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No threads about X-Men Blue and Gold creative teams? They're

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No threads about X-Men Blue and Gold creative teams? They're garbage

>“X-Men Gold,” written by Marc Guggenheim with art by Ardian Syaf, will star Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Old Man Logan and Rachel Grey, with Kitty Pryde as team leader.

>“X-Men Blue,” written by Cullen Bunn with art by Jorge Molina, stars the time-tossed team of Cyclops, Iceman, Beast and Angel, with Magneto as their mentor-figure. Jean Grey will be present as well, but in “Blue,” she’s taking on the mantle of leader for the first time.

Magneto mentoring the O5 is such a fucking great idea and I'm mad it's Bunn.
Guggenheim is one of the worst but that line up is platonic ideal. Kitty as leader is fine
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Hell yeah.

Blue has me interested honestly despite me not liking Bunn. Gold I will pray for a new team ASAP.
>Marc Guggenheim
>Ardian Syaf
>Cullen Bunn
>Jorge Molina
Yawned so hard my jaw squeaked
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>kitty and jean as team le8

that's better than my reaction of horror.

Maybe Bunn will leave Uncanny and someone great will take that book
Thankfully Nightcrawler was spared the indignity of a lame new costume.

everyone but Rachel is just in a classic suit
is uncanny even continuing I was under the impression this was a relaunch of the x-men books
lmao gross
How long have Colossus and Storm had those costumes? Storm's is weirdly asymmetrical vertically and Colossus has armpit holes for some reason.
I don't even know what you do at this point. I had faith in this relaunch depending on the creators because of the number and depth of titles. But it needs to actually be a new thing, not a "yearly relaunch" of new numbers. The X-Men books have been absolutely dogshit for years now. Scrap your existing creators and get something new, with a hook. Only the Bunn book has a hook and it's fucking Bunn.

Yeah, I think both it and Extraordinary. There's no indication they've been cancelled and imo Uncanny is one of those core, always published books.
The Inhumans get Al Ewing, Saladin Ahmed, and Matthew Rosenberg

X-Books get stuck with Guggenheim? How did they choose someone worse than Lemire?

Pretty sure they're new in that they're different from what they're wearing now but the costumes are super classic inspired.

Storm's does look off. Those armput holes are hilarious, how else would you tell it's an X!

I don't like Rachel's Scarlet Witch thing instead of her markings.
Gold has a really boring lineup and creative team. I might give blue a try.

The Inhuman royalty book looked way more intriguing and I never thought I would say that
These are so deflating, wow.
These were the least interesting out of the books announced.

Hopefully Cable, Generation X and Weapon X will be good.

Iceman and Jean Grey never stood a chance
>stars the time-tossed team of Cyclops, Iceman, Beast and Angel, with Magneto as their mentor-figure
Someone post the picture of what-if
Did Icetwink shave his head?
>Cyclops, Iceman, Beast and Angel, with Magneto as their mentor-figure
Now Erik is the new Charles?
So Cyclops is going to be on 2 teams at once? I see he's been learning from Wolverine.
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Thank God, since Rachel's costumes are usually horrible. I'm not sure what that black thing around her eyes is supposed to be, but the cape with Cyborg 009 buttons looks interesting.
He's probably just in "ice-form" while still wearing a jacket and pants.
Inumans are getting a show, so Marvel's giving them all the attention, X-Men they just keep around to sell comics once in a while when not making movies.
Fuck. His Young X-Men was fucking terrible.
That's kinda nice, but then it's still a fucking O5 book. Does he still keep Uncanny?
>Magneto as their mentor-figure
Now that's an interesting twist. I hope this doesn't mean Uncanny is cancelled. If it is, this is a downgrade in every respect. Well ok, Molina is lightyears ahead of Land.
Wait, who the fuck is that in the bottom ri-
Who the fuck is that?
>Rachel Grey
Holy shit, that's a fucking terrible design for her.
Why did Storm have to be on Gold? She fucking sucks.

Honestly Bunn can do no wrong for me, love his Magneto.
>Does he still keep Uncanny?
I like Bunn, a lot, but he's pooped out some true turds.
Anon, it's pretty obvious that Extraordinary is getting relaunched into Gold. ANXM is getting relaunched into Blue.
>>The Inhuman royalty book looked way more intriguing and I never thought I would say that
It helps that Royals is an actual Inhumans book and not the "Hey guys check it out, they're like the X-men but worse in every way!" that Soule has been shitting out for years now.
He's definitely pooped out a lotta shit, but his Magneto has always been great. Both in the ongoing and in Uncanny. Hopefully it's a Magneto book with the O5 as supporting cast and not the other way around.
I think it's be one of those split books. So we'll get a few pages of Mags, then some of the O5. I mean, as much of a Magsfag as he is, I can't see him neglecting him for some whelps.
>Trash creative team, boring line-up so far, though I like Kurt and Rachel.
>Fucking O5 again. This time with Mags

I never thought I'd say this, but if they want to shove Jean down our throaths I'd rather have adult Jean than this insufferable cunt.

Let's hope Gen X and Weapon X are more interesting than this.
Blue honestly has a genuinely interesting hook if Bunn follows up on it - exploring how the O5 feel about the ultimate Evil Mutant Magneto being their ally and mentor's pretty interesting.

I fucking hate the O5 and Bunn's good exactly half the time, so I'm not thrilled by this, but it's one I'll pick up if it gets good reviews.
Has there been a time "Resurrection" actually was a massive improvement and not just a rebranding?
At least the art looks great.
looks awful
what happend to future angel did his wings changed?
Is anyone else extremely tired of the time-displaced X-men? I mean, it was an ok storyline for a minute but now its painful to read. These are some of the most important characters in the Marvel history and yet they go on dangerous missions as if their deaths wouldn't cause huge changes to the timeline and everyone is ok with it? In a world where Cpt. Marvel, a member of the Ultimates, cracks down on crime before it happens, she's not gonna deal with huge threats to the space/time continumn?
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>Kitty is the leader of the X-Men
>Teen Jean leader of the O5
>Old Man Logan is on the team
>the O5 are still around
>Xavier is still dead

I've given up, I'm so done.
Killing Cyclops for no real reason pissed me off, killing him by an Inhuman in a fucking stupid MCU vs FOX storyline made me madder.

This is the final nail, the characters and teams are fucking awful, the O5 have long since been just the worst AND the fucking writers are just ass. I think I'm done buying Marvel comics, they've killed my thrill for Marvel comics. No joke, I'm cancelling my entire pull tomorrow.
>kill all the popular X-Men, kill Wolverine, bring him back as Old

kek are X-Men comics dead?
It's going to be a book dedicated to Magneto slapping her down whenever she does stupid psychic things.
If you go on most of the other comic book news/media sites and read the comments. It's good to see everyone else hates this. GOOD.
Auto-pilot corpse soldier
I like Gold's line up.

I would have included Rogue and Gambit.

>Kitty has a dyke cut too


At least she's, y'know, actually bisexual so it would be less out of place on her

and looking at that cover honestly it looks like she has the same kind of hair as Rachael rather than Carol's shitty haircut
For me, if they're gonna insist on keeping Old Man Logan around instead of bringing back present Logan, at least give him the jacket Logan wore in New X-Men. He looks ridiculous being surrounded by people in uniforms while he just wears street cloths
Rachel and Kitty on the same team again? YES!
Somewhere Karma is slitting her wrists
Why doesn't Karma simply kill herself?

Iceman and Jean have an equal chance to be great bc it could be totally different. Outside chance
How the fuck is Jean going to lead? She might be the most powerful but she's always been a retard. And how in the fuck can Cyke's dude Magento let Tyke continue to squander his potential like this?

You want to know what kind of book I'd like ? Magneto taking just young Scott under his wing and bringing the man out if him, or just burn off the bitch he's been impersonating.
I know right. As if she sucks anything other than inhuman dick.
Q: Why doesn't every mutant that has suck for life?
A: Because they've never known any better.
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Best girl is going to die in IvX, isn't she?
Marvel really needs to pull the trigger on all those "wink-wink" gay characters now that Bobby's broken the ice.
I'm talking Storm, Kitty, Rachel, Magik, Beast needs to get caught with those garters he's always bragging about, the Maximoff twins need to finally get caught in bed together, the whole shebang.
No. Nononononono. Nooooo.
No way.
Because that demon thing that's been impersonating Illyana was never actually a living thing to begin with.

Gold is Extraordinary renamed. She'll probably show up there.
Her being cunty ever since turning on Scott after he died leads me to believe she died months ago. As good as.

Is that the same douche that likes ollicity? Jesus why would you make a thread with that name in it.
Fuck you mang, the Darkchild Was Just Illyana being honest and open with herself. I bet Blackbolt kills her. I'm going to be so fucking g mad...
I doubt it, it looks like they replaced her for Rachel, also Rockslide and the other mutie kids were the whole reason I was following Extraordinary. Without them I don't give a single fuck for anyone on either team.
Naw, if she were dead she wouldn't be questioning what Emma was up to, and X-Haven would have been swallowed up by Limbo.
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At least she's turned her attentions back to seducing her brother. That's something.

I mean she'll probably be in that book just not in the main cast

I have to admit, it will be strange not having her in a flagship. She's been in all of them 2011.
Rockslide wasn't in Extraordinary.

You seem to have made the same mistake Lemire did and are confusing Rockslide for Glob Herman
I hope gen x has hope and some of the other kids from generation hope she's my favourite. at the very least have her show up in cable
So Marvel's gone from figurative ways to kill off people's interest in the X-Men to literal ways...
>Wanting Generation Hope
You deserve Hopeless
The Limbo refugee camp demon battle during the Sinister arc, he was in the defending student's ranks.
He wasn't in it as much as Glob, but he was there for a few panels with Eyeboy and Shark Girl I think, but they didn't get stuck in Omega World with Glob, No-Girl, Anole, and Ernst.
You say this shitposty type thing, but here you are on the X-fan thread... Hypocrite much?
Wut? Not him, but if you fight for them dropping some scraps in the dirt for you, you might be a punk.
I did not spot Shark-girl.
They really need another classroom/bunker/rolecall scene so we can figure out who's were these days.
I might be getting that mixed up with Spider-Man and the X-Men, but I'm pretty sure you could spot her and Santo in issue 1.

I want Hope back but I'd just rather her in X-Force, or failing that with Cable.

The kids from her gen still alive I don't really miss.
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No man, punks have stupid blue mohawks and nearly murder every member of Storm's team that flies.
Punks are members of knock-off mutant groups who are okay with gassing minority populations.
A punk doesn't know why mutants are homo-SUPERIOR.
I'm no punk.
A punk is what they call the guy they fuck in prison. A sloght coinicidence, here you're defending the people fucking mutants over. There's nothing good about the state of the xmen lately.

Marvel did this.
She showed up in (ugh...) All-New' during the Apocalypse Jr. birthday party. You thinking of that?
Oh grow up, Ernst!
Wishing away the very people who provide us all X-Men goodness, such as it is, is the kind of monkey's paw assholery that will one day put Mickey Mouse in charge.
Oh no, god forbid someone else fuck over the property.
first time my favorite line-up is used in years and it's the wrong fucking wolverine
Oh hell no, I avoid that comic like I avoid any comic that stars Bendis' OCs

No kidding, why the fuck is it not Laura
You ... *wanted* the Knock-off Lauraverine?
I'm so glad they're ditching the awful ANAD Storm look. I even like the Stormhawk but something about that one did not do it for me.
Pretty sure he meant young man logan. I prefer Laura to be called X-23 but hey thats just me personally.
Why not Talon? It's a way better name than Wolverine or X-23
Because X-23 is her slave name and Talon sounds like a bird.
>Talon sounds like a bird
That's the point anon, did you not read Innocence Lost and Target X?
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The mohawk is love. Punk lesbian love, that's what you don't understand.
Maybe this won't be terrible?
"X-23" sounds/feels way too sterile to be the character, even as a killing machine Laura had passion and depth.

you guys sound like waifufags.
So Lemire is completely out as the one in charge?

What an ignoble run that was.
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Do we remember what happened the last time everyone was wearing X-jackets?
That's why people who were on good terms with her addressed her by her name, not her label
no not laura u goobers
the real wolverine the one they "killed" off
There's a good reason for that.

But then wouldn't they need Magneto on the team to levitate the adamantium statue around everywhere?

Death of X might have had heinously bad art, especially of the Cuckoos (I think I'm going to be haunted by what that guy did to Irma) but I did like their uniforms in that.

Especially Phoebe even making her costume Jean like.
No. I referring more to the fact that Bunn is only terrible half of the time
magneto + kitty can remove him from the adamantium shell for a proper burial
he comes back to life (obviously) and rises from the grave pissed as hell without the memory of the last ten years of x-men bullshit
Phoebe's been a redhead stalker forever, she even had a creepy Hope crush going on at one point.
As far as Cuckoo personality goes, it's better than just being Celeste's second banana, but it's not a sign of good mental health.
He hasn't been "dead" for even five years, and that's not taking Marvel-time into consideration.
I have grown to be completely disinterest in the continued existence of Kitty Pryde as a character. Her leading the team is an instant turn off.

And fuck these assholes, why do the still fucking exist?
The last time these characters were good, they were still being written by Jeff Parker in a dubiously canon side series.
Anon, neither of them are going to be lesbians, no matter how much you want it to happen.

They left him in the shell and put it in what amounts of a private hidden mausoleum because they know if they broke his body out and gave it a proper burial some fuck would come looking to steal his DNA again and clone him.

It already happened once while he was still in the thing

Oh yeah, I mean I genuinely like that aspect of it. Celeste having to put up with having two sisters who actually *like* Jean and one who seems to be going out of her way to make a deal of it.
How does Old Man Logan fit in with the others? I've only read OML and first few issues of Extraordinary. Seems kind of dumb throwing him into the regular 616 universe.
Is Jean going to cuck Scott with Hank again?
>" Why can't they be ruined for everyone!?"

... To answer your question: Only two of them still exist.
The gay icepop and the blue furry race-traitor are all that remains.
So they HAVE already been ruined for everyone.
Good thing too, the way they were all killed off and such, because you hate things...

it isn't cucking because she and Scott aren't a thing
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I don't think Mindi-...Irm-...whoever-the-fuck is particularly "into" Jean, she's just the Cuckoo contrarian and seems to genuinely be a nice person.
That is one thing i'm glad Bendis did when bring her to the future, he broke Scott and Jean up. I'm so sick of all the soap opera drama between them, they're the most obnoxious couple ever.

Yeah, Irma is more just fairly chill and has no problem with Jean.

Phoebe straight up likes her.
I'm willing to read Blue. More Magneto is never a bad thing.
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All of this is straight-up crazy hilarious when you think about their origins.
nah i'm talking about brain damage from being "dead" for so long
fine since some hack writer already fucked that idea, make apocalypse do it
Sorry Bub, that's not Mags', that's Bobby with a smooth head.
Did you even read the OP or is reading too hard for you?

>Brain damage.

Good point. He could be back to full-on feral killer animal crazy reboot when they pull him out...
They're already re-traumatizing Laura back into the "X-23" escaped murderbot girl that she first showed p as.
It could be a "back to basics thing across the board with the O5 and Blue/Gold teams, GenX returning and somebody getting ressure(X)ioned.
this guy gets it
>They're already re-traumatizing Laura back into the "X-23" escaped murderbot girl that she first showed p as.

She just recently got Trigger Scent'd again and not only didn't come out traumatized, the people around her logically knew what had happened rather than assuming she murderized people

So nah.
so which will we get tomorrow

Friend, there is a whole event that needs to take place before we get to the event these books are part of.

They're months away.
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>Cullen Bunn

Jesus fucking Christ
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>“X-Men Gold,” written by Marc Guggenheim with art by Ardian Syaf
Well... at least it's not Ramos. And Lemire's team stuff hasn't been great
>will star Storm
>Colossus, Nightcrawler, Old Man Logan and Rachel Grey
mm, ok
>with Kitty Pryde as team leader

>“X-Men Blue,” written by Cullen Bunn with art by Jorge Molina
UXM has been the best X-book this last year so makes sense to have Bunn continue on one
>stars the time-tossed team of Cyclops, Iceman, Beast and Angel
>with Magneto as their mentor-figure
mm ok...
>Jean Grey will be present as well, but in “Blue,” she’s taking on the mantle of leader for the first time.
New Young Avengers and Runaways when?
Fuck you, Bendis.

It'd also be great if OML had something of a personality beyond grumpy trigger happy grandpa who occasionally mopes. I mean jesus, you could do so much with him trying to be less violent, trying to keep from getting attached or feeling alienated and out of place from everything because it feels like ancient history to him, but nope, he's like a chinese knock off diet pepsi version of Wolverine who goes grrr and snikts his claws.
>Good point. He could be back to full-on feral killer animal crazy reboot when they pull him out...

No. No! Who the fuck wants to see post-Wolverine #100 snot-nose snitkbub era brought back?

people complain about Laura not being an autistic woobie every other day, are you surprised there would be people who want to destroy Logan's character development in the same way?
He's not that off, aside from the old post dystopia stuff, he's basically the Wolverine of the early '80s before the James Howlett memories or the schism school.
It helps if that era was your first taste off him.

Noses are over-rated. -KEK ... (the '90s)
Think/Hope/Pray more like a berserker rage classic angry wounded animal Logan like he was before he became domesticated within the X-Men franchise.
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Why would they complain about that when they can just wait until the next creative team gets a hold of Laura?
>the books will be twice monthly
Marvel once again trying to ride DC's coat tails.
I honestly don't understand why those types wouldn't be happy with OldieLogan and his flashback to a simpler Logan of the past.

Laura I get, we/they were introduced to borderline autistic traumatized professional killer sex slavery victim Laura, not "B.R.B. - I got a hunky rich boyfriend" Laura.
She used to be the darkest character in a book with Wither: the mutant boy with the death/decay touch. Darkest by far.

I got the feeling that current Uncanny will be replaced (spiritually) by Weapon X.

and maybe we'll get a NEW Uncanny book with a more classic take (to separate it from the borderline x-force Bunn had it as)
Announcing Resurrexion in middle of JLA hype was lost on you?
>future angel
It's not the first time.
>>the books will be twice monthly
It's not as if Marlel hasn't been double shipping things for YEARS now.

they did seem to slow down on that post-secret wars.
I think Deadpool and ASM were the only books really double shipping most months for the past year.
>Laura I get, we/they were introduced to borderline autistic traumatized professional killer sex slavery victim Laura, not "B.R.B. - I got a hunky rich boyfriend" Laura.

plus the fact that she was genuinely transitioning into normality, and they just went "fuck it" and skipped her straight to generic teenager.

oh god. please let this be real. mags slapping her shit bright noah style would be the best shit ever
>Not even my Professor X hit me!
Because X-books totally need another nail in the coffin.
There was JLA hype?
Why? Is Superman going to start wearing a cape again? Is Batman no longer going to be Jim Gordon in a robot's butt? Are all three Jokers guest-starring as the villains?
O ... M ... G ... DC is cutting the edge!
>plus the fact that she was genuinely transitioning into normality, and they just went "fuck it" and skipped her straight to generic teenager.

if you actually think this, you probably don't read comic books
Bunn has written Magneto being violent to grils and he's still employed.
People actually cared about any title in the relaunch outside of Gen X?
Isn't that the book with the return of pre 52 Lobo, and a bunch of other super powered meta humans, being led by Batman?

jeans been going around unchecked for too long. someone needs to do something about that chick

How about Magneto just finds a way to sacrifice Young Scott to bring back Rightclops.
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>Bunn won't be writing Rachel (Prestige)
That's all I wanted. Mags and Rachel doing kinda shady things to keep mutants safe while beating the ever loving fuck outta mooks.
>needing to anything other than calling Triage
If I was writing her I'd have her say one too many "B.R.B."s and just have a nervous breakdown, like a sane person would eventually do when spending all their days pretending to be an idiot.

I don't read it because Land but didn't Rachel actually show up Bunn's Uncanny?
You just know the very first storyline will be "who here's going to turn into a villain, and how do we stop it?"
then everyone slowly looks over at Tykeclops.
No. CWII: X-Men.
>didn't Rachel actually show up Bunn's Uncanny?
No, she was in the CWII tie-in.

It was perfect, except for the shit tier art. At least Land traces humans.
Hahaha, classic Marvel! Can we use "Hitler" in some sentence for epic win?
I liked Guggenheim's recent Rocketeer, but I don't expect much
I would like to say this about Bunn:
While his plots may often be kinda meh, he, for the most part, has a really good knack for nailing a character's "voice".
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That was a really disappointing tie-in.
It sorta was just the cold war before IvX, but Magneto doesn't do half-measures ... so WTF?
And beyond proving to us that Rachel was still alive, why was she in it?
What did that storyline do for her development?
It's just...
>does nothing
>two days later Emma drops by
Just watch him get humiliated by Inhumans with sidecuts and brown skin.
As for Rachel it did nothing except show her, ready for new book.
This isn't /pol/
Shove that back up your ass

Ah, just had a feeling she showed up on Mags side somewhere.
>Magneto doesn't do half-measures
He got Rach's help on the condition he wouldn't kill the kid.

And beyond proving to us that Rachel was still alive, why was she in it?
To BTFO 95+% of the Inhuman nation.

>What did that storyline do for her development?
Showed that she is Right.

so what did I miss in between the murder island she was on and her appearance in All New X-Men?

>Showed that she is Right.

It's not an inherited condition!
Have we learned nothing from the existence of every other Summers relative?

but all Summers are RIGHT.
except maybe the exception of Havok...
>It's not an inherited condition!
True, but Rachel has proven how right she is many times over.

Who is that?

Was Vulcan /right/?
We didn't know anything about the books, including creative teams.

Hell, you're just assuming Gen X will be any good.
Odds are more in favor of Hopeless writing it and making Idie the sole focus character.
As far as I can remember after she was kicked off of X-Force her only thing was her self-titled book and that "Wolverines" travesty.

As ugly as this truth is, it looks like becoming Lauraverine saved her from the Marvel writer's memory hole.
Only one Summers is RIGHT in a generation.
Rachel and Cable cheated the system by being from different timelines.
It'll be the best book and it'll BTFO every other comic. Ever!
>tfw it's Hopeless/Land but it's OK, it has muh waifu
I think it's worth noting that her Wolverine book is the second-highest selling X-Book, just barely lagging behind Uncanny.

These guys are no better than the CBR readers getting excited for Gold.
>As far as I can remember
If you actually think this then you probably don't read comics.
>gassing people
>sterilizing survivors
You sure?
>These guys are no better than the CBR readers getting excited for Gold.
Damage Control was strong yesterday there.
>well, I am fan of O5!
I endorse this.

Who is the most right?
My vote is for Cable.
>actually being on team with Inhuman and teaching her how to use telepathy
Not in this lifetime.
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Rachel vetoed the Emma ship.
So we know Rachel is capable of Wrong.

And you forgot how Wrong Corsair's fashion choices are.
... Oh, and to a lesser extent of Wrong : his parenting choices.
>being a flamboyant space pirate who fucks skunk women
>not 100% right
Man, if anything, having a book with Hopeless in control of your waifu should be the least okay thing,
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>Rachel vetoed the Emma ship.
She came around.

>his parenting choices.
Not letting your kid be raised by Sinister

NOT MUH Cable. Fucking Duggan completely blew it on that.
>so what did I miss in between the murder island she was on and her appearance in All New X-Men?

From memory -

She showed up temporarily amnesiac from the injuries Hazmat inflicted on her, was taken in by Kitty's X-Men team and the O5, generally wrests with wanting to be part of a team and being failed by said team when young Scott peaces out and heads into space.

She eventually walked out on that team for a while in dismay after Logan's death, had a story when an encounter with a depowered terminally ill mutant still trying to be heroic teaches her to value the symbol that Logan was

She was then in a book with a bunch of Logan's rogues where they were forced to work together for reasons. She ended up on good terms with Daken in this, pretty much openly becomes to most worthy to carry on for Logan, book ended abruptly because of Secret Wars. Short version Mystique allowed the universe to end rather than potentially save it out of spite.

Then she's back in her solo as Wolverine where she's good, and All-New where she's really badly written in a way that completely conflicts with her solo.
That's what we're saying.
These people will take any bullshit so long as their waifu gets to do something.

I mean, I'd say I have an actual goddamn crush on Dani Moonstar, but I'm still not enough of a faggot to buy that All New X-Men annual.
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Has Sinister interacted with the O5? He just cameo'd in the most recent UXM issue.
>that time Kid Loki gave his (?) DNA samples to Sinister because, unlike Doom, he uses only science and you need CHAOS MAGIC to clone God
I hope this goes somewhere good.
>These people will take any bullshit so long as their waifu gets to do something.

There are people who haven't learned yet that limbo is sometimes a kindness when comics are concerned?

I mean, shit, the number of times I've seen characters I like dusted off just to serve as cannon fodder or some kind of weird whipping boy...

I know Sinister made a shitty Inhuman clone of Cyke in Extraordinary but I don't think the O5 were around
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Just going by this and the other thread as litmus tests, it seems like Blue is actually winning in interest.

What the fugg?
If I got penny for every GET HYPE post when some of young mutants appears to get whacked, I'd be moderately rich.
>What the fugg?

Bunn and his solid history writing stuff featuring Magneto
Simply because of Bunn.
I still won't touch either of those books.
Where they had 0 interactions?
>Where they had 0 interactions?
Corsair - Space pirate with spectacular facial hair who defeats death with drugs
Scott - Rightclops
Cable - The Hero of Time
Rachel - The one true master of the Phoenix Force

X-Man, being as much a creation of Sinister as a son of Summers, has trouble mastering his rightness and seems to have forsaken it altogether.
Hope is adopted, so while she may have learned the ways of being right, she could never truly master it. Knowing this caused her to lash out in shame at her grandfather.

It's a genuine relief when minor characters I like seem completely forgotten.
Loa comes to mind.
>Simply because of Bunn.
That's kinda neat for Bunn actually.
Bunn is a capable X-Men writer.
Guggenheim is poison to everything he touches.
He's pretty much the entire reason we haven't had a proper X-Kids book in years.

Starring the O5 (led by Jean) is a MASSIVE mark against Blue, but Bunn continuing to write Magneto is better than Guggenheim trying to paint in the lines while ruining Rachel.
Mhm. I like how level-headed he seems to be. Even his Aquaman he went
>sorry guys, I had to write it, you'll suffer me only one trade and never again
Pretty bro, it looks like.
He's all but completely shed the bad rep he got for Fearless Defenders.

Sinestro, Magneto, and Uncanny X-Men are solid reads, and Harrow County is excellent.
>Scott - Rightclops
>Cable - The Hero of Time
>Rachel - The one true master of the Phoenix Force
>These three will never be in a book together EVER AGAIN.
y liv?

Well he's a Grey, not a Summers.
Arguably, she is also more Grey than Summers--that is if you subscribe to the Phoenix baby theory.
The fact that he's getting anyone on this sub to look at the O5 is incredible
I want all of the Summers/Grey kids to come together and use the Phoenix to bring Scott back to life.
Psynapse told Medusa and the Inhuman royal family to fuck off when they tried to recruit her and suggested burning the Terrigen cloud out of the sky before it could ruin anymore lives.

She may be boring af but she's one of the better nuhumans
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That's not best girl, but yeah, best girl is probably going to die....
>He's all but completely shed the bad rep he got for Fearless Defenders.
That book was so bad, holy shit. Granny daughter of Doom and Morgan triggered me.
>book in Marlel 2016+1 or death
I choose death.
He just brought her back in Merc For Money.

People tend to forget about the incredibly mediocre Deadpool stuff he's done for the last few years.
Oh, really? Is she still evil businesswoman?
>mediocre Deadpool stuff
Did it sell well?
>Oh, really? Is she still evil businesswoman?
Not sure. I skimmed it for Gorilla Man, then decided I didn't care enough to do even that.
>Did it sell well?
It's Deadpool.
His mediocre Deadpool stuff is balanced out by the fact that he's brought back fan favorite characters like Domino, Machine Man and Gorilla Man in it.

And Caroline Le Fay is just a shitty villain of the arc, she gets defeated and then we can move onto someone else. Fearless Defenders sucked because literally everything was masterminded by her. Also the lesbian archaeologist was obnoxious.

Is new Merc for Money series has been pretty great and cheesecake always helps.
Assume nothing about Hope's origins.
The Phoenix pulled Rachel across the multiverse because she reminded it of Jean, it made two identical Jeans from one when Jean was indecisive about becoming Phoenix, it rewrote it's and Jean's own history to have always been Jean when it decided it liked being Jean.
And I'm not even talking about the Scott obsession it has. It does weird things.

Hope could be Jean's reincarnation.
Hope could be the Phoenix reborn to rape Tykeclops.
Hope could be Scott's biological kid with the Phoenix.


I think, biology aside, Hope is beyond question a Summers, because she was raised by a Summers man who loves his Summers dad.
When I remember I shipped Kidclops and Hope when he appeared in 616...
I don't dislike Deadpool, but I fail to see the appeal that justifies that coverprice.
For god's sake, it's not like anything serious happens that's worthy of reading.
It's not even intended as canon half the time.
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I find that ridiculously wholesome.
Wish I could remember reasoning for it.
It was probably SQUICK moment.

I think most deadpool fans like the bottle episode nature of his stories. I think some of the serialized aspects that I miss were started under writers who are still carrying the flame, at least when editorial isn't overwriting what he's doing like Duggan carrying on Rememder's father/son relationship with evan/dp

That can also be a problem as well though, just look at how well shiklah went over, in reality only reason they pushed that so hard was to get howling commandos and her solo out there, both of which failed, and most people don't even like Shiklah with dp.

so his random adventures with new people have been a positive and who knows which is real 'storyline' for him half the time..

Dp hanging out with rogue was kind of a nice one off, and his other avengers stuff. Mercs for money is a lot better than when it started since that was basically a solo starter kit for all those failed solo books.

I think editorial using a brand they don't have movie rights to start other series to make new brands isn't fair to dp when half his stories have been hijacked to make more dosh for them.
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She exists for the future ex-wife jokes.

His ex-wife is a real demon joke is going to be popular.
Worked for Scott.
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>tfw Warren gets his wings on fire on the first mission
I want her to join a new Cabal or something

Be a major player among the villains
Yeah, I couldn't give a shit about the first MFM series, but Domino, Deadpool, Gorilla Man, Machine Man, NSW and Hit-Monkey is a pretty great lineup.
Also, uh, Masacre, I guess. Does anyone care about Masacre?
I liked Shiklah, honestly. Kind of a pity that it's over so soon.
How could we forgot all those great stories she had?
She was great in the movie. There's literally nothing wrong with synergy when it's done like this.
Nope, im holding out for the relaunch on uncanny x-men with a team of emma, magik, sunfire, cyclops, dr nemesis
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>Kitty as leader
Kurt and Piotr deserve better
Is Storm ending her disastrous term as Leader of the X-men if Kitty is running this team?
In the interviews they say Storm actively hands leadership over to Kitty
Because it is Outsiders book in disguise.

Yeah demon whore, just no.

Magik had a thing with Leah on that one Secret Wars story on the wall with Abigail Brandt being all Nick Fury.

As for Kitty all the waifufag writers at Marvel would have a melt down if their precious kittyfu exclusively likes women or is even bisexual.
An Inhuman who hates the Terrigen cloud for ruining her life and messing up her dad and told the Inhuman Royal family to fuck off? Why not?
Yeah, no hype for that at all, the list of characters looked great until you add in Batman, that killed all of my hype.
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>Angel gets a sword
>Beast gets Wolverine claws
>Jean gets a sexier outfit
Shit nigga, Magneto's X-men seems pretty tight.
>literally just the new xmen
>Does anyone care about Masacre?
I thought the "spanish Deadpool" joke was funny at first but it's quickly worn out its welcome.
>go as far as giving them the classic costumes
>shove OML in
>anything with the O5
>Iceman is by some nu-male faggotron
fuck Marvel
Why is it still called X-Men when all the best characters and the leaders of the group are women? This is a very sexist name, no wonder Marvel is trying to kill off the franchise with bad writers.
i swear every comic he's put on either tanks in sales or get cancelled
Men is being used in the sense for all humans. X-Weremen and X-Wyfmen is too hard to pronounce.
It's Corsair's, minus the logo +little more red

I hope this cover means she is also taking Sauron's cock
Scalie get out
Was Magneto ever storytimed? If not where do you guys read your shit? Normal sources don't have it and I want to see how Bunn was on Magneto before committing to Blue.
Not sure, but I'm gonna be storytiming soon.
It's good.
>Carol gets a dyke haircut and remove her one-piece outfit
>Crystal gets a dyke haircut and gets a breast reduction
>Kitty gets a dyke haircut and Lockheed is no where to be seen
>Rachel gets a dyke haircut and now has black lines on her face for no reason and dressed up like shes a Speedster

We're heading towards a future where every female in Marvel will look the same and the writers would have to write their names next to them so we could tell the difference.

The only one is safe is Medusa as Marvel has a fetish for Inhumans and its her powers.

Rachel's always had that haircut.

Rachel doesn't have a dyke cut and it looks like Kitty has the same hair as her
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>Letting Bendis decide who will lead both teams
Have you tried Uncanny Inhumans?
They were the first Uncanny book, you know!
You will just love it if you give it a chance!
When is Medusa going to get a dyke haircut?
>black lines
It's part of a (weird) mask.
He's right though. RachxKitty OTP.
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I hate these comics. The artist actually gets shittier with each comic.
this forgot stryfe
Sinister doesn't care about clones. Just children of clones.
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