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Meet Four Of The New Smartest Women In The Marvel Universe, As

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Taina Miranda

>“A Puerto Rican character from Washington Heights, New York, Taina has talent as an engineer. She builds robots, working with scrap and salvaged junk, while also facing multiple sclerosis. Taina looks forward to having the money and facilities to make better prototypes. And her sister Alexis first appears in a Hawkeye story I did in A YEAR OF MARVELS.”
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LaShayla “Shay” Smith

>“A physicist from Brownsville, Brooklyn, Shay has a lot in common with me as a teenager: a Latchkey kid who goes home on her own at the end of the school day. During that time, she works on her science and tends to get in trouble thanks to her work. She has a tendency to blow things up and break things. She currently focuses on teleportation and faster-than-light travel.”

Priya Aggarwal

>“Priya, a second-generation Indian American, lives in Queens, specifically Jackson Heights. She specializes in biology, and botany in particular. But she keeps her intelligence largely hidden because she just wants to be a regular kid, and do normal, popular kid stuff. Priya shows reluctance when it comes to joining the group, and Nadia has to persuade her. But we’ll see her come into her own.”
>All brown/black

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Are black americans in a constant most retarded name for a child contest?

I can't wait for Marvel comics to die out forever.

>tfw they all suffer from cunt-mouth
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This is just pathetic.
>Puerto Rican character
>Her name's Taina

Please Marvel, stop representing us, all your attempts have been awful (except Vejigante, but you'll never use him again).
>All live in New York

Fuck off
>Smartest Women in the Universe
>All American 20-Somethings
The four smartest women on the planet all live in the same city. What are the fucking odds.
Like that dumb cokehead pornstar that used to grown when fucking? Top kek.
>cripple girl
>fluffy sweater

oh yes, I approve. Can't wait for the porn.

Which is which, though? The picture makes it look like Taina is the one that can walk, but the writeup says she's the crip.
So Shay is just straight up Janelle Monae, then?
>A physicist from Brownsville, Brooklyn,
>Brownsville, Brooklyn
The city is real, but seriously...

It's a combination of my least favorite tropes!

Doing a good job drawing in foreign audiences there, Marvel.
>Puerto Rican

>more characters added to books I don't follow or care about
So, why should I care again?

So who is number 4?
Wait, I thought Moon Girl was the smartest?

So it's Moon Girl, then the G.I.R.L.S, then Reed Richards at #6? Why is Reed dumber than 5 underage black women?

I don't get it.
Hey its Janelle Monae
>Puerto Rican
>Her name's Taina

Man, that's racist.
Klaus Nomi, what did they do to you
Universe doesn't mean literal universe anymore

Another thing these cartoon-watching lore-obsessed videogame-manual-raised talentless shits has brought into comics is "Universe means "this handful of characters and this vague city block they occupy"
why no Riri WIlliams or Moon Girl? aren't they the smartest?
>Why is Reed dumber than 5 underage black women?

Because pandering.

Marvel is making me feel like I need to apologise for being female all the time. These people have their heads so far up their asses it's unbelievable.

Hey its dumb trash wearing a weird outfit to distract the public from her lack of talent!
I think the idea is padding the smart list with more women. With moongurl already on it, no need to put her in
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Well fuck Asia,Europe and africa(seriosly couldn't even squeeze one Wakandan),Young and New Yorkers only people that matter.God I can't wait for this run to end and these characters to be forgotten,Reed didn't save the universe for this
>women so smart XD
>all non-white
this shit is getting out of hand. stop reading/buying Marvel and supporting this farce
No, it's Moon Girl, the GIRLS, Murderbird, Riri, Valeria, T'Challa, Chulk and then Reed Richards, you shitlord!
Honorable Mentions
>“Lunella Lafayette—aka Moon Girl—will appear in the second and third issues [of UNSTOPPABLE WASP]. We’ll see her around, though she’ll have some other issues of her own that she’ll have to deal with, too. I’ve talked to the creative team on [MOON GIRL AND DEVIL DINOSAUR], and we’d like to do some more crossovers with her.

>“We’d love to do some stuff with Riri Williams, as well. We could have a lot of fun putting all of these super-intelligent girls together, and they could get into all sorts of situations.
Taínos were the indigenous people of pre-Columbian Puerto Rico. It’s like calling a Mexican character “Azteca Valles” or some dumb shit. That said, I do know a few women called Taína so it’s not like it’s inaccurate or something.
I feel like you may be slightly hypocrticial here
>Adding BP and Cho with them
Oh so you have a problem with them not being white
Yes, probably three times as obnoxious. Maybe even a reference to that Hidden Figures movie since she played a supposed physicist or something.
>seriosly couldn't even squeeze one Wakandan

Yeah that's actually weird. But I guess even liberal Americans think America is the center of the universe.
I thought Reed and his kids were the smartest in the universe, not world.
I know one, that doesn't make it ok for them to use it.

It was bad enough that their main representation was White Tiger, and all the awful shit it came with it.
>tfw I want to name my kids something stupid but I'm too white and have to settle for Carter or some shit
What do you mean buddy? I only consume mature superhero stories for mature readers such as myself.
Its a suit. That's the definition of normal.
they're fighting for top spot with BRs

Holy shit that is awful.

But I'm sure that's exactly the reason they used it.
Go with a Gaelic name then.
Just spell it like an asshole with a K and leave out the E.
>Not putting Asian girl
That's racist!


You're allowed to name your kids after a city or a car though. So that's something. Be sure to spell it fancy

And a fruit or job description.
note how the one who can barely walk is going to be the engineer. and how many of them are going to be lesbian? Shay looks like a prime candidate
Who named their kid fucking Sausage
Just let dubs decide its name



Don't be so small-minded and binary anon, I'm sure she'll be specialsexual.
That is kinda. But barely anyone outside of upper echelons of business or politics wears suits anymore.
Her sister and the Janelle lookalike will be queer.
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As I said, it’s a somewhat common female name here in Puerto Rico. I don’t think anyone here will care.
What's wrong with having smart black/brown girls? It's supposed to be fictional
Marry an ethnic woman, then you can call them something retarded
> weird outfit

it's a suit.

Are you so used to wearing khaki cargos and a trilby that you don't know what a suit looks like?
>while also facing multiple sclerosis

So all these super smart girls together can't figure out how to treat her illness?

It's even worse than "why doesn't Reed cure cancer/AIDS".
White trash beats them in amount.

This feels very Batgirl of Burnside. I don't think these are the top four smartest women in the universe though, to anons being triggered by that. They're just the smart women Nadia picks up for her group.
>somewhat common

Where? Most girls in my area have normal names. The most common name I keep hearing is Alexandra and variants.
Are you people stupid? Those are their nicknames, their real names are under them.

>Thiego Alves de Sousa
Most of those are clearly nicknames of adult people

Black names are still dumber on average.
>job description.

Wait what?
I guess common is way too broad, but it’s not an extremely uncommon one either. I’m just pointing out that there’s a precedent for using the name. I do think it’s stupid to call your child Taína anyway.
Vaguely ethnic 20 somethings living in NY with bad design and little to no character to them.

News at 11.
I come to these specific threads to see people get triggered.
They are the ones in charge. Ultron would be proud of his sister bringing the lesser to heel.
I legitemely think the writer just have a thing for colored women, lucky for him he can disguise his fetish as being pc. He's likely masturbating to it this vey moment
note how their real names are written in smaller print under their "artist name". you can basically assume any name you want in Brazil, I've read recently that there were like 3 candidates who called themselves Obama in some minor town election. on the other hand naming kids after stars/well known people is popular too, Roberto Baggio was one of the greatest football players from Italy in the 90s (if you aren't a eurofag) and Ruud Gullid was a pretty good and flashy Dutch one from the late 80s.
Also I distinctly remember a screenshot of a player called Johnlennon but can't find it right now.
Oh and Van Basty probably named himself after Marco van Basten, another Dutch player from the late 80s
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>Janelle Monae
>Weird outfit
Only half those names are retarded, the rest are just foreign.

Referring to Pilot Inspektor?
dat Priya tho
>black people making fun of white people names
Scout or the infamous Pilot Inspektor
Oh that's right.
At least you didn't give views to Rich.
I bet you don't even listen janelle Monae.
A man who was a professor on black cultrue said something along the lines of
>"blacks have lost touch with their own culture that they've been trying to invent thier own with these names, they want something exotic sounnding and meaningful but they have no idea what that would even be, so they just kinda junble up things they think sound good"

He explains it much better than what I'm paraphrasing it as, And although it's an interesting piece it's pretty sad.
>black people making fun of white people names
>Article is actually written by two white people
I'm pretty sure black people make fun of black names too.
Lol why would I. He had a good title so I used it

Fuck Rich the leach
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>marvel writers took years to develop and show the readers How smart characters like Beast, mr fantastic, forge are
>lol let just introduce a character and say it is the smartest person and it doesnt have competition
I feel like this is basically every ethnicity's response to Marvel's diversity push it seems like. The only who haven't sucked are the outliers and basically consist of Robbie and Kamala
One day you'll get a job.
Are you guys serious right now? it's not a normal business suit, it's a fashion suit, you can tell by the cut and the way the lapels flare out at the top.

Aside from that, women do not traditionally wear suits, although I do love a woman who can pull one off, this smacks clearly of "i'm trying to be quirky and different ! LOOK AT ME!"
This is my biggest frustration with this desu. Them all being New Yorkers is a close second.

I really don't have any problem with Marvel deciding they want more women/ethnic/child superheros, they're just doing an absolutely shit job of introducing them.
I find white people tend to fuck with 'regular' names more often than not, adding y's and k's to make them unique.

Of course this might be biased because my friend works with kids and is constantly telling me dumb kid names.

I'd say most dumb white names just aren't vocally dumb enough to notice.
Hunter, Tanner, Cooper, etc.
Especially the pompadour.
>Janelle Monae
>Wears outfits to designed to draw attention
Golly, Sherlock
Ugh and their use of surnames as first names like the samples you stated. I've even heard Grayson, Johnsom, stupid shit like that too.
Good entertainers don't have to dress quirky to entertain numbnuts.
It's a thing primarily done by those who lack talent, unless you're friggin Elton John.
>Puerto Rican character
>it's a girl
Ffs they do this every time. Last new male non-mixed PR character we got from Marvel was Tag
They all look the same.
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this shit is so fucking frustrating I could hit a wall.
actually I just did and it didn't help.
never said she was good you whipped dipshit.
At least they're not ugly hambeast, it should still trigger SJWs
>Using fashion to create a distinctive image
Your argument of her lacking talent falls apart as soon as you listen to her actual music.
you are never too white to have stupid names
Also, What is KISS, you fucking moron.
What sometimes pisses me off about Marvel "diversity" is that when they create Latinos/as characters they don't look beyond Central America, it's like they forget that South America exist, I mean where are my Chilean, Argentinian, Peruvian, Venezuelan, Bolivian, Brazilian, Ecuadorian characters?

Fuck off Marvel. Creating 1 Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban character doesn't mean you are representing all the Latinos people
Another problem I have is that, biologist, physician, come on people be creative this is comics book, why not create a different field or use of abstract math or something that is out of ordinary.
>Not knowing New York is the literal center of any given Marvel universe.

Wait, i don't get it. Are you implying that the KISS dress in some weird way somehow?
How would you white a story of a Chilean then ?
whats wron neo-nazi alt-righter drumpfkin poltard? triggered by the superior none whit5e strong minority womynz who need no man to build robots and shiet?
not in 2017 they're not

Roberto da Costa, Sunspot, who's brazilian, has been a huge player as of the last years.

Fucker is even leading his own Avengers team.
>engineer ethnic cripple
Spinnerette did it better.
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>>tfw most advanced country in the world can't get anyone besides it's king in the top 10
Sunspot has had a pretty good character arc over the past few years, which is good enough for Marvel I guess.
There not Americans so fuck off but to your shack
its definitely triggering the anti SJWs
nice reading comprehension
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Didn't know. I better shut it now

Don't know, m8, and that's embarrassing since I'm Chilean. I'm trying to come out with something but I can't
Why would you want that?
I would say it triggers me more as someone who expected something from was solo.
>4 smartest girls in MCU
>Can't even come up with an original team name
>Can't even write a proper acronym
its almost as if wasp lives in New York, centerpiece of the marvel universe
And yet he never talk portuguese. In fact I never saw a Portuguese character in a Marvel comics.

is almost as the writer doesnt have any imagination or creativity
I'm just saying that creating a Central American character while forgetting South America and claiming that it is for the Latinos people is stupid
He used to in original new mutants
Being a "genius " in the Marvel universe is fucking meaningless. Not only that, its just plain lazy writing and backdoor to mary sue territory whenever the character needs to brain blast their way out of a problem
This costume design makes me legitimately angry.

I don't care about the diversity stuff, whatever, I've grown numb to it.

But that fucking costume is the godawful drizzling shits. Whoever designed that should be ashamed of themselves, and then cut off their own hands so they can't ruin comics any more.
I love how all the smartist people in the marvel universe are all young black women with some other minorities mixed in.
That's why it's a superpower. It's dumb. Like giving someone super strength so they punch their way out of a problem.
Did he? I remember reading in unstablemolecules forums that he never talked in Portuguese rather he talked in Spanish. There's also an interview where Zeb wells mentioned that he mistook Sunspot language and told he was sorry.
That's why it can be a good idea to give the hero a brainy sidekick, who takes care of the technical stuff while the hero does heroic stuff.
yep he did, read the arc where they go to brazil and find the lost city of Rome
>So it's Moon Girl, then the G.I.R.L.S, then Reed Richards at #6? Why is Reed dumber than 5 underage black women

Because it's 2016!!!
Yeah but when everyone and their fucking dog is a genius then isnt it just average intelligence at this point? The best way to do it is have characters specialize in different fields. Except Doom/Reed, theyre fucking broken
BUT IS 2017!
This book is going to be so fucking terrible. and I will read this trainwreck and enjoy the downward spiral it'll take.

Why can't this artist drawn mouths?
Then its time to turn Richards into a black girl.
The writer lives in North Carolina which is filling up with New York hipster wannabes. He probably wishes he could move there.
I think it's faces in general
This is ridiculous. It's almost like a parody of itself at this point.

Meet your new Avengers, /co/.
Don't worry, once this book is canceled these characters will never appear again.
Because currently Reed and his family aren't on Earth dumb dumb, they are outside of reality rebuilding the Marvel Multiverse.
Can we make Robbie's brother a hero?

are you dumb? Those are their nicknames
Not gay and black enough.
>Not gay and black enough.
They call him "Jaws" for a reason.
>Smartest women
>All 20 something retarded brown bitches from new york
I want marvel to burn.
Shay is gonna be the lesbian.
>"Kid Vid" is a Mexican-born girl who escaped to the United States when she was 10, with her family. She currently lives in Queens, New York and chooses to dress as a boy and prefers "he/him" pronouns.

>Snaps is a male to female trans woman from Brooklyn, New York.

Something like this?
>Robbie "wheels" Reyes and his brother Gabe "The Leg Man"
Well there was that one time Eli possessed Gabe, made him put on a Halloween costume, jump off a building to his death, and came back as a brace wearing hellhound
tumblr's still not gonna buy your comics, Marvel.
>Marvel is making me feel like I need to apologise for being female all the time.
Stop pretending you are a girl anon.
Dear Marvel, you do know that diversity stops being diversity when there's nothing but smart brown girls with attitude.

Please come up with a white man, because that would be the most surprising thing in the world right now.
>allegedly smartest women in the world
>all minority young adults living in New York
>one is a cripple and one clearly has gender ID issues
>guaranteed at least one will be gay

The only thing that can save Marvel now is a nuke. Wipe it clean. Start over from zero.
> Black kid is named Jaws
> Asian kid is named Lingo
> Bespectacled kid is named I.Q

This is embarrassingly ass-backwards, even as a strawman of "diverse" groups.
You just forgot Toni Ho anon. How racist of you!
>tfw no Gabe Rider with a flaming hell wheelchair

Why is Marvel continuing to pump out these supergenius teenage girls when their two best legacy heroes are Robbie and Sam?
Pretty sure Lingo is Hispanic of some kind, not Asian.

Anyway, it's an exaggeration, but the point is the same.
Because Marvel doesnt know a good thing when they see it, only a popular book to exploit. Theyre sabotaging Robbies book with team up bullshit
Too easy. She probably just likes being a Janelle Monae crossover with Zatanna. I think the cripple girl will be gay.
It doesn't say they are the smartest anywhere does it? Just that she found them and they are smart. I don't think they'll be on the top of the Smartest Marvel Universe Talent list like Moon Girl is #1 now.
Because nobody gives a fuck about SA.
You might not have weird names, but a lot of them are gay as fuck.

I knew a guy named Dakota, I would seriously change my name if my parents gave me a name like that.

The 90s were a strange time, looking back.
They call him jaws, but he grew up to be Barricuda.

If they were so smart, why is one still a cripple?

I mean she is literally an engineer.
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Did he look like this?
>Because Marvel doesnt know a good thing when they see it, only a popular book to exploit.
This, agent Venom was the longest running Venom title And Bendis fucked it along with all the writers who wanted to use him, because he wanted to exploit him selfishly for one shitty book or two in an abysmall GOTG run.

I wonder how hard it is to hate a person to death, or at least out of something you love.
This is pretty admirable: creating characters infinitely greater than you in order to inspire children to be greater than you.

It's a truly concientious, selfless thing to do and I admire both the guy and the comic he makes for it.
I'm so glad I don't buy marvelshit anymore. At the same time it saddens me that some of my favorite characters are being held hostage by garbage writers.

At least Sandman and the Eternals will always be pure.

I knew Marvel was creatively bankrupt but Jesus these guys are uninspired as fuck. they basically turned the black chick from Batgirl into 4 characters.
Are this JoJo references?
>Claim to be fighting against racism and xenophobia
>Every character is a completely integrated American with immigrant parents

Like, fuck, I'm not even bitchy enough to hate on the fact that they're brown like most people here, but why not just make the Indian chick actually Indian? Would it be too hard because then you'd have to research Indian culture instead of just writing savvy suburban girl #58503?
>Roberto Baggio etc etc
Literally based 2bh, especially if he grows up to be a good player
>tfw I used to love Asheville and Boone but now I wanna raze them to the ground
Durham's even worse.
But if there are no white men who will all these brown girls with attitude show what's what?
I wish it was possible. I so wish it.

Yes. Besides, actual foreign people are scary. They have different traditions and beliefs and might be critical and we can't have that in our happy comic.

People will still complain that they aren't diverse enough because none of them are noticeably overweight.
That is a canard & you know it.
What's even worse than the fact that modern readers have no understanding of the mechanics of serial storytelling is that neither do modern creators.
Considering there are people who will change regular names for the sake of making them unique, yes.

>Johan (john)
And those are just white people names
>reading a trade
>every twentieth page is a full page splash with one dialogue balloon on it
Can't writers end issues any other way?
Fyi to the non latino anons, taino is the name of one of the three or four indigenous peoples of the carribean. Naming your latina character taina is like naming your black character "Nigger niggerson McCoalblack",the worst aspect of this is that these 4 will probably be worshipped by tumblr.

Johan is Dutch. It's been a common name for like 800 years. It's from Johannes.
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>4 brown women

so diverse
so brave
yasss queen
>calling a suit a weird outfit

Do you interact with the real world or are you stuck on these boards a lot?
>hit a wall over comic book characters

the characters are shit but cmon man sort yourself out
What? I don't know what a canrad is, I haven't encountered that term until just now.
>appears in a Hawkeye story I did in A YEAR OF MARVELS.”
Did anyone read those? I didn't even think it was a proper anthology title, but this seems to suggest I was wrong.

>“Priya, a second-generation Indian American
>Unstoppable Wasp thread, an Indian pops up asking where the Indian representation is considering that Kamala and her Paki gang are everywhere
At least one anon will be satisfied.
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How does this make you feel, symbiotefags?
>all brown
Uuuuuh racist much?
Women shouldn't be allowed to name things any more.
They're just so bad at it.
>We are looking for real people to profile, not comic characters
Fuck this
I fucking hate this guy. Look at his twitter. All he does is retweet compliments. You can tell he's got thin skin.
It makes me feel like he's a hypocrite, since most black people aren't smart enough to be engineers, nor do they have normal names.
I know a dude named Dakota. He's a tremendous weiner that CANNOT talk to women despite having a degree, a good job and being tall. What a waste.
Who is this Jeremy guy ?
I guess you don't think much of Michael Jackson, David Bowie, and Prince.
He's a bear that can do most anything. He can play and he can sing.
Does it look like a jojo reference?
Even Elvis dressed kinda fruity in his later years.
No you retards, they were true performers because they knew how to use an outfit to enhance a performance. They didn't just throw it on to be so different and quirky.

This is why I used Elton John as a comparison. Because he'd often match his clothes to his piano, to his fireworks, etc.

In KiISS' case, it was for merchandising.
Did you go to Malden High School in Malden, Massachusetts? Because I knew a guy named Dakota there. Met him in my senior year there during 2013.
The writer of Unstoppable Wasp.
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>Women's Lacrosse

Any other sport and I could believe it, but women's Lacrosse is a fucking joke. It's neutered to the point of it being field hockey.
What's the context of this?

Thry had talent and their outfit was extra. Monae has no talent.
And we expect them to be smart? I can only suspend disbelief so much.
Eh, just wait 6 to 12 issues for Marvel to get bored with this angle, and they'll move to something else. Probably in time for the next round of Marvel movies.
I'm so tired of genius characters, even if the main character isn't a genius, they are still really smart or have a genius friend
Lingo's Hispanic

They didn't add an Asian until later and they called her Jazz
>Another strong black indepoendt women how's a genius and isn't afraid to smash the patriachy

Jep, it's nu-Marvel.
Because Reed and Valeria are off being gods of the multiverse or some shit. Also all the other super smart guys (Pym, Bruce, Hank) are dead or MIA
Whiter is asking which female genius IRL should make a cameo in the book.
>Also all the other super smart guys (Pym, Bruce, Hank) are dead or MIA
Most of which to make way for some minority usurping thier role and title.

One of which, Ironman, is being replaced by a black teen who's smarter than he was at that age.
>Weird chlotes
I don't know anymore fampai.

>implying they would want to be in this comic.

I am no genius but still an academic, and I swear to go if they put me in this shitfest I would sue a bitch.

Girls don't need to be reading this crap for inspiration.
King Jeremy the wicked.
Every race and culture has their shitty people who want to give their kids sophisticated names but end up giving them shit names.

The State of Sonora in Mexico made it illegal for people to give their kids names after companies, fictional characters, or names with creative spellings because people there were giving kids names like Feisbuk (Facebook), Harry Potter, email, Leididi (Lady Di) and Brayan (Brian).
Priya is actually is pretty common Indian female name.
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The worst part is, the series is taking place in my neighborhood

Everyone here is a fucking hippie liberal, Old Ruski Jew, or a poor miniority who dont have anything higher than a high school education. Hell the only high school in the entire area has one of the poorest SAT scores in the entire city.

Doom is still around. I think.

Why have none of these people gone to work for Horizon? I thought that place was for genius inventors in the marvel universe?
>"Unstoppable Wasp thread, an Indian pops up asking where the Indian representation is considering that Kamala and her Paki gang are everywhere"
holy shit that was me can't believe anyone remembered that

i was honestly joking about that pakistani shit since fucking with the pakis is what we do. i appreciate indian representation but idek. she'll probably be more american here than indian so it's doesn't represent me exactly. as long as she's well-written and interesting, i don't mind.
Because most of the Latinos they have in the US are Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans, it's all they know.

And even then those characters are usually just Chicanos or Floridian Cubans because the "representation" is just US centric.

And a real foreign character is going to be treated like Starfire.

Roberto DaCosta tho is probably one of the few good examples of a foreigner in the US.
This is just getting tedious.
I wish we had that here.
Calling your kid Rayquaneequa is setting them up to be a drug dealer.
This all sounds so fucking monotonous
I hated the fact rhat Waid was hinting at Nadia inheriting some of Hank's mania and mental problems and then this shit ass comic glosses over that in favor of quirky harmless boring shit.
So I got Pestilence & War, but which one is Death and which one is Famine?
Where are the "smart" white women?
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This series couldve been good, couldve been great; but nope

Hear me out:
>Peter Parker has a Parker Industries tuition program for smart youngins; like that one kid in africa from like Issue #10 or something of ASM
>Nadia couldve been enrolled in that, She is Spidey's teammate
>Series couldve been about all the smart kids from around the world; Asian, Indian, German, British, and Wakandian intellectuals could've been part of it.
>Spidey doesnt even have to appear, just Peter Parker as a select cameo
Yes and the leader of the black and brown brigade is going to be the white Wasp!

Just like how Carol is leading her own minoriteam.
Fuck you retard
What the fuck are you on about?
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This is the book he was known for before he got the Marvel gig.
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Parker Inc. wouldn't be a bad idea at all, especially considering Alpha was a thing and all the Alchemax characters seem too wasted to fit in the ASM plot. Way better as an explanation for where the dosh comes from and more believable than "they were all in NYC all along, can you believe it?"
>brown princess in a European styled medieval kingdom
Four or five out of tens of millions isn't really surprising and it isn't the real problem with this
This. At least she'll be interesting in Avengers.
Galactus is leading them, though, and concepts of race and gender dummy really apply to him.
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>We don't want to write about comic characters in our comic

Congratulations Jeremy, you've convinced me to never ever buy anything you write. And here I thought the first issue of the unstoppable wasp had already done that.
Tyrone is Gaelic. Why do you think we hate the Irish?
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How long until these characters are pushed aside and forgotten. I'll say a year

Superia (whose whole thing is "feminazi science terrorist") and her Femizons would probably be good villains for this series.

But I doubt that they'll go with that.
>gender doesn't apply to Galactus
>is a father
Some of the y and k's are actually just a return to form of a regional spelling from a ancestors homeland. Although some people go overboard.
This brings up an interesting question. Do black people see Galactus as a black man? If not, then how come everyone on earth sees him as a white guy? Seems preeeeety problematic to me, so it's only a matter of time before Gablactus becomes a thing.
oh that asshole. Well now this all makes a lot more sense. Wonder if he's pissy he can't write out Nadia completely from the book
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someone say wasp?
I rather read Princess Princess
That's as fucking cringe as when NDT shows up in a damn science comic.
And he was a man before he became Galactus
After a series of abysmal sales, Marvel will shove them into every event they possibly can, and then when that fails, they'll have a relaunch where all of the characters are a part of the Avengers
I want to shrink my dick with pym particles and fuck her while she's bug-sized.
There's an Indian genius chick in Spider-Man. She was a supporting character at Horizon and works for his company now.
How many dinner parties will they have per issue?
My thoughts exactly. Yet people complain only about gender or race underrepresentation.
Co is racist.
Now hold on: White Tiger is pretty cool. But this sucks. This is shit.
Nobody here reads or cares about the comic, they're here to complain.
Lunella wasn't introduced like that. And the reason the classic smart guys of marvel werent introduced as that is because their original creator never intended them to be like that. It was the result of diferent writers across the years. That a writer wants to create a smart character doesn't make it bad. You're discussing concepts but haven't actually read the comics to see them executed.
We're complaining because we've read the comic, you turkey.
Yet the smartest person, moon girl, is a bratty girl who is called on her shit by every character on book. Its almost as if the writer wanted to give her flaws so he could build an actual character arc on her. Its almost as if you complained about headlines but never checked the comics. Reed never had it easy for being smart.
> I don’t think anyone here will care.
Well yeah; most people here don't really read comics, at least newer stuff. Most of my friends read manga... Or DC. Marvel comics are weird for me in that the only person that even read Marvel is a close friend who thinks Civil War 2 was good.
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>Lunella wasn't introduced like that.
But she's been promoted like that. Pushed like that.
They're side characters on a small book, not the new avenger lineup. Calm down.
Thats not on the writer or in the comic. Marvel PR sucks but moon girl is still great.
And having four black secondary characters in a bad book is worth complaining because......? They're not the "smartest" anything, they're not on the top, that's just the headline. What on earth is so problematic?
The concept, but the fate of the first White Tiger, and their family dynamic is offensive as fuck.
>Its almost as if the writer wanted to give her flaws so he could build an actual character arc on her.
If only.
can't wait for one of these chicks to be crossover fodder in 5 years.

remember ethnic stuff stinks up the fridge.
suspension of disbelief can only go so far.

They are LITERALLY called the smartest women in the Marvel Universe.

Fuck off.
dang, sounds like you'd love Bondage Fairies
At the least Airwrecka McBride is legit.
The others are terrible.
There's also the problem where they are all basically the same hero: "Young supergenius"
You can't have a team of heroes that are all nearly the exact same.
Imagine an entire Justice League full of only Batman.
Or the Avengers, except everyone is just Iron Man.
Variety is important in these sort of things.
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Holy SHIT anon this is so outdated and frankly racist. Learn some fucking diversity.
>Or the Avengers, except everyone is just Iron Man.
So basically: Shitty Super Sentai/Power Rangers?
then women in marvel are really fucking stupid. richards, doom, and a dozen guys all did this stuff years ago.
Is J.D. an abbo?

Also the blue eyes frighten me more than they should. There is too much detail in the soulless gaze and the contrast makes it worse.
Not smartest people though?
Super Sentai/Power Rangers except ironically less diverse.
They are some of the smartest, not the smartest. They just are smart. You're making this bigger than it is to justify your butthurt.
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Gao Red has a different weapon, personality, genitalia, and riobot than Gao White, so no sentai is more diverse than this
Its a bad book that nobody reads, its not like it matters.
All Marvel has to do is invent fan popularity, simply by saying "BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND" like they did with Gwenpool
What are you rambling about?
That doesn't work, the sales numbers speak for themselves.
If you think these characters won't be pushed, you're ignoring recent history.
So you're complaining about future events
>the sales numbers speak for themselves.
Do they really? When you can cook them by literally giving away comics for free? Or claim excellent digital sales, when none of the numbers are made public?
Why shouldn't I? I'll be right and you'll simply wave it off.
Are there any WoC that've been introduced in Marvel in the last say 3 years that're just regular heroes and not super smart snowflake geniuses?
I don't understand how she goes from an autist in Waids book that nearly blew up her house because of inherited problems from Hank to this quirkyness. Where the fuck is Hank to show her what science is really about.
>Wonder if he's pissy he can't write out Nadia completely from the book

Why would he be pissy about that? Note that I haven't read Princeless and I don't know anything about the writer.
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So glad i dropped Marvel when they started this over the top pandering

>hur they are not pandering
Sure bud

Funny thing is the people making the top end decisions at Marvel do not care about BLM or any other 'movement', they know controversy creates views, A very successful YouTube tacit used to get mass views due to a flame war in the comments.
What they didn't consider is controversy does not create buyers.

This. They have Wakanda, the most technologically advanced city on the planet but they pick kids from New York, Brooklyn, Queens for "diversity"
Wtf is Janelle Monae doing in my comics?
Hank's daughter in the MC2 universe was hotter.
No, I have never seen side characters coming back for fan support. You have to understand that they're not the stars, they're not in the cover, and nobody cares.
>be good student
>not the best, but not bad, it shows you are trying hard
>enter university
>everyone mocks you and thinks you are a loser because your name is, literally, "Brayan"
Feels bad man
I am not criticizing Lunela since for the reason you said, but i will critize Riri, Nadya and now her support characters
Alexis and Priya are the only ones I'm interested in, the other two just don't stand out enough.

Yes, even the one who's dealing with multiple sclerosis. I have a bad feeling that Marvel's going to screw up spectacularly with her.

Also are they the smartest women or people added to the list?
>Marvel makes 6 teenage black girl geniuses in the span of a few months
>their best teen character is Sam, who is dumb as bricks

Wow it's almost like teen readership wants to read about people who have similar relatable problems not prodigies lifted up onto a pedestal.
I dont really have an issue with this, but with how they will most probably will be presented in comics: Not as up and coming young, driven talent, trying to make a place for themselves while following on the footsteps of their heroes, but by being smug, insufferable bitches who are underage but already superior than any other cisgender white male. Its not ven gonna be a competition, they already "won", way before they can prove themselves to the readers.

>a fucking lesbo nig wearing a man's-style suit with Kid N' Play hair


Pick one you leftist cunts.
Reminds me of when comics kept shoehorning in aids victims
At least these names are pronounced the same, even if the spelling is literally retarded.

All the hippie new-age stuff though, like "Flower"... now that is something whites have to own up to.
>roller hockey
>disabled people

What kind of 90s Burger King Kids Club shit is this?
>white trash
>water polo
>a musician wearing a stupid outfit for attention
They would probably whine about fat-shaming then
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yeah, red queen
I thought the same thing, seems a bit too close to me.

You are fucking retarded, even by 4chan standards.

The pandering is pretty bad, I understand the desire to make some non-white-male supergeniuses but the simple fact was that in the 1960s when most of these geniuses were created you didn't have a whole lotta women getting their doctorate.

And the geniuses were introduced as "#4 on the smarts list", they were made as characters and shown as smart over months, years, decades. Doom isn't on the list because he was created to be on the list, Doom is on the list because he made a goddam time machine while living in a medieval castle.

I guess I'd prefer if the writer had delved into marvel continuity and found existing characters who could have been used more than these forced OCs. There aren't any female geniuses already running around? Is Valeria in this group? Didn't War Machine have a super-smart niece (or is that Steel? or both?) Surely there has been a super-smart female mutant at some point in the x-men's history? Wasn't there a female Leader at some point? M.O.D.A.M? How about pulling an Avengers Academy and showing us some new children of smart heroes or villains?

These characters will never be referenced outside of this one book that will be lucky to make it 12 issues.
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Wheels. motherfucking Wheels.

"hey, i've got parkinson's, you can call me Shakes!"
It makes even less sense for Wasp to be making this group considering that she was one of the founding members of the Avengers.
Give them a normal name that you can use as a weird nickname

My daughter is named Samantha but we call her Samjam. You get to torment them with a terrible name without giving them something fucking awful later in life when they're signing official forms and shit
Wrong Wasp
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>All brown and black
lmao c'mon
>making excuses for the black version of white trash

How many middle class black people have you known with dumbfuck names like Rayqueeshawn?
>the black kids are the ones with the dumbest fucking nicknames

Even in Brazil some things remain the same

This is why these characters are going to disappear in a few years, they all look like one another and don't stand out at all
spotted the paki
They all look like shit.


>Brownsville, Brooklyn
Well at least they skipped over Maryland. Now if only all the black people from D.C. would do the same.

>you can basically assume any name you want in Brazil
Not exactly true. we are a very informal culture, so nicknames are VERY usual, except if you have an uncommon name, that is also easy to say. Does not happen a lot.

>I've read recently that there were like 3 candidates who called themselves Obama in some minor town election
Political names function like artist names here, you can select any name you want when running for office.

>on the other hand naming kids after stars/well known people is popular too
It is sufficiently common, but not as widespread as people want you to believe.
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>We could have a lot of fun putting all of these super-intelligent girls together, and they could get into all sorts of situations.


>G.I.R.L.S. all focus on one area/subject
>Somehow smarter than all the established super science characters

I could deal with this if as a group they were up there but seperately its just asinine
Brownsville is a real life neighborhood in Brooklyn, it's mostly projects though.

I thought Jackson Heights was mostly a Hispanic Neighborhood, and all the Indians settled around Flushing or points north of Hillside
>Is J.D. an abbo?
thats... terrifyingly accurate. He really does resemble one. I can almost hear him asking me for change because his wife and kids are up the road in a car and it's out of fuel.
>Also are they the smartest women or people added to the list?
At this point I'm not sure it matters. The list was relatively stable for ages, and now it's been massively changed within a very short time
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So it is confirmed that black OC's stole her title?
I feel like these characters would be way more realistic of they came from Long Island, or points east of Flushing. The Puerto Rican from Washington Heights I can totally buy, the physicist would work better if she hailed from either Westchester, or somewhere like Cold Springs Harbor.
>Didn't War Machine have a super-smart niece
Yeah, Lila Rhodes. Bendis chose to use his OC instead because it's Bendis.

At this point I don't think using Lila would be any good; she'd just look like Riri 2.0
It would be amazing if another comic author made story focused on Lila taking Riri's place.
Bonus points if Riri isn't even mentioned so that Bendis doesn't get any royalty money.
Unless Marvel has changed it's methods, Bendis doesn't get royalties from comics. DC does that a little, not Marvel - and I can't see Perlmutter willingly changing that.
Can another Zimmerman kill a black dude already, so we latinos can fall off liberals' radars again?
>All brown skinned 20-somethings born in America living in New York
For fucks sake Marvel, if you're so hell bent on not showing a single white person at the very least give us a Chinese milf or something (with glasses pls)
They'll just lighten up the mugshot in paint and claim he's white, just like what they did with Zimmerman

A german-chilean survivor that escaped from a secret nazi camp, his twin didnt escape and it's his nemesis, they both have powers similars to geo-force, but one controls earth and the other one has volcano powers and shit, a reference to chile being extremely fucked up

A veteran from the falkland warthat has to fight the narco cartels from paraguay and bolivia, hates immigrants but eventuallyt rescue a young kid from brazil and trains him to replace him and make argentina great again.
There you go niggers, i did your job
Marvel has a royalty program, it's above 60-70k books sold though so no one really gets shit
If you wrote cape comics every American superhero would have burger powers and guns.

Not that I wouldn't read that.
Huh. Learn something new every day
I guess it's understandable that they're all ethnic, since it emphasizes that they're the smartest people from every corner of the globe.
>they're all American
For fuck's sake.
Were they trying to name her Eureka?
DC's is something similar if I remember correctly. But neither really work since the only books that sell comfortably above that are Batman and whatever event books are out at the time. They're basically rigged to only support your Bendis/Johns types.
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Turns out pic related was what Jeremy was talking about when he said they were looking for real people to profile. They're not creating OCs based off real scientists in place of existing comic characters. They're just interviewing them and having them printed in the letters page of the comic.
>every American superhero would have burger powers and guns.
You know, a guy with burger powers and guns could pretty much end world hunger. One way or another.
>I want to shrink my dick with pym particles

That seems a bit redundant.
Well that's actually pretty cool.
Just like the other thread say hispanic chracter is always a brown pocho, go fuck yourself Marvel
>Puerto Rican
>american nigger skin
colr me surprised, wait they already did
So which of these girls is getting BLEACHED?
Hickman's Avengers during Infinity
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This is the Dead McDuffie of Disappointment.
If Marvel disappoints you as much as they did him type Cowabunga, homies.
Who said I was making excuses? There's barely no black people in middleclass. The ones in my area are there because it got cheap enough that welfare allows them to live there, so we're getting packs of roving "Romenakenashuanda"'s around here.

It's awful.
I would've let McDuffie write all the Black Panther fan-wank he could ever want, if only he could've saved us from this hell.
Cowabunga, homies.
Brown/Black *American*, no less.
Kid Vid was so cool. Why can't Burger King bring him back?
Easy assumption for him to make, either that, progressives, or tmblrtards. Mostly because they're acting like afashion men's suit with cuts clearly not appropriate as a standard suit is comoehow normal.

It's like downplaying Elvis' jailbird outfit as normal, when it wasn't, it was specificaly made to be used with his jailhouse rock era of performances.
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Those are upper-middle class white people names. White trash names are just other names mashed together, like Polly-Sue or Jimmy-Bob.
It gets really fucking bad.

>tfw my name was almost Travette
Thanks for being the realest nigga, dad.
Because black people in medieval europe were armor clad princesses. Smashing.

Also it reads like a clickbait title "Wanna find out how disney SHOULD be writing thier princess stories? CLICK HERE!"
Somehow every name that I could've gotten was among the whitest names of that era. I was landed with a particularly evergreen name which hasn't fallen out of the top 50 for over half a century and is both gender and class neutral. My ma's generation didn't fuck around with stupid ass names. Can't say anything for my own generation though. Except for me. I refuse to have kids.
I don't give a shit about them being all brown girls. Whatever.

My problem is that they're four more goddamn teen geniuses from Marvel. As if they hadn't introduced in the last few years. And here they are on a team. And the writer wants them to be friends with the OTHER teen geniuses and go on adventures with them. How fucking boring.

A team is interesting because of their differences. The Justice League works because all their powers and personalities bring something to the table, most Sentai thrive on unique characters and their interactions, even the Avengers were built on the idea that none of these people really got along well because they were all so different. Even when things get muddled at least there's something there to play with.

They try and make them unique by differentiating their fields but that gives them such a boring situational needs that leads to stale writing. There's plenty Superman or Batman can do in a situation, but with Priya you're going to have to sit down and say "Well she needs a biology problem to solve this arc." every time you want to use her.
>The four smartest women on the planet all live in the same city.
Reed, Hank, T'Challa, and Startk have all lived in New York at some point, and that's all their main stomping grounds(except T'Challa of course). This still sucks, though.
I feel like I've been on tour with these music legends all my life. Like we've been holding backstage passes to the greatest touring bands, who have all slowly but surely been pushed off the bus.

Now it feels like I'm supposed to be enthusiastic about the new replacements, the poor imitation covers, the new acts that just try to hard to appeal to a broad audience. All the greats have been chopped down and replaced with new and disappointing.

I don't care about any of these characters marvel. And I think we're all sick of putting up with you ramming this new iconography down our throats.
Well they don't have much choices.

It's New York or Wakanda. Where else would they go? Only two cities exist.
alright, this is coming from a Punjabi guy, which is a sort of indian if u didn't know, and I really don't get the need to have someone be the same skin color in order to identify as that character. What the hell does it matter? Make black/brown/whatever fucking dirty color you want, but if you're just doing it for the sake of 'the under represented people of color', all you're doing is kissing the media's ass for some quick attention.

Everytime I hear someone complain about needing more characters of a particular character so they can identify with them, my first thought is "I need this person to look more like me so I can feel better about myself."
*of a particular color, whoops. Didn't catch that.
If someone posted this with "black" instead of white he'd ge a visit from the police.
>fashion to create a distinctive image
Hello 12 year old. Goldsein approve of you submission to brands and media.
I don't know either. I mean I like reading about gay characters but I actually make an effort to support and find the ones I already have but DC and Marvel don't owe us shit. People aren't supporting the books they're giving us why should either one bother?
Neither Robbie nor Sam are brown
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>They all live in New York
But she's lighter than that one
Who really gives a shit? All these character are going to fade into the mist when Wasp is cancelled at issue 8 with 8,000 copies sold, and the next time Marvel puts all their smarties in a rooms, guess who gonna be in there?Tony Stark, Hank Pym, T'Challa and if they're going against DA NEXT BIG THREAT, maybe Doom and Banner. These girl won't even be eavesdropping on their conversation.

Even if you have some hardon for "diversity", not like this lot is diverse in any sense of the word. C'mon, Teen genius with no prior set up or reference. That concept was beat to death 10 years ago, 10 years ago.

These aren't characters, they're headlines, and just like headlines they're replaced daily. Meh, who cares?
There aren't any cuban capes, only mexican and Puerto Rican
nothing happens anywhere else in comics

you could do some serious damage as a supervillain if you ran your evil plans out of, say, new orleans or somewhere
Marvel Toronto is probably just a total shit hole.

Just a pile of corpses piled on the CN tower's top spire.
>who really gives a shit
It's more of us getting disappointed that actual effort is being made to make it look like they're anything unique.
>It's more of us getting disappointed that actual effort is being made to make it look like they're anything unique.
but even that's not new. They've been doing this for like 3 year. Remember how they tried to market Kamala as the first muslim Superhero.
>Who really gives a shit?
Besides the actual fans who want to buy these comics, but can't because of how fucking awful they've become with this pandering bullshit?
and so far she stayed in the mainstream like nu Capt. Marvel's hair, costume and breast reduction, art-wise. The thing is that sometimes Marvel will push a character(s) tilll you like it, sometimes it's just a 12 issue waste just to get brownie points for the announcement week.
>But she's been promoted like that. Pushed like that.
Yeah, after her book was like 10 issues in. And marketing is always going to be garbage. They look at what the most marketable short-hand is for a character and just go hard on that.
>Besides the actual fans who want to buy these comics,
Were you actually planning on buying Wasp? Did you really think it wasn't going to be nothing more then vapid, girl power stuff?
Their leader is a white girl.
>being a characterfag
You deserve this
How many comics do you want me to buy again?
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truly, liberal whites are the real champions of diversity and the only heroes that matter.

oh wait, shit... this is supposed to be a Marvel bash thread. whoops.
>Just fuck my name up
Is Harley Quinn competing for Most Punchable Face or something?
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>Is Harley Quinn competing for Most Punchable Face or something?
Here's the competition.
That's not punchable. That's shotgun-blast-to-the-head kind of face
who is this for?
You mean who are these characters aimed at?
Who is this thread for?
Where are they from?

elaborate, anon
what audience marvel is making this for
>Puerto Rican character
>Her name's Taina
Ffs. It's like calling a black chick. Laquisha.

But people will claim to love it because "yassss brown people!" I'm Puerto Rican by the way. And not a lightskin.

It's funny because I'm sure everyone on social media will post about it and love it but it won't actually sell.

Also, I love how they don't earn it or anything. Just here you guys go. Reed, beast, stark, tcalla, Dr doom, ect. Nope. These girls are smarter because diversity.

also theyre the smartest in the universe but can't cure the one chick's ms?


I've stopped supporting marvel a while ago but I genuinely wish there was something more I could do.

Also this is just a peeve but why does the "lacrosse player" have skates and a hockey stick?
Probably 18 - 25 women
It's just an attempt to bring in a new demographic. I don't think anyone would care if Marvel's main line wasn't also pushing new characters so hard.
I'm not talking about a specific character, you daffy shits. I'm talking about ALL of their comics. A tumblr book here or there? Fine. Whatever. But to make it company policy that almost every book has to be a dumpster fire of horrid politics and pandering?
it's almost like you were a faggot
I hate this. Genuinely so. What was great about the Claremont, New X-Men and Avengers Initiative stuff was that it was genuinely diverse. We had different characters with different backgrounds and personalities who took many stories to be completely fleshed out. They weren't just slapped on paper and we were told to run with it. There was a story to them.

Why are all these new diversity quota characters teenagers? Is it so hard for SJWs to identify themselves with actual adults?

Also, all these brown girls look the same (except maybe for the dyke)
DIVERSITY! (whites and asians not welcome)
this is why marvel is cancer
>It's like calling a black chick. Laquisha.
No, because that would tell the truth, no black girl in marvel has a realistically retarded name and a bmi of DAYUM.
>upper-middle class white people names

That does not exclude them from being white trash. I have seen plenty of white trash with money.
it finally hits you all that we have lost

>black americans

more like all americans
>Riri Williams
>Moon Girl
>and now this
Nice diversity Marvel, nothing is more diverse than a bunch of smart teenage brown girl from New York.

post feet
this is why you dont hire cucks and sjw from tumblr,
How can there still be crime in New York? The hero density has risen non stop for years
I read about how 4 thiefs had variations of the name "john lennon" in some small town
>Implying Shakes wouldn't be ok.
The fuck is wrong with you?
This comic is really good. I see why Marvel gave him a job.
Marvel should be coming up with new ideas for characters, then making those characters black and gay or whatever. Instead they're writing characters for whom ethnicity, disability and sexuality are the only distinguishing features. They don't have real personalities or character hooks, they're just abstract avatars of diversity.

This shits me because a) as a liberal it makes my ideology look stupid b) it's just bad writing. Nobody at Marvel seems to be able to handle characterisation any more. I suppose part of the problem is that a good character has to have some kind of flaw, and your disabled Nepalese astrophysicist can't be a bad person in any way without attracting the wrath of Tumblr trolls who identify with her.
Literally tumblr
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Fuck I miss that kid
Fuck off, Slott.

That is indeed part of the problem, and not just a tumblr thing either. Too many people validate themselves through fiction these days to such a degree that any character that resembles them in the slightest being an asshole, weak or wrong makes them think the writer is personally attacking them and their entire gender. It's annoying as fuck and pandering to them leads to shit like this.
Everything is a JoJo reference.

Comics shoehorning in terrible new characters that are meant to 'represent' and pull in a new generation are nothing new. This is just extra grating because it's also connected to retarded gender poltics slap fighting that won't go away quick enough and shitty writers balls deep in said poltics.
I would accept smartest women in NY, but the world?

Female scientists in the rest of the world don't exist.

The Marvel pandering is disgusting. None of it is organic. Out of all this nonsense, only Captain Sam (kinda, anyway) and Nova Alex didn't feel forced. Oh well. Glad I jumped ship years ago.
Cowabunga homies. McDuffie would be a godsend right now. Just plowed through JLU and that has some of the strongest writing I've seen in cape media.
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Be prepared to answer to Keh-Veye-linn, kid.

And many fucking variations there of.
C'mon, man. Canadian supervillians are too polite for that.
Shitposting in real life
Reminder that Claremont's smartest girl in the universe is white

Considering that in the Marvel Universe Wakanda is allegedly one of the most scientifically and technologically advanced countries in the world, that they'd try to double their diversity points and make one of them from there.

its weird how comicbook serialized storytelling finds itself torn between decompression to make any single story pad out to 6 issues (or more) while at the same time the meat of the story is never allowed to progress at an organic rate that could and should be allowed by that very decompression.

Don't tell us these people are the smartest on the planet, show us. Develop the characters over time instead of insisting upon forced and obviously-pandering declarations. You can pad out a Civil War fight over 8 issues that could've taken 1 issue, 2 tops, but you cannot afford to show me your new OC character is what you claim they are?

IMO we're to the post-decompression age. Spreading out a story might be annoying but at least its understandable if the spread is deployed well and the story actually gets told. But currently we have the *worst* of both worlds, stories are spread out for no other reason than to sell $24 in comics instead of $4 in comics, *and* they don't bother to use to spread to tell a story worth telling.

I honestly do not understand why you few remaining fans are paying for this sado-masocism. I'd given up on comics years ago if not for free sources online, and I still barely skim half the books which tells you how little I value even a free resource. Comics are awful right now and its not just the social justice stuff (albeit a non-trivial part of the problem), its that you're paying for a story you never actually receive. Its all one-sheet marketing, maybe an interesting reveal on the last page of the comic to get you to buy the next issue, nothing of interest occurred in all the previous pages, nothing of interest occurs on the followup pages until the final page again (maybe).
WOW they're SO intersectional!
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Go jerk off to your adopted daughter insert, Bendis
what is Riri Williams
why do they do this?
Scrawny and named after a retard slur
Not slightly realistic, her name's not even remotely crazy enough, she's also got a below average bmi.
puerto ricans aren't smart.
i know, i'm one of them.
i'll never understand
this is why i read essentials more than just about any thing.
that guy is gay isn't he?
please tell me he is
no she was a fearsome pilot in ww2 that earned her the name air wrecker the news team is just full of racist whites and forgot the space
>Uses crutches
you think anyone at marvel remembers a twenty year old character created for a previous round of diversity virtue signalling?
>All brown and black
>All American

Nice "diversity" you got there.
Bend is somehow remembered Jessica Drew and Luke Cage so anything is in the realm of plausibility.
Their leader is white, since PoC need a white woman to guide them
this new one could be her and night thrasher's daughter. even though i think silhouette was because of injury. would at least be some kind of interesting.
On the other hand, this new direction Marvel is taking is sure to introduce some readers to older and better Marvel comics
The really impressive part is that there isn't a dashing black man running a startup on the west coast that will join the team down the line. It shows an immense amount of self-restraint to not go for that in a story like this.
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>White Fury
>X-men and F4 represented with as much respect as the rest of the universe
>Dick Rider
>Pre KSD Carol
>the real Thor
>Black characters that arnt just there for tokenism
>Original Captain Marvel
This is the worst.

I dislike the Jessica Jones character because she was shoehorned in. Marvel could have used a different character for her story line, but we'll just make up a new one, and have her back story that she was with the Avengers for a decade.
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You got four issues.

>All POC New Yorkers

Seriously, Marvel? I'd buy a Wakandan, a Japanese woman, or anyone from anywhere else, but it's four non-white New Yorkers?
Asians aren't a minority silly. Wakanda is too fictional according to the writer
I kinda want an indian superhero.
I'd make him a struggling but charismatic bollywoodactor. At one point he needs to pay rent, so he takes a questionable deal from some "producers" it's a set-up, and he's killed in the crossfire....or is he?

His body is dumped into a smouldering hole somewhere, but it turns out in this hole there's a smattering of terrigen mists still present. Just enough to cause a mutation in his blood stream and kickstart his innate mutant genes.

He miraculously heals from his wounds. But who were those people that kiklled him, and what did they have to do with his insidious employers? Buntuu has no idea, but he intends to find out.

Now just picture him with the most outlandishly stylish aviators, perfect hair, and a loud fur collared coat. There you go. No idea what his powers would be, but I want him to be able to blind people with his smile.
They've kind of always did this, but they were just as clueless back then. Why introduce Robin? So that kids could identify with a kid, but people read Batman for Batman, not his sidekick.

One of the most bizarre things I've read was Jimmy Olsen, you know, Superman's non-powered friend? Well, he had a Jimmy Olsen fan club because he was Superman's pal. Why not just have a Superman fan club?

I like how Marvel's answer to their lack of diversity is to kill off the white males that are in the way and replace them with other races. Who needs equality when you can just commit genocide?
Cowabunga, homies.

What were the ethnicities of the previous five smartest humans in Marvel?

It truly is a great feeling, let me tell you.
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Looks like Grace from Fighting Vipers

>mfw I'm probably the only person who played Fighting Vipers
>mfw I'm probably the only person who owned a Sega Saturn
my nignog, i love my saturn.
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Good to know there are still some Saturn bro's even on /co/.
As far as names go its not even that outlandish.
just have to be careful talking about it. people fear the day-tone-aaa ear worm reoccurring.

and now it has.
Shes named after Bendis's daughter Sabrina
Last name is from Venus and Serena Williams, the tennis stars
There are three super-villain prisons within the city limits.
>We don't want to write about comic characters in our comic.
Which is kind of dumb having in mind you have characters like Toni Ho (progressive and a scientist).
I bet even writters don't remember her.
Superior daughter.

white (romani)
It used to go

1. Richards (white)
2. Doom (white, romani I guess?)
>Massive Power Gap
And then Stark (white), T'Challa (black), Pym (white), Beast (white), Banner (white) in no particular order.
What was Sil anyway sometimes she looks Asian somtimes she looked black
Change it to Brian when you can, you will get less shit for it.

At least you're not like me I'm a man named Deysi
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