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ITT: comics that look like they were made in the studio apartment

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ITT: comics that look like they were made in the studio apartment of a liberal hipster who lives in a gentrified neighborhood in Brooklyn
Current Squirrel Girl
the fuck is this?
It is actually pretty good when you accept the tumblr art style.
At least the fanart is gud and fappable
Some indie comic by a lady named Noelle

the art look good....
You sound pretty salty yourself anon
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Come now, Black Mask's faux-punk, I-grew-up-in-middle-class-suburbia bullshit is easy mode!
Don't forget that the hipster opposes gentrification and wants more black people in his/her neighborhood.
i hate this fuckin buzzfeed cunt
I thought conservatives were against gentrification?
Liberals oppose gentrification because it wipes out the indigenous culture.
Black Mask has some great aesthetics, I just wish it translated into the story. We Can Never Go Home was so generic I felt a little abused.
As a black guy who lives in Brooklyn I can tell you how confusing these hipsters are. They try to support us minorities yet they take over our neighborhoods. At least /pol/ is honest when they say they are against us blacks
I keep seeing this in my local book store. Is it good?
and le quirky quirkness of quirkle mcquirky and her quirky queer companions
why are the only comics acceptable to /co/ superhero comics or edgy and dark comics? You're so afraid of letting things into your safe space you're as bad as tumblr

> Take over our neighborhoods

You mean upping your property values, right? Assuming you own your home, that's overall a good thing.

As someone who bought a small home for my family in a neighborhood now being filled with Cali-transplants who paid 150% over 2014 market value, I understand the pain of increased property taxes, but your total wealth is going up.

We're just in a glut of Marvel/DC right now because of the movies. I learned about Transmetropolitan, Blacksad, I Kill Giants, and even Phonogram off of /co/.

I'm actually having a harder time imaging a more hipster comic than Phonogram. Probably CBGB, but I couldn't finish that one.
Surely WicDiv is more hipster than Phonogram? Phonogram is the better comic though, at least up to book 3. Phonogram is like, I can see why Alan Moore is a fan of Gillen.
/co/ is full of moviefags and cartoon watchers.
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I hadn't heard about WicDiv until now, so I can't comment there. Looks like more of the same from those guys.

I actually gave away my copy of the first volume of Phonogram. I couldn't get past the sense that it was taking something as lighthearted as pop music and trying to turn it into a holy grail story. The second volume I kept though, simply because it's something I can just hand to anyone for a quick and interesting read.

Back on topic, assuming the writing in OPs comic isn't too terrible, I'll probably check it out. I didn't really dig the art in pic related at first, but it was ultimately a very optimistic and warm-hearted comic.
>Assuming you own your home

Well yeah, gentrification primarily hurts poor people who rent who then get priced out of the neighborhood, owning property in a gentrifying neighborhood (for example: said rental property) is a great deal, that's the point
It's decent. Nothing exceptional in the story nor in the art.
I wouldn't reread it, but it does the job for 20min of fantasy-themed misunderstood mad scientist.
I still don't get it. There's loads of white people working shitty grocery store jobs who are poor as fuck and also get priced out of neighborhoods. How is this a race problem.
Oh god, it's from the same artist who did that awful Wonder Women single.
>gentrified neighborhood
is this where all the hipster white kids live now?
neighborhoods full of old people?
Original anon here. Property taxes may not affect my family but it affects many people in our neighborhood and others.
The orthodox jewish landlords actually push certain people out for these hipsters. This is the one time I've seen jews do bad. Other than they're cool. Hell tgey taught me in pre k
Anya from anya's ghost is thic
I never read it. Is it the same art style?
anya's ghost is a great book for children, not what OP wanted
No, thats not what gentrified means, dumbass. It means that by moving to a poor neighborhood they jack the prices up of everthing displacing poor people. Basically hipsters ware the worst.
It's a race problem inasmuch as gentrification tends to occur in poor minority neighborhoods and because minorities generally fall lower on the socioeconomic scale. As with many race-based problems, it's a product of our particular history.
>owning property in New York
ok Daddy Warbucks
I think this problem arises from people feeling a certain way (i.e., like an SJW kinda person), but not having the intellectual / academic capital to fully appreciate their place in the system, but since nominally feminist, Marxist, postcolonial, etc. statements get made on the internet all the time, these people assume they do. Whereas /pol/'s messaging is easier and, ultimately, easier to consume.
>fuck you nigger
>oh ye of little education, you couldnt possibly comprehend why i greatly dislike your kind. i assure you its merely because of your lowly financial status, not the amount of melanin in your epidermis
pick your poison
While classism is something to consider, I was speaking more about the white folk who say "I certainly think minorities have gotten a bad fucking rap in this country" and who then participate in some of the very activities that disenfranchise the populations they say they care about. Ultimately, unpacking historical systems of oppression in such a way that you can try to opt out of them requires far more education than screaming "Fuck you nigger."

And never mind all the people out there who just pay lip service to equality, writ large.
Right? I ragged on the faux-punk thing before, but it only feels fake cuz the stories all feel overly safe. All through 'We Can Never Go Home', I was expecting some crazy shit to come out of left field, but no. It kinda went exactly the way I expected. The only surprise I got was at the end of the first issue, mostly because I didn't expect the plot to start so quickly. Otherwise, it was everything I expected from another 'down to earth kid gets superpowers' story

Same with Kim And Kim (I only read the first issue, no interest in the second). Everything felt by the numbers. Like the writer was going through a checklist, making sure we hit all the character and plot beats before we hit the 22nd page. Maybe it's different in issue two, I dunno, and I honestly don't care to find out. I don't even know for sure if issue 2 is out, I read the first one so long ago, I kind of just expect it to be out by now.
The only good title they did was Translucid.

And it's mostly riffing off genius villain tropes done in DC as it is.
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Not sure I'd call it good for children, considering the protag's crush is poly amorous and has his girlfriend stand watch while he fucks other girls.

But still, would this work better?
>At least /pol/ is honest
Not that that makes it any better when the thing they're honest about is open aggression.
No, it happens to people of all races, you're just focusing on a narrow part of it. There are fuck loads of poor white people across the nation. In rural areas they are everywhere, getting their farms bought out by mega farming corporations. In the suburbs poor white people live in cheap ass shitty apartments while selling drugs or working shit jobs and have multiple room mates to be able to afford it. They do this in the cities as well, but it's stupid to do that since it's much more expensive in the cities. They go through the same issue of having the land sold right under them so richer people can move in our the place is sold so that houses can be built and sold to richer people.

This is not a race issue. It's a class issue.
I enjoyed this. Story was pretty solid.
>tfw "tumblr arstyle" has devolved into a meaningless buzzword for "I don't like thing" and the only part that people can agree on as being a consistent feature, the noses, is actually from franco-belgium comics that otherwise get praised around here
I need someone to hate so please stop being rational
"tumblr art style" doesnt stand for a particular style, you moron, it comes from the similar flaws within many styles, mainly:
*thin, simple line art
*extremely styilized and simplified to the point you can just handwave anatomy
*fast and loose
*a general sense of flatness, impossible to translate to three dimentional shapes
*soft pastel colors, or just generally muted pallete
*soft blobby shapes

there are different styles but they all have these traits in common
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Except for 'soft blobby shapes', everything you just described could apply to 80% of Tin Tin panels.

Judging by the picture OP posted, there's a lot of characters with hard straight shapes in Nimona as well.
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Something can be at root a class issue but still disproportionately affect certain groups, like races. A lot of legacy inner city families are minorities (because of white flight and cities not being all that desirable in the 1900's). Now that cities are back on the rise, and all the college grads and hipsters want to be in the city for jobs (or in the case of hipsters, the "life"), those poorer, largely minority populated inner city areas are being gentrified.
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The art style is specifically called "ligne claire" (French for "clear line,") most famously used by Hergé and which became popular especially among European comic creators, American alt-comic creators, and yes, Tumblr artists.


its soft and meaningless art that, in the extreme, is made by people who see art as mainly a political tool

it betrays no passion for making art people are enthusiastic to view and follows a simplistic, unemotional formula. Inexpressive figures suggest an eagerness to place their personal set of views onto canvas, not depict living individuals

The best example of the style is tumblr comics that make demands, such as to reblog all their art
Fuck Adam, his sameface bullshit, and his non-existent humor.
Conservatives are against changes in their own neighborhood. They could care less about other neighborhoods.

>sometimes 5-8 of these at once

I feel like that's the tipping point honestly. I don't have any problem with characters having any of these traits but cramming so many features onto a character is overwhelming. Probably better to pick 1 or 2 and do them well rather than so many it confuses the reader.
>fast and loose
>no understanding of anatomy
>impossile to translate to 3d shapes
>blobby shapes

are you shitting me here? tin tin has good anatomy and well defined shapes, the image is clear and crisp and it doesnt look like sloppy doodles that you can just do in a few seconds, shut the fuck up if you dont know what you're talking about
That book was good shut up
its really not that good at all. art is lacking, the story is boring and predictable, not to mention rushed towards the end.

it was popular because the gaps inbetween updates (i think it started as a webcomic) left room for fans to think about what was going to happen next, come up with headcanons to make the characters more interesting, and then when it did update and they got new content theyd be satisfied. but when you read it all at once you can see how mediocre it is
I see so many artists on Tumblr who whine to have people "reblog art, it's important"....and they rarely if ever reblog art for any other artists. They just want people to reblog theirs.

Not that this is necessarily exclusive to Tumblr, but it's endemic there and it really annoys me.
The word you're thinking of is "geriatric".
Wizard-morals shapeshifter girl finds herself a semi-evil warlord lord. Lots of people get killed.

That book is legit.
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One of these two is Noelle. I forget which.
D-DeMatteis ?

Really ??
Op here. I don't hate these hipster comics. I just find them easy to group together.
Also those anons who said nimona is good, you're right. I just checked it out and actually enjoyed itR2R
something something into the trash
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