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Best Waifu Edition

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first for best fighter

make those ISDs cry for mommy
On behalf of The Empire I order you to

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>Best Waifu Edition
First for Finns plush booty
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We need Levi Stubbs for the voice of this Hutt
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O-oh my...
Did the break make you forget that we never got it early on Friday nights?
Give it about four...four and a half hours.

Enough time for it to pop up in the usual spots (on demand, Disney exdee app...)
the fuck, did star wars seriously rip off Queen Pulsating Bloated Festering Sweaty Pus-filled Malformed Slug-for-a-Butt?
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You have good advice, suggesting patience to me. Maybe while I am waiting I can check tpb and see when the last few eps appeared there.
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What are some of the worst Snoke theories you guys have heard?
I know. Just simply wishful thinking or...what is it called? Fantasy Casting?

Either her or the Xenomorph Queen.

Snoke is Boba. I should know it's shit; I came up with one of my own.
All of them.

Snoke is Snoke, we already know this.
I want Hayden to come back as a force ghost to smack Kylo like the bitch he is. I liked Adam's performance and it would be interesting to see how he would react to this. Never meet your heroes and all that.
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Reminder that this is canon
How do we know he hasn't already met him?
Snoke is Vader's butler
why didn't Lucas slap Hayden's face in there too?
I love that the basis for the Vader Is Snoke theory is the scar on Vader's head vaguely resembling the weird fissure on Snoke's. Nevermind that they're different kinds of wounds and actually in different places.
20th for ezra, buttslut, etc etc
Dying made him younger, not taking off his mask. Taking off the mask was just painful. For him.
Hayden looks pretty as a ghost because ALL IS AS THE FORCE WILLS IT and the Force likes pretty boys
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Canon police sleep, post Legends books
>kylo being throttled by luke
>"vader help me!"
>"sorry, but i am with my son on this"
>ghost fistbumps luke
did he ever regret letting rex steal his apprentice?
More film-faithful Anakin.
>ghost fistbumps luke
"High fives!"
"Hi Anakin!"
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I wish we got more of Jedi meditating. I like that they used all different kinds of meditation positions

But film Anakin was the worst part about the films.
This scene was when I knew that TPM was a great film.
What the hell was this thing?
He was amazing.
100% Likable=/=good character
TCW Anakin is boring.
Qui-Gon Jinn
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That's a nice starfighter you've got there.
It'd be a shame if something happened to it.
More like one of the most memorable.

Without him, we wouldn't have 'sand everywhere' and all the other memorable deliveries
That's the same anon who tried to start shit a few days ago about how realistic and better Genndy Anakin was and ignored any counter arguments. You're just throwing your (you)s away.
I'm surprised nobody thinks Veers is Snoke. The guy was one of the few competent imperials left alive IIRC. Not saying it's not completely dumb, but still funny I haven't seen it.
did you forget the ion cannon turret?
with that installed, its the fighter ace who will shed tears
Not canon. Pic related is.

Snoke is Maul
That would make quite the 'remember me' moment.
yeah, that really helped Gold Squardon.
Most of the people coming up with Snoke theories probably don't even know who Veers is.
its quality is in the ears of the beholder, but it was definitely memorable
Portman looks like Nic Cage in that pic
nothing helps against vader
except han
It is! That's the new 4K Restoration of the Prequels for you! A glorious thing that fixes all the problems with the original. Especially replacing Jar Jar with Benedict Cumberbatch. Genius!
Much as I like TCW Anakin, I agree. He was really bland and it kind of shows that the kind of character people were expecting from movie Anakin wouldn't have worked at all.
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Those turrets never kill anything.
That's not Taun We
>marking up your TIE
Well that's at least 15 regulations broken right there along with his neck when he is forced to report to Vader.
for some reason, named characters never get hit by anything
What about those guys from the Battle of Yavin?

Porkins, Biggs?
Even Wedge got tagged slightly in that fight.
so they do get hit, well look at that
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>Implying the Empire wouldn't have aces use markings to strike fear into the hearts of rebel scum
Do you even think before you post?
What would a Hutt xenomorph look like?
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they do quite often, but if they hit the MC then the story would end
Like the queen

Except just the egg sac
The eggsack turns out to be the entire body
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Kind of looks like an R-Type boss
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>claims someone is being treasonous
>while promoting non-canon
I am afraid it is you who have failed, Aresko. One time too often.

But seriously, they aren't allowed to mark up their TIEs. No personalization, same as their armor and other gear. You can't even mod them. Every TIE is like every other TIE of its type, and pilots just hop in the first on available.
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Gold Squadron at the Deathstar didn't actually have the turrets turret mounted, they were fixed-forward because they kept breaking down and there wasn't a gunner seat to man them anyway.

I do think Hypori showed the aftermath of a victory, but with an ENTIRE army of B-2s and spider droids it sorta didn't convey he actually won with tactics so much as a surprisingly high concentration of the Confederacy's best tech.
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larger version from that page
I would like to
mediate with her holocrons
Those rules exist, but things get more lax in the faraway posts and war zones. Probably in unknown territories too.

>Thrawn defeats rebel base and fleet, returns to his post in outer rim
>Tarkin takes credit
the standard turrets might have saved their ass on the death star, by shooting directly at vader while he was tailing them
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You are literally posting the EMpire's second best Legends ace after Vader

And guess what? He gets Ionned too.
How do you guys feel about the upcoming Obi v Maul showdown? I have mixed feelings about it personally.
At least Thrawn gets to paint his Star Destroyer. That's being a Grand Admiral for you.

Sadly when the Emperor finds out he's going to be in so much poodoo. Still, worth it to have such a bitchin' ride.
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Loving every minute
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Not canon. But pic related is.
Can't trust those aliens with anything.
>the end of a grudge match that started in TPM
it might actually be really cool
I believe actual aces get to slap a kill-marker sticker onto their TIEs, and that's Legends Soontir Fel, a major imperial hero.

...And imagine that, his Ace Bloodstriped carried on to the CANON Ace Barons teaching the academy Wedge escaped from.
Yeah, but they were in the ones that used automatic targeting and those systems worked poorly on the rebel's shoestring budget.
I'm looking forward to it. Even as a fan of Maul's TCW storyline I feel they dragged him out too long in Rebels so I'm just happy that there's an actual end in sight, though this is the best possible end for his story. If they'd done the Vader death for him like they originally planned it wouldn't have been a very satisfying conclusion.
you could let the R2 fire, and even vader would think twice about tailing a rear gunner
So how long until we have Rebels showing up on TV/Disney (and I presume, stream)? As in, the number of hours.
I feel the Vader conclusion might have been better, this feels like too much pottery honestly
>pottery in a star wars show
it is the only way
"At least we meet, Obi-Wan Kenobi! For the first time for the last time!"
"Are you my mommy!"
"What? ... Wait, how did I get here? Did I take my pills this morning? What planet are we even on?"

It's always sad seeing two elderly men fight until orderlies break it up. Then Maul accidentally steps in the fire setting his pants alight.

"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi! You're my only hope!"
"Obi-Wan? ... Obi-Wan. Now that's a name I haven't heard in - are you my mommy?"
True, but apparently the systems that connected it to the droids or its own fire control computers were maintenance intensive. Also I think rear-firing goes directly over the Astromech's head, that seems like a bad idea to do that with an Ion cannon.
Don't remind me.
Imperial Ace Pilot Baron Rudor wasn't allowed any tally marks.
"pain is temporary R2, shooting down vader is forever"
He was, but with the stipulation that he had to remove a tally mark every time he was publicly humiliated
>rebels seizing a separatist capital ship
I'd love it
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I really wish we got to see more CIS stuff being used in the GCW.
CIS stuff was made with droids in mind, werent they?

the rebels seem to prefer republic surplus
Why am I seeing people all over the Internet talk about this as if this is their first fight since The Phantom Menace?
But this means no live-action Obi-Wan movie with Maul starring Ewan McGregor D:
If a droid can do it anyone can. I think
Does Rebels seem to come to an end as it gets closer to RO territory? What will they replace it with?
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Vader don't play.
have the obi-wan movie take place during the mandalorian crisis?
that was never happening anyways
Kid, I've watched everything from EPI to EPVII and I've seen a lot of strange stuff but I've never seen anything to believe there's some all-powerful pottery controlling everything.
More like poor Rudor never flew any one ship long enough to personalize it.
About three to go
Literally Slug-for-a-butt
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Imperial Aces have nothing on Rebel Aces.
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Thanks. Have a sexy helicopter as reward.
It was a great scene. But the rest of the movie still exists and much of it is bad.
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>a one-of-a-kind Mama the Hutt maquette exists somewhere deep within the Lucasarts Animation department

new holy grail: obtained
What if they allowed the Jedi to get married and not stigmatize it? What could go wrong?
Do you think girl Jedi used the forced on their boobs to make them look bigger? And or developed techniques to distract their enemies with them?
what was even the purpose of those laser doors?
that doesn't sound like the Jedi way. what would Master Yoda say?
Haven't seen it in over a decade or so. But I still remember the grand visual design with most things. Neimodians are slimy but their eyes and druids and everything looks great. Naboo, too. Pod racing, gunman tech.. I remember hating how ainakin defeated the command ship.

Qui-Gon's design and the world made me want to see a world even beyond.
many a jedi would get too attached to a single person, and prioritize them over the greater good
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>"Ah, Commander Cody! How goes the fighting on Utapau?
>"Yeah, I know you could probably use my assistance against Grievous, but you know how Satine gets if I don't babysit on a Friday
>"Look, I'll get down there at the weekend and see what I- Oh, you've been cut in half"
Rebels will go past RO. It's been picked up for its entire story and I believe FPJ has said it will go for 7 seasons. Can't find that interview atm
a lot of the prequels had all the ingredients to be 10/10 movies, but George isn't that good at writing scripts, so he fucked up the execution even though he had solid ideas.
>eyelashes to give that female look

I never understood why eyelashes were a sign of femininity on cartoon characters. Both men and women have eyelashes.
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He's fine with it.
The Way of the Jedi teaches its students to detach themselves from emotion, including love. They are "encouraged to show love and compassion", but in the same way that Buddhist monks do, through charity and self-sacrifice. Jedi show their "love" for the Galaxy by protecting it and upholding the peace and prosperity of its peoples. They are forbidden to have romantic attachments for the same reasons as Buddhist monks, infatuation clouds the mind and deters you from the path.
not even Anakin, whose defining character trait was possessiveness, acted that irresponsibly
did female Jedi ever fuck the clones while on assignment to the outer rim?
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only if they could get away with it
I remember a fapfic on /swco/ a long time ago about Shaak Ti and a clone.
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the clones probably just fooled around with each other, it's basically masturbation anyway
Mind tricks work on clones, right? Why not just make them forget?
that is not the jedi way

Almost had me there
Probably. They can have sex so long as they don't get attached and I wouldn't be surprised if any female Jedi fucked their clones while they were alone on some shitty Outer Rim planet.
did Ahsoka aand Barriss?
Grieve tan X Female Obi-Wan when?
neither is fucking the Jangoes in the first place yet here we are
>oh boy I really have been out here in the jungle with these nigh-on genetically perfect male specimens
>also it's my species' mating season
>and I possess magic powers I can use to fuck with minds
>no one will ever know
do people seriously consider the clones attractive?
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So apparently this is what Count Vidian looks like according to Jackson Miller. This art wasn't approved by him or anything but it fits his description of Vidian's appearance on twitter more than the other one with the huge tubes coming out of his neck.
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What's wrong with Grievous X Male Obi-Wan?

Now I remember her!
Boba Fett had no problem teasing those whores in Jabba's palace.
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Well its stated that there are about 10,000 jedi in the galaxy at the start of the clone wars I'd say it's safe to assume at least 500-2,000+ of them were fighting in the outer rim. I'm not sure how many jedi were female but if we assume half of them are than that's 250-1000+ female jedi serving in the outer rim with close relations to clones so i'd say its more that plausible.
but that's gay
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Yes, and I will never be convinced that they didn't.
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Exactly. It's perfect.
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May we all have his game when we ware his age.

Which is well over 10,000 when the Sarlacc is done with him.
>if we don't find him before Bane does it could be extremely painful
how would Anakin react if he caught Rex and Ahsoka in bed together?
I would love a TFU type game where you go around as an Inquisitor a few years after ROTS fighting Jedi. I know story wise that's basically ripping off TFU but the gameplay was fun and I feel like the hunting down of the surviving Jedi is way too underplayed in canon to the point that if you don't know 1 or 2 references in a few books it's easy to assume it basically didn't happen since Vader/Order 66 killed all the Jedi in ROTS but canon has specified that it was very much a process that the Inquisitors took part in over a few years and I would love to see that process shown.
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I'm almost done with the order 66 arc. This is so frustrating to watch, it's like those tense scenes where you know something will go wrong but it's stretched out over 4 episodes.
he would be reminded that he is currently a married man, and would give those 2 a slide
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Remember to watch ROTS afterwards
They're okay. Nice tv budget special effects. Better much creature effects than the prequel trilogy has.
>implying that any ship can compete with Rex/Ahsoka
prove me wrong inb4 /u/, /u/ get out
what's stopping the empire from making more jango clones to replace the aging ones

don't give me >kamino uprising as an answer either, because apparently that's not canon anymore
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Reminder that WORST CLONE is the reason for everyone's suffering
what even happened to Kamino after the war?
conscripts are cheaper, and live longer
It's expensive as fuck and clones don't last long. It's way cheaper to use propaganda to inspire citizens to join the Stormtroopers and use all that extra money building fleets than it is to order a new clone army every 5 years.
Too expensive and Sheev would find it much more enjoyable convincing average schmoes to conquer and subjugate their own worlds for him.
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/u/ is inherently superior, I don't need to give a reason. You just need to accept the fact that you're wrong.
their samples of Jango DNA were deteriorating
Ahsoka knew about Anakin and Padme?
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Grieve-tan a cute!
>Too expensive
Sheev built 2 Death Stars
no, although she probably suspected some kind of special connection between them
Oh hell yeah she did.
Should be obvious. There were never all that many clone troopers, they were just highly effective. However even with accelerated growth it still took 10 years to get them up to action.

Cloning could NEVER match Sheev's timetable for how fast he wanted the galaxy conquered and garrisoned when he'd have to hold off a decade just for his first batch.

Gone the way of Geonosis, probably.
I will only consider accepting it if you post more
Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about it. It makes sense that it's happening, but my one big concern is that I don't see any end or outcome for Maul that excites me.

Optimally, I'd like to see both of them walk away but I don't see how that happening would work. Obi-Wan has suffered a lot due to Maul, and letting him live in light of that I think would reinforce the concepts of selflessness and compassion that play heavily into the light side of the force. The problem with this however is that I feel like this doesn't really gel with how we've seen Maul presented in Rebels thus far. He's obviously changed, but at the end of the day he's done some pretty shitty things and I don't really see how Maul can see a good ending without undermining the hold that the dark side has on individuals.

This leaves us with Obi-Wan killing/defeating Maul, which to me has the same problems as them both surviving. We know that Obi-Wan hasn't been doing too terribly well looking after Luke, and I can see the threat of Maul sparking something within him that reinvigorates him and augments both Obi-Wan's character and the power of the light side. The problem here is that right now there's nothing about Maul's death or defeat that excites me. Maul might be a sad character, but the stuff he's done in Rebels so far doesn't make me inclined to make me feel anything for his death and I'm not seeing anything in his defeat that would make any sort of important statement about the character.
Don't really care at this point. They basically have to kill off Maul so knowing that lets see if they can still make it interesting.
I wonder how Ahsoka viewed Padme.
And? You think he could splurge everywhere just because he built two death stars? And the death stars were his endgame, not his hordes of stormtroopers who were nothing more than a stopgap.
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>yfw Maul survives his encounter with Kenobi
>I wonder how Ahsoka viewed Padme.
A romantic rival. Bitch had better step off her husbando/master/surrogate father/forbidden fruit did Anakin and Ahsoka ever fugg
she was too busy bedding rex
>did Anakin and Ahsoka ever fugg
No, Anakin was too attached to Padme for that. Maybe Ahsoka fantasized about him cause she was a teenage girl, but I doubt she ever even hinted at anything.
Isn't that Queen Slugforabutt?
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>No, Anakin was too attached to Padme for that.
That must have been difficult when the Zygerrian Queen was forcing herself on him. What was more traumatic for Anakin: the rape at the hands of the Queen, or being back in slavery?
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If he does we will be going full retard tier.
I mean, what else are you going to do with this useless fuck, he already has lived way too long.
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That's disappointing, I liked this one
I just imagined Sundowner. I don't care that he was described with a permanently unmoving face, he was cracking Platinum grins in my mind
>and much of it is bad.
Not really.
Not any more than any of the OT.
The Trash Compactor scene has worse actingg than anything in TPM.
I always thought his red eyes were more like Batou's.
I foudn the trash compactor scene pretty hilarious when C3PO thought they were flattened
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This one was superior!

When one anon mistook it for Vidian instead of the droid busdriver.
if Kanan and Ezra will survive into the OT, how will they explain them never showing up to meet Luke?
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>Better much creature effects than the prequel trilogy has.
Nigger please.
The stop motion in those movies is fucking ATROCIOUS.

I will never understand this PT=bad mentality.
luke is too busy shooting down TIEs with his X-wing, and shooting things with his blaster, and drowning in girls, to bother with a padawan on the other side of the galaxy
We'll have to wait and see
Its a large ass galaxy.
Why would they? I know the main movies have to revolve around the Skywalkers, but not everything else has to.
how does /co/ feel about the "Snoke is the Vader portion of Anakin, surviving past Vader's death by the power of the Dark Side while Anakin moved into the Force" theory?
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That's not what i'm talking about.
I'm talking about all the footage of them jumping around on trash and yelling at each other.
It's pathetically poorly acted.
Is that three eyes or two eyes and a nose?
>luke is too busy...drowning in girls
His sister, Nakari Kelen. Anyone else yet?
Incredibly dumb
why havent they met obi-wan or yoda yet?
in the case of the former, obi-wan is a powerful asset known to rebel high command, surely a second jedi would have been secured as well

kanan is an interesting military asset, but he is hardly considered very important to rebel high command
It's stupid because he has to have a physical form, and Vader's body was cremated. The only form of possession by ghost that exists so far is Nightsister magic, which I highly doubt Anakin learned any of.
he blew up the death star without a targeting computer
women would throw themselves at his feet
That's Vader, baby.
Because Luke was running around being the Alliance's Jedi Knight and you'd think someone would tell them the Alliance already had two.
I never said nor implied that. But you know what IS bad? That fuck ugly CG space monster from your picture. Yes, the Ewok movies have much better looking stop motion, suit and puppet creatures than that thing.
the hokey dialogue and overacting was endearing for some reason
And Luke would just go "shucks, you're real nice and all but I promised Artoo I'd hang out with him today"
>I never said nor implied that. But you know what IS bad? That fuck ugly CG space monster from your picture. Yes, the Ewok movies have much better looking stop motion,
You need to stop shitposting and actually watch those 2 movies.
Isn't the Rule of Two acting contrary to the philosophy of the Sith? The Master trains the apprentice all he knows knowing full well that if he does his job right and the apprentice is worthy enough, eventually the apprentice will kill him and replace him. The goal of course, being that the Sith grow collectively stronger, as each successive master must inherit the skills of all before or die in his attempt to rise to becoming master. But this means acting altruistically -- acting for the betterment of the Dark Side and the organization of the Sith as a whole, instead of purely in the interests of the master. But the Sith are supposedly incapable of acting altruistically towards anything at all, they're 100% pure selfish greedy lust for power at any cost. How can this be?
Dude didn't even tell his own friends about training with Yoda either in ESB or ROTJ. How public do you think his Jedi activities even were? He was telling everyone but his nearest and dearest friends?
The DUMBEST explanation for Snoke I have heard. The dumbest by far.
sith power comes from dominating others
Wormed his way out of that one. Now we know why his name on Tatooine was Wormie. No women for him today, thanks, he's gay!
>implying that anything sexual happened between Luke and Leia besides that ONE (1) kiss
fuck off
Three eyes. The maquette only had two but the guy specified that they added a third eye for the digital creature
Someone made a theory that Snoke was what Plagueis made, not Anakin, and Anakin was actually the Force's response.
I like it.
It's three eyes, apparently. Weirded me out when I first noticed it, too
I want to argue, but he totally would. Makes sense, last thing he needs is another woman that kisses him and turns out to be his Sister.
even kanan doesnt get much attention from alliance command, luke has even less lightsaber and force proficiency, and was made famous by his skill with an X-wing not with his saber

if alliance high command ever took an interest in luke, they would have sent a pilot to train him instead
but in this case the domination is suicidal as one day the apprentice will rise up and kill you. you do it anyway because it makes the Sith as a whole stronger.

I love how people say Episode I was unimportant because it didn't directly link into the Clone Wars that would serve as the setting of the next two films. When right here, with this quote, we're given insight into the driving force behind Anakin's subsequent character development.

Qui-Gon Jinn is probably my favorite character, he's too terribly underrated. Episode I seriously isn't as bad as everyone wants it to be. It may plod a bit on Tatooine, but without that we wouldn't have gotten little moments like this that prove how much better a teacher Qui-Gon would have been for Anakin.
Survival of the fittest doesn't mean you just bend over backwards. If your Apprentice manages to kill you so be it. And if you die some other way at least there is a spare Sith running around.

It's not like you just meekly let yourself get killed by anyone or anything. If they're going to be better and stronger than you then by the Force they'll have to prove it.
>Isn't the Rule of Two acting contrary to the philosophy of the Sith?
In as much as following any rules at all does.
maybe he is just chaste
find ventress and start a family using kenobi as the wingman
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Was this intentional? Probably
>people say Episode I was unimportant
This is a meme.
Immediately disregard "people" who say this.
I do.
Why would you continue to make expensive and professional soldiers meant for front line combat against an equal opponent do garrison work on backwater worlds?

Conscripts can do that for half the cost. remember, for the first 15+ years the Empire was stomping out small scale rebellions of partisans not strong armies.
You aren't getting this. That was the way it ALWAYS was, only before it was worse because Apprentices were killing their Masters, or each other, or being killed by other Masters, or their own Master.

Literally the only thing that changed in this equation is how many Master and Apprentice pairs there are. The actual dynamic and Sith philosophy is still very much intact.
I'd say the rank badge makes it pretty damned likely.
Rebels seem to get what they can take. I would think Rebels that sprouted up in Republic space would use old Republic gear while Separatist worlds would use old CIS stuff.

That was one thing that I would have liked to see more in the Rogue One 3rd act, a mish mash of different ships. We had the usual stuff, with some Hammerheads and the Phantom (and possibly a Wookie ship), but I would have liked to see some old CIS carriers in the mix.
stupid because its confirmed Snoke is not Human. We don't know shit about him and should stop pretending.
that is a whole lot of people
The Sith view power as strength, so a master's job is to continue to be strong and if he fails, then he doesn't deserve to be the master anymore. The master should do everything in his power to prevent his own death- if the apprentice still succeeds, then he deserves to take the master's place.

Though if you think about it, there's still a sense of selfishness there. A good master leaves behind a strong apprentice, and that's his legacy. If they can't hold on to power, then they take pride in knowing they trained a great apprentice.
are there any fanfics about Ahsoka fantasizing about Anakin but being torn up with how such a pairing would be impossible due to his commitments to the Jedi and Padme? does this count as NTR?
But they didn't all arrive at that conclusion indepenently.
A few taste makers told the sheep how to think.

>machete order
and Vader was INHUMANLY evil :^)
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>its confirmed Snoke is not Human
You can't not know shit and also know he's not human. Plus the info on him not being human is...the novelization. What's that old phrase /swco/ used to love so much? "Dubious canon"?
it makes sense to use vader before anakin, since vader is a pop cultural icon most well known for being a villain, so having him be the menacing dark lord first, before introducing his tragic aspects is quite reasonable
Is what intentional, that Romodi is in Rogue One? I dunno, maybe it was an accident, just like how they were trying to turn Guy Henry into Greedo but accidentally turned him into Tarkin.
According to The Wook... The TFA novel. However some of his traits like being seven feet, his skin color, so on, are from other sources.


Personally I'm a bit hesitant about stuff like skin color. It's not like Sheev was looking all too human by the end.
>skipping TPM
ok kid
That detail from the dubious canon has been confirmed by word of god, so that detail is full canon.
>If someone doesn't agree with me it must mean they haven't seen the movie
is this music what it feels like to fall to the Dark Side?

He's more machine now, than man
Pablo confirmed snoke is not human
>by word of god
Which god specifically? There are so many these days. Is it JJ? Coffee Lord? Dave doesn't tell us shit so he's out.
Isn't Ventress already dead?
if you give a title crawl immediately before the 1st episode of TCW, you could skip the entirety of Episodes 1 and 2 without missing anything important. TCW does the job of conveying the essential information from TPM and AotC while also setting up RotS better than both movies combined. Prove me wrong.
Just give up. The stop-motion in the Ewok films is backyard movie tier.

You also implied that CGI is bad just because ______ ?
So I don't know why i'm still entertaining you.
TPM and AOTC are better than TCW though.
And it's not even close.

Pablo confirmed we don't know either way.
good joke

did Luke win this duel because he was the better fighter, or because Vader was too conflicted to fight effectively?

The LSG. Basically a pantheon of gods, though Pablo seems to act as the voice to us mere mortals.
Who's joking?
Of course someone brings up the novelization and he says he forgot it said that. But based on what he said about novelizations, what do we think? No clue. Unless he's got a firmer tweet on the subject dated after this one.
TPM, sure. AOTC?
No. They're two separate things so it's hard to compare but even when looked at within their mediums it's easy to see that TCW is better

TCW is competent work within the medium of television where TPM and AOTC are messes of attempts at movies
That's not as bad as what happened with Mon Mothma, at early meetings Gareth Edwards was quoted as saying "and I'm not about to have that fucking cunt Mon Mothma in my fucking movie" and everyone agreed Mon Mothma wouldn't be in it. So they hired Genevieve O'Reilly to play a nameless rebel technician, but the scene kept getting rewritten, and more scenes were added, and wardrobe changes were ordered because the original costume looked terrible.

It wasn't until he was at the premiere that it finally hit Gareth, and looked on with abject horror as realized he had accidentally put Mon Mothma into the movie. Reporter say Gareth was inconsolable and threw a very loud fit upon realizing it and had to be escorted out of the theater. He refused to speak to anyone for eight days following the premiere, until he finally came to terms with what he had done.
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I know Snoke isn't Plagueis...but Snoke should be Plagueis.

Palpatine thought he killed Plagueis, but Plagueis survived and watched Palpatine from behind the scenes. When Palpatine was unsuccessful at destroying the Jedi, Plagueis/Snoke re-emerged and found a new apprentice in Kylo. Plagueis learned the secret to immortality and now has a second chance to rule the galaxy. Now Rei's ultimate destiny is to figure out a way to destroy Plagueis with Kylo's help once and for all.
Since the tail end of the Clone Wars
yeah I wasn't even the guy you were arguing with but that type of mentality in your comment is what starts the OT vs PT shitposting that goes on in these threads
And again, it's not even close.
AOTC is as good as any other SW film.

>I hate sand
I bet you 5 bucks you can't explain what's bad about this.

>looked at within their mediums
... AOTC and TPM are uncommonly good films.
I don't want him to be Sith in anyway. I want Anakin to have ended them once and for all. They've been emphasizing new Force wielders in the new canon, which makes me think they're going to introduce a new dark side faction for Snoke/Kylo. We still don't know what they're called.
how did she die?
His mentality of "CGI" being a bad thing just cuz is the real issue.
I'm interested in what Snoke describes as the "balance" in Kylo Ren. He seems to have a lot more in common ideology wise with Grey Knights and other such force wielders than traditional Sith.
It's a long story. Dooku killed her with lightning. I'd give you more details but you're better off not knowing the circumstances behind it. Just trust me.
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Snoke as Plagueis would only make sense if the other great Star Wars rumor is true: that Plagueis, with Sidious' help, created the Skywalker line.

IF that is the case than Snoke should absolutely be Plagueis. Snoke HAS to be Plagueis if that's the case. The Skywalker bloodline has to reckon with its maker, once and for all.

The latter, obviously. Luke may be many things. An exceptional swordsman is not one of them.
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>Just trust me.
but I thought that Luke was canonically one of the strongest duelists ever
Huh, fascinating. Most of the toys and video game appearances used the Maquette's nose
Dies protecting Quinlan Vos from Dooku's Force Lightening.
>good films

What are you comparing this to? You must have a very limited view of film to consider them good.
It's easy to be the best and strongest alive

when everyone else is dead or a ghost
See, I'll disagree with that. Maybe I'm just an old EU fag, but I want the Sith to endure. I like the idea of them and the Jedi locked in an eternal struggle, like Yin and Yang. I don't think it's right to have the Jedi without the Sith. They're inseparable, to me.
>defeating vader
luke even says that vader cannot destroy his own son. vader was definitely not fighting to kill
Probably a case of the design already having been sent off to licensees for merchandising before the change was made. It definitely wouldn't be the first time that's happened.
she was betrayed and murdered by dooku
This sounds like something JJ would do.
She was a good friend.
...and a demon in the sack
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In legends, when they made Luke the best at everything.

Nothing in canon suggests Luke was great. He's decent given what he had. But without proper guidance (and yes, learning to fight from someone is ALWAYS better than learning by yourself), he'd never be anything even close to a Clone War era Jedi in terms of martial prowess at that point in time of his life. In RoTJ, he's barely even padawan level. Luke won by sentiment, not skill. If Vader had his shit together, he'd have dealt with Luke with no effort.
so how can Anakin have succeeded in bringing balance to the Force if less than 30 years after his death and the destruction of the Sith, a whole cult of Dark Side users killed all nu-Jedi and held the galaxy hostage with a superweapon? are prophecies just bullshit in the SW universe?
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Can you imagine having Che/Hidalgo's job of having to explain every production delay, missed communication, and rushed storyboard within the frame of the actual canon?

I'd be much more sarcastic towards inane Twitter canon questions if I had that job.
Neither was Luke until that whole 'So I also have a daughter' thing.
No, I just don't like it. It feels more superficial than other Star Wars. Christopher Lee is good, but I think they should have laid some ground work for him in TPM.
Not at all.
They display extremely precise direction in almost every scene as compared to contemporary action films.
He can't. It's stupid. The whole thing is stupid.

The new movies should have had a timeskip of centuries.
It didn't say balance would last forever ;^)
that was him channeling the dark side, it wasnt the only time someone used anger to overwhelm a superior foe
Chris Miller and Phil Lord have been heard saying "Han Solo can carry his own movie, we don't need any fucking cocksucking limp dick faggot Chewbacca in our Han Solo movie"

We will see how things turn out...
or not make everyones struggle pointless
They'll be the perfectionists, I think.
>I bet you 5 bucks you can't explain what's bad about this.

It is forced, clumsy, and relies upon the lacking chemistry of the actors.
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>missed communication
>It is forced, clumsy
point of the scene
>and relies upon the lacking chemistry of the actors.
I don't know why but I'm tickled at the idea of there being a fan somewhere who absolutely loves Han but has this absolutely venomous hatred towards Chewbacca, like he won't shut up about how much he hates Chewie.
what is unironically the most kino moment of the series?
I agree, I truly don't know how they do it. If hundreds of people tweeted me insipid questions every day I would be much more snippy then Pablo is now.
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>introducing Chip'aka, the Ewok smuggler with gigantism
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don't be a fag


No they don't

They might be able to hold up to some of the lower tier super hero movies or the more schlocky action films but there is a plethora of examples of better action films, just within the last 15 years
>point of the scene



About the chemistry or reliance? I think you'll find both are correct.
Luke and Vader ESB with Luke and Vader ROTJ being a debatable second

anyone who says otherwise is lying to you
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Vader deciding to rekt Palpatine
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>balance to the Force
Balance doesn't really mean peace, but that all sides aren't dominant over the other.

The Light had been reigning dominant for a long ass time under the Republic. Balance means equilibrium between two sides and there hadn't been any. Light stagnated and was no longer part of what it was supposed to be. By falling to the Dark Side, he broke the old order of the Jedi, forcing them to return to their traditional ways that relied more on the force rather than bureaucracy, doing good because it was good not because some politician said it was good.

By doing so he invited the Dark Side to take hold again, to come back in overwhelming force. But of course this wasn't meant to last. His own ambitions against the Emperor and his own son would most of the damage done and bring the prophesized balance. Both Light and Dark exist in the galaxy in equal force. Sometimes the Light wins, sometimes the Dark wins.

He bought balance. Not in the way the Jedi had hoped...
Also didn't Vos turn into his shitty legends self and turn her over to Dooku?
Literally none of what you posted is true.
Luke and Vader sharing their final moments aboard the DS2. When Anakin is redeemed. Gets me every time.
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>a whole cult of Dark Side users killed all nu-Jedi and held the galaxy hostage with a superweapon?

It's balance of the Force, not even out people who use the force. There have always been Dark Siders other than the Sith. The Sith were just the most powerful and knowledgeable with knowing how to abuse the Dark Side and were actively throwing the Force out of balance through unnatural amounts of pain, suffering and death on a galactic wide scale.

When the Sith were destroyed and the Empire lost a year later, that shit stopped. The First Order is nowhere near as powerful and as wide spread as the Empire was. Even with the destruction of a few planets, it's not close enough to throw the Force out of balance compared to the Clone War and the Empire.

Anakin fulfilled the prophecy and brought balance to the Force. That did not include the eradication of the Dark Side nor those who align with it. The Dark Side is a natural part of the force just as pain, suffering and death is a natural part of life. And the Force exists because of life.
gonna need a source on that one chief
>balance means that Light and Dark exist in equal strength
end this meme. the Dark Side is an unnatural tumor on the Force. Bringing balance (ie restoring natural equilibrium) to the Force means removing this tumor so that the host may once again thrive.
Go to sleep George
>In RoTJ, he's barely even padawan level
According to whom?

>If Vader had his shit together, he'd have dealt with Luke with no effort
According to whom? Luke was holding his own in the duel. there are several moments Vader struggles with him.

>Vader holding back
This is true to an extent but Vader would have disarmed him like at Bespin. He couldn't becaue Luke was pretty strong. The Legends novelization even has Vader surprised how much Luke learned and he was concerned
>the Dark Side is an unnatural tumor on the Force.

End this meme.
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that's how it was characterized in both the OT and the PT, fuck off fanfiction EU nostalgiafaggots
All your opinion too
when Vader blocked Han's shots with his hand was he using the Force to do this or were his gauntlets made of some kind of supermaterial?
Yeah i always thought Lucas intended Anakin to fulfill the prophecy when he killed Sheev

Like yeah he fucked up and helped kill tons of people but he eventually did bring balance back
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Reminder the only way to bring balance to the force is to purge everyone who is capable of abusing it
>yfw they meet him AFTER ROTJ and become the first members of his Jedi order until Ren and his edgelords kill them
>Yeah well, that's just like your opinion, man.
Your choice

>Dark Side is an unnatural tumor on the Force
Even a tumor is natural. It can be a disgusting, evil thing, but it will exist as nature dictates, maybe not in you, but in someone else. And much like the Jedi, you can fight it, and desire it to be gone forever, but there will always be a way for it to come back.
That's not even remotely what Dark Troopers look like. Fuck off with your shitty fanart.
what are the odds that Ahsoka will fall to the dark side?
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>According to whom?

To all canon material. Luke has barely had even a month of actual guidance. He had, at most, two days with Obi-wan and maybe a week or two with Yoda. Apart from that, any Jedi related activities he underwent consisted of finding and losing artifacts. In the 4 years from his leaving Tatooine to Anakin's death, 90% of it was spent contributing to the rebellion. There's no way he could go from completely unskilled to a master swordsman in 4 years, even with proper tutelage.

>Luke was holding his own in the duel. there are several moments Vader struggles with him.
Because Vader was struggling with his own conflicting emotions. He was torn between serving his master and the entire reason why he chose to serve his master in the first place. Between what we've seen Vader/Anakin accomplish during the Clone War, LoTS and Rogue One, there's no feasible way to expect that Luke could actually beat Vader if he had his shit together.
>survive Vader and Sheev only to get punked by wannabe Vader and wannabe Sheev
truly the cruelest fate
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>tfw Snoke's reveal is already ruined, because people expect it to be a character from the other movies, so if it is a new character then they'll have to explain who he is and what he was doing and that will be undoubtedly stupid, and if its a known character people will think its a dumb twist
>JJ's trilogy is fucked after just 1 movie
This is not a bad thing.
>JJ makes 1/3 of the movies
>JJ's trilogy
Ask yourself this question:

In a balanced diet, should you have as much saturated fat as carbohydrates?

Balance does not mean equal amounts. It means an equilibrium. The existence of Sith throws out equilibrium.
Well its JJ's mistake and it has fucked over the entire trilogy

Have you guys tried out the Battlefront VR mission yet? I hate battlefront but that mission is something else. I'm actually super excited for the VR possibilities in Star Wars games.

Even just a VR rogue squadron type game with campaign that ties into the series would be super cool
>Thinking the movies will take time to lay out any exposition or storytelling
It'll be revealed Snoke is Gallius Rax in the last Aftermath book and then it'll never be brought up again.
I-I liked it.
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Why do you want Star Wars to fail? Of all the young normies who are introduced to Star Wars in the coming years, the .01% who draw porn of new characters and contribute to these threads will be worth it. The next InCase could be the result of Rey having a nearly topless scene in Episode 8.
Futa is shit
>being introduced to Star Wars in a generation where you're shown it in the cinema by overeager parents and not watching it on TV, VHS or even DVD
No chance of making a connection.
Yes futa is shit, but not all inCase is futa?
>the one thing Captain America and Iron Man both agree on
You, sir, are not canon!
This. I love incase's art but hate futa.
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The only porn artist I like is noise.
[spoilOr, whatever the name is of that one that draws QT traps getting ballbusted by girls[/spoiler]
>entire book clearly sets up Rax as the founder of the First Order and the leader
>very last sentence of the book is "And then a tall guy named Snoke shows up and kills Rax, and says to everyone "I am your supreme leader now."
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Trips confirm a briliant design!

Rebels will assume its missing a wing and ignore it, and then they die!
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Straight outta the youknowwho factories
perhaps it is designed to cause the rebels to literally die laughing
You will be granted a private audience with Emperor Palpatine to explain the advantages of your achievement compared to the regular TIE fighter.

You have five minutes to explain why this design is superior to the existing TIE design before you are lightninged to death.
>Terry McGovern, the voice of Launchpad McQuack, coined the word "wookiee"
Truly, the canon is a strange and mysterious force in this galaxy...
>I could have had my hot togruta padawan instead of that aging jew hagress
>I have no legs because of this
ahsoka was too busy with rex
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Post favorite starships; canon or legends
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Ok so hear me out, what if ezre is supreme leader snoke?
I imagine Romodi moved up in the ranks of the Empire because people felt bad about how ugly he was.
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Anakin made many poor decisions, chief among them being him deciding to stick his dick in Natalie Hershlag instead of Orange Buttcheeks.
We never did fix image. One of these days...

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Ran a campaign in EotE with this guy as the party's ship and we all fell in love with it.
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Y would you need any other ship?
But Snoke is already confirmed as Pablo
is there an upload of the rogue one visual guide anywhere? Or the galactic maps book?
They might just hang up their sabers after having seen too much shit, safe in the knowledge that someone else can take care of the Jedi legacy.
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the defender looks like it was made using 3 interceptors glued together wrong
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never understood how one could lust after any other than this beauty
>hey bill, we got all these spare Interceptor wings, what do we do with them?

>lol just weld them to the top of some ties.
the X-wing is conventionally beautiful, most people love it, but it has that unreachable quality
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Y'all do know the top guns are Ion cannons right?
>never understood how one could lust after any other than this beauty

because an x-wing is a terrible transport/cargo ship.

what can it even carry
stop holding other ships to your unrealistic beauty standards!
but which side is the top?
i dont think its ever been shown as having ion guns except on the wook
my gf wants to have sex in stormtrooper outfits...like, both of us in the outfits. Anyone know a place to get some that dont cost a fortune?
I liked the idea someone had in another thread, where all of the bizarre TIE variants the EU came up with all exist as unused schematics in the Imperial vaults. Like Raith Sienar just went nuts and started sending over all these weird designs and the Empire just went "uh yeah okay thanks we'll get right on that" and then just shelved it.
It carries with it the the power to obliterate stars
>telling a space superiority fighter to carry cargo
thats not its job
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>people still haven't played this game
fuck off normie
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This one kind of grew on me. It might be because it looks like a sea turtle in flight mode.
>never understood how one could lust after any other than this beauty

>any other
Does the empire or first order have any fighters that aren't just TIEs with different wings

sorry you are alone. Want to watch us fuck?
nevermind, i found that it has the option to carry ion guns in multiple works

it can apparently switch it out for a heavy laser cannon in some depictions
the lambda-shuttle, but it is not a fighter
>good size
>decent weapons and protection
>based cockpit situated above cargo quarters

there isnt anything better
You don't have to lie on an anonymous imageboard senpai.
Still looking for a decent controller for this
Whats are some of the most stupidest ship designs from the EU
Pretty sure that isn't normal

Now THIS is normal.
I wouldn't mind cruising around in one of these, convert the cargo areas into living quarters, it'd be like a space RV
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I can't help but laugh at Grievous' expression here

sun crusher
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This piece of shit. It's not even that it's just a dumb concept, it's a really stupid looking ship.
He's afraid she might be a vampire like his horrible boss Dooku.
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Always liked Venators because they were very directly intended to fill a carrier role. I think that sense of "purpose" really makes it stand out relative to other capital ships.
i like to imagine when they were coming up with it

"and it fires missiles that can destroy galaxies and shit, AND it has armor thats so op nothing can even mark it, AND its super fast and basically invisible to tracking.
It's like that one kid on the playground who's always making everything stupidly overpowered
>rock paper scissors
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the Neb B can do it all
impressive long range firepower
large hangers
easily refitted for non-combat roles
when you are leading other small ships, it can provide decent command and control
anything but broadsides
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I read it more as waryness, she's got two fingers out and is next to his eyes, the few organic and vulnerable bits he has left.
What I like about the venator is that it manages to resemble a star destroyer while still having its own distinctive look. There've been attempts to make star destroyer-like ships in other eras but they usually either come across as bad knockoffs or just lack any sort of character to them so they end up being forgettable.
Some discover ideology earlier than others. I myself have a tendency to stubbornness, too, but mostly when it comes to loss.
15 minutes to go?
It looks like something the Original Star Trek would be too embarrassed to have on the show.
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>There've been attempts to make star destroyer-like ships in other eras but they usually either come across as bad knockoffs or just lack any sort of character to them so they end up being forgettable.
This is why I didn't like the First Order's take on it. There's nothing distinct about it. It doesn't have a unique profile or anything about it that really makes it stand out. It's just a big triangle with some stuff on it. It looks like something out of TOR.
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hopefully we get to see some MC80s again

This is pretty much what goes through my head every time I think of starkiller base
>but my death star is BIGGER
>and it shoots SIX LASERS AT ONCE
>and it EATS SUNS
As far as we can tell. Then the waiting game begins.
didn't the books also want us to believe that the ship was around during time of the 1st and 2nd death stars? so stupid.
It doesn't help that they pretty much do this in the movie
>okay so it's another Death Star
/swco/, what will it be? What will they find on geonosis? Besides bug spray and an obscure reference to Death Star. Or will they actually get to know of it?
I'm sure our old friend whose name I've forgotten already knows of it.
any downloads yet?
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>le two jedi two sith meemay xb


They won't find anything conclusive about the Death Star, probably just evidence that something big happened and that one Geonosian survivor probably doesn't know enough to tell them exactly what it was, other than a big ball.
They'll find a cliffhanger.

All good things to those who wait.
Nothing in TFA has anything sticking to it, design wise. Episode VIII seems to have, though.. A casino world.
in the context of the OT, balance meant luke defeating the emperor and redeeming vader

so there would be no dark jedi at all
What makes it even funnier is that for all their attempts to build it up, aside from some gasps when they see the comparison nobody really treats it as a huge deal- Han's already got a "pfft so what" attitude at the meeting, Leia's reaction to the entire thing is just mild concern, and every other speaking character just acts like it's just some base they're attacking.
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>Nothing in TFA has anything sticking to it, design wise
Really sad that Rogue One did a better job with designs despite having less reason to deviate from existing stuff. Look at this thing. It's a fucking flying brick.
I don't know, I find it endearing. Look at its little "legs" and the mishievous blue lights/eyes.
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And there's a reason for that.
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You know what's even sadder? The setpiece they used for the cargo shuttle in RO is literally just the one for the lander in TFA, like the exact same prop pieces.
>the rebels dont get a space higgins
this is a travesty
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Only JJ Abrams would choose something so unfitting for the first scene of the bad guys killing a whole village.

What is the point of making a reference if there is no context, or the context is absurd?
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> Karina edition and I haven't praised her
Forgive me, my queen.
Rogue Squadron had Imperial attack boats in Corellia. Don't remember exactly what they looked like..
>o no a space vessel from the same manufacturer vaguely looks alike how sad
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Is Vos and Ventress still canon? It's a pity that we didnt get to see Ventress' growth animated
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Did somebody say
I don't know, the tiny tower was kind of cute. I want to see one flying along only for the pilot to accidentally sheer off his own control tower while landing in a Star Destroyers bay leaving the main body filled with soldiers plummeting to their doom.
I think his point is that one of them made a decent ship design using the same set piece
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Of course, and I am overwhelmed by your majesty, as always.
why would it be un-canoned
So, is it up on WatchDisneyXD yet?
No idea, but I believe the summoning ritual is in order

Not yet on their on demand, at least on my end.

Maybe someone else has better luck
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Here's the REAL fucked up thing:
Lorewise, in the OT the empire didn't have dedicated troop landing crafts.
The clone troopers had two, the separatist droids had several.

But the empire only had AT-AT's.
A cargo carrier would pick up the AT-AT, fly it down and drop it onto the planet carrying troopers inside. If the planet was unsuitable for an AT-AT, like a world of mostly water, then tough fucking luck my son.

It's bizarre that this was never considered. The OT Empire had no way of reliably delivering troops to the frontlines. Maybe because they never fought a full-scale land war outside of Hoth.
In any case, a weird as fuck oversight which Rogue One remedies it a little. The rebels at least get the U-wing dropship, but what does the Empire have?

Another cargo transport.
I would assume anon was hoping for mercy.

Dave has none. Neither does Disney.
will it be explained how Saw ages like 30 years between rebels and rogue one
Isn't that what the sentinel-class was for, though?

im watching it right now on the website, logged in with my comcast account
He doesn't. The only real difference is he grows his hair out and apparently puts on some weight.
loosing your lower body and breathing functions is a lot of stress for your body that results in faster aging.
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Probably the Xenomorph Queen, which is the first time I recall that design popping up in Scifi, but both are not too far from the real design of the original inspiration for those structures to begin with.
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>That boy was our last hope
>No, there is another
Eh, he looks more bedraggled but not that much older. I think the Geonosian insecticide really fucked him up.
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Not in canon.

In Legends they had great stuff.
But that's a Rebels craft and not in the OT, and the Lambda was a tiny shuttle for officers.
This indeed sadly
Technically it is in the OT, though. It was created for the special edition.

Plus other than possibly Hoth, we didn't really have any scenarios in the OT that would've required a troop carrier.
finished part 1, it was just ok. Better than a lot of the shit we got in the latter parts of the first half of the season though
And people said the EU was stupid
>have massive army of millions
>no way to field them other than shuttling them in groups of 20 in lambdas

I imagine two pilots looking out of their cockpit to the endless rows of stormtroopers, then each other as one goes "it's gonna be a long fucking night."
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Imma just leave this here.
so basically what always happens to Y-Wings
Y-wings are strike fighters, more for blowing thigns up then dogfighting
>return to genosis

So you're mad that they never showed a troop carrier in the OT itself, even though we never had a situation where one was needed, and one does actually exist.

I'm not sure what you're mad about.
So what exactly is a hyperspace lane?
better point, he should be using the letters instead of the little pictograms. XXYYXXUUXYAAXYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Its process of invention was, but the research station was lost in its hidden black hole cluster. They weren't even aware Tarkin had died. The actual situation of the research station was hilarious even if the flying icecream cone of death.
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I'm glad, I think the bugs are cute. Someone redeem the PT era by giving them a return.
The clearest route between point X and point Y with the fewest possible obstacles that would require detours and therefore delay transit.
Technically they never actually arrived at Geonosis. They saw some junk orbiting, did a scan of the planet, but didn't actually go down to the surface.
>redeem the PT era

TCW already did that
>We've given you an ejector seat in case you need to bail your ship
>In space? And then what?
>Well you wait for rescue provided your locator beacon is still functioning
>I have roughly 60 minutes of air in this thing you do realize?
>Just hope we finish the battle quickly and that we win, then
Ah, okay. That makes sense.
At least you had 60 minutes. None of those X-Wing jockeys that perished at Yavin got that.
Crap, had a brainfart. Meant the ST, sequal era.
You're forgetting: Also mapped completely and used by so many vessels that you have to announce your ships presence before using it, unless you want to ram into someone at hyperspeed.

All ships in a lane need to emit their signal so other ships can autocorrect their cause to prevent collisions.

In the rest of space it's less of a deal.
Probably, if they're anything like the ancient Greeks, pederasty is probably pretty common in Jediism
yeah, but at least they had personality.
Yeah, I'd love to see those cuties in the ST.
EU = Legends
You don't want to die.
I know, and people thought it was stupid, yet in the EU there was a ton of stuff that made sense
Sabine: "Stupid sand, it gets everywhere."

From part 2
Anakin might have been a wet cumqueef but he was 100% devoted to his secret wife. So it's fair to say that he wouldn't have, and didn't have any sexual contact with Ahsoka.

She was probably wet in his presence multiple times until she also started realizing he had the mental attitude and personality of someone younger than herself. The only character she actually shows some real romantic interest in is Lux Bonteri, and that was pretty benign too.

As far as I'm concerned, the seal remains unbroken.
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I didn't say 'Sith', I said the 'Dark Side'. It can be the Sith, the Sisterhood, the Knights of Ren, the Dark Side will always exist, whoever chooses to use it.

Likewise the light can belong to whomever. The Jedi just seem to be the posterchild for it through the whole franchise. Unless you include those shaman things from Rebels...

2 Jedi? 2 Sith? What are you talking about? Why are you having such a hissy fit?
They should call them S wings. For Suicide.
>lots of armor, lots of shield
its what you ride when you dont like dying

if you want to live fast, die young, take the A-wing
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>the seal remains unbroken.
I wouldn't say that...
Pretty sure she did it with Rex.
Then >>88950904
was a poor example. That doesn't say 'great' that says 'shoot this'.
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>the balance of the force
People seem pretty convinced that this means a balance between bad and good. But what if the Jedi are actually implying that the force is only in balance when the dark side is completely destroyed?
That is exactly what the Jedi are implying, they are no better than the Sith. The galaxy would be better off without space wizards running around with laser swords
Then the Jedi way of thinking is flawed. The Dark Side is fueled by emotion. It will only be gone when all emotion is gone.

You can destroy all Dark Side users, but the Dark Side of the Force still exists, and others will inevitably fall to it.
I think this is kind of stupid too. I think you can only have balance when no one abuses the force at all. Monks like the Whills, sure, but no Crusader Wizard-knights.
They could use another chance, especially if the writers would do social insects properly. Ants have civil wars all the time to determine who gets to be queen... of course the brain worms are another matter entirely.
That's what the Jedi thinks balance means, but that doesn't make them right.

According to a lot of the background material recently recanonized in Catalyst, Geonosians tend to war among themselves unless they're given something else to occupy their time, like building stuff.
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The galaxy would be better off if all force users were grey.
The galaxy would be better off if all force users were in a grave*

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Yeah thanks for the link bro.
Even in new canon I'm pretty sure it's impossible for anything in hyperspace ti impact fatally with anything smaller than a large asteroid.

Doesn't really say "Shoot this" any more than a TIE, it's supposed to fill the ARC/Y-Wing's advance scout/occasional strikefighter role by hypering in in front of the fleet/beside it so there's at least some fighters already outside the ship covering the hangar while the rest emerge.
Hey man, what you just wrote is absolutely disgusting in at least a half dozen different alien languages.
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this qt
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Oh, that makes me glad. It's been a while since I've looked into anything SW related.
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>meahwhile in american ukraine

yeahh yeaahh we know.. go sleep you are drunk
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>mfw we wait for nearly a month for filler
is that Sloane?
>black skin
>blue/purple eyes
And they're meant to be human?
I wish Ezra had normal colored eyes too.

I dont believe they ever said her name
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>normal colored eyes
>Doesn't really say "Shoot this" any more than a TIE
Oh yes it does
>5 superfluous wings
>Rectangular box
>Slow as fuck
That's a huge target, much larger than one created by a TIE.

>it's supposed to fill the ARC/Y-Wing's advance scout/occasional strikefighter role
Or just use a TIE Fighter, Bomber, and Striker instead of putting everything into a single vessel that's the ship equivalent of a fat kid on a tricycle.
Anon, Ezra's hair colour and Aresko's entire face aren't quite human either. You can't throw humanity onto various planets with alien particles and different kinds of pollution and think we'll all look the same.

Be glad they're all fairly normal looking and there's not an abundance of tumors or horrific injury shown.
You're damn fucking skippy since we know they have to keep shutting off his medical droid so it doesn't "build a case" for withholding treatment. He's completely and utterly fucked up, dying, but refusing to die, using meds at doses and time intervals that are seriously not recommend, and practically reduced to Vader levels of being classifiable as a walking iron lung.

Its still not playing jerkwad
I finished it. Nothing of significance happens....well, one thing. But it will probably never be spoken of again in canon material
>He doubts our lord and savior Canderous
If this filler bullshit continues much longer I'm probably just gonna drop the show
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ironically they became slave race of empire building death star and star destroyers.
>I'm probably just gonna drop the show
No you're not.
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Yeah, I am.

Only reason I'm still watching is because i recently just binged watched most of season 2 and all of the new season 3 episodes. It was a slog to get through and if things don't turn around theres no way I'm continuing.
>binged watched
Don't deliberately out yourself as being under 18 on 4chan.
It's against the rules.
any word on the release yet?
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Doesn't surprise. The fight between the 501st and Pong Krell was supposedly inspired by Predator.
Oh I'm about to release alright
All over Ahsonka's orange BUNS
rex, go home
I can't im drunk
How much i hated this guy...
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Also this

>That's a huge target, much larger than one created by a TIE
I've PLAYED TIE Righter, it's really not that big a ship.

>>it's supposed to fill the ARC/Y-Wing's advance scout/occasional strikefighter role
>Or just use a TIE Fighter, Bomber, and Striker instead of putting everything into a single vessel that's the ship equivalent of a fat kid on a tricycle.
Hyperspace and shields, plus Ion cannons for its secondary role as essentially a police ship.
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>TIE Righter
Stop browsing 4chan on your phone.
delet this
Does anyone have the Darth Plagueis/Muun speak greentext at hand?
Her name is Captain Brunson
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Huh, I thought imperial warships used green, I know infantry is almost always red but usually ships and fighters were all green.
Not even on a phone I just suck.

Is this a joke or is there already stuff on the website?
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Her name is Captain Brunson!
Plagueis was killed like 20 years before TPM in new canon, he has nothing to do with Anakin's conception direct or indirect.

Yes him being Snoke makes the most sense and would link the tree trilogies and would be cool but it's not going to happen.
It's what was listed in the credits at the end
End credits
It was in the credits of the episode.
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I want to tie up Klik-Klak and do sexual things to him while he helplessly squirms
bug is for hug, not for fug
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Rebels Steela looks great.

I am retarded.
what PS2 game is this?
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It's Ezra in drag
bug is for dead, not for head
Okay but I'm still gonna fuck him first
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Shit, they did sorta give her his freaky nose-bridge.

New thread
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