb motherfucker.
And DB spoiled Piccolo when it aired alongside DBZ way back when.
>It spoils something just about everyone and their mother already knows
Oh no!
I already forwarded it to Demarco's Twitter and email
Buu saga was not on western TV in 1997
>they let people vote for which show gets the full OP each week
>someone bots the ballot every week so the 2 1/2 minute One Piece opening airs in full every time
Is DB Kai at 11:30 or 12am EST? You have two links with two different answers there OP
It's a shame Super is so shitty in almost every single aspect or else i would be hype today. At least the best animated Super episode happens in this arc.
Nah, if we take DBSuper into account they'll at least wait 100 episodes

>Buu saga was not on western TV in 1997
Yes it was.

Just because you burgers get everything late it means nothing to the rest of the world.

Did you think you were relevant?
How can humans and saiyans have babies together?
Don't like my pun? How about I tell a joke instead. Here, look into this mirror
Because we continue to sin even with the wisdom of god being common.
It's a shame Super is so shitty in almost every single aspect or else i would be hype today. At least the best animated Super episode happens in this arc.
DB Super at 11:30pm EST
DBZ Kai at 12am EST
fuck i cant wait for super
We're not talking about your shitty 3rd world country, we're talking about Toonami.
It wasn't 2007 either.
That doesn't mean it never aired in the west dumbass
Toonami is irrelevant.
>Gundam again
Why? IBO was boring as shit. How were the ratings for IBO I dropped off until HxH aired
Are you a moron? Did you even read the posts you're replying to?
nope. might bring it back now just because you brought it up
so what was the best moment of Naruto show?

When Sakura got knocked out in Episode 41 on the bridge
or this?
it is now, but it sure as fuck wasn't back then.
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my brother of African American descent
We're relevant enough that our Hollywood interpretation, Dragon Ball Evolution, was so bad that it woke Toriyama out of his semi-retirement.

You're welcome.
>moving the goalposts all over the fucking field

You said air a show that spoils another. Nothing more. Super spoils Buu, it doesn't fucking matter that everyone has seen it, that wasn't the question
Everybody likes abs on women
and everone likes muscles on women
Yes and stand by what I said and posted. unless I'm wrong about it airing in the west.
Terrible. Demarco was forced to air Unicorn
It doesn't spoil shit you dumb fucker, the show has already aired multiple times in the past. Naruto Shippuden is a still-premiering show. How stupid are you?
>so what was the best moment of Naruto show?

When it ended.
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Wow, we get to watch Gohan suck in both Buu AND Super!

It sucks being a Gohan fan.
>poo in the loo dinner
Except I never said it didn't air in the west you dumb shit-eater. In fact my point was the exact opposite.
Old Toonami isn't new Toonami you fucking idiot
You sound like the janitor that banned people for "spoiling" DBZ Kai when it first aired on new Toonami.
It never was pal.

let me guess, you think Cowboy Bebop is popular because you saw it? Not even Japan cares about it
we need to take down the stream so these guys wont bud in our threads.
Simple, First we put this Small Transmitter in Velma's Cock.
I wish I was so I could ban you for being such a fucking idiot
Gohan is living the fucking dream, he never wanted to be a fighter
Okay you ass fucker
Yeah, sucks if you're a Gohan fan. But at least if you're a Great Saiyaman fan you get some great moments! I wish him and Gohan got to meet. I think they'd get along.
Toonami is at least 50% responsible for the American anime audience if not just for boosting DBZ and Sailor Moon alone.
Toei were the ones that made DBSuper though, Shueisha didn't want anything to do with it and Toei talked to Toriyama
Hey /co/

_anal tonight?
Gohan doesn't start sucking in the Buu saga until he fights Dabura. We get a few months before that.
>same block name, same fanbase, same host, a lot of the same shows in the lineup, even continuing old original programming
>not the same block
So you are a moron then
Lee getting drunk
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too bad you can't, faggot.
He, oddly enough, wanted to be what his mother sort of forced him to do
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whatre you doing here then?
>trying to spoil a weeaboo hipster's day by telling him his favorite chinese cartoon is unpopular
Haven't watched Toonami since april fools day when it came back, when is super happening?
I wouldn't be surprised if Unicorn was actually a contractual obligation for getting IBO.
And Super was made because of the success of the two films that Toriyama helped make after he saw what was done to his work in Evolution.

Again, you're welcome.
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>implying I don't get my ass slammed after every Toonami
Honestly, if you're serious and not meming: tonight, you're in luck.
>his favorite chinese cartoon
But Cowboy Bebop isn't K-On, anon.
About 2 and a half hours ago.
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I want to face fuck Kakashi
that was hot
I knew that lol

What time?

That said, Unicorn paces better than IBO S1 did. Sucks that Sunrise didn't bother to reanimate the 0079, which could've started off a new wave of people into it, but hey, what do we know?
Thirty minutes approx from this point
This is now a muscle girl thread
Name the best girl, and if you're wrong then you must leave the thread in shame for having shit taste.
>on CN
>show pool greatly limited
>on AS
>very little they can't air
>everything is as uncensored as it can be

It's different even if it's the same name you garlic fucker
color me jealous
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I'm ready to genuinely enjoy Toonami with yall for the first time with DBS
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This is a present for you, use it carefully
Do you think Lee would be a passionate lover?
In half an hour.

They seem to be animating The Origin in chronological order, so maybe there's still a chance for a 0079 remake there after they cover the early months of the One Year War.
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yes, yes it is
Meh. Within certain limits for me.
My ideal girl's physique is that of Allysa Germeroth from back when she was Haley Ryder.
Really? Fuck didn't realize toonami was so early
>very little they can't air
And with all that freedom they choose to air... dragon ball, naruto, one piece, gundam and a handful of other odds and ends. Wowee what a change! I mean you could literally air 80% of this block on Toonami's old after school slot without issues but it's TOTALLY different now!
>all the /dbs/ cancer flooding here to watch one show
>And Super was made because of the success of the two films that Toriyama helped make after he saw what was done to his work in Evolution.

Which is what Toei did you retard, they're the ones that made BoG and RoF. Jesus Toei invented the gods of destruction and Beerus
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I'm back, bitches
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It's rerunning in about 30 minutes. And no, Toonami starts at 11:30 EST, but for whatever reason DB Super airs new episodes at 8:30 EST then reruns them at 11:30 EST on Toonami.
And that's a problem of itself that we can't control
Problem is that cut up as 0096, you get, like, one short battle and the Torohachi flight tonight, and a lot of talking. Then next week you get even more talking, and barely start the Industrial 7 fight. Then the week AFTER you get most of that fight and an awkward cut.

I feel like people that bitched about IBO and WHERE'S THE ROBOTS will just get turned off.
>Luigi is literally a cuck
Holy shit was that an actual episode of Family Guy? That was fucking awful
You have chosen... wisely
Someone in our time wished that humans could breed with absolutely anything. The world of Dragonball is the result.
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>i'm back to spam the threads with shitty cosplays again guys

oh no
Blame Toonami for never having any good reason to watch it before hand.
>Sucks that Sunrise didn't bother to reanimate the 0079, which could've started off a new wave of people into it, but hey, what do we know?
Honestly, going w/ IBO instead of a 0079 remake was probably the right move. It's a better fit for the modern audience.

And honestly, they need to fucking move on from UC. They've strip mined that shit for too long and there's nowhere for them to go, since they insist on rehashing the Earth vs Space stuff.

I'd rather have a remake of X or Wing.
Mate we get based Jegan vs Kshatriya today
From what is known about the original script for BoG, it would've sucked had Toriyama not stepped in. And the story for RoF was more Toriyama's idea after he heard the Maximum the Hormone song.
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Don't lie, you love me.
Telling him sex is like taijutsu will either make the happiest wife or a physically broken one.
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That was me
I regret nothing

I would rather watch gay porn than look at that.
Thank god for filters.

Perhaps, but we'll see soon enough. I don't see this doing AgK numbers - what would good numbers be?


Yeah, you're right. If we get IBO S2, then it has (mostly) redeemed the pacing of S1.

Mikazuki gets worse.
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>Not a titty monster
> They've strip mined that shit for too long and there's nowhere for them to go

Oh you poor soul.

Hathaway's Flash is one of the most liked UC stories and so is Crossbone.

Leaving asides HF(since that would mean to bench Bright Noa forever) Crossbone will get an adaptation later on
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I mean if that's what you're into

>implying anon isn't an option for me
>samurai jack is finally ending
This makes me nervous.
The Delta Kai steamroll is better since it doesn't end in just one minute or so.
Waiting for the games I just bought to finish installing and updating. Will probably play them once JoJo's over since I don't care about anything after that.
Lower your expectations that way you can't be disappointed
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why haven't you committed suicide yet.
That reminds me. Should I rush and finally finish the TTG's Batman as fast as possible? Cause damn is Episode 5 a massive disappointment.
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It wouldn't be Toonami night if we didn't start on one of THOSE family guy episodes.
Get ready to "cry"
>From what is known about the original script for BoG, it would've sucked had Toriyama not stepped in
Not him, but I've heard it also would have been, albeit, a lot darker. I think the original plot for beerus was something like a virus.
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>finding those dubbed hentai series where known VAs dubbed

holy fuck carrie keranen moaning and then whats her name as excel excel and hanji
Super and Kai need to be above 1.5m minimum. Jojo needs better retention from Kai. Unicorn needs at least 900k, and then to hold it for its run
Well i do enjoy gay porn.

I am not sure what i am more disappointed. How disgusting that person that is or how much I feel it disrespects Bebop. Completely killed my boner i got from imagining Rock Lee as my lover who trains hard to become a master at sex.
There's no such thing as spoilers for DBZ in this day and age. Everyone and their great great grandmother has seen it now.
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Man Faye is a classic
Being darker would have been an improvement. Better than the kiddie shit Super ended up becoming because of it
>Unicorn needs 900k
So basically almost all of IBOs run, regardless of how many people bitched about its ratings?
>Yeah, you're right. If we get IBO S2, then it has (mostly) redeemed the pacing of S1.

>so is Crossbone.
That's because no one has actually read that shit. It's got fucking newtype monkeys and all sorts of weird Tomino shit.
The issue with IBO was the amount it was losing from other shows. But once Jojo started the focus went to it since it was having even bigger losses despite allegedly being super popular
Looking up the original plot further, instead of Bulma's Birthday with would have been Krillin and 18's wedding
oh right brian dies
I cant fucking believe Brian is dead
Everything they've made since TWD has been shit.
Nips have
That was way more graphic than it needed to be
this episode again?
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How often do they repeat Brian dying?
Batman started strong though. Or at least decent and felt like your choices mattered. Until Harvey ended up still with his Two Face personality regardless of his burned face or not.
How does Seth fuck up even making death scenes genuinely sad.
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Family guy sucks and this episode shows it.

By making the worst character die. Also, pretty sure he only voices this shit now since like, '06.
They played the comeback a few times over the holidays, I dunno about the death one.
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>Lots of snow.
>New pupper

Get on my comfy level.
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Your opinions are both objective, though
He doesn't understand death in comedies need build up and the character has to be likable, as well as everyone knows he keeps the status quo so nobody gives a shit.
You're a fucking idiot.
Seth hasn't written family guy in well over a decade
If there's no stream I could set one up before Toonami starts.
>People were upset about this
>People thought Brian was for real dead forever
>Some nigga got a tattoo commemorating Brian's death

>He comes back literally two episodes later. Same season.

Holy fucking shit that was an awful time.
cock a diddle did
why would you a tatoo of the worst character?
Why would you drink gatoraid if you're not being physically active?
oh great, the Mugifags are here. At least we can all agree that Azusa is the worst.
Because comedy
You better take good care of that pupper anon or i'll kill you in your sleep
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>people thought this was permanent
>some have huge tattoos of it
It's got electrolytes
I hate Goku's Jap voice but she did a fucking fantastic job as Black.
It's got what plants crave
Reminder that this guy got a Brian Griffin RIP tattoo literally less than two weeks after that episode aired.
Only to replace the ones you lost. Also you don't lose much from masturbating. Just zinc.
>Change the channel when Family Gore comes on
>Miss the best episode
Please tell me there's a reddit post or youtube video or something where people told him how retarded he was
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>Seth said it was his gift that Christmas
>Tfw i lost my mom around Christmas
I knew Brian's death wasn't going to be permanent but I forgot at the time how far up his ass he is.
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Make it. Please.

The guy was probably able to make a few dozen omelets with the amount of egg he had on his face after they revived Brian.
Really, that's just icing on the cake.

The fact that they're stupid enough to like Family Guy is funny enough.

That they're also stupid enough to commemorate a ratings grab SHOCKING DEATH...

In a tattoo...
are you being sarcastic
pls anon be my savior
But my body craves electrolytes
I would appreciate it

Power lights

More lights than your body HAS ROOM FOR
That's not how that works.
It'll be up in a few minutes. Fair warning, stream will be delayed by a couple minutes. Might want to make an account for chatting.
Are you some kind of plant?
And yet many people eat up and are clueless how shows work. You can't just air an episode and have exactly a week to make the next one.
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Kallen vs Yoko

Who wins?
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How many more episodes for Kai left? Since Super is starting tonight does that mean no DB replacing Kai? God I hope the new Gundam doesn't suck but it probably will.
God that series sucked. Pink hair was a total bitch.
You won't understand Unicorn so it doesn't matter
Kallen. Those shots of her leaning down into the cockpit with her tits pressing against the frame is just perfect.
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Kai is starting the Buu saga tonight
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>it's a Family guy tries to get emotional episode
This is always embarrassing
Super and Kai Buu Saga are beginning to tonight.

Kai has 60 episodes left.
toonami sux

Says you.
Kai is moving to Buu arc about 60 episodes, it will be on after Super.
Gundam will probably have decent fights but lots of boring talking parts with a shitty dub.
You tried.
Friendly reminder Seth sent in the bank episode for an award.
No, but I need electrolytes
the thumbnail looked really appealing
I half-watched that episode years ago, but rewatching it this fall made the wound fresh.
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Oh boy, I can't wait to see Frieza for the 305843t9th time

Seriously, why do they keep bringing him back?
vinny was an ok character despite being a bad Italian stereotype
Like from a toiler?
>we're already at the end of Thread 2

Dragon ball babbies will lap up any shit is why
Why would you rewatch it?
>Kai and Super airing at the same time

Literally why, this block really is dead
Because he's the pinnacle of Goku's enemies from a powerlevel standpoint in DBZ, like the androids were Trunks' and Cell was Gohan's
take your salt elswhere
Canonically, this is the third time they brought him back.
But this is thread 1
Raditz should've been the villain of Resurrection F.
Because Dragon Ball is the only thing on Toonami getting good ratings, so they're doubling up to get more better ratings.
Is this a rerun of the 8pm airing?
And so was last thread.
His misnumbered it, we hit the bump limit on the real thread one hours ago
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85KB, 530x444px
Oh shit, almost didn't make it!

oh fu-

get ready
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haven`t watched super because im lazy. what am i expecting, having only watched the first 2 recent movies?
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Videl 01.jpg
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>not Buu
Seriously, they have an entire universe to pick from but they keep bringing back the one dude who's been back multiple times already.
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I already hate this theme song.

>tfw we will never get a metal opening again.
Are we getting full opening?
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here we go
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>Usual stream is dead
Well fuck.
based anon, great quality too.
Because it was one of the episodes on before Toonami.
Because he's literally the best DBZ villain.
He had an entire arc to build his character unlike Cell who was tossed in via executive meddling and Buu who went from unique, to Cell Clone to mindless destroyer.
Freiza also was a successful villain on a Galactic scale until Goku came along.
>watching a literal brony's stream
Then change the channel or turn off the TV until Toonami starts.
That's not the old narrator, it's Doc Harris who narrates Kai.
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