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Why don't we ever talk about these two cuties anymore? Aside

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Thread replies: 150
Thread images: 62

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Why don't we ever talk about these two cuties anymore? Aside from the fact that they're from a mediocre children's show.
I haven't watched the show in a long time, have they been the spotlight of any of the more recent episodes?
I really need to draw some Queen Delightful.
Do it, she doesn't seem to have much art. Why are the dwarves so shit compared to the non-midget characters?
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The most I can remember was that time Hildy made GTS fetishists cream themselves.
They've had their moments this season. Apparently one of the episodes that premieres tomorrow is very Gloom-centric.
Started watching this and I really like them.The dwarves can fuck off though
Because almost nobody watches their mediocre children's show
They're really cute though
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We need more married couple that don't hate each other in cartoons.
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Agreed and the fact that they're the antagonists is the icing on the cake.
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Damn I haven't drawn these characters in FOREVER. Got any requests so I can try and draw 'em again? I can't believe I still love these two.
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How about a follow up to this?
Since it's summertime, Hildy in a sling bikini or Grim in a speedo
Does anyone have a Mega link of season two?
Hildy getting her clothes magically poofed off her body with two magic smoke clouds obscuring her naked chest and crotch.
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Now that I think about it, Snazzy could use some extra art as well.
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Pretty much hit the nail on the head. As adorable as the Glooms are, There's not really a whole lot left to say about the 7D besides these two.
Every one is asking for lewds without shame so I'll do the same.
Hildy kneeling and hugging grimm's legs

How about giving them a spin off?
It could work if the premise was enticing enough.
They have a baby, boom! Addams family ripoff
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Grim and Hildy dressed as Starchbottom and Queen Delightful.

I'd watch it.
i imagine trying to take over the Kingdom is more like a couples hobby for them
like one day they're deciding how to take over it, the other they're going to dance lessons together
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dad had to sleep in the office where my tablet is connected so I switched to the classic pen n paper. I really need to practice drawing these guys more.
I started drawing yours, but couldn't finish for above reasons. If this thread isn't up, I'll post it in the drawthread when I get home from work tomorrow.

>all these lewd requests
this is a christian board
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It really feels like it, because a lot of their schemes are intertwined with them bonding together.
Can you really blame us for wanting to see these two in smutty situations?
This still looks pretty nice despite the lack of practice and there's a good chance the thread will still be here by the time you come back since a new episode airs tomorrow morning.
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Oh really? Didn't know that! Just watched the episode where the 7D get turned into 5 year olds.
>we don't get to see the spell backfire and turn the Glooms into little kids
fuck this gay earth
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Shit I just realized that would've been a much better ending to that episode. I love how sickingly sweet your kiddy Gloom doodles are and would've loved to see it happen in the show.
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Yeah it didn't make any sense, what could've happened is she accidentally turns herself and Grim into kids and has to reverse the spell for everybody, turning the 7D back into adults. But she just turns them back into adults for some..fucking reason? And when she fired the spell at the crystal ball I thought for SURE it would backfire and I could see some Gloom kids but nope. The show hates me.
I'm still holding out hope we get a flashback scene of the Glooms during their youth. Hell I'd even watch a hypothetical Gloom spin-off series just to see the possibility of a glimpse of their past
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It's so good to see you drawing the Glooms again. I still remember writing that smut-fic based on this pic you made. And don't worry, once you do a few more pics you'll start to get the hang of it once again.
I've been asking that question for months. Hildy is grade A waifu material and yet she hardly gets any recognition.
Her pussy must be wreck'd as fuck if she was doing that kind of shit as a kid.
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>hildy lesbian selfcest
I have a mighty need
The funny thing is Hildy would be vain enough to attempt such a thing.
I know I only did one request tonight, but I'll do more tomorrow after work if thread is still up. I remember that fic, I may not have the dick to appreciate it fully but I sure liked it anyways! Mind posting a link to it if you've still got it?
Here you go.

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>Not wanting to see the two Hildys competing against each other to see who can pleasure Grim the most
Now that's an idea I can get behind.
>I may not have the dick to appreciate it fully but I sure liked it anyways!

You have no idea how much that means to me coming from you! I can't wait to see what you'll have in store for us today. Also sorry for not responding to you sooner but I passed out a little after your post.
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followup. ok now I REALLY need to get ready for work, I'll color it later
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I just want to see them win for once.
Looks like the right spell to me.
Very nice! Looking forward to seeing it colored.
>Aside from the fact that they're from a mediocre children's show.
as if that ever stopped /co/ before
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Villains in love is the greatest thing in existence. These two are God Tier OTP.
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The only downside is that we'll never see them win
Mind Control + yuri =lewd
Please do. Especially if it's leaning towards the explicit side.
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>Expecting breast expansion
>Got hypno lezzies instead.

Keep up the good work m8. I'm beginning to like you.
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Kissy face.gif
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Their love is so fucking vanilla, it hurts.
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One thing I have to give this show credit for is their abundance of background waifus.
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Pacing is pretty good, even for short episodes, and they do the occasional REALLY solid cartoon gag. The puns are pretty well crafted usually, too. Overall it's honestly a pretty solidly done comedy cartoon, on top of the Glooms being dorbz. Like at least once an episode I think "Okay, that was actually a pretty solid joke" and am surprised, despite thinking the same every previous episode.

Curse you! Shortstacks...my only weakness.
This. The show is 'not bad', which sadly is probably the worst thing you can be. No one pays attention to the 'not bad' shows, everyone remembers the great ones and the awful ones.
It does in this case. This show hardly gives us nothing to work with.
So does Hildy take advantage of Snazzy or is she too loyal to her Grimmy to do such a thing?
It's not cheating if Hildy let's Grim have his turn with Snazzy
I have to agree that's it's a pretty nice show. For some reason I was remembering it as mega shit, but I'm probably only remembering it like that because of the way the show treats the Glooms. There is some shit though. Like the rapping tooth fairy.
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Because Snazzy is way better than both of them.
Snazzy pls leave
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No need to repress your envy over me.
Actually I drew some fanart Queen Delightful but I drew mostly the ones where she's hanging out with other queen from Fairyland..
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Well at least she didn't need to turn her enemies into toddlers in order to win.
More fanart of Delightful would be appreciated.
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Something with this disguise?
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There's a few episodes that just fall flat for me, but I imagine are still pretty decent if you were the target 7-12 (or whatever it is) age range. But there's a couple of really great ones, like Queen Delightful's roller derby team and Hildy going to the Worst Witch Contest or whatever it was, and most of them manage to be amusing. It's not a bad track record. I don't even think it's really 'mediocre' and falling into the mediocre curse, I think there just isn't anything to say about a comedy cartoon most of the time. It's like how Tom and Jerry discussions are pretty much 95% "fuck Jerry" with 5% "Fuck that white cat bitch" or "I want to fuck that white cat bitch".
Hildy as a real estate agent was also pretty hot. Princess Caroline style power agent should have been, but I just feel like they didn't pull it off as well.
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>Bummer Vacation

>Trouble ensues when the Glooms and the 7D vacation at the same seaside resort.

Looks like we're finally getting a beach episode.
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>Hildy possibly wearing a bikini.

I don't know if my cock could handle it
Awww yeah. Time Lord Starchbottom fan service
In this day and age? That's some wishful thinking right there.
pls be real
Because they're from a mediocre children's show.
>starchbottomfags exist
not surprised.
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It's a joke brah

That can't beat the thought of {spoiler]The Glooms verbally expressing their love for each in public
Don't take my word for it. See for yourself.

>not wanting starchbottom's bottom
The Glooms shower shagging.
Very nice. You feel like doing anymore Delightful drawings?
Sure, got any ideas?
A naked Queen Delightful completely oblivious that her clothes have magically disappeared.
team rocket?

Go luck on tumblr sometime, there's more shipping art of the dorfs than the glooms, there are little girls who husbando sleepy.
Queen Delightful sucking on a pickle in an erotic manner.
Pretty much as already proven here >>84524160

I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say there's more porn of the dwarfs than any of the other characters in the show.
Paheal says _no
But I know there's some 7D porn on tumblr that hasn't been posted to the rule34 site
Is any of it of Hildy or Delightful?
It's hard to find any porn on tumblr, a lot of the users that lowkey draw porn from children's shows don't tag it properly and keep it hidden.
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>magically delightful
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Thanks dude. You did an excellent job.
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>innocently looking up gloom art
>find this
This is why Tumblr should allow you to blacklist certain words during searches.
Before I pitch my request I want to know if you're comfortable drawing nsfw work or not
Sure, I'll do a NSFW picture.
Well then in that case, can you please draw a Queen Delightful paizuri pic? Maybe have her shout Yaysies after a graceful of spooge
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Where's all the QD/Hildy yuri?
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I've been asking myself that question for more than a year. You'd think someone would've drawn something with the two of them.

I love it, cute!
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the two of them are mortal enemies?
Like that hasn't stopped people from shipping them together.
Great work AKB. You can't go wrong with ENF!
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Finally Finish!
OR here. I can't thank you enough for making this amazing pic.
Wonderful stuff man.
Still holding out hope that you'll be back soon.
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Put down some quick flats, I wish I had more time to actually draw stuff
You and me both.
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Cute stuff.
Good Morning Everyone!
Personally, I'm a bit more let down by the lack of activity

Glad to see you're back. I'm a big fan of your work.

Morning. Still feel like drawing some more?
How's about QD playfully groping Hildy?
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I'm glad there's another drawfag in here, considering my limited time to draw! (I have to go to work in 15 minutes)
>Personally, I'm a bit more let down by the lack of activity
I feel that. I love Gloom threads but they're always super dead. I like to draw in here in hopes that maybe it'll drum up some activity.
It's a shame since these threads used to be teeming with activity when the show first aired. I hope you'll be able to achieve that goal someday.
ehh, I wouldn't say that. Maybe "less reliant on art" is more accurate.
I'd love to see you make a sexy Snazzy pic.
Never try drawing her.
I'll have to draw some dwarf-ified Hildy and Queen Delightful sometime.
That's be interesting to see.
>shortstack Hildy
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I want to see more of their days-off. We got a glimpse of one when they were sitting at the cafe but a scene of them just not plotting something would be great. Maybe it could be an episode where the 7D are paranoid about the Glooms showing up and in the end go visit them to see what's up.
In other words, an episode where the Glooms don't get the shit kicked out of them.
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Shortstack Hildy.png
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Shortstack Hildy already happened in the show,
True, but that was more of a fake-loli than shortstack.
Probably because there's hardly nothing to talk about and we're just interested in the new OC.
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Snazzy .jpg
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Snazzy Delivery
Thanks dude. It looks beautiful
Very nice AkB
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Have some Hildy titties.
Point taken. Which is why we should let this thread die.
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>letting a dead thread die
Seems like you've never been in a Gloom thread before
Finally something, I'd want to see happen.
My dick needs more doses of Delightful.
One final bump for the night
Thread posts: 150
Thread images: 62

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