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/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons

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Thread replies: 536
Thread images: 143

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>Upcoming Releases:

>Out This Week:
Rebels 3.07: "Iron Squadron"

>Rebels 3.06: "Imperial Super Commandos"

>Rebels Recon #3.06: "Imperial Super Commandos"

>Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Official Trailer #2:

>Download links: (Check here for new Rebels Episodes + Books, Comics, Films, etc)

>Star Wars Canon Guide:

>Legends Recommendation List:

>The Clone Wars Recommendation Guide
i want to fuck the droid
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Joe Johnston had a hand in this design. Wonder how much stuff of his they haven't used yet?
I wish ILM would make a Coruscant screensaver that randomizes the air traffic and has a day and night cycle...
Any chance the kid of the group is Dash Rendar?
Dash Rendar is already in Rebels.
Dash Rendar is already in the show tho
Astro mechs are gross
>Again, he stopped being that person after the first movie, there is no revelation here.
The revelation is the development he made was the cause of his death, anon. Love was the death of a man who started out a tough smartass.
>No. He's written to be a joke. There's other ways of writing internal conflict and not be has ridiculous as Kylo Ren's.
But Ren wasn't ridiculous. He had mental issues which justifies his tantrums and rants. That's his character. Yes there are ways to write a conflicted character, but the way Ren was done was great.
>He can be angry, but the the entire film works against him and compromises any serviceable qualities of him as a person and an antagonist.
How? Just because one character can act like a smartass to his face doesn't mean he can't be a serious threat. Tarkin and Leia treated Vader like a dog, that didn't make Vader less villainous.
>characters in TFA were just poor archetypes
The OT was nothing but cookie cutter archetypes. That didn't make it less fun. Anon, I'm not really going to convince you otherwise, but I can't see how these complaints are valid. You're saying "oh Ren is bad because l, eh, I didn't like his tantrums". That's fine, but there's nothing wrong with his tantrums because that's how he was written. He's insane. I feel like you wanted someone like post-ESB Vader probably. But I think the new guy we got is fantastic.
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Unrelated but I would like to see this toy make a reappearance.

Also fuck JJ for ruining Jurassic Park 3.
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What is she, /swco/?
Can we not bring old arguments into a new thread? Especially one we're about to get a new episode.
Wow I really like how Catalyst dealt with the end of the Clone Wars on Lokori.
He's blue and has a white uniform anon
Galactic civilization has always been about the same for tens of thousands of years, or so we think. They have shown that technology progresses. So what happens that causes galactic civilization to regress? It just can't be the never ending cycle of Sith vs Jedi, Empire vs Republic.
I only want to defend Ren, anon. If people here can defend their villainfus like Grievous, I should be allowed to as well.
Finally, a new alien waifu. Sick of all these humans pretending to be aliens (muh mandalorians).
Yes, the constant piss wars between Sith and Jedi holds the galaxy back. They should be removed, or at the very least the Force, the source of all their autism, should be expunged from the Galaxy.
Suppression of advances? The powerful keep it to themselves, and leave scraps for the masses.
I don't get this meme.
People saw the Outrider and assumed Dash Rendar was in Rebels (Filoni confirmed right after the trailer premiered that it wasn't the Outrider, just a similar ship).

Some idiot heard about it, started a thread about Dash Rendar being canon but used a picture of Thrawn because somehow he didn't know that wasn't Dash Rendar.
This is only true in the EU. Technology has advanced in Star Wars in the past 1,000 years. The Outer Rim was the Unknown regions during the Old Republic.
That's actually pretty funny.
Dash Rendar may not be canon, but you know who is?

DARTH REVAN IS 100000000% canon now because of toys! He is more canon than all other canon characters combined!
When will Fordo be recanonized?
Never. We already have enough clones.
The same time as ysalamiri
He will appear in season 4 of Rebels as a veteran clone now instructing young stormtrooper cadets.

Or rather... "instructing" young stormtrooper cadets
What do you mean "we have enough clones"?
Way too late

I don't think we actually have enough lore in nucanon to make that clear, do we?

I would like this very much
I thought that was someone joking. There was a flood of Dash Rendar posting after Celebration.
Here's something fun to kill the time before the new episode.

This is the letter that George Lucas sent to Mad Magazine after he found out that his own legal department threatened them with a cease and desist for spoiling ESB.

>"Does this mean that I can skip Episode VI?", it reads, which may have been more of a cry for help than they realized.
Where dis screencap from? Is there more?
Exactly what I said. We have enough. We don't need more clones. We need more memorable droids instead.
Goddamn why does Luceno like the word bailiwick so much.

>The lawyer representing Samovar’s mining conglomerate was a woman named Arsha Lome, who was as strikingly beautiful as a holopresence as she was in real life, and whom Tarkin knew from his days as adjutant general to have as sharp a legal mind as he had ever encountered

>She sniffed. “Only if we can return to The Cupola—in exchange for your sudden obtuseness.”
Waifu alert waifu alert waifu alert

Luceno seems to be back on his game with Catalyst. Hopefully his next novels are just as good if not better.
Horns > Hair
They're gonna die, aren't day?
Thanks anon.

I really don't know what to expect from this episode. I like this feel.
At first I thought you were talking about JJ Abrahms, I've gotten used to that from /swco/.

On the other hand, Joe did give us The Rocketeer and the most underrated of all the MCU movies.
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Arsha Lome is going to marry Tarkin and then living with him is going to change her appearance to be more... Willhuff-esque.
Quads of truth
>My dear Arsha, let me explain a little thing that happens to those who marry into the Tarkin family. We call it... the Tarkining.
Are you seriously telling me that you guys didn't like Tarkin?
It wasn't bad, but it wasn't Luceno's best work. For whatever reason his pacing was pretty bad and he got a little too self-indulgent with the history lessons.
I think the book could've gone through a revision or two to tighten it up. Definitely not awful like some of the other books we've gotten, but yeah, it was a slight letdown since Luceno usually hits it out of the park.
So hooded figure with royal guards confirmed

>not snoke
>not ian

Please tell me some fucker at disney didnt assume ian was a prequel casting choice and they got someone new for sheev
I thought it was easily 9/10. Especially the history lessons. People hated it but it really builds up the lore around ancient Star Wars
I hope sheev dissolved the imperial senate via chain lightning in the donut platforms room
The history lessons in and of themselves weren't bad, it was just their placement and their tendency to go on too long. They were a big part of the reason the pacing was so awkward, since every time the main story starts building momentum, Luceno takes a break to give us the history of Eriadu or a prolonged flashback to Tarkin's youth.
I could have swore Ian Mcdiarmid died, but he's alive still

Is this some mandela effect shit?
Someone play battlefront with me

Im a qt rodian twink ;)
You're probably mixing him up with his TCW voice actor Ian Abercrombie, who did die.
>both named ian and played sheev

I guess that makes sense
Unfortunately Tim Curry could not pull off Sheev.
I think he did a great Sidious. His regular Palpatine was terrible, though.
Yes yes, introducing her to his Carrion Spike. We've all heard the stories.
Agreed but 50% is still an F.
If they ever bring him back for post-prequel stuff he'd only be using the Sidious voice anyway. I'd rather have him than Witwer's accurate but completely soulless impression of McDiarmid.
Same. Ideally we'd have McDiarmid back and it's amazing that he hasn't played Palpatine since 2005 (outside of an Angry Bird commercial) despite being very vocal about wanting to play him again.

Still, if we can't have McDiarmid I'll take Curry.
You think THAT'S an ouch?

I'm a Rocky Horror fag. At the point in the movie when you see Tim Curry floating dead in the pool, the audience yells, "stroak! stroak! stroak!"

Yknow, cuz he had a stroak...

...Wrong fandom?
This is brilliant, I hope somebody does this eventually
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nobody is talking about the big casting news?

For Han Solo trilogy.
>I'd rather have him than Witwer's accurate but completely soulless impression of McDiarmid.
I've been struggling for a way to describe why his Sheev doesn't sit well with me and this is pretty much it. It sounds exactly like ROTJ Sheev but it just feels so hollow. I'd rather have the other guys who didn't sound identical to Ian McDiarmid but at least they felt like they inhabited the role.
Box office bomb confirmed!

Fuck game of thrones.
It came up last thread, but without knowing what character she's playing or anything beyond "Emilia Clarke is in it guys!" there's nothing to discuss.
So you think she'll be a Hutt?
The baldie will die/disappear, but we will see the others later.
I think we're approaching that time. I will begin the summoning ritual.

Way early bro.
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He's probably about an hour or two off, but I think the point is just to make sure a HERO is aware and ready for it when the time comes
finally they cast someone I can recognize.
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Well look who it is
>Well look who it is
A retard?

well at least they're not being ableist
0:33 Fucking based ARC-130 made from a box of scraps.
Oh shit, you're right.

I didn't think they'd actually be in the movie, and even if they were, I would never have imagined Disney letting that piece of info slip out like this.

Read the filename, dingus.
Well, given the timeframe it's not a HUGE surprise that they're in it, though I expect them to not have huge roles. They may just be there in crowd shots and such as easter eggs (especially since the Porkins dude doesn't even have the right facial hair)
Wow, those are DEFINITELY Biggs and Porkins helmets. Based Gareth.
And also because Biggs looks like Luigi.
And the episode is up on the On Demand services.
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Mfw there is literally pages of these

And the 'web' is spun once more...
Link when ?
When a hero gets around to it.

Or when Canderous finishes watching Borat. Whichever comes first.
Borat is Canderous' spirit animal.
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Well, that's it. I've been enjoying SWTOR Bounty Hunter story line so damn much, and then this guy comes along, AND YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO BRING HIM ABOARD YOUR SHIP.
I'm level 45, and I fucking quit this game. I will not continue a story line that requires me to have this character as a crew member.
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Just kidding, it's Stah Wah Rabbels
What's wrong with him? I mean, he's pretty hot, so that's good, right?
Fuck right off please. He's literally the archetypical big tough rapey prison inmate, and it's nauseatingly annoying.
you mislabeled your webm
Where is our britfag hero? :(
There are no more heroes
Link when ??
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Where are the heroes, if not in our chests?
Stream is 65% buffering for me. Just fuck my shit right up, I just wanna watch some new Rebels 20 hours ahead of broadcast for free and without compromise. Is that so hard to ask?
what is with star wars and alien head penises
You're right, it's foolish of me to make that mistake.
Girls prefer the succ.
What a shit episode. Nobody from Iron Squadron was interesting at all. And Thrawn continues to be an underwhelming villain. 3/10
Since when is Thrawn in Rebels?
Where the hell have you been?
Where have YOU been? Are we watching the same show?
Oh I see, you're doing the "NOT MUH THRAWN" thing.
Do you mean Dash Rendar?
What are you talking about?
Forced meme is forced.
>force meme

Is it possible to learn this power?
They're not even doing it right. This is probably someone who just tonight learned about it.
Not from /swco/
You underestimate my shitposting!
I really liked this episode, This was defiantly not fucking filler
Star Wars 7 was so bad it ruined the brains of every autist who watched it.
Oh give that shit a rest, fag. We don't need anymore arguments here.
Not as good as "Luke did I ever tell you".
Sheev bows to no-one. It's likely Vader in a bath robe about to take a bacta dip after getting fucked up while killing every rebel (and some imperials) in the movie.
So it's out?

L-Link when...?
It would be great if this were a comedy. Have Princess Bride type scenes of de-aged Harrison Ford telling 8 year old Ben Solo an exaggerated tale of how he met uncle Chewie, or won the Falcon or whatever.
I hope she's some kind of alien.
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>It begins modestly with small talk about the last place you had a nice dinner or the last opera that you enjoyed. From there, it progresses to more lengthy discussions of more mundane things. I recall well the first time I noticed my late, lamented grandmother's reaction to my equally late, lamented grandfather's recollection of a particularly interesting event from his youth involving his grandfather and a most marvelous nerf that he acquired from a fellow on... I believe it was Fresia by the name of Yates... Byl Yates. Perhaps you've heard of him? He was a deacon- Pinacist...
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>Gooti Terez
I'm on to you Andi. Only Pablo is allowed to make himself canon. The social media mistress is growing in her power and must be stopped.
Mart is a stupid name.
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Nothing will ever beat Ima-Gun Di.
i never realized that was his name, holy shit
Halle Burtoni?
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So, is there a link? I missed the stream.
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Droids did.
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Uhh, sir, he was speaking about their power names.
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These two shotas. Hnngghh.
>dyed hair dyke

this meme needs to end
Nigga she an alien

Shame really; he was one of the few true bro-tier Jedi like Plo Koon and Tera Sinube.
Get into KOTFE you get the chance to kill him permanently there.
She looks very human, and her hair is very reminiscent of the style. there is no way they designed her without that in mind
The look of these characters reminds me that Filoni has the power to make the characters (if not the stories) from the old Droids cartoon canon. If he wanted to.
>i have never seen anything star wars related in my entire life
>my lord, is that canon?
>i will make it. canon.
>its an alien so that means its design cant be based off something real

Are you retarded?
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Why is it so unbelievable to you that a race that doesn't exist has naturally bright red hair? Why would you assume they had her behind the scenes beauty regiment in mind when they designed her?
>tfw no early webrip
Thats not a dyke hair style

>implying the color is the main problem

The style itself is the problem
Why is it a problem?
Because it looks awful and its fucking everywhere
>tfw Rebels continues on with the Iron Squadron characters replacing Kanan, Ezra, Sabine, Hera, and Chopper after they are brutally BTFO by Thrawn/Maul/Vader

Assuming Iron Squadron isn't already dead, since I haven't seen this yet.
Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Rystall is same race as new chick, asstard.
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>He haven't seen ROTJ
Not the same style, thats clearly 80s influenced unlike the one in the picture in question

Its not my opinion that bad female hairstyles have permeated recent media, its fact.
You're late to the party, bruh.
There's no such thing as objectively good or objectively bad hair styles, dipshit, especially not in fiction which is subjective to begin with.
Are you reading comprehension? She's the same race. Until someone posts a pic otherwise, females of this race have bald temples.
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Stormies a cute.
Something being a bad hairstyle is always subjective opinion.
>having shit taste

oh right, i'm on /swco/, of course you do
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I concur, let us post more.
>There's no such thing as objectively good or objectively bad hair styles
Yes there are. Have you heard of the golden ratio? Any hairstyle that utilizes it is objectively good.
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>my opinion is fact
>no, your opinion is an opinion
>wow, those opinions are shit

is there a gas leak in here
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Your opinion is objectively shit
Wait, wouldnt the empire be the ones supplying healthcare? or do they want free market healthcare? i dont understand this
>mohawks didn't exist in the 80s, especially not in Star Wars cartoons
Down with that sort of thing.
female mohawks werent widespread, and its not just mohawks now, its the sidecuts as well
Link when ???
Surprisingly sensual Stormtroopers
well, we no longer have a capper, so whenever Mr TVSmash wakes up.
>we no longer have a capper
>defend Ren
Please stop.
You weren't alive then, son. Get off my lawn.
there is no HERO. He's gone.
Said the 18 year old from his mother's basement
she will die in the end of this season
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Where's the link?
I love Star Wars.
get out
Would be fabulous if anybody could upload the episode :)
I also want Bendu porn. Is there today a new chapter about Bendu porn? Mega link please, thanks.
still no episode link ?
>not loving "andthenyouwilldie"
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Purrgil porn when?
Link when ????
>It's another Admiral Thrawn shows he's a tactical genius by losing filler episode
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Why do they always lose?
We called it earlier that they would rape his character in this chickenshit kiddie show. /co/ vindicated yet again.
This isn't Shutorun.
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Why aren't we getting the mega link?
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It will all be justified when Thrawn finally figures out the location of Nute Gunray's legendary porn stash.
>should I kill these insignificant rebels, achieving nothing?
>or should I learn about these insignificant rebels and let them return to the actual rebel fleet, thus filling the fleet with people I know and can predict?

This, pretty much. He's doing the same thing Vader did back in Season 2. Thrawn's iteration is just a much more drawn out version.
Link when ?????
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Should I let the Rebels recruit more and more talented pilots while I take my time studying them?
Link when ??????
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HeroAnon, I really need that Purrgil porn soon.
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She's a qt. Alien waifus a best.
PLEASE, I really want to see the episode ;_;
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>Inferior green Twi'lek
>best anything

Ha ha ha no.
Is there anything worse than obnoxious fanboys?
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Are we ever gonna see Coruscant or fully urban planet again?
I wonder about the Jedi's thought on Aayla Wearing a slutty outfit instead of the Jedi regular clothe.
Why does one of those Stormtroopers look like that traitor, Mace Windu?

A fairly urbanized planet? Possibly, if reports of episode VIII are anything to go by. But Coruscant? Doubtful. Apart from OT-babbies wanting to forget about PT material, Coruscant has effectively become irrelevant since it's no longer the capital anymore.

Unless the new republic defaults back to Coruscant in wake of Hosnian Prime having got blown the fuck up. But I doubt OT-babbies will allow that to happen.
> orange and black
> JJ's battledroid
I know what the guy jedis thought.
>she puts the "ass" in "there is no passion"
Is Disney turning Star Wars into a Meme franchise?
Weisman may have left the show two seasons ago, but his legacy lives on through them using the most Weisman-esque Star Wars villain.
>Coruscant has effectively become irrelevant since it's no longer the capital anymore.

Fuck, i really hate OT drones. I just hope the next generation will do the same shit to the Sequel Trilogy.
>But I doubt OT-babbies will allow that to happen.
Good thing the only OT babbies we have to deal with are the ones in the LSG. Anyone else (fans mainly) has very little say and isn't influenced by a paycheck not to step out of line.
You mean it hasn't always been a meme franchise?
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Prequel babies comes to Lucas Art, starting to reject any Sequel content.

Well, i want to see that just to feel the OT Babies,JJ and Pegg's butthurt.
what happened to him?
we won't get any more quality lucas memes, it sucks
Mega when ;_;
Nah. The fans are.

But good luck getting anyone to admit that.
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>Drinking with your helmet on
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Whether or not the prequels continue on the path of improved perception that they seem to have started on, I think we can all agree that none of these Disney Star Wars movies will stand the test of time.
Because they are the antithesis of Star Wars.
They aren't daring in their storytelling, they aren't at (or creating) the bleeding edge of filmmaking technology like the six film cycle did.
They are nothing.
They are products.
Star Wars will go down in history as six tightly connected films, with a footnote for the cashgrabs that were made after the creator sold his baby out of spite for the evil hateful "fans" that ruined him.

I'll *tip* myself out.
New Star Wars Land art for the Florida version

Also, Star Tours is getting an Episode 8 scene next year. You know, because they stopped caring about the time setting of that thing.
found a torrent finally
That much is obvious based on their EP7 scene
I'm hoping they go for the Casino planet. That at least might have enough going on there that it feels slightly less blatant.

Really, assuming they don't take it down a few years after Star Wars Land opens, the whole randomized Star Tours concept needs a rethink.
>Casino planet
Nar Shadaa when?
At the very least, I can see them moving Star Tours into Star Wars Land. Based on what I know, it could use to have another attraction there, even if it means their attractions would consist of two motion sims (even if one sounds an awful lot like Mission: Space) and a ride that has the potential to be an operational nightmare.
It had better be Nar Shadda.

Not that there can't be more than one casino world. It would just be nice recanonize something rather than make up a new one for no reason,
>rather than make up a new one for no reason
TFA says hi
Exactly what I mean.

Jakku is a worse Tatooine

D'Qar is a worse Yavin

Just use the original if your not gonna bother to make the different.
Calling it now:

Cumlonibus = worse Bespin

Maridia = worse Dagobah
>shows ROTS webm
>implying the prequels stand the test of time
Where did those names come from?

Did I miss some spoilers?
Nah, that's just me being a smartass.

Cumlonibus - cumulonimbus (i.e. storm clouds)

Maridia - water world from Super Metroid
Stop using words you don't understand.
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holds up perfectly.webm
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>>implying the prequels stand the test of time

>implying that the OT will stand the test of time
Give me a few years. Him and Alpha will be back.
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Jedi Temple.jpg
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based collage anon
these are like crack
it will beacuse the OT has something other than cgi and matte paintings
Lucasarts is dead m8
ok champ
nothing in that webm is CGI
Funny how it's always this scene.
stay deluded
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That's better.

Throw a little variety into your efforts. Helps to keep your stance from getting stale.
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Yeah, but I can't imagine Chapek would bother funding such an effort.

Plus they could put Guardians of the Galaxy into Star Tours and spare the Tower of Terror that particular fate. Yeah, that same D23 event had him saying Florida's TOT will be spared from Marvel-ization, but you know...
Do you know the rubber masks and puppets were laughed at by the cast and crew? Most of them were repainted Halloween masks. Mark Hamill talks about how disappointing this was in AHH
Funny enough, I always liked that shot.

It always reminded me of leaving Disneyland after closing.
but anon
OT good
PT bad

me say u this u listen
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The trench run sequence is just a metaphor for when you nut real hard

Let's talk about ships
But you would meme on it all day and call it objectively bad if that exact shot was in the PT.

I hope you get run over.
I've never been to Disneyland but I have been in a theme park at closing.

I see what you mean.
A-Wing is the best, but honorable mentions go to
>Droid Starfighter
>Naboo Starfighter
>Jedi Starfighter
>Raven's Claw
>Tie Interceptor
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That's still a bitter subject for me. More so considering the less than stellar opinions regarding the one getting Marvelized. But I'll keep my autistic rants to myself on that one.

You must have me mistaken for someone far more retarded than me. Personally, I think this whole PT/OT animosity is bullshit. They all have their good and bad points.
>You must have me mistaken for someone far more retarded than me.
My bad then.
BD is much better.
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So I finally got around to finishing season 2 and well, I wasn't ready for Yellowfu fate.
>weesa free!
I'm not saying either trilogy is better or worse. But it's foolish to assume special effects do not date. Even ROTS is starting to show it's age to modern CGI effects.
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I love how buttblasted Gungans in the OT makes OT babbies.

>mfw the Special Editions are the canon versions
The contrast is crazy high on the left ones
They're straight from the Despecialized edition. I guess "despecialized" also means "super high contrast".

One of the many reasons to prefer the BD
I have a special attachment to Naboo from the TPM game, Starfighter and Jedi Power Battles
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>A-Wing is the best
This is pretty much indisputable but if I were actually flying in a battle I'd feel naked then probably fuck up and die
Okay then.

-Still not 100% sure if that's the Outrider in 'Iron Squadron'.
-Putting up with Commander so I can get the TIE-D. At least until I can find a halfway decent stick to play TIE Fighter on.

Can't really bash on any of the ships. They were my #1 selling point in this franchise for some dumb reason.
I even heard the guy that blew up the death star was Darth Vader's son. As if we needed more proof. Wake up, nerfs!
>-Still not 100% sure if that's the Outrider in 'Iron Squadron'.
Filoni already said it's not. What more do you need?
Oh, so it did get debunked then. Good to know.

My fault for not paying attention.
Nice to see that they casted Jabba!
Mando ship is a fighter, technically, right? I want to see more huge ass fighters, as well as ships with loads of firepower like the B-Wing. A-wings are cool, and really show how limited the rebellion is right now, but I still want to see them just unload firepower. Hopefully we'll see that when Thrawn ambushes the Rebel fleet
What if she plays a Twilek?

would that change anyone's mind?
Well? Where is the new Rebels?
Matt Martin from Story Group too.
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Yeah it's a fighter, just a big one. There aren't many other examples like it.
Until it leads to the star wars equivalent to 'hot skitty on wailord action'
So they finally decided to weaponize the Astromech
Who wants to see an obese Twi'lek?
Jokes aside:
>an alien character that isn't Chewie in an important non villain role in a Star Wars movie.
I used to want live action Cad Bane but they'd just fuck him up
>Who wants to see an obese Twi'lek?
We already have
And I wished for an alien member in the Rogue One crew. Could've made Jyn into a Mirialan with minimal effort.
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>made Jyn into a Mirialan
Somebody should photoshop that, it looks great in my head
>Twi'lek bitches enjoying life on Coruscant while people on their home planet are suffering
Raikoh made an actual fanart of that idea
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she looks like a frog
So it's pretty accurate
4chan loves its frog so that's probably a good thing.
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Orn Free Ta is low energy focus, really lazy. It's why I'm here, meeting the people after I've beaten Peacenik Palpatine, and he's just sitting on Ryloth stuffing his face. He wishes he was Cham Syndulla, what handsome guy, and his daughter Hera too, oh boy.

Maybe Free Taa could've beat me, who know, he lost his primary, and then I beat the guy who beat him, so probably not. Sad
I ribbit
they're probably escort girls / slaves mane
where is hero anon?
Anyway, it looks like its on piratebay now.
This calls for a smug version
Make one.
why would you say that and not provide a link?

Also, I can't find it on TPB.
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/co/ makes everything cancerous. I want /swtv/ with adults, not tumblrcunts and prequel apologist babbies.
>prequel apologist babbies
please go
The prequels are every bit as good as the OT.
Sounds like you need to mature yourself there if you can't accept other opinions.

And /swco/ is the least tumblr general on /co/.
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I like Star Wars. Do you like Star Wars?
All six films, yes.
go to /tv/ and be with your own kind
Fanbase rules apply.

Enjoy the material. Avoid other fans like the plague.
Fuck off, I hate the "I don't like thing therefore thing doesn't exist/doesn't count" meme.
No Lucas, No matter.
Really though, we even know that he had a story outline for 7 that they didn't use.
TFA isn't Star Wars.
It's fanfiction.
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You already admitted that you're /tv/.
Just go back.

on watchcartoononline
I guess I wrongly assumed that people were self-sufficient enough to go through the arduoud process of directing their browser to a popular website and download a torrent file.
Is this bait? Smells like bait, looks like bait, taste like bait..... it must be bait.
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No it's not.
Chebacca Mom is at it again! Oo, and she lost some weight!
I don't think that will ever 'not hold up'.
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Iron Squadron is the first episode of the season that I'm not enthusiastic about. I'd actually call this one of the worst episodes of Rebels, period, and I hate to
say that because I love this show.

They could have done something with the plot, which in and of itself was pedestrian but workable, but the execution was totally lackluster. The dialogue was awkward and sounded like it was written by an intern. The characterization was poor. It could have been any two members of the Ghost crew on the other ship and the dialogue could have been pretty much 100% identical (except for Chopper - thanks, Chopper!).

Compared to the Sabine/Ezra team-up in Imperial Supercommandos, which crackled with fun (and a little bit of surprising chemistry), this episode had no energy at all.

It could have been improved by more Thrawn. If he'd been staging some sort of elaborate manipulation to gain secrets about the Rebellion that would have been interesting, but instead it was repetitive and as others have pointed out, he didn't learn anything new. Rebels will always come back for their friends, and not only did he already know that, he even already said it aloud in Hera's Heroes.

Rating: "meh"
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kill yourself
Got it and thanks for the heads up. Bit of a weird screen resolution but fuck it, I'll take what I can get.
>every swco thread devolves into the same shit
>muh prequels
>muh ot
>muh JJ
>it's always the same shitflinging
Feels bad man, I miss the comfy swco
put it up for download, you fuck
>Also, I can't find it on TPB.
Did you sort by when files were uploaded? It was right at the top for me.
blame /tv/
the new movies attract them
Hostile posters are always crossboarders.
She got ass

Yes it is. I'm watching it right now.
> tfw all meganons got the letters from Disney too

Sorry guys, I just can't risk it this time.
Dude, nobody counts the Christmas specials, either.
Well that's nice then but it's not watchcartoononline
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>Disney Star Wars will be regarded in the same vein as CDi Zelda
We can only hope.
>I'm up here Ahsoka....
Yes, I admit I fucked up the name and will probably be banned. But I think it's worth it since our Hero is gone.

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>implying mohawks ain't rockin'
Any particular reason for the pic bombing?
>tfw all meganons got the letters from Disney too
>implying imperial supercommandos was good
"I-I'm gonna shoot you now, okay? Any minute now you're gonna be shot. I'm serious."
Even though i'm hyped for Rogue One, it still feels weird to me that we're gonna have live-action Star Wars movies that are not STAR WARS EPISODE something
Probably something to the effect of "we know, cut that shit out or we're taking your house"
We're gonna have a lot more of them if this one doesn't flop.
Well, at least it will be better than TFA.
Don't go back for that idiot
Just felt like posting some Rebels images.

There is no excuse to not use VPN anymore so go out and get it.
>ship filled with season 1 Ezras
Oh god no
i don't mind it as long as it's good honestly
Hope the Han Solo movie will bring interesting stuff to his backstory

So do you guys think Rogue One will have the scrolling text and all ?
Feels like there aren't many "big name" actors willing to go through hours of makeup which is frankly kind of BS. At least that is part of it. I have no fucking clue why they aren't more keen to add more alien main cast members in Star Wars. If Zoe Saldana will at least go green for a comic book movie then what the fuck is Lucasfilm's problem?
Welp, Sato confirmed for not living to see the season finale
Alright, watched it.
Average episode. It was good to see how Ezra's grown. Admiral Constantine is pretty damn stupid. I was torn between wanting those kids saved and wanting them killed. The alien chick was cute.
Oh, and a bit of character inconsistency (or rushed development) for Sato's nephew, if you ask me. First he's the immature "badass" who doesn't know what he's doing, then he's trying to be the selfless ship captain (who doesn't know what he's doing) and finally he's the grateful kid?
Had to cram it all into one episode. He's a plot device to bring in the Thrawn / Sato beef
Good to see the YT-2400 again even if it didn't do a whole lot.
Eh, they still should've stuck to one characterization. If they wanted to go with the immature "badass" version, it would've worked all the way through.
I thought they said S3 would be when the dark times started for the ghost crew? Been pretty cheery.
wait until the last episode before the break starts. Looks like they're gonna go to Dathomir, and nothing good has ever come from going to Dathomir
I wish the kid had died, and the other kids and Sato mourned him.

I wanted to think Thrawn had things under control, but regularly losing cruisers, transports and fighters to the Rebellion just to draw out one fleet doesn't seem like a great idea

I agree with this. The best thing about this season is the characters seem less childish, which is hardly "dark"
Yeah, just look at the last image of the Despecialized. You can barely make out any of the details of things in shadows because it's almost just plain black.
>Admiral Constantine is pretty damn stupid
I think Thrawn is testing his subordinates strengths and weaknesses. I was hoping to see Constantine die in this episode. People get mad a Thrawn but I think when he strikes, it'll be horrifying for Phoenix Squadron. Sato is a dead man.
It's so easy to make a human an alien when making a movie. Just add some makeup and kaboom kabam a Mirialan.
We need real alien diversity.
>I wish the kid had died, and the other kids and Sato mourned him.
On one hand I wanted that too because it'd be a good moment to show things being bleak as they are, but then I thought that introducing this character just to immediately kill him off would be a bit of a cheap shot at drama too.
The episode is up on Kisscartoon.
We still have quite a few episodes to go. I'm not judging you guys but are you not picking up the theme of impending doom? You have Thrawn waiting to strike and Maul out in the shadows ready to break Kanan and Ezra. Sabine is probably going to leave by seasons end to fix Manalore and I'm getting a bad feeling wit Hera.
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>that's a nice waifu you have there
>it'd be a shame if anything happened to her...
Nar Shadaa is already canon thanks to the comics. It would be cool to see it in a movie though.
Incoming autistic rant:

At the risk of sounding like a defender, I'm starting to feel that way as well. We've seen him lose easily to the Ghost Crew with minimal effort on his part. But something to think about in relation to his theme. You can't expect to catch something with a single thread; you need to spin more and more. Spin enough threads until you create a web thick enough to stop your prey in it's tracks.

They're obviously building up to Thrawn doing something big, and I mean BIG. The problem, though, is being able to pull it off without having it come off as an asspull (which will very likely be the case).
>no mega
>only kisscartoon
There was no hero today to save us...
Hero got a cease and desist from The Mouse Wreathed In Flames And Blood
>tfw no MEGA
>tfw Hondo won't deliver until tomorrow
They're both on kisscartoon and watchonlinecartoons. So what we don't have a mega? You can still watch the episode. we'll get it tomorrow most likely.
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New Lego set images!
>I'm not judging you guys but are you not picking up the theme of impending doom?

You mean besides it getting hit in the head with it like a hammer?
The creators implied that the whole season would be about breaking down the build-up from the first two seasons and shit getting real. Which it really hasn't done so except on 1 or 2 minor occasions.
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>mini Krennic shuttle seats only the pilot and has no room for Krennic
Poor Orson just can't win
Kind of funny that they're still making TCW sets but the minifigs now are the traditional style rather than the TCW style

Probably for the better
That fighter is fucking neat
Gooti a cutie.
I would be fine with all that happening, plus the rebel fleet getting smashed, to drive home that the Luke blowing up the Death Start really saved the rebellion from imminent doom. Hopefully Kanan and Ezra get driven off at the end of the season so they're conveniently absent when Luke turns up, probably during season 4.

I hope Thrawn calls in Imperial commandoes or something like that at some point so the rebels get a real challenge in a firefight. Stormtroopers are not allowed to win. Maybe an old Clone could turn on the Imperial side and take on Rex
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>Mando ship is a fighter, technically, right?

Technically, a craft of that size is more like a Warship. Though I think those kinds are just for troop transport. Whoever made the image in >>87791058's post forgot to include actual Mandalorian fighter craft.
I forgot about those. Much less fuckhuge, very sexy
Iron Squadron a shit.
More shit than Imperial Supercommandos?
Take that back motherfucker.
Your opinions are not fact.
Last thing I need is another goddamn Yoda but that ship is pretty adorable.
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Save the salt for real shitposters, anon.
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Not him, but weren't they incredibly shitty? They were so completely and woefully uninformed about what they were fighting. Don't kids spend any time on the holonet browing space /k/ and jacking it to space pron which frankly is all /d/ in an alien rich galaxy.

I was willing to let it slide that the kids were just exaggerating the class of ships when they thought that Gozanti was a Star Destroyer. After all, Star Destroyers have come in many varieties in the past. Then the little shit thought the light cruiser was finally his chance to take on a real Star Destroyer and it was clear, no, they really were that stupid.
Damn that's nice
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>but weren't they incredibly shitty
For you.
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Show us the one with stupid sexy Thrawn and the ghost
Sheevus Christ, how horrifying.
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>blind Kanan
>blueberriest of Thrawns

FUCK YES thank you Lego. Now if you'd kindly put the new Ahsoka in a set that doesn't cost over a hundred fucking dollars...
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Last one
>Papa Smurf let his promotion go to his head
There goes my paycheck
>The prince of Husbandos in a lego set.

Fuckin' yes.
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Mega Lolz.jpg
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hey! star wars memes are pretty good
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What the hell were they thinking
PS2 was a hell of a drug
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reminds me of Motor Kombat Armageddon but MKA was actually good
>Lego Separator

That's genius, why the hell did that never occur to me until right now
I don't even
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Brick separators are actually really old.
looks fun
Of course, but they aren't in every set. Before The lego dimension starter pack, i never bought a set with one separator.
I'm 27.
Ive had lego very early in my childhood.
I had two gray lego seperators.
This shit has been in used since forever.
It's not, trust me.
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wow just watched some gameplay, i take that back kek
those PS1 graphics
They used the sell the separators in the Lego catalog and include them for free for large orders.
Someguy makes Alligators with them too.
These right?
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away Grand Admiral Thrawn and Petite Admiral Meebur Gascon were caught in a super hyperspace accident and launched all the way to a new galaxy where they crash landed on the third planet from a sun. There they only had each other's comfort and sweet and salty love, together forging a race of mystic blue beings known as the Smurfs.

Hell, I ship it now.
But how can their love be when they are one and the same?
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Ayy lmao
We all knew what it was from anon
Man, Star Wars Rebels is like watery soup sometimes.
Yes thank you for spelling out the joke
Krennic is so yandere for Galen
Your shipfu a slut
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If i had to guess, I think he will have built the perfect counter to each of the crews personal weaknessess and will have them on the ropes. Except, his study material is art, it only every gives insight into the past. Something big will happen, whether the writers pussy out and make it stick or not ("oh, no, Sabine in dead... oh, she was only KO."), and Ezra will go full rage mode.

At least that's my perfect scenario. I really don't expect them to pull it off properly, or even do a good job in build up, as so far the season has been a massive mediocre blur as compared to the late episodes of Season 2 and the Season 3 introduction. I'm enjoying the pretty scenes, and Ezra being a bit less of a little bitch as a product of recent events, but... I don't know. I feel like they dropped the ball, even if i can't quite put into words how. I do know the two-weeks between episodes isn't helping at all.

I feel there is a real risk of what they are building towards fizzling out. Is someone on the crew doesn't end up dead and Ezra doesn't end up basically a Rebel Anti-Hero (if not full Sith) I'll be disappointed. I get that it's a kids show, but part of the fun of an all 'original' cast is that you don't have to spare the tension for sake of future established events.
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Rex is probably a goner, there's no way they don't kill him off
>his study material is art
He's also been studying how they respond to situations. Art is a major part of it, but he's been studying how they react as well.
It's turning out quite disappointing so far. It has great moments most of it, like todays episode, are completely forgettable. Most episodes adds very little to the story, no character was developed as usual. The narrative is progressing ridiculously slow.

At least there is still hope for the later seasons.
>If I get do something about that baka Lyra, I can have Galen-senpai all to myself...
>Kingdom Hearts 3 won't have a Star Wars level where Sora teaches Ezra the importance of rejecting the darkness whilst Riku flirts with Sabine

Just end it all here
*Grabs you by the throat*

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>Kingdom Hearts
Just finished the episode and all I could feel from this episode was that they probably had no idea what it was going to be about. So they just chugged one out because they had to.
Gotta give some kind of justification for Thrawn executing Sato besides "he da rebel leader lmao"

Sure, but Ezra has also been actually trying to obey and being a gud boi. I don't think Thrawn has seen the season premiere Edgra since he was brought in. Hell, the return to his Season 2 status quo is one of my biggest gripes. It could easily serve as a wild card.

I was hoping a series of nasty events across the seasons, maybe one of which could have been following orders in the episode and having a death on his conscience, would put him near breaking point. But what's the motivation to see the dark as viable when everything works out anyway whether you use it or not?


You mean the Elderly clone some of us look upon fondly, but is basically a glorified supporting character in Rebels and will have a minimal effect on the daily and long term existence of the Ghost Crew? I agree, because it's the obvious choice if you don't want to take risks.

Lol, no one cares about Sato.

Maybe a twinge from the ending, but not much.

What are they thinking?
>literally disarmed and detached the mine
>didn't escape right there and not risk Sato's life
>attach it back to the ship

What did they mean by this?
I just hope he dies a hero's death
*teleports behind u*
not today kiddo
People bitched when Thrawn was no longer cannon
Now people bitch because Thrawn was brought back
The problem is everyone thought he would be brought in and end the series in one episode by killing the Ghost Crew/Phoenix Squadron.
They should have left those retard kids to die.
They had no problem leaving people on the planet who refused to evacuate

I guess we're supposed to care about Sato and by extension his nephew
Hey man, if Han had done that with Luke like he wanted to the OT would have been a lot shorter.
Ezra did and that was as much hook as the show needed. Hell, he had to push Hera into letting him and even then he wasn't supposed to waste more time than necessary.
He's not even called Mitth'raw'nuruodo anymore. Not muh
No one wants to sound stupid by saving it. It'll be saved for text-form in the Thrawn book.
Alright, who's the "funny" guy responsible for this?
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>Who wants to see an obese Twi'lek?
Nobody here, definitely nobody, that's for sure!
>episode VIII leaked script
>It's another Thrawn lets them go all according to plan episode

>Fact: Fat cells produce Aromatase, a hormone that produces estrogen and sex related enzymes
>Fact: Twi'lek's lekku hold both fat cells and brain mass with no skeletal separation between them
>Fact: A fat Twi'lek would have fat cells massing around and in their brain with the enzymes and hormones produced having a direct influence

>It's possible a fat Twi'lek would have impulse control problems, especially female Twi'lek if they have estrogen basically leaking on their brain. Fat Cells also help influence fat storage and metabolism. since we're dealing with fantasy anyway one could say having fat in their brain would influence one to be more hedonistic, sex drive and hunger for fatty foods growing along with their waist line (and lekku line) Fattening Twi'lek might been seen as having "fat on the brain" or "thinking with their fat" unable to resist the new impulses. Fat Twi'lek may even say "once you go fat, you can never go back" not just due to the new sensitivity and pleasure but also because moderation and self control are much more difficult once pounds start to pile on. Even if a Twi'lek could manage to restrain themselves one good squeaze of their Lekku (which are also an erogenous zone) would release a flood of hormones, the fat cells being wrung out like a sponge and overload the poor Twi'lek's resistance.

>Ha! I've been surrounded and they're targeting my bridge. Just according to pla-
>The problem is everyone thought he would be brought in and end the series in one episode by killing the Ghost Crew/Phoenix Squadron.
And somehow unless he's insta-killing the heroes and singlehandedly destroying the rebellion he's "ruined" and "jobbing."
>that beat of silence just as Chopper smacks R3 at the end
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>i was at this convention and i remember seeing these guys
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Kanan's headpiece looks fantastic, and I'm hyped for the Thrawn minifig.

I sure hope the new Phantom is compatible with the Ghost though.
They said it will have a different opening.
Was the previous Phantom compatible?
It certainly was. I'm really lucky to have both sets.
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Same here.

And based on the design >>87795066 it looks like it was meant to fit into the Ghost. Pic related is one of their previous Separatist shuttle designs.
Other thread is pure cancer. Can someone make the next thread without /swco/ in the title? Just say rebels Iron Squadron. we dont get clueless shitheads
It's just shitty because no one is there.
I'm sure it'll get better when everyone migrate from here.
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This gives a bit of a different angle. I got out my Lego Ghost with attached Phantom and it only has a single peg connecting the two and that is it, plus a raised flap that rests on the back of the Phantom. As long as it isn't too wide it will fit easily, and you can always modify it a bit to make it work.
Here you see the landing struts swivel to duck in to the sides. I'd say it was design to work with the existing Ghost - unless Lego is going to push another one.

My wallet cannot sustain firepower of this magnitude.
It definitely looks like it would fit. It looks like they've shaved off a lot from the sides of the Separatist ship >>87795066 so that it fits between the engines of the Ghost.
>unless Lego is going to push another one.
Well the current one is pretty undersized, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a more scale-accurate version later on, if they feel people would be willing to pay $100+ for it.
Okay, yeah, now the other thread is starting to spin out of control.
I'd rather we just make a new thread altogether once this one hits 10. That other one is pretty much tailor-made to attract shitposters.
>not calling it Phantom II
Come on, Disney.
If mods delete this one ill make one without /swco/ in the title
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