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Am I the only one who despises the Loud House?

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Am I the only one who despises the Loud House?
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I hate it too, but fuck off with am I the only one? shit
I think it looks better than half the stuff on tv, but I really haven't seen a whole episode yet.
The waifu thing it has going isn't enough to get my attention.
I don't hate it or anything (watched the first pair of episodes put online back in May and though they weren't BAD nothing about them interested me enough to go out off my way to keep watching), but the threads here about it are a bit annoying.

>Is Chris Savino the new cartooning god?
>Is The Loud House saving animation?
>OMG why does this show work so well?
>Let's have a Loud House thread, like we do every other day of the week, but treat the idea like it's some novel concept instead of a now constant feature of /co/

It just receives a really odd amount of attention here.
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Only thing I hate is the pedo waifus. I swear we can't enjoy one thread even SEMI related ti the loud house without some jared describing how he wants to suck on Lynn ' s feet. It's a shame because I feel the show is actually kinda good.
Why is it that people will respond to this specific OP with anger but let the 10000 other capy pasta OP's slide? I think I see an original thread premise maybe twice a week but people treat.
>prove me wrong
>you can't
like it's worthy of discussion every fucking time.
double trouble?
I obviously didn't mean only one in the world. Only one in the board, online, whatever, I didn't mean it that broadly. No need to be an absolute faggot.
It's ultra generic and cliched. It's acceptable in quality and kids who are less familiar with tropes will like it I'm sure but it's simply too unoriginal for me to call it a good show.
It got me to check out Harvey Beaks though and that show is fantastic
why are people even comparing the two? What connection do they see?
Oh. Well if that guy is still in this thread, I hate Steven Universe too.
They have huge obnoxious threads and fanbases
If it sucks, leave. Nobody asked your salty ass to stay.
They are probably arguing about who has the better waifus.
Why don't you leave? It's not in your rights here to carve out a section of the board to hold a little hate circlejerk.
I just wanna talk to fans of the show or other people who dislike it. This board is for the discussion of cartoons after all. It's pretty autistic of you to call anything you disagree with a circlejerk.
Sure, but I'm saying like 8/10 threads suck shit and people only complain about "am I the only one?"

Why aren't people as bothered by -

>"who is best and why is it?"

It was a tired fucking OP when it started but people still respond to it like they've been caught off guard.
The fan bases are partly what turn me off from both shows.
>Am I the only one
Then ask in the more active thread.
Instead you made a whole other thread with a subject essentially trying to garner a hate clique.
You got the two or three "pedowaifu" shitposters in your little powwow here, were you expecting anything more worthwhile?
I just started watching Steven Universe and just stay away from any thread about them. The threads are always shit.
The show doesn't have a bad premise, but i never watched it so i can't say much about actual quality.

I hate the art style and 99% of the threads about it are shit though.
i think seeing something family oriented, with classic comic strip animation and decently clever writing, is refreshing. i understand the appeal
I don't want a hate clique. I was curious of how many people dislike it, and why. I'm not rallying up my anti Loud House crusaders or some shit. This isn't a circlejerk, or bait for fans of the show. I didn't ask on another thread because I expected to be attacked by a bunch of idiots.
Why would you ask if someone despises The Loud House in a fucking Loud House thread aimed at circlejerking over The fucking Loud House? All you'll get is a bunch of fans saying "no, faggot."

At least making a separate thread allows for a variety of responses and doesn't let Loud House fags complain that their threads are getting spammed.
Exactly! Thank you.
Why have a discussion when you can just attempt to make your own echo chamber!?

It's too bad, this thread was really going to go places I'm sure. 10/10 for the brilliant OP, OP.
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Also I /co/ overhypes the shit out of TLH. It's great comparatively, but only good on it's own.
Same thing happened with SU. We had about two weeks of good discussion and hype and then the wiafu fags came in and co-opted the whole thing. Had to scroll through 30 posts about which gem was best before you had anyone discussing their thoughts on what direction the show would head in.
Well I wouldn't say I hate it, I don't think it should be canceled or anything. But I do fibd it to be pretty uninteresting and boring for the most part. Characters behave effectively like archetypes, tends to rely a bit too much on gross-out humor, it's extremely formulaic, the sisters have no depth which prevents me from caring about them as characters and that results in the jokes based around their interactions to fall flat. The writing reminds me a lot of Butch Hartman for better or worse and the art style looks like the animated segments of Lizzie McGuire. I feel like this is basically FOP v2.; it isn't necessarily bad, I'm sure there's audience for that kind of stuff, but for me it seems just uninspired and forgettable.
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This is why I only really come to /ci/ for capeshit discussion, story times, abd cheesecake. The /sveg/ are pure hell however...
What does this have to do with SU?
How easy you fags get triggered.
Every part of this post is correct.

Especially the part about Beaks
>undercover Trash House thread

The show is pretty generic. Anons who says that its the most original thing on air right now are just trying to find an excuse to watch it other than the waifubait.
Granted, the show gives off pedob8 vibes probably on purpose too but that's really /co/'s fault more than anything. Don't let a fanbase ruin a show for you.
The creator is a closet furry who has a mom fetish.

It's likely a 6 or 7 out of 10 show. Which puts it well ahead of the current mob of 4/10 and less cartoons. More importantly it's a refreshingly old
school cartoon. It feels like it'd air just fine in a block alongside Dexters lab and old PPG.

It does not feel like it's from the family tree of Spongebob influenced cartoons.

It is fairly straightforward and predictable.

Personally I'm watching it for the hilarity of the brother-sister relationships. My favorite moment of the show is the bully episode because of how the sisters reacted. It hits some good family notes.
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Lucy is worst girl.

Luna is best girl.
It suffers the same issues that SU threads have in that its just waifu posts. But unlike SU, anons still have hope of having any actual discussion still.
This show was lost the moment the pilot happened.
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Lola is not just best girl but best character

Crazy bitches are Elder God tier in anything they feature in.
Why does /co/ hate /tlhg/ so much. It's ok.
is a popular show so of course you are not the only one, hipster are a big demographic

Yeah but that's not the appeal here on /co/. /co/ started up with the waifufagging and incestfags like a year before the show even aired and the threads are the same now as they were a year ago.

Basically to /co/ it is like an /a/ harem moeshit show but with incest, that's the reason it is disproportionately popular here despite not getting much attention anywhere else on the Internet.
/co/ doesn't like cartoons

Savino has absolutey no shame in venting how much of an incestfag he is. It's not just the fanbase.
All generals are shit and so are you
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>mfw i see a lucyfag
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Fuck you too.
Because the show didn't even premiere yet until it reached /sug/ levels of waifufagging. It could only get worse the day it came out.
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Still better than lenifags.

The show is fine, I might even like it, but I started feeling some backlash from Loud House fans coming into threads for other shows talking about how The Loud house is brilliant and the show we were discussing sucks. But you shouldn't hate a show because of backlash to the fans.

I guess the thing is it is pretty generic and surface-level and actually for kids unlike some shows here that are obviously gunning for adult appeal so it's not groundbreaking but also not bad. Cartoons can be a thing that kids just catch every now and then honestly, sort of their main purpose.
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Lucy is actually best girl
Loud House is a 4/10 show if ever I've seen one
Like many have already stated it's an okish show but the alarming high number of legit pedophiles opening running about shitposting/avatarfagging/flooding the site with their waifu shit is really getting out of hand, it's almost beyond Bronies level.
Do your fucking jobs mods/janitors. Slap a couple of their hands to discourage the flooding/avatarfagging in the future so you have less to deal with, cut the weed before it grows.
>legit pedophiles
Where do you think you are?
Also if waifu shitposting would be banned then sveg and sug would be gone too.
Waifuposting is not allowed, I'm guessing you're new but even Moot said it's discouraged, before he ran out on the site.
I'm guessing you didn't saw these awful threads.
I've seen them for years, and it just keeps getting worse and worse.
I should have enrolled as a janitor, help clean up all this garbage, oh well.
Anyways yeah Loud House has a Loud manchild fanbase.
>Loud manchild fanbase
Yea i have to agree on that.
Also /co/ gone to shit like really fuckin fast.
>hey why is this being pushed to the top in the catalog, I don't have a filter set for it yet

>(via Steven)

Of course, company wars bullshit.
lyns feet are cute tho
This happens with everything it seems

>some jared

I don't love it. I don't hate it. It's an average and safe show. I like it's style and characters, but the writing never makes me laugh much and the concepts of the characters far outweigh the execution. I'll keep watching it, but there has been nothing even close to a 10/10 episode yet. It hovers between 5/10 and 7/10. At worst it's meh, at best it's pretty good.
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>he doesn't enjoy The Loud House
Jared liked superior shota, but honestly I don't get triggered by fanbases like 90% of /co/ does especially to the point where I don't like the show cause I just don't care
It's just average. It sets no high stakes.
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Am I the only one who wants to plow Lola?
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Does anywhere even talk about Loud House outside of /co/?

I can't see it being an exceptionally big thing on tumblr.

Haven't seen much of it anywhere. Granted i don't care about the show myself or search stuff related to it so it might just be google but still, nobody seems to give it much attention
Apparently it's a really good show ratings wise, so a lot of people are watching it. I don't think it's the kind of show that facilitates a fanbase like most tumblr things though. Just something that people watch and occasionally have as an interest.
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It's not that big on tumblr, but it still has a fanbase there. At the least, it's already getting those "fucking pedophiles, runining the tag" posts.
I also suppose there's also a fanbase on DeviantArt and twitter.
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>Is Chris Savino the new cartooning god?

If he is, then only of the vengeful, brimstone and hell variety.
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