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Season 2 when?

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Season 2 when?
So is V the only human letter in the Altean alphabet?
I'm sure they could find a way to incorporate D as well, if you know what I mean.
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I know exactly what you mean.
So bend over and bite the pillow, she's going in dry.
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It's not a V. On Altea it means hope.
Sure thing boss.
2 months optimistically but probably 4-6
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>cute brown alien
>can shapeshift
>powerfull enough to knock doors down and almost closes a door with her bare hands

Guys i dont think i can make it till January. any lewds out yet
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I always imagined Hunk as being kind of bearmode, but apparently he's cut like an MMA fighter. Just straight-up ripped.

Well fuck.
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He's not fat, just wide. Literally bigboned.
check Autumnsacura on HentaiFoundry
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LD Hunk probably is actually fat, since he tries to suck in his beer belly and it doesn't hold.
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I need more bear Hunk
Is this what you had in mind?
Gonna need sauce on that Hunk
>tfw Shiro is ripped as fuck for a teen
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it better have some more space battles with Itano circus scenes..
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why not December. it'd be a proper six months.
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based Josh Keaton
I don't see anything online about it coming back in January. I still don't think they've announced yet.
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I definitely got some strong Eva vibes from this monster.
When will Yellow Lion get a decent projectile attack?
Don't forget this!

/r/ing Pidge with her hand covered in peanut butter saying "I'm so disgusting..."
What the fuck, man.
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I bring you chib Voltron
complimentary Season Finale end scene
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>mfw full adult cis
>still flatchested
>happy for it

Cowtits pls leave t b h

Pidge is a qt

She's short and skinny, fits with her body type.
>tfw no ginger kraut waifu
>I have never seen a girl naked

Her chest is totally normal for a teen girl. Protip: Most teen girls pad.
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Eva reference.
You don't wanna fuck Coran?
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Every day we stray further away from God's light.
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same here

cowtits are dusgusting
>they referenced the worst installment
There's a place and time for them but cute reverse traps are my fetish and I'd gladly suck their girlpeens.
Anything lower than a C cup should not be allowed to breathe the same air as I do.
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But your cup size is your grade

C is average
Anything bigger is failing, please apply again next semester.

Aim for an A or B my friend.

>>best girl has top grades

As she should.
if you want tits you have Allra, leave Pidge alone
>He gets graded in letters.
Filthy Americucks fuck off.
But what if Pidge has a fetish for getting Bullied and Mistreated? I know I get off on girls getting hit and bad-mouthed.
>be american
>get shot

>it's a "triggered Europoor" episode
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I'm not european and those muslims couldn't be farther from me
>His country is so far down the shitter that it never adopted the glorious Metric System.
Reminds me of a joke I just made up,

Q: How can you tell if someone is European?
A: Don't worry, they'll tell you.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>admitting to being Mexican on 4chan

Is the metric system why you guys keep confusing adult men for children and letting them flood your country?
I really hope there'll be some figures or SOMETHING of Voltron down the line.
nope not mexican

but lets talk about how Shiro will die
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What the fuck is going on anymore.
What happened to this thread.
We formed /pol/tron.
Spaniard then.
Either way, you're still European, so fuck off.
Some European angry about his small cock had to act buttblasted over nothing >>83986656
And how did everything start again?
Some faggot complaining about breast sizes?
Jesus christ, people.
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>not liking titties
I wonder if Zarkon tried to have Haggar milk him.
lmaoing @ the answers.
Since when cartoon fags are this impatient?
For some shows you have to wait years for a new season.
Most of the shows with that long of a wait are that way because the possibility of that next season was in limbo. Voltron's already been confirmed for about 7070something episodes. However we're still getting them at a better rate than Korra.

I'm so fucked up
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Course he is, what do you think he was going to do with Shiro before he got busted by the Garrison trio.
>Galrans cum processed Quintessence
>that's how Shiro got so strong
so...whats your favorite episode? I like the one where the ship tries to kill everybody
Probably episodes 4/5 or whichever were the ones with Sendak invading the Castle.
It probably is.
New Dreamworks likes to drop several shows all at once on Netflix in a big "Dreamworks Bomb", (Hence this month has featured Voltron, All Hail King Julien and soon Dragons Race to the Edge and Puss in Boots)so it'll likely come out somewhere around Trollhunters, also starting in December.
>"Dear Diary: JACKPOT."
The first one, specially the part with Shiro and Pidge while they're trying to find the Green Lion.
I got feels when Shiro told Pidge to be more confident.
>Dragons Race to the Edge
Wasn't Season 3 supposed to drop this month?
Yes, like I said, Voltron dropped two weeks ago, Julien dropped just last week and Dragons will be dropping this week.
When the only did 5 episode batches they'd space things out such that they were only adding episodes to anything once a month.
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So, I’m just gonna leave this here for anyone who tries to whitewash Lance.

Some Cubans are pretty white though.
but Lance isn't
What's wrong with this show?

It's very well made. The characters are fine. But it just feels so generic.
Lance obviously likes that beach so much and the girls and the pizza shack that he is just very nicely tanned. Without the tan he's whiter than Pidge's pidges.

I'm just pointing that you could run with a variety of skin tones for him without covering up his Hispanic background.
Most Cubans are white as fuck though. Can anyone check the subtitles to confirm?

Makes more sense for him to be Mexican or Filipino. I don't think anyone's tried to deny his delicious brownness though, regardless of what race he is.
>Most Cubans are white as fuck though

That's what the Castros and the ruling class would like you to think. Afro-Cubans are pretty unrepresented and sometimes outright discriminated against by the government.
only if you visit the pretty part of Cuba
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Whatever he is, he's at least half white on his mom's side, though she could still be Argentinian or something.
>"i'm so generic"
>family photo
>without him
someone had to take the photo, in whatever fucking future this is
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Never saw this show.
Thought it was this when I first saw it.
Given that is has a transparent background, it's probably just an abstract thinking of his family in general represented as a group shot.
Anon, he's the little boy aiming his ass at the camera. Next to the little girl in the center.
It's a memory. He can't view himself in the third person.
The whole things looks like a reference sheet. Maybe we are getting a episode with them
While that would be funny that person is just standing up. His shirt being so blue doesn't really help against a blue background and with that blue line through him, and you can't see the face very well.

Could be little Lance, though. The blue would be interesting.
Aside from >>83988153 everyone on the south of USA is Mexican, what mean a low class migrant, what mean very brown not only for the Amerindian roots but the sun.
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>fanart with the whole group inlcuding allura
>didn't draw coran

Would it have helped if they just made him some generic pretty-boy butler who didn't even speak
Just finished it today. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did but the only connection I had to original Voltron was playing with my older brother's toys. It probably helped that Studio Mir did the animation and Dos Santos is the show runner. It filled a little bit of the Avatar void. Can't wait for season 2.
Hey /co/, what if instead of being dumped into different parts of the universe, the wormhole actually sent the pilots to different shows?

>Lance falls into the Earth Kingdom in the midst of Book 2
>becomes best bros with Sokka
>Hunk falls into MLP:FIM
>ponies help him repair his lion and escape back to his own universe, because the yellow lion is powered by friendship
>Pidge falls into the original Voltron
>falls in love with Boy Pidge
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weak b8
You think THAT'S bad?

We'll never get a season three because Comcast hates Netflix.
like, 3.
I take it you're not a fan of cross-series crackships then?

That's a shame... I think lancokka has a lot of potential.
They already bought 78 episodes according to that one Korean article posted a few threads ago.
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78 episodes you say?
aww that's cute
i always think of myself as a kid in dreams. i guess i always will. high voice and everything
>aiming his ass at the camera
Comcast needs Dreamworks since Minions has peaked a lot earlier than they hoped and Illumination has fuckall anything else to offer so no they won't do anything to harm Dreamworks

They are looking to revive Shrek and try to make Dreamworks their Pixar though
Next season - The Rise of Shrektron!

Hope it means they'll just leave the TV side of things alone since they just want the movies.
Episodes 4 and 5 because damn Sendak is a competent villain and those fight scenes were badass, and episode 9 for the Shiro mental torture.
I liked how it was a matter of the heroes and villains constantly trying to outsmart each other. Just when Shiro thinks he's got Sendak at a standstill the grunts hold Lance hostage allowing Sendak to take him out. Also Pidge using a hologram trick, and the different heroes beating Sendak through coordinated attacks rather than just overwhelming him with sheer firepower.
What was up with that anyway? Does Shiro or Sendak actually have psychic powers? Is that just how the memory machine works? Also even if he ejected Sendak prematurely don't they still have access to a portion of his memories that they can look through?
Yeah that shit was great. I liked that they didn't suddenly nerf Sendak either. It took almost all of them just to trap him.

I swear, if he doesn't come back in season two, or if he does, but just immediately becomes a robeast, I'm gonna be pissed. Dude is too competent and fun to watch to get rid of so soon.
Shiro's weird rush attack against him was pretty lame. What did he plan to do, kick him? Because the way he approached doesn't seem like it would do much good, unless he was purposely trying to act as a decoy for Pidge and Keith to get in.
Wonder if Lotor will show up.
I don't know, I'm hoping they expand on that more in season two. It could have been the crystal messing with Shiro, but I'm not sure it was that really. I actually like the idea of weird, psychic powers, but who knows.

I noticed the machine didn't even begin copying Sendak's memory until Shiro hit his pod thing and Shiro makes a comment about how Sendak can hear him.
I wonder if Allura will pilot any of the Lions in this series.

I'd rather she not honestly. Unless its Black Lion it would be a bit of a step down from her current leadership position.
Black Lion but temporarily, or they find a way to make her and Shiro alternate or be copilots.
I thought cats were afraid of water
Wait pidge is a girl?
Could work but even then I see her getting more out of unlocking the power of the Castle.
This. She's already the most important member of the team by some distance, has the strongest personal vehicle and best physical skills and gets plenty of screen time. Complaining that she doesn't have a lion is being deliberately silly.
Sounds about right. That's their order for All Hail King Julien.

Need to ask Allura I heard she checked, thoroughly.
Teenager? Christ I thought he was like. 28.
I wanna see her training session. Bet she punches through them like paper.
I imagined he was going to be on the young side but figured it'd be his early 20's, not teens.
I'd give him in his twenties since he was on a mission.

Considering we already have straight-up magic on the show, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some psychic shenanigans going on there.

Remember, the training drone that wiped the floor with the team when they first started fighting together was supposedly set for a child. (She may have been exaggerating though)
Is it just me or was that a deliberate mega milk face?
You think teens these days grow up fast? This is the logical conclusion.
I get that the Galaxy Garrison trains them young, but unless missions to the edge of the solar system are fairly standard procedures so easy even kids can do them, it seems weird to choose someone barely out of highschool at most as your pilot. Since it takes several years to get to Charon he was probably even younger. Even at the fastest possible light speed it would take them several weeks to reach it.
Any rule 63 art yet? I have a mighty need.
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>going full autismo without a mention of SU
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It's not great though.
So do any of you guys wanna take a guess at the heights of the cast? I know it's probably a pain in the butt because scale in cartoons is shit, but I just like having knowledge like that.

I wonder how tall the Galra are too. I'm gonna guess 8 feet.
>pidge not wearing fake tits
>Shiro isn't a hot amazoness
>Lance isn't Michiko
it's shit

I'm more inclined to believe that the "five teenagers" bit was a fuckup on part of whoever did the website and Shiro is actually in his mid-twenties.
Keithette just looks like Keith with childbearing hips.

Shiro needs bigger tits.
>gave them longer hair
>not giving them different cups
The guy wasn't even trying
They all look pretty much the same. Girl Lance is literally just Lance with long hair.
Keith wouldn't need much change to become a hot girl but they didn't put in even that much effort.
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>Nobody has make any allahu akbar jokes
Spelling is different enough and he hasn't done anything to merit it for people to care.
I think most people on 4chan respect Islam, and don't see it as material for jokes. I believe, as Muhammad said, the amount of jokes should be like the amount of salt in one's food.
I would guess:
Shiro: 6'2"
Pidge: 4'9"
Hunk: 6'0"
Lance: 5'9"
Keith: 5'9"
I hope so because Shiro being a super accomplished eighteen year old sounds JRPG as fuck.
I know, it's like he's the protagonist of a mecha anime or something
But that's Keith's job. Shiro's job is to be the older adult guy who dies to make way for the hotblooded youth, like Auron, Kamina, Roy, Lockon, and the Zeppelis.
Kamina is only 17 though, isn't he?
post allura
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>Platinum will never make an awesome Voltron game in the style of the Platinum Robo sections from Wonderful 101
I mean seriously. Shiro's last name is even "platinum".
>It's the episode where they need to crossdress to go undercover but no one looks any different.
>it's the episode where Allura shapeshifts into a hot futa that everybody lusts after
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I finished this and then realized that "Form D" would have been better and quicker to do.
No, arm muscles. He's built like a strongman.
Do you think Hunk's a Maivia?
>It's the episode where Allura impregnates everyone.

Continuing the race, indeed.
I think so too. Some intern probably just fucked up the wording. Personally I think Shiro is like 23-24, definitely not in his thirties though. The white hair just makes him look older.

Apparently there is some official podcast where they said Lance is 19 but I'm too lazy to listen to it myself. That would probably make Keith and Hunk around the same age.
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I see what they did there, making everyone old enough to ship without Tumblr feeling pedo.

no... they are not. what the fuck are you even talking about?
Link for the rest of us?
Yeah, it's not like they're argentinians or something.
Even when his hair was all black he looks a fair amount older than the rest of the paladins. He's got lines under his eyes and so on in the first episode.
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>Check e621
>Literally 0 lewd of the lions
God damn I hope this show somehow becomes popular in Japan because Western artists have let me down yet again. "Rule 34" my ass.
Being a Galran fucktoy for a year ages a man.
I haven't seen any links but I literally just googled "voltron podcast" and this came up: http://www.letsvoltron.com/
It's probably the second one from the top, the one where they talk to the executive producers.
Hair's not curly enough.
What can change the nature of a man....?
I'm still sad that he'll never voice Spider-Man ever again outside of the occasional meme video on youtube, he's THE Spider-Man voice to me.
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How can he be raped by Galrans before it actually happened?
He looks like a mid-20s guy to me.
I'm in my twenties and I have lines under my eyes too. Eh, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Sometimes it's hard to judge animated characters' ages based on how they look, especially in anime and anime-like series.
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Oh wow.
>not knowing rule 35
a. If there is not yet porn of it, porn of it will eventually be created
b.If you find something without porn of it the onus is on you to create porn of it
Someone.................carved a giant red lion dildo out of a crayon???
I thought it was awesome that she disabled the rogue AI by bear hugging it to smithereens. Such a casual display of strength that it wasn't even shown, just implied.
He could pass for 19 in that. All the highschool jocks I see around here look like they could pass for early to mid-20s.
So what does Pidge love more, peanut butter or robots?
Shiro looks early to mid 20's to me.
For the tightest asshole in the world.
In the French dub they named him Caron, probably afraid another Muslim nutjob would blow himself up in public again.
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These are cute
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What were the mice like in the original show? I hardly noticed them in the new series.
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That's the dumbest shit I ever read, filtered.
Michiko to Hatchin Michiko? That's an obscure reference for /a/ let alone /co/.
Yeah, that's my favorite too, though I'd be hard pressed to find a bad or even "meh" episode in the entire show so far, every one of them managed to be good-to-great.
It is? I remember seeing her pop up a lot on brown charts.
Well the show aired on Toonami and /co/'s the only board allowed to discuss the block so I wouldn't say she's THAT obscure here.
>/co/'s the only board allowed to discuss the block
It's not joint between /co/ and /a/? That's weird
I'm surprised they chose it for Toonami. Don't remember it making a big splash when it first aired.
No. /a/ faggots squeal and complain when you post Toonami. Then they go back to their ten million waifu threads.
Dumb. I'd love to hang on /a/ if it didn't suck so fucking bad.
I check it to see if there's any threads about actual good anime, which is rare. If a good show is airing in a season, I'll hang out there if the threads for it are tolerable. It's hard to find other places that move fast enough with discussion for me, and /a/ usually does. But for the most part, I can leave it.
No, /a/ absolutely refuses to talk about it because DUBS ARE SHIT REEEEE FUCKING WESTERN-PANDERING GARBAGE NORMIE SHOWS FOR CHADS GET OUT OF MUH SECRET CLUB >THEY DIDN'T WATCH THE SHOWS AS THEY AIRED IN JAPAN FUCKING PLEBS NO ONE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT THESE OLD SHOWS >AMERICAN TV so the mods made an unwritten rule that Toonami discussion is only allowed on /co/, and only two times a week: in live talkback generals on Saturday nights (can't be more than one thread active at a time, must wait for a general to go pass the bump limit before making another) and in ONE thread discussing the block's ratings when they become available on Wednesday. Attempting to discuss the block at any other time or on any other board will result in a thread deletion, and maybe also a ban depending on how pissy the hotpockets are that day.

That being said, I wouldn't mind Voltron airing on Toonami
I'm surprised /m/ doesn't have more discussion about it. They have a couple of threads archived, but I guess the board doesn't move fast enough to keep an ongoing general thread rolling for it now that it's been out for a bit.
It's common to see regularly syndicated shows move to Netflix, but I don't think I've ever seen it the other way around.
There's a thread up right now but it isn't very active. I blame OP not using an actual Voltron image when making the thread >>>/m/14379281

Huh, I assumed that was just shitposting, not actual ongoing discussion.
Jesus I forgot how fucking ugly those faces were.
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Pretty sure OP was mostly joking.
Personally, I have no problem with shows mixing 2D animation with 3D animation. I feel like Gatchaman Crowds, Garo and even Pokémon now did this very well. It's an easy way to save money and I got used to seeing it after a while
Obari's? Yeah I remember Mai being pretty nightmarish even back in the day.
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In which nobody appreciates Hunk's cat impersonation
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ooh-wee! What a cliffhanger! Oh boy! Oh my! That's a real...crazy ending, huh?

Hi! I'm General Sendak from episodes 1-6 and 9 or 1-8 and 11, depending on how you count. As you can see, I'm still stuck in that stasis pod from when Shiro ejected me into space, remember that one? Ooh-wee!

You know these cybernetics help me get through the day! Just smothering the ceaseless loneliness and existential horror with Zarkon propaganda. Ooh-wee! Feels better!

Hey, what'd you think of that finale, huh? Mmm? You think the Paladins are going to be okay? Ooh-wee!

You think Allura and Coran will be able to find them in time?


What did all that super soldier talk by Haggar mean?


What's the deal with Keith's mysterious past?



(gets nicked by asteroid)


Tune in to Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 2 in like, a year and a half, or longer, to see how we unravel this mess! Ooh-wee!
Nice coloring, but goddamn what an ugly ass art style. And people actually like that shit?
Dude that's a beaver.
That's Masami Obari for you. God tier mecha animator, but his hentai work is ruined by the fact that he can't draw faces worth shit.

He worked on a couple of episodes of the Japanese Tranformers series, didn't he? Or season three or G1 or something? Anyway, yeah I remember his mecha direction and all is actually good, but goddamn those people are ugly as shit.
I think CG technology in general has advanced enough that it's no longer as much of a problem.
Karas looked amazing back in the day when that kinda CG was state-of-the-art, and now we're seeing it more often with stuff like Guilty Gear Xrd.
Wow, that looks... not good. I guess MAPPA had all their actual good artists working on Bahamut.
Did the recent season in feudal Japan ever pick up? I tried watching it on and off but every time I just ended up massively disappointed by the bland characters and awful, AWFUL pacing.

Either way I'm hype as fuck for the new movie based on the season that was actually good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDkHoSAcvpU

It's not perfect by any means, but as I said, I got used to it to the point where I don't mind it anymore.
It used to be until Toonami aired it a few years back.
I really like MAPPA, but yeah, I think a big thing about that webm is the overly flashy typical anime style directing/choreography. I find fights much more engaging when they reel it in some, and give it real weight, and don't use constantly jerky camera angles, cuts, and sword flashes.

As for feudal Garo, not really. Seimei is easily the best part of it. I mean I guess it picks up a little in the second half, but it remains pretty mediocre all throughout. And some episodes are downright infuriatingly bad.
It's way better than Tiger and Bunny's at any rate. Great designs, but holy shit that CG was clunky as hell.

Nah, the most recent anime series came and went without much fanfare and most people were pretty disappointed in it. I dropped it myself after like four episodes. The current live-action anthology series is pretty decent though, and they're doing another Zero-based story next year.
So definitely Keith then.
He just needs to loosen up a little.
I don't get it. Is this a "same VA" joke?
Is this how things look through Sendak's cyborg eye? Bretty cool, tee bee aych.

Beats me.

I can't help but keep hearing Hal Jordan though ever since I found out Space Dad is voiced by Josh Keaton.
I thought Haxus was the one who did that, but it's been a while since I saw that episode.
I thought so too, but when I rewatched it I began to wonder.
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Did anyone on /co/ ever watch Vehicle Force Voltron?

I never saw this show growing up, but I imagine some older anons might remember it. It's not nearly as iconic as Lion Voltron. Regardless, it IS an official part of the Voltron brand, and it'd be neat to see it make an appearance in Legendary Defender. Perhaps as some sort of evil "Anti Voltron" created by the galra?
He just needs to move up in size. Start with The Coranic (tiny but cute and non-threatening), then Lance's lance, then Hunk's chunk, then Shiro then Pidge and finally the Princess' purple punisher.
Coran's a shapeshifter, he'll probably unleash when Keith doesn't suspect it.
I watched Vehicle Voltron when it was the only thing on. I only got five channels on a good day back then. PBS, NBC, ABC, CBS, and one other whose callsign I don't remember.
But this is Coran we're talking about.

"It needs to be pencil thin and light, like a rapier! Dance, dance, sting, parry, thrust!"

And nobody has the heart to correct him.
now there's a mousepad we all need.
>What were the mice like in the original show? I hardly noticed them in the new series.

irritating as fuck
Speaking of all this filth, is there a kinkmeme yet?

Research turns up this but it's not exactly active yet. https://voltron-kink.dreamwidth.org/
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>the /m/ thread is current discussing who's going to die, be experimented on by the Galra, and/or betray the team

Welp I'm depressed now
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You know to regain face, he's going to volunteer to transform into a Ro-Beast right?

>Hagar is kinda cute..
I hope they don't immediately turn him into a Robeast. He's too damn fun to watch as his normal self. But I know it's likely going to eventually happen.
It's painfully obvious Keith will pull a Raphael YOU'RE NO LEADER OF ME! rebellious phase and abandon the crew for an arc or two some time down the line, it's basically a staple of his character archetype.

I like that he's actually competent. Nice for a show to go that route instead of handing the team easy victories for their first times fighting together,
We kinda did that already, they're just doing it in more detail.
Please no, he's already a vacuum of charisma as it is. They don't need to make him actively unlikeable.
>Keith abandons team.
>Shiro dies as result.
>Keith returns, wracked with guilt, to lead in his place and carry on his legacy.
If that happened he might become almost as hated as Mako which I think was overblown anyway
Me too. I actually felt like real stakes were established in the episodes with him, and the team really did have to work to get the better of him.

I'd hate to just see him come back to immediately become a Robeast because I feel like it'd miss out on some good character opportunities as well. That scene where Shiro is being tortured by his voice is great.
I'll be real, I want more lead females in my show. The only lead female being a princess? I just want a normal woman in the cast. Korra was ok, but only ok. SU actually offers good female leads, but it's not as plot driven as Voltron. They really fucked up the new sailor moon. Just damn, give me more women. Loved the show other wise.
What if they made him a canon gay first. Could the fujos find it in their hearts to hate a canon gay.
>shitposting from Tumblr
They might accuse the shows of being homophobes for making the one gay an asshole/moron.
What. You'd rather support the guys who want gender bent versions of the characters so they can finally fap to them after they've bonded with them? Damn snon.
You'll take your reverse trap lead and you will like it, tumblrwhale.
Unless they try to spin it as Lance finding a way to assert his masculinity and independence in a society that sees gay men as "unmanly." Then it would be making a statement about homophobia.
>things nobody asked for
The example was talking about Keith though.
They could both be gay.
Ok I'll admit it that was pretty great. Really didn't expect it. Loved it. Every bit of it. Should have mentioned it earlier. Excuse me, please.
Look at this guy who doesn't want to wife 63 Shiro.
Love triangle of the show is Lance having a crush on Keith who has a crush on Shiro.
Korra was shit, "okay" is being generous.
>who is Pidge

Did you even pay attention?
I meant to say Keith, that was a typo.
This. Korra was fucking garbage, I really don't see how anyone could have genuinely found it remotely good, ESPECIALLY when you compare it with how good its predecessor was.
Maybe she's a TERF who thinks Pidge is trans and therefore "not a real woman."
Yeah, pidge is cute and smart, but tiny and weak. I don't know, with women taking up half the population I just want more types of female characters.
>who is Shay
>who is Haggar
Anyone else glad Pidge is female? I have weird feelings for Pidge and found myself reflecting and re-discovering myself. Now, that I know the truth, I don't feel bad about it.

There are different kinds of strength. You think sneaking into a castle and facing down a galra soldier (and winning) is weak?
Now compare that to all the male characters. I really like the show. I have a minor complaint. Why are you fighting it so hard?
That's not how it works, gaylord.
I like it because Pidge reminds me of myself, being a nerdy and sorta butch womanlet
inb4 shitposter calls me trans
>Sendak/Shiro tentadick hatesex (spoilers)

Boy I sure do hope this one gets filled.

Even though you're a tripfag, and I hate you on principle, as a recovering horsefucker, I would LOVE to see Hunk in FiM. I remember reading a Megas FiM crossover, and loved every word of that cheese.
I kinda wish she wasn't just so I could watch you have to actually come to terms with being a big ol' cum-gargling homo faerie queenie-queen.
How open to HYDRA Trash Party style stuff are they? That meme has my favorite list of rules ever.
You still do.
>but tiny and weak.
Nigga what? She was fucking amazing in the castle takeover episode. And if you want your stronk amazonian womyn, you already have Allura. Looks to me you're looking to be triggered by a lack of female just because you want something to whine about and garner attention to yourself because A BLOO BLOO BLOO MY NEEDS ARE NOT MET HOW DARE THEY NOT PANDER TO MY EVERY WHIMS
The very first request is hardcore Shiro gangrape so you're probably in the clear.
So, like, what happened to the previous Paladins? Did they all just accept their fate and let the Empire take over?
Yeah, I'm a mecha fag so I'm fine for the most part.

I mean I get mecha CGI with stuff like

So I'm happy.

With any luck. Never. This shit is too SJW.
Hey man, giant robots are totally underrepresented as a demographic! Take your metalphobia out of here, this is a safe space!

Given that Zarkon used to be the Black Lion's paladin, I'm going to guess that the rest of them got killed by him or the empire in some way before the castle fell, and were defeated individually because they couldn't form Voltron without him.
She was. Without a doubt. Rover also saved her ass, because she couldn't save her own. I love her, but come on man. The male characters got to do a lot of badass shit. Pidge got to do some fun stuff. But dayum not enough variety. That's all I want. I still loved it, but it didn't satisfy me. It's not even a big deal. Overall, I loved the show. I really do. I binged it hard. It isn't a big deal.
But I like French Onion with some Tabasco sauce and salt lick.

Get fucked /m/.

Robots are for children.
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>Robots are for children

You do realize you are in a Voltron thread, don't you.

Yes. It's full of sjw's since the creators of Korra are sjw's themselves.
They had the weapons in the castle as well as the intact kitties. It seems more likely they were just instructed to fly somewhere safe and breed with the local Cuban population.
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How short of a woman were you? We have different heights for manlets and 'womanlets'.

Any man under 6'0 is agreed upon to be a manlet, but isn't the average in the US something like 5'8 for women?
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ELS-kun, just because the archive is done doesn't mean I don't know it's you.
I just realized, the blue lion was hidden on Earth because Earth's surface is mostly water and it's known as "the blue planet."
Barely 4'10"
lol no, that's almost male height.
5'8 is ridiculously tall for a woman. Try more like 5'5 or something like that.
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>5'8 is ridiculously tall for a woman

>tfw six feet

Can't we just make 6'5 the benchmark for 'ridiculously tall' for a woman and call it a day
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>tfw 5'10"
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Suddenly the thread is full of the sound of tall women cringing in unison
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>I have just started watching voltron and all I want is shiro pinning pidge and dominating him. emphasis on how small pidge is and how easily he could hurt him, and also emphasis on after sex cuddles please!

Boy, is this person in for a surprise.


Be gay for me and be my giant woman.

I'll be your 5'5" muscle babe.

I'll spin you around bridal style, amazon.
>male height.

Anything under six feet isn't a man, it's a manlet.
So do you think Pidge and Shiro will inherit the animus of her family when they find them dead?
>jaw blade

Might as well be a fucking liger.

Zoid reboot on Netflix when?
I'm so small, 5'5 is tall enough for me, plus I'm a bifag who loves musclegirls. Maybe I could be your gay
if you don't mind slightly tubby Asian chicks


I am completely average. Thank god for high heels
Now now Anonymous, Liger Mode Voltron is the series' final upgrade after they introduce the prototype Voltron which is themed after a Tiger that has energy management issues which is why they made the actual Voltron have five components instead of just one.

When they fuse to defeat the final boss that's when we get Liger Voltron.
>So do you think Pidge and Shiro will inherit the animus of her family when they find them dead?

We Xenosaga now
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In the first episode Coran said that the castle was 600 Years old by the time he and Allura were frozen. Built by his grandfather.

But when he first goes looking for the crystal he mentions that he accompanied his grandfather when he was collecting crystals to build the castle.

Coran is Over 600 hundred years old, not including the cryogenic sleep.
Space Elf lifespan confirmed.
Same here but I fucking hate high heels.
You sure do have a very funny, epic and brand new meme there, but the statistics are easy to find.
>if you don't mind slightly chubby asian chicks
Yep. I think quintessence is directly related to their long lifespans. Altaeans are naturally adept at manipulating quintessence. And Zarkon has lived for over ten thousand years because he has himself infused with the stuff.
More likely AssCreed, though I would be 200% down for Tetsuya Takahashi Voltron.
>yfw Shiro and Keith are revealed to be the most reincarnations of Adam and (St)eve

Depends on the shoe you get. Even stilettos can be comfy enough to wear for longer periods of time if you've got enough support and cushioning for the balls of your feet.

It's funny though, all the women in my family are short-to-average, and all the men are super tall. I don't how the genetics work out there, but both my brothers and my dad are over six foot, and my mom and aunts and grandma are all my height or smaller.
Pidge is Shion....?
I wonder how long regular Galrans live. I'd assume longer than humans, but I wonder how much longer.
>Allura is Chaos/Alvis, the master of miracles behind the Voltron
Isn't Lance taller than Keith?
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>Gatchaman Crowds
Could no get into the second season. Banging outro thought.
If only Voltron's OST was as rockin'.
No, walking on them is stupid. They're incredibly bad for your hips and spine. Just live with your height and gain confidence from other areas. Ones that you can actually control.
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>Voltron will never have Angela do it's insert songs
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Overall I thought season 2 was more solid than 1. Tsubasa a shit, but they make it pretty evident that she was in the wrong all along so I'm fine with it. And yeah the entire OST of both seasons were top notch and Angry Frog Rebirth and White Ash are the best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkrMTXBczbk. A shame we never got hear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3b5uXX0XmCQ in-show though
Also they're just super unattractive to me, speaking as a half-lesbo. Willing to give some leeway if they're attached to boots, but I'd still rather not have them at all. I don't know the appeal fujos find in sticking cute guys in Sailor Mars stilettos. It's hideous and makes my vag want to invert.
>that scene where Shiro is being tortured by his voice is great

You mean that scene where Shiro was being so unbearably turned on he had a panic attack it was so damn hot.
What the shows need is a theme song by JAM Project. Or any kind of theme song/recurring motif/musical cues really. The soundtrack is by far its weakest point.
Oh yeah, remember that scene where Sendak tried to blackmail Pidge into coming aboard his ship by forcing her to listen to him making Shiro jizz on the spot, and Pidge being the yaoi fangirl she was couldn't resist? Only she sent a hologram instead so she could get a view from an angle more to her choosing?
Does this mean Sendak/Shiro/Pidge is endgame ship?
I've never been a fan of heels. I know /co/ hates it when I do the whole feminist thing, but I've always just seen heels as a way of controlling and restricting what women can do. There's an old saying, "If you can't do it in heels then you shouldn't do it", that I heard all the time growing up. It's basically a more subtle version of footbinding.
Closest you'll ever get:

Some women feel stronger wearing them, because they like feeling taller, or because they like being confident in their femininity. As for myself I'm not speaking for anyone but myself when I say that I personally find it disempowering for similar reasons, because they're mega uncomfortable and I'm not willing to inconvenience myself to such an extreme degree to please other people. It's really an individual thing and if someone enjoys wearing them then go them.
I was half expecting it to be a Code Geass song at first.
I can't blame him for being turned on. Sendak has one sexy voice.
It's because Sendak said the special trigger words.

My ears just shriveled up into my head
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>Zarkon, I'm black paladin
>the shitty /a/ version
Well played
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>Black Paladin with his friends Smee, Maimen, Doktar, Holteer, Button-Lee, and Juan, inside their giant robot Ovyu
Voltron is real
It's reaaaaaal
Voltron is reaaaaaal
Voltron is reeeeaaaallll
I felt the exact same way.
>shiro's pissed
American cover?
Tell me about Shay. Why does she wear the mask?
But he's smiling.
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>tfw cowtits since I was 12
>tfw I've always wanted to be a DFC
>tfw never able to wear bralets or tube tops or walk around shirtless

It's suffering.
That's not a very friendly smile. Look at his eyebrows.
She's a rock girl
ow, my peeped is hurting more than it should
>Pidge will eventually become a huge unlikable bitch obsessed with her dead boyfriend

pls no
Literally everyone in my family besides me, my sister, and father are short. My 5'10 sister towers over all the males in our family, it's the weirdest thing.
If you remove that mask, would she die?
It would be extremely painful...

Every time I see her pink pupils I can't help but to think they're hearts.

Porn has ruined me.
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Which were?
Any more shots of Shiro making semilewd faces in this show?
Pretty good cover, and a nice OP.
>Zarkon lives on via immortality
>but Lotor exists as a separate being who found a way to transmigrate through multiple bodies and Keith is his current host
>Shiro and Keith both bond over their shared dark sides, Winter Shiro Id and Lotor Miang
Shiro's not gonna die anon.
Yes, the person who just got seriously injured and then flung to some far away part of the galaxy deprived of access to the healing tank will be just fine.
>20 min. in
>fart joke
when will this meme end?
seriously why do you americans love them so much?
The grossout humor stops after the first episode.
Show's music isn't based enough to be a Xeno game.
Cept Pidge mentioning that she sweats a lot. Stinky hot girl.
What feels better, HYDRA dicks or Galra dicks?
No. Coran is precious. Also he is a pretty boy. He's just a fine wine.
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They could have made an original sci-fi series and instead they did a reboot of Voltron. What a waste.
You could always get a breast reduction
Netflix might be more risk taking relative to how cable networks have been, but not so much that they wouldn't bank on nostalgia when they see an opportunity. So it's this or nothing at all.

It's like how GLTAS wouldn't have come into fruition without the movie, but the movie also killed it by being an awful film.
Give it time. Once Dreamworks finishes its workload in a few years then Netflix will launch into that. Maybe sooner since they've got big plans for Animation in general.
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Bored qt Galra grunts did nothing wrong. Allura a bully.
Funny thing anon, Netflix not too long ago announced that they commissioned Production I.G. for an original sci-fi series. So that'll be coming out eventually in the future.
Plenty Nostalgia material for them to work with. I could go for a Bravestarr or Ulysses 31.

Voltron is the tip of Batshit mix of science and magic. Lets keep going.
I want more of her just casually crushing grunts. Everyone else just cringing at the sounds as she embeds them in walls and tosses them through windows.

Who needs a lion when you've got Superior Strength
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I want more of them acting like normal people, getting bored, making small talk, etc.
I wouldn't call that gross out humor, I'd call that awkward humor.
Yeah, they were kind enough to not actually show her sweaty stinky pits, or how clingy her underwear gets when the temperature warms up
If there is anything I love, it is space wizards and techno-sorcery.

I love it when they include things like grunts chit-chating about inane shit. It makes a setting feel more alive.
Well that's whats going on before she storms in to crush everyone. Talking about kids birthdays before Allura drives their heads through the console.
I find it kind of humanizing that she's a girl with a sweating problem. I feel like most media pretends that women have some sort of self-cleaning superpower that keeps them from getting gross.

It also makes me wonder if Pidge wears boxers or briefs. She has to be wearing boy underwear to keep her cover from being blown.
Yeah, it's fun seeing the bad guys acting normal. We get to see the heroes act normal plenty in shows, so it's always fun when you see the villains do it too. Just bored dudes stationed in the middle of nowhere and shit.
boxers. Hides lines better.
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Is there any Voltron toy planned, with the new cartoon. I'd like to know what current-day engineering could do with it.
There's one planned for some time next year.
Playmates doing one early next year.

Mattel did one couple years back but it was horribly expensive.
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Is it the same Voice actor, or am I just that easily fooled by British accent?
Neither of these characters have a British accent.
Precious accent?

I am not sure I am good at describing accent.
What cup size is Pidge anyway?

Also, with the whole Netflix deal, it's impossible for a network to get it to air on TV?
>using flatchested Cho outrage spider
>complaining about a lack of tits
The first character, Ray from Archer, has an American Southern accent and he's voiced by Adam Reed.

Coran has a New Zealand accent, and he's voiced by Rhys Darby.
I want more Aruara pics
I mean I need it. I just got a thing for tanned princesses.
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Small C she hide with baggy clothes.

We can actually see she has some cup, when she is not disguised.

Either that or she went full Amazone to make her disguise convincing.
You need your brain checked.
Look up the voice actors. There is no way that you should mistake Rhys Darby for anyone.
So is this animated by the Boondocks/Avatar people or something?
>Pidge looks exactly the same
If he is his nose is certainly not accurately depicted.
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I think it'd be pretty neat if Allura was the one to Final Boss Zarkon instead of either Shiro or Keith.

I know it's unlikely, but I still think it'd be cool:

He cheats by charging up with Quintessence before fights, she's learning how to control the flow of Quintessence.

Plus, seeing her beat up his fugly dad would give Lotor yet another reason to want her:

"You beat my father to death with your bare hands. That shit was hot!"
>for anyone who tries to whitewash Lance.

How could you even begin to do that? He's as he's caramel as he is delicious.
I guess you can read him as whitish because he has brown hair and blue eyes (and traditionally a super white surname), but obviously something vaguely ethnic is happening there.
I need more Allura pics... for science of course.
the subtitles list a "Veradera beach"

It's more likely with his mixed family and fluent american accent its probably meant to be somewhere in California
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I'm sure we'll get some Funko Pops
Which one is the best one, the Master piece one, or the 30th anniversary one?
Technically not.
Dreamworks started a Dreamworks channel in Singapore that they currently air their Netflix shows on, but they only get to do that because there's no Netflix presence there.
>Small C
That is an A cup. Maybe a B cup at the most but C cup is the most common cup size for grown women and that is not how it looks.
>be a pretty good pilot, tactician, engineer, and all-around nice guy
>try to be a Paladin
>get snubbed by all of the Lions
>not even slutty Blue will look your way
>meanwhile, one of the guys the Lions did choose becomes an interstellar vampiric warlord who destroys everything you knew and loved, and goes on to subjugate half of the known universe.

Coran? More like Cuck-ran!

But seriously, that must have been a horrific feeling.
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>"You beat my father to death with your bare hands. That shit was hot!"

I can actually see this happening

Some maladjusted edgelord with a crushing fetish for tall, strong brown elf girls. He can't get them to abuse and mistreat him normally so he becomes a super-villain like his father to convince his crush to try to kill him.

He can only get off by watching Allura kill a man.
Reminder that Chibi was Pidge's nickname in Golion
Pretty much this. When I was still 15-16 people thought I was in my 20's
I watched it (though I didn't get into Voltron until around 2009 since I am currently 18) along with Dairugger XV

Didn't really like it though. I can't remember any of the characters' names except for Tearshi/Teles (in the Japanese version) and Chip (only because he was Pidge's brother) because they each had so little focus, what with there being 15 pilots and all. The conehead design and overall lack of care for the characters and plot was such a step down from the Lion Voltron incarnation.

That said I would not mind seeing Vehicle Voltron pop up in season 2, made by Galaxy Garrison or something. Same with Gladiator Voltron, being a prototype to Vehicle Voltron and all that jazz (which it was in the comics)
He had a mecha built for him in his image Golion/Voltron so I could see this happening
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>wondered why there were so many girls in here

>realize this show has the harrowing potential of becoming fujoshit central
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Isn't it a reference to this?
She is not a grown woman yet, though.
>Does Shiro or Sendak actually have psychic powers?
Hard to say. Maybe it was the ship's corrupted AI taking over the memory-reading device and somehow broadcasting to Shiro to mess with him.

>Also even if he ejected Sendak prematurely don't they still have access to a portion of his memories that they can look through?
Yes. That's how they found out about the Universal Hub/Station that they infiltrated - the one where Allura got captured.
i knew it! fucking evangelion references man.
There is 1.
only 1
fucking 1
Pidge/Lance fanfic and like 2 pictures.

holy shit holy fucking shit why does everyone hates them.

Why is it there more Keith/Pidge what the fuck

what the fuck
I support Lance x Pidge, but only if it's Lance x MTF!Pidge.
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I like LanceXPidge if it's before Lance finds out Pidge is a girl.
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It doesn't matter since Shiro/Pidge is hundred times better.
It's a Rick and Morty reference
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I'd like to think this was an intentional reference.
The joke is OP asked when Season 2 is.
Just give me 1-2 more days and you'll have a fic. Hopefully one next week as well.
>Lance becomes a Tachikoma
Why do people always want to make Pidge trans?

Why not genderfluid Pidge? Hijra Pidge? Mukhanathun Pidge? Two-spirit Pidge?
Wait, I thought he was transformed?
It's hard to find a Xenoblade track that'd fit as an opening theme
Or just taped them.
It's painful and limit your respiration, though. Wouldn't be advised for becoming a Space cadet.

The real question is, how did she pass the medical check.

She used her 1337 hacker skills to put down that she already had her medical check in the computer's records.
Hacking it so she was "always there" and bypassed most of the major checks.
>Medical check
>Wait a minute it says on your form that you're a man but you clearly have a vag-

And that was the first and last time anyone brought up her gender at the academy.
She is a B at most. Not even a question.
Can the Paladins vid call one another in their Lions?

I know they can vid call the Castle, but I can't remember them vid calling each other.
They talk through split screens
B or Riot
Flat is Justice
Hunk implied that it's just audio feeds though when he asked if everyone else was nodding.
does anybody want something drawn. fair warning that i only care about dick
Lance/Pidge cuteness.
man i knew you were coming but you were quick about it
Instead of a mini-gun, Hunk's Bayard gave him a Shield.

He's elated at first, until he finds out that the Paladin suits all come with holo shields all ready.

Everyone tries to awkwardly console him.
Cllaimed to be a transman to infiltrate men's spaces.
The conservatives tried to warn us.
Still my favorite line by far.
>Hunk modifies the com systems so they can see eachother in anime-style split screen
There's a guy on Neogaf that works on subtitles for it, says he already did 4 new episodes and there's been no real break between subbing s1 and 2.

Coran dusting off the Paladin armor cases, but he pauses when the light makes his reflection look like he's wearing one of the suits.

"Ah well. I would've looked awful in these get-ups anyway."
Shiro's Bayard unlocks Voltron's Blazing Sword!

Keith silently sulks about how his Bayard sword is cooler.
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Lance surprising Hunk as he's practice-kissing a huge boulder, kinda like gif related.
'Blade is pretty hype but a lot of its music is very video gamey and not suited to shows like the previous Takahashi games.
Young Matt having a schoolboy crush on teen Shiro.
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post more pidge
Interesting. Wonder why they don't do a compromise where they release batches of 4 episodes every month or so. with a three month break.
can he tell us if Shiro dies
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more bear Hunk
What Twitters do I have to follow to get good Asian Voltron art?

It was very popular in Mexico back in the day. It was kinda confusing for kids back then because most of the toys were for Lion Force Voltron and that series for some reason wasn't aired here.
have you ever considered that she binds her chest? She was trying to pass as a boy and having only showed her . . .hand so to speak in the last few episodes either never got the chance to losen up or at this point has spent enough time bound that it's simply habit to do so, or she still doesn't 100% trust the guys yet. Or hell maybe she's a late bloomer. When I got together with my last girlfriend she was showing me old school pics of when she was in high school, around 17. Frizzy hair, braces, flat as a board. Could not believe it was the same Titty monster I was talking too. She used to joke that the boob fairy forgot her house for a few years and as penance took up residence.
Long story short there are any number of reasons that Pidge is not Tits McGee and honestly there are much more interesting things to focus on in this show then her lack of tits.
this is not asian
but some koreans post fanart

>not Asian

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My face when he finds out she's not talking about head but instead referencing him finding out how bad she fuck up his console.
i was talking about that specific drawing, misha
I don't know how to feel about the fact that Shiro is technically just barely legal, possibly not at all.
He is totally above 18.
>Officer: Cadet, the academy has reason to believe that you have been operating under false pretenses regarding your biological gender identi-
>Pidge: I identify my gender as male, sir. And I will not have this institution suggest otherwise. It's the year 2XXX, after all.
I'm certain that's how it will go down once society falls to the whims of the LGBT community in the near future.
>not lusting after his forbidden fruits
This was stupid pasta then and is stupid pasta now.
Am I supposed to see a problem with this? Transpeople have been in the service for all kinds of forever.
Checked on /co/ archives, this post has only been posted twice. It can't literally be a copypasta when it was posted the first time. Stop using words you clearly don't understand, summer /co/.
I bet you Hunk's tasted those fruits multiple times.
Wait, you actually believe that? you are not serious when you make those jokes posts, right?
>nobody wants to draw cute bara loving
Links to them? They're clearly there considering Josh Keaton talks about stuff on the Twitters.
Its cancelled for being a mega shit show even worse than the original GoLion.

Dal with it.
okay, I'll dal.

Ironically that retarded azn nerd is a lot more arousing than Allura.
>"The future is scary! If we can't discriminate against trans boys, who CAN we discriminate against?"
Hunk is the only one big enough to satisfy Shiro anymore. He's been ruined permanently by his time with the Galra.

wait they did Doraemon's dub edits?

>when Keith drops the soup
Thanks for the global rule violation, shitposter-kun.
Yeah, Hunk's gotta be pissed at him for wasting perfectly good food like that.
So... in this reboot, Keith will die or become some kind of Lotor , isn't?
He's currently more disposable than the rest of the cast in terms of specialization but he's not going to die. They've hinted at too much going on for him to just be disposable like that.
Fuck I hope not

Walking in station!Lance would be a harem hell
No one is going to die. This isn't your traditional anime when the mentor dies, this isn't your traditional sentai where red is the leader, this isn't your traditional Voltron where Pidge is a guy. No one is going to die, at best a possible betrayal or mind-control.
..futa Allura?
They might kill off one of the pilots towards the end once you've grown attached to them for maximum rage against Zarkon.
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Pure breeding material.
Did the Mods really contact you for rule violation? They usually ignore your kinds of comments. Only saw them delete CP or unhidden porn images.
Would you rather breed him or be bred by him?
So the last Voltron I saw was the CGI one a few years back.

Is this show better than that one, and why was there such a buzz about some alien girl in fan blogs a week ago or so?
Yes it's better, but the bar is set so low by the previous Voltron sequels that it's not exactly hard to be.
I doubt it. Severely injured, out of comission. But I doubt killed off. No one died in the original, or the remakes, no one died in Korra or Avatar.
That isn't what that comment means.

No, it's Voltron made by the same guys that did Korra. Bryke will add a lot of shitty idiotic sjw messages.
You are... very mistaken on all counts.
Bryke aren't even in this show

Well, it's not like Korra was any good. If that anon didn't saw it then that's something good for him. Korra was fucking terrible.

You can't fool me. You can clean the shit out of your ass, but it's still an ass.
They're literally not working on it. They're doing some other projects. The showrunners are those guys from Justice League Unlimited.
There were still characters that died in the original Avatar as well as Voltron. That's why Allura was even a pilot in the original.
Most of them were nameless mooks or villains. Hero deaths were Jet or they sanitized stuff and had them die offscreen like Kya.
At the same time it's Netflix and they're probably less afraid to do that kind of stuff compared to TV which has some really labrynthine rules about stuff.
So are all of Zarkon's summoned weapons based on things his other fellow Paladins? Or is it just all him?
I assumed it was just all him, but it makes sense that it was based off the other paladins as well.
He was able to summon a generic Galran sword with it plus a smaller version of that weapon the first Robeast had so it's probably all him. Wonder if he has Galran scientists reverse engineer their weapons from the bayard, or if he just picked it up from them and learned to apply it to his own weapon.
>You better get ready, cause some fan at some convention will ask you to say Shiro lines in the Sven accent.
He doesn't have any good lines though. I like the show but it's not exactly quotable.
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