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TITANS #1 Storytime

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After an eternity today, here we go.
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Got you senpai!
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It was done in the other thread bro.

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Already started let finish
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Welp, More accessible now I guess :/
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>Taking a selfie of yourself choking to death.
Glad to know her priorities are in order.
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thank you for a non-spoiler and archive-searchable storytime
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obligatory "this gets gayer every time it's drawn" comment
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Thanks for reading. Make sure to support the official release!
>Taking a selfie of yourself on the moon.
Fuck yeah her priorities are in order. I wouldn't care if I was choking or not, I'd want some way to prove a guy just used MAGIC to bring me and my friends to space.

I only hope I'd get a better angle.

Looks like she's got at least 5 other people choking behind her, moon rocks, and some stars behind her. That's cool and all but I'd go with trying to get the earth behind me.
Thanks, but on an unrelated note: does anyone know where the nightwing storytime is?
people need to start labeling the OPs better >>84885178
It really becomes more and more gayer.

Is Donna supposed to be British or is that just the writer forgetting how Americans talk?

Regardless, good to see Kadabra back in business. Thanks for the story, anon
Damn, that's hot
Thanks I missed the morning one
why do I get the feeling that originally they were going to have all the kids choke to death on the Moon but Geoff Johns had them change it so they can shake off the "edgy" reputation Titans books have?
>or is that just the writer forgetting how Americans talk?

pretty sure it's this but they also haven't given us an origin for her that would make sense so there's no telling
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The new cover of Titans #2

Abnett's a Brit himself, so it may have just slipped in.
I want to lick her stomach
Thanks a ton, anon. Wish it said nightwing in the OP
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only the stomach?
For some reason I felt bad for Mr hocus pocus. Then he turned himself into Abra Kadabra.

That was good
imo Dick's new suit looks better here than in his own book
Pizza Fish Cereal sounds fucking awful.
Yeah the way the scene was building up it seemed like he was going to murder them for making fun of him. Kinda glad they didn't go that way though.
While killing isn't beyond him, paltry murder is not Kadabra's style. He only kills when there's a huge audience around to appreciate the theatrics of his kill. And even then only on someone important enough for the notoriety to spread.

And even THEN he'd prefer a ridiculous spectacle. He'd sooner erase you from existence and rub it in your face than kill you, really.
That suit is fucking AWESOME
5 years.

five years, what a surprise
Five years, stuck on my eyes
We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, that's all we've got

saying it for 5 years.

vindication tastes so good
Really is hard when a lot dont have the name or even "storytime" "story time" anywhere

Sometimes someone hatss an arc and says "time to slug through another issue" with no other text and expect people to know what is in the thread.
Bumping :)
Titans 002 (2016) (two covers) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD)
Did the Finch stuff with Donna still happen? I mean is she still a golem made by some creepy amazon bitch to murder everyone she didn't like? She seems like she actually has a personality and is somewhat likeable here, so I will guess that just got hard retconned?

Also where'd Lilith come from, did they swap her and Raven?
>Hocus Pocus is a shit name
Nah, probably not. Same with Roy.

good, good
this is Donna, everything is canon with her, wouldn't even be mad if they dug up her son
What's changed in this checklist:
>Titans #2 cover changed
>two more new covers added
>Ed Benes and Tom Derenick return to Green Lanterns as pencillers of #4, replacing Ardian Syaf
>Newsarama got the All-Star Batman #1 cover wrong
>Batman Beyond covers updated with the proper coloration
Would be mad if they dug up her marriage to Terry
yeah, I search 'story' on /co/ every wednesday and sometimes books tend to slip under my radar because the idiot storytiming it never said it was a storytime. Hell, I still haven't read Carnage from last night and I have no idea where that is.
>Hell, I still haven't read Carnage from last night and I have no idea where that is.

Wait, so where exactly did Donna come from? Her origin was always retarded but now I feel like I'm missing something
I hope this doesn't mean titans is the rebirth storyline book i was afraid of that.
Eh i will give it a few issues to see if it stays as that
>are we sure were not the teen titans
Based whoever the fuck that is
How many times has it been drawn now.
Will it ever catch up to jasons death, barbas paralyisation or even supes mourning of supergirl (auctualy come to think of it i have seen a lot of homages but i dont think i have ever seen the scene itself redrawn.
Is this garth guy atlantien i never saw him mentioned in the last 6 years of aquaman
>hey jerry

This part made the entire issue for me. Abnett, you mad man.
Oh shit somethings gonna go down.
Im really liking the fast pace of this book its not so fast that you cant explore anything but things are happening at a decent pace.
To be fair this one is accessible via the archive for anyone who didn't randomly check a thread named Titans.

Thanks op
Is this some guy he has dealt with in the past.
This new 0lot twist does not invalidate anything i said here but im suprised it turned out to have nothing to do with the main plot its just a nice side mission to keep things exciting. Just a side effect of the probing
I like it
It was redrawn during IC, at some point, from what I can remember. Like in a flashback of some kind.
Shit spoke to soon
Its possible that maybe its a bait and switch and he does not have anything to do with this mess but my theory is he was looking in during the flashpoint and tweaked things a little so he disappeared somebody else is still behind the memory shit
Ah that would make sense.
>Is this some guy he has dealt with in the past.

Abra Kadabra was Wally's archenemesis in 90s. He was a Flash-specific villain before this book.
hm i will have to check him out
Few things:
1) Balloon wouldn't rise, there's barely any atmosphere on the moon to rise above.

2) It would pop, because there's no atmosphere to keep it from expanding too much.

3) Talking in space while others choke due to lack of atmosphere

4) Party was taking place during the day in the US, but the US is facing away from the sun and is still somehow brightly lit.
Lilith is an older TT character. Abnett just decided to dig deeper and bring her back.
>How many times has it been drawn now.

Here is the third time I've seen it, second time was in Flash Rebirth, first was in DCU Rebirth
Yeah he was in the DCYou preview but I don't know if he actually showed up in that book because I'm not retarded enough to read non-villain solo Bunn. Abnett writes this and Aquaman though so he'll probably handle it at some point. Booth drew this page for some issue (would only say it wasn't the Titans Rebirth one-shot) but it got cut and/or pushed back, so they'll probably get to it eventually.
I forgot Lilith was in lobdell run thank god Dan retcon her into a different character.
Booth's pencils look so much better without coloring
He's the original Aqualad. He's existed since like the sixties.
Comic books
>Keekblu was mean
>And all he said was
>Blubeno... Blubeno... Blubeno...
Titans is one of my favorite teams but I'm really not digging this art
This Donna Troy or the Clasic Donna Troy? I always prefer the less edgier origin, but who knows what they roll this time.
He magically teleported them to the moon.

If he didn't want the balloons to pop they wouldn't pop.
It's not great but I think so far Booth is performing at the top of his game and I don't find it unreadable yet.
>Abra Kadabra
Try actually reading comics before posting on /co/.
Lilith was always like this. A little hippish, airhead girl. She was more a pet of the TT than a member and never that edgy thing that Lobdell writes.
Wasn't the tech a later retcon by Waid?
Try actually reading the comics and finding out.
jesus, donna is THICC
I already read all of vol 2, just never got in the mood to backtrack more than that.
Apparently Booth is a massive Wallyfag.
Based on what Johns was saying at the Rebirth panel, it seems like they specifically paired creators up with characters that they were passionate about (or at least tried to avoid the opposite and not have people writing/drawing just for the contract).

Waid had him deal a pact with devil so he could gain actual magic. That's how he managed to erase Linda out of existence once.

I think Neron stuff is still canon, otherwise Abra Kadabra wouldn't be able to erase Wally.
Just wait until her thighs become thicker than her torso because Booth does that sometimes
can someone tell aqualad and wondergirl to stop looking at me
If I were Abentt I just wouldn't worry about it.

I love this page
Will Lian ever return?
Much like Wally's kids, she doesn't exist. In this timeline they're not old enough to have had their kids yet.
I mean, I refer to things they do with speed force as "magically." Magically doesn't actually always literally mean magic, just "poorly explained stuff that just happens."

That said, if you really want to check my Flash nerd cred, Kadabra actually did know some magic in the past when he made a deal with Neron. So eat it, motherfucker.
Nah he was still using his tech powers when he erased Linda from existence.
Which is probably the worst thing that could happen for Wally.

Booth's apparently his biggest fan under their employ, it's a shame he's also quite possibly their worst full time artist (I'm sure there's worse fill-ins but that's not saying much).

It's what happened with Black Wally. They were like "yeah we're gonna bring Wally back" so Booth called dibs or whatever and we got 2 years of terrible Flash art on top of terrible Flash writing. And Booth defending NuWally to his fucking death because he has a half black nephew or some shit.
>Few things:
>1) Balloon wouldn't rise, there's barely any atmosphere on the moon to rise above.
i imagine he probably teleported all the air in the room to
>2) It would pop, because there's no atmosphere to keep it from expanding too much.
its about to the air is probably just finished dispersing
>3) Talking in space while others choke due to lack of atmosphere
fucking magic
>4) Party was taking place during the day in the US, but the US is facing away from the sun and is still somehow brightly lit.
yeah thats a fuckup
oh wait you meant lack of atmosphere for sound to travel through not that he should have been unable to breath

auctualy no that does not change my answer fucking magic
So, is this like, the 20-somethings version of the TT?

Yeah it's the original Titans line-up grown up.
>>1) Balloon wouldn't rise, there's barely any atmosphere on the moon to rise above.
>i imagine he probably teleported all the air in the room to
>>2) It would pop, because there's no atmosphere to keep it from expanding too much.
>its about to the air is probably just finished dispersing
Plausible if the image represent the moment of teleportation, but if 1 atmosphere air pressure was expanding in a vacuum that balloon, and everyone not centered, would be launched out like a grenade shrapnel the very next moment. Considering the kid in the blue had time to fall back, this didn't happen.
They're still doing that awkward straight bro "our waists can't touch or it would look too gay so we've gotta lean forward"

>Manhattan = DC Editorial
>Barry = Cereal King

i guess it was just him using his magic to be showy then
Can we just retcon Lobdell out of existence while we're at it?
Updated once more with three more new covers (Newsarama missed one of them), a cover fix, and a release date fix.
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