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Star vs. Evil

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Let's talk about the official comics.

What are your thoughts on Deep Trouble? Are you excited about the upcoming return of Alfonzo and Ferguson, and the possibility of a time travel episode in the future?
Marco and Janna childhood flashback when?
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It's been pretty fantastic so far.

Star's crappy duplicate being better at proving Ponyhead's innocence and the entire time travel section in the 2nd issue were stellar.

Poor Moon. She used to be such a sweet kid before all that war, marriage, and motherhood got her down.

Issue #1 scan http://imgur.com/a/cNMJa
Issue #2 photos https://imgur.com/a/U9KcH
Issue #2 low-res scan https://mega.nz/#!PIUDSA5Y!j-G5_Klr-u00_Dzts6T-zTTahLzvJn_PSFXHNBxVaTc
"Janna is actually a time traveler from the future" episode when?
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Do you think Toffee killed Moon's parents? Or do you think they just died of old age?

We've had no mention of Star having grand folks or any appearances by them in Game of Flags. In contrast, we know that at least one of Marco's grandmothers is alive.
They are probably ded, but I don't think it's going to have any importance on the lore like as if Toffee killed them or something
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Look at the cheek markings on Toffee's pauldron-skulls.

Moon and Eclypsa. Time travel shenanigans?
I'm still not getting the card suits motif in the show. Have we seen every suit applied to someone now?

Might be coincidental, there are only so many symbols that Mewnian women could have.

Well, this is from a tapestry, so it might just be artistic symbolism. Some sort of Moon/Eclypsa connection is still there in that case, but it no longer necessitates shenanigans.
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Not necessarily the Díaz
I've been watching the Japanese dub on Niconico up to Blood Moon Ball (can't find later ones). Haven't heard of any weeb subtitling them in English.

From what little I understand the translation seems pretty typical of English media dubbed into Japanese, in that some of the jokes are just sort of ignored entirely and everything sounds like an anime re:dialogue. I haven't really noticed anything that's changed to something totally different. Despite the title, Akuma Buster Star Butterfly, the monsters seem to still be referred to as monsters (kaibutsu) while only Tom would be "akuma."

In terms of how the voices sound:

>Star: Has a higher, more obviously cute voice, but can still sound violent etc. in the battle scenes. Apparently speaks in the Kansai dialect/has the accent, or at least seems to use "uchi" for first-person. Voice never gets as weird as Eden Sher's but still fits well because Star is cute 99% of the time.

>Marco: Voice is deeper than in English and maybe sounds a little older, but it's also good. Doesn't usually sound as awkward as the original but still pulls off the screaming etc. when he's freaked out. I've noticed he seems to say "hi-yah" a lot in the karate scenes and I can't remember if that was the same in English; it feels like it happens more here.

>Ludo: Voice is higher, even kind of cute. It works well enough in the first season when the character's just a joke; dunno if it'd still work when the character steps up his game. The way it is in English, with the voice higher when he's yelling etc. but dropping lower at times when he's speaking normally, definitely works better for the more serious shit.

>Brittney: Seems to have the standard rich anime girl voice. More pleasant to listen to than the English version for sure.

>Ferguson/Alfonzo: Ferguson's voice seems a bit deeper but the acting overall fits with the character and the original performance. Alfonzo sounds like a normal person and he suddenly becomes much more tolerable.
>Buff Frog: Haven't heard a lot but seems to sound deeper/gruffer. The other monsters are all pretty generic; not notably better or worse than English. I've heard some snippets of Toffee's Japanese voice in an ad but it was short enough that I can't really judge.

>Star and Marco's parents/Janna/Sabrina/Tom/Gustav/random background characters/etc.: They all sound fine, not really different from English or noticeably better/worse.

Star's spells are sometimes kept in English and sometimes certain words are translated. The meaning is generally kept the same though. I noticed they removed "nuclear" from one of the spells while keeping the rest the same and I can't tell if that was censorship or what.

Hoping other episodes get put up or if another site has the rest. I'm not sure what Japanese fans think of the dub, since it seems a lot of them watch the episodes in English. This dub is several months behind.
What do they think of the show?
yes, Star has the hearts

Moon has the diamonds

the mistress of St. Olga's had the clubs

and eclipsa, Star's evil ancestor, had the spades

although honestly I don't think they mean anything other than showing royal lineage
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Yeah, Star, Moon, Eclipsa and miss Heinous have the 4 suits.
Solaria has thunders on her cheeks and then there was also the random woman in s1e1 who shares her marks with aunt Etheria.

Is there anybody else in the show who had marks on their cheeks?
I liked you as a banana more. Change back.
Fidel Castro died, best Call of Duty boss

pay F to pay respects

So, Toffee's finger stump still has exposed bone and flesh, decades after the finger being severed by Moon. That means the spell inflicts wounds that can't even heal normally, disregarding Toffee's freaky Immortal Monster regeneration. Does this cause him constant pain? Is his current demeanor a result of the mental discipline it takes to not be driven mad with agony? He looks from the tapestry to have been a lot more warlike and outright violent than he is now- the difference is sharp.

I think Star's defining feat (the one to go on her tapestry) will be creating and using the only spell that can reverse the otherwise permanent wounds caused by her mother's invented spell.
>quadruple dubs
very nice
Why would you watch a show in a different language when you are capable of watching it in its original language?
(you are posting on an English-language site, after all)

Presumably Celena, but we can't actually see her cheeks because of the wand/fan. I'm guessing they're crescent moons because that's the symbol all over her version of the wand.
It's probably not popular enough that someone off the street in Japan would know about it (hell, it's not that popular in the U.S.), but online it seems to have a pretty decent fandom.

There's a good amount of Japanese fanart out there, and if you search the characters' names in katakana or the Japanese name of the show on Twitter you can see a lot of comments about the show/newest episodes. I've seen a lot of pictures of cosplay as Star characters as well. The episodes I saw had views in the ten thousands, usually.

It's hard to know how it compares to other cartoons in terms of popularity in Japan, but there is a fandom to the extent that there are multiple posts etc. a day about Star.
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>quad dubs
>star vs thread

Does this mean we get 4 more seasons or something?
it's sometimes interesting how dubs in other language sound like

like how some people watch dubbed animus sometimes
nicovideo.jp, plus the Japanese episode names typed in the search engine (can be found on the Japanese Wikipedia for the show).

Requires making an account but you can just use one of those temporary emails. Free and doesn't take long.

I have watched it in English. I've seen comments in these threads and on other sites wondering about the Japanese dub, since the show's influenced by anime to begin with.

Also I'm interested in Japanese and wanted to see how much I could pick up based on what I know + my memory of the original episodes.
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I think he just realised he has to change strategies to defeat Mewni royalty. At his first attempt he tried to do armed uprising, but pparently monsters can't fight magic with brute force. Without army and reasources he chose more subtle path of working off the line of sight probably waiting for a better moment.
I also noticed dub in my mother tongue aired here. 9 episodes so far.

how they did the intro song is really shit, and they obviously used same VA over and over. But they got the childish energetic element of Star right. Marco sounds like he is in his 20s. It's rather mediocre and generic for him. Other than Star, it's mostly that way, no voice acting that make characters stand out.

only good cartoon dub they did well here that I watched was Spongebob, I don't know if that says anything
Random Butterfly family members had circles and I think even bunny heads in Game of Flags
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Yeah, I just skimmed through Game of Flags again and noticed there's another Butterfly with cheek marks. She appears only in the part where Moon shifts into her bug form. So that's 4 Butterfly women in total with cheek marks in that episode.
So how disconcerting is it that Star and Moon look basically the same, meaning when Star grows up, she's going to look like her mother does now?
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moon and river's names are a reference to song "moon river"
Nah, it's just the basic "cartoon young teenager" shape. When she grows up she may end up looking different
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Maybe River's genes will actually give Star a chin when she gets older.
Which language is it?
star already went through the first stage of mewberty

is "dipping down" connected to the adult stage of mewberty?
and if so, what does that stage require? if stage 1 is regular boy crazy hormone-addled teen

does second stage to adulthood involve sex? is is an allusion to it?
I actually really love the design of Moon at 19 (?), even more than Star's, but damn is it disappointing knowing what she'll look like later. Moon just looks really ugly to me.

Everyone wants Star to be super hot when she gets older, and if we ever see an older Star in the show outside of a joke elderly version she probably will be because protagonist, but everyone at the Butterfly/Johansen reunion seemed to be various degrees of lumpy and ugly. Celena the Shy was p hot though.
Being Janna Banana is suffering
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We have so much cucked star stuff already but almost no evil star
>star collapses to ground, emanating green energy
>marco rushes to try and help her up
>looks into stars eyes, they seem to have green energy dancing inside
>"are you okay star?"
>"Never been better"
>star blasts marco with a green energy bolt
>"but i wouldnt worry about me"
>Star's suffering only prompts more suffering as she unknowingly pushes Marco away
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>Marco and Star getting into emotional arguements

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Moon must have had the most uneventful mewberty ever.

Just reading a book on the palace grounds one day when POOF, wings on the back. She then shrugged and continued reading.

River, who had slathered himself in nectar and Mewnish Fly for a solid week in preparation for the happening, was understandably saddened.

Its also fucking dead.
>Star and Marco will start arguing because of Star's buttdevastation of him being with Jackie
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>there will be weeks or months of Star is a cuck jokes and OC

Fucking hell you cruel bastards

So why did Star breakup with Tom?
anger issues?
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Hold your horses, we still have a season and a half left, if not more.
Anything can happen...
He was trying to control her
>can't even form a working relationship with Tom
How can we even expect Star to be a good waifu for Marco? She'll likely toss aside Marco because of his insecurities.

Star deserves to get cucked.
What's that anon?
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What if Star uses a brainwashing spell on Marco and etc because brainwashing/mind control is a fetish but it's only the men doing the brainwashing, etc
In fairness, Marco isnt prone to violent outbursts of anger.
Plus Tom probably blasts Linkin Park late into the night, and that could get grating
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For all her flaws, Star is a good person. She will never do brainwashing on Marco.

But Miss Heinous will.
>She uses it to make Marco cuddle her in his bed
>While looking at his vacant and stiff expression she begins to cry
Brainwashes Marco to fuck her in front of Jackie
but my chinese porn mags don't say that is how brainwashing works, tho
thanks dude, my google fu ain't hackerman level so I was having trouble finding the official comic, just lots and lots of fanart about shipping.
Are there any links for the other issues?
Yeah, yeah.
But this is Cuck vs till the hiatus is over, >>88003515 didn't have the appropriate amount of shitty memes to fit.
These are the only issues to exist so far.
Issue 3 comes out next month
"Janna doesn't actualy have a backstory, she simply IS" episode when?
Yes. But she's going to look a lot less dead inside.
Are japanese dubs of English media often good? I live in the Netherlands, and most dutch dubs are kind of bad. With a few noticeable exceptions.

I'm curious about the Star Vs dutch dub. But i'm not sure where i could watch it. Since i don't have Disney channel on my tv.
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Are you from the Netherlands like me? Because Spongebob is also one of the few dubs i actually really like.
I'll admit that I was a hard Starco shipper, until I saw how adorable Jackie and Marco are together, now I'm Jarco for life.
Reminder that Blood Moon is evil and is an instrument by Eclipsa to control and hurt Star for his own purposes. Starco is a falsehood.
You never were a Starco shipper.
Eclipsa's mewberty on the other hand....
>Snip snip
Even if Starco is endgame, it won't be the same because Jackie stole Marco's first kiss.
It's really sad how zealous you people are over the love lives of fucking cartoon characters. Let him live.
just let them be together jackie
Good, good, Starco shippers ripping themselves apart.
It's not a real physical string that you can just snip-snip with scissors
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i don't get this one tbqh
>linkin park
Nah, he likes upbeat, cheery and emotional boybands like Love Sentence, it's canon
so who listens to classic rock n roll?
Jackie didn't steal the kiss. Marco's lips is not Star's property, neither is his heart and love. Nobody stole anything,

Jackie earned that kiss because she actually liked Marco and showed herself to be everything he wanted her to be and more..
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Marco kisses this face every day.
Marco's dad.
Jojo fans.
Jackie sees the metaphorical string that connects Star and Marco, and realises that they are destined to be together
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Yes. She has the ability to free both Marco and Star from the cruelty of fate. And now she isn't sure what would make everybody, including herself, happy.
>episode about an actual fucking red string of fate that comes form the Blood Moon yarn ball
>Jackie does that, destroys the red string of fate
>not because she wants Marco all for herself, but because she wants Star and Marco not to be bound by fate on who they should get together with
>and most importantly, she wants to know if Marco would still fall for Star even if they were not bound by fate
There might be official streams specific to your region, try the dutch Disney XD website.
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Starco tears are good for you
>Jackie bathes using the bath salts made from the tears of Starco fans.
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This is how it will end
Tiny dick
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Star seems dead inside right now
how about a dimensional chainsaw?
I wonder, would Star be angry at that? Or happy that at least she isn't bound to somebody who already has a girlfriend anymore.
It's not a real string you dipshit, you can't cut it with anything
>Star sets her self up for cucking
>In turn Jackie sets herself up for cucking
Why are these women so self destructive?
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By the way, today is Adam McArthur's (Marco's VA) birthday
Yes. But not Moon levels of dead inside.
Yeah, but that's why you use a dimensional chainsaw, it can cut anything!
You can't cut a metaphor
And Tom stole Star's
Yeah, but you can cut a string.
Was that “““Leak””” debunked yet?
That's why you use a dimensional chainsaw. I feel like you're going in circles here.
Tell it to Hercules.
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Well, I'm sure that Star will get a les ugly hairstyle.

How old is Moon supposed to be? Royals usually marry and have children at a young age, River was already in love with her when they were kids but she looks like she is in her 60s.
assuming there's a dimension of metaphors, you could go there and use normal dimensional scissors to cut it. Or a chainsaw, I suppose. Or anything pointy, if you're actually in the metaphor Dimension right in front of the goddamn string. Fuck you could chew through it at that point.
I was actually wondering this earlier, it's hard to tell because she's a platinum blonde.
Star confirmed for losing her chin. Thank goodness, Marco ended up with Jackie.
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She's probably in her late 40s, early 50s.

The two of them are of similar ages and River's all ready at that point where he's starting to chimp out from his dwindling physicality.

Unlike her daughter, Moon wasn't all that eager to pursue romance and what with everything that happened after she turned 14 (the assassination attempt, the war, losing Chauncey) it was probably a while before she was in any shape to accept River's feelings.
I only like you as a proper meme
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give her a chance she's probably a sweet girl
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>She's probably in her late 40s, early 50s.
Poor River had to wait a lot
>tell me /Co/ how can I get Marco to love me
fuck, I was holding out on a better proper scan to show up but that looks pretty cool. Gotta read it now.
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Can someone tell me the title of the comic with a young version of the royal couple, to what seems like a outing in the woods and a human the resembles Toffie in eyes and hair.
Couldn't tell if the comic was real.

>I saw it floating around dumbler once.
Put out before anyone else does, and never stop putting out. Bam, true love.
just be yourself, don't mess anything up
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You can't, just rape him and keep him as a slave
>In Feudalist Mewni...
>...Bug Fugs YOU!
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That's the comic.
Guess I should have scrolled up.
>Care to share more?
Jesus fuck, man, just open your eyes >>88001955
Girl you just figuring out ur own feelings. Marcos turn is next.
Girls are always first hun.
God I love the mythical sexyness of this design.
Anyone got a webm of the stairs scene?
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He already loves you. He just doesn't know it yet. But he will, eventually. Just don't do anything stupid and stay close to him like you've always been
seriously, he loves you just the way you are, don't go on changing to try and please him, you never let him down before
We don't know that. They may have not kissed.
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And it didn't do him many favors. He's crazy possessive when it comes to his two favorite girls in the entire multiverse. With how he's expressed a desire to destroy an entire kingdom just because its king looked at his wife with a bit of desire,he'd probably try to murder Tom if he found out that he dated Star.

Still, he's sincerely loyal in his affections. Doesn't even let getting kicked out of the palace get him down much:


Also, this clip made this panel from the comic make a lot more sense.

He does, Star.

As a Friend and Surrogate Sister.
How exactly is breaking the literal destiny connection between Star and Marco self destructive? If anything, that's actually increasing the chance Marco stays with her.
You don't mess with demonic pacts anon.
Don't imagine you're too familiar
or that you don't see him anymore
>She wants to see if Marco will Fall in love with Star without fate tying them
Knowing Star, being tied by fate would turn her away from Marco. Cutting that string is bringing their relationship to light. Its kind of a lose/lose for Jackie.
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>he'd probably try to murder Tom if he found out that he dated Star.

He was ok with letting Star live with who he thought was her boyfriend
Yeah, but Marco didn't do any PDA stuff with Star. If he had, River would have gone full psycho dad.
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when will star kill jackie?
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Damn it. The one time I want the girls to Korrasami and Marco's too great a guy to deserve such a fate.
So we knew star liked marco for a bit. But when exactly did marco start being more than a friend for her?
Don't. You're a princess. You might have your own desires, but at the end of the day you're going to marry the person that will keep your kingdom stable and strong. Preferably also somebody with high stats and a claim on Scotland.

But if you must try. Then just be patient, be the Tokugawa Ieyasu of love. Endure until Jackie, and anybody else that Marco might want, is gone, then conquer his heart the old fashioned way.
Deep troubles. Issue 2
Kiss him, you blockhead.
Im pretty sure river was none of those things you mentioned.
Once the arrow awakens her stand「Killer Princess」, which has both 「Sheer Star attack」and 「Another one bites the Wand」.
>"did you know that if you cut off a mermaid's tail you can't be queen on mewni?"
>jackie is a mermaid
Star kills jackie confirmed?
>Implying that marrying the filthy barbarian wasn't just a easy way to stop his people from raiding your villages.

That's like, medieval politics 101.
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>but at the end of the day you're going to marry the person that will keep your kingdom stable and strong.

Moon didn't. And it's mostly been a good marriage.

Frankly, I've liked that one of the subplots of the series has been the filleting of Star's negative preconceptions of queen hood.

For much of the Season 1 (and a good deal of Season 2), Star feared that becoming Queen would mean that she'd have to be more like her mom, a fate she dreaded. Then came Into the Wand that revealed that there's more than one way to be queen (as noted by Marco in Mr. Candle Cares) and the 2nd issue of Deep Trouble where we learned that the reason Moon is so prim and proper in the present is because she was willfully prim and proper in the past, that's just who she is as an individual, and she is no less capable for it.
When does the comics take place?
Like i already said. marrying the barbarian to make sure his people don't raise your villages was the smart political thing to do. That she actually loved River was a nice bonus.

Otherwise, i do mostly agree. I imagine the end of that subplot is her realizing that she can just let Marco and Janna do all of the boring stuff, while she goes off to help her kingdom by blowing stuff up.
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After the Season 2 premiere (Star only has half her Wand, but is better at using it), but before Bon Bon the Birthday Clown (Glossaryck hasn't been kidnapped yet).
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>debodying someone is okay
>but cutting off a mermaid's tail isn't

Britbongs would rather have foreigners be their kings than Catholics.
>when your dad, ex boyfriend, and the moon ships you and ignore them anyways

Marco madman confirmed?
>Johansons aren't humans
>They are dullahan like creatures that can survive without their heads attached
>Star is an unholy eldrich abomination dullahan//butterfly hybrid in the flimsy skin of a human
>Poor Marco
>Star's head is easily detachable
>not being able to think of the possibilities, if you know what I mean
Wait, Marco has an ex-boyfriend? And I'm pretty sure that Rafael ships Jarco.
Not necessarily, Star's uncle might have been saved with Mewnan magic.
Wasn't there also a Halloween special where Star zaps off her head and just 'shrugs' it off?
It was in play-do or something
Was star wrong when she asked if it was not cool that marco agreed to go to the dance with someone else? I mean yeah star was certainly just as guilty regarding the bon bon thing. But still even if star said it was okay. Does that actually make it okay?
She would be so good a looking for stuff under the bed
Technically what marco did was a dick move if we look at this objectively.
a stateless classless post-scarcity utopia will be achieved by applying the science and praxis of marxism-leninism just as comrade stalin advised RIP castro
Star was correct it just went over peoples heads as jealousy (as it was) but she was not wrong.
Star cancelled on Marco so Marco found somebody else to go with. What's wrong with that?
Wait. If star is half dullahan. Does that mean her biggest weakness is gold?
I think it's worse that Janna and Star didn't even think about inviting Marco to the clown grave.
Moon actual doesn't look too bad: We don't know her age so we can't say how the years have affected her. Her hair is still the same color just in a large dome, imagine if she let's it loose. Moon's clothes are deceptive too in that they're too uptight for her and from the 18th century that ages her appearance more. Looks like she might have a good figure and great hips but you'd never know it with her dress.

An episode where Star gets her to cut loose would be great in figuring it all out.
You say this like it's a bad thing.
Jackie asked Marco to the dance before he knew that Star was going to cancel on him in favor of a dead clown seance.
Not really. Star seemed pretty dispassionate about it. Mostly just doing it for Marco's sake. So it's no wonder Marco decided to go with Jackie once the opportunity arrived.
Not with that attitude!
Star did tell Marco "It's alright, go to the dance with Jackie, I was going to ditch you first" when he was about to address forgetting that he was going to go to the dance with Star.

Marco being a dick depends on what he was going to tell Star after remembering that he was going to go tho the dance with her.

And Star has no reason to be mad at him except for jealousy.
This. In fact, Marco was even worried that he might have blown Star off because he said yes to Jackie.

Star cucked herself, and blamed Marco for it later.
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According to Asian folklore, soulmates are connected by a red string. The original Chinese legend says that the string is tied around their ankles. The pinky finger version comes from Japan, and that version is better known in America because of anime.
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we really should consider the idea that this series might have a friendship end about how Star and Marco may have a great relationship and may have the best dynamic yet that doesn't mean they have to be in love with each other, maybe that is enough, just being best friends and their true love is someone else and this fact wouldn't change a thing between them.
Here's an animatic from Bon Bon the Birthday Clown for those interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZhhdUy9PWM
So,is it actually possible to change the past in the Starverse? Did Star and Marco already stop the assassin before they went back in time?
She won't need to, Toffee or Eclipsa will do it for her.
Too late, Star is already in love

but only for the sake of drama, it still could go one way or another.
Moon says otherwise
> only for the sake of drama.
You sound like these feelings were not being drummed up from the first ep of season 2.
Didn't everyone hate the Bleach ending?
When did Moon express an opinion? I know River seemed to be okay with Marco being Star's boyfriend, but -

oh wait you meant THE moon never mind
I'm sure that Moon would be overjoyed with Star hooking up with someone capable of keeping her autism in check.
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>you will never take advantage of a lonely and depressed Star
>you will never use flattery to seduce Star while her insecurity is at its highest
>you will never insinuate negative things about Marco to Star
>you will never drive a wedge between Marco and Star for your own insidious reasons
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>Moon actual doesn't look too bad
>Looks like she might have a good figure and great hips but you'd never know it with her dress.
This. Or at the very least her legs look very nice.
It had some issues, mostly because it was rushed. The only people who had any issues with the endgame couples were butthurt IR fans.
She should let down her hair.
"The Moon of Lovers"

Well, River was under the impression that Star and Marco are dating, maybe Moon's the same.
At any rate, they are already allowing Marco, a complete outsider, participate in the Butterfly-Johansen family reunions. Seems like they are already seeing Marco as the future King.
i love how they make moon a better than just ''Mother who cares only about tradition.''

in fact episodes in season 2 show more and more that moon its so ''rebels'' as star.
>she marry a barbarian against family will
>she trying to avoid star doing the same mistakes with family traditions.
Go home Sheev, you already fucked up one interplanetary civilization
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Here are the best designs I've seen for an older star. Which do you guys like?
Nice, maybe Star will still have it in her old age.
One is basically the same young Star with a different hairstyle, the other is based on older Moon and looks more realistic.
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>no "great"
I can't believe you've done this.
Right is accurate and is actually pretty fucking hot as all fuck.

I hope Star doesn't end up looking like her mother and same with older Marco looking like his father, it would totally ruin them.
Sauce on right one?
I might have a better opinion of it if it didn't show her so depressed.
Reminder that Janna will become Eclipsa's vessel and Jannaclipsa will use everybody around her to further her own goals and nobody will know until its too late.
It's predicting Star's Marco-less future.
I still cannot believe that this exploded so much and has lasted so long

I also cannot believe that 99.9% of people don't know the original lyrics (it's beat a nigga silly time)

It'd be like cartoon characters doing a re-worded nazi salute
>implying Janna hasn't already been a reincarnation of Eclipsa all along
Will Starco have an insert song like Jarco in Bonbon the Birthday Clown?
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Thread Reminder
They have the blood moon song
Did it have vocals?
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>implying the song wasn't about Star realizing her feelings for Marco
Marco's too big.
For you.
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Weird and adorable!
>Jarco is canon even at the end of the season and Star cucks herself even more
Yes yes yes.
I'm actually a storyboard artist for the show and I can confirm that none of that's true

Endgame pairing is Studo
He eats like a king by then.
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Random and nonsensical!
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His dad is a big guy
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Reminder of this couple of years old drawing of Nefcy's, with a suprisingly Jackie-looking mermaid at the centre, the eyes, the hairdo, the quirky hair color, the flower in the hair, the seashells as jewellery etc
I realized maybe too late that Star's parents are named after that Breakfast at Tiffany's song that Audrey Hepburn sang.
Also reminder of the heavier and heavier mermaid hints with Jackie
Holy fuck now I want this to happen so bad
Merfolk are more significant to the throne than the Johansen clan
And finally a reminder of the glorious storyline to deliver us all, the cuckception
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Muscle wizard?
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Just a quick reminder for proponents of Starco.

Ignore the Janna Banana outlier
What am I looking at here?
The bigger issue is the chin. He doesn't have a cleft chin, and neither do his parents.

An online program that can generate "genitals", and dish out random numbers for a pair of names
our old friend penis to vagina affinity. Or maybe anus to penis.
Question: If Jackie is a mermaid or even Tom's twin sister, so what? Will that significantly change Marco and her relationship? Marco pretty cool with magical things
>Butthurt Starco shipper
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If you check the links it's Penis to Vagina.

Also, this was a surprising result.

It won't change her relationship with Marco at all, because he's cool with magical shit and besides, his best friend Star is a weird bug-human anyway.

The assumption is that as the show is shilling Starco so hard, Jackie will inevitably at some point break up with Marco regardless of her species, leaving her single. So the point is in Jackie's shippability after this assumed-inevitable breakup.

Half-mermaid princess Jackie with an elemental water theme would be a nicer match for demon prince Tom and his fire than a random non-magical commoner human teenager.
>but we can't actually see her cheeks because of the wand/fan
Actually we can that thing where her descriptions were have the form of their cheekmarks, also there is a draw of something like their coat of arms that also have their cheek marks.
>pic related
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I was an Ichiruki fan. The part that I don't get is that theres all this subplot with Orihime not thinking she deserves Ichigo and she isn't like Rukia blah blah blah. Then they just drop all that shit and pair couples with barely any explanation after a major time skip.

Its hard to even come to terms with it because its just a sudden time skip and then everyone is magically paired off THE END.

I just don't understand why they hinted at tension and feelings between Rukia and Ichigo and then just did a 180 no scope like that. But who cares. I stopped following Bleach when I left high school 9 FUCKING YEARS AGO.

There is literally no way this show will pull something shittier than the bleach ending so I'm fine with any outcome.

except that I'm not and Star and Marco are destined to be together forever gg no re
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>All by myself~
>Don't want to be
>all by myself~ anymore
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Why is Moon looks like my 90 y.o grandma?
i just literally dont undestand it.

Like, how old is she? ~45 maybe.

Marco and Star both are 14 years old. So why his mom looks much younger?

Why Moon didn't use some 'unaging' spells on her own?

Or maybe this is kinda standard image about queen on Mewni?

dammit, sorry moonfags, but i cant compare grown 'queen of Mewni Star' to this old fart
It's just the hairdo and the hair color. If Angie had an up-do in a color that resembles white that much she'd look old too.
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Is there an episode today or has the season ended?
Can anyone post that comic where Buff Frog is ordered by Ludo to follow Star everywhere, at which he acquiesces even when Star is changing, at which point Ludo slaps him because even though their evil they're not perverts?
Bleach got rush ended cuz title kubo is fucking dieing from some super cold he's has for like 3 years.
show got cancelled senpai
I know it's been renewed for a 3rd season, I just don't know how many episodes this season was meant to have :(. Pls be nice
Post it!!
Mid season break

We got a large indefinite hiatus
Aww fuck I hate that shit about American shows. So I guess the earliest I can expect it back is by like Jan or someshit?
They're probably not even half siblings, but I'm guessing endgame they'll hook up.
It was mentioned in some interview or whatever that this season is gonna have 22 episodes, so 8 still need to be aired after the hiatus.
>Implying she won't hijack Miss Heinous first
Fucking Japanese Cold, man.
That sounds like the plot of a future episode.
I like Star being cucked so much
Would you feel the same if it was Marco?
Here fag.
>S1 High Quality:

>S2 High Quality
S02E12 https://mega.nz/#F!98IRnAhC!_XZNTK7OibXIBwwLg4tgVg
S02E13 https://mega.nz/#F!MggWERDa!JAaK7Zeq7Ir8JTZGrzPoPg
S02E14 https://mega.nz/#F!50J3HYxY!dcNcdMiI9VMvajlMOSvvFw

We're not a general.
i think we had seen her grandma in that flag episode
fidel castro is dead
Is there a torrent or stream for season 2 episode 3? I can't find it on the Pirate Bay.
If this was the gender bent universe everyone would be calling Marcia a fucking slut and worst girl.

Not him but probably not because Marco doesn't have feelings for Star and I can't imagine the sting being as enjoyable if it's not with someone we've seen spend time meaningfully with that's doing the kek
That was her aunt, Etheria.
It was her aunt
Thanks, cocksucker.
wouldn't be surprised if this actually happen in the show
Well, she'd pretty much be the only girl
this is all a dream
What episode was that first quote from?
Toffee would be absolutely beloved
Just saw this, never mind.
Alphonse= Alphansy
Fergonsun= Fergy
If those are real skulls, then...EDGY.
Don't cha mean taffy?
No, Chad Lynn Thomas would be our guy
Yes. I imagine she would be extremely supportive of Star dating somebody so responsible.

>Marco has been dating star for a while.
>Suddenly, Moon wants to speak with him in private.
>She tells Marco that she knows Star won't actually be capable of running Mewni. So it's going to fall to her future husband to keep the kingdom together.
>If he wants to keep dating Star, he has to learn how to be a ruler.
>Marco reluctantly agrees.
>Moon removes him from Echo Creek Academy, and assigns him a private tutor.
>His new education is absolutely brutal. And Marco has no intrest in becoming king.
>But it soon becomes apparent he's a natural ruler.
>After a particularly harsh day of tutoring, he finds two angry parents back home.
>"Marco! Why didn't you tell us that you and Star are going to marry!"
>"WHAT!? Who told you that???"
>"Star's mother did, she told us that the marriage was tomorrow. Apparently, Star is thrilled."
>Meanwhile in Mewni, Moon is happily sipping wine while watching the final wedding preparations. Confident that her kingdom's future has been secured.
Ca anyone post the list of webm episodes?
Jesus christ those are shit name conversions anon, you should feel ashamed
Here bro.
A shame that Webm anon hasn't come with his version of Bone Bone
>S1 Small (>64MB each):

>S2 Small (>64MB each):
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ANOTHER one? Holy dick-shits that was only two episodes we got.
I'd imagine Marco with slick-back hair and a bushy beard. I don't know why.
Well, he did want to have a beard
So, I have been watching this show recently, and I don't know if it has already been brought up, but something was bothering me for a while, couldn't put my finger on it.

But Then I got it: there is almost no background music. Well, there is, but far less than Disney show usually have.

Is it just an impression I have, or is it actually the case?
There's stingers scattered around but as for actual music yeah, it's pretty barren.
Its just how it is.
When music does play it will have a stronger impact.
I don't know, most of the time it only makes me go "oh, there is music, now".
Well in season 2 at least.
Nah dude, Star is pure ADHD, which typically doesn't happen paired with autism. Two similar but opposite spectrums.
Don't a lot of autists get misdiagnosed with ADHD?
I noticed this off the hop. 2-01 has an ominous vibe to it it's so prominent, the soundtrack dude explained on his blog he did it on purpose but for the very first episode I thought it was a bit much but as the season goes the theme is starting to fit.
Yeah, both are still a clusterfuck to diagnose, lots of doctors who aren't qualified fucking wing the diagnosis, I think.
So, why did Moon married a warrior-centric man?
Yea and the patients are given amphetamines without any regard for long term research. I'm pretty sure me being on that shit before I even hit puberty definitely fucked with my growth as a person. If it was up to my grandparents I'd have been dosed even on the weekends. I used to actually speed out, never be hungry, fucking rage like a maniac, and then eat half the house when it wore off.

Thanks meme doctors. I remember there being a point where doctors literally believed like 5 out of 10 children were ADHD. It was an epidemic, and the drug companies made out like bandits.

I really want to see an episode where she's diagnosed with ADHD and has to take pills that make her a completely different person.
She wanted somebody to handle military matters. Also feudal politics.
Moon could handle all the queen stuff by herself without getting Mewni destroyed.

She just needed someone that could satisfy her sexually.
Well I mean she had to fight off a brutal monster rebellion at age 19. I'm sure being a war vet at that age would lead to a girl appreciating some manly man warrior qualities in a partner. You know, "if that shit ever happens again, at least this dude can decapitate some assholes by my side and hold his own in a fight"
Out of love. Don't be so jaded, anon.

Disconcerting enough that marco double downs on jackie
New moring mark post coming in hot!
The show will end with Marco and Jackie's daughter meeting Star's spastic prince son, who is an exchange student who just so happens to be moving in with her.
That'd be some good pottery
Is season 2 already over? When will season 3 start?
That sounds awful
Supportive Star is best Star
There's around 8 or so eps left or season 2, this was just the mid-season finale. Marco's VA has guessed that new eps might come february, but he's emphasised it's just a guess.
That's how Nisekoi ended

ow my nose I think it's broken
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>getting bullied by an 8 year old
>implying you wouldnt get bullied

Tough to deal with them since you can't hit them since they're kids

I'd fart in his face and make him say uncle
You can't fight them because they are younger than you, it would take you into trouble.
Why does everything have to turn into Wuthering Heights these days

she can't keep going like this, she is gonna snap sooner or later.
the darkness in her heart starts out small, but it grows like a cancer, until one day it is all thats left of yher
Hol up, is season 2 done? i was expecting an episode to come today. does that mean i have to wait 1.5 years for s3 now?
midseason finale, but we will have to wait a currently undefines amount of time before the next episode
season 1 didnt get a midseason hiatus did it? plus s1 only had what? 13 eps and so far s2 has 14 eps?
season 2 is supposed to have 22 time segments
I hope it doesn't happen, Jackie and Marco have a really good dynamic going. Star is a bit too spastic
they have a good dynamic because they didnt want a strawman to push over, they want a genuine challenge for star to overcome, since if jackie just cut it off after one episode, then star and marco wouldnt have much to learn
Damn you, bloody moon!
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Jannaclipsa saga compilation
This. I hope Star gets her mother's height though.
No musical reference in her Stands? DISAPPOINTMENT
>talks about great relationships
>gives the worst f*cking example ever

Get serious, anon. I loved their dynamic, but the ending was a load of crap. Not because tey didn't end together, but because nothing ever happened, and omgtimeskiplololol we're all married with children
wait, what? Sauce for that
She has manlet genes too though
Dude be real.
If that were actually the case, they wouldn't be building up Star's jealously, and wouldn't have waited so long to build up Jackie's character
what makes better lovers than friends?
Agreed, that would be just Digimon 02 ending all over.

I don't think marco should be as buff as his father (considering his mother is slim). Also, since River's so short, Star shouldn't get as tall as Moon.

Maybe, I dunno... they should "average" somehow?
I just wanted to make bad puns, musical references are for when i actually care.
genetics rarely blend
more likely, the offspring will take traits in their entirety, although genetics is complex and many different traits can be handled by one gene, and vice versa
Aged up main characters usually end up becoming ridiculously good looking no matter what.
Main characters magic.

Just like the Main characters good luck, another rare trait that we mortals lack.
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And only now do I realize this is in parts
This. My moms 5' and my dad is 6', im 6' and my sister is 5'. Hilariously she is marrying a 6' 3" dude and is like "atleast my kids will be tall". Cause it worked so well for her you know
Well Star clearly takes after her mother and has those butterfly genes that allows her to transform. She just gets her personality from her father.
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Why does everybody post that one part of that "Jarco ignore the moon and keep on making out" comic and ignore the best part
People forget that the child can be taller than both parents too. I haven't seen it work in reverse though with a shorter child barring a genetic defect.
Wait, Rukya and blond Goku didn't end up fucking?
Thought there was an episode today... forgot it's in hiatus

I hate Mondays cause school but coming home to a new star ep made things better :(
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Why have I never heard of this one's tumblr before now?
I'm personally hating the timing of the Hiatus, they dropped the Star jealousy bomb, which is fucking great, but didn't show us enough of the fallout to allow for some danq solid theories on where they are taking this arc, especially given the previous starco episodes ending with "muh just firends". It's hard to tell if Star is angry her friend is being stolen, jelly of Marco's affection or what.

I really, REALLY want a mad jealousy arc but feel the show might go the "o we r just m8's all along" route.
>held hands and kissed on the first date
I don't know about a jelly arc, but anyone who doesn't think it was romantic jealousy is delusional.
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There's a thread up about Star getting cucked over on /cuckquean/ at 4x2chan if anyone's interested.
>I'm personally hating the timing of the Hiatus
What are you talking about? This is perfect break time. Especially with the whole Ludo actually winning for once

>but didn't show us enough of the fallout to allow for some danq solid theories on where they are taking this arc
So theorize on the fallout

I'm sorry, but did Star already lose? Oh, that's right. The show isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only season 2. Does not having Marco at season 2 count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the show is still on?
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I mean, come on.

This show is pretty much Toradora but with more magic and the three girls did a personality switch between them.
You can't use that copypasta. That's /a/'s!
A u t i s m
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24 hrs full time on ms pain
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Eh. While I admit that their dynamic is good, it's just too good to be true or feel natural. The coolest and hottest girl in school falling for a sweaty ball of nerves and spaghetti, just like he always dreamed, because of how he "never gives up"? Something smells fishy.

Star gets on Marco's nerves sometimes, sure, but in the end of they day they are really great friends no matter what. They have a very cute dynamic which has been developing since episode one, and they are so close that it wouldn't take much for their friendship to potentially turn into love. Many say that would be too predictable and cliched, but I honestly fail to see a problem with that. It just feels like a natural next step to take. Jackie, on the other hand, hardly had any presence on the show until recently, and all there was to her relationship with Marco was basically just him giving her a nod every day, without even being able to as much as say "hi" for the longest time. As opposed to Star and Marco easily bonding over the course of many an adventure (including a thing literally called "the moon of lovers"). You can guess which relationship I got more invested into.

My heart is with the cute and perfect all the way, and no skater girl, no matter how cool and attractive, can just barge in and change that.
Thats exactly why Starco needs to happen.
I can't recall this copypasta...

>The coolest and hottest girl in school falling for a sweaty ball of nerves and spaghetti, just like he always dreamed, because of how he "never gives up"? Something smells fishy.

Daron originally planned for this series to be a shounen manga but jump shot her down
Gonna need proof on that, boss.
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Yeah, Marco is definitely going to be tall and buff
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that was supposed to be a tongue in cheek post

I should've added a snarky reaction image or something
What's the best site to watch this show on?
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>H-heh, I guess I can w-wait to date Marco. Like Jeb says, slow and steady wins the race, right guys?
I don't speak animu, what's a shounen manga?
Toradora didn't invent love clusterfucks

a chinese comic book where the coolest and hottest girl in school falls for a sweaty ball of nerves and spaghetti, just like he always dreamed, because of how he never gives up

also he beats the shit out of everyone who's bad
Nah, it was very clearly in jest, dunno what anon there is about
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Aren't shonens the ones with the retarded dense MCs that only give a shit about fighting?
i feel like if star want get out of the fried zone shes gonna halve to stop living with marco. shes just too damn close to him shes getting sister zoned
shes gonna have put some distance or get sooper aggressive at home in the most passive way possible..
Pretty much. Also they defeat their enemies by believing in themselves really hard.
Actually, hot girl falling for loser rarely happens in Shounen Manga. It's more like hot girl is childhood friend, and MC is just a normal kid that gets some legendary destiny thrust onto him and he is capable of beating the shit out of anything that antagonizes him.
Also, MC is dense as fuck and doesn't notice multiple girls falling for him.
MC having a crush on hot girl but then a magical girlfriend pipe out of nowhere is incredibly common just not that much in shounen. More like romcom
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Is Star waifu material /co/?
Of course.
No jackie is
She can't cook so no.
What does the MOON represent?
Not really.
she can magic me up some brunch.
star's heavy flow
>implying i'd ever let a woman cook

I don't think so

more like friends with benefits material
that's Jackie fama
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Someone re skin this to star
Hell no
yeah shes a good waifu.
She's a magical princess from another dimension. You can do almost everything you want; travel to weird places, become a tyranical ruler, she can create infinite muffins for you to eat...
Not to mention shes has a semen demon bug form.
thats a bit sad tho.
even better
i dont like sad boners.
i like happy fappys
Happy Birthday to Adam!
hope his wishes come true
Does anyone else have problems playing the season one webms? They all start but get stcuk just a few seconds in, the season 2 ones run just fine tho...
slow thread today
No new episode today?
All these Jarco shippers baka. AT least their tears will be delicious when Star cucks Jackie
it's in the megas someone posted earlier
Holy shit star vs new op sneak peak!!!

>Wacky magical princess who would take you LITERALLY anywhere in the universe just to cheer you up and see you smile.

There is no other answer anon. You know this is true in your heart.
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>Implying I don't want to cook for her like Marco does, except better.

Eh can't find it, was it good?
thing is starco never trully depended on the blood moon to be a thing, at least on star's end. if anything, unless it's operating from behind the scenes somehow, the blood moon's influence hasn't showed much at all beyond the last episode and it could have been a warning sign of impending danger.
yes star was very gloomy and i enjoyed that
So... there won't be any new episode until late February, and comic #3 comes out next month... /sveg/ will be dead until those days? Or will the shitposting and some actual discussion continue?
She has servants that can cook
Just finished the second episode and I really like this show.
Nice animation, good plots, and Star is cute and has a nice voice.
Should have picked this up earlier.
The actual discussion will pitter down until these threads are simply cesspools of shippers moaning and bitching at eachother until one week before the new episodes when it will pick up again. There will probably be a bit of a boost when the new comic comes out but that's not very long from now, the time between comic and new episode will be brutal. Invest in hard liquor.
you'll be glad, it gets better
Good to hear you're enjoying it, anon. Do be aware that episode quality, both in terms of visuals and story telling, can vary a lot over the course of the show.
I can't help but notice some people think the cukc posting will stop once new episodes come out or Star gets with Marco.

Hahaha. Dummies.
Welcome to the most fucked up fandom for a current show in the west. Enjoy mocking the shippers but be wary you do not become one.
That shit makes no sense. The toffee subplot is entirely ignored, along with Ludo.
Also beware the waifufags, just don't even mock them, stay the hell away from them.
Holy fuck, you're right. I just realized that is why my past relationships made me so happy. I was hypnotized by pussy.


>Welcome to the most fucked up fandom for a current show in the west
LOL not even close

more like star burgerfly amirite
I was just referring to cartoons, actually, /tv/ is it's own sack of weird. Generally I only like my movies live action with a few exceptions.
>needing large, over sized muscles
Well if you're that insecure about yourself.
>Well if you're that insecure about yourself.
Well Marco is insecure about himself and shown that he wants to be manly.
What with getting excited about growing facial and body hair.
I have no intention of hanging out in these threads, I just popped in looking for download links and then buggering off.
I've seen enough generals to know what sort of degeneracy goes on in here.

Has late Feb been confirmed? Source?
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The girl he is dating.png
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too much butter on that butterfly
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god forbid anyone enjoy being in shape

insecurity goes way below the surface
i would hold watching it for another month friend. it just entered hiatus and it's apparently not coming back until February so you better be ready to wait a long time if you binge-watch it like i did.

and don't be mistaken, the show is easy enough to watch that you might find yourself in season 2 before you even realize. i'd recommend 1 episode per day and no more if you want it to last some.
Yes, unless you are Marco. If you are Marco, she is platonic friend material only.
>imb4 barneyfags, SU cucks, loudhouse pedos
yeah, no
god knows how painful cartoon hiatus can be. while i liked being there for the "booms" of shows such as AT when people were going crazy with the happenings the wait is crushing.
Marco also has a strong feminine side where he would appreciate a more clean and tidy look. Any hormonic aggression he needs to get out is already done with karate and hanging around Star.
>Calling people who enjoy being in shape insecure
>Is probably the most insecure out of all of them

>That Danny Phantom one

Which episode was that even from?
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>would Marco like me if I had a body like Jackie's
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>breast expansion episode of SvE

C'mon people
legal in my state faggot
Don't get overconfident now anon
Butch Hartman drew a what if they were older scenario because he knew the fans wanted Danny Phantom back.
where to purchase anon?
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but star no human on earth has a body as seductive as yours
Its probably also legal to fuck your cousin in your state but would you do it?

C'mon people
>implying that justifies your pedophilic fetish
lmao you're filth senpai
Frail frames are my fetish
Star fits the bill.
also sex bug is my new fetish
by all means yes
Absolutely. Do you know where you are?
i could care less what i do with fictional 2d characters. i find everything 3D un attractive especially boogery children so i think the world is safe from this pedo.
i married my cousin here in japan. fgt me faggot.
i dunno anon tweens dress really provocatively nowadays in public
I'd say Loud House shippers are the worst pieces of human garbage on /co/.

Seriously, it's pedophillia and incest all at once. At least Star vs shipfags are just lolifags.
keep it in your pants creep
i meant objectively.
?ñew episode where¿

still 3D
>incest and pedo shit
Where can i find this general? i need it for science
3 weeks
ah thank you friendo
ño ñew epísode today¿
ñeed today epísode pls
Lurk the next Loud House general. You'll find all sorts of your typical 4chan shit about which sister Lincoln is gonna stick his dick in.

I guess it's kinda entertaining, and mostly trolls, but I'm sure there's a good handful of actual shipfags who rule 34 it.
kys freak
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"If two men who were friends in their youth meet again when they are old, after being separated for a life-time, the chief feeling they will have at the sight of each other will be one of complete disappointment at life as a whole; because their thoughts will be carried back to that earlier time when life seemed so fair as it lay spread out before them in the rosy light of dawn, promised so much--and then performed so little. This feeling will so completely predominate over every other that they will not even consider it necessary to give it words; but on either side it will be silently assumed, and form the ground-work of all they have to talk about." -- Arthur Schopenhauer
i drew my share of art for it.

Ship fags exist in every general.
honestly how can you expect a show that has 1 boy and 11 sisters as the main cast to not have incest shipping.
>being a scientist is freakish.
i guess it would come so to the lesser minded
What if one guy is a 8ft tall billionaire with wings?
im pretty sure that will just make both men disappointed in the same person being the not billionaire with wings.
she's a mewni though, we have no idea if they age the exact same as humans. Marco could certainly pass for 15-16, what with the whole beard thing and also the way he behaves in general. and not just him, jackie, janna and so on.
Yeah but Marco can't be anything but a musclefag right? Quit contradicting yourself.
Marco is up to his balls in deepest lore.
daily does of boner for your heart
good art. not particularly clever or funny though anon.
Is 14 really lolifags? I mean she's almost legal in a few states. If anything they're hebephiles.
How is shipping kids with kids lolifagging?
red string gonna get "cleaved"
Realistically speaking she's not a "loli," relative to how high school freshmen are developed physically, the fact that the show's had a puberty episode, and the implications of her and other characters their age having sexual thoughts (staring at guys' asses, marco's body pillow, ferguson saving the pixie stature "for later," and so on).

Going by how she's drawn she could just as easily be like 8 though, even though we know she's not. It's an appealing art style but sort of an unfortunate one when it comes to shipping/lewd.
I'm sorry, Starco... I've converted. Jarco is just too cute. I'm weak.... I'm sorry that I let you guys down. Jarco has a hold on me now and I don't want it to end.
you can cleave things together as well anon.
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makes me think of the ramona animation bit
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you were the only one tying this whole thing into insecurity to begin with

this better not be another chad stole anon's girl episode
you flip flop. the next starco episode if there is one ;_; we wont take you back.
The brotherhood of the MOON never forgives and never forgets.
>this better not be another chad stole anon'sgirl episode
not that anon but fk you for bring that up.
he probably deep dicked her while you were at home watching little kids cartoons
Welcome, brother. I'm glad that you've seen the Jarco light. There are cookies on the table and eggnog in the fridge. Cuddle up under a snuggie on the couch and watch Bon Bon or any other episodes you want. If you need any links to some good Jarco, or Jackie just being adorable/sexy, feel free to ask.
well i guess. but she got preggo in high school because of it and ruined her life so i guess i should not feel that bad.

I would fuck that toad
Jackie is going to start sending Marco nude selfies at night.
so wait. Is Alphonso still king of the Pixies?

I can't wait for the episode where the Pirates from that restaurant, Alphonso the Pixie king, Ferguson the "Master of Stealth" Pony Head, Mina and the kooky monsters led by bloatfly come along to save the day.
he got divorced
What happens when Star goes through Marco's phone?
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What the hell Anon?! What made you think that was okay to say?
Tears and sad attempts of Star trying to do the same, but never getting the nerve to hit send.
So here's a thought, how much of a shitstorm could Nefcy create by tweeting that Star was never supposed to based on her and she always saw more of herself in Jackie?
Episode where she tries to make herself look like Jackie that ends in disaster and a body positivist PSA
Nobody would take her seriously.
she spends all night trying to get the right angles but breaks down when she sees the photos on her phone and realizes she'll never win him over this way.
Oh please, half the fandom chooses to take obvious trolling seriously SO they can have something to freak out about.
A literal shit tempest. Tumblr would break.
This is top cringe! TOP CRINGE!
Why are your eyes always half lidded
What are you hiding from us
>people did this in public
What was the funniest joke in the whole series so far?
Chantelle's booty.

"Who punched my bus?!?!"
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Stars relationship advise.png
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gimme requests faggot.
this is really good!
sad star
draw evil queen star, maleficent type shit you know?
you are already looking at sad star.
Marco kissing Jackie's neck
Star playing a video game, your choice.
Do this one
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bird two.png
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marco gets fed up with star and harshly rejects her

star kills herself
Mina Loveberry "seducing" Marco with her warrior charm.

Post "Star getting cucked" music

Jackie with a sexy look on her face, nothing but Marco's shirt covering her.
todays ep hasn't been linked here. Only see mega up to 14.
Anon I...

It's hiatus.
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>>88020349 here. i have an even better idea.

pic related, its from eva re-take. rei dyes her hair and acts like asuka to win back shinji
Well, Janna would be the first one to get to Marco's private stuff
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...and then ends in pic related.

so have star trying to ride a skateboard and put a blue streak in her hair?
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He doesn't know yet...
Star brainwashing Marco with magic and making out with him in front of Jackie
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Who else thinks Toffee will abuse the Star-Marco tension for an advantage?
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If or when he comes back? For sure. Star is so emotionally charged that any dissent in her emotions are going to be readily apparent to just about anyone who's looking for something to manipulate and Toffee is all about that.
>That Tapestry "Immortal Monster" and the finger
>Brief frame in page turner

Toffee is 100% coming back, the method of his return is up for debate but I honestly wouldn't put it past a "Deal with the Devil" return with Toffee showing up and offering a solution to Star's "Problem" in exchange for his finger.
Thematically and setup wise, it does seem overwhelmingly likely that Toffee will be back in some form. In truth I'm just frightened that he won't be back purely due to the cost of voice actor, it's a double edged sword getting a celebrity voice actor in, even if their voice is ideal for the role.
Plus didney is allergic to titties in their shows.
If they had him for 4 episodes in season 1 they can get him for at least 1 in season 2.

It's the kind of situation where I feel they wouldn't have used him in the first place/foreshadowed his return if the possibility of not being able to get the voice back was an issue.
exactly, they'd have hardly done all the mad foreshadowing they did in the past few episodes if they knew they couldn't get him back
>It's the kind of situation where I feel they wouldn't have used him in the first place/foreshadowed his return if the possibility of not being able to get the voice back was an issue.
Here's hoping they made sure that was the case, being forced to alter the intended use of a character, due to the need of the input of an engaged voice actor, is not a good situation to be in from a narrative perspective.
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Tell that to Stackie here.
The thing with Toffee as well is they can hire another voice actor and explain in in universe as "Oh, whenever I regenerate my voicebox is different"
That would be p. lame tho
Anyone have the OC with Star doing the Bakemonogatari crying scene?
totes, just pointing out they have that option.

This Hiatus will kill me.
Worked for Dr. Who.
But yeah supposedly MC Hall took the gig because he thought it was cool, I doubt he'd hold them up for money or some shit at this point.
exception rather than rule.

Now that I think about it though, the plank women thing applies to most calarts stuff.
New bread?
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