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Name your favorite Pre Act 6 and favorite Act 6 [S]! If your

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Name your favorite Pre Act 6 and favorite Act 6 [S]! If your Pre is Cascade name a secondary.

[S] Void was definitely one of the prettier looking ones for 6, and for Pre I would say Descend. I love me some Descend.

Pre 6 = John: Rise Up
6 = Motherfucking potions, both of them
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Explore is the flash when I realized this weird follow-up to problem sleuth is actually something pretty special, and i really started getting invested.

The one where jack kills the black queen is the one where shit hits the fan and I started to worry for these characters I'd become emotionally invested in.

Descend is the best flash and the best song. There is no counter argument for this. I will fight you.

Cascade is when the comic ended.

Game over is where the comic ended again.
Oh hey, an actual Homestuck thread.


I'm just gonna leave this in here. Here's that rare Kanaya again. Vintage 2010, I believe.
Game Over is trash, but Carne Vale is a pretty good song.
>Descend is the best flash and the best song. There is no counter argument for this. I will fight you.
>Cascade is when the comic ended.
This meme again.
Was this written post-ending? It seems way to positive for that.
Nvm I'm retarded
Literally the first line, Anon.

This was...actually pretty good. Doesn't back away from criticizing the end, but focuses on why it became so big when it did and what made it good when it was. A bit wordy, but beyond that. not bad.
>Dave growing up with only masculine role models.
It's shit.
Is that statement false? Bro was pretty masculine.
There's a whole lot of wrong with that statement. For one, it's not Bro's "masculinity" that fucked with Dave.
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Hiveswap never happened, point and click adventure is out of the cards for some reason, and a Homestuck game is in the works. What genre of game would you want it to be?
All the games. All of them.

Maybe, an aRPG with a focus on the classpects and how that affects how you use crafted items and multiplayer. Maybe some kind of randomly generated dungeon crawler mixed in with set boss fights.
Reminds me of that quote that British politican made about male caregivers being innately untrustworthy.

Bro's revelation comes AFTER Homestuck starts pandering hard to the Tumblr crowd and I think people forget that-everyone thought Mom was abusive too and it was a shock that it was all in Rose's head.
Blank slate, or non canon ties to the comic's events?
I was thinking an action game would be neat. Main story is just key encounters in Homestuck action gameified and turned non canon loose. Could be Paradox Space mode which is just little challenge fights like Transformers Devastation does. In a perfect world these could allow you to play as a good amount of the cast from Tavros to Bro, and have fun boss fights with random characters.
>I think people forget that-everyone thought Mom was abusive too and it was a shock that it was all in Rose's head.
If we're going with the logic that Bro was abusive, Mom was abusive too.
I'd want it to be a blank slate.
> Could be Paradox Space mode which is just little challenge fights like Transformers Devastation does. In a perfect world these could allow you to play as a good amount of the cast from Tavros to Bro, and have fun boss fights with random characters.
In Transformers Devastation there's a challenge mode where you can do dumb fights like Bumblebee vs. Two Optimuses. I imagine stuff like that would be fun. Silly shit like playing as Caliborn and fighting a Dirk/Bro tag team. I just named it Paradox Space mode 'cause I like that.
That seems like it'd take a ton of work considering the amount of characters.
>In a perfect world...
That's dumb. You're dumb.
Yeah, well your mom is dumb. In all seriousness, how would you like it done then? IN A PERFECT WORLD.
I already said, dumbdumb.
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Sorry, pal, I'm just in a bad mood.
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Tex Talk's videos annoy me. This Gamzee one especially.

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Is he gonna make any more? He seemed to be getting a fair amount of views, given that they were video essays of a dead comic.
But he's right everytime.
Maybe. It doesn't really matter if that was the point of Gamzee, bad writing is bad writing. I don't give a shit if it was intentional or not. It's not a good thing.
First video was pretty cool though, I admit. Even if it isn't true, it's an interesting way to think about Homestuck.

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Jade:Enter and Caliborn:Enter, I guess.
Cascade isn't even top 3 pre.
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why are there no dls for the homestuck albums anywhere?
I dunno man, it's pretty good.

Try SoulseekQt.
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>he didn't follow the guide
He's still right, Anon and I'm happy to hear everything else he has to say about the classpects. Hopefully, we can learn from Homestuck with its meta concepts.

Hussie got a programming degree so it's not too unlikely. I like the concept too.
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>[S] John: Reunite with your loving wife and daughter.
will forever be the pinnacle of Homestuck in my eyes. The culmination of such a long, drawn out joke finally boiling over into the most bombastic moment in Homestuck. Nothing ever has or will be as funny to me.

Post Act 6,
>[S] Caliborn: Enter.
it does an amazing job of creating both excitement and uneasiness, and it sets the stakes incredibly high at a time when the story was floundering.
Game Over is honestly a good place to stop reading the comic
But it sucks.
>subjecting yourself to any part of act 6
Act 5.2 is already pushing it, anon.
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>game over timeline
>Rose dies, avenging Kanaya, but manages to reconcile with her mother via Roxy
>Karkat dies by Gamzee's hand, their moralalligence an obvious sham
>Aranea flies too close to the sun in her take over and gets burned
>Jake dies manning up to protect Jane
>Kanaya accidentally killed by the empress of trollkind, who needed Kanaya alive to revive the race (so she can kill them again).
>Terezi goes after Aranea, possibly taking revenge for fixing her eyes.
>Kanaya finally goes clown hunting after years.
>Dirk sinks into the Swamp of Sadess a la Artax, heartbroken after failing to protect his friends and Dave.
>Dave dies, adamantly refusing to time travel, in an attempt to protect Jade. Confronting his brother's killer.
>John confronts the villain
>John realizes he's failed as a leader

game over was the end homestuck deserved.
A total party kill to really end this shit comic
But all of that is still shit.
It's a trainwreck of thematically appropriate deaths.
It's the best end
No, it's still shit.
>Terezi dies.
>Just for someone healing her eyes.
>thematically appropriate
You prefer
>she goes looking for vriska in a black hole and never comes back
No, you fucking mongoloid. Hence the use of "still", it's "still" shit. And we don't know if she comes back, there's still more post-canon bullshit.
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>A total party kill to really end this shit comic
Why not stop reading before the comic turns to shit?
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fine. clearly you don't understand what I'm talking about
And why is that?
probably because you're retarded.
>A total party kill to really end this shit comic
WTF, I hate Homestuck now.
You're dumb.
>Has nothing to say.
>Let me just call him stupid.
don't get mad when you haven't even touched a single point I've made and get called out as being an idiot.

Maybe you should re-read the reply chain to see where you went wrong.
>a single point
I did and you responded with "dur hur you don't know what ur talking about".

Please make an actual point instead of being retarded.
>I did

>But it sucks.
>But all of that is still shit.
> Hence the use of "still", it's "still" shit.

Nice argument skills, retard.
You're so fucking stupid.

>Terezi gets killed because her eyes get healed. That's stupid.
>dur hur is post-retcon better
>No, but that doesn't mean it's not shit.
Please make an actual point next post.
>only argues terezi because he's too dumb to argue anything else

really gets my noggin joggin.
Enjoy your waifu floating around looking for vriska
I'll be over here with my superior arguments.
>idiots arguing about act 6 as if it's actually relevant
The guide says to STOP before then, dipshits.
*only argues Terezi because it's convenient

Your arguments are gutter trash. Please kill yourself. You're honestly mentally deficient.
Funny meme.
Cascade is too long and less cohesive. Cascade is multiple unrelated scenes in different places with different characters happening in four flashes that are mashed together. Jade resurrecting and escaping the session with John and the planets could have been completely separate from Rose Dave and the green sun. It is good, probably second or third best. But descend is better. I will fight you.
Cascade mixes all of its elements together perfectly though and feels like an amazing movie.
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>Funny meme
I'm not laughing.
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>Your arguments are gutter trash. Please kill yourself. You're honestly mentally deficient.

You don't even have any kiddo.
You're stewing in a dirty diaper saying "it's shit" over and over.
We're all having a good time here, and you're the one who can't handle discourse
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I've got a heap of vintage 2010 Kanaya.
cascade is fucking garbage.

>wow another minute long pan over a still shot set to forgettable music!
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lay it on us bro

we need it right about now
Nah, your arguments are trash. Being smug doesn't make you right.
>We're all
Nobody's agreeing with you and the thread is borderline dead.
>who can't handle discourse
>responds to point with "u don't know what i'm talking about" and then "retard"
Sad meme then.
>"u don't know what i'm talking about" and then "retard"
Yep. Not only can you not handle discourse, you also can't handle truth.

We know.
Wow, you're so cool and contrarian.
I didn't even notice that Breakfast-At-Tiffany's Kanaya was done by Andrei who is now Idlecil. But that Rosemary's Baby Kanaya there's no mistaking that linework.
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>Sad meme then
do you see any tears you meme bitch nigga?
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>mmmm hussie please shit in my mouth some more!
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OK, here's the proof then. :)

Being smug doesn't make you right.

Look, I can post smug cats too!
Wow, you're so against the norm! Awesome!
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>Being smug doesn't make you right.
Yeah. Being correct makes me right.
I am right and you are not.
feel free to stop responding.
could you hook me up with the other three of these reaction images? I need them for reasons.
Literally all you're doing is being smug now. And that still doesn't make you right.
Emotionless meme then.
I've been right.
Do you want me to copy paste my initial post?
>Cascade mixes all of its elements together perfectly though and feels like an amazing movie.
Too bad the art styles didn't mix perfectly kek.
>thinking smug = right AGAIN
When will you learn?

No, you haven't. Eat a dick.
True, that was the worst part of Cascade.
I hope you understand that when you (repeatedly) fail to make a point, there's no need for me to change my argument.
Because nothing you've said has been directly related to my initial post other than your thoughts on terezi.
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I didn't even know they came in a set, sorry.

Have a tubjohn instead.
related to tubgirl?
Anon, please just give up. You've made a fool of yourself. There's no reason to go on being smug for the purpose of being smug.
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I'll stop being smug when you start proving me wrong.
yeah it was each of the beta kids, and on the computer screen was a fic from AoOO like "Ovipositive" or "Isla Harley" or "Strider's Edge". I forget which one was John's fanfic.
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I partly did. At least, enough. Enough to make you look like an ass too.
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What's rose pointing at?
probably some hastily made /aco/ drawing that's not as meme worthy as you think
Filthy wieners.
Why the fuck would you want to sit around re-re-re-re-re-rearguing about old things from a dead webcomic?
It's fun.
Wait for the epilogue. Believe.
but why wait while doing this bullshit? Why wait while daily wasting and ruining the good parts?

1. I like talking about Homestuck regardless of quality.
2. I like Homestuck.
3. It's not that concentration intensive. These threads sit around in another tab until I want to post something, or see that something was posted. We aren't staring at the page constantly refreshing.
>We aren't staring at the page constantly refreshing.
Um, Anon, I am...... I've been whatever for you all thread. I love you....
I don't recommend that anon. It's kind of a waste of time in a slow thread. Try to do other things while you wait for posts anon. I love you too.
I can't think about anything when you're not here, Anon. I just need to see you and I can't stop my obsession.
Divert your attention to your waifu anon. You have a waifu don't you?
No, I don't, Anon.
>I like Homestuck
>JohnVriska shipper

Every time. Fuck off.
>Not liking Homestuck.
>In a Homestuck thread.
It's just album art nigger, I don't ship.
Why do you hate Johnvriska so much?
Porn when?
>He doesn't link it like a cool guy.
And how does this make you feel?
>ear sets
Nobody says that.
I'm not cool, why would I pretend? That's dishonest.
Why aren't you cool, Anon?
Sorry, I meant hearing combination
Because she got a Dog shoved into her?

Or rather her corpse got shoved into a Dog, which her waking soul then got shoved into. You get the idea.
No, you meant "sets of ears", dumbdumb.
Yes but dog ears AND human ears?
reminds me of Tavris shippers

just replace john in that image with tavros and it's the same shit
You mean an audial couple?
Yes, that's exactly what happened. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
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Jade is adorable! Adorable!
I don't even ship it but I know the ships aren't exactly identical.
But WHY two sets? How does that work? Does she hear twice as good?
I'm going to beat you up.
I don't know Anon. Just ain't that way.
They're called sound holes.
>But WHY two sets?
You know exactly why.

Works like two ears. And, yes, she probably does.
*a bad character
There was a dog that had dog ears.
Then there was a girl that had girl ears.
when you shove them together you got dog ears and human ears.

It's a magic/science blender strobe light that's made to shove dead shit together to try and breed a race of creatures to kill small children, it's not an exact science.
That's sad.
but how does it WORK
Pretty sure they're almost exact opposites.
Jade is the physical embodiment of homophobia in this country
The joke is that both ships are fucking shit. Now enjoy being a contrarian fuckface and dump that fucking meme ship in this thread.
You're a bad character, that's why they gave up on writing you.
But my name isn't Jade.
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Her ears are born from a process created by a race of amorphous masses of writhing flesh, and a giant ball that talks through clouds, in an effort to distract children from their use as fodder in an endless war. It makes as much sense as they care it to, which is to say not very much.
That just makes you even worse, you don't even have a cute name. I bet you can't even do tricks.
You sound upset. Has something upset you?
I'm not a bad character, Anon...... And I can do plenty of tricks..
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You can't deny that Vriska was well written in act 5.

You also can't deny that she and Bec Noir were the best antagonists in the entire comic.
You are very petty
Can you play dead?
I liked Doc Scratch and Caliborn more than her. I agree she's pretty good though in Act 5.
No, you are.
I feel like this might lead into my murder.
Your the one getting upset at an innocuous post
I bet if i called your favorite character shit you'd get all huffy and piss your Doc Scratch panties
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I'm not upset, Anon. But I would do that if I didn't know that Cuntpi might burst down my door to suck on them.
Then keep your disgusting fetishes and spite to yourself,

Lest we end up with the thread being filled with George Clooney images like those many , many moons ago by He Who Shall Not Be Named
Prospit Dreamers is pretty fucking boring, if you ask me. And moonsweater ruins vol. 10 since it's so fucking long.

It's not my fetishes you should be worried about.

I have no idea what you mean by this.
N-Nothing, Cuntpi.
Nothing indicates Jade can do tricks, she never really trained Bec.
She taught him how to fetch.
I like Moonsweater.
So Jade can fetch, and that's about it
Fuck you, I like Moonsweater.
Yeah, basically.
I've never listened past prospit dreamers on that album and now I realize that Center of Brilliance is actually worse.

I wasn't counting songs from Medium, so my vote goes for the one that has the chewing noises. Also everything from bowman's album. The guy shouldn't sing if he's not doing it to be funny.

I guess that's just, like, your opinion, man. I'm into it for the first 2-3 minutes, and then it's overstaying it's welcome, I think.
Still better than Rose
Rose is the best at fetching.
>I wasn't counting songs from Medium, so my vote goes for the one that has the chewing noises.

I thought I was going mad for the longest time. I edited a version for myself just to not have to listen to those.
>. I edited a version for myself just to not have to listen to those.
Share it?
No, she also sits and acts very still if you tell her to in an authoritative voice. She can also roll over.
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Yeah, fetching STDs
Just skip to that part then?
Rose Cannot Even Fetch Me Dinner
Dumb Bitch
Take that back, you bully.
What? I'm saying the song lasts too long. I like the beginning, but I end up have to skip out about 3 minutes in.
No, just skip to it then. What?
I like the idea of Kanaya being an abusive spouse, wife beater and all.
Probably an oldfag crackshipper.
can she beg?
What are you even talking about?
Why can't you understand me? ;_:
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I don't know, anon. What are you trying to tell me?
Just skip to the part you like?
what did they mean
something sassy that could have gone somewhere if Hussie wasn't such a hack
That was good.

I appreciate that he spent ages talking about how strange and wonderful and revolutionary Homestuck is and then admits "well, it's not GREAT", because that's exactly what I'd do.
I said I like the beginning. Why would I skip to the beginning? That doesn't make any sense. The problem is that it's too long. The part I skip is the second part!
>i showed you mine now show me yours

Fucking lewd dave
Oh, my bad. I misread you somewhere.
Never show yours first, ESPECIALLY if they're asking
Your reading comprehension is awful.
This sounds sarcastic.
JAde would never lie like that
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Phew. I'm glad we got that all sorted out.
If everyone followed that philosophy, nobody would ever have sex.
Yes, she would.
They should agree to a mutual, same-time showing.
Let's have sex now.
No she wouldn't, Jade is honest and honors legally binding bargains.
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Test: The cure for Homestuck being shit and Hiveswap being an oncoming disaster

Hypothesis: Red Label and chocolate and drugs

Results: aaahaHahaahahahaa this works perfectly AND its a cure for the holidays, fuck it everyone take a shot
Jade is a Mary Sue.
Jade is a rampant sex offender.
That's Kanaya
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What? N-no. We cant!
Can't it be both?
Is it really rampancy if you raped the same guy tons of times?
No, not really. I've still got a lot of appreciation for Homestuck and what it did to explore the medium, and I don't think the importance of that can be overstated, but at the same time it really did shit the bed in its second half.
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Don't do drugs, kids.
Yeah same

I'll still sell the innovation but will openly admit it turned to trash, fast
Nope. Only one person can sex offend at a time
The article was shit though.
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Wrong, always do drugs
Yes, it is.
Who made this law? Dirk?
Why not?
No, Kanaya. Dirk made the law that says you can't rape your husband, which Jade also has as an advantage.
that doesn't have anything to do with this you silly little cuk
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>Who made this law? Dirk?
Of course Kanaya'd give bad advice like that.
Why would Kanaya pass a law that actively fucks her over?
Karkat would never......
Just saying, man.
>Why would Kanaya pass a law that actively fucks her over?

I Am Not A Clever Person
your opinion is wrong and you smell of elderberries !
My opinion is right and I smell like sex.
You haven't taken me out to dinner yet. Or told me that I look pretty. I'm not a whore, you know!

This is getting silly.
But why'd you do it?
yeah, hobo sex
also not really anymore, maybe during act 3, but not anymore.
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are you assholes taking a shot or what, it's the holiday week drink with me already, soon HSG will be dead for good and then 2017 can kill us all, c'mon

cram it and take a shot already
No, upper class lesbian sex.

Well, of course not in Act 6, even in Act 5 the case could be made.
OK, you're pretty. There's step one. Now let's go to dinner.

You were probably too ugly to be a whore anyway.

What's that picture referencing?
it's actually a tart combination of lesbian vapors, hobo pucker musk, and the light addition of horsecum

and obviously Im speaking in terms of Act 6, or , How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Watched As All The Characters Went Terrible
Because she's not a smart person
anon you're awful at this
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No thanks, I have an early morning.

HSG isn't going to die, it's just going to move to /vg/, provided that the game isn't so terrible that nobody plays it.

Some dumb horror movie I haven't seen, but I like the artist. Also, tumut
No, it smells like eggnog and new baby.

Well, don't, then every character is shit and nothing like themselves.
I thought I was doing really well. I called her pretty and everything.
Well, what's the name of it? Also, fuck you, I was going to get you dinner, you meany.
>No thanks, I have an early morning.
fine, tomorrow then you sassy slunt

>provided that the game isn't so terrible that nobody plays it.
That's the reality we have to face negro

also quite honestly, shes more just slightly bland than a mary sue. Of course people think the term applies and use it without thinking
Still, it doesn't make for a good discussion.

She was basically a plot device.
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Jennifer's Body?

Don't call my E-wife a slunt, you dick.
Oh, God, I know that one, it sounds awful.
well that's life, we have to suck it up and face facts
would you like fries with that

no, Jane/Jake was a plot device
Jade was just there
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Doesn't counter or add onto what I actually said.

Jade and Jake weren't plot devices, Jade was. I don't think you know what that term means.

Also, hating Jake is a meme.
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Yeah, but these fanarts are kind of pretty. And I haven't consented to marriage yet, buster. Let's take this one thing at a time.
that's also life
and I wish we could go back to when the comic was good, but we can't okay

and yeah, they kind of were
I dont know what Jade did to you to make you hate her so much, but this is getting a bit out of hand

>hating jake is a meme
Nigga what
I want her to shit out my soul desu.

And who said anything about consent to a marriage? The papers are already signed.
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>Jade and Jake weren't plot devices, Jade was
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Wait shit hold the fuck up you did it, I got it, finally, that image just tripped it for me

I know exactly what kind of smut fic with Rose I can do in this brave new world of a mangled post-ending content
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It doesn't count unless you say "I do". Haven't you seen princess bride?

I gotta go to bed, predator anon. Good night.
Again, nothing added onto what I actually said.

No, they weren't. Jade had immediate and massive effects on the plot. Jake and Jane didn't. And, no, it isn't getting out of hand.

Jake was decently developed and characterized. His characterization was fairly unique to the story and you easily got a feeling for everything he was about. He's an egocentric pretty boy playing pretend. Compare that to Jane who's on a whole other level of shittiness and Roxy whose actual characterization beyond typing quirks amounts to ?????? and you have the second best Alpha (which isn't saying much)
Oh, he posted a picture. Better pack my bags and head home.
>Oh, he posted a picture. Better pack my bags and head home.
It's because you said Jade twice you silly

take the stick from your rump
Fine, whatever, you just said "I do" so there we go.

I'm no predator. I love you. ;_;
Why is she so happy
Fudge, my bad, Anon. Sorry.
most of what you've been saying before has just been blatant statements with no explanation, so I thank you for seeing the error in this and actually, you know, explaining your case.

>Jake and Jane didn't.
In regards to Act 6 , I'd say so!

of course, this is naturally flawed, since Act 6 is much shorter than the rest of the comic in comparison, so their impact doesn't feel as hard hitting. Regardless, you kind of already said 'yeah okay jade got some character' in act 6 with the whole Space junk at the end with Calliope/becoming single after breaking up etc., it wasn't much but fuck it was something at least. Most of Jade's storyline wrapped up Pre-Act 5 so Hussie just didn't even know what to do with her besides having her as a spunky side character with powers that ended up getting negated thanks to Condy.

If I had that one picture of Rose and Dave getting fat off of screentime and John and Jade starving I'd post it, since it's a good representation of how Hussie's storytelling faltered in the end.

>Jake was decently developed and characterized.

Sure, for maybe a short amount of time. Hussie essentially forgot about them over time and used them as a punching bag in the end with no real character whatsoever. I'm still disgusted by what Huss did to them , of course this is the guy who did the retcon thing so fuck it, right?

>and Roxy whose actual characterization beyond typing quirks amounts to ??????
I mean damn man I didn't know you disliked how she was treated as well, but she did feel a BIT better off than Jane ..
She has a man who loves her
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Anon, I said it didn't make for good conversation and then you repeat yourself. That is all. Give me one (1) giving a blatant statement with no explanation.

Not really? Jake and Jane didn't come in and fuck shit up. All of the Alpha kids had shit to do and then did that shit. There weren't any massive moments immediately coming out of characters like with Jade and Bec and Jade and the Clouds.

Anon, it seems like you're getting sidetracked a bit here.

Better than Jane means better than nothing because Jane is nothing.
Why did you post a blank picture?
Angry embarrassed Jane best Jane
You repeated yourself as well so I'd say we're both at fault. I shall eat crow.
>Jake and Jane didn't come in and fuck shit up.
Eehh, I mean
They did what they could.
I'm not gonna lie, the whole 'turning jade and jane evul' thing was incredibly stupid for a while, same for the tricksters, but all of that is mostly forgettable given the context.

again, act 6 is a mess so it's hard dissecting it like a rotting corpse
Regardless, I shall repeat what I saw long ago "It's not that Jade is a bad character, it's that the rest of the other main 4 kids have much more screentime and contributed more "
>Better than Jane means better than nothing because Jane is nothing.

no qualms there
I did it because you failed to understand. >eat crow

Anon, this whole thing was about Jake and Jane being plot devices, what are you now going "they did what they could" You're confuzzling. Why are you getting sidetracked again?

The only thing you'd dissect is a corpse though?

But Jade did a ton of shit?
Tsun bun
You've never heard of 'eat crow ' before?
It's an old term so it's understandable

>Anon, this whole thing was about Jake and Jane being plot devices
Woah woah what,
I was under the impression this was about Jade being seen as a Mary Sue in your eyes so I was comparing her to the rest of the cast. I think what you call being sidetracked is more like a major misunderstanding. Shit man woops.
>The only thing you'd dissect is a corpse though?
Not a rotting one , which is what I used to describe it.
But your comparisons didn't prove a thing either way? And the way I'm using the terms here, they're practically interchangeable? What?

Aren't all corpses rotting?

That's your opinion and I respect it, but I humbly disagree as I see it differently. I saw it more as comparing the kids and their personalities /achievements over the course of the comic.

>And the way I'm using the terms here, they're practically interchangeable? What?
Do explain though. You're throwing me off here.

Also after visiting a morgue, not if you preserve them right, regardless, the metaphor has obviously run its course.
She's better in an apron.
Remember, Jane and Jade are marriage material, the Lalondes are good for one-night stands at best.

A Mary Sue can be a plot device? It's a certain type?

Doesn't that just slow the process?
Meme opinion.
Correct opinion, but I see that you're unable to prove it wrong.
>Make an assertion.
>Try to throw the burden of proof onto me.
Nah, meme opinion.
That's...kind of not what I'm getting at . Any character can be called a plot device, but to describe them as a mary sue is wrong 9 times out of 10. I've already expressed that Jade is dull/lacking in development which leaves people to jump this gun most of the time.

I hope you had a good dinner
>alcoholics with mental issues who are often fucking crazy
>marriage material
And you have the audacity to tell others their opinions are memes.
No, that's what I'm saying. If a character is dull, neigh perfect, and has a massive and unwarranted influence on the plot, it's fair to call them a Sue. It's also fair to call them a plot device. They both intertwine sometimes.

I didn't.
>Bipolar cunt who tried to rape a man.
>Half-dog abomination.
You would fuck those things?
>has to say meme stuff like "abomination" to justify not wanting to marry Jade
>Has to say "meme" to meme out the fact that someone with two sets of ears is an abomination.
>Ignored the point on Jane because he knows it's true.
>neigh perfect
I wouldn't say that at all about Jade , she's easily irritated, lonely, gets great powers but then gets hard countered with them by the enemy so her strength becomes everyone's weakness, etc. I could go on since I love most of the original 4 kids and all together and that's just my stance on the matter
> unwarranted influence on the plot,
Influence yes, but unwarranted?

and I am sorry to hear that
I hope your breakfast turns out better
Part dog = loyal wife, that makes her ideal wife material
Sorry, my wife is naturally loyal and didn't need to become a freak of nature to achieve it because she's an actually good person.
I was just giving an example. And I'm not going to really debate the Jade thing right now.

Unwarranted as in "they didn't work for it" or "it came out of fucking nowhere"

It probably won't.
Guy, your hand isn't your wife just because you put a ring on it.
That's fair
It is 5 fucking AM in the morning goddamn

Also if we're talking about Cascade, I see what you mean in a way.

and sorry
>has to restore to "has two ears" rather than actual flaws

You're just digging yourself a hole all the way to china
No, because that ring belongs to me and the other belongs to my wife. :^)
>>has to restore to
has to resort to*
>wears two rings on one hand
That's pathetic.
>Uses the word "restore" for no reason.
>Defending a fucked up dog bitch.
You're going in that hole.
>only retards trying to argue against this

I expected as much.
What if they're the Ring of Life and Ring of Void, you bully? ;_;
That was an example.

And Jade in general has all kinds of that shit.

It's OK.
I mean, canonically Jane in another life was a stereotypical housewife. Rose and Roxy are always crazy drunks. Jade's the only wildcard but she comes off as seeming like she'd make a great mom and wife.
Why are you calling me a retard? ;_;
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The same could be said about a lot of characters quite honestly
Bec, Skaian Clouds, her board game gimmick, being a nuclear physicist when the rest are just normal kids, etc. Shit like that.
Jade'd be the soccer mom to Jane's traditional mom
You have that in reverse.
>being a nuclear physicist when the rest are just normal kids

Woah man I wouldn't call the rest of the cast normal , and given that it doesn't even end up being brought up for the rest of the comic like that of Rose's writings , that feels a bit reaching.

Only real one that feels like it has any weight is Bec at least.
How would Jane be a soccer mom? How would Jade be a traditional mom?
Relatively normal. Regardless, Jade has a ton of shit that makes her unique and powerful.

No, Skaian Clouds were super important.
Jane's a super bitch? Jade suppresses all of her anger and acts like a normal person?
I was wondering why the homestuck threads were getting deleted consistently.

Now I know why. This whole thread is just waifu posting, mods pls delete.
The keyword here is 'were'
Like the horrorterrors and many other concepts, they eventually were forgotten as time went on.

And hell man she's got her faults too
anyways Im tired and I don't see any reason to further this since it aint changing my opinion any time soon , and I believe you most likely feel the same.
That she evolved as a character overtime for the most part.

>Then you should stop coming to these threads completely because you will never change anybody's mind here.
I'm not going to stop coming these threads any time soon man

I don't know if you were trying to be snarky or something but I am sorry you took my request of peace as a sign of hostility somehow
More like devolved.

But engaging in these conversations is pointless to you if you don't change minds?

It did hurt. I am lonely and bored. :(
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Post pics of this semen demon
>best girl
Meme tastes.
Cheeky breeki! But no, felt more like evolving.Especially after getting over the narcolepsy deal and whatnot.

>But engaging in these conversations is pointless to you if you don't change minds?

And that's why I usually stick to simply asking for art requests instead because discussions tend to end up becoming thread-fillers with no one reaching peace. Which is a shame.
wtf i love medium now

>Toby Fox, the game’s creator, having led the music production for Homestuck, and the game having been coded in part in Andrew Hussie’s basement. I wish Homestuck had been mentioned more in those reviews.
Given his social circle i think he actually wants people to forget he contributed to. Oppa toby style was made by 2012-13, things changed since and composing became just a job on a toxic enviroment instead of a lifestyle. The tweet he speaks to andrew felt more an obligation than sincere thanks.
When are the next snaps?
Not really? She just faded into the background?

They're still fun and eat up time, Anon. Most discussions like this reach a definitive conclusion.
What are you talking about?
A dozen replies back I already mentioned hussie's braindead strategy of heaping screentime on Strilondes, so I've got you covered

and while they do eat up time, sometimes it comes off as a distraction whilst multitasking
We don't know.
Possibly December 6th.
But that's a part of her development, Anon.

Isn't that also a good thing?

Hussie a hack
Yes, it is. I mean, literally it is. Like, that aspect of it is a part of development for characters in general. And honestly, that could have been great for Jade as a character given her Parody Sue status.
>Also everything from bowman's album. The guy shouldn't sing if he's not doing it to be funny.
Cuntpi, if you don't think Bowman's perfomance in "How Do I Live" wasn't beautiful then you really are stupid.

feels more like a combination of poor story telling and a general unwillingness to focus on some characters in favor of others
>parody sue status
you cheeky fucker~
>December 6th
That's why I said "could have"?

I'm not being cheeky, that was pretty much the intent of her character.
I usually try to keep an open mind but this just feels like a tinfoil theory to be brutally honest
People use that term to describe Jade all the time. With her introduction, her uniqueness, her general personality, all of the bullshit that comes with her, etc, it's easy to see why.
Ladies and Gentlemen and Homestuck fags.

How do we kill Karkat?
Yeah , incorrect people that spawned from the depths of HSG
Again, it all feels like a poor way to describe her while overlooking her faults and flaws.
No? I've seen it everywhere. Even on Tumblr.

Parody Sue =/= Mary Sue, Anon.
Tumblr isn't exactly an example I'd use man

also any form of Sue is distasteful
Why not? It's still another website.

Not really. Parody Sue is a pretty vague term and the connotation there isn't really negative.
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It is the birth of evil!
Oh, man, don't be cute on me, Anon.
Why do you guys want Karkat to be dead so badly?
WTF, I love Bro now.
dwarf fortress style sim game
Because he cucked Jade and won the Davebowl.
Stop caring about shipping, retards.
>Not caring about shipping
Why should I?
>John Egbert the Heir of Breath punches Caliborn the Lord of Time in the upper left canine tooth and it goes flying!
>Caliborn the Lord of Time looks sick
>Caliborn the Lord of Time passes out
How so?
Because anon, seeing our characters end up with people that make sense is an important part of their arc.
Not really. A character can fulfill an arc without a ship. A relationship does not define a character. You sound like a Davekat shipper.
They can fulfill an arc without a ship. But if they're GOING to be shipped, it should be with characters that make sense.
OK, I can agree with that. They shouldn't be shipped though. It's cancer.
But Davekat and shit is barely canon?
stop talking about gay aliens and discuss THIS
Because Tumblr and Hussie raped and remodeled Karkat.
>seeing our characters end up with people that make sense is an important part of their arc
something about this statement bugged me and I think I know what it is.
I agree that, as an author, if you intend to pair two togethers together, then you should devote enough development to that relationship that it feels natural and has some cathartic value. But I don't think that the relationship needs to be part of either character's "main arc". It should be part of *an* arc, for sure, but it needn't be a factor in either character's most significant personal issues
Why not?
because romance can be fun on its own without tying into some narrative question, same way as an extraneous fight scene can be entertaining

the problem is when you have shitty unbelievable romance or too many extraneous fight scenes, etc.
No? I don't like this kind of thinking. Everything should have a purpose with the plot, characters, information to the audience, etc
every story has extraneous elements, it gives a sense of a vaster, deeper world than you would get if the story only focused on what was absolutely necessary. Relationships between characters might not serve any grander purpose other than to make the characters more relatable by giving them the humanizing quality of wanting to show and receive affection

homestuck never pretended to be a story where every little thing is significant, anyway
>it gives a sense of a vaster, deeper world than you would get if the story
But that's not extraneous. That's something I described.

And it'd be more realistic to have those relationships change people. The most humanizing effect of relationship is how it affects you personally. Otherwise, it's just shallow and sometimes even manipulative.

Homestuck was weird with that kind of shit but it usually tried to asspull an excuse for stuff.
being "realistic" is a trap
good fiction isn't realistic, otherwise you get things like "people don't have arcs"

You don't seem to be terribly concerned about arguing that a relationship should be part of the character's main arc, anymore. If you agree that romance can be included for no other reason than to give a character another dimension, then we can chalk the rest up to semantics.
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>being "realistic" is a trap
>good fiction isn't realistic, otherwise you get things like "people don't have arcs"
WTF are you on about? You're more leaning towards that than me. I want romance to have a purpose, you don't. You're the more "human beans" guy here.

Just a purpose, Anon. It depends on what you mean by "dimension" here too.
>I want romance to have a purpose, you don't.
Of course I want romance to have purpose. I said it should be cathartic, didn't I? I'm just saying it doesn't have to be central to a character's story.

>Just a purpose, Anon. It depends on what you mean by "dimension" here too.
Well, given that you accepted story elements serving the "vaster, deeper world" objective as non-extraneous, I figure that you don't think many things are extraneous. If you don't think descriptions of trees in LotR are extraneous, then that's a pretty low bar for relationships to meet.
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I don't think that's a good justification though, Anon.

In a sense of detail and scope, maybe. What you just described sounds a bit extraneous.
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like THIS

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I'm not sure what exactly you're referring to.

Anyway just think about it like this. The romance is a "B" story, something that goes on in the background so the audience has breaks to process the "A" story and can be entertained while feeling the passage of time. Homestuck is by no means a short, self-contained novel... it's a sprawling serial with lots of different plotlines going on at once, and it's pretty unreasonable to expect them all to support the core themes of one central plotline, if such a central plotline even exists. It's not like we can even tell who the main character is.
To be cathartic.

I don't think entertainment is enough justification for a plotline. It just has to support a character, arc, subplot or whatever, Anon.
>It just has to support a character, arc, subplot or whatever
Okay. So supporting any one of these elements to the exclusion of the others would be sufficient? So what would supporting a character, without supporting an arc, look like? Because like I said, merely giving a character depth is a pretty low bar to reach. You could write pretty much anything and it would show a new side of the character, and that would qualify as "purpose".
>You could write pretty much anything and it would show a new side of the character, a
Debateable. And hard to explain.

I don't know, Anon, it's just a general guideline. Everything should have a narrative purpose. Narrative over audience pandering every time.
Your attempt to minimize "entertainment value" as "pandering" has been noted.

Look, davekat doesn't fail because it doesn't serve a narrative. It serves a narrative perfectly well, it just might not be a narrative that you agree with. The reason davekat fails is because it has no cathartic value.
>Your attempt to minimize "entertainment value" as "pandering" has been noted.
That's actually how I kind of feel about it, Anon.

Davekat serves zero narrative, Anon. It adds nothing to either of them, the plot, and it comes out of nowhere. The fuck you on about?
Davekat exists to piss you off.
Don't be obtuse. Davekat might be trite, uninspired, and lazy to the point of being insulting, but it is absolutely part of Dave's arc. As much as you want to deny it, Dave's arc is about rejecting norms of masculinity and heroism, and davekat is a contributing factor to that, and Dave says as much. I don't like it any more than you do, but we can't pretend that all that stuff isn't there.

You are right about one thing though... it does come out of nowhere. And that's what I'm talking about, with it lacking cathartic value. It wasn't given sufficient development for us to get emotionally involved. That's where it fails.
Yeah, but you need to realize.

Fuck Karkat being reduced into Dave's girlfriend and support character #2. Hussie can go fuck himself.
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>but it is absolutely part of Dave's arc.
No, it really isn't. It's barely even confirmed as a relationship. Fucking a dude doesn't reject a role of heroism? Maybe masculinity? But saying Dave was homophobic is a stretch and that's only rejecting it on a superficial level.

No, development has to do with its purpose and how effective the transition is, that's my problem. Hard to explain. Tired and shit, Anon.
>Dave was homophobic is a stretch
He didn't even want to poke Karkat's dream projection because he thought it would be gay.
I mean, it would kind of be. But nobody think that's a defining or even prominent characteristic of Dave and that's also not my entire point.
How is a poke gay? I'm not talking about poking things with your dick.
During all the early acts Dave's method of counter-trolling involved getting on the troll's case for being gay. It's not so much that it was bad (Dave even says that he doesn't feel bad about it), just that it was a cover-up.
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I was joking.

OK, and? It's a minor thing still and it's a minor thing when it comes to masculinity as well.
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I hate this shit
Minor or not, it's still part of Dave's arc, whether you like it or not.
Anon, you're seriously grasping at straws here.
>Homophobia is a minor part of both Dave and masculinity.
>Somehow dating a guy is his arc.
That makes it a weak and shitty arc, Anon. Emotional connection or not.
dating a guy isn't his arc but it supports his arc
and that's all it takes, right? The relationship has a purpose. It checks out.
What else supports the arc, Anon? And, no, it's a shit purpose for the stated reasons. Having a purpose doesn't mean it's good automatically but it needs to a purpose to be good.

Why are you getting on my case for this, Anon?
Stop moving the goalposts.
I'm not. This is just a reasonable outlook on shit. I never outright said purpose necessarily equals good.
>What else supports the arc
the monologues with dirk, reluctance to be a hero throughout the story, dave's persona blocking genuine relationships with others, including jade, etc.

davekat is not the ONLY possible outcome of everything pre-retcon, but the pieces are all there for a full arc where dave accepting his homosexuality is a not-insignificant component of learning to drop the facade and be sincere with others
But the earlier parts in the story where Dave's reluctant to be a hero point otherwise.

And there's nothing really implying Dave just kind of gave up trying to be a hero or even be sincere besides being gay and having that chat. He generally seems the same. I don't know, Anon. I'm tired as fuck.
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>but Dave's arc
>muh Dave
>Dave's deep and complex story

>Karkat is literally Kanaya tier
It was the whole reluctance in using time travel.
Go to bed, anon.
look man I'm not saying the arc was handled well but that IS his arc

dave's fireside chat with dirk is the final word on the character, and contextualizes all of his previous actions, and davekat specifically serves that arc perfectly well

You're wrong about davekat not serving purpose. You have two options here, you can either not like the purpose the davekat serves, or not like davekat for a different reason. But davekat is absolutely not extraneous.
I thought that was a sense of balancing himself and not fucking shit up.
I didn't say otherwise?

Not really?

I don't think I said it didn't serve a purpose, it just doesn't serve it well.
No. It serves it well. You keep trying to argue that the purpose is dumb, but davekat serves it perfectly well, as dumb as it is.
No, I'm not trying to argue the purpose is dumb. At least not completely. Davekat is just gay and that's kind of a tangential stretch to the whole masculinity thing. And if you want to extend it beyond that, I never got that the feeling that Dave's relationship with Karkat helped him be more genuine.
That's not the point. It's not that davekat is supposed to change dave, it's that davekat is evidence that dave has changed in the first place. By admitting to himself that he's homosexual, he's cracked the coolkid persona he worked so hard to maintain. He says as much when he talks about those norms with John, and about how he feels he's grown past that. Davekat is also significant for his future development, since confessing to his friends is the next step for him. Davekat doesn't have to be the thing that solves Dave's problem for it to be extremely relevant to his arc.
Regardless, Anon, my point still stands. It's still just a "gay" thing which feels kind of microscopic in scope. It doesn't convey that change well because it's literally just "gay"
what the fuck are you talking about
how is coming out of the closet not a monumental event for any character
what the fuck is your perspective
It feels pretty tiny, man.
I don't know what you mean by this.
>it's that davekat is evidence that dave has changed in the first place
This was happening naturally throughout acts 4 and 5. The way Dave handled problems in round-about ways, actively avoiding the responsibility that came with pulling swords out of things and realizing that the amazing superpowers he gained in the medium actually just made him a slave to the timeline where any deviation would result in the death of him and his friends. That's what characterized Dave. His cool kid persona was as imparted upon him as his job was in the medium and its honestly one of the most subtle, nuanced ways to characterize someone I've ever read.

It just sucks how setting up a gay romance as his victory and absolution over his past isn't nearly as interesting, well written, or personal as the quality that went into setting Dave up in the first place.
It sounds like you're minimizing it out of personal bias instead of looking at it objectively from a narrative perspective.
if all you can say is that you "feel" like you're right then there's nothing else to discuss

I mean yeah I don't disagree
davekat is dumb and boring but it's not a non-sequitor, it's a perfectly reasonable conclusion to dave's arc
and it's not like davekat couldn't have been interesting either, but all it amounted to was some very lazy last-minute moralizing
No, I'm not? Narratively, it feels pretty tiny. Being gay didn't seem like the biggest thing in the world for Dave.
I mean, I already said why, Anon. Don't make me feel like an idiot. Being gay's not a huge part of masculinity nor Dave and him admitting it feels kind of limp narratively. Why do you have to make feel stupid with that?
>Being gay didn't seem like the biggest thing in the world
it doesn't have to be, dumbass, why are you so fixated on this
I already said it, davekat is not the ultimate point of dave's arc, it's a SUPPORTING factor
dave didn't obsess over homosexuality BUT he did obsess over things that prevented him from admitting he was a homosexual
Please don't call me a dumbass.

I know but I'm just saying that because of that it didn't convey the development well. Stop yelling at me.
he explained it in the story
dave literally said "it's dumb to be homophobic and I didn't realize that before but I do now"
the onus was not on davekat alone to convey dave's arc
as I said
davekat is only one supporting factor, albeit a significant one
I know, Anon. I know it's a supporting factor but I don't think it conveyed the development well. How many times do I have to repeat myself? Please don't insult me anymore.
as I said
the onus was not on davekat alone to convey dave's arc
it did everything it needed to
I know, Anon but I still respectfully disagree.
jesus christ man what are you doing to me
it should be illegal to talk like this to autistic dudes
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What am I doing? Am I the autistic one here?
But we've never seen him be homophobic. Sure, he called people gay, but he never ripped on anyone for specifically being gay. Karkat hitting on John is a good example; he just makes fun of him for the hypocrisy of telling them to stop hitting on Vriska and Terezi and then immediately doing the same to both Jade and John.

If he ever found out another character was gay, and then showed any kind of discomfort or disinterest outside of his regular jokes and trolling that explicitly pointed to him being homophobic because he was raised to be, that'd be a different story, but as it is, there just isn't anything there to say that, if Dave decided he was gay before entering the Medium or doing any of his character growth, he wouldn't just accept it, own it, and if it ever gets brought up in conversation, turn it into another joking insult to throw at the other person and considering Bro made snuff puppet porn and was more interested in teaching Dave to handle himself in a fight than his sexuality as far as we saw, there's no reason for us to believe he would care either.

I just don't see how Dave being gay fits into the character arc we saw.
Man, I hate Roxy and Dave more and more now.
you've killed my father deserves this title tbqh
Why do you think that, Anon?
Because toxic masculinity or something.
See? He agrees. :D
>there just isn't anything there to say that, if Dave decided he was gay before entering the Medium or doing any of his character growth, he wouldn't just accept it, own it
you mean except for the multiple occasions in post-retcon where dave had extreme difficulty owning his homosexuality in front of his peers
>Karkat is literally an accessory now for Dave's """character growth"""
Kill me.
>Fujoshits ruined Homestuck
girls ruin everything.

homestuck is just another corpse in a grave
You're putting logical progression over canon. Yes, it would have made more sense (and been ten times less fucking awful to read) for Dave to be open about whatever the hell sort of queermosexuality he's on about, make a few jokes to make Karkat uncomfortable, something like that, but this is a story written by a guy. A guy who laid out a very thick and obvious monologue about how Dave wasn't willing to accept any sort of homosexual feelings because of "toxic masculinity".

It's stupid, sure, but it's Hussie's story, and he fucked it up however he chose, and he obviously chose Dave to have repressed homosexuality at the eleventh hour.
What I don't get is why he made dave gay while simultaneously having him making freudian slips towards rose and roxy
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Does John live alone?
Near as I can tell, Dave is bi. But who knows, it's all fucking stupid anyway.
let's not forget "john's hot mom"
Obviously yes.
that is fucking stupid yeah
how much of his day does he spend crying?
Don't be silly. John ran out of tears long ago. Now he just wishes he could feel anything at all.
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Poor John.
>implying Terezi and John don't fuck regularly
She always goes back to John's house for a good fuck, food and then continues her search for Vriska.

It's headcanon shit, but at least it would be a good smutfic idea that respects canon.
what does he even do all day?

He probably hangs out with Jade occasionally, and with everyone else on holidays, but he's probably alone most of the time
Same thing as before SBURB. he just kind of puts around his home, watching bad movies, playing games, maybe doing a little coding. The only difference is that now his Dad is gone, and he's not as close with his friends as he was back then.

The note that desolation plays is simply louder now.
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John is sad. Tell him something to cheer him up.
Scourgecest is endgame
Don't worry man, because no matter how bad things get, someday you will find the sweet release of death!

Oh... wait...
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Look at the bright side, at least you aren't a slave like Karkat.
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john/aradia presently has a better chance of becoming canon than johnroxy
would roxy and rose redeem themselves if they bounced on john's dick?
Game Over, despite looking and sounding cool, was the exact moment I stopped caring

I watched with a friend, who said after that maybe he should try reading
I told him maybe not
No, but a threesome with two similar-looking girls is god tier.
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Andrew Hussie is a self-loathing betacuck numale whose been emotionally castrated by Halftruth and literally castrated by IPGD. All of his friends and employees are SJWs who demonize men and it comes through in his writing of all male Homestuck characters been wimpy and emotionally broken and the female characters as strong independent women who don't need no man.
>All of his friends and employees are SJWs who demonize men
The worst in this category are men themselves, too.
I love Johnrezi until Nussie shits on that pairing as well!
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JohnTerezi is bad and you should feel bad. It somehow has even less than JohnRoxi going on.
Hey, at least it's better than Karezi or Scourgecest.
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>those lips
she's just black at this point
Hey, at least those lips can suck a good dick
Nothing wrong with that, long as she's pretty
>always weird african Jade
>never qt hawaiian jade
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non-white kids still bother me
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today on 'how can i ruin this'.png
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Could be worse, always worse.
What did she mean by THIS?
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I hope Jade is played by a skinny white girl in the TV show, just to shut these people up
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>s-she is talking about Gamzee!
Why does Hussie hate Karkat so fucking much?
this panel is extra dumb because the text doesn't even look like writing on a wall, it just looks like its written over the panel
Literally the last 8 replies are shitposts step up your game or leave.
This panel is extra extra dumb because it makes Terezi switch from one codependency to another.
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What was hst's reaction to that? Jesus fuck, I bet it was brutal.
By that point most people had lost faith in Hussie
Vriskagram was just the final nail in the coffin
>there are people too dense to think it's not referring to all the boys on the meteor
Is Vriskagram the worst flash?
She put the fucking message after her chat with Karkat. If she wanted to not date all the boys on the meteor, she would have send John on the part where she chats with Dave and tries to investigate.
There's literally nothing to talk about other than waiting to see Cohen's next fuckup. /hst/ is basically /doag/ with a larger artillery of memes.
We'll probably get a Thanksgiving update, right
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Is this pre-retcon Karkat's reward for not joining Meenah's army and not get a better girlfriend?
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People who care about karkat are at least twice as pathetic as everyone else in these threads

and that includes katnep anon
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>Character pretty much nobody likes comes back to life
>Said character fixes most of everyone's problems simply by existing
>Said character acts extremely out of character to fix all other problems
>A lot of previous characterization for many characters is gone
>Alcoholism is solved by smacking the bottle out of an alcoholic's hand
>Two guys who were previously friends are suddenly gay for each other with no build up or reason given
>Character that has dependency issues switches from one codependency to another and this is deemed perfectly ok
>Flash sullies one of the better Homestuck tracks by playing it in the background while all of the above is presented to us
Yea probably.
Then leave.
Only icels-tier people argue otherwise.
>People who care about a beloved character for seven years are at least twice as pathetic
if you cared about anyone in homestuck past 2012, you're autistic
How can I be edgy like this tool, hst?
>not liking your favorite character in a webcomic makes people edgy
>Alcoholism is solved by smacking the bottle out of an alcoholic's hand
Surprised more people aren't offended by this.
no one is offended because it made way for the fandom's resident favorite dyke pairing to stay canon
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at that point hussie didn't seem like he was writing for anybody besides some phantom of teenness

content from later was sometimes worse but that was transposed through walls of text
Most homestuck fans are teenage white girls who haven't had to deal with that shit.
>Character that has dependency issues switches from one codependency to another and this is deemed perfectly ok
this might actually be the worst part, it feels like he just looked at people's love of the scourge sisters in the fandom and decided to make it that way without considering how it would actually work
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worst ship of all time.png
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I hope this shit pairing happens and you get fucked over, Katnep anon.
Well I did say worst flash, not worst page.
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What's the worst page?
Probably Dave's toxic masculinity ones
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why did you wear my goddamn hat
of fucking course you are going to be sad for eternity
Not this one for sure.
this page wouldn't get so much flak if it didn't do that goofy zoom in
Vriska was never an antagonist.
Not a bad idea actually.
TavJade. Anon, you know that's the only way for both of them.
Jade is for Dave, Tavros is for irrelevance and death.
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>With literally anyone
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I haven't seen any non-ironic DaveJade shipper since 413.
I don't know most DaveJade shippers who ship it ironically
Isn't it pretty much canon. She lives with him.
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You reactionary wusses turning against Roxy and John/Roxy after the collapse of the empire continues to be pathetic
honestly it just proves roxy doesn't have a lot of value besides shipping
Nonsense. Both Lalondes are best girl (we are ignoring Act 6 Rose) and neither of them had any competition.
do any hs characters?
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jade saves dave.png
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Most aren't non-ironic
According to Cohen, head writer of HomestuckTM, no.
Rose used to
Why does Karkat have Dave's arms?
He lost his own.
I'm so sorry for your terrible taste. My heart goes out to your family.
No need to be so hard on yourself.
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Jade "Homewrecker" Harley
Jade being a literal homewrecker because she tore up the couch and chewed Dave's slippers
Maybe if Karkat wasn't such a shitty boyfriend Dave wouldn't have left him.
have this
No thanks
>That mouth

Naw, I'm good.
Why not
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>not liking full lips
I thought that was the one thing everyone liked about Rose
I thought it was Rose's hot butt
That's not what full lips look like. That's not what lips look like.
Why did you post a picture of a gamzee cosplay
No, that's the Jade from that image cosplaying as Caesar Romero's Joker. You can tell by the horribly disfigured mouth that it's her.

Romero Joker, Nicholson Joker, Ledger Joker, and Leto Joker play Sburb
Why is she so perky
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"Doesn't he ever leave his office??? PS: Leave office and go solve some crimes already! Jesus!!!"

I probably should have listened to those people, because after all they are right. A story about a man trying to leave his office for a solid year can only turn out HORRRRRIIIIIBLY.

This is going to sound like an oxymoron coming from the author of a user-driven story, but taking input from readers too seriously can be a dangerous thing. They just don't know what they're talking about. They have expectations for a story which are grounded in the familiar. A story about a hard boiled detective? Of course he's going to be leaving his office and solving crimes on the mean streets! That's what those stories are supposed to be about! Anything off that template produces the sort of aggravation voiced in the above "command", and is a signal of the story's failure. It's up to the author to prove otherwise, but that takes time. And once it finally is proven, that reader tends to be grateful his advice wasn't heeded! Assuming he remembers his original complaint, which of course is seldom.
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