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Poppy Opossum

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Thread replies: 509
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>I cast ''summon greater furnishings.''

>Iron Matron Candidate 53
What the fuck?

Yeah, I remember the line from Silvana, but what the fuck?
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>Light soles
There are 52 other "Iron Matrons" besides Poppy. Silvana is like fucking Oprah when it comes to giving people titles it seems.
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hey morbi, can you make this comic even more boring? maybe some more shipping and lesbian stuff?
I suddenly really like the idea of bongo pants
It's weird that even Friedrich can't get into the lab. You'd think he could easily bullshit some kind of reason to get in there and check on her.
Iron Matron CANDIDATE. She's on a list.
I have to admit, Lila's design is really starting to grow on me now that we've seen her with less static poses and expressions.
>>Iron Matron Candidate 53

Prognostication and even outright temporal clairvoyance wouldn't be able to read a possum. So if there was a pivotal 'wild card' possum involved in the timeline they'd only be able to track details from the stuff around them.
Darling probably has her own security to stop anybody but her entering the lab. Probably why she was allowed to go on a 3 day science bender when the tree ceremony was coming up.
That seems very likely the reason. They're like voids. Black holes, really. You can't see them, but you can see their effects.
But Friedrich and the Palace Guard are her security. What, she's hired different mercenaries?
Kit's fucking around with questionable magic shit, she probably doesn't want anyone in an official capacity to find out what she's doing in there.
Man if they have 53 candidates, super strength must be up there in Possum traits.
Wasn't it said that technically anyone could be as strong as Poppy if they just devote the time and energy to it?
i want to smell her feet
Puffypuss witch is growing on me.
It's not, Poppy is a freak of nature.
We also don't know if being an opossum has anything to do with this "Iron Matron" thing
Not just opossum. There is no strength limit on Flora. As long as you lift, you can keep getting stronk.
>magic is secretly powered by something bad
>veil of ignorance is making it possible
Oh shit, is kit going to be ange?
I mean stuff like locks and magical barriers. Guards stand outside the door but only she has the key.

Yeah, Morbi said there's no ceiling to body strength and Poppy spent years with a routine of "lift heavy thing until it's not heavy any more, move on to the next heaviest thing, repeat."
Probably issued a royal order to the guard detail as a whole.
Ofelia is going to be another one, won't she?
fug you i like the romance stuff
Keeping something hidden 'for their own good' lends credence to the Truman Show scenario.

Fuck you, this is literally the biggest happenings so far.
Morbi is channeling Jamie Hewitt, and making a monkey-like Noodle there.
It doesn't have to be outright Poppy levels of super strength. As said by others, Morbi's said anyone could develop strength like that if they had reason. Any combat effective possum is going to have at least some level of it probably, because without magic they have to compensate. I could easily believe there are 53 highly effective female possum combatants on Flora. We already know Poppy and Steelheel. It's possible the "Bright Eyes" Mary mentioned was a temporally displaced (or temporally displaced vision of, or temporaly displaced drunken Mary, etc etc) Poppy, but also possibly not. Just need 50 more at that point. There are enough different types of combat on Flora that I could see that easily enough. Everything from Ira 'I Wish I Did That Super Strength Thing First THEN Learned Iron Palm' O'Irish, to Betty 'Bitch Hit Me With A Skillet' O'Brown.

We literally have poppy threads twice a week faggot.
its stars
magic radiation comes from stars thats been stated, its also how Lucky Stars happen.
its possible that the Veil keeps big dangerous stars away from the populous
shit too powerful to just be accessed by the populous at large, or something like Death magic that could randomly kill people when it flares.
/b/ isn't furry, /trash/ is. If you're going to troll, at least try.
Steel Heel is a short tailed possum like Freddie and those have magic
>Lucky Stars happen.
For all we know the veil can push the stars to give the people in fiora their powers
And someone posts that every week. Calm down. He's like our own personal 'Homosuck' guy or 'Gunnershit Fail'. Or the "I wanna nut in her ass" guy from the Star Vs threads.

And I've realized I spend too much time on here if I can remember the dank memes of totally-not-generals for comics and shows I don't care about.
the veil could also be a shower curtain for a giant naked man that is used to keep Florans from seeing his weiner all the time
like we know absolute jack all about the veil aside that it 1.) is the Veil of Ignorance and 2.) it keep info in and not news out.
speculating about it at this point is basically random guesses
You know, how come there's lucky star radiation if there's only Flora and Fauna inside Didelphi's pouch? That doesn't add up.
So the Iron Matron is some badass

>speculating about it at this point is basically random guesses
Listen, I don't come into your basement and tell you to work the shaft more, you don't tell me how to speculate about web comics, deal?
Next thing you know, Lila is going to be asking for candidates that can be used for the "Promised Day", and we'll be getting super-forms and super lucky stars
This is a gods pouch they're in, it could be large enough to hold several galaxies. Or more plot holes. I'll say it's more plot holes.
I know you guys are probably distracted by the cute feet, but why aren't you talking about how Freddy is a shameless tool and puppet? His treachery of Kit is nauseating.
I think the reveal is more important than that. Before we thought that Poppy being Iron Matron was an unique thing and she's Fated to become Very Important Person to the setting. Now, we see that it's just this shady organization scheming and manipulating several people like her for their own nefarious ends. It basically turns her from a hero to a patsy!

The only way I can see this being interesting, is if Lily is the actual Iron Matron
But he's doing it to protect her. He's basically a father figure to her by now.
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Why do you try so hard to force this

What could you possibly hope to gain

Because I think Friedrich is a pretty overrated character, and I don't like him getting away with treachery and betrayal
Is it just me, or is Morbi cultivating his foot fetish?
Because there are stars in there too.
Mary and Petunia literally talk about the sun and stars during the Lucky Star explanation.
I want her to step on my crotch
I think the worst thing about people with a foot fetish, is that their trigger is so common, and normal, and yet they think people are purposely trying to get them off.

It is like having a hair fetish.

'Oh man, did you see how he drew her with hair? Do you think he has a hair fetish? Oh god, her hair was CURLY! POST HAIR!'
So we've got humans now, huh?
Ah okay I remembered that wrong then. I thought that the planet, its koon and the Skyhenge (i.e. Didelphi's pouch opening) were the only objects inside the bubble. Do you think the Veil refers to the physical barrier separating Florans from the rest of the universe, or is it just metaphorical one?

There is a certain way people draw, that indicates what their preferences are. Same way with movie directors.

An artist who shows the soles of the feet a lot, probably has a hankering for feet.

Lila could've just worn boots or shoes, but Morbi want with the foot fetish route instead.
thats stupid
the comics called Poppy
Not Lily
I would literally lose all faith in Mobbo if he went down that route
or she's just not a filthy heathen who wears shoes indoors
I'm pretty sure he went with bare feet because it helps create the visual comparison to Sun Wukong and monkeys.

What, you didn't like Red Dead Redemption? We know Poppy is going to die. The only question is if it's going to be sooner, or later.
This. Sometimes feet are just feet not a secret nod to your fetish.
having follwed artist that happen to draw footfetish art
this aint foot fetish art

If Morbi flaunts her soles the next time she appears, you'll have a hard time denying the fact that Morbi has a thing for feet.
Given Morbi's liking for jojo and that animal manga by the zatch bell guy most of us pretty much expect this sort of thing to happen. Poppy only has 7 or less years to live anyways.

it really feels like were jumping the shark
No, Im a big fan of that kinda thing.
I loved Gurren Lagann too, its just that its the most fucking blatant thing for the child to be the one to pick up the "IM IMPORTANT" flag
Like you said, we KNOW Poppy's gonna die. It would be the single most obvious thing ever to make Lily the Iron Matron, instead of letting Poppy burn herself up in the flames of glory.
He's into shortstacks he gets a pass for having a fetish I don't like
So much disillusion

How. This could have a good payoff
>flaunts her soles
so this character, whos drawn at a low angle to emphasize her tallness and whos lounging, if we see the bottom of her feet that obviously means your fetish is being catered too
Dude, you need at least a close-up for it to be flaunting. Just drawing her soles when she's keeling over doesn't mean a thing beyond acknowledging basic anatomy.

You're acting like the two are mutually exclusive, when a smut-peddler is the one drawing all of this.
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Didn't I see that in an anime once?

It's probably a reference to that anime I saw once.
Wow, I thought I was the only one that liked that animal manga.

There are a couple of good animals that sacrifice themselves in super hardcore ways in that comic. It may be morbid, but part of me is is eager to see how Poppy kicks it.

Lily becoming a thug would be a waste of her brains, though.
she no longer hold all her muscles in
And you're reading into things because it's your fetish, anon.
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Those pants are actually pretty funky. I like them

I don't have a foot fetish. I just like their shape.

I just so happen to have a keen eye for fetishism in all of its forms.
this is that point in a sitcom where everyone raises and eyebrow and smirks before saying "Suuuure anon, sure"
So what happened to magic being poisonous to humans?
Earth humans
That only applies to humans from our world.
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Oh. Of course. How silly of me.
Maybe it is poisonous to her, so she has enchanted items like the drums to use it externally.
Morbi did say there's a reason you'll only see certain species in the veil like humans and seals
she's obviously a macaque or some shit man
she's confirmed human
Since when has there been a human in the comic?!
since last page, try reading the comic
I wonder where the rest of them live if they're so special. Are there human cities or villages somewhere?

I know it's fiction but if Lila just one of a few, it's a dead species.
it's a monkey, dude..
There are 3 other humans if the April fools page is to be believed given Lila was one of the shadowy silhouettes
let go of your denial
She may not be on the same planet.
>I think Friedrich is a pretty overrated character
I agree

>I don't like him getting away with treachery and betrayal
but it's too soon to know that. He might be a double agent and really be working for Kit's benefit.

Really, you never know what asspu- plot twist Morbi is gonna pull of.
Good for him. He hinted this a long time ago, glad he finally followed through.
>2 or 3 vaugely human-like faces/shadows in a world of human-like animals
>against the many many times he claimed to hate the "obligatory humans" trope
He loves solatorobo though
>if you like something you -must- like EVERYTHING about it
What's up with the people with this mentality and why do they enforce it?
Because it's easy
>I'm a furfag who hates humans, that means Morbi does too, despite clear evidence to the contrary

Where does THAT mentality come from?
Where did YOUR comment come from?
This shitty fetish comic is getting out of hand.
Faggot cloud can't even make the human look nice, he has to make the human look like gross tumblr porn.
I would know, I've seen some shit on the feed that looks like her.

Wow, projecting much?
You forgot to put on your "name", Twister.
The comic has looked like gross tumblr something since Day 1.
Is that better?
The comic hasn't had gross tumblr human with red nose for 3 years.
Your point?
I want to fuck that human.

I want to fuck Friedrich.
Huh. I am honestly very relieved she can do more than smile
i like that shes got bongo pants!
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Same. They make me happy for some reason
I think it's stupid.
It is. That's why its great.
Yeah well I think your mom is bongo pants.
youre stupid
and mad that you aint got no bongo pants
She's not bongo pants, she's crazy like that mouse lady from Endtown, which is worse.

I'm glad that I don't have bongo pants.
no youre not, your hurting inside.
hurting from the lack of bongo pants
I could take or leave bongo pants, but the couch summoning ability is to die for.
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After having to walk to work and not getting a chance to sit at all for 8 hours in a row I now see why one would dedicate time to learn how to spawn a magic couch from thin air.
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I have felt his lack of bongo pants and made him a gift
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What? When? I don't believe you.
And that excludes her from being super strong/ another Iron Matron because...?
You're getting the wrong idea. It's proof that even those with magic can still become super strong with training/naturally instead of using magic to artificially make oneself strong.
look at his tumblr http://morbi.tumblr.com/post/147477221852/what-species-of-animal-is-she-i-think-shes-a
Watch as you say that you're surprised because of Morbi's trickery while others claim that you're just a human-hating furry.
das a good gift
dude, that is clearly, CLEARLY, a joke.
Calm your autism.
Uh, no? What makes you think so?
So she's some type of monkey, right?
>drum pants
I want them now.
Do you know how fucking taut her pants must be?

Wouldn't her legs disrupt the sound of the bongos? These pants are fucking retarded
If humans are a type of monkey.

Not in this universe
>complaining about realism in a comic about magic and talking animal people

You're god damn right I will. And while we're at it, I'm surprised Morbi didn't add an extra pair on her ass for good measure
magic pants fuck you
I feel that's too obvious and could you imagine how uncomfortable those would be to wear

Why waste your time making your pants magical.

At that point, you might as well make a wand instead.
Why waste time casting with a wand when you can just bang your magic pants?

Pants get dirty and you have to wash them

Wands are discreet, pants a huge visible weak point.

You can aim a wand, but you can't aim pants.
Solution: enchanted ass.
not a single person in the comic who has used magic has done so with a wand, this isn't harry potter

I'm looking forward to twerking magic


We've barely seen any witches in the series, and the ones we have are not a good indication of what the average one can do.

One of the basics of magic in the setting is charms.

Since bongos are a charm, it would not be unreasonable to assume that wands exist in the setting.
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Do like Morrowind does and stack that shit.

>magic bongo pants with 8% magic reflect passive
>stack the same enchantment on shirt, gloves, shoes, hat, shield, rings, necklace, and robe, and now you're 84% magic resistant

>You can't aim pants
You're just not trying hard enough.

Everything else checks out though.

I am fairly certain how most technology works in flora is just stacked magical effects
Confirmed with Shiba's dresses, though props to him for making a high quality dress without magic.
Anon, ALL comic artists create smut. The only difference is webcomic artists, and the ones so successful they stop giving fucks like Bruce Timm, can spread it around.
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Bruce Timm's smut is mostly cheesecake.

One of the current artists on Green Arrow used to draw for Innocent Dickgirls.
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My thoughts exactly.
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I don't care if he has a foot fetish or is knowingly catering to it or not as long as he does it. Just an extra thing I can enjoy about the comic.
With Morbi's fetish porn background he probably knew that people would comment about the feet, whether he intended it to be fetishy or not
Those feet s are more human than ape like.
>Why doesn't Lila wear shoes or boots?
>"I personally don’t like to wear shoes and that is a trait I pass on to many of my characters."
Morbi confirmed for shoe-hater.
But shoe-hater could, in some weird way, mean foot-lover.
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do people not realize that ape feet have
People's inability to identify Lila as human over the past two pages has just been sad.
She doesn't have any fur or a tail, she doesn't hunch at all, she's got a taller, slimmer frame than anyone else in the comic, and she has unambiguously human feet.
Maybe they're just in denial, but it's still pretty stupid.
her face isn't human in any way. only her feet and hand are. Don't go with "poeple just don't GET it" when yourself is not even wikismart and only push opinion based on little fragile feelings of yours and second hand copy pasta
>her face isnt human
morbi just draws awful people faces and always makes them look like fucking gremlins
>her face isn't human in any way
I didn't know people with flat noses weren't human.
>poppy is a bisexual
>kit is attracted to chicks or perhaps more specifically poppy since poppy is the only person she can see without magic eyes or whatever
>humans are transdimensional wizards who are trying to manipulate the world

I mean I don't really care about the lesbian stuff but it isn't exactly boring and didn't take up that many pages anyway
To flaunt your skill and excess of wealth. Besides, who wouldn't want magical bongo pants given the chance?
>trying to manipulate the world
id phrase that more as "working for a shady secret society" but yeah im with your post other wise
>even Friedrich calls her ms Darling not queen Darling
Kit's life is a giant joke and she's the punchline, isn't it?
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Come to think of it, a bunch of Poppy characters don't wear shoes. Poppy, Lily, Kit (her feet wouldn't squeak otherwise, Mary, Hallia, Fantomet, many of the guards, terrorist sheep, etc.
>her face isn't human in any way
Oh prease!
The final punchline to the joke that is Kit Darling is going to be her fucking up and killing Renard somehow.
Morbi himself said she was human

What else do you people want?
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>nu-nuh, no filthy humans in my furry comics, skins get out reeeeeee
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That is gonna happen. Morbi already confirmed it on his tumblr.

However just like with this whole human thing where he said there are no humans on flora, not no humans in general, this I believe is also a half truth.

In Poppy 4 Poda said that Kit was having trouble finding a cure for her father's "illness", Since illness is in quotes I think that Poda and the Specter are causing the illness, and using the God's Blood as a false hope for a stressed out Kit, abusing her love for her father as a way to get political favors such as making Arthur PM.

I think Kit is actually gonna find a way to cure the disease. She is as morbi described her a "god-tier chemist", so her hard work is gonna pay off. However, I think that this will piss of Poda and the Specter and they will sabotage the cure, making Renard die and have Kit be framed for murder, or at the very least manslaughter.

Kit's suffering no matter what happens. Let's just hope Poppy and Friedrich will be there for her when shit goes down.
Morbi confirmed it is a human, please fuck off you annoying autist
i thaught that she was a monkey to but that is mostly because she has that sun wukong vibe going on
to be fair animals dont wear shoes here because they have specialized soles hor hooves so that does make sense
Ten bucks says it's gonna be a mercy killing.
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>a bunch of Poppy characters don't wear shoes

Way to rub it in
Off the top of my head I can think of only Friedrich who's wearing shoes, and even then those are more like gloves matching the ones on his hands.

You mean patricide and regicide, which are more serious
Speaking of regicide I think the Specter is going to try to assassinate Vix, in order to put their pet Kit on the throne. Why else we would be shown what kind of personal security she has?
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>you will never have bongo pants
Nah. Remember how that super powerful dragon had that hand attached to it? Imagine the damage it can do if it attaches itself to Vix.

For the security though I'm actually hoping that Dynamis and Poppy will fight. I don't think Vix is gonna take Poppy's relationship with Kit all that well. Maybe Vix will use Dynamis as a show of force to intimidate Poppy and Poppy being her adorable dumbfuck self will take it as a challenge for Kit's hand or something.
So is the Iron Matron program basically a project dedicated to finding strong, cute older women to fight evil?

That's the Morbiest thing I've ever heard.
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Anon confirmed for shoe.
i think the implication is the Iron Matron is a figure of prophecy and legend and those at the veil are just compiling a list of all possible candidates.
probably so they can find her if they need her

I don't think it's prophecy so much as that Madama Mystana probably traveled to the future at some point, saw some shit and then told her sister about it, then buggered off before anyone thought to get more details out of her.

Mystana probably being Mary, of course.
Maybe they mean to activate more Iron Matrons than just one individual? Some kind of elite strike force, perhaps?
Dude, those are human feet.
League of Extraordinary Possums. I'd read it.
It kinda makes sense to use possums, if the Veil members have a complicated relationship with magic in general.
has it occurred to no one she might be barefoot to make it clear she's human?
>Trust in Morbi so destroyed that when a character is clearly human and is confirmed human by the creator you still cant believe its really the case

Morbi you sick fuck is this how you like to play your mind games.
It's just racism, though, because she's not blonde caucasian.
Maybe Iron Matron doesn't refer to physical prowess. Steel Heel (assuming she's another candidate) is some kind of guerrilla leader, and Poppy very quickly ingrained herself with the ruling Queen, became a famous fighter, (unwittingly) has every single gang under her thumb, and managed to go toe-to-toe with the mob. There's every chance it refers to a "leadership" character trait, and most other candidates aren't super stronk at all.
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In two pages

>humans exist
>transdimensional shenanigans are afoot
>Besides Steel Heel and Poppy, there's at least 51 other possible "Iron Matrons"
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Glad to see I'm not the only one immediately reminded of Hewletts work. Looks like a mix of Gorillaz and Journey to the West.

>Tank Girl chicks when
I honestly expect him to drive away all his fans some day, even the ones that are sucking his cock right now.
It's all being told instead of shown.

Anon's right in that the storytelling has been a bit iffy for a while.
>I swear if this dunmer don't shut the fuck up I'll steal her panties and snort Skooma off of it.png
>humans confirmed

Oh boy, now I can insert my human fursona (humansona) into Flora without feeling like a jerk. I'll make him Lila's boss, that sounds good.

this will happen eventually
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>character soul-travels to another dimension, finds a human
>its being told, not shown

She looks Mediterranean
The Matron part really confers the idea of some sort of motherly nature, so I wouldn't be surprised if "the capacity to lead" is part of that.
We can't tell it's another dimension yet just from the comic, it could just be a well hidden place on Flora. It'd be nice if they mentioned the dimensional shenanigans in the dialogue.

And Morbi fucked up by making his first human look like a monkey, specially after claiming that he didn't want humans in the story. It's like if the Statue of Liberty at the end of "Planet of the Apes" was a monkey statue but what Morbi pulled off is even more confusing. If it wasn't for her feet she would be just a very anthropomorphic monkey.
When did he say he didn't want humans in the story?

>fucked up by making his first human look like a monkey

It's literally got no monkey traits and everything screams human. Like he pointed out in his reply, it's pretty obvious.
>no monkey traits
Her ears do kind of jut out, and especially in the upper-right panel the shading from her hat makes it look like she's got a monkey nose. I can easily see how people would be confused.
This its a common thing with webcomic creators they either get so full of themselves they thing we have to be ok with any shit changes/ add ons they make or they aim for a different group completely rejecting previous setups.
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She's a human.


Just because she's ugly, doesn't mean she's not human
He made everyone believe he didn't want humans in the story every time they asked about it. He just did it carefully so when he pulled this off he could go "LOL I tricked you" when he wasn't really clever, just riding on the trust people had in him.
The only one that's being "shown" is the human, and I thought she was just a human until someone pointed it out.

Regardless, are you really going to object to the assertion that the comic has been really heavy on dumping plot points instead of working them in organically, especially lately? It's not that crazy of a stance to have.
>It's literally got no monkey traits

she looks like a fucking ape, might as well make her black.
*Thought she was just a monkey
Do you even magic? A powerful lock that can only be opened by the one that applied it wouldn't be farfetched.
it's her weird orange skintone that's the problem.
This comic if fucking horrible about it. Instead of introducing things subtlely he does a *wink wink nudge nudge* every time. That's not how it works, the whole point is that people don't notice it's important until it becomes relevant. An example of doing it right is the symbol in Mary's church and the key being the same because I think it's the only thing he hasn't rubbed on our face yet.
Humans are apes, dumbass, and they're different than monkies.
>He made everyone believe he didn't want humans in the story every time they asked about it.

You sure that's not just you projecting? Because I clearly remember him implying that humans could be involved at one point.

>trust people had in him

OK, yeah, you're a retard.
>her skintone is the problem

Maybe for /pol/.
No human has a skintone like that. A lot of the time cartoon monkeys ARE orange though. So I can really see why people are still finding it hard to believe she's supposed to be human.
Perhaps it was done for racial ambiguity?
>No human has a skintone like that

Never been to Jersey, huh?
>No human has a skintone like that
I see, so this is the degree of idiot we're dealing with.
the fuck is this, homestuck?
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She is LITERALLY Francine Frensky

kek, spot on
This is a setting where Earth doesn't and probably has never existed, so there's no reason any human's appearance has to match any real specific race.
offended the orange!
>fetish porn background
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When will Mary corrupt Petunia?
Today I will remind them.
morbi used to draw fetish porn, i think he still does.
>e621 instead of the blog
>MOBILE e621
damn son, what are you doing

he has shit taste

Morbi is a fake sonic fan
"Morbi loves Thunderbolt" is maybe the least surprising thing I've ever heard.
e621 is great for more mainstream furry artists (especially those who keep all their art on their FurAffinity), but Morbi's blog isn't regularly scraped, so e621 is ALWAYS outdated for his stuff. Also why the fuck did you link mobile, the desktop website is always better.
It's not just outdated, it also just plain misses huge swaths of stuff. I don't think they have a single one of his giant dragon lady images saved.
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>we live in a time where a kinda monkey looking human from a furry comic is highly desirable for lewd art
You won't hear any clamoring from me. I just want abusive fox milfs
That's just sad. That almost makes me want to scrape his blog and reupload everything myself. You know, if I didn't have anything better to do with my time.
Yes, and?
>no human has a skin tone like that

What an incredibly sheltered manchild you must be.
he'd have to stop making fun comics first man
the bubble of people that hang on his ever word on twitter/tumblr is much smaller than you think
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We need more pictures of Friedrich being cuddled by people larger than him.
Did anyone draw porn of her?
That's fucking hot.
I honestly haven't seen any but I don't dredge the boorus much.

I recently moved in with my girlfriend so I really don't have much time to draw porn if I wanted to.

There's a couple tit pics up on e621 and the Poppy booru, but don't expect ravished fox MILFs or anything like that. She's apparently too tasteful to be degraded.
I prefer that to the weirdly shaped humans that are in most cartoons now.
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You should see the full pic.

>Friedrich is gagged with/licking a large finger covered with his own cum
Hey, wait a minute, that's not cuddling at all!
I might have to stop reading this comic if this monkey-like asian girl keeps making me cum uncontrollably.
>too tasteful to be degraded
well you're lucky that's my fetish
Hallia side story when?
Checked :^)
Why can't you draw porn in front of your gf?
>People always give me funny looks when I say Unleashed HD is my favorite 3D Sonic, but it just scratches a very particular itch

What is Morbi trying to tell us?
>I'd go so far as to say that if you took out the QTEs and all of the filler levels, it'd be my favorite Sonic, period
He likes his Sonic games with strict level memorization is what I'm taking from it.
It means he wants to play God of War but doesn't know it exists.
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He liked the actually-good daytime levels, and maybe got into the cheesy werewolf-palling-with-annoying-fairystory thing? There's also the borderline food porn sidequest.
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post a garbage cat
I would actually love a super cartoony God of War clone where you do all that stretchy stuff and finishers where some Popeye level shit.
>tfw furry for a human now

>tfw want to be a human and fuck other humans

such a degenerate...
Well shit, just make a Popeye game.
Stephips had to interact with an incompetent figurehead and a subhuman.
She dindu nuffin wrong.
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If he wants food porn he should play Odin Sphere, especially the remake.
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and a poppy 2 :3

Why are they naked
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kit just has to be naked
>humans in poppy
Not really a fan, but eh, a minor appearance probably won't matter.
I don't think this will be minor when they're working for the active demi-gods of the world.
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> 'i can turn you into a human if you want friedrich!'
> "yes please'
> 'woah where's my tail!, this is weird!' xD
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Muramasa was good for it too. Vanillaware are god-tier food pornographers, and they know it; why else would you have to stuff your face to level up in those games?
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>STILL no Mary solo comic
Morbi wants to keep the comic "family friendly"
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Will probably appear again, but the main action still is going to be in Flora and its residents, so we won't see her too often.
Pls no.
I like that hamboning is a legit means of casting magic in this world.
Clearly Morbi should post it on his /other/ blog, if you catch my drift.

Solo Mary can still be family-friendly. It's not like she fucks all of the time: she strikes out more often than not, and she seems to get more of a kick out of fucking with people's minds and drinking/smoking nonstop.

>eating contest arc
>she beats people several times her size by tenderly massaging her opponents and preying on the known insecurities of those who are into her
Morbi said on something awful that people confusing his ethnically ambiguous human for a monkey was insulting, and frankly, I agree.
I want to slap her big puffy drums
>Mary will never massage my prostate
Why even live?
It's more that Morbi is bad at drawing human woman and mainly only draws monster/animal woman

Poppy fans are mouth-breathing retards, he shouldn't be surprised.

And I'm thinking several people are in denial over this, and think she won't actually turn out to be a human after all.
>add human to heretofore animal-only comic
>choose a race with a monkey-like nose
>complain and act like people are being racist when you're the one who fucked up

He's a fucking moron and so are you. He is starting to toe the SJW line with this fucking bullshit.
Insulting to who?
I expect seeing those jokes here, but the fact that someone directly sent Morbi a message saying "Lila looks a little erectusy" without any hint of self-awareness is just cringe-inducing.


Morbi has always sympathized with SJWs and gender politics. Him visiting sites like SA are redflags that have been waved for years now.
>Morbi said on something awful

Why do we tolerate this faggot and his furry comic, again?
>animal only comic
>humans aren't a kind of animal
I wanna fuck that human's feet.
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>tenderly massaging her opponents

Anon stop
Yeah but he's usually smart enough to keep his fucking mouth shut. Claiming racism because your questionable design decisions confused people is really low. That's like something I would expect from Dave Willis.
if you can't draw what you want in front of your gf then get a better gf
So this dude deliberately designed the character to look as much like a monkey as possible and is now acting indignant that people thought she was a monkey, and accusing them of being racist? Why does every internet artist have to be a giant stupid asshole?

That'd be fine and understandable if a complex mythology of deliberate fan confusion wasn't in place, and if Lila's obscured features didn't make her look like she was drawn like a monkey.

Also, here's the source, so we don't look like mimicking gossipy housewives.
He's sort of vague as to what he's referring to here. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt that he's just referring to some actually racist posts that I haven't noticed, and isn't talking about people who were merely confused as to whether or not she's supposed to be a human when she showed up. I really don't want to believe that Morbi is a Willis-tier hack and professional victim.

If Lila was a chimp, she'd have sideburns


The fact that Morbi has a vent twitter and uses SA makes me feel like he's less of an asshole than he wants to be.
>The fact that Morbi has a vent twitter and uses SA makes me feel like he's less of an asshole than he wants to be.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
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>Can't draw porn because gf

He puts up a tough front, but he is a wounded soul deep down
Did people just completely overlook the part where he said he doesn't have time, not that he can't do it?

He's probably too busy fucking her or something to actually draw.
Her face is obscured enough that it's difficult to tell whether or not she has sideburns. That's part of why people were confused, every human-exclusive facial feature is obscured and her nose is inconclusive. If he showed her face clearly with a forehead and everything and people still thought she was a monkey then he might be justified in crying about racism.
SA's cool with furries now? I guess it's cool they finally moved up from harboring kiddy diddlers, at least.
Kit is his self-insert.
That's why she must constantly suffer.
One of their mods is a diaper furry
>He's probably too busy fucking her
Teenager misconception.
>Morbi is a Willis-tier hack and professional victim.
Morbi is Miles above Willis, in many departments, but especially as far as writing and and responsibility goes.
Morbi might have A vent twitter but he's far from using hugboxes like WIllis does to pat his ego, and to be fair this speculation of Lila's species has gone of WAY too long for someone who the author has said pretty unambiguous "shes human"
and lets honest comparing things like up turned noses and different colored soles to monkeys can most certainly be viewed as being racist. its not like people havent been using those traits to compare certain races to animals for decades
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Shmorky? His ass got kicked to the curb a while back, when his transition to klerf kicked in and he was getting insufferable for even Lowtax to be around. If it's anyone else, at the very least SA's being less avoidant about the idiocy of their moderation.
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Morbi's drawn monkeys before, and they have always been exaggerated, with large, fully upturned nostrils, enormous ears, elongated fingers and opposable toes.
Lila doesn't have any of these. She is very obviously human.
Thanks for the compliment, but I'm almost 30.
Some people, mostly asians, have monkey-like noses. How is that any more racist than saying that white people have the same color skin as chimps, which they do? You need to fuck off if you have a problem with stating facts.
Even worse.
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And almost a wizard.
How so?
There's a large difference between saying someone has a monkey-like nose and assuming that someone is not human solely because of it.
>expecting people to remember every obscure character that ever appeared in the comic when reacting to an unprecedented new character appearance

The only thing in that panel that makes her "obviously human" is her feet. Her nose is inconclusive, her mouth is twisted into a very monkey-like expression, and the rest of her face is obscured. Just stop, this is getting ridiculous.
Maybe Lila is just ugly/monkey looking compared to the other humans.
so? is not like he comes here to read the shit we post
>assuming that someone is not human solely because of it.

Maybe they assumed she is not human because it is a furry webcomic that had no humans up until this point, and in fact the creator specifically stated there would never be humans.

You shouldn't be posting here. Go back to somethingawful or tumblr.

Context is appropriate here.

>comic with 100% animal population
>writer insists that human's aren't a part of the Floran world
>make an April Fool's joke joking about how people thought humans would be part of the comic
>put in human three months later, out of left field, and still insist on deliberately covering half of the human's face like she has something to hide

Yes he does, Morbi
Yeah, this whole thing would have blown over quickly and without and fanfare if Morbi didn't insist for the longest time there was not going to be any humans in the comic.
Or if he didn't design a character to be mysterious and monkey-like and then get mad when people were mystified by her and suspected she might be a monkey.
Someone said something about not drawing lewd because relationship. That's spineless.

However I was replying in mid conversation so I didn't know everything I replied to, so I tackled the issue of
>He's probably too busy fucking her
literally. I believe that's a very shitty excuse for anything, so I fell back on insulting the poster for being a teenager because this kind of immature thinking is appropriate on that age bracket.
I thought she was a monkey because shes doing that stupid teeth-bearing thing that all of Mobrib's monkies do as we see here >>84618295
Morbi has never said there would "never be humans in the comic". Not even once.
>teeth-bearing thing
You mean a smile? I'm pretty sure humans do that too.
if you think thats a smile, you arent human
That's a weird fucking smile. I knew she was human from moment one, but that's still a bizarre fucking smile.
>It's real dumb.

1. Humans are animals, just like all the other animals in Flora.

2. Morbi always said it would be a possibility.

3. Morbi has always included real things among the gags in his April Fools pages.

4. Not out of left field given 3 and 4, whatever she's hiding she's human, and Morbi has confirmed it.
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how long before these humans show up?
I usually smile like that, actually.
Honestly people need to stop asking webcomic authors for spoilers, period. They eventually crack and spill something eventually.

Ava's Demon suffers constantly with it. Character sexualities and the like are pretty much confirmed now, before we even touch on them in the comic.
We're on to you DK
She looks similar to all the monkeys there. She just looks like a hairless monkey.
the monkey? that's racist.
when you stack em right next to each other it IS rather obvious huh
>hairless monkey
That's pretty much a human, fampai.
Like most problems /co/ has had with Poppy, it is easily solved by looking at more than just the current page.
>>make an April Fool's joke joking about how people thought humans would be part of the comic
lets be real here though, from the first april fools page weve had hidden spoilers.
by the time we got to this one it was all but confirmed that some of its contents were actually spoilers in disguise. this topped with the weirdly specific "no humans on Flora" should have tipped anyone who regularly watches morbi regarding the comic

whats absolutely baffling is people treating it like a betrayal, people didnt act this was when "kit is blind but her lucky star is that she sees really well" turned out to be true.
That's the point.

There is literally no reason for anyone to get offended at the fact that humans and monkeys look similar.

-That's a bullshit excuse, and you should know that. There's a reason "furry" comics get the label they do: they're seen as distinct from conventional comics based on the use of anthropomorphism of animals. There's a line drawn between humans and animals, both in popular culture and the human mind. The only people that call humans "animals" are trying to justify bestiality or are splitting hairs.

-Fair enough on humans being regarded a possibility, but people can read possibility as a dismissive non-answer.

-He does include real things in April Fool's jokes, but within the context of the comic it still has the bare minimum of buildup. It's also fast turnaround for an April Fool's reveal: I was expecting something from the comic to pop up late October, when people would potentially forget the gag strip, but that's on me.

-Nobody on /v/ takes Morbi at face value anymore. They assume he's talking out of the side of his morth or sarcastically admitting to something that's going to happen in the comic. Why would he have a major reveal character hide half of their face, to the point where he has to step in and confirm that what he was trying to reveal was in fact what he was trying to reveal? People followed the wrong line of logic, but it wasn't like they were talking out of their ass and following an insane perception.
is she a human, or a monkey?
I really hope that she's a monkey, but...

There is literally no reason for anyone to think she's a monkey after Morbi says she isn't
Fully human, why would that be an issue?
>It's also fast turnaround for an April Fool's reveal
He literally revealed Kit was blind one day after making the joke last time.
Not everyone browses these threads or Morbi's Tumblr.

Her design is so species ambiguous that people are going to keep being confused until the comic clarifies it.
>Her design is so species ambiguous
Statements like these are what make me feel like these threads are made up of literal retards.
I don't, it feels a bit jarring to me.
I won't hate morbi over it, but I really wish he'd kept the cast animal-only.
Oh well.
Yeah generally love these threads, I love talking about the comic, but people continuously seem to forget this is not a page by page comic. Like even this current page has more characterization and body action for Lila and solves most of the bitching from last thread.
There's nothing wrong with that statement. It's true, it just happens that it wasn't Morbi's intention. But he clearly didn't succeed in making a human character, hopefully he improves on her design if he doesn't want people to think she's a monkey.
I mean, humans are a type of animals, though I can see where you're coming from. It seems like the major characters are pretty much all going to be other types of animals, so at least you have that.
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I guess.
At least we know that the other goddess is actually a cat.
I hope
the mothers of magic are not and have never been gods
Lila isn't a goddess, she's Silvana's attendant.
Silvana isn't a god either, really.
>Nobody on /v/ takes Morbi at face value anymore.
What does Morbi have to with anything on /v/. Doubly so if it has to do with his comic. And big surprise that the borderline containment board is full of paranoid assholes.
And what's the double talk on "she's a human" anyway?
I swear people are just trying to ok be up the author and go "you ain't fooled me!"
Where's the previous thread? I wanna see the outrage over the "human" reveal
There's literally nothing wrong with something awful. It's a far better platform for discussing comics than 4chan, at any rate, which had a 30 post derail about foot fetishes.
Looking at the second to last panel, you can see that the leader witch of this bunch is a cat, not I human. I'd bet that the humans are the underlings of the super strong secret mages, rather than being the super strong secret mages themselves, seeing how munch Morbi seems to dislike the plot trope of having humans being a secret ultra race stronger than anyone else.
That's Silvana, one of the most powerful magic-users in the setting and one of the three who founded modern magic practice in the setting.
Yeah, and this is probably somewhere either very important to her or run by her, seeing as she's got a statue set up in some random office there.
search "human" on archive. The last OP didn't put "Poppy" in the OP so it's all messed up.
>But he clearly didn't succeed in making a human character,
She's furless!
Has human hands and feet!
Is humanized compared to the animal person right next to her!
Has human features, doubly so when compared to the other primate characters.

Like are you so close minded/autistic that you just mentally reject the possibility despite it stareing you in the face?
She only looks like a primate the same way all humans in some way look like a primate.
We already know it's the veil of ignorance and Silvana has control over space thanks to her lucky star. Do you even read the comic?
Whenever I want to find specific Poppy threads, I just do a search in quotes with that comic's alt text.
There were two threads last update for some reason
One has poppy o possum in the op R he other is just the page and body a dumb op
Yeah, I was just pointing out to him that it was pretty obvious that the humans weren't in charge of the place, so he had nothing to worry about.
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It's just the history behind such statements. It implies that they look human, but are nothing more than "mindless animals." Bear in mind, we thought apes and humans were separate categories until only recently (last 50 years).
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Eh, didn't add the cuddling parts since they contain so much dick.
>Exposed feet
>Monkey like nose
>Shadow that looks like fur at a glance.
>Outfit that looks kinda like Sun Wukong chic with a desaturated pallet + a witch hat.
>CONSTANTLY smiling in a way often associated with monkeys in art rather than humans.

He knows what he's fucking doing.
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>exposed human feet
>>Shadow that looks like fur at a glance.
So what you only looked at the character once?
damn....no source

I know i'll find it if I try hard enough
/trash/ booru or the poppy booru will have it
Do you think I didn't notice?
That's my point.

There's a lot of things here that people would associate with monkeys, but when you really look at it she's actually human. You could reasonably assume she was a more anthropomorphized monkey under a different artist, and Poppy's level of anthropomorphization is inconsistent. You've got pretty fucking accurate monkeys, comically "correct" monkeys, and foxes that range from a moeblob fennec that basically fits its species characteristics to "an extremely curvy lady with a fox head."

You can't point our that real monkeys have different feet when fennecs don't have hands. It's a matter of guesswork with this stuff.
Yes, I skimmed the page before seeing this thread. I didn't realize she was human until it was pointed out.
Fair enough I suppose.
>"These past two updates have taught me that a surprising number of people don’t know what a human looks like."
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I gotcha, f@m.

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If there's any one thing Poppy is usually pretty accurate about, it's legs and feet.
Even Fantomet has properly proportioned digitigrade legs, despite otherwise being "an extremely curvy lady with a fox head."
How did Kit get cloned?
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kit has a lot of spare bodies in her lab
So is the rule that Kit is always the same height, and her ears make up for any height her body lacks?
>putting Morbi in the same sentence as Willis
I can understand if you don't like Morbi but there's very few people that can even be compared to the depths Willis reaches.
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>Nobody on /v/ takes Morbi at face value anymore.

As nobody should. Seriously.
He never gives and never will give straight awnsers about the comic.
I was actually talking about the unnamed booby fox from chapter one.
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This one? She's not shown below the waist, but I can see what you're talking about.
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the smaller the kit
the bigger and floofier the ears
the cuddlier the end result becomes
Why does an incidental background character from one panel get a name and a puppet?
Morbi named pretty much everyone in Eggton
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Morbi loves giving his background characters unique names and designs.
>(hu)man behind the curtain
>humans can only live within the Veil of ignorance
Dammit, the hint was right there and I didn't realize it (nor did most of us, it seems). Oh well~
Morbi's only dodgy when straight answers would spoil future developments, which is fine with me. And why the hell would anyone want him to, anyway? Sounds like the kind of FAQgot who goes searching for walkthrus for a new game before they even start playing it so they can handhold their way to 100% Best Ending.
>The last OP didn't put "Poppy" in the OP so it's all messed up.
I said I was sorry!

This art is dumb, but I love it

>Morbi's only dodgy when straight answers would spoil future developments

You can't be serious. No way.

Really now, all his awnsers could be replaced with a "maybe" and it would be the same.
you sure thats a human? seems more like a monkey to me
Problem is it's just as easy to gleam information from the questions somebody doesn't answer.
If all the shit from that page turns out to be true then, is Lila related to the Hand of Fate?
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That's something he has in common with Aaron Neathery.
Morbi tried to mess with his fans but he ended messing with himself.
Is this Morbi's biggest blunder? I think he overestimated the intelligence of his fanbase
I can't say I see how that's Morbi's blunder.

This controversy is because of his behavior. I don't think he did anything in illwill, I just feel that Lila will be called a monkey for as long as she's around.
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Nah, Morbi's biggest blunder was spoiling the fanbase early with his tournament arc. It was a great hook, but the rest of the comic isn't that hype.
By simply not underestimating his fanbase he already made a mistake.

He tried to mess with his fans, as a joke, and it backfired.
>it backfired.

how exactly?
Which one is better?

Humans predating the furries, or humans are a new race made to supplant the furry races?
yeah i can agree with that
the tournament was fuckin great
This entire mess?
Am I the only one who just wants to enjoy a decent comic and not giving a fuck about humans being present in a predominately furry setting?
They're both shit.
The humans are just humans. They were probably made at the same time as everyone else.

No, I want to nitpick everything Morbi does and theory-craft instead.
There are AT LEAST 53.
>Am I the only one who just wants to enjoy a decent comic and not giving a fuck about humans being present in a predominately furry setting?
no I prefer it
and nothing, I agree with that guy that Morbo's biggest blunder was putting the arc too early.
It was a great hook and nothing save maybe Poppy Incites a Gang War has lived up to the humor and hype of it thus far.
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>those soles
Oh, my bad, that was meant for >>84627202
I don't think Morbi's losing sleep over a bunch of idiots not knowing the difference between a monkey and a human.
Almost nobody has said that they have a problem with the human in the setting, they're mostly talking about Morbi's attitude when complaining.

The other issue is people thinking Lila is a monkey but that's because of ignorance not spite.
Morbi is probably just going to do "humans are the same as every other species" route. If he went with humans creating the the animal species of flora then it would be way too similar to Autumnlands.
WAIT, there's a new Autumnlands?
The comic series? There's been like 11 issues so far. I'm only assuming that the humans created the animal/human hybrids since it seems pretty obvious that is somehow the case.
A new issue, I meant. Already found it in the archive.
Humans leaving anthro animals to replace them is not a new thing, it's one of the most cliche things in furry stuff.
cause we've been so great at THAT
i mean the fact that this and the last thread are full of dumbasses who are bucking so hard at a human that they deliberately misread her species despite >>84624581 pointing out the answer was right here : >>84618517
or at least a handful of shitheads who cant tell a human apart from a monkey in the comic
hell no
in fact most of the complaints are people poor visual comprehension
>they're mostly talking about Morbi's attitude when complaining.
no im mostly seeing people bitching about the fact that they cant tell an obvious human apart from a monkey and Morbi telling them that its dumb that they cant
and it is
and like if there hadn't been monkeys in the comic id get it, but there have been a good handful and none look like lila

relish in the knowledge that you have brought upon a new wave of cross-thread furry drama to /co/

you have done this.
>>(hu)man behind the curtain
>>humans can only live within the Veil of ignorance
That's not a hint, it would be so if we knew that humans can only live within the Veil before. That only makes sense NOW and the key information is not even in the comic yet.
>none look like lila
Lila is a slim, brownish humanoid with a monkey smile, like them. She's not a monkey but to say she doesn't look like one even a bit is just plain denial.

>claim there are no humans in the comic
>introduce a human
>ugly as fuck
>kinda looks like a money
>it has to be a monkey! morbi said there are no humans in the comic
>no humans, IN FLORA!
>It's just a prank bro!
>people get mad
>he gets mad at people getting mad

Morbi's an idiot, and so are you.
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It would have gotten here at some point, pointless monkey bullshit or not.
But that is because the Endtown and Poppy readerbase overlap, it has nothing to do with Morbi.
Why don't you guys dissociate the artist's bias from their work.

Once the art is released, the artist is dead afterall.
yeah but id never even seen it speculated about. and its not like that April Fools page kill discussion of humans. if anything it stimulated it.
When the proper threads get too toxic it's not uncommon for discussion to appear somewhere else more civil.

For example, that's why ponyfags like to talk about MLP on /co/, it's simply better than in /mlp/.
Out of spite, back then it was seen as Morbi shitting on those who wanted humans in the comic because, again, people believed Morbi himself was against it.
Lila also doesn't have hand feet, a coat of body hair, the huge protruding ears, or bulbous cranium most monkeys have had in the comic.
all in all for the monkeyish traits she dose have she has a lot more non-monkey human ones
to the point that the fact people are getting mad that they're wrong about her not looking like a monkey is stupid.
see the way i took it was because the last April Fools page contained truth in jokes and in between the lines facts that people were looking at it that way.
hell i had seen people speculate about stuff like Skyhenge and Moon Humans
seee i saw it as people getting Salty as fuck over having the wool puled over their eyes and then getting double butthurt when they message Morbi saying "dude thats totally a monkey, she looks just like an unevolved primate, c'mon man just admits its not REALLY a human" and when he responds with "no thats not how my art work, and its weird you keep insisting"
we go though this every big reveal
>"hey Morbi is it like this weird assumption?"
>"no and that kinda dumb"
>"c'mon is gotta be this weird assumtion"
>"nope still dumb"
>claim there are no humans in the comic
He said no humans on flora. The veil is outside of flora.

Yes, its the old "you didn't read it right" trick, but he never said humans didn't exist.

>kinda looks like a money
Yes but not enough to confuse her with any of the monkeys in the comic. I'm surprised that no one made a dave the barbarian joke yet.

>he gets mad at people getting mad
You would get mad if morons kept pestering you with dumbass assumptions.
>strawmaning this hard
You're the real salty one here.

People aren't insisting, some are just late to the party and aren't aware of the post confirming that Lila is a human.
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>People aren't insisting
One would hope so, yet here we are.
well i was spesifically talking about the people who repeatedly send messages on tumblr then come to blow up about it here
and this aint the first time people have insisted either
That has to be a troll.
>And why the hell would anyone want him to, anyway?

Half the time in plot-heavy comic threads, I feel like some fans would prefer to have a bullet-point list of the entire plot, major twists, and conclusions with a few sketches to go with it.

I dunno. Maybe it's like going to the opera where convention says you're supposed to know the whole story before you go in.
does it matter in the end?
it still people annoying Morbi, pushing a bad gag/idea, and feeding the trolls/entitled idiots in this thread
>weirdly specific "no humans on Flora"
There was nothing weird about it. We had no indication that there was anything alive outside of Flora (RIP Laika), and combined with his comments about magical radiation killing humans everyone made the reasonable assumption that they just didn't exist in the comic.

It makes perfect sense that Morbi misdirected the readers to avoid spoiling a plot twist. What doesn't make sense is the way he's complaining about people coming to the wrong conclusion when he's the one who helped them reach that conclusion in the first place.
So she's a monkey, right?
No, an ape.
i suppose part of the problem is the time from april fools to this reveal, at the time ofthe april fools page we had no idea of the veil or Freds secret contacts, ulike the last were we knew Kit had something screwy and a lucky star of her own
I cannot understand how anyone looked at Lila and thought anything other than "holy shit, that's a human." Her face is kind of weird-looking, sure, but I just chalked that up to Morbi having a notorious thing for weird-looking women, not her being a fucking monkey.
I still can't see it, either. She doesn't look like a monkey any more than any person does. It's like people insisting they see Jesus' face in a piece of burnt toast that just isn't there.
Am -I- the crazy person here?
No, when I saw the first page she was on my first thought was 'Oh hey, looks like the humans were the spoiler on the April Fools' page'. The only way I can see people mistaking her for a monkey of some kind is an intense level of denial that there could ever be a human in their 'furry' comic.
no, some people in this thread are just hard headed and stubborn.
they've committed to their mistake and are mad that some people, especially Morbi, don't see it like they did
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>Morbi having a notorious thing for weird-looking women
This is the thing people seem to be forgetting. Morbi's taste in women is just downright bizarre.
It's entirely possible he genuinely thinks Lila is attractive.
I think she's pretty cute
Someone tell me why a human in this setting is such a big deal.
It's not, people have just fooled themselves into thinking it was because that's how it is for most "intelligent animal" stories.
Midna's a better comparison.
Darn. I'm a sucker for the Big Scary Human trope.
people in the mindset of 'people are here, so they're IMPORTANT AS FUCK' when in reality, humans are just another animal

if instead of Lila, the ONLY HUMAN EVER in Poppy O'Possum was some guy who was an accountant background character, people would still try to hammer in that he's super important and integral to the plot
If Morbo wanted to troll people he could stealthily upload a version of the page with Lila drawn as a monkey and just deny everything, to fuck with their minds.
I wonder, are there non-sapient humans used as livestock like there are for other species?

(oh that could get real racist real quick)
I've already figured out exactly what Lila is and you're going to shit your pants when you find out for yourselves. I'll tell you one thing - Morbi said that Lila hides an embarrasing physical feature with an item of clothing. They're not kidding.
Nice try, but we already know she doesn't have a penis.
That's not what Futurama meant when it said 'it turns out it's man'.
If you think you've figured it out on your own, why don't you tell us your theory?
Okay. To make it super duper double-plus secret, I've ROT13'd it and taken the spaces out. Go to rot13.com and run it through the ROT13 cypher. But if you spoil it for yourself you'll forever deny yourself the joy of figuring it out or the shock of the inevitable reveal.

>Yet another neanderthal theory
Swing and a fucking miss
I'm the other guy, but why? It sounds plausible enough.
Because every "not-human" theory was thrown out twenty minutes after her first appearance when Morbi no-nonsense confirmed she was just a human.
Where have you people been? How, after three entire threads, is this still a point of confusion?
She keeps a tail hidden in her pants
She's not a human, she's a saiyan
Chapters one and two were well put together. The other chapters have been less engaging, despite a dragon fight taking place.
I'm getting real sick of these fans here with their self important attitudes, calling anyone who mistook the design for a monkey stupid or ignorant.
You thought a stupid thing, get the fuck over it.
Yeah, fuck anyone who is mistaken, they're just FUCKING STUPID, unlike me with my gigantic penis. I'm soooo smart.

Like, seriously, there's no need for belittling people over this. There have been far, far stupider assumptions in these threads, but I don't remember this kind of condescension when some anons confused Vix with Steptits somehow. It's obvious she's human, but it's not hard to see why some people would think she's a stylized monkey. Just tell them they're wrong, don't fucking fellate yourself.
You thought a stupid thing. Get the fuck over it.
I did not think it was a monkey.
I am saying to stop being self-important just because you ALSO did not think it was a monkey.
Get the fuck over it.

>see Rufus, think "Oh man, that girl looks like my mom"
>never think of her as lewd for that reason
>that has to be the girl Morbi specifically made to be sex personified
>What doesn't make sense is the way he's complaining about people coming to the wrong conclusion when he's the one who helped them reach that conclusion in the first place

That's from early in the gang war arc, where Eggton's debt situation is explained.
It isn't the first time people have let theories run wild even after Morbi disproved them in a tumblr post.

Yeah. Like the rumor that Ewe Lala is somehow a metaphor for being a mixed race kid, when instead she is CLEARLY a metaphor for the transition from a capitalist society to a communist society, and the struggles the proles face versus the boojies.
sup Žižek

Just fighting the good revolutionary fight.
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