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Since DC got rid of the edgy Nu53 Superman and brought back the

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Since DC got rid of the edgy Nu53 Superman and brought back the REAL Supeman, do you think they can do the same for Billy Batson?

Like kill off/depower/replace Geoff Johns's edgy Captain Marvel (NO!!! I refuse to call him Shazam. You can't make me you Nazi hack Johns) and then bring back the REAL Billy Batson and friends? And make the Wizard white again?

PLEASE, DC! This is what WE the fan want.
No. Because Johns was the one who made Billy edgy, and Johns is the one who holds all the cards with Rebirth.
Neither new 52 Clark nor Billy was edgy though and they already fixed Billy's status quo by giving him back being powered by a pantheon (I would have liked them playing with the gods he got during Darkseid War more though, alas)
New 52 Superman was awesome. STFU
>calls Johns a Nazi
>wants the Wizard to be white again
Yeah they're not going to dump All New All Diverse Captain Shazam and his multi-ethnic Marvel family just because. Besides from what I heard synergy had something to do with why they dumped N52 Clark, there's nothing really to synergize with for Billy.
you know they called him Shazam as far back as the 70s live action show, right superfan

johns could fire dan didio today but he keeps him around to take the fall for things johns does

he just doesn't seem all that grand
>Read one page posted on facebook
>got triggered and did this instead of reading the whole comic
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He was shit and you should feel like hit for liking him
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>feeling bad for white supremacists
Looks like the only Nazi here is you, bro.
He stopped being edgy by the end of the story, dipshit,
The first is the first half turned so many people off is that it improves greatly once he gets his powers and starts acting like Billy.
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You have to give it to Squirrelfag that at least he's willing to commit himself to shitposting for the whole thread, not like those cheap shitposters who disappear after the OP.
Still needs to die in a fire
You know White Supremacistsas bad guys is pretty stupid even by the FBI's numbers there are no more than 8,000 KKK members and less than 4,000 National Socialist/Skinhead types, there are more gang members in Chicago alone and WELL more than 10X radical muslims in the US.
But I suppose there would be a shit storm if Supes burned down a Saudi funded mosque that was preaching death to all non-muslims
Found the white supremacist.
I agree. They should bring back the Billy from his convergence issue and put Jeff Parker on his book.
There would be a shitstorm if Clark burned down any kind for religious building. I agree though that the white supremacist thing is overused and makes it seem like there's neo-nazis in every city.
Except he didn't. He threatened to ruin a little girl's belief in Santa.

Even the Nu52 Wizard acknowledged he was still edgy in his Darkseid War Tie-In.
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Fuck off, Squirrelfaggot.
I don't think Johns has that much power, he still answers to Nelson, its her that's keeping Didio and Lee around
>She was 14, Mr. Kent.
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He wasn't even edgy.
Those cops were being assholes to normal folk and Superbro was depowered. This is literally what ANY Superman would do in that situation.

Also the issue he told Jimmy who he really was is one of my all time favorite floppies I own.

Dude I know you're trying to convince me Superbro was an asshole but you're just reminding me of how awesome he was lmao
Dude, this looks badass as fuck! Source?
It's like you didn't even read that story and don't know how Billy ends up at the end of it.

Bitter orphan > happy with a family.
Pak/Kuder Action Comics
The Tie in was thr best thing they had done with the character they got rid of most of Johns introduced Bullshit.
Hopefully Gail Simone can fix him since she's suppose to be writing his book soon.
You know what I just realized, /co/? I fucking hate niggers. Fucking coon spearchucking porch monkeys. KKK KKK KKK
>it's okay to hurt people I don't like
GamerGate pls leave
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>responding to yourself

Oh Superbro is edgy anon, never change

can someone fill me in on the squirrelfag thing? I must have missed this
Simone is an edgy hack
Omg dude epic lmao

Go back to fucking /b/
>Superman blowing up an entire world is cool
Thank goddess you aren't writing Supermam. Otherwise every issue would be like MoS meets DBZ.
>it's okay to hurt people I don't like
Bro do you even capeshit?
You first, squirrelfaggot.
She's got plenty of solid books under her belt.

But her DC work has been shit since before the reboot, so I wouldn't feel good about her tackling Captain Marvel.
>I hate her because she is a woman and I'm manbaby waaaaahhhhh
>one shitposter lashing out at another

Like wild dogs
Mire like wirse. Seriously that billy was ten times worse than CoS billy.
Yeah but she's also an edgemeister. You guys remember Junior right?
You know what they say, "fight fire with fire".
Maybe if I anger mods hard enough, they will get off their fat, lazy asses and delete this shit thread. Maybe even ban SGfag too.
lmao why should supes like supremacists, he's an alien and was created by socialist jews who immigrated from Germany
He was still edgy.
Like I said, her DC work of the last 6 years or so is garbage.

But she's also done good stuff like Agent X and those two Secret Six minis.
Not a bad idea actually, good luck anon
All women are dumb and deserve to be raped. Then again, there's no such thing as rape because asking something as unintelligent and weak as a woman for "consent" is like asking a dog if you want to pat its head.
>They should bring back the Billy from his convergence issue and put Jeff Parker on his book.
This!!! His convergence issu was the best thing he's been in.
I wish the Holohoax actually happened. Maybe that way we'd have no filthy kikes running around, shoving their greedy kikeroach fingers into everything.

>mods in charge of doing anything
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Easy scapegoat villain since it's okay to hate white people in general it's quadruple okay to murder and humiliate anyone who may possibly be a white supremacist even if they aren't.
Maybe my OTP of Black Alice/Billy Batson will finally come true.

The 'Great' World needed to consume millions of lives on a regular basis. Is that acceptable to you?
are you seriously opposed to superheroes beating up bad guys?
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This. New 52 Superman was symptomatic of the SJW infestation of comics and their blatant anti-straight white male agenda. His death marks a return to form for DC and a decisive blow against the leftists.
I kinda liked asshole Billy. I'd be a jerk too if I was an orphan. Gave the story more drama I felt. Plus he learns to be nice by the end of the story so who cares?

Honestly, some other writer will eventually come along and make him nice again so again, who cares?
He was a shitposter that spent years making near daily lazy bait threads about how "edgy" comics are now, always with a Squirrel Girl image in the OP. He's since varied up his shitposting since it got to the point where mods would just delete the threads on site.
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A couple years ago some shitposter posted a daily copypasta detailing how edgy DC was and the OP pic was Squirrel Girl.

Those were great threads since based hentaianon dumped hentai until the thread was deleted
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Why don't you post the following page?
Is it because it doesn't fit your narrative?
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Alright I'll just come out and say it, Billy should have kept the new pantheon powers
There is ALWAYS another way. Do you even Superman?
Superman punching police officers is edgy and out of character.

I prefer stories like when Superman (and Nightwing) respect officers ("You mean the three of us").
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I want to rape Junko.
Hopefully Marvel will buy out DC soon

Action Comics #36, to be specific.
they're corrupt cops. Why should Superman respect corrupt police officers.
Action Comics #41
thats fucking stupid
>There is ALWAYS another way. Do you even Superman?

You act like he blew up the planet cause he wasn't interested in looking for another way. Earth people were under no impetus to spend any of their lives keeping that planet together. Clark is an Earth man and his responsibility is first and foremost protecting Earthlings from murder aliens.

He took care of job one. He stopped the kidnapping murder aliens from processing a few million Earth people.

After he did what he was supposed to, he also tried to save murder planet cause he's a great guy. Putting his life on the line he can do. He cannot gamble with kidnap victims to save kidnappers. That's just not how shit works.

That's never been the way shit works.

Imagine a soldier breaks into an Isis stronghold to rescue some of them rape slaves they like so much. While he's getting them out, Habib tells him that they desperately need some of those hostages to help them disarm a bomb *they* fucked up that might blow away Habib's home town.

The soldier can and should tell them to fuck all the way off. If he chooses to help the murder Isis afterwards cause he's a good guy, no problem. He can't put other people on the line for them.This soldier doesn't have the authority to do that to the slaves and Superman had no authority to gamble with Earth people's lives to save the people who just tried to fuck them up.
>Superman punching police officers is edgy and out of character.

Superman letting cops beat innocent people is out of character. Fuck a fuck a fuck the police.
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Superman #40
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>hentaianon will never save /co/
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>thats fucking stupid

Rebuilding a city is a lot of work. Work means money.

What are you, some ind of communist. If superheroes start doing the work of a thousand men a piece, they're going to put a thousand men a piece out of work.

They're here to save us from bad guys, not tank the fucking economy.
We don't deserve to be saved.
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Wow, DtB fanfiction artists are really good at capturing the show's artstyle.
I wish we got S2 though.
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Not this time
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Suoerman #39
Calm down, tumblr. It was just a failed attempt to catch our mods' attention.
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good thing we don't live in a world where we got a S2 and it was bad.
>comic has Superman taking down white supremacists
It's kind of funny because it seems as if you see white supremacists and immediately jump the gun to defending all white people. Are all white people supremacists?
Yeah. That Sue-- Suou girl from fanart is pretty cute for an OC, though.
>Calm down, tumblr.

You'll treat the women who post here on like shit just cause you're trying to get someone else's attention? And how fucked up is that you imagine treating women with the bare minimum of respect is tumblr worthy?

Well, it would more fucked up if I couldn't smell the overwhelming scent of INCEL coming off of you from way over here. I know that you're fundamentally broken and can't help but be a pitiable hunk of failed manhood. I'd say get fucked, but we all know that isn't going to happen.

Good luck with that.
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Unchained was the point where I realized Nu52 Clark was still pretty great and everyone was blowing the NOT MUH SUPERMAN shit out of proportion.
>Superman is SJW
>Superman is Edgy Bro
Make up your mind
>He came to 4chan to be treated with respect
You really bought into the whole /co/ is a "better kind of board" bullshit huh? You really might be better off on tumblr if you can't take mean words on a screen, just be sure to mind everyone else's triggers or they'll turn on you in a snap.
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No the line is "there's always a way" not "another way" you fucking casual shit. You MUH NO KILL retards always get the line wrong. The line is about saving people not avoiding killing, you know kill retards haven't even read the comic it comes from.
Sometimes the way is killing.
AU Zod & Co
>I saw one page so I'm an expert trust me
Kill yourself
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"real" Superman got into a five issue slam fest with Doomsday mean while Superbro
>Cynical anon posts bait thread about superman being edgy

>gets met with tons of heartwarming pages

I like.
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Putting Superman in a no-win situation is lazy and terrible. Superman should have been able to save that world. Superman ALWAYS saves the day and finds another way.
Go away, /pol/
>edgy Nu53 Superman and brought back the REAL Supeman

Are you joking? Nuperman was more of a superman than old Superman.

Old Superman came back and he is just a rude brute that punches first and asks later. He is not Superman at all.
Kill yourself you dumb fucking faggot.
This shit thread was about to die and you had to bump it.
If he's so great then why did he drive away true Supe fans like Linkara and Rich Johnston hmm?

If he's so great then why didnt his book sell?

If he's so great then why did so many people hate him?
The biggest problem with Nu52 Superman wasn't that he was edgy, because he wasn't. Grant Morrison did the whole Bruce Springsteen thing for what? 2 issues tops? Pak did it for maybe 1.

The problem was that the writers more and more started to sever Nu52 Superman connection to his common human cast.

Gone were the Kents, gone was Lois as the fun love interest, gone was the whole Daily Planet cast, gone was even Cat Grant.

The only thing that Pak tried to keep was Lana and i'm thankful that he did.

>Geoff Johns is a Nazi
>for making the Wizard black

Come again?

Also, buttmad "not muh Billy" fags need to go. It's not even that much darker or edgier than Power of Shazam, and the whole point is that it's an origin story, after which he's a much nicer kid.
>Those NOT MUH faggots
>true fans

It sold decently, always 50k+

Facebook casuals get triggered easily

Why am I even replying
Oh go fuck yourself, misogyny is not a /pol/ trait, that's random talk of "agendas", pandering and race/jew related conspiracies
Misogyny is ubiquotus to 4chan. As is calling people niggers and faggots
if you don't like that go elsewhere
>another way
Fuck off that is not the quote, go read comics
>Linkara and Rich Johnston hmm
>Real Superman fans
>both have shown a dogshit understanding of the character and his history.

This is bait.
The "hmmmm" after the question is a much eaiser indicator that it is bait
Regardless of what you think of N52 Billy, you have to admit that the abo Wizard looked so much cooler than the tired old "bearded man wearing white sheet" design.
Wonder Woman hooking up with Superman was the bigger mistake ever.

Goddamn DC Pre-Rebirth was a mess.
Don't you have a Trump rally, /pol/?

He really didn't.
Anything krypto is default amazing
>Geoff Johns's edgy Captain Marvel (NO!!! I refuse to call him Shazam.

Why wouldn't you call him Shazam? You implied he's a different character from Pre-FP Captain Marvel.
New 52 Superman is so bad and edgy that he had to be retconned as Superboy Prime. When your character has to be retconned as Superboy Prime then you know you messed up.
Why don't we call Spider-Man Spiderman? Or Batman Bat-Man?
*slaps face*
Because that's not how it works!!!!!!!!!!
Except that didn't happen. Nice headcanon though.
>Superman should have been able to save that world.
"not muh superman" retard in all his glory. I guess any sort of complexity in a story is too much for your childlike brain. your kind killed superbro, who was just as much Superman as the pre-52 one
oh yes, please give me more DBZ slapfests with Doomsday written by Jurgens, not exploring the character of a younger superman maturing is interesting at all becaus NOT MUH
It was leaked, anon. We had a hole thread. It even leaked Red Dawn.
have you read New52 superman? if not please take a look at the pages posted in this thread and explain why he's "bad and edgy"
Imperiex is calling from beyond the grave. He says he's still waiting on that "another way" you keep blathering on about.
Or why not just let Captain Marvel die.

Every, and I mean EVERY, attempt to resurrect this character has failed, because if you do it like they did in the forties, modern audiences won't relate and if you do it straight, he's just a Superman knockoff. DC only keeps him going because they apparently make licensing money off of him. He's NEVER going to be relevant again.

Let him die.
Ow! I cut myself on the edge!
His Convergence Issue was gret though. Just take that Cap and make him the one true Cap of the DC universe.

And take Geoff 'Hack' John's edgy SHAZAM and put it in the trash where it belongs (put Johns in there too just 2 b safe).
If you think Nu52 Billy is edgy and all that, why NOT call him Shazam, as opposed to "real DC" Captain Marvel?
>>85885245 >>85885297 >>85885410
>>85885626 >>85885665
Is sooooooo much fun. And let's not forget when Johns had Nu52 Supes turn into Apokolips Supes or that Doomed arc. Sooooooo much Fun.
Psssst, that's sarcasm!
Shazam is an old middle eastern man.
Stop falling for the bait guys
No. One. Dies.
Anyone can be saved, anon.
That's what being Superman means.
It's not really bait if it is True.

DC should replace the Nu52 Shazam with the REAL Captain Marvel like they did with Superman.
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>No. One. Dies.
>That's what being Superman means.
>You really might be better off on tumblr

>All women are dumb and deserve to be raped. Then again, there's no such thing as rape because asking something as unintelligent and weak as a woman for "consent" is like asking a dog if you want to pat its head.

So anything to the other side of this shit is "tumblr."

This is pretty much /co/ in nutshell. If you're not down with pure distilled INCEL pants shitting, you're the special snowflake.

lol. You guys are hilariously broken.
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But it isn't, anon.
Take Pa's death, for example: the whole point is that no matter how strong or how fast one is, you can't save everyone.

It doesn't mean you shouldn't try, of course.
>Oh go fuck yourself, misogyny is not a /pol/ trait,

It is, but your brand of purestrain misogyny is pure INCEL "waaah, why can't I just rape my mom cause being a virgin is so *hard* (unlike my penis)" brand being mad about being a virgin.

You do not belong here. There's places for your kind. Follow the sound of your brethren reeeeeing softly in the night.
>It was leaked, anon.

/co/ will believe anything if you call it a leak.
Superman was closer to Jimmy Olsen before Rebirth than he had been in nearly a decade.
Obviously that's not muh Superman either :^)
>No. One. Dies.


>my superman could have saved everyone no problem with one mighty hand tied behind his back.

(skips list of people who died around superman)

That shit makes him better. If you want to read about an infallible god, batman's already being published.
>/co/ in charge of reading comics
Tell me about it. You remember "widow will wield mjolnir in AOU"? That was comedy gold.
omg take this edgelord shit out of here NOONE dies

your bait is transparent anon, the pages after those have already been posted and refute any claim of edginess
The Leaker literally predicted Red Dawn.
>The Leaker literally predicted Red Dawn.

The leaker might have had some advanced info. The rest is most likely pure unadultered confabulation.
It's not Bait. It's Truth (just like Truth, Justice, and the American Way booyah).

It's why Superman's comic sales have gone up tenfold since they brought back the REAL Superman for Rebirth.
He was called Captain Marvel in the show. The show was called Shazam,but the character was called Captain Marvel
Did you even read his fucking comics? He was just angry and that stopped when he got a family
Read the comics, faggot
He threatened people a lot. Treated others like trash. Talked a guy into killing himself. And was a cynical edgy jerk.
>He threatened people a lot. Treated others like trash. Talked a guy into killing himself. And was a cynical edgy jerk.
Read the comic you stupid faggot, he barely did any of that
The de facto characterization of any character under 16 is smarmy little cunt. You'll not convince the youngins of /co/mblr that children weren't always sassy little shit heads
He showed up here once or twice. Dumped most of Pink Sniper before mods deleted the thread.
Nice bait, faggot-without-reading-comprehension
Your talking shit
All of those pics makes me miss Superbro.
Great job, mods. Really shows how useful you all are.
I repeat, kill yourself you worthless piece of shit.
>It's a post out of context Superbro Pages thread
Literally the next page he was asking himself if all that power just turned him into a bigger bully. And if you want edge just look at the Golden Age Superman Comics you dolt, Superman literally shoots someone there point blank just to prove a point.
nu52 Captain Marvel was excellent.
My Nigga
Try harder faggot
>What is literally all of Grant Morrison's Issues in Action Comics
>What is Sholly Fisch Action Comics Back-Ups
>What is Paktion Comics
>Lol nope I'm gonna pull out an editorially mandated storyline and one that wasn't even part of the main Superfamily Books to prove a point

Just shut the fuck up, even Post Crisis Superman had his edgy stories. Literally the last 6 issues of Action Comics since DCYou was Superman punching Doomsday, no fucking joke you derp.

>Johns Shazam is edgy
>Conjures Ping Pong Tables out of thin air
>That smile when he realizes he just punched out Superman
He was a prick in the first quarter of the story. Ordway Billy was a prick at times too. Fuck, Ordway fucking made Uncle Marvel into a drunk suicidal loser, how's that for edgy.
Edgy now just means not being completely one dimensionaly good now.
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>Since DC got rid of the edgy Nu53 Superman and brought back the REAL Supeman
Red Dawn was already talked about during the first few issues of Green Lanterns you dumb fuck.
Why are you pretending like you ever cared about Captain Marvel? Also Shazam is a better fucking man faggot. How do you like that.
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You fucking idiot this page premiered a month before that leak.

>B-but muh Brendan McCarthy is also drawing the final issue of Dr Fate
he also drew the preceding issue don't be a huge faggot. By that time anyway that thread was already full with shitposts
>it's okay of he was a power hungry bully that hurt people and took pleasure in it, he felt bad afterwards. That makes it okay.
So by your own logic it is okay of I raped your mom if I felt bad afterward. Okay! XD
>Rape a person
>Beat up criminals
>Same thing
Now if raping my mom would be for the greater good then do it you sick fuck.
>Besides from what I heard synergy had something to do with why they dumped N52 Clark
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>No. One. Dies.
>I've never actually read any Superman stories, just formed a headcanon
Pic fucking related
No one dies is Peter "Autistic" Parker and Batman's schtick, Superman actually can understand that people die and he can't save everyone
>Putting Superman in a no-win situation is lazy and terrible
Making Superman infallible is even lazier.
Oh look, it's the hack writer who had Superman support the bombing of Japan. And he's a big fan letting Superman fail to save people from death. Shocking.
You don't get Superman them.
*Mic Drop*
>Little cunt
He was angry, thats it. His anger stopped when he became better friends with freddy
Why do we have mods?
Why didn't squirrelfag kill himself yet?
>*Mic Drop*
holy shit wat is happening
Squirrelfag being an obnoxious cunt and mods being useless pieces of shit as usual?
The mods here actively fan the consolewar flames.
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