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ITT: Shows /co/ hates for no reason. This is much better than

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ITT: Shows /co/ hates for no reason.

This is much better than you faggots give it credit for.
No it isn't. It's a shit follow-up to an infinitely better show.
"much better" still just amounts to a complete "meh" of a show, though. The artstyle just seals the deal.

Daphne's quirk-of-the-episode is boring as fuck and too much time is spent on it rather than actual Scooby Doo antics, because it's easier for the writers to make up some random shit they could have put in any show, rather than having to keep coming up with new Scooby Doo related gags.
i've watched one of the episodes of that show and its exactly how i expected it to be, meh
Problem Solverz
>velma went from hot librarian to P R O B L E M G L A S S E S
But at least she's not voiced by a jew anymore.
But I can't post every cartoon ever, OP.
I uhlikeh teh partuh whhere Daphknee iz a dum anduh dooz teh funneh. iz ah gooduh show 9/10 uhscoobie snackooz
What a good post.
there's new episodes again?
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Better than Animated Series by far.
Does /co/ still hate Clarence?

If so than that. Also OPs pic is a good show
All 26 episodes were aired in other countries months ago. America still hasn't aired the last 6 though.
Seemed kind of boring to me. Slice of life show with retarded kids and a hint of leftist propoganda. The jokes weren't all that good either. Why do people like it?
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>and a hint of leftist propoganda
It's true.
Yes, a hint. It's definitely not as bad as SU, but to claim it's not there is ignorant. Unless you're saying that it's a GOOD thing.
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>Clarence can't show gay guys kissing
>SU can show this shit

Yeah Clarence is ran by a socialist bastard. It hurts following him on Twitter, but he's nice as hell.
Yeah, it's good for a comedy cartoon. But I think most agree that it's nothing special.

It has the best version of Fred. Traps Fred was overrated.
Its such a shame no one gives this reboot any attention, it's basically the best comedic reboot from the current 3 that we have right now.
This >>>>> TTG >>>>>>>>>>>>>> nPPG

The character redesigns alone are reason enough to hate it.
I like Daphne's bare legs
>responds with shit pilgrim
Way to prove his point.
Here's your (you)
SU can get away with it because A. they technically don't have a gender, B. younger viewers might mistake Ruby for a guy, and C. they're rarely unfused so it doesn't show up much.
>implying Mystery Inc. was good

go back to Tumblr you faggot!
but at least she does not have the personality that would usually go with said glasses
unlike her previous incarnation who had the opposite problem
/co/ hates all new CN shows made since Adventure Time premiered (AT including)
because it has kids acting like actual kids, unlike every other show where for some reason all the kids act like teenagers
is acknowledging the existence of homosexuals really propaganda?
What part of "a hint of" did you not get? It's not full blown propoganda, but it still has leftist views. It's kind of like Rick and Morty in that sense.

Even then, I can still appreciate people who have views different from me and who make things I don't like. I always feel bad for them, especially if they're nice.
Arthur does that too (most of the time) without making them especially retarded. I can't think of many shows where the characters are actually kids and not 12+. Can you give some examples? I feel like early AT had Finn act childlike, but then he got older which gave them an excuse to write really bad stories. Gravity Falls has them as 12 I think? Star Vs. at 14 I believe.
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That show sucks
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I thought that /co/'s general consensus on it was "pretty funny and a decent take on classic-style Scooby, but Jesus FUCK does that artstyle make it unwatchable".
Why watch that when you can just rewatch Slayers?
Were i find those 6?
And is season 2 confirmed?
The character design of that Scooby Doo reboot is awful, but I don't hate the writing style too much. I like goofy Daphne more then just "girl" Daphne.
At first i didn't like the design too, but now i like it, could be way better, but i like it.

And before the show was premiered Velma seemed that was going to be way more of a tech girl.
the art style took some time to get used to.

the show wasn't that bad at all. But people were going to compare it to mystery Inc and doing so makes it look much worse than it really is.

had it come before MI or had MI not been a thing at all then it would have been received better because compared to the rest of the Scooby-Doo shows, it really isn't that out of place.
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It's alright.

Art style is shit and you can definitely tell the writers were inspired by Seth MacFarlane's humor, but this show is infinitely more respectful to both its source material and its audience than TTG is.

Also, Wabbit is fucking shit.
Agreeing on Wabbit. I couldn't even finish the first episode of that dreck.
Sonic Boom isn't that good either. A couple of surprisingly hitting jokes doesn't stop the overall thing from being pretty generic CG cartoon crap.
That's alright, when I said "this" show I was hoping people would still know I was talking about Scooby.
I wouldn't take it that far, but it gets more hate than it deserves. It's not really worse than The Batman or Gotham, both which /co/ adores.
implying it's "propaganda" because its views you dont like is stupid
>both which /co/ adores
>The Batman
Source: your ass.
Have you seen threads on the show? /co/ loves it my man. I dont think /co/ hates any of the batman shows
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On Episode 22, can't see why /co/ hates it. Comfy tier
>Steven Quartz Universe
Totally not biased.
BTB is about on par with the first season of The Batman, really. It could've been great if it hadn't been cancelled, but as-is it's kind of mediocre-to-bad.
>not liking furry Seinfeld
Yeah, alright. I think it's great though
>not liking furry Seinfeld
I'm sure he thought The Looney Tunes Show was fine.
What hate? I haven't seen any discussion about ever since it started airing. It's not interesting enough to warrant any discussion, let alone a whole thread
The problem with Sonic Boom was that you could replace Sonic and friends with literally anything/anyone else and the show would remain the same. It doesn't really have a personality or any kind of real Sonic flavor.
>It doesn't really have a personality or any kind of real Sonic flavor.
Creating the Boom brand was such a fucking mistake

You could have easily gotten this same creative team to make a sitcom-style Sonic show based in the regular universe
Then again, it did leave to an entertaining small sags in CWC history
The Looney Tunes Show was fucking great. It deserved better than it got.
I agree. It was pretty good.
I liked the slight redesign everyone got after the first season.
They like the Dracula movie and their take on Clayface. Most are divided on "Rasta Joker". Everything else goes from okay to ridiculously dumb. They admit the show matured with Batgirl and Robin but it was too late by then.

If you want a Batman show that is truly loved (that isn't BTAS) you're looking for The Brave And The Bold.
Shit taste and weak bait, but i guess I'm a dumb fish because I nibbled.
There were some bland parts, and needing to ship everybody was just annoying. But overall, yeah, animation pretty nice and good jokes.
And anything that brings us Daffy the Wizard can't any less than half good.
Daffy the Wizard was probably half the season's budget.
For when I want to watch Slayers but I don't really feel like rewatching Slayers.
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America doesn't get anything good! :-(

Why can't I have lived in a real first world nation like Japan!
/co/ doesn't hate this show, try again.
They clearly didn't know what they were doing at first, which is why most people didn't give it a second chance. After the first season it truly became its own thing but it was too late by then.

I still don't like how they went with "Tina Russo" instead of "Melissa".

It was good but not really that special, stop treating as if it was God's gift to man. Good thing I watched on TV before it got overhyped.
because it is weeboo shit
I think it was pretty good right at the beginning. People just took time getting used to it.
It's in one of my top 3 Scooby Doo adaptations. the worst thing about it is the art style but the Humor is a solid 10/10.
You'll have to download and they aren't in the best quality.
The kids in Clarence aren't all retarded though. I mean Clarence is stupid and even he has moments of clarity and intelligence. He's a realistic dumb kid.
>BTB is about on par with the first season of The Batman, really. It could've been great if it hadn't been cancelled, but as-is it's kind of mediocre-to-bad.

I'd disagree. I thought BtB had more ambitious stories to tell and took more chances, some paid off, some didn't. TB was mostly by-the-numbers until the fourth season.
I think the biggest mistep was making Bugs the straight man. Say what you will about Wabbit, I like that it remembers that Bugs is Silly and a dickish trickster. As much as I love LTS Bugs didn't get quite enough moments to show off his wackier or trickster aspects (Not to say he's completely bland, such as in the prison episode and the energy drink episode)
to be fair, it wouldnt be right if anyone else was the straight man.

Could have gone the TTG route and give us a shifting straight man depending on the episode though. I'm sure LTS could pull it off
if you go from good to bad it makes it seem way worst

if Mystery Inc wasn't a thing there would be no emotions about this show
The thing is, Be Cool Scooby Doo isn't bad. It's just not good in the same way. Despite all the humor in Mystery Inc. there was still a story and an overarching plot. Be Cool Scooby Doo is 100% monster of the week humor based mystery solving. The focus of the show is more on the humor, and yet even they manage to make decent mystery within that setitng. It's just a step down from Mystery inc. Which isn't hard to do because it's still a step up from

What's new scooby doo (Perhaps the most boring show I've ever watched)
Shaggy and scooby doo get a clue
A while ago when LTS was still airing and having general threads, someone pointed out that whenever they hung out with Porky, it just seemed like Daffy had two straightmen. Like that episode where they were talking about literacy

>Daffy says something stupid
>Porky corrects him
>Daffy says something else stupid
>Bugs corrects him

Feels like they just didn't go all the way in terms of potential and character interactions.

>What's new scooby doo (Perhaps the most boring show I've ever watched)
To be 100% fair, I think that's a testament to how boring the original show was. What's New? felt like a pretty faithful revival, keeping all the same elements but just making it a lot more modern and even a bit more self-aware.
>To be 100% fair, I think that's a testament to how boring the original show was.

This exactly. It's so odd to me when there's people who talk about how good the original was. I mean sure it was decent for its time. Animated mystery show for the younger crowd. But I can't imagine watching it and being a fan of it now. Honestly I think there's only a handful of truly "good" scooby doo shows.
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