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/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 516
Thread images: 222

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"R&R at 79's" Edition

>Upcoming Releases:

>Out This Week:
Poe Dameron #3
Darth Vader #21
Droids and Ewoks (Graphic Novel)

>Star Wars Canon Guide:

>Download links: (Check here for new Rebels Episodes + Books, Comics, Films, etc)

>The Clone Wars Legacy Content:
You guys wanna buy some death sticks?
Those proto-Imp uniforms on those clones are cool.
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Daily reminder this is bet waifu
Watching Star Wars on death sticks is great. Especially all the force stuff. One of these days I'm gonna watch the Mortis arc on them and probably end up typing 20 paragraphs of force philosophy.
Who exactly would run a Clone bar? The Republic?
Or someone who saw a buck catering to a niche market.
>open a bar during the clone wars
>call it a "clone bar"
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...orange buttcheeks
I stand corrected.
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Captive Twi'leks.jpg
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Reminder that slavery helps stimulate the galactic economy and should not be banned.
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>who is kyle katarn
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>tree spoilers are real
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How much does it cost to buy a qt twi'lek anyway?
Is there supplementary information in guidebooks or something that says Kylo Ren is the leader f the KoR? I know Snoke calls him 'master of the KoR' but how do we know that's not just a rank within the organization like 'Jedi Master' or 'Sith Lord'?
Well yeah.
Probably around 5 thousand creds. They're flooding the market.
for blues sure
color differences define the cost mang
Alderaan looks like it would've been comfy to live on
I love Star Wars.
get the fuck out
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Its concept art was even more comfy
Naboo should have been Alderaan
Get out

Damn that's pretty beautiful.

I love this shot.

I don't know why.
It's a great shot. I like it too.
And the comics are still not updated
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Currently checking out Black Mass & 10 Cloverfield Lane in the stream if anyone wants to sit in for a while.
So what Comics are out this week
Reminder that Anakin and Padme's happy little family will never be a thing.
But they were so happy..... :(
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>Daily reminder this is bet waifu
>bet waifu
Does that mean you'd gamble her for a better waifu?
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I want to squeeze her butt.webm
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Daily reminder that this is best jedi-slayerfu

At first the small thumbnail looked like Pride Rock, wtf my eyes and brain?!
They couldn't beat a guy who was barely a padawan and his even less trained student. Ahsoka wiped the floor with them and maul choked her as if she wasn't even a force wielder. Sorry anon she might be cute but she needed more time and training shame she got filloni'd
Why is the Star Wars subreddit such shit /co/?
Every time you post about it, this general gets a little shittier.
Because half of them like the prequels half don't. half loved the Eu, half didn't care for it. Half like canon, half don't. Half only want to meme, other want to discuss

It's a cesspool.
To be fair Kanan and Ezra were mostly running away from them or losing. And losing to Ahsoka or Maul is not exactly unexpected.

After her introduction video I expected her to play a bigger role than just a one season antagonist jobber. Shame Filoni disposed of her and SMG.
Yeah I think they made them less effective to show how much more terrifying an actual sith Lord like vader is compared to a mook with a lightsaber and basic force training. Although I admit her holding back the phantom for a while was pretty badass but it went downhill from there
Filoni put himself into a corner. Was literally impossible to have the new characters stand up against heavyweights like Vader, Maul and Ahsoka.

So the new villains looked pathetic by comparison. They had to go. And Ahsoka too, in however the fuck way she left the show.

I don't think it was his intention at all for things to go the way they did. Ditto with Kallus. Makes me curious to see how he handles Season 3, coming off the Vader/Ahsoka fight. I don't think he can really top that one, unless Maul Vs Vader.
i would think from context that they would have added 'a' if they just wanted him to be one of many
Yeah, hiding the daughter on her mother's home planet would have worked.
Well hiding the son in his fathers home planet worked
they took his sand-phobia into account there
Plus the fact that it was a few parsecs past Buttfuck Nowhere.
Yeah, well he did have a LOT of bad memories from that planet and hated the hutts to that's reasonable enough.
I hope we get to see Alderaan in Rogue One.
Would add a bunch of weight to it's destruction in ANH.
Naboo isn't that far since you can reach it with a faulty hyperdrive.
Naboo is on the Outer Rim, despite being a Core World in all but location.
Naboo is in the Mid Rim, not the Outer Rim.

Anyway it's the Emperor homeworld, so it may not be safe to sent a Skywalker baby there.
Nope. Read Tarkin. It's an Outer Rim world now.
Post a source: pic or screenshot of the relevant text.
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But the map put it on the Mid Rim.
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Tarkin says it himself, the Emperor was flaterring him. Sheev exagerate a bit to make a point.
Do they new canon books touch on how is Lukes Jedi order (before the edgelords school shooting) was received by the new republic? Why didnt Luke try to re-open the Jedi temple on Coruscant? Surely Obi wan had left some references to it in his journal/holocrons.
The Jedi Temple became Palpatine's Imperial Palace. We don't know if Luke use it afterward, but considering his group could be rather small and itinerant, I think he didn't. After all the Temple used to housed ten thousand Jedi, and maybe some other personnel before its fall, so it's simply too big for Luke and whatever adept he had.
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Why is she so smug?
She sucked Anakin's dick.
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You know why.
Did the first episode of the new Lego Star Wars series air?
tfa is the best Star Wars movie
prove me wrong swco
Is it bad? No.
Is it the best SW movie? No.
Is it original? No.
Did I enjoyed the movie? Yes.
Do OP want them (You)'s? Maybe.
Best Jedi Master.
I want this thread to not be ded
Its not a bad movie, but it is dissapointing in that it could be so much more than it was. A bit of originality wouldnt hurt, but JJ played it way to safe
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quads confirm

post maymays
>post maymays
I'm on it
And it will only be the tastiest memes
Oh boy.
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Time to bump this thread with some tasty totally non-outdated memes
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Please stop hurting us
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Mcfucking stop
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I promised only the tastiest of memes
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A dead thread is vastly superior to this vile defiling.
Leave and let us mourn our dead waifus in peace
Nice quads.

I keep forgetting I got him in Galaxy of Heroes. Pity that he's pretty unusable until you get him out of 2-star territory
Reminder that all of Star Wars takes place in the past, so every character is dead.
True, but the lives of many of the ones we loved and cared for were unceremoniously cut short and never had a chance to live out their lives in peace.
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I miss her so much.

I can feel Filoni feasting on my despair.
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Those maymays are shit. SHIT!
>le disney buys le star wars
So, has Disney been an ok company in its regards to the Star Wars franchise?
Better than Lucas so far
This is what happens to Generals that have no conversation after their series is ended for the season or has ended altogether. It gets filled with memers, tripfags and is reduced to shitposts because most people move to other places to talk about other things.

That's what happens when you have nothing to talk about.
I'm ok with the memes, but those are cringeworthy.
This general will be revived for a while during Star Wars Celebration in 26 days
It should be banned until then, desu
You should be banned. My dad works for John 4Chan, he will ban you.
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Hey there gorgeous
Not banned per say, but maybe we shouldn't have one right after another all the time. Like every Tuesday or twice a week.
>Like every Tuesday
Wednesday would work cause that's when the comics are released. But in all fairness, /co/ star wars generals have been here for years with several threads per week
how does that work? He goes super slow?
What is the best Clone Wars arc?

My vote goes to Mortis.
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Late response, but its because Reddit is a website that encourages lack of discussion with their upvote system. The system makes it so only popular opinions and personal projects get attention. Thats why the front page of the star wars subreddit is all "LOOK AT THIS COOL SHIRT I MADE!" or "MY WIFE AND I DECIDED TO GET THESE MATCHING STAR WARS RINGS!"

Compare that to 4chan which has a format that encourages nothing BUT discussion. Everybody is on equal playing field no matter what you are posting about, and no opinion is more important than another
He's kindof crap period, to be honest. Counters and dubs don't proc enough, his stats aren't great, his special doesn't seem to do much and tenacity boosts don't seem all that special.
Shame, he's a fun guy.
Not him, but I unlocked Echo recently. Is he worth using?
Kind of resembles Chandrila in Rogue Squadron
Clone biochip arc
I have no idea. The only clones I have are the one you get from the beginning with the minigun and Fives.
Though Fives is alright, he's prolly the best of the lightside assist special users.
I think Echo might be good for removing debuffs, though.
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Mortis and Umbara arc.
>Reddit is a website that encourages lack of discussion with their upvote system.
This. Reddit was always cancer.
>Have a "wrong" opinion
>Downvoted to eternity
The Meebur Gasgon show
Not that different here.
"Wrong" opinion
Get no (You)s

(You)s are just another form of upvotes
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Upvotes doesn't exist here in any form. Have a frog.
The more replies a comment has, the more it gets replied to.
It's a positive feedback method.

(You)s are upvotes.
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But that's wrong you fucking idiot
Let's stop the cancerous posting and read Lando
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Of course some replies will be ignored.
But that happens if no one's interested in what you're saying. But that post is still there if someone eventually would be interested in said post.
On Reddit shit just gets downvoted and hidden at the bottom of the thread.
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>Lobot with human emotions
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Keep reading
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Oh buddy, keep on readin' this series.
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There's my gay panther bros.
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I'm just gonna steal the Emperor's personal shuttle, what could possibly go wrong?
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>A sapce crusier
>I\ll steal it
>No one will ever know
Guys, new LEGO Star Wars show was just aired, right? Any rips? Links? Mega?
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Wow, this pian medication I'm on is somehting else.
I wonder how many imps died in this show of punishment?
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I love that design
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They fucking hit each other, two Star Destroyers that are in the vastness of space, and they fucking knock into each other like they're on a one way street.

What the hell? Don't they even have crash avoidance systems or some shit?
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It debuted an hour and a half ago in the pit that is the west coast.
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That's all
>You might not believe or understand what the Sith were capable of, but I know enough to be terrified.

I love how the Sith are all mysterious again and said in history to have been supremely powerful. I wonder how much of a departure we'll be getting from the EU portrayal

>Not to mention that I have become supremely unsettled to know that our exalted Emperor Palpatine is a devoted collector of Sith memorabilia.

Oh Korin, how little you actually know
Oh, it is comfy as fuck! I love living here on Aldera-
What a twist
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Soule is a gift to SW.
Had the best fucking explosion ever shown in Star Wars which automatically makes it the best arc.
What does /swco/ think of Boba Fett?
I'm glad he's such a joke in the new Canon
I hope he appears in Rebels.
I think this might still be my favorite comic of all time.

>Battlefront didn't include Lobot as a buddy-spawn for Lando, like they did with Sheev and his Guards.
Will they EVER get anything right?

He has hundreds, if not thousands of identical brothers that achieved more/are cooler than him. I'm glad that Lucasfilm is treating him as the "reckless baddass-looking dude that fucks up in the goofiest way possible" guy, like he was originally intended. EU treating him as Mando-God was dumb after you saw how bad he fucks up in RotJ.
Why aren't S1 & S2 REBELS having Lossless audio on their Blu-rays? Did The Clone Wars have Lossless audio?

Pretty much what >>83931923 said.

He fails to live up to his name and genetic potential in spite of being the one clone who had the most face-time with Fett.

Assuming he has one, Jango must be rolling in his grave.
Pretty cool. I hope he's a legendary bounty hunter instead of being Mandalore like he was in the EU. I don't want him to be a joke either because unlike the contrarians in this thread I can remove the fan base from my judgement of a character and I don't think good storytelling should be thrown away just to spite nerds.
Before canon wipe, overrated
After canon wipe, overrated
I just hope they do something more interesting with him in NuCanon instead of having him be gary stu literal perfect bounty hunter
>having him be gary stu literal perfect bounty hunter

You don't have to worry about that, anon. Everything out since as more or less been making him out to be the exact opposite.
Newfags forget about visble sages which were used as downvotes.
Do you... not remember ESB at all?
Any rips of LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures?
don't they have lossless audio

how can you even tell
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can attest, have him at 7 stars and he's very meh. Secura, on the other hand, might be the best solo character in the game maxed out (lot of health, solid counter, reliable stun w/ a crit up leader, health regen, and high tenacity).
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The new Battlefront weapons seem to be /co/ inspired.

Pic related, Sana's gun from the comics is free DLC, as is Lando's Blaster from Rebels.


Thought that was neat.
>Ahsoka, Barriss, Secura, and Luminara are all extremely solid characters even at low tiers
>Most of the male jedi are garbage no matter how hard you try
great job
Ahsoka is pretty middling, QGJ and Kenobi outrank her

But yeah, Fisto is bad and Anakin only gets good at the highest tier. Mace i'd say is about equal to her

>The Lost Treasure of Cloud City
>set after ESB
Who's ready for the Skywalker lightsaber to be found in this stupid LEGO show? Maz is already showing up in the show, too.
Few episodes of Freemaker Adventures are up on Disney app - can someone rip them?
So that thing is gonna have a piece of the Kyber Saber?

Thank god this is non-canon.
Kenobi doesn't seem that good. Jinn's pretty naisu at higher levels. I've only heard good about Ahsoka though. Shrug.
It's out?
Yes pls
>Thank god this is non-canon.
You sure about that?
Kenobi's leader ability is great bullshit because dodge seems to be fucked in the game right now and a +15% evasion makes people unhittable. Also his mind trick can neuter a team.
Imagine the fallout if it turned out that the reason the wielders of the Skywalker Saber were so powerful was because of the saber itself instead of them. It could have the potential for being the most bullshit thing since midichlorians.
Luke was stronger in the time that he didn't have the lightsaber, though
Lingering latent energy absorbed from being in the presence of the Kyber Saber fragment
I knew about the mind trick but I've always just had shit luck with him. Hopefully by the time I grind him up evasion will still be as fucky.
I would love if Hell was some planet that was the location of some horrible battle in the ancient Sith war. Imagine an entire planet of Sith lords where they torture Jedi and Republic soldiers for information like Mordor and eventually there was a huge battle where millions died and the entire planet's plants and wildlife were destroyed so it's just a big black dirt planet covered in skeletons and torture devices. And it eventually became similar to irl Hell where Jedi would warn padawans that the dark side will lead them to Hell or the atrocities committed on Hell and eventually the saying 'See you in Hell' etc got into common usage by even non Jedi.
It's as Canon as Lego TFA where the general events are Canon but the stupid jokes aren't Canon.
Lego TFA is canon, but it's a "paraphrasing" of canon, in the words of its producers.
Analogous events occurred in the canon, but minus a lot of the gags and not exactly as depicted.
Not that guy, but it looks like I'm going to have to watch this, then.
Is there a rip of it up?
We need a HERO for Lego Star Wars The Freemaker Adventures :(
>hoop earrings

Sheev finds this acceptable or does she only wear them when she's fucking Lando?
That's her secret
she's always fucking Lando
>Probably the really small beginnings of this idea, the germination of this — when I was working at Lucas, I was allowed to go up to the ranch and read the scripts for the [canceled live-action Star Wars] TV show. It was the most mind-blowing thing I’d ever experienced. I cared about the Emperor. They made the Emperor a sympathetic figure who was wronged by this fucking heartless woman. She’s this hardcore gangster, and she just totally destroyed him as a person. I almost cried while reading this. This is the Emperor, the lightning out of the fingers Emperor. That’s something magical. The writers who worked on that, guys from The Shield and 24, these were excellent writers

That cancelled live-action Star Wars show that Lucas wanted so badly was going to humanize Sheev a bit apparently.
>Sheev fucked up by a woman
I'm glad it's not going to see the light of day
>most bullshit thing since midichlorians

Was it really that serious?
What if the woman was canon Darth Plagueis
I'm not sure I want Sheev to be a sympathetic villain. Vader, fine, it worked, I guess. But Sheev is my favorite because he just loves being evil. I hope this idea stays in the trash, or if it was really that good, have it reallocated to a different character.
It wasn't. It's barely even important, but people love to rage on it
Moffs have a long tradition of wearing earrings. Honestly I'm just disappointed she didn't go with the classic DL-44 drop earrings.
I'm hoping the guy was either misreading that script or wasn't describing it properly. Maybe instead of it being a case of Sheev becoming an object of sympathy, it's more a case of someone finally out-Sheeving him at something and he doesn't take it well.

Either way, I imagine this gangster woman's days were numbered.
Good thing that didn't happen.
Sheev is at his best when he's doing evil shit for laughs.
They've already said they're looking at developing the scripts into something.
Doesn't mean everything in them will have to make it to canon if it does turn into something someday
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Is it possible for me to contribute to the download links at the top of this page? Like adding missing legends comics?
I'd take the whole "Chosen One is the Avatar now" stuff over the whole "Anakin was never the chosen one but Rey is" crap that's going around now.
Poe grew up with that tree's twin on Yavin IV
That shits old though

As would I. Though the chosen one reincarnating really doesn't make much sense unless Anakin chose to do it. Though why bother? It couldn't have been insurance if Luke's attempts to rebuild the Jedi Order fail cause Anakin's living proof of what a physical incarnate of the force can do if they were influenced by the wrong people.

I don't understand this.... this goes directly against the concept of the midichlorians...

how did some random fuck spread that shit all around the galaxy?
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I find the set that was built behind the tree a lot more interesting
>this goes directly against the concept of the midichlorians...

That's probably JJ's intention.
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Can confirm, JJ hates the prequels with every bone in his body
JJ was only involved with TFA.

so how the fuck will pablo deal with this going forward?
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I don't think it's the Jedi Temple. Well, at least not the one on Coruscant. Everyone behind the new movies is too Anti-PT to ever touch on that glorious planet ever again.
He's still producing though right?
I bet he couldn't keep his fingers away.
Rian Johnson likes the PT though
>Everyone behind the new movies is too Anti-PT
Not based Rian
But yeah, it's probably not the one on Coruscant, but could very well be a temple someplace else!
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>JJ was only involved with TFA.

He produced the groundwork for the entire ST. Literally every major event that Lucas wrote that was going to happen in the new trilogy was changed by JJ. He may not be working on it anymore, but he's pretty much had a hand in the next two movies.
How does this go against the minichlorians? We don't know ANYTHING about the tree besides rumors of it being the one from the Poe comic.
>anakin was a fake messiah



that doesn't make any sense.
This and the spoilers seems to mean several things shown in the clone wars isn't canon. I've always figured movie canon is the most important one and comics and shows will always follow the movies but not the other way around.
>stormtrooper larry
This shit was confirmed fake by Pabby
Rey is not going to be the new chosen one and all of that crap
>implying he would confirm it
Would he even address if it was true?
No because in Episode III Sheev refers to Darth Plageuis as "he".
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Have you completed your workout /swco/?
I'm gonna in a few hours.
Are we assuming genders now? shitlord.
i ran to the fridge and came back with food. Does that count as workout?
Pablo isn't Abrams. He's had a pretty consistent track record when it comes to confirming/denying rumors.

Going by his usual interactions, if it was real he would neither confirm nor deny, and probably wouldn't even acknowledge it.
Good lad.

Depends, did you at least do some pushups?
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>did you at least do some pushups?
Nice try, doc. I'm not removing the cholesterol from my arteries because I want to fucking die.
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I'm mirin' bro
Somehow, in spite of the obscene heat. And the day isn't quite done yet.
Yeah, it gets really hot in here too, which is why I always do it at 5 PM when the sun is near the horizon and isn't too hot.
why are mirlialans, pantorans, zabrak, etc, called near-humans but humans aren't called near-mirlialans, near-pantorans, near-zabraks, near-etc.

seems unintentionally oppressive
>tfw if Lucas was still head of Star Wars/Lucasfilm he'd probably start considering doing a live-action Star Wars show now after what last night's episode of Game of Thrones was able to do with just a battle episode
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Because humanity has a fuck ton of influence in the galaxy thanks to the mostly human Core.

Because we, the audience, are humans and not Pantorans, Dathomiri, Mrialans, Deveronians, Twi-leks, Theelins, Torgutas, Zabraks, ect.
>Humans are a munnoid species that are said to have originated on the planet Coruscant
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>He browses on Munn-centric forums in the Holonet
Please fuck off /tv/.
I have no problem if this is something like Dagobah where the force is that strong that Jedi or whatever were able to communicate with the likes of Yoda. Sort of like the same thing with the temple on Lothal. But if it isn't like that then we're screwed.
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>said to have originated on the planet Coruscant

Not anymore.
Whether or not they originated there, the SW Uprising game (which is canon) liststhe homeworld for Humans as Coruscant.
Still Canon.
>implying Muuns don't control the media
Yep, SW humans are descended from a colony of time-traveling 25th century people from Earf

Oh... okay. I stand corrected.

I apologize. I don't into video games, so I hope you'll forgive me.
If it makes you feel better, there are near-duros. Neimodians are near-duros.
>The Freemaker Adventures
I just watched this.
>it's another /ss/ story
This is someone's fetish right?
>>The Freemaker Adventures
>I just watched this.
On television? Or has it finally dropped online?
Yeah on Disney XD.
Which probably means both.
It had nice Clone Wars references.
>Yeah on Disney XD.
*glares at the entire internet*
Nice, hoping we get a schedule going to watch it on stream.
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No but seriously. Is it good? Entertaining? Fun?
I enjoyed it.
Naare a cute.

The next episode is tomorrow so hopefully we can get it on stream.
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Heh, just remembered that his relationship with Aayla is no longer canon. How does that happen between Jedi masters anyway?
Haven't been following leaks. What is this?

Some dead tree supposedly strong with the force. A conduit of the force along the lines of like Mortis or Dagobah.
Wasn't there a force tree in the Shattered Empire comic?

I don't know. Haven't read it yet.
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This question is more /toy/ related, but does anyone here have a Star Wars action figure collection?
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Not really. I do have the TFU Rancor on my shelf though(lost the felucian and the straps/saddle thing)
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Yes, and some X-Wing models too.

Always wanted this dude, but the price man.
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>Its a Jarjar beats the bad guys despite his down syndrome" episode
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>It's an Aurra Sing has slept with half the galaxy episode
>It's an anon projects real life problems on a fictional character/universe it may not exist in episode

Nute Gunray, despite being good at making money, is awful at tactics and evading capture.

General Grievous was screwed because he fought an enemy that specialized in EMP weaponry.
Update on Ultimate Star Wars. I had some family problem and now I'm on vacation for another two weeks. I went ahead and ordered Ultimate Star Wars to my Aunt's house and it should be here in 2 days. I won't be able to scan it until I get home but I'll take some phone pictures for now and upload them to Google Drive or something when I get it.
I have Poe, Finn, and Kylo Ren from the black series.
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Bought a black series Kylo last September on a whim and since then things have escalated dramatically. I also have a Jango sitting around in its box from a case that I ordered that I'm not sure what I want to do with.

Bought about $130 dollars worth back when AOTC was out. Payed attention to Hasbro's website regularly because they were listing when certain waves of figures would be on shelves, so I was always ready to get what I wanted on time. Still have them, but they're in storage.
Holy shit im jelly

Nice army there, anon.


2002-2004 was a good introduction for any Star Wars figure collector. Personally, 2007-2013. was a prime time for Star Wars action figures.
Not so much a collection, but I got an old Vader figure, and RotS figures of Sheev, Yoda, and Shaak Ti.

The only Black Series one I have is Kylo, but I'm always on the lookout for some troopers.
And suddenly, I'm reminded of how I used to be into building model kits back when I was a kid. One of the first serious models I did was an OT era Star Destroyer.
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>2002-2004 was a good introduction for any Star Wars figure collector.

Well, I kinda haven't bought any since. And at this point in my life, if I want to buy any action figures, I'll only get 1/6 scale. Some of the ones I bought back then were 1/6 scale, and they might have been the start of why I have this preference.

If I remember correctly, I got Hasbro's 1/6 scale Jango Fett, Count Dooku, phase 1 Clone Trooper and, I think, Dengar.

Pic related
Ok so maybe I won't be getting Ultimate Star Wars. Amazon is being really shitty. I ordered it earlier but now it isn't showing anything for it and no money has been taken out of my card or anything. I have no idea what's happening.
We can all agree that the prequel soundtrack was based as fuck and that William blew expectations the fuck out?
AOTC's was a bit weak (though Across the Stars is really good), but ROTS and TPM were both really great soundtracks.
RotS soundtrack was so good.
Especially the opening and ending tracks.
It took me a while to get into the RotS soundtrack, especially 'Battle of the Heroes'

Ended up taking to 'Grievous and the Droids' almost immediately, though. Probably what makes doing PVP in Galaxy of Heroes more berable is them using that track as one of the background melodies in that mode.
Yep. My absolute favorite Star Wars music from the films has to be The Immolation Scene


Great music
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>he thinks he's going to be rescued
Oh that poor dear
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Worse comes to worse, he can always make a living space out of his downed walker. All the cool kids do it.
huh, I didn't know the assault rifles from Halo were also used by the empire
>troop transport
i only see him....
>Nute Gunray, despite being good at making money, is awful at tactics and evading capture.
It's the Trade Federation, anon, not the Tactical Federation. They're just corrupt crook.
They're dead, buddy.
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>7S will never be redeemed
>Ezra and 7S will never be proud parents of a cute Mirialan-Human halfbreed.
>They will never be a cute dysfunctional couple that manages to stay together dispite all their issues
>Hera will never be a loving grandmother to the child and scold SS and Ezra for being so careless

So disappointing.
Is George still mad about Marcia
I'm not too fussed about the spoilers. Remember when TFA was going to end with two castles throwing superweapons at each other?
they can all interbreed with humans

but they can't interbreed with each other
Again, you mean. The budget just wasn't there in 2010.

In any case I doubt the tech is there yet. Game of Thrones is cheap because you can make the proprs irl. Star Wars is more expensive.
Quit being a faggot.
I own a Bandai 1/72 X-Wing. Nicely detailed too.
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The tech is there for realistic dragons, why not spaceships?
The Empire DOES allocate a few credits to rescuing troopers.

Better make sure it's within the time table though!
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Only Lego stuff right now.
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Covers for September 2016's Star Wars comics:

Star Wars #23
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Poe Dameron #6
Because half of each episode would be greenscreen or set on the Vancouver planet. GoT is essentially a period piece with the occasional CGI. Star Wars would have to be a CGI piece with the occasional irl prop.
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Han Solo #4
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The Force Awakens Adaptation #4
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Not really, they'd just need to build sets like Game of Thrones does for some places. The budget for this season's Game of Thrones was $100 million.
You might have mixed those two up.
Sorry but in several hours they will be officially revealed
wanted to add that Game of Thrones uses a lot of CGI, even if usually it saves up budget for the 9th episode each season.
Your taste is shit. It's music to out ears.

wew lad
Thanks a lot.
Yes, but there haven't been many additions to it lately.
No job, no money so no figures ;-;
The Freemaker Adventures stream when?

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Happy Birthday, son. I know how much you love Star Wars.
It's a custom, not a mass-produced thing
>T-thanks d-dad, just what I wanted when I wished for Star Wars figures
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Thanks anon!
>scrappers without a horse in the GCW race
>Sheev dunking on Vader
>Actual Uglies
five minutes in and it's already better than rebels, wow
Here's a custom Star Wars figure, son.
That just makes it worse for a Birthday gift.
>Dooku always had a Plan B."
>corki or whatever using the "I PAY MUH TAXES" argument for stealing Imp shit
>the tie pilot and rebel slapfighting the entire episode
It's the little things.
It's refreshing to see law abiding citizens for once, instead of "muh rebels".
Them not actually giving a shit about the war is indeed refreshing, though this Jedi shit's probably gonna get really old really fast.
Being honest, it took me a while to get used to much of the music in the Prequels. Listening to them in full didn'the really appeal to me much, and I could only ever really take it in bits and pieces. Star wars Galaxies helped in that regard. Was only interested in the action cues. But as I've gotten older, I've come to gradually take a greater appreciation in the leitmotifs and ambient cues. Especially those used for certain planet's, like Cor us can't in Episode I. Also Qui-Gon's theme is an underrated joy. Love hearing it whenever he'said invoked in TCW.
>Cor us can't
what did he mean by this?
Working on it
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>" The "life debt" of the title refers to Han Solo and Chewbacca, the main focus of the book. Han is helping Chewie liberate the Wookiee homeworld ofKashyyyk when he goes missing;Norra Wexley, a Rebel Pilot we first met inAftermath, is dispatched by Leia to find him."
Wait a minute. Isn't that the plot to the first book but instead of Han it was Wedge?
Didn't know Wedge has a Wookie sidekick.
Is this gonna go up on stream with episode 2 today?
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>The windows are many, and the sunlight streaming in is bold and bright.
What the actual fuck. Third sentence in and it's already an incomprehensible mess.
Wait, does Chewie have a lifedept to Han?
Typing on my phone, so autocorrections are being made faster and more often than I can catch before hitting post
No, he's referring to Wedge having to be rescued by Wendig's OCs in the first book after his reconnaissance mission goes belly up.

Wendig seems to be doing the same fucking thing here, but with Han and Chewie needing rescue now.
There's a lot of sunlight coming from the windows.

Not an incomprehensible mess. Just trying a bit too hard to stylish.
Has anyone here played any of the Bespin DLC yet for Battlefront? Sabotage is fucking rigged against the Rebels and Dengar is OP. Besides that it's kinda fun
Wendig is secretly squirrelking.

>The contrysides were nice and the plants were singing and the birds and the sun was almost down from the top of the sky. the mood was set for John Freemans quest to help his brother where he was.
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I'll never understand why anybody would use body workouts, it's extremely ineffective compared to using weights. I did it for six months and I became stronger but I didn't look that different. But on the other hand if I use weights I see and feel difference immediately.
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>it's another /ss/ story
So to the anons who watched this, what did you guys think about Naare? I'm surprised she isn't an inquisitor, but she might have received similar training to them. I guess after all the inquisitors are gone Sheev decided to only have a couple of force-users to use as agents, I guess?
Also I believe Freemakers isn't actually canon, though it is inline with it. Could be wrong.
Whether or not that means it's wholesale bullshit unrelated to the 'real' plotlines ever or if it's a "broad strokes are accurate, details and gags aren't" deal is inconclusive.
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Just watched the first Freemaker episode. It's suprisingly entertaining.
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Why are all imperial female force users toying with young boys?
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>"Did someone say /ss/?"
Lego Sheev and Vader are always so fucking good.
Vader never cared for either Death Star, but yeah. They're funnies.
This is kindof why I still want to see detours. Vader as an oft-suffering underling and Sheev as The Pointy-Haired Boss That Also Shits Lightning is a hilarious dynamic to me.
Lego Sheev really reminds me of robot chickens version of him
I have a good feeling about this.
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Someone needs to get this maniac off the streets before he kills someone!
The way that the producers said that the series tells canon stories in a way that's like a kid playing with his toys makes me think it's the latter, so that's what I'm going to take it as for now. I wish we'd get Pablo's opinion on it tho.



Criminally underrated.
Detours is literally just Kid-Friendly Robot Chicken from the trailers. Right down to voice actors in some respects, pretty sure Sheev's voiced by Macfarlane in that.
If it's popular it'll probably get an edgy, canon comic down the line.
How canon is The Freemaker Adventures?
Does the Kyber Saber exist for example?
Not canon at all until proven otherwise
The Kyber Saber is super stupid
>Roger is Mr. Bones but not in a garbage novel
I'd read it.
Agreed. I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually get a canon cameo by the cast in a book or something, but I don't think StoryGroup would ever allow something like the Kyber Saber to become canon. It doesn't even make any sense
When I saw that guy put a rock in front of that planet/moon/whatever, I said to myself "Oh, no. They won't..."

And of course they did.

Why would you need a Death Star if a glowing stick is good enough?
>Why would you need a Death Star if a glowing stick is good enough?
Isn't the whole point of the plot that Sheev doesn't have the Kyber Saber and wants to collect it? Gotta go with other plans in the mean time until you get your hands on something else.
Also if it's so important to prevent the Emperor from getting it... Why don't they just throw the one piece they found in a black hole? Sure Naare doen't want that, obviously, and Rowan want his glowing stick, but since that Freemaker girl doesn't give too much shit about it why bother?
A big ass Kyber crystal sword that can destroy planets is stupid.

If I had to change things around I'd make the crystal inside a canon version of the Mantle of the Force or something and Sheev just wants it because it could be powerful Sith Memorabilia. Naare takes it for herself and gets Vader'd.
No and no.

When people asked Pablo, he just said to watch it anyways because it's fun.
Would buy to butcher and make Riker/10
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>Hello Greedo Q&A

Pic related was a question, heh
Just watched the new episode. Cannot unhear Master Shake
So I was thinking about this scene for some reason today and it got me thinking;


What do you guys think Ahsoka's final verdict was?

If innocent, then do you think Sheev would have attempted to lie, in front of the entire Jury and council, just to fuck Anakin up more? Would he have gotten away with that?

>HelloGreedo and his fans don't know shit about Star Wars past the movies, or even know that Maul is still alive
Who'da thunk it?
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Posted the wrong damn clip

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>What other interests do you have?
>Blade runner, Sunshine, Meme Day, Serenity, Firefly
Does he watch only trash or what?
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>If innocent, then do you think Sheev would have attempted to lie, in front of the entire Jury and council, just to fuck Anakin up more? Would he have gotten away with that?

Nah. Considering this whole thing pretty much wasn't his doing I don't think he'd push it. Though even if she was found innocent, I'm sure he'd use the whole ordeal as a means for a future plot to drive a wedge further between Anakin and the Jedi.
Only posting this link because I'm on my phone and the Mega app will only open clickable links.

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Sheev must have been incredibly giddy watching the whole fiasco unfold. Seeing the Jedi fuckup so much without him interfering (too much) playing right into the stuff he'd been feeding anakin on thier own.
>finally finished lost stars
>loved it

So Bloodline is a good follow up?
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I would imagine. Like, I'm sure he expected something like this would happen. Part of what the War was for was to turn public favor against the Jedi. It was just an immense stroke of luck that this shit got pinned on the apprentice of the man he'd be targeting for over a decade.

Truly, the force was with him during those proceedings.
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He must have been pretty confused.
>This was not my doing!
I hope the TIE-pilot and the Rebel Pilot from the first episode become a background character running gag.

Also Roger is best droid.
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but we are fighter pilots.jpg
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Best moment
Yep. My only complaint is that it has a lot of references to lost stars for a novel that has nothing to do with it, but that stops after the first two or three chapters and ends up being my third favorite canon book so far.

Lost stars
New Dawn

...Christ im a sap arent I?
Can we make sure we update the comics next thread?
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>ywn have a loyal droid companion bake you a bunch of tasty cookies.

Why is life so much suffering?
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Oh Mandalorians
I didn't like A New Dawn so much. The writing was too weird for my taste. Also, Lost Stars had an unsusal use of profanity but still my favorite book in the new canon because im a sucker for love stories. Thayne fighting Ree was more tense than Obi-wan and Anakin. Also fuck Nash. Permanent bitch nigga.
Because they still have those chipmunky voices
Unless someone snipes me, I have an updated OP post ready.

Shall I include the new Legends collection, or nah?
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>implying the B1 voice isn't one of the best droid voices.
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Please no.
I would appreciate that
Not badmouthing the B1 at all. I just had a preference to their TPM voices, that's all.
I like when he lost his shit when he realised Naare was a "Jedi".

Poor thing must have lost a lot of friends to those monsters and got PTSD.
Wasent that the OOM series or something tho? I thought the B1 was the AotC droids and onward that didnt need a central intelligence to operate.
Pssst, swo-co, I need to ask you guys a quick question. You are the second most picky star wars fans that I can trust. Could you belive in an old droid control ship (a Lucrehulk) that is manned by the battledroids from TPM being lost and surviving until the rise of the empire? Its stripped down loosing most of its point defense lasers and all of its capital ship weapons, as well as all but about 100 of its droid contingent. If you could believe in such a thing, could you imagine it being used by a crime family as a mobile shadowport, using the droids as internal security as well as cheap labor. The head scum in charge would have equivalent power to a lesser hutt, but not near the paower of the larger hutts like Jabba.

Swo-co, would this setpeice butt blast you guys, or could you accept it if the story surrounding it was still good?
ignore that random a, it was supposed to be "power"
Apparently it was both. The B1s made up the generic grunts in the Battle of Naboo, while the OOMs made up the higher ranks commanding the B1s in battle
I havent seen PM in quite some time, but im going to assume we hear both commander droids and grunt droids talk in that deep digitized voice, dont we?

So i guess that does make it a generational difference. Cheaper vocabulator perhaps?
Sounds pretty badass
I love it when there are remnants from the Clone Wars popping up in the OT era

>Could you believe in an old droid control ship (a Lucrehulk) that is manned by the battledroids from TPM being lost and surviving until the rise of the empire?

Yes, and its actually plausible. An organization made of the surviving Battle Droids that didn't get shut down exists in the new canon as the Droid Gotra. Go ahead and make that story happen, A.Mage. Its all good.
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