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/sug/ Steven Universe General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 782
Thread images: 251

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Transpeople edition

Last Thread: >>86012546

>Future Boy Zoltron:
Download: https://mega.nz/#F!aFVwTBxB!GKeouMwlFlHUwTAGix6R-w

>NEXT EPISODE (airs Thursday):
Last One Out of Beach City (September 8th, 2016): "Steven, Pearl and Amethyst attend a rock show."
Onion's Gang (September 15th, 2016): "Steven finds out about Onion's secret friends."

>Episode downloads
720p (plus comics and soundtracks): https://mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
1080p (fixed): https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt: https://sug.rocks/dl.html
>Weekly airing schedule (click to the right of the logo, times in EST)

(Don't be a clod, mark and hide your spoilers accordingly!)
>2 minute clips and screenshots from CN's server


>SDCC SU Panel
>SDCC Zuke's SU Zine
>Show Soundtrack
>Attack the Light (mobile game) Soundtrack
>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads
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We're back, baby!
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second for peridot is space australian and clod is how they say 'cunt'
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Somebody wanted Zuke photos last thread, I am here to deliver.
Shitty edition
Hey guys, still no response from Ian or Rebecca on the fanart I sent them.
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Does anyone have the pic where multiple peridot's are jumping that one corrupted Gem?
She's from Space Aus?
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Ian should be on soon, check if he blocks you.

send this one on a different account if he doesn't do anything
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Semen Demon

She wishes she was a professional
/sug/ like pearls?
>I'm 13 and I heard 4chan is really edgy and hardcore so I'm trying to blend in
What is /sug/'s opinion on Hilary and Katie's episodes?
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Thanks for delivering anon!
>pearl is trains
that gives me an idea...
I'll be back in a million years.
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>she could just take it right out of you
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>Paul Villeco
>Jeff Liu
>Colin Howards
New boarder
>Ben Levin
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Will she ever get her own song?
Why would Pearl even need a binder? Shapeshifting is a thing. Pearl's flat as a board as it is anyway.
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below me is PEARL. do not believe her LIES.
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I want to bully Steven.

I want to pour hot sauce on his underwear so he burns his ding dong when he puts them on

I want to throw all his video games into the ocean

I want to send mean text messages from Steven's phone to all his contacts

I want to post all of Steven's artwork on critique sites and link him to the replies

I want to shake all the cans of soda in Steven's fridge so they spray in his face when he opens them

I want to rip all of his collected V.I.Pizza Coupons so he won't be able to get a free pizza

I want to write "STUPID" in big red letters on Steven's forehead when he's asleep

I want to fill all of Steven's toothpaste tubes with mayonnaise

I want to donate Steven's Hot Dog Bag, Cheesburger Backpack, and half of his toys to charity so he'll feel bad if he thinks about getting them back
I can't believe Jeff is cucking connie with zuke and possibly danny
Do you even need to ask?
I thought that was Lapisfags' thing.
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I fucking wish!
Who is this?

Yes, when they behave.
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I have more Zukes but I don't want to use up all the images, here is a super cute Zuke as the last one.
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Lappy makes me happy
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Colin and Jeff a cute
Post rarepairs!
>New Boarder
he's also former character designer
no, but i have peridots and peridot
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That is Katie I think, I'm not sure.
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what the fuck Pearl
is this about rose dying, pearl?

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Holy shit Pearl.
WTF LAPIS! You been stealing Jasper's protein drinks?
Do you want Kimberly Brooks to die trying to sing with Jasper's voice?
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Like this
I think so. I mean if you listen to Kimberly Brooks' showreel on her website, her voice is really, really nice, and I'm sure she could sing something jazzy or husky really well.
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this one?
Pearl why are you so salty?
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I need more lapithyst
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We are paying our respects to little Stevonnie
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That's the one! Thanks anon!
Kill yourself
Reminder that Colin is my handsome and talented husbando and that he will soon rise to best crew member status
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The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.
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Why are homeworldfags so much more insufferable then crystalfags? Is it because they're upset about all these redemption struggles?
Is it me or did Brooks go balls out trying to make Jasper growly and rough in Alone at Sea?

It's like how they made Lapis a whole head shorter during their fusion dance. That's the only way you can make Jasper a bad guy with Lapis? By artificially increasing her scariness?

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I want to save her from her own depression. How do I do this?
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daily reminder that Rose is evil and Steven is a weapon
Are there any group shots of all the crew?
You're being immature cunts is what you're doing. Especially seeing as it's just a retarded meme. Troll tumblr all you want but let the crewniverse do their jobs in peace
So what do you guys think Peridot's manager is?

I think that she's an Era 1 Peridot.
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That joke went over my head
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As entertained as I would be to hear that happen, I don't think she's use Jasper's regular voice if she got a singing part.
Here you go!
Crush Garnet and Pearl.

But first convince her that Steven isn't Rose and he is amazing and better, so he will be spared. Ame is also innocent.
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Rate my autism
I want to hug tummydot

We are so lucky Rebecca soldiered on through all of this.
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Any lore-fags about?

I have a theory as to what pic related might be.

First of all, you're going to have to read or at least skim this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farcaster

If you're not familiar with Hyperion, or just can't be bothered, I've summerised here:

>Farcasters use singularities (artificially created black holes) to generate warps in spacetime.
>When a world was ready to be admitted into the WorldWeb (Teleportation network) the military body FORCE began construction of a singularity sphere in orbit of the planet being joined to the Web. Construction of the large sphere could take decades, in part because construction materials had to be transported via FTL spaceships (Not teleportation), which accrued time debts in their travels. Once a singularity sphere was finished, however, millions of Farcaster Portals could be opened on the planet below, connected to all other planets in the WorldWeb.

The black sphere is a device, akin to the aforementioned Singularity Sphere, which allows instantaneous teleportation offworld (via the galaxy warp), and for Homeworld FTL ships (such as the rubies). I would hypothesise the FTL method seen in Hit the Diamond, the supposed kugelblitz method (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kugelblitz_(astrophysics)), is merely a locomotive form used for in-system transport, supported by how quickly the rubies returned after searching Neptune meaning they must not have spent much time travelling.

The moon singularity sphere may also support the warp pad network on Earth, and given how in Warp Tour the area the warps seem to move between is spherical, there may be some support for this theory.

Thoughts? I'm also of the opinion that the moon sphere may related to the Damage from the Diamonds, or perhaps be some kind of containment unit for a gem (Pink Diamond? I'm very sceptical but it is a theory). IF anyone wants to just chat about general lore then please go ahead, I love a natter.
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See's /freaks/ are considered worst
Snorlax should be on Amethyst's team, not Greg's
It's the Cluster.
No. I think her voice sounded horrible in AAS and that her gruffness/growling was way too over-the-top except for the part where she says "I thought I'd never catch up to you". Jaspers voice is perfect and sexy when you can actually HEAR Kimberly in it, which is probably only half the time Jasper ever talks
lapisfags are the fucking worst
Yeah, I could see that. You think she looks down on the Era 2 Peridots, or feels sorry/overprotective for them?
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wow i fucked up, let's call it variety
Zuke's just shoved off to the side
Shit what the fuck

I forgot Zuke
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Oh you!
Why are Crystal Gem fags such butthurt faggots? Is it because the show got better around the time Homeworld Gems were introduced and they're just jealous people like them more than their waifus?
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>Rate my autism
Well that all depends anon, how long did it take you?
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>Pulverizing Amycake
why does nobody love zuke
The guy who posts the poems/songs is just creepy to be perfectly honestly senpai
They inflated her harshness/scariness to make her look bad

Another good sounding line IIRC
>let's be malachite again
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It's okay
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SU made me realize I have a clone/identical fetish. It's like the only weird one I got.
it's impossible
Yeah you're right. But what should I give Greg in return?
It took a little while, but its not like I devoted a lot of time to it, just when I happened to feel like it I guess.
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No, Lapidot is canon
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What are you reading /sug/?
It's Lapis.
>read from left to right
Sugar does it again!
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Zuke confirmed
No none of them are canon and they are just friends you fucking degenerate clods. Get a better life so you don't have to live vicariously through fictional relationships.
About to start The Book of the New Sun

Fairly excited, everybody rates on a same level as Dune (which is shit but it's probably one of the most famous sci-fi books of all time so)
bout as much as me
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Jesus christ all of the becky rumors are starting to piss me off. In this year alone we've had rumors that she was pregnant, that she has bulimia, that she had a miscarriage, and that she diddled her little brother. And I'm probably missing some too. Even if in the off chance some of the rumors are valid, it's not okay to pry into her personal life and issues.

Leave becky alone so she can be happy.
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I never watched a episode of Steven Universe and I am about to marathon the entire series from the first episode to the latest.

What kind of ride am I in for?
why are you so angry, anon?
>It took a little while.
Okay then anon, then it's pretty cute,not autistic[/spoiler}
I hate delusioned shippers

It will never, ever happen. Any of them.
>Jasper has a stash of books to take on long missions
Why not both?
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>There are people who get this mad over shipping
Either Stephen King's IT for the second time or Dragon Age the stolen throne for the first. Dubs or 69 decide.
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He knows tfw no gemfu
They were doing fine where they were supposed to be. And improvising is always difficult.
Rebecca Sugar's Wild Ride of Love, Forgiveness, Feels, Waifus, and Polymorphic Sentient Rocks
a great one my friend, see you back here soon!
>fiddled her little brother
Didn't they used to draw porn for each other?
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Requesting this with Amethyst as Avdol, Garnet as Kakyoin, Pearl as Iggy, and steven and greg as jotaro and joseph
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Agreed, she won't want to make cartoons for us if she keeps getting harassed.
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>Getting this buttblasted over shipping fictional rock girls together
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Just take you're (You) and get out of /sug/
bear with the first 10 episodes, it gets better after that
I just finished Revival by Stephen King. Interesting.
Both! Both! Both!
It's like, hard to explain. In my mind Jasper has two different voices and one of them sounds like a boy doing a monster impression while the other sounds like a woman who may or may not smoke too much, she sounded like the boy doing a monster impression for nearly the entire time in AAS
Truth be told I don't even think it's /sug/ really doing it, the miscarriage thing was some tumblr jumping fuck

we did do the whitewashing though kek, although the crew handled it well and shut us down
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Oh you're in for a ride, fucker.
Yes, but then some people tried to skew it into that she actually fugged her brother. All they did was draw smut for each other as kids, all kids have done weird stuff sometimes.
Valis, and you?
That last one is lewd
>literally no counterargument other than u mad bro
Naw I'm perfectly calm and serene safe with the knowledge that shippers are pathetic people with terrible lives who need ships to live through.
You fags try this u mad shit every time someone tells you to fuck off because you know deep down we are right and that you are annoying as all hell.
Ah, the days when people thought Pearl had to be trans just because she has a petite chest.

Then again, these are the people who say "real women have curves," so they probably have that a little too ingrained in their pea-brains.

Shit pisses me off so much.
Diddling her brother is a rumor? I thought it was a joke I made up when people called Connie a self insert and Steven represented her brother.
KEK. They tried making her more of a bad guy in AaS so Lapis doesn't look as bad

Another good normal line:
>have either of you seen Rose Quartz?>>86019150
rivet please.

I wish zuke is for fug :(
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>He gets mad when people point out he's mad
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This leave her alone so she can make more good cartoons. I'm tired of the hate for her from bitter former /gfg/ fags.
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I was a few pages into Games People Play but then I started reading the Vagabond manga online and now I want to finish it before I continue on with anything else
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>that you are annoying as all hell
>is a shiphater
Irony hurts doesn't it anon?
You sound mad degenerate shipperfag
Strike a nerve?
>we will never have an amazing FACTUAL inner-office tale like /gfg/ had
Reminder Joe Pitt threatened to shank Alex Hirsch with an X-acto knife for firing him
This shitty "meme" is the worst thing to come out of /co/, you're making us look even worse and if you keep pulling this shit, something'll happen that'll ruin the threads for everyone here, like a ban or worse.

I don't tell people to kill themselves but I wish you'd realise what you're doing isn't "just shitposting" and I hope you grow up.
No, this rumor was something else. People found an old post that her brother made on DA when he was a preteen, and he said that him and his sister drew porn for each other. Which is weird as fuck, but given their age it's not unusual. Kids don't yet understand normal boundaries when they are young, and it's not until later they realize that it's really fucking weird to do shit like that.
I'd be judging her if her and her brother were adults when that happened, but since they were young it's fine.

>Plague will never draw more gems
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He keeps taking the bait! Holy shit!
>Naw I'm perfectly calm and serene
Different anon but you really come across as extremely butthurt with all that "people who enjoy things I don't are pathetic people with terrible lives" raging

You really need to accept that in the internet, there are loads of different people, and inevitably some people will enjoy stuff you won't, and the only not-retarded way to approach that is to deal with it and learn to ignore the stuff you don't care for and focus on the good stuff.

Because, you know, throwing childish tantrums about how horrifying it is that someone on the internet likes something you don't will never not seem retarded.
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Keep your head up anon!
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Here here
>/sug/ gets mad at tumblr for harassing crewniverse over petty shit
>proceeds to try and harass crewniverse over personal serious irl shit they may or may not be dealing with

stay classy /sug/
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To kill a mockingbird.
Neuromancer here.
Stop being a fucking whiny faggot on something completely harmless that doesn't affect you.
We're all adults here, act like one
>lapis will never be capable of anything other than crippling depression hidden behind layers of apathy
There are some lines you just don't cross. I hope /sug/ knows that we should be above this /b/ tier shit.
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We've always been the classiest of them all.
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Don't you smile at me you fucking pedo
Yeah...thanks, man.

why is she a pedo? is this another shitty lapis meme?
Does Pearl and Connie have a weird sexual relationship?
What the fuck are you doing here tumblr. fag? Get outta here! and quit trying to find leaks to bring back to your friends
>it's really fucking weird to do shit like that.
I don't know, I don't think nsfw art swaps are that uncommon in various fandoms. I mean he uses the word porn but I'd guess it's just some lewds with visible nipples or something "daring" like that
for real? thats priceless
>I don't think nsfw art swaps are that uncommon in various fandoms
but there's a difference between doing that with strangers you have no personal connection to and your own sibling.
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>not fuckability
The only two people she talks to without resentment are 1) a human child, 2) a gem who acts like she is mentally 12 years old.
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Did Pearl & the other Crystal Gems actually know that there was a sentient Gem trapped in the mirror?

>You three knew I was in there, and you didn't do anything. Did you even wonder who I used to be?!
>How could I have known the Gem contained in that mirror would be so powerful?
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I also used that response for best gem
Listen, guys.
If Jasper singing is off the table, Jasper being redeemed and joining the main cast is off the table.
They can't have a gem that cries nor sings. They're just not going to do that.
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Life will go on. At least her "woman who may or may not smoke too much" voice will always be hot af. I bet her VA could sing decently with it rather than with the more strained and growly one
Not (You)r reputation, asswad, the thread as a whole. It's worsening the whole "4chan boogeyman" thing and if it keeps up we could end up with clickbait articles and /sug/ gone for good.

You're a shit and your fellow shits are going to ruin it for all of us.
lapis doesn't cry, maybe jasper doesn't sing
>people who enjoy things I don't are pathetic people with terrible lives
I didn't say that. I'm perfectly fine accepting people like different things than me. But shipping literally IS a practice for people who don't have much going on in their own life and need to live vicariously through a fictional relationship. It is why fanfiction is so popular among shipperfags. Its why they feel the need to spam even more than waifu fags to make sure people pay attention to their ship. Its why /gfg/ melted down when none of the ships became canon. Its why amedot shippers started harrassing Zuke on twitter.
Shipping is degenerate and literally no one has ever presented me with an argument, other than that all parts of a fandom are degenerate which I disagree with, to prove me wrong.
yes they did
Screenshot this. Just you wait. Just. You. Wait.
That second line sort of darkly implies they did, but didn't think it could break free
as is tradition in SU, it was not confirmed nor denied, leaving us fumbling for slivers of information to piece an answer
I rused you, and I'll ruse again
Not without Amethyst.
>/sug/ gone for good.


How do you figure?
Why would they hire voice actors based on their singing skills if they weren't all going to sing at one point?
I always assumed they thought it was currupted, until the moment they saw it respond to them. Hope we get a Lapis/Pearl episode to clear some of this up.
I agree. I thought we were better than this and it's seriously pissing me off. Why won't it just. Be. Dropped.
They did. They just assumed that it would never be able to do anything but follow orders. They also probably assumed it was a Homeworld Gem.
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they replace Jasper with Onion
>proceeds to try and harass crewniverse over personal serious irl shit they may or may not be dealing with
And what's sad is that even on that meme, tumblr manages to harass them more
We just can't beat em in shittyness no matter how hard we try
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Be nice to becky so she can be happy and her heart of gold can shine and warm the world
Of course they did. Its why they were trying to stop Steven from freeing her. Probably on Rose's orders who NEVER FUCKING HEALED A CRACKED GEM WHO WAS IN PERPETUAL PAIN FOR 5000 YEARS WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK ROSE
Nice book you wrote their. Please tell me how you're a calm and collected individual.
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Not enough rusing me
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well there's a few hundred of us, and hundreds of thousands of them, that does play a major role
BE NICE TO BECKY! DRAW BECKY'S GEMSONA INSTEAD. Come to think of it DOES she have a gemsona? Has anyone ever tried to draw her as a gem?
I hate how bitchy shippers art, and how pathetic and reachy they get with their headcanons and "evidence" posts.

That is some nutso shit. Post the art, sure, that's one thing.
>/sug/ gone for good
As far as I know, generals are only purged from /co/ if they permanently stray offtopic. (/frz/, /hsg/) Has a ganeral ever been canned for raiding?
It's Steven
It's Ruby, dumbass. This has been mentioned a billion times.
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How much ruse do you need
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Rose KNEW who Lapis was.

Rose knew Lapis was unstable, powerful, and worked for the enemy. Why let out one gem and risk the entire planet she's worked so hard to protect?
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Best to worst.

1. Lapis
2. Peridot
3. Pearl
4. Amethyst
5. Garnet

prove me wrong.
Dude, get over it. If they're wrong then they're wrong and the show will prove it. Being so vocal about you're autistic levels of hatred to them will only make them louder and more common. All you're doing is stoking the flames.
A bunch more!
Steven's her brother you fool.
OUR Ruby? Or another Ruby? Where's my sucruby?
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good times.png
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Which diamond would be the chillest to hang out with /sug/?
>bootleg vegeta
she's the raditz
1. Lapis
2. Jasper
3. Garnet
4. Pearl
5. Lapis
to be fair, vegeta did sing karaoke in Battle of the Gods
It's Ruby, the one who loves Sapphire(Ian)
You peg her as such, but what does that mean?

What will Jasper do while existing on earth for an eteneity?

I'm thinking endgame is Steven fixing Homeworld and Jasper going back. Maybe even Lapis if Peri comes. And then they fix Homeworld even more
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>Jasper being too bad to even make the list
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If this were {spoiler]season 1[/spoiler], that list would be reversed!
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This is why nobody likes Jasperfags. >>86018889

This is singing crying redemption: the show.
It's gonna happen.
>But shipping literally IS a practice for people who don't have much going on in their own life and need to live vicariously through a fictional relationship
That's some heavy projecting there mang. Do you also think that reading books or watching movies or shows - or getting into fandoms and talking of the characters or lore is only for people who have nothing going on in their own lives and need to live through fiction? Liking anything fictional means that your life sucks?

What about authors, or people who write scripts for shows or movies? Sad losers who don't have any real human connections so they need to create fictional characters and write about them, each and every one?
we don't know anything about two of them, so it's a bit hard to say, isn't it?
This desu, senpai.

Jasper will be doing no hair braiding.
Rate 'em /sug/

Rebecca Sugar
Ian JQ
Kat Morris
Joe Johnston
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I'm gonna ruse you to death, prepare yourself!
>literally the shittiest taste I've ever seen
It's obviously Sugar, since that's a crystal.
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It's not that deep it's just for fun. Most shippers know their ships aren't going to become canon.
>rating characters from a poorly defined best to worst
Eh, no thanks. That's one step away from waifuwars.
Got some OC for ya freaks!
What about baking cookies and marrying [ship]?
No and hell no.
Rose could've bubbled her. You know, like she always does?
Wow. I like her feet and geta.
You've completely fallen for the YOUR NEW FAVORITE GEMS act and your opinions can now be considered as little more than shit
you mean pearlfags? pretty sure no one cares about the other two/three anymore
This. You do realize that we basically live in a culture of fanfics, right? Heck, all the current movies are capeshit reimaginings and sequels written by fans (usually) or for fans, and the original creators have nothing to do with them. Heck, Lois Lane was probably just an attempt to ship somebodies Gary Stue with a hot banging hos.
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Yes our ruby. As seen in the dedication of The Answer book and Sucrose's self-portrait.

Well then

What the FUCK, Rose? Maybe she couldn't sneak the mirror away from Pearl?
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>pretty sure no one cares about the other two/three anymore
Lapis didn't really work for Homeworld. She wasnt part of the war, at least
Apparently not jasperfag
More people find jasperfags and tumblr posters annoying
There may be hope for this place yet.
Maybe Pearl has ONE secret from Rose. Just one.
>she didn't tell her about the mirror

If Rose used the mirror a lot, Lapis would be initially more cross with Steven.
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Wait, I'm not ready for Rusing yet!.........Okay now I am!
Same Anon here.
Although she was found where all the Homeworld gems were fleeing, and she couldn't defend herself so from Rose's point of view, its not far fetched to assume that she was Homeworld
What is she trying to portray in this?
>ruby is the gem that's most like rebecca personality-wise
>Pilot Pearl is the gem that looks the most like rebecca
I don't think they knew Lapis was conscious, like gems aren't really supposed to be self-aware when in an artifact?
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I fucking hate you people.
Because the thread consists mainly of lapis shitters. Of fucking course they're not going to consider themselves a problem.
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>Steven is bored
>The Gems are on a mission
>Greg is working
>Connie is at school
>Steven remembers he borrowed his dad's VCR and Little Buttler videotapes
>After an hour of watching the show, he puts another tape in
>He realizes it's not Little Butler
>It's actually Greg's and Amethyst's sex tape
>Steven wants to turn it off, but he realizes he's getting aroused
>He strips and starts touching himself
>The Gems warp back into the house and see him masturbating
>Pearl rushes to take videotape out of the VCR, but stops as she looks at the screen
>Appalled, she screams at Amethyst to explain this
>Amethyst is so embarrassed that she deflects the issue
>She reveals that Pearl often forcefully fused with her when Amy was still a very young gem
>Pearl is shocked that her secret has surfaced
>Everyone looks at Garnet to resolve the situation
>Garnet panics
>She confesses that she foresaw Connie dying in a school shooting that morning
>At that moment they hear someone approaching the house and yelling
>Greg bursts through the door
>He admits that he has erotic dreams about Stevonnie and can't stop thinking about her

How much bigger does Steven's erection get?
endless suffering because /sug/ keeps bullying her
Maybe Rose knew her before that time in the war.

Lapis never uttered Rose's name though she is an extremely important figure essentially responsible for all her suffering
Anyone have that Rose Dance gif?
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I tried to stop them from bullying you but nothing is working, I'm sorry they keep making fun of serious issues you might be going through. I love you Sucrose.
I want an episode where Steven gets Lapis glasses

>He/him today

Genderfluid is a fucking imaginary, completely irrational concept.
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Do you think we aren't getting any more leaks because Sucrose is the one behind them and she has been lurking the last few threads?
Characters who deserve death

1. Lars
2. Jasper
3. Kevin

Characters who deserve eternal happiness

1. Sadie
2. Jamie
>Amethyst is so embarrassed that she deflects the issue
>She reveals that Pearl often forcefully fused with her when Amy was still a very young gem
>Pearl is shocked that her secret has surfaced
>Everyone looks at Garnet to resolve the situation
>Garnet panics
>She confesses that she foresaw Connie dying in a school shooting that morning

This could happen.
>Genderfluid is a fucking imaginary, completely irrational concept.

>Rose IDF at it again
She could have healed her and kept her in the mirror so at least she wouldn't be in perpetual pain for 5000 years WHICH IS WHAT MADE HER UNSTABLE
She could have healed then bubbled her or even just fucking bubbled her if she really felt she needed to keep her weak. She could have even tried to convert her to the cause and bubbled her if she failed.
But no just like bismuth Rose is a forgetful bitch whose actions don't make sense from a military leader who challenged an empire. There are only two options for Rose. She is either dumb as a fucking rock and managed to fight the gempire so long through sheer luck or she is a stone cold bitch who remembers everything but chooses not to fix it.
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What is Steven going to do when all the corrupted Gems gets cured, Homeworld gets convinced to stop attacking, and all the fighting is over?
He'll have no excuse to not go to school then!
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No! That couldn't be your last Ruse there's gotta be more!
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big trouble.png
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Why did Garnet look so damn scary in Mirror Gem?
Pearl can die. Pearl should die. Pearl would die. Pearl must die. Pearl will die.
It's time for salad
>Characters who deserve death: Lars

>Characters who deserve eternal happiness: Jasper

fixed that for ya
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>Characters who deserve eternal happiness
>No Lapis
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Because that's the first time Steven disobeyed her and struck her.
Show me a medical study proving it is a real thing. Being trans is absolutely a real medical condition called gender dysphoria and is documented by multiple professional medical sources to be real.
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Become a hobo and travel the world with his Lion
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>edgy bored 15 year old americans ruin everything for everyone

just GREAT
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Steven disobeyed her and smacked her hand away. Steven's a child who needs to listen to the Gems.
They didn't color her eyes, and her lips are extra big. She was supposed to look intimidating though so maybe it was intentional.
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rebecca doesn't love us anymore because you guys thought it would be HILARIOUS to make rumors about her having a miscarriage and an eating disorder

are you fucking happy with yourselves
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I think we're not getting leaks because it's fucking Sunday.
I'm sorry...My ruse reserves ran out years ago and since then, I've been saving my final one.

What now?
thank you
>They didn't color her eyes
they did but only slightly
He'll be Renaldo
People should stop believing like gender is a real thing. The only thing that matters is what sex you are, and I will refer to people based on that.
Characters that should die:
3.)Yellow Diamond, but only if she secretly played a part in PD's murder

Characters that deserve happiness:
1.)Yellow Diamond if she had nothing to do with PD's murder
2.)everyone else
A racer that could appear as either gender on a whim wouldn't give a shit what gender you used.

Their language probably wouldn't even account for gender in the first place.
Why does she suffer?
>gem on forehead
>implied to be the head of all the diamonds
>this fanart makes her look like a brawn-over-brain type


Also to answer your question, I don't think any of the Diamonds ever "chill," except maybe Blue Diamond. I think they're all constantly working and organising.
lapis a cute.
Lars needs that mask thing to
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Why are people trying to stop Steven from getting a basic education?! Send that little shit to school, damn it!
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does this answer your question?
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I'm sorry /sug/ has been so shitty, please forgive us. I think it's just 3 or 4 asshats who keep making these memes, we're not all shit I promise.
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by showing the main cast as MAD AS FUCK GRRRRR you mentally detach from them letting Lapis come and fill the gaps letting her "NEVER AGAIN" speech hit home harder
Did I fucking say that you absolute faggot?
I just said trans is a real thing. But genderfluid is absolutely not until a medical study is actually conducted on it and finds it to be so.
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I'll lend you all my Ruse!
From what I am seeing so far this pretty much a relaxed slice of life show, but it changes in the later episodes doesn't it?
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Yeah but do you like this comic?
It's possible. Rose was made on Earth though, so it's fair to think she's not too much older than the rebellion and didn't know about Lapis. Even then how could she know which Lapis was in the mirror?
Is Lapis Romani?
You're just taking silly fun way too seriously
No amadot
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fucking grounded.png
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Does anyone else really like the "mom" moments of the show? Like Alexandrite chasing down the runaway Steven and Connie and bringing them back for their punishment.
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Don't be a faggot. They're called Gypsies
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and make BELIEVE with you
>perpetual pain
Because she was cracked? She didn't seem in physical pain in Ocean Gem, just that she couldn't fly.

We don't know the logistics of the mirror at all hardly. What if healing her means she could burst out and be free?

>not bubbling her
It's hard to defend this, unless Rose (as ancient and wise a gem as she is) was positive that being mirrored ain't so bad. Maybe she tried releasing gems stuck in objects before, only for them to have something extremely horrible happen. Like they shatter or some shit

Or maybe Lapis was REALLY REALLY useful as a tool. Rose is good at being morally grey like that.
Nah, Lapisfags are the worst, the ones consistently spamming the most.
check your interspecies privilege you shitlord

>b-but the gems will teach him beter ;-;
>muh space knowledge
It's some mix of both.
>don't touch me with that hand

every fucking time

does someone have the malachite comic from the same artist?
You dumbasses don't actually think Rebecca is in the thread, do you?
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do dull re quests?
I only have enough energy for one more ruse but then I'll have to go away. Forever
I'm assuming you guys saw these already but the Crewniverse posted pictures from that Ruby/Sapphire book and I have to say holy shit they're precious.
You can argue about whether or not she "deserves" happiness till you're blue in the face, but she's constantly sabotaged any chance she had to be happy, so even if you haved it to her on a silver platter she'd turn it away (by destroying the plate and every lovely thing you prepared for her). There's no point.
I don't really think so but I don't want to risk it
Nice try Rebecca!
Seriously tho.

Gems probably have no gendered pronouns in their original language.

If anything, they'd have pronouns denoting caste and Diamond affiliation.
Those are practically my favorite moments. I think Garnet does them the most. Especially
>My middle name is Danger!
>No its not. Your middle name is.. Cutie pie ~
Because they needed to present Lapis as sympathetic character. They needed to build her up us a victim so that her being an abuser later causes that much more cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is a great story-telling tool.
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rebecca sugar peeing please
No time is too soon for a leak
I am. I'm in every thread.
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Besides Steven, who should die to have the most impact on the viewer?

Hardmode: No Greg
remember in laser light cannon when they kept referencing how steven's mom is gone and that she was really special? you'll get more of that crystal gem history
>I gave him the Connie x Steven porn
>I'm now immortalized as anon
Feels good.
So /sug/ do you think Rose shattering Pink Diamond was as simple as Eyeball made it sound, or is there something more to it?
nigga what the fuck
well at least rainbow quartz is coming back next episode
Please, Accept this Ruse! We need more of your ruse!
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I want Jasper to die a noble death, the highest and most honorable way to go.
kill garnet
about tree fiddy
Lapis is an intelligent gem
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>about tree fiddy
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This is it!

Anon, let's ruse
Kill Ruby
Pearl after fully coming to terms with Rose's Death.
>Rose was made on Earth

Bismuth said she was made in the dirt, nothing about her being made on Earth. We can't even trust everything the other gems say about her because of how much she hid, remember? And in "Rose's Scabbard," Rose told Pearl "we can never go home." She was from Homeworld.
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I mean... There's good kind of impact and then there's good kind of impact.

On it's own, the dead of anybody from the main caste would probably cause about the same amount of impact, but it would be a bad thing for the show overall. The only character from the main caste who I could possibly see dying and that being a good thing in the long run is Pearl.

But realistically it's probably Bismuth. She's a perfect candidate to axe off.
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Who is sexiest human and why is it Earl?
Its a mixture of both that uses the slice of life episodes as decompression from the more serious heavy episodes, as a better look into Steven's daily life and also to see how Steven has to deal with and process the shit he goes through later on. Don't listen to the fags who call the slice of life episodes filler as they are important to the pacing of the show as a whole.
its either pearl or peridot, both of them have had considerable screen time evolving their character, and because of the emotional investment, one of them dying would have the biggest impact
>right here in the dirt
>right here
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Truly the best parts
They pierce my heart like spears of pure fucking sadness and joy
>mother died to cancer when I was 3
I had a good like regardless but
>tfw no mom
He's getting an education in saving the world.
>Bismuth said she was made in the dirt, nothing about her being made on Earth.
She said, specifically, "right HERE in the dirt".
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If Pearl dies I will kill myself.
>If you really think about it, /sug/ is essentially a fusion. 99% of us are anonymous, so in that aspect we are all the same. Many of us share the same opinions on many things, and we follow along with the same memes.
>But, when somebody does not follow along with the memes, or has a differing opinion, the fusion destabilizes. /sug/ becomes chaotic and hostile, and pieces of /sug/ may even branch off into different websites like a metastatic cancer. When we lose sight of the same goal, we lose our fusion: /sug/.
>In order to maintain the fusion, to keep ourselves powerful and stable, /sug/ must submit to the same ideas. Once a trend, an opinion, has started, /sug/ must follow along with it. /sug/ is the ultimate fusion, the ultimate mind. So many minds melded together into one entity.
no kill plz
Honestly, corruption of one of the main characters would be a lot more rough then one of them just being killed off.
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I've been waiting for someone to Ruse with my whole life! I'm ready for you!
I'm pretty sure she said "right here in the dirt" but I could be wrong. There's no way to prove it either way, but that's mostly irrelevant. Rose still may not have known Lapis, and even if she did, she had no idea which Lapis was in the mirror.
Jasper is healed and Steven tries to starts her on a path towards redemption but no matter how hard they both try she feels as if she doesn't deserve the new life she's been given and that she can never be good so she kills herself by sacrificing her life to save Steven from Yellow Diamond stepping on him or something
Ruby. And Sapphire has to fuse with another Ruby to get a NEW Garnet, who is trained by Stevonnie on being a fusion.
This is why no character will die and no ship will become canon.

Attachment and self-insertion in a feel good show.
...........dude what the fuck
But more
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I can agree~!
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And this is what we look like
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>"I'm sorry Rose... I failed you..."
Personally, Pearl or Peridot dying would break my heart, but Garnet is the one showing all the red flags. She's too much of a one-note perfect, loving mentor character right now.
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*ruses you*
I like knightly pearl
Garnet or Pearl. Probably Pearl. Connie could also be bumped off to impact the viewer.
No everyone on that list needs to be happy ( except Kevin)
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>that sug pearl pic on the refrigerator
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Becky will give you your frog back when you stop accusing her of having a miscarriage and being bulimic.
this is probably the safest
but pearl would hurt the most so it'd probably be her
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This general is filled with a very generous amount of lapis and that makes me very happy
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i'm okay with that. Pearl deserves to be happy.
To be accurate the final panel would need a stick figure thumbs up.
Garnet will never die. She's contains the happy gay representation
I fucking hope the CGs and memedot/pis all get corrupted and join Jasper in the bubble room and that's what causes Steven to finally put actual effort into finding a cure for the corrupted gems
Lapis is a mediocre gem that's overrated by the fandom.
*gets overwhelmingly rused
No main character is dying. I can assure you of that.
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Oh yes
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She's due for her own arc. I'm sure the Crew has something special in store
stop roleplaying
Oh shit anon does ur dad work at nintendo??!??
t. Jasper
Stop being mad cause no one wants to fuck you. Go the fuck to /r9k/
some guy drew an /sug/ megafusion a few threads back
Why is the main character a white kid if this show is supposed to be so diverse in characters?
OK, Matt
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>Garnetfags confirmed best fans.

We already knew, but it's nice to be told.
>all these people who missed last week's discussion on why Ruby was gonna die.
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Steven face in the last panel so sad
Jasper is.
I absolutely think there's more to it, to the point that the end of Bubbled really frustrated me.

>Rose did something to change PD into Lion somehow
(because he's too OP and mysterious I can't stand how they've kept quiet about "him" for so long)

Or, if Rose really did shatter PD

>Rose and PD weren't on bad terms, but like with Bismuth PD was Rose's "problematic friend" who was afraid of betraying her "sisters" and so refused to change
>Rose and PD weren't on bad terms, in fact they were good friends and PD agreed to sacrifice herself for Rose's cause

Alternatively, the second one is also how I imagine the Lion theory, that they were both in it together to make it look like Rose shattered PD.
Depends on your definition of main character. From a certain point of view, Steven could be considered the only main character.
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A mediocre gem that can solo the entire cg, and may or may not have recorded the corruption song as a mirror and may or may not be able to use her mirror powers to play it again
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Now that we've rused let's both agree to never ruse again.
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>No main character is dying
>Pink Diamond is already dead
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holy fuck dude
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Pearl is Steven's actual mom, her death would be really tragic.

>finally at peace with losing Rose
>living a happy life with Steven
>has to sacrifice herself for him
>okay with it, not because of Rose's legacy, but because of who Steven is to her
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i don't even like Lapis but this gif is overwhelmingly cute
>diverse means niggers only
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That's because there's no such things as Garnetfags Honestly, it's like saying your favorite super hero is Superman cause he's OP af, it's no fun cause they're too perfect
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Man, what the fuck happened to you, /sug/?
I want this but for it to happen because Lapis turns evil and replays the corruption song for all the CGs to hear which causes Steven to hate her and then heal all the corrupted gems so that they can help him take her down
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but what would happen to the opening theme
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Amazing taste fellow Garnetfag
>believing what Rose, who constantly lies, told Bismuth about her origins

I'm not a "Rose is PD" believer anymore, but it's obvious that there's more to her origins. She has so many abilities. I think she was going to be a new kind of Quartz when she was made, and then when she rebelled all of the other Rose Quartzes (if there were any) were "discontinued" (executed).
all I wanted was my frog back
>some headcannon tier fucking image
fuck off
>guys we all yelled over each other and circlejerked our ideas out of each others dicks so we know its gonna happen
Okay fag. You can leave now.
He is a lazily whitewashed pebble.
If Rebecca ever saw something like this I am genuinely afraid she would try to off herself, never say this again. I'm serious.
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Follow your waifu into the ocean, Lapisfag.

Mediocre based off her personality. Which consists entirely of self-pity and PTSD.
I don't know if I can live without us rusing again!

>Pink Diamond
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Was it that giant fusion that had a bunch of eyes? Post it
>>86020501 lapis is overwhelningly cute all the time
he's only half white (and that's assuming Greg isn't jewish): Rose is jewish coded
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>muscle lapis

Stop it anon, I can only get so erect.
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You can't make somebody feel like they murdered their unborn child over a fucking frog, please rethink what you are doing with your entire life.
>corruption song

Garnet = Steven's Mentor
Pearl = Steven's Mom
Amethyst = Steven's Big Sister

Peridot = Steven's ???
Lapis = Steven's ???
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>there's no such things as Garnetfags
Fuck you buddy there's like 3 Garnetfag /sug/ regulars

We just have class and don't spam
Good. She's an untalented petty jewess.

Ignore them. It's some anti-Lapis (and two threads ago, anti-jasper and lapis) cunt falseflagging with themselves back and forth.

Just take a look at this thread:


They have a simple formula. When it's Lapis and Jasper, they make their Jasper posts all caps and Lapis types regularly, saying essentially the same thing back and forth within 2-5 minutes)

And in this thread when it's just Lapis, it's the same thing but with even less variety between posts.

Ignore them like the anti-Connie "pedo" falseflagger.
>pearl sitting there crying with her masters weapon in amongst a field of corpses
here comes a thought
this show has some dark undertones
Ian i am sorry that one guy sent you that drawing of rebecca's miscarriage plz find forgiveness in your heart and bring Jasper back i beg of u
>its the last episode of the last season
>a horde of Jaspers/Ametysts are approaching Steven at an incredibly fast rate
>Steven is ready to take them on
>at the last moment Pearl jumps in the way
>"If I'm not strong enough to protect you, I will have failed Rose!"
>proceeds to get shattered
that's the part of the problem
she's completely overpowered as a fighter, yet so bland as a character.
he knows to stay out of the minefield
edgy teens got their first tastes of (you)s and wont fuck off
what has garnet taught steven? she is more like the cool grandma or aunt
Peridot: Steven's wife
Lapis: Steven's mistress
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please off yourself, fuck you and fuck hoppy
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>he doesnt know how the rebellion died
Did you shit on your history books or just not open them at all?
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archives are a great invention
I hope Sugar writes Lapis and Jasper out of the show to punish you cunts
>self pity, ptsd, childish, mischievous, brutally honest, lazy and petty
Just because you don't like who she is does not mean she has no personality faggot.
I'd be really pissed.

Why can't Connie get killed off instead?

It would legit make Steven more like his mother and even make him want to shatter whoever did it.
Then I guess we're both going to the ruse grave...

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So I heard Pearl and Amy act incredibly gay with one another in the newest episode
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Garnetfag here. She's not perfect but she's close and she's a poorly utilized character.
Am I missing something? Did Rebecca steal someone's pet frog or something?
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>>Pink Diamond
>state fact
>try to meme it away
holy fuck anon rethink you're life
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Same Garnet fag
>Peridot = Steven's ???
>Lapis = Steven's ???

Pals, compadres, lads, brothers in arms, comrades, amigos, homies, squad/
I don't like Lapis or Jasper so I would be okay with this punishment
I wouldn't be surprised
>connie haters still btfo that best girl is canonly with best boy
I'm sorry that a good relationship makes you feel uncomfortable.
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maybe the Amedot fags will fuck off to another general just like the Jasperfags did.
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Some dipshit thinks Rebecca took his idea for a cartoon frog so he's trying to legitimately make her suicidal.
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Amy's already been ultra gay for Pearl what with her fascination for Pearl's non-existent ass.

This. Look at all of her "fights" so far. She's wrecked everyone she's ever come across. And yet instead of helping the CGs on missions where they could use her strength, she sits around at the barn, angsting or goofing off in fanfic-tier eps because "SHE'S BEEN THROUGH SOOOO MUCH"

Arguing "my favourite character is great because she's physically powerful" is like little kid DBZ conversations
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thats not nice
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>Garnet: "She would be so proud of you right now, Steven."
>Steven: "My mom?"
>Garnet: "Pearl, Steven."
I never said she didn't have a personality, she has a mediocre personality. Do all Lapisfags have reading comprehension this bad?
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Is he also gonna start harassing Brenda Clark and Paulette Bourgeois?
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Opal Perma-fusion when?

We can finally get best gem back.
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Anon no don't
Peridot: Steven's angry frog
Lapis: Steven's rogue on parole
Thay are just strangers under his responsibility, not a real part of the family. At least, not yet.
Why don't we move these Generals to [s4s] instead of /trash/ when the show's on hiatus?
I don't think they would mind
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Nobody tell him about Kulipari...
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This is probably the most autistic thing I read in about 4 months.
How can someone sink that low haha
If we go to the ruse grave together, will we always ruse in the afterlife?
Garnet is more like the second mom who fulfills the role of the dad. Take it like Pearl being the mom-mom and Garnet being the dad-mom.
Actually, Fusion cuisine confirms Amy is also like a mom, an irresponsible but funny mom.
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>any episode I don't like is a fanfic
It amazes me how butt blasted you lapis haters get over her not always doing shit
I would imagine you would want to see less of her but no its always the same bullshit about how she sucks and has no personality (which has been proven false multiple times by multiple anons) and sits around the barn
Garnet! Amethyst! and....and Steven.....
Actual frog guy here. I only ever brought it up once as a joke, I don't have anything against Sugar and wasn't the one freaking out over Hoppy.
please do not turn this into a meme that follows my career if I actually do anything with that stupid idea
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Motherfucker I would be forever buttblasted if this happened.
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We can ruse to your heart's content, and so much more!

But there's just one more thing I have to ask...
She's been in the barn for like, 2 episodes.
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You are apparently the on who lacks reading comprehension. You said she was a mediocre gem not her personality which you implied was very flat by saying entirely and only listing two things.
Learn some writing skills to express yourself better in the future chum
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I did a thing you guys
>little kid dbz conversations
Gonna ignore that part.

She chooses not to help them because she hates them. The only reason she hasnt kill them is because she loves steven more than she hates them. She still isnt gonna spend any more time with them than she needs to though.

Imagine if you were tony stark and your best pal's friend killed your parents. Would you want to hang out with his friend? No.
I think it's just retarded anons taking a meme they didn't invent too far, as usual
>Instead of looking off hopefully to the sunset, Steven gives them both a hug with downcast eyes only we can see
Somebody should say this to Sugar's face at comic con
You owe me a new pair of eardrums, anon.
I like it

Make sure to make fun of tumblrites with it.
Actually goes together fairly well.
Kek worthy/11
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>which has been proven false multiple times by multiple anons
sure it has
on the contrary, my man, we'd like to see more of her, her doing something interesting. she has a great potential but all she does is:
1. chilling at her residence not doing shit
2. wrecking any menace with as much effort as raising her hand
that's literally what Saitama is doing, but he has entire show revolving around it. she doesn't, so it looks boring as it is
Go on! You can ask me anything! Is it about rusing?
It is.

Please stop.
Why don't people talk more about how obvious of a Christ surrogate Steven is? He is the human son of a God-like figure who simultaneously is that God-like figure, he is all about forgiveness and second chances, he has mystical powers, etc. I won't be surprised when Yellow Diamond tempts him by offering him to share in ruling the universe, nor when he finally gets poofed and comes back after three days.
I didn't say it was a problem. It's just that people act that episode in, episode out is her being boarded by Zuke at the barn. It's just two, it'll get switched up soon
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>Rebecca Sugar is Jewish
>Making a show about jesus
I don't think so
all frogs are now forever linked with suicide bullying
nice work m8
Not to mention that the promotional work constantly tells us to "Believe in Steven" and "Steven lives you."
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Lapis flapis
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It's similar to rusing, but I think you'd like it!

It's called fusing.
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>Gem Harvest in 2 weeks

Jesus was a jew YOU DEVIL SHITLORD
I can't believe the frog guy wants Rebecca Sugar to think she murdered her fetus by having an eating disorder, he is a fucking prick
Because Rose is not a god like figure and Steven is very much fallible. Saying that he is a Jesus figure is pretty fucking retarded.
What was it?
Lapis shitis
Was Jesus ever made to feel uncomfortable about how gay for god some of the Jews were?
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love her
It's obvious, anon. It'd be hard to look at Steven as anything but a Christ allegory.
>maybe her baby would have lived if she didn't have an eating disorder
that is what it was, it's a really shitty thing to say to someone.
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i wish
I am probably actually blacklisted now.
GG memesters.
I've been waiting to be asked that my whole life! I just don't know how to fuse and I'm scared, it'd be my first time!
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its fucking staggering right?
>hurr I re-posted it so it's still visible while pretending to condemn it

You have a tumblr don't you
>former friends sister smoked during her entire pregnancy and her baby is mentally challenged
>straight up said to her face that she was a piece of shit and her baby is retarded because of her smoking during pregnancy
Was I out of line or?
should I make a warning post on my tumblr so that everybody knows it's a fake rumor?
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what the fuck are either of those things even true
Who are his disciples?
Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst, Lapis, Peridot, Connie, Sadie, Buck, SC, Jenny, Kiki, and Bismuth is his Judas.
We don't know if they are or aren't, most likely not, but even if they are it's not okay to harass and bully her over it. She is a good person and she doesn't deserve this shit.
>is pregnant
>doesnt just fucking walk away from the smoke
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We're two Lapis Lazulis, so Homeworld won't mind!

I'll lead, and you'll follow, how about it?
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>Pearl with big bodacious boobs.

P-pearl, you shouldn't have...
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I kind of want to see more "everybody deals with Pearl's tragic death" AU.
Also Onion as Pontius Pilate
>reading comprehension
The sister was pregnant and smoking dumbass.
>we dont know if they are or arent, most likely not
Yes we do
>comparing malicious memes by edgy teens to your actually happenings
fuck off
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Giant mom.
what are you trying to prove with your post?
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So who wants to see Pearl and Jasper fuse?
I'll fuse with you, it's just something that's all new to me is all....

Okay, I'm ready!
Were you saying that we didnt know if thats what the anon really said, because the post was deleted? Oh whoops i thought thats what you meant
Where's her monster mouth?
no, he was saying that we don't know if rumors are true or not
I want her to take me to McDonald's.
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I'm not sure how well-liked Pearl is in the entire fanbase but I sure as hell would build a shrine in her honor.
Steven cured Connie's "Blindness"
Ohhhh sorry pal
>not want her fresh, warm apple pie
Garnet x Jasper fusion is what I'm hyped for
If the fusion looks like that, I want to see them fuse. It'd be fun.
>building a shrine to rape
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Underneath her face.

>ywn go on a picnic with Alexandrite
That and the fact that most of the intenser scenes were in the desert/Beta Kindergarten or on the moon, where her power is kinda limited
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Just follow after me, do exactly as I do
And you'll do...fine!

Now...give me your hand!
Sugilite was monstrous enough, that thing is going to be a fucking abomination.
I sure as hell hope they're not, Sugar has been through enough already I just want her to be comfy and happy
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when i walk down the cereal isle

i think of Jasper
>ha ha I'm happy your kid died and it's your fault!

I mean obviously she was never pregnant, but that sort of stuff is just in poor taste no matter how ebin preteens find their first meme.
Saying things like "hey you're so awful you'll kill your kids before they're born" just comes across like you're a crazy psycho harasser who needs to be locked away, even if the person you say it do doesn't have kids.

Like what the fuck people. Do you also go around telling strangers to their face that you hope their parents die painfully of cancer hue hue? Why would anyone think that's funny?
>Spreading rumors about watching an unaired episode without any proof

This is difficult, I can't see nothing!
When I shake my leg

I think of Mr. Greg
>obviously she was never pregnant
That's the thing

You don't know that
>any episode I don't like is a fanfic

Stop fucking pulling this out of your ass, I was referring to Zuke's episodes where she gets to have antics with Peridot. Whether or not they're in-character or not, the tone more often than not feels like it could be a completely different show.
I do, and I bet their combined weapon will be a lucerne hammer.

But I also would kind of like Jasper to to be banned from fusion as an allegory for HIV.
Sugilite's appearance took way more from Amethyst than Garnet tho
i think Jasper x Garnet would look nothing like Sugi
Fuck that ending gave me a bit of a jump scare, or at least I'm slightly more deaf now.

Otherwise 10/10
I mean, i didnt think it was funny either, but I think you're forgetting what website you're on
It'll be scary at first, but I can guarantee you'll enjoy yourself!

You just need to give up everything you used to be, and become my prisoner.

Then, we can finalize this fusion!
That just looks like a more flexible Jasper. Nothing of Pearl.
There's the thing that you know the person irl, and also know that she 100% certainly was pregnant and with 100% certainty deliberately harmed the 100% existing kid with her own actions.

This is very different from harassing literal strangers over rumors based on other rumors that you actually know to be untrue, stupid jokes, all of them.

If you can't tell the difference you might be legit retarded.
I think you're forgetting that 4chan isn't just /b/
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Bye bye everybody!
No. It's just anons getting carried away with memeing and some gullible idiots taking it as fact.
DSP has gone too far this time.
I.......I..don't know if I can go through this.......YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO Be.....my.........prisoner!
fuck you >:(
>le internet haet machene xd
ahhh it never gets old
>people are only rude on /b/
Anon please no
Pearl and Jasper would be literally Bruce Lee
I don't think it'll look like Agate though, I'm hoping for Tiger's Eye
What is this? Iv been off of sug since monday.
Im curious if this is against the rules or not. Can an anon please explain deleting images to get the last image post?
could you imagine the shear cluster fuck of gem on a fusion of say 50 gems?

especially if they where all located in the head region?
>Jasper leaves a lingering saltiness in his mouth
>lol 4chan lol le edgiest cesspool on earth lel

Nigga you're not on /b/
You were luring me in from the very beginning so we could fuse, weren't you!

But it's okay...we can BOTH be prisoners!

why in all fuck would that be against the rules?
You delete your own earlier image and post a new one. What can possibly be against the rules?
will the next episode contain

It wouldn't last together for even a second with so many personalities combines.
>clamperl not listed under Pearl

Deal! You lead! here's my hand and we'll be prisoners TOGETHER!!!
>Go to next SU Q&A

>Reveal power level in front of entire crew

What happens?
Or a mix between Onna-Ranma and Kodachi Kuno, I mean both Jasper and Pearl have a flair for theatrics, Jasper even donned a fancy cape and make-up for POUNDING ROSE INTO THE GROUND REVENGE IS A DISH BEST SERVED COLD
they probably would have gems scaled down

like Eyeball's gem takes her entire eye socket
bu is reduced to just a pupil in multi-Ruby fusion
>Next question please!

>How did it feel when that DEAD BABY CORPSE fell out of your HAUNTED MEAT CAVE

Depends on your question
>When did people only being assholes on one board become a meme? Because you guys are making yourselves look like idiots just with whats been posted in THIS VERY THREAD.
Isn't that just the fusion itself being bigger and the gems staying the same size?
Jaspearl fusion would literally be a buff knight. Imagine Jasper's helmet and Pearl's swords combining.
leaks today?
see >>86021668
Go back to tumblr, sweetheart, you clearly don't get how this place works
you could have like 50 rubies
check your gem privilege you YOU DOUBLE HUMAN

>all the gems look like acne
or even better freckles
You guys are acting like the mods dont do whatever they like and deem certain things that arent stated in the rules to be delete-worthy. Like when they purged sug generals and moved them to the trash
newfag trying to use green text
>le ebin Internet Hate Machine lol
>giant adorable freckled ruby
>giant adorable freckled pearl
I want
I hate myself and I want to die!
Mrs. Sugar, what inspired you to become a coalburner?
How does it feel?

Do you feel powerful?

I do.
who are you quoting?

>Like when they purged sug generals and moved them to the trash
like your fucking sentence structure?
maybe, but that's really inconsistent with the fusions. i mean look at Malachite, Jasper's gem nose grows hundreds of times in size
Don't do anything drastic, Jasper! Remember that there are people who love you!
stream it
gopro taped to your dick and jump
praise allah on the way down
But Pearl's sword isn't the weapon she pulls from the gem, it's just an accessory. Their fusion weapon would be a spear + blunt trauma instrument / helmet combination. Maybe a lucerne hammer, like an anon once pointed out, or some kind of polearm bludgeon with sharp edges, I don't know.

But seeing how both their gems are in the head, a helmet isn't a bad idea.

However, a buff knight is too much jasper imo - Pearl is very light, graceful, agile, dancer-like. Jasper's a buff bruiser tank, but combined with Pearl I think you'd get a martial arts fusion, with speed, agility, grace, but also immense striking power. Also they both have lofty ideals about battle and how things should be done RIGHT and by following the RULES and have fierce loyalty, so it'd really be some sort of martial arts warrior's honour fusion
I feel amazing! I love being prisoners with you!
Ian would murder you live in front of everybody on stage
Woah nice 3 same nunbers
I imagine that a Pearl + Jasper fusion would be like those fencer builds from Dark Souls.
>like when they purged sug generals and moved them to the trash
Maybe he's commanding you to like it. He could be telling you that you need to like the fact that they did that.
Lapis and Pearl talk WHEN
>the tone feels like a completely different show
How so fuckboi? Still seems like the exact same show to me. Sounds exactly like
>I don't like it so its not part of the show
No, the gems change size with the fusion
You'd be liable to get beat down by the entire fucking crowd.
Don't lie to me...it feels wrong.

But if it feels so wrong, then why does it feel so...right?
I'm getting scared that Ian is going to go nuclear on us over the whole miscarriage thing, he might yell really loudly
Your last paragraph made a lot of sense.

This will sound autistic, but maybe a katana like polearm? Only the Japanese samurai seem to combine the knightly ideas of honour (Bushido) with intense marshal arts/fighting style. Japanese themed nonetheless.
>fusions have bigger weakspots

Do you think the gems are more shatter-proof to make up for that?
Hey, I didn't do it. It isn't directed at me, and if you're doing that shit you can probably handle some yelling.
>spear + helmet combination
>agile, graceful, yet buff
>all Jasper's fusions look like centaurs

i'm still betting they'd form some kind of unicorn together
Personally, I'm really liking the Knight idea. I hope it's something like that
His voice was surprisingly deep at Comic-Con.

And Sugar's is very soft and light. Kind of like Ruby and Sapphire but semi inverse
Jasper's Weapon looks like this anon

t.cartoon network
[erasure plays in the distance]
well it sure didn't help Pink Diamond, and she was naturally bigger than most fusions

(based on what we currently know about diamonds, that is)
Alright then, Peark's spear + Jasper's helmet

But anon, Pearl IS a knight, why would it be too much Jasper.

I know why [/spoiler]it's the pain,we must release it, but at the same time indulge i it ourselves![/spoiler]
I miss the lore
fucking lorefags
me too
>she was naturally bigger than most fusions
Wasn't she small compared to the other diamonds? Her chair on the moonbase wasn't big enough to fit YD or BD.
What if Pearl's nose pierces through Jasper's nose gem if they fuse?
Jesus, have you been doing this entire cringy spoilered RP thing without knowing about using ctrl-s in the reply box?
try ctrl+s

me too buddy, fucking waifuposters
No leaks yet. Holy shit, how long do I have to wait?
Jaspearl, tumblr, and Becky's miscarriage.
Rebecca stole an anon's frog so he killed her child and left a note blaming /sug/ for it
I think in general their forms are a little more resilient, and maybe their gems are too, but it's a possibility that its not by much.
>ctrl + s
>Her chair on the moonbase wasn't big enough to fit YD or BD.
Could any other gem discover elemental powers?

I want Peridot to get a weapon too.
I thought I saw a Rainbow Quartz with Steven.
Was that a leak?
Was it real?
Am I autistic?
It was a good size for rose
that's not her chair
Peridot stated that the chair was for higherst ranking gems
not the diamonds themselves
This keeps getting more and more ridiculous.
More evidence for the hilarious "Yellow Pearl is actually just really tiny" theory.
She's not like any other the other older gems in the cast, she's a new generation. She's magnetic and that's that.
>Beckys miscarriage
Fuck that's rough, how did anyone even find out about it? Usually you dont announce shit like that.
Whaaaaaaaaat? Who's chair is it then? Peridot's manager?
Peridot's weapon is her sharp mind.
Peri - metal bending
Lapis - water bending
Garnet - lava bending
Pearl - sand/cloud bending
Amethyst - ?
Ruby - fire bending
Sapphire - ice bending
Jasper - electricity bending

What else we got?
He literally ripped the fetus out of her womb and ate it, and then he shoved his fist down Rebecca's throat and made her throw up so that he could blame it on bulimia. What a fucking sicko.
It's not real. Don't listen to these fucknuggets.
It never happened, there was no announcement, it's all memes.
It's a shitty meme/rumour, please don't be serious.
It was on Zuke's twitter before she deleted it.
How fucking gullible can you get anon
where do you think you are
It's kind of complex

It really took off when Zuke let something slip on her streams that she does. No wonder she cut jerk herself off from public

>it's a diamond base
>Pearl seems to think it's the only one on the earth or moon, PD's only 2 colonies
>the Rubies confirm it was PD's base
>Peridot claims it's meant for the most elite. On Homeworld, the diamonds are the most elite of all gems

How exactly is it not PD's chair?
well technically by your logic Ame can also electricity bend, although she sets her whips on fire I remember
How the fuck did you even come up with some of these?
Garnet is electricity, from Ruby and Sapphire's powers combining. She just has Ruby's lava resistence.
What if PD is a tiny Diamond?
Peridot: That chair is only for the most elite Gems, you can't go around sitting where an Elite would sit.

probably even higher, like Peridot's executive officer
Not tiny, just young
Its all true
Not to mention it had a direct line to Yellow Diamond.
Uhh, yeah, that's my point. PD was small compared to the other diamonds.
Oh true she can make electricity pass through her whips.

Whom do you mean?

I don't remember Garnet using electricity, that's why
She was the least detailed of all the Diamonds based on their murals.
What if the diamonds get bigger the more planets they have.
Gems don't grow with age.
She did that ONCE in episode 5 and it was an insignificant, small display. That shits been retconned

She can walk through lava, not control it.

>Peridot claims it's meant for the most elite. On Homeworld, the diamonds are the most elite of all gems

yet the diamonds are still their own tier. Peridot was so happy going on and on about diamonds in that episode, literally nothing would prevent her from outward saying 'this is diamond chair' if that'd be the case
and i bet diamonds don't share their own chairs with noone either
You shouldn't try to connect each gem to an element, that's too boring. A lot of them aren't that easy to pin down and should stay that way.

You should also avoid calling it "bending," the non-Avatar way of calling it is "___ manipulation" or the specific "___kinesis." Othewise you sound silly.
She's a diamond, they follow different rules.
>Whom do you mean?

Garnet and lavabending when she clearly has electrokinesis.

And Jasper? How did you get electricity from her?
Steven - cat bending
>Implying PD wasn't chill as fuck and shared her seat with everyone.
Steven is an air bender through and through.
What's the conclusion on a /sug/ vidya?
PD best D
She generates electricity from her hands in Arcade Mania and Message Recieved.

Also the official guide: http://40.media.tumblr.com/a88532b5bdf6e83cc5e85654ac217d7a/tumblr_inline_nvl4euIzIC1ryqhuy_500.jpg
fucking prove it
>walk through
technically she said "swim in," but the point stands
no idea
>Sharing your "I'm in charge chair"
what in the literal fuck?
WTF I love Pink Diamond now
>literally nothing would prevent her from outward saying 'this is diamond chair'
That's reaching at best. They might just refer to the diamonds as the elite, and even without that, the show has had characters use vague wording to prevent too much lore dump at one time. Remember that at this point we didn't even know much about the diamond authority.
>claims it was on twitter
>not even a shitty fake tweet screenshot

are you even trying?
I agree Anon.
Pink dicks are the best dicks.
>Message Recieved.
not the autistic elemental bending anon but there I think she was just repelling a current
the vn was looking good as far as I saw, I'd love to see /sug/ work together on an attack the light type sequel or fighting game.
Maybe we could do a pokemon rom hack where you catch corrupted gems.
>ywn sit in PD's lap
So big chair is for diamond god?
high expectation in PD idk why but i love her too
Why doesn't this poll have shitposter-kun or miscarriage fags on it
>implying they're not the same people
I'm calling moot to have you perm banned for that shit opinion

he owes me after utah
Hey anons, what if PeeDee is Pink Diamond?
Er that could be kind of cool, I guess. I'm not a fan of Pokemon though so maybe that's just me.

I think the general consensus right now is a Telltale games style interractive game set in a location we've never seen, but dipping back to Beach city to interact with the townies

Definitely we need a fighting game.
>Ask your benevolent Diamond if you can sit in her chair just to see what it feels like

>She giggles and gets out

>Sit in chair

>feel like a god
But she's dead
And now Jasper's dead

I must avenge both of them and take revenge.
Imagine Lapis
What happened in Utah?
>If I sit on your lap would it be comfy
>It would be extremely pleasant
>That's a big chair
>For u
Shes alone outside in the rain
If PD isn't cute and kind I will throw the loudest hissy fit this side of the Nile
I want to imagine garnet at the moment.
In Friendship, she sends back the current Peridot sends down Amethyst's whip, but in Message Recieved they literally have the car hooked up to recieve energy from her. https://66.media.tumblr.com/7809f36704c981db0508267ccca575f1/tumblr_nl0nklx5en1rkauwdo1_500.gif
>getting wet
>Pink Diamond
>shattered thousands of gems
>fored those shattered bits to fuse into a big monster that would destroy the earth
>treats her own as slaves and shatters them as the smallest mistake
Nah, I'm done for today.
That is her redirecting the flow of her Gems internal Power Plants not fucking lightning bending

>you will never be free of these plebs
Best Diamond Ranking:




>Remember that at this point we didn't even know much about the diamond authority
exactly, that's why we assume they all were the same size unless it's explicitly proven otherwise

yet YD's height being optical illusion by a tiny Yellow Pearl would be the best thing ever
>Implying most of that wasn't YD's doing
>Implying that Rose's forces weren't mostly consistent of radicals and angry misfits that would shatter people just because they're classists.
she would have been shattered by then surely? seeing how Jasper was born after her death and was a legend fighting the rebellion the shattering must have been early on. I expect Yellow and Blue who oversaw the later stages of rebellion organised the cluster

You're right of course, apologies! Excellent sources as well.
Her will states that this planet must die and yellow diamond will inherit the cluster
Blue Diamond is 100% huge though.
Dude. All gems are the same size, take a look at the rubies as an example. Pearl is already tall, that measn Yellow Pearl is, too. Blue Diamond is also fuck huge.
why do people insist on passing their baseless headcanons off as fact?
I like to Imagine that White isn't evil, but merely pragmatic, even sympathising with Earth. But that's all headcannon of course.
>Message Received

I think you mean 'The Message'
You mean The Message, not Message Received
I honestly hope White is just like regular sized and when they first see her they don't recognize her right away untill she shatters someone
Amethyst was overcooked and came out small.

Rubies are generally smaller than other gems, as well as Sapphires.

We haven't seen anything yet, but there could also be a reason why small pearls would serve under Diamonds, maybe rarity or something like that. Or maybe YD prefers many small gems than one big gem.
Sapphire came up to BD's ankle. It isn't in question how big the diamonds are, and the other gems have largely shown that size is consistent unless they're deformed. PD might just be a deformed diamond.


Here's a question.

If Amy is such a runt, how come Bismuth praised her whip so much?

Was she just being nice? Or does Amy actually have a special feature?
>few hundred
bit generous?
Anon, I wasn't the anon who called it bending, but they literally confirmed she has control over and can generate electricity. I disagree with the idea that every gem has to have an element because I find that uninteresting, but this is one case where she actually does.


At 1:43

Who are you calling a pleb now?
Blue Diamond's appearance takes place in Steven's imagination. he's listening to Garnet's story and imagining BD the way he assumes her to be. it's not impossible for her to turn out looking different
Pretty sure she was just being nice
new thread

Way too much headcanon. I'm taking Ruby as an example to prove that gems of the same kind are also the same size. I never said that Amethyst was the standard. The Jaspers we've seen in flashbacks have all been as big as Jasper.
Probably being nice. It's likely a lot of members of the rebellion were deformed, since HW doesn't seem to treat them well.
Fuck I'm tired, I knew what I meant but I only watched The Message once so it slipped.
>Blue Diamond's appearance takes place in Steven's imagination
Are you for fucking real. That was literally Ruby and Sapphire's POV.
it was a cool whip
But using Amethyst as an example, we do know that gems can have their height and size controlled based on how they're made.
How could Sugar kill the embodiment of her own real-life relationship? Without the relationship dying of course
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