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Thread replies: 912
Thread images: 251

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Why does Hussie hate this guy so much?

He only gets fucked over and then becomes a shitty ship accessory for another character.
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it's not too late to know salvation
apparently i don't have the right mojo, or i just acted too soon
Apparently he got a good arc because he learned that one doesn't have to be a leader in order to feel fulfilled or some bullshit like that, but I'm not buying it. As "cliche" as it is, I would've loved to see Karkat actually do something; have his character arc be something more akin to him being less angry at friends and channeling it into his enemies or something like that.
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oh right, this is for prince of time speculator
So out of the two threads made, the one talking about cherubs (albeit their genitals) was deleted to save room for the one talking about KK...
le Broadway Karkat maymay was so bad that canon Karkat was made to suffer as symbolic retribution
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I mean if the character that hussie relates to the most (dave) ends up with him how could he not like him?
Except he didn't feel fulfilled, like at all. He was happy because he beat a Leprechaun, is that really true satisfaction?

Maybe he learned this after Collide. Maybe John snapped and ended the gay menace after Collide. Who fucking knows, considering Hussie never put dialogue after Collide.
all his characters had to become useless teens so hussie could try his best to relate to his readerbase
All characters got shafted in favor of Vriska anyways
best ship
I have a question related to the Prince of Time. Was LE only able to shatter space-time after acquiring the White Wand? Maybe his attack is purely a space-based and not actually related to his aspect? I think that if we are assuming it's a Lord of Time ability and the wand is arbitrary, then that would mean that destroying time works that way in Homestuck rather than a cooler and more utilitarian Crimson King ability. But if the Wand was critical to the move then that might suggest that it's a space attack, maybe like a much stronger version of what the Prince of Space can do. Then there's the third theory that he was using both time and space.
According to the fandom, Karkat is a diaper-wearing turtlekuck who needs to tell daddy dave and mommy kanaya about his adventures and how he only cried once while beating Clover.
Correction: purely space-based*
Who just made the thread about homosuck lol
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What was the topic specifically?
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Designix "redesign"
-Extruded instead of inset some of the panels
-Made the slot for Captchalogue cards (and deep) maybe you could fit a Micro SD card in there, who knows, I didn't do it on purpose though
-Didn't add the keyboard-looking device, don't know if I even should; it's kind of grainy on the image, would probably be low-rez at the size I'm printing, and I'm assuming it fits inside the cavity to the right so that's something else I'll have to take into account
Anyone see any major issues? I'll upload this onto SketchFab within... I dunno, an hour or two? so you all can pick at the details.

Bunch Of Replies From Previous Thread, Part One:
WHoVH I still need to edit a little bit, some people have expressed dissatistfaction with it
Ahab is on the list somewhere, no estimated time for that
Squiddles are a possibility, but I think it would be super cool to make them out of flexible plastic (which I don't have but might get if all this turns out well enough)
Scratched disk... An icon of it? Or?

Thorns of Oglogoth: Possible, but would you want them on a small scale? Later on if/when I decide to make bigger things, I could maybe make some fullscale objects, but these would probably be just decorative parts no larger than a finger for now. Ditto for the cueball handgun. Ouroboros I could probably do, maybe not as a pendant because of WP, but I'll consider it. Chess set is unlikely, or at least a very distant goal.

I can do some black parts for the phernalia, such as the cranks, but until/unless I get a dual extruder I can't make any built-in parts black unfortunately. I'm planning to make weapon stands, more on that next week probably... But I think you all will like it. Hopefully.

still working on answering the rest of the posts so give me some time to answer any new ones
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I made a thing
it's probably a combination of the white wand (since that's when we see him start his rampage in earnest IIRC is when he gets the baton), the equius part of him allowing him to interact with the void, and then just sheer overwhelming brute force fucking things.
I got warned for off-topic discussion after i made that thread, wtf
not to mention that cherubs also have super-powered rainbow-breath when in snake form, probably amplified by the void/time/rage powers he gained
Nice fucking thread, retard.
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Apparently nobody can ever know. Some things are to be lost in paradox space.
Yeah, I'm not a supporter of this interpretation but it's what I've seen some /r/Homestuck users and Tumblr users think.
the keyboard is pretty much a lazily-attached typewriter, i think
the giant snakes are the genitals

full-body genitals
reminder that dave and jade have the best relationship in homestuck and the highest chance for hardcore happiness
>hardcore happiness
What does that even mean? Is that like pale porn or something?
this is true

no interspecies difficulties
no mind games
no incest

just cute teasing and sweet interactions
That sounds like a good time. I mean, as described the rest of the reproductive process and the cherubs life is horrible, but having an entire body be a genital must be amazing.
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they're hermaphroditic at least. the adults may have sexual dimorphic traits but either one of them can be impregnated and carry the egg
Is this based off from the idea that Dave's fight should have been against LE-possesed bro and not just some random Jack?
Things like bare handholding, full facial cheek kisses, and dirty unprotected spooning
yeah, but you're having another giant snake bite and burn you all over your genital

i mean, maybe it feels good?
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BoRfPT Part Two:

The biggest issue I have with the Alchemiter is the arm. It's a neat idea but I just can't figure out how to make it articulated/moveable. I don't know if that's a dealbreaker or not. I'm still experimenting with various ways, but I'm not particularly optimistic with that. The arm will, at the very least, spin around (where it attaches to the base).

Not final numbers until I get the printing time and shipping costs down completely

SW USA. I'm wanting to be able to ship the parts with minimal packaging, breaking them up into blocks. The Totem Lathe is the biggest issue, having the most jutting parts and sharp angles; I will probably have a "moveable and assemble-able" version and a "block" version. Pic related is moveable. The other Phernalia is very simple; the Cruxtruder is just two pieces (I mean, I COULD make the lid removeable, but is it really necessary/worth it?) while the Alchemiter is "three parts", in quotes because of the aforementioned arm troubles.

If there are no complaints about the PD, I'll go lazily attach a typewriter as someone mentioned and get started on printing it.
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I mean I am also burning and biting the other snake so yes.
I like the idea that cherubs basically have double of everything in their bodies, two vascular systems, two brains, two genisexulars and stuff.
That's why adult cherubs are so damn buff and big.
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Umm he became the leader of Earth
and they contrast nicely
This is probably how Johnkat shippers felt in 2010
not bad but way too overdesigned.
Would it be possible to print the arm of the alchemiter as a bunch of separate cylinders, and let the buyer assemble it at home with wire/hooks and eyes/whatever?
this is acceptable into my head canon

also, i just realized more evidence for the "lords bend the rules, muses break them" - caliborn swapped the hats during the chess match, but didn't cheat the entire time - it was just decoration that allowed him to win. Meanwhile, Calliope doesn't even lose the game - she breaks it entirely by smashing the pieces off the board, or something.
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hey did that guy made the jade/dave petplay fanfic thing.
not trying to rush 'em.
just wanted to know.
dont feel like searching the thread backlog right now.
goddamit for giving me another fetish like god damn.
Remember when people joked about Karkat being reduced to epilogue only? The joke is on us.
looking at the picture, it's closer to a really old-fashioned keyboard, like this but without the rest of the computer attached
Oh wow. You're on fire today with the knowledge bombs.
God damn fucking Sylph of Light over here.
rather, caliborn followed the rules with a bit of bending, whereas calliope was the one to overtly allow cheating, and then just ragequit and ruin the game

alt calliope's ultimate purpose: to ragequit in a spectacular manner and ruin caliborn's game
yeah, that was it, she was tacitly allowing cheating by letting him switch the positions even though he never did to begin with. THEN she ragesmashed.
I have yet to meet anyone who has rage for an aspect. What does it do/represent?
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Marry me.
Negative emotions and physical bodies of people.
metatextually, tex talks makes a good argument that it's "narrative contrivance", but people don't actually have arcs so we'll talk from an elemental point of view -

rage is a lot of things, not all necessarily negative. it anger, and probably most negative emotions, but primarily it's "disbelief" (which includes skepticism, a healthy thing). it could also include zealotry, mindless or otherwise.
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>King Crimson
thanks senpai
I have the feeling that Rage represents Oppression and personal will over extra-personal things, where Hope is positive will for things to be superior, and it's faith, but Rage is the other side of the same faith/belief coin, it's just that we don't have a third rage player to provide us extra depth to swim in as we try to figure it out.
i thought the idea was that hope implies belief in anything, along with positive emotions like joy and confidence, whereas rage implied belief in only one thing, which could be disbelief for all other things, as well as negative emotions like fear and anger
yeah - all the aspect pairings i believe make a complete whole of a thing, and rage and hope together provide the spectrum of belief and personal willpower/agency.

i mean maybe, but the general idea stands.
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I've been trying to do that, but been running into issues; namely, that since I only have one material to work with (Can't swap plastics on-the-go), it all melts together and picking parts out of the joints is a big issue. I've got a few more things I want to try; they won't look as close to the original as this, but they'll probably work a lot better. Pic related is what I currently have: The first link turned out okay, the second had some issues with melting and turned out uneven, the third still has the support material (I have to cut that all off by hand), and the fourth is just a melted-together blob. If it's not an issue, I could make them all same-size - that would simplify it for me and in my opinion not affect the design too badly.

Alright, I'll see how it turns out then. Thanks for the reference.
fuck off, you got my thread deleted when you posted that earlier

i'd probably just assemble the arms only to leave them folded upright, anyways
The only issue I take with that is that Gamzee doesn't really get anything done by "disbelieving" it. He invites destruction by his willpower and he wrecks shit because he believes he should as a subjuggulator.
Because he is a subtle mary sue?

Everyone tolerates his tsundere bullshit.
Dave's showing him the video challenged his belief and made him angry as heck. Sometimes, Rage is just Rage.
he also shrugs off a lot of potentially fatal injuries by his disbelief in dying from them
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Rate my shitty art /hst/
I think people are confusing the brad aspect with Gamzee just being the worst written character in history
You have 30 seconds to name a character who ISNT a marry sue.
>Karkat will never stop being associated with Dave and Jade's bullshit
That's actually part of it. Huh.
It's better than Caliborns.
very anime-ish. It's good
The vast majority of them.
Not shitty at all. You should've seen an anon from last thread (don't worry aforementioned anon, everybody's gotta start somewhere).
Name one you cunt
On forumspring AH talked about how subbjugglators "probably" used fear to control the casts by filling dreams with puppets using chucklevoodoo. I think he used the word puppets but I'm not that sure.
John. Please go if you don't actually like Homestuck and are just here to shitpost, dude.
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Your Moans Would Have Suggested Otherwise
>he's trying to delete And It Don't Stop
damn him
>game breaking retcon powers
>liked by literally every character
Nice try.
Hussie isn't a Waste of Space

He was always the Lord of Void
Shut up!!!!!!!!
Huss of Lips
Who are you?
He cant recognize his early work is better than homestuck and timeless, became a SJW or someone is doing this for him. Pick one (or more) of these possibilities.
>Implying the retcon didn't ruin everything ever forever.
>Implying John didn't actually work towards that.
>Implying Terezi or Karkat actually like John.
>Implying John's friends don't shit on him constantly.
>AR is essentially dirk
>AR becomes LE
>LE is literally caliborn's mary sure self insert
Nice try
>AR is Dirk.

This horrible meme logic is kind of entertaining though.
consider this:

yes, and it's more or less stated in comic that it's so
So what you're saying is Davesprite and Davepeta are the same thing.
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i wonder how many fucking trolls spidermom ate in her lifetime
What does it mean that Hussie got rid of his plans for an epilogue? Are we just stuck with this incomplete ending?
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>he cant think of one so he replies with a meme response
>there was never a scene where Caliborn sent unsolicited dick pics to every character and only then decided to become a villain because every response was negative
>John will never zap into the scene, face mere centimeters from Caliborn's cock
Are you fucking with me? They literally are
I've got an archive, Hussie can get fucked
He didn't get rid of his plans. He shortens newsposts sometimes when he adds new ones.
If I remember correctly, Hussie once mentioned that Act 7 WAS going to be the epilogue.
Dude, AR is Dirk like Davesprite is Dave. There are definite similarities but AR is more or less a different person.
vriska probably had to feed her at least weekly. spiders are meant to be stationary, mostly, and with someone doing all the work for her, she wouldn't have to expend much energy. but being quite large, she'd also have to eat a lot. probably about 10 or 20 trolls a week, for about 8-10 years. so probably several thousand trolls
That's correct.
That was around the time he said Act 6 would be shorter than Act 5.
more accurately, spiders have a low metabolism, especially ones that web instead of hunt
Fuck you, i fucking am a mary sue
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This is really nice art. I'm glad this person is putting their talent to good use.

Said nobody ever.
Why couldn't that dumbshit stick to his plan?
>that jade's face
Does that count as a racist caricature?
What about whatever-Feferi's-lusus-was? How many lususes (lusi?) did she eat, I wonder?

Also I just realized that Eridan hunted other royal-blooded trolls since he killed aquatic lusii, what the fuck
That chick with the shades is hot.
Both the Striders splinter themselves, and experience something alike to divergent evolution. Dave lived for [unspecified period] in the doomed timeline, breaking and gaming the system with Rose to maximise his knowledge and abilities, then "died" to become a sprite and gained the capriciousness of a Skaia construct. Dirk similarly "died" (become non-living) when he was splintered off into AR, and was given enhanced knowledge via super computer processor for a brain, but stuck with the sensibilities of a 13 year old with which to operate it. They're different characters in that they have vastly different life experiences, abilities and standards as compared to the organic growing/maturing of their counterparts.
Glb'golyb you mean? Probably a shit ton.
Also, Vriska probably got those royal-blooded trolls, Eridan specifically was after the lusii. That was part of their arrangement.
>Says the mememaster.
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This honestly terifies me because I had a college friend who used to do pretty good digital art but over the years she involved on minorities rights, her style degraded, now only draws bland stuf and deleted her old blog. Im having a dejavu.
That Jade is cute!
>he still hasnt answered the question
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Land of Storms and Ichor

Gotta plug those rifts before everything gets poisoned!
except AR is just considered to be one of dirk's many splinters that he has to come to terms with as a valid part of his identity as part of his personal quest or some shit - squarewave and sawtooth are among them, as are brain ghost dirk, and i believe Bro is counted among them.
so around 8000 trolls or so
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I made this last night and I don't know why
What if Hussie didn't add the trolls?
you're good at this, damn
what a shitty mom
Sure you are anon, sure you are.
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This is the sort of thing that Büjorn would enjoy simply because other people wouldn't understand it.

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The sleeper has awakened.jpg
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Holy shit just started Volume 10. This first track. Is this what I can expect from here on out?
People have answered it multiple times, you meme.

Because of the similarities. But they still have differences. A splinter is not a clone, it's a splinter. It's a "part" of him, not his entire self.
it would've been great if he just focused on the kids, and then made hivebent after to show what was happening on their end

but noooooo
I haven't listened to the album yet but I'm sure there's a Doctor remix in there somewhere.
Yes but i disproved them every time, you cukkle
Yore move
volume 10 was the only album is liked all the song for
And people counter-disproved them. You didn't respond. Keep up with the meme logic though. With your hot, smug girls......
>coming this close
>missing the oppurtunity
it's obvious she ate at least 9001
You're the one who paints the picture, I just make it visible.
So Vriskas been feeding her fantrolls?
If so I love me some spider mom.
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Gonna need two hands for this
That was beautiful, man. You're great at everything you do.
Four of them!
i'm not SAYING that DaveJade is a BAD ship
DaveJade is a FINE ship, it has some good qualities
all I'm saying is the DaveRose is BETTER
This post went in much better directions than I expected.
buddy you're gonna need to lube up real good
report back soon with your favorite tracks
i guess you do have some good taste in there somewhere, CPA
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I'd say there are valid arguments for both.
I understand your appreciation for DaveRose
It's GOOD, but you gotta hear me out:
DaveRoxy is even BETTER
This guy gets it
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>Kids pose as a team, scratch, lose contact with the trolls and we never see them past pesterlogs, jump into the Alpha session
>Instead of Hivebent we jump backwards in time to establish the past of the Alpha session
>All eight kids actually meet up in a timely manner, pose as a team x2 combo, have interactions and development with each other, then work together to make a plan and beat the game

>no dreambubbles
>no vriska

We could have had everything. It was right there, within our grasp, from the very beginning on Rose's computer screen. Eight player guardian session. Kids having fun, learning and growing, working together, solving the problems. Fuck.
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>that picture

Vriska herself said it was "many thousands"
1.) You literally cannot counter disprove something. You have to prove it with more evidence, and the evidence they gave me was memish and bad.
2.) People are already defending me for saying AR is dirk. Because he is.
3.) That second pic is a dude
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yeah this here

tell me a Daverosesprite wouldn't have been fucking cutting edge Freud and the happiest end
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Land of Bismuth and Fractals.png
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Look at this glorious realm of magical rainbows that Anonymous made for me
of course there are
that's the point i was trying to make
in the set of Good Ships, both are present; but in the ordered list of ships, DaveRose is higher
that art is good

i will have to respectfully DISAGREE, my friend. however, i cannot miss this oppurtunity to mention, that DaveRoxy is a GREAT ship
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233rd age.jpg
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The resemblance is striking, at least to me
Volume 10 is a sendoff for Homestuck made by people who actually cared about Homestuck
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>No Bowman
Album 10 is shit!
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But trolls were popular you see, therefore,
1) That was a joke.
2) No.

But, yeah, your arguments are whack, dog.
wait im new to the thread, i just got here
what point are you trying to make that people disagree with you about?

talk about a character being filled with self love
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Well it is practically canon.
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>talk about a character being filled with self love
>Daverosesprite being to fiercely mack on Roxy

wish we could say the same for the guy who wrote it
>Dave craves alien dick, a furry, and his mom and sister
What did Hussie mean by this?
if daveroxy is canon then i demand daverose be acknowledged as canon too
just image
rose comes to dave, says, "hey coolkid, ive never boinked a dude, lemme climb that pole" and his glasses just do a flip off his face and labd back on and he says "no problem sis"
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>Hussie used to tell us when our ideas were shit and would actively reject or highlight only to criticise prompts that would be counterproductive to his running of the story

where did it all go
It probably wouldn't have hit critical mass popularity and ended shortly after Descend.

Incidentally, that means that most of us wouldn't have read it. Undertale probably still happens.
I asked everyone to name a character who isnt a mary sue. People replied and i told them those characters they named ARE mary sues, and now some memer is salty at me.
bowman's not on volume 10 but at least he released a couple of singles on his own bandcamp
Exactly, that was the joke

He's the ultimate in degenerate technology

I'm so proud of him
John and Dave spitroasting Nepeta and proving her how superior human cock is!
oh so you cast out some bait and caught a couple live ones
well done

here's my too sense: attempting to categorize any character as a mary sue in homestuck is fruitless

also stop avatarfagging as jake cosplayers you flaming homosexual
they're slightly out of order and it's fucking me up
You're the memer. Fag.
you know the good stuff, anon
daverosesprite spends the first few minutes of their life feeling themselves up, until they spot roxy

daverosesprite loves their mommy
I wonder what the story would be like if I reread it and skipped every page with a troll?
the shitty side of tumblr
listen if you want to read a good story, read the intermission, and then quit
maybe reread problem sleuth
remember that one jake cosplayer

the cosplay elitist
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>It just screams and cries in a state of continual ecstasy and incomparable joy
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this one?
1.) No it wasnt.
2.) Yes
3.) Does it matter?
Im not avatar fagging, all my reaction images just happen to be jake
Yore the fag. Memer.
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Daverosesprite would also make everyone, including Dave and Rose, devastatingly uncomfortable with their overwhelming androgynous gay aura and self-peace making them come across as super confident and flirty
god that copypasta of him still circulates

"wow guys i'm so glad we've discovered an infinite powersource to power can town with!"
*jumpcut to a generator hooked up somehow to be powered by daveroseroxysprite^2 constantly masturbating*
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But a-anon...
1) It was a bad one but whatever.
2) No.
3) Yeah.......

Also, you keep posting Jake no wonder why you have shit tastes.
im sorry, you must not know who i am. im joey. the cosplay elitest. and i dont have time for talk of cosplay that isnt canon. i cosplay hard. i cosplay with passion. and i cosplay correctly. this is a passion. this is a talent. and this is somthing i do not have shit-heads suggest for me to “hey dude do this” casually with no reasoning behind it.

these are not reaction images
they are pictures of jake english or jake english cosplayers

this is bait and we should all just stop responding
>including Dave and Rose
including? i think you mean especially

that is, until, the threesome
>Jane's entire development was becoming a walking medkit
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all you had to do was listen
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>we could have had Daverosesprite bringing the gay singularity down for real
>everyone doing their best to just cheer on Doomed Dave and Doomed Rose happy at last
>while doing their best to not want to touch themselves

>instead we got a fucking birdcat
dont remind me, i'm FURIOUS about it

she didn't even hug her dad, what fucking fairness is there in the world
what could we have fucking done about it shithead?
killed him?
and what, never have an ending?
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I mean it would have been better than what we got tbqh famalam
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ah cool, keep on keeping on man.

also maybe breaking up the url might help it from being deleted so it can be searched so easy. ether that or post it in on /aco/.
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Jake is cool tho, hes the arguably the best alpha kid
They are reaction images though. They're images, and they make you react. By making you call them out as not being reaction images
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>she didn't even hug her dad

i dont even LIKE jane (that much, comparatively) but for fuck's sake it just doesn't make any sense!
his writing in non fucking sensical and it tears me apart because of all the wasted potential
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I honestly wonder what I'd look like if Hussie got older cartoonists to draw him some Homestuck.

I want some Tony Millionaire up in there.
y'all come up with some dumb ideas
daverosesprite would have been almost as awful as davepeta
it would have been used for the exact same handwavey bullshit
>They're images, and they make you react. By making you call them out as not being reaction images
....you shitstain
Go jerk off to your yaoi bait, buddo.
It was so fucking awkward

Hussie has a weird goddamn grasp of how emotions and relations work
homestuck bruce timm?
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Guys I think i'm sold on Nightfall.
we don't care about that

we just care that daverosesprite would have just been Freud's nightmare of constant masturbatory incest
>Bruce Timm Rose and Roxy

Oh Yes. That's the stuff.
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>One totally irrelevant character who meme'd her way out of the comic years ago
>Instead of the girl closest to Doomed Dave after all this time finally escaping doom with him through an unprecedented sprite ascension together

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that doesn't make any sense
doomed rose died the exact moment that grimdark rose did
well there's obviously that
and he's a fucking hack of a writer

goddamn i can't believe how bad that ending fucked me up
a year or two ago, if someone called hussie a hack, i would have pulled a goddamn kankri on them to defend him
finally i've seen the light
If it makes you feel any better (personally it makes me feel worse) he didn't even write that. He commissioned an artist, and told them "you have five panels, draw whatever character interactions you want."
[S] Wake
I have a feeling he thought having John and (a version of) his dad hug would promote "big time feels".

But it doesn't because you're right, it makes no sense that Dad Crocker would recognize him as a younger version of his dad. Also his own damn daughter was right there.
That's fucking awful holy shit
Fuck you. That reply adds nothing to the conversation.
Jake english is literally the best character and if you dont agree with me provide a valid reason because people have different opinions, even if some opinions are invalid.
maybe that's the point

he created the world, and strung us along, then ended it so unsatisfactorily

maybe he was passing the torch to us, like "i'm not giving you a good ending. write your own damn story"
Honestly the best solution would have been Daverossprite^2.

Think about it.
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Whoops forgot the image
okay well that's FUCKING STUPID not that it's stopping me but still.
>Joke is one of the worst character
It would have been funny, cute, weird, and in line with some idea of the plot, instead of a random troll and fucking Davesprite
yeah i know it's stupid, but i'm just an ideas guy

i'm here because homestuck gives me ideas, and i want to share those ideas
please tell me this isn't true

on one hand, it wasn't hussie who made a tearful reunion between john and some other person's father
on the other, not only did hussie phone it the fuck in so hard that he didn't just commission the art, he commissioned the WRITING, he also APPROVED of aforementioned stupid reunion

i want to die

thanks buddy
Hussie basically checked out of Homestuck completely

I'm expecting his suicide any day now
Kinda fun to find good combinations to give stuff an English motif
Looks good. REALLY good. you do Hussie's fake isometric-wonkiness justice.
what the FUCK.

(can you do Arctis?>>83840641 )
Man, I hope when I get back to my university in the fall that I can make "friends" with the crows enough that I can hang around them and do fun shit
it's true
It's been said many times, but Hussie is basically an autist who somehow got a following
buddy, if you're looking for mary sue's in homestuck let me direct you no farther than this guy over here: >>83841436

jake is such a joke he shouldve been named gary stu
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>John floats his ass down to the lilypad, sees Dad Crocker standing on the other side
>Forgets himself, cries out "Dad!" and starts running over
>Dad turns and reveals that he was talking to/reuniting with Jane
>"Oh... sorry, I... never mind"
>John turns to leave
>??? stern fatherly confusion ???
>"Yes, I am Dad. Do you require a Dad?"
>John tackle hugs into his open arms, nearly knocking him over
>Dad compliments him on his mangrit and fine Crocker-like features
>Jane comments how this is technically her son
>Dad says he'll fit into their family just fine

better or worse
I hate it because you're right and his plan is working.

This shitty comic is the strongest drive for me right now. I just have the overwhelming need to become a better writer and artist so that I can do what Hussie never could do.

Fuck maybe that's what Caliborn's arc was leading up to. Dissatisfied with the current and now final direction of the comic, we take to the world of artistry to write our own ending.
>tfw no crow friends to hang with
>dad speaking
Tell me your ideas oh Seer of Ideas. That I may be intrigued to become a Maid of Ideas.
>gary stu
>not jerry stu
Better, since it acknowledges that Jane is a character who exists

He had some onscreen dialogue on his PDA
I think my art is actually worse than Caliborn's
100x better, iff jane was hugging dad at the time

the hug is fucking critical
Thanks. I'm just about to start printing this one, will probably post pictures by the end of the night.
He's a clueless idiot who can't make up his mind about anything. When did that become adequate grounds for a Sue?
i'm filled with so much hate
but all i feel is numb
I can imagine that they just finished hugging and he's standing close by with a comforting hand on her shoulder, attentively listening to what she has to say.
i'm literally just saying them as i think them

just stick around, you'll get more
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This is the upper limit of my artistic skills

(I made it to antagonize Angel)
I like that they got that Trickster Jane to do the pose
well meme'd
no, you should've seen last threads drawfag. does anyone have the zoomed in aradia pic?
>awesome kickass adventurer
>all his friends have crushes on him
>he's sexy as hell
>he's sad and conflicted
I can see Dad recognizing John as a younger version of his father.

What should have happened is have Jane hug Dad, and then Dad turn and face John.

Dad Crocker sees this moment as him seeing his father one more time as validation that he's done well as a father.

John sees this as validation from his "father" that he's finished his path to maturity and has become an equal in the eyes of his father.

Boom. You tie in the story themes, create two really sad moments, and create a nice feeling of POTTERY to end the comic off on.
Jake IS a good character though, too bad hussie didnt write him as one.
Jake is a mary sue, just like every other character. But hes the least suey out of them all. Literally name one page of hope in homestuck whos less of a mary sue than jake english. Also dont call him a joke
that's really disappointing
you don't understand
the hug has to happen onscreen
we need a tearful jane reunion w/ hug, and THEN john comes in and is adopted
>Literally name one page of hope in homestuck whos less of a mary sue than jake english.
There are no other Pages of Hope in Homestuck dickmunch
>Jake IS a good character though, too bad hussie didnt write him as one.
haha holy shit your denial is pathetic

but not as pathetic as me still replying to obvious bait
But that would require Hussie to be capable of writing worth a damn
yeah, his name is fruit cake
>awesome kickass adventurer
I thought he barely explored the area around his house out of fear?
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feed em bread and give them shiny things. just watch out for your eyeballs because they are shiny too.

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We're not calling him "A Joke," we're referring to him by the name given to him by a esteemed waifu Vriska.
>vriska will never roll your dice

why live
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Exactly, assslop. Also stop calling jake joke, it really bothers me
How do you know you stupid asswad fuckmunch asswhipefuckshitmuchwadass
Vriska is awful. She completley ruined jake x arenea
vriska, as a Good Character, has the ability to change the names of other characters

such as joke english
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trash, this is your reward for being a good boy

as promised here is one of the other exclusives in paradox space book 2, its pretty long at 15 pages so lets go
Why does Dirk like Rainbow Dash? Is it because she projects as a confident and rad badass but is actually insecure inside, just like he is? As a brony, this is something I've never understood.
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Hey /co/, remind me what the card said again.
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this is gonna be stupid

put it in an imgur you bulgemunch

and thanks for doing this
it looks like someone is wearing aradia's face-skin
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Because he's gay and likes horses.
It's backwards Daedric for "You're Welcome for Skyrim Remastered"
Because bronies were A Thing when he was introduced and Hussie had to show how hip he was with the youngins
his canon reason is "she's so spunky"
because he's gay and she's the rainbow one

do you honestly think hussie watched any mlp to figure out who he'd actually like?
i mean, it'd be rainbow dash for exactly the reasons you just said, but thats not why hussie did it
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you people will argue about anything
Fuck off Todd
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im processing these as i go so im dumping these in real time

I give them bread, forgot about the shiny things. I hope they're not a choking hazard? Or should I stick to larger ones? At this point they're scared of me even approaching them, so I don't think them pecking my eyes out is much of a concern. Plus, I have glasses, which might discourage them or give me time to fend them off.
Karkat is a manlet

...that's stupid, put them on imgur

>that fucking nep

so cute
Actually I'm pretty sure Aranea ruined Jake x Aranea. Dirk definitely didn't help either. Or )(IC, or Jane, or a lot of things really.

That has got to be the worst ship when you think about it. Jake's played up as a lot more things than he actually is, and Aranea is supposed to be one of "The quiet ones" and she just uses him in GAME OVER. That's a ship never meant to sail if I ever saw one.
Right. I get that. But that sure sounds like some bullshit that Dirk is telling the reader because he doesn't want to say "IWTCIRD" outright. I mean, Dirk seems to hate himself for how bad he is at socializing, and yet RD is the same way herself, but even worse, and honestly just sort of an asshole if you ask me. It seems unlikely that her spunk makes up for all her faults in his mind.

Maybe he just thinks she is the most arousing pony.
I like these, actually.
except aradia needs to be the same height as karkat
Hm. Better with individuals than groups.
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>grub legs
Anon are you unironically discussing small horses outside of their board
he doesnt though, like, why would he? stop projecting your horse lust, dude

i love the liberal use of ™
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thank you
here is my reward to /hst/, some poorly drawn pictures of the actual best boy

I honestly did like it because it sounded uncannily like something Caliborn wrote
Vriska should be shortest. Because spiders.

Also John taller than Dave.
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>trying to kill best clown
thank you for your tribute to our Lord
sollux looks like a fucking RABBIT

also, i've seen more than enough hentai to know where this is going.
that's incredible
>he doesnt though, like, why would he?
When he talks about sexuality he says how he wouldn't classify himself as gay. I interpreted this to mean that he is staight for horses because it's something I've heard from other bronies.

Only in relation to Dirk.
>these fuckibg faces
god damn it i wanted the jake one
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I know, but if vriska didnt exist, areneanae wouldnt either, therefor preventing the ruining of jakenea.
Plus i know from personal experience that the ship would work out fine as long as one doesnt kill the other's dog if either of them had dogs
If you mean because of rule 15, only pony images and threads are banned. Discussion of ponies is not banned. Off-topic discussion is banned, but on-topic discussion about ponies is not banned on any board. This is a common misconception.
i love this caliborn
what a cute little dude

>that he is staight for horses
that's stupid
you're stupid for believing it
fuck off
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>dave's fucking face
gelasticat sure is

>tfw you know what's next.

also, how do you kill best clown?
What do you interpret his meaning then? That he's strictly homosexual in all regards and yet can't bear to think that his sexuality is linguistically quantifiable? That sounds way too dumb and hipster for something Dirk would do.
forgo pic
It 8urts
oh my god
this is
beyond words
answer: you do not
It's like somebody used SBaHJ as a reference to draw actual people.
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being compared to caliborn on here is probably the biggest compliment blushu

the jake one is the most unfunny thing ever and roxy acts like a bitch
maybe ill do that one later if trash continues to be a good boy
he just doesn't like labels dude
stop projecting your pony fantasies onto poor dirk
he doesn't deserve that

instead of that, why don't you figure out the favorite characters from mlp of each of the beta and alpha kids, and why
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I'm using this as a reaction image from now on
He's uncomfortable with his sexuality probably.
You can't just

deconfirm canonical double dicks
I don't know who Todd is
Sweet Bro, Hella Jeff

Now we have IllDave
I remember when stuff kind of like this was drawn for laughs.
doesn't it have erisol

how do you make erisol unfunny
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Wouldn't Sollux be
... bisexual?
what did she mean by this?
like karkat would know
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i think the resolution is just a little too big

you also probably only need the face
But all trolls are bisexual by default.
dad-hat means business
Did you skip all the troll exposition?
I get he's intentionally supposed to be making a silly face, but still, jeez.
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Aradia should be the leader, she is truly the best girl
I dont know if you guys noticed but i made a new post and it appears no one has replied to it
Don't ruin the joke.


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i actually want to die
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The baby fic doesn't really belong in /aco/, it's just cute fluff, no sex
they fucked up his fangs
tch....... child's play, m'lady......
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That Karfat doe
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Okay story, uncanny art.
>maybe ill do that one later if trash continues to be a good boy
got anything specific in mind?
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get out.png
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this fiduspawn story is moving too fast for me to keep track of.
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Gamzee makes me angry by existing
>gamzee h0w can yu0 believe in a religi0n
>its the current sweep for the n0nexistant g0ds sake
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its like nepeta doesnt have red feeling for karkat in this
katnep anon get fucked
black solkat confirmation is good
they dont eat shiny things, they collect them and pimp out their crib for the honeys much like people and their place/cars. crows are pretty smart bird. they can get stuff from a tube of low water by putting weights in it until the water level rises and they can snatch it. pure puzzling skills. just leave the shiny things around after feeding so they know where to get it.
it could still be early in their friendship

but yeah, nep isn't written too well, here
>not liking best clown
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TC: they were always both me. :o)
crows are smart and adorable and i love them
nice quads

also i do enjoy how her claws overlap on top of gamzee's face

but yeah i don't think this is very well written desu.
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Survival is more important than dick-riding.
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Can you honestly please just for the love of god and all that is holy just please stop calling him joke its not funny anymore not even ironically and it adds nothing to the convesation
>best clown
>not skellybro
>also i do enjoy how her claws overlap on top of gamzee's face
it's like pottery
jake's neckbeard
gamzee is for edgy kids
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if this doesnt spawn an ovipositive spin off i will be disappointed in you all
Okay, jeez, sorry. I know how much you care about Junk.
Sure it does

hey guys, just how big of a joke is jake?
Like you?
You say "don't do thing," but you give him what he wants every time he does thing. I'm getting mixed signals here.
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pretty neat birds, farmers HATE them
i meant to put 2nd best clown.
Why do Paradox Space comics all use the same font?
the exoloader was way too easy

tavros is going to still be useless
This is the only way I can express my suffering.

Nepeta has snikt claws? I always thought she fought with a bladed gauntlet thing that couldnt retract.
but that's the point

that's the you expected joke, didn't you? WELL IT WAS I. JERRY STU
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a sad troll.png
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What is fucking happening to Sollux's tiny tiny finger
Why is Karkat a giant
Why is his waist wrapped in bandages
What are those fucking dermals
She ain't dead yet
>On screen text uses the dialog uses the speech balloon font
>Popup dialog box uses Courier New
Wait, why the fuck is there a popup box anyway? The text on screen is perfectly readable. That's just redundant.
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Dont call him junk either. Im sorry if i didnt make that clear.
No atleast i try to have a freindly convesation, fuckmucnhc
Im just asking him, he probably didnt understand it made me feel so unsafe when he called my idol joke
She still used 0s before she died.
i'm not a farmer, i'm a city boy, so i don't give a shit

raccoons, though...
Not even his final form
>Bronzeblood comes with friends for a tour
>Brings other lowbloods
>AND ONE FUCKING P U R P L E - B L O O D who immediatly asks about huge swords, skulls and death
>is this nigga seri0us
Jake is stank, faggot.
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> he probably didn't understand that I would put on a show and he can control me
Oh I think he did.
>that one fic where Aranea...
>idol now i want to bully yet cuddle this anon. i got a cute vibe from them. fuck.
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i dont know what to tell you loki
hopefully this answers some of your questions
What was Hussie going for when he had Jane say "I FEEL SO CAUCAISAN!"? Was it just supposed to be something a high white person would say? Kind of like "I FEEL SO FEMALE!" would be?
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fuck you, you fuck
I thought it was a seahorse thing. The male fertilized the eggs and then the female made him carry it.
referance,... sebucred
>word "die" is covered by dialogue
>screen says LOST my hat
>text says LEFT my hat

i want to impregnate aradia!
well when you put it like that anon...
they're turning on each other
In what way?
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what seems to be the problem
>expecting paradox space comics to be written by people who actually read Homestuck
The first pesterchum line
thanks for reminding me to watch jojo
Oh, okay. No Junk anymore, I'll go with... Jerk?
GODDAMMIT GAMZEE you're supposed to help
What did breaking up Karkat and Terezi accomplish in the timeline?
It's a shroedinger's lost hat. Was it lost in the PXS canon? Yes and no.
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You know Rose Lalonde from Homestuck !
I meant why is it clever? Because Sollux is half dead?
Fine we'll just call him Jenk em
Jake "Jerks off Dirk" Harley?
Holy shit

That is how little effort went into this bullshit

I hope you're proud of yourself, Hussie, this is your legacy
nigga she an oreo
Homestuck cowgirl TF doujin when
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alright this is the last page
if you want a clearer shot of any specific panels let me know
im gonna brb for a bit and do the jake later

stop making karkat cry or at least keep making me kawaii edits
>Regardless of the outcome, the stakes are always high. The winner of the duel will assume control of the other's territory, while the loser will slink away to 8ear the offspring.

>It should come as no surprise that in this story our heroine was victorious. Upon defeating her m8 she initi8ted the interlocking form8tion to complete the coupling, while assuming the dominant position, a stance undetecta8le to all 8ut the most astute o8servers of the zoologically du8ious. Consequently, the male was fertilized with the young.

>There he deposited his single egg
>his egg
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i do know!
saved them wasting time dating in a bad relationship
Jake "Jerks off Dirk" Harley?
Milka skin disease, the hot new thing to make characters special.
>Jack Caliborn Egbert, you're named after the two bravest men I ever knew
oh look you can see derse
Triple Stuffed Oreo
I hate this stupid skin shit

Why does every tumblr artist have to do it to at least one character

I'm redrawing a puke reaction image for you now
which troll should it be? karkat?
>Upon defeating her m8 she initi8ted the interlocking form8tion to complete the coupling, while assuming the dominant position
Hussie's femdom fetish rears its head again
You guys dont seem to understand, so i constructed a list of words u cant call jake
That was very meh comic but thanks for the uploads
>you can see derse

what the fuck? was this a dreambubble the entire time or something.
I want to corrupt Nepeta with my human cock!
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you know what to do
Why did you copy only half the URL
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I'd Oreo triple stuffed Rose.
i actually used to work with someone whose family had it

i thought it was rare

but tumblr doesnt seem to think so
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it's even more jarring when you put up that actual character next to them
What about Schmuck?
i didn't see Jobber
it could just be another planet or something, troll stars are different

or just another poorly-done refrance
because them being just black is no longer special enough
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come ON.jpg
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But they aren't in the Medium! Derse shouldn't be visible!
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>moisturize me
Sometimes the mods like to delete any and every link posted, I think under the "no advertising" rule. So I cut out the more blatant dot com part.
>Useless one-of asshole
It's Tibalt alright.
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Thanks for dumping this.
The comic itself is a 5/10 but I appreciate any hint of SolKat blackrom I can get my hands on.
JAPE the grape

Or jape the rape ?
Jake "Juked character arc" English.
Jake "Joke is that he's dumb" English.
Jake "Junk in the trunk and everywhere else" English.
Jake "Stank and rank" English.
Jake "Personality of Dirk's jockstrap" English.
But that didn't even happen.

But she could've had John fix it. Have him write "tell him" or something where Terezi can smell it when they're having communication issues.
Nope thos are going on the list too fuck you
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Fucking saved. Do you know who colored this?
i wish gelasticat was active in the fandom when i still ran my bad homestuck blog
is she popular because id probaby get bitched out a ton for posting her art though
but thats part of the fun
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huh, one of her earlier jades
Did you see the edit of the repopulation one?
I don't want you to crease your copy, but I'd love a clearer shot of the They ask QUESTIONS! TM panel if it's possible

how do you say no to THIS?

he's just as small and cute as jake. as well as weak. he's there for our amusement
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I unfortunately don't, it was probably an anon in a thread on another chan aeons ago. The lineart is by kawaiidebu, though.

Fat Rose is best Rose.
I mean, this honestly isn't bad. How do you go from that to the Jade she draws now?
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>nepeta in meulins clothes

i never knew i wanted it.
Stop, you're making me want to fuck Jake right after I insulted him. ;-;
Which chan would you guess it was?
hi nintenyearold
atleast she's like
kinda thicc
not preferable thicc ratio but its alright i guess
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>Rose replaces an eating disorder with a drinking disorder to get thin and be closer to mom

boy now THAT would have been realistic and relatable shit
and trans-jade was already a fucking hulk (height-wise) vs the other kids
drinking makes you fat though
when did Karkat get GHB genes?
Jake is a strong and indeoendent man and he doesnt need no woman or man and hes not weak he strong he beat up the felt and they dided and he uses hope powers and he has tight pants to hold his goods and he uses old words witch is hot and he also is sometimes the mad hatter but thtats okay hes fine and if he didsnt want to b e the mad hatter he wouldnt because fuck you
Not vodka really
Not when you go wine or hard and it replaces eating!
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>literally woolie

not sure if entertaining enough to counteract my butthurt
bbwchan, probably. Years and years ago before multiple nukes and a whole site overhaul. That's where most of my oldest fatstuck stuff comes from, some of it you plug it into GRIS and the only results that show up are other HSG threads.

I like where this is going.
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I like justin he does the shorts
>rose drinks too much vodka
>her wardrobe magically becomes tracksuits, caps, and beanies
he ws still used twice


but he also had help to beat the felt
i swear if this isnt padta..
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can we call him Jorts
that's still allowed right
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I finished it. Wew lads, those were some feelerinos.

I cryd everytime.

First listen, some probably obvious standouts I'm sure, but there wasn't one that I didn't care for.

Moonsweater (damn so smoov)
Solar Voyage
Renewed Return (at first I couldn't help but chuckle because of the Zillywho flash, but damn)
THIS Pumpkin
>That fucking send-off for Conclude using the first track from Volume 1, ittastejustlikeidreamtitwould.jpeg

You know, I like the pesterlogs, flashes, and game portions as much as the next person, but I think what always really captivated me were these albums. These added an element to the story mostly felt more than actually seen within the panels along the way; like things you can imagine between the panels. At the time of starting the comic years ago, it amazed me that anyone would put such effort into someone's webcomic as to create theme music, battle music, character themes, land themes, or even just concepts contained within the story. I hope all these musicians make it big.

Enjoy my blog.
They're still kind of hot.........
>kind of
it really can't be overstated how much the music team contributed to homestuck's success
" That darn Jorts and his Shorts!"
even if the comic devolved into a train-wreck, at least the music was good
Is there a non-fat version? Because then it'd be completely fappable.
They made a conclusion.

Hussie's Homestuck didn't.
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He decided to let him self be used because, he could have not been used but he did dont judge hussie for not writing him correct
Whats a padta?
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What's that? If you could upload your folder to mab and post it in the homestuck thread in bbwdraw I'd really appreciate it.
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>>That fucking send-off for Conclude using the first track from Volume 1, ittastejustlikeidreamtitwould.jpeg
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>Fat Rose is best waifu.
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>first half of Solar Voyage
ohh so it's the authors fault?

that makes a l o t of sense. (pfft nice job though)

i meant pasta* but i guess it isnt. still, cute attempt at explaining though
Get out.

Google Reverse Image Search, and my folder is unfortunately way too big and unorganized to upload anywhere with my connection.
I listen to almost exclusively Homestuck music and remixes of Homestuck music. I bleed trash.
jaed needs to shav her leg hair
you know what they say

once you go black
you're stick on tumblr
Even compressed in a .7z? That breaks my little heart.
best waifu is fat vriska you fool
This keeps the canon hair style so it's fine with me.
This is the least of problems with this drawing.
yes i liked it
keep at it

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the double standard.jpg
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Hey, I'm a footfag, does that even it out and mean I can stay?
May the music team have the long and fruitful careers they deserve while Andrew "Worthless Hack" Hussie fades into obscurity.
I compressed it and it's still half a gig. My upload speed is roughly 0.02 mbps.

Best waifu is deviantArt.
Good shit Toby but too short

>Vriska eats constantly to make sure she's the fattest kid
>"I 8M THE F8TT8ST!!!!!!!!"
Jade made dave a deal
She'll shave once he stops being black
This sounds so fucking familiar but I can't place my finger on what. Also I wish this looped.
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Are you on the list?
Thats actually not a bad dave
Thank you (davekat?) anon
it's a castlevania reference?
Fucking retards.
I like to jam out to the wide variety of tracks I have saved to my mp3 in my truck while I drive around.
It's a race against the clock when you're driving to the market with Time on my Side playing.
I feel like black Dave robs Dave of a whole level of irony. I guess that Dave could be hispanic, though.
I was never ever not into the idea of Dave just being super sun baked
Yeah, I think...

PHEW i'm safe
I think so? It sounds like an 80s song I know too. Is it Iron Blue Intention? Toby made a good homage either way. Makes me wish so bad for some kind of Sburb game.

Every time.
>part where blade sheathes after silence
>floor it
being anything other than wonderbread white makes him less ironic
I can't quite dump on Hussie. I just wish he'd announced a game after the comic was done. I think everything would have gone smoother if that one thing didn't happen.

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alright heres the jake one
So it's Dave and Hade
i'm already loving it

Jake's dialogue is honestly one of the best parts of act 6
>cash in the boonbucks
...with who
I was in that thread and samefagging like crazy.
I am a heterosexual man and all of the sudden, I want to fuck Jake. I think I should go to bed.
are the comics going to be added to the website?
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why did you lie this looks great
But did you get your things drawn?

gas mask woo
Actually did this one night because I had to race this train going parallel alongside me at it's max speed, and I needed to beat it to the railroad crossing a few miles ahead.

Just barely made it before the arms went down. Buckle up Homestuck.
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Epilogue leaked.
Samefagging for the fatlust I should hope
JOHN: "wow you're such a crazy slut, aradia!!!"
those are just your alpha male instincts kicking in
your masculine soul longs to conquer and find glory
and your heart tells you that jake is the most desirable trophy in the room
Holy shit, I just realized: How did Roxy and Dirk get their Fraymotifs? They had no one to buy them from.

Can you buy Fraymotifs from other peoples' consorts?
please sleep anon

i think we all need a rest
>a living crocodile in their dead session

jade's glowing genitals
How does Damara have marijuana? Where does it come from? Is it dream marijuana that she made out of memory?
He's a little fuckboy is what he is.

God, what the fuck is happening?

If people are unironically starting to like Jake "Junk in the trunk and everywhere else" English, then yeah, something is wrong with their mental status.
my ship, canon?
he waw busy banging jade?
but i will say
>preorder fraymotifs
>bubsy motif
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probably not
these were put in to get people to buy the books
but fuck hussie. he doesnt deserve more money
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Don't know if the anon for this is here or not, but I had some clarification questions. Are the overalls like this http://d5n0lf4gshqmd.cloudfront.net/img/086461_06_p1/470/575/i.jpg and a T-shirt, or a coverall like this http://workingperson.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/400x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/d/i/dickies-jv100-nv-f_01.jpg ? And what did you mean by hazard marks? Also, is the flared injection mark just in the skin or going through the clothing as well? And where would you prefer his symbol to be located? Let me know if the hair and horns aren't right!
>Is it dream marijuana that she made out of memory?
>roxy wants the croc cock
i love Gary Stu.
Nah, she just shave on him in slep 4 fun. Lol.
How long has it been since the last Jackquest update?

I think we can conclude that Jackquestanon is DAOOTS now, can't we?
let it go man
Could have been a skeleton croc at least. That way we could have had a boner joke.
cant mention boners in a christian comic book
I can't decide which is worse, Jake or Calliope?
is just a new pal ship.
fuk hus
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Do you think when Jade goes into heat that her vag is like a furnace
Intermission is still my favorite "act" in Homestuck
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do you not see the consorts dude

alright last page

i think the prologue in this is exclusive too. it has slick and hussie in it. ill do that one later
Fuck, Creata is better than most film scores today. Christ, I could fap to this.
calliope at least is cute and did something redeemable

Joke just got used and thankfully won a fight.
>not cute
>skeletons on the land
>but things alive at this mall
Calliope wasn't cute.
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>tumblr praising Hussie for switching gender roles around
>they think this is brilliant and groundbreaking writing
it's like all the sjw stereotypes anf accusations of hussie being a blatant panderer are true or something
she corrects herself to basements
What if the mall wasn't on any of the Nobles' planets? Maybe it was part of the ship that John and Jade took to get into their session. They had a bunch of consorts with them; they might have set up a shopping mall out of boredom.
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I don't think Hussie intended this. At least, not in the way that they might think he did; making a 1950's macho man a vulnerable idiot who just watched a lot of movies is clever in its own way but Tumblr assumed it had something to do with women when it really didn't.
But Caliborn was
ok, yes, Jake is more appealing looking gotta admIt.
oh i'll destroy her planets. then revive vriska
Jake's just more "cute" period and it hurts to say that but Calliope is an ugly, Tumblr tryhard "cutie" in its purest form; a green skeleton bitch.

I want to FUCK the 11 year-old skeleton.
I don't think he even switched gender roles around. It's not like that's a common line, and when it does get used, it's pretty even between genders.
>woj wants to feel threatened by something
>but his enemies aren't doing anything wrong
>"I know! I'll look for people who are praising the inversion of stereotypes and act like that's a bad thing!"
I'd say your efforts to find Social Justice War to "counter"-attack are getting more ridiculous all the time, but that would imply there's such a thing as more ridiculous than you already are.
Maybe you could post some old pictures that might be harder for me to find? I'm building a collection.
Jade's planets are fertile and indestructible, you have no choice
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Oh, it's you again.
the fuck is a woj
yeah, i was trying to bullshit calliope but remembered "would i a skeleton?".
whats a woj
>the woj guy is back

Yep, it's one of those people who say facts again. That's what happens when you do something ridiculous like acting victimized over people noticing gender roles.

Oh, it's you again.

It should tell you something that the only way you can "defend" the War on Justice is to feign complete ignorance whenever it's challenged.

whats a fucking Woj ?!
what if i flood them with a sea of men of course
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roxykitten is a bitch.png
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woj sounds like a nonsense word a baby says
>People praising something irrelevant and pointless in order to virtue signal is OK.
>People over-analyzing everything and making it a social issue is OK.
>Hussie going out of his way to pander to this retarded demographic is OK.

Fuck off, you cunt.
Your puny mortal sea men aren't hardy enough to terraform Jade's planets
Nobody's pretending to be victimized except for SJW's. People just acknowledge it's petty, stupid, and annoying.
>It should tell you something that the only way you can "defend" the War on Justice is to feign complete ignorance whenever it's challenged.
It's a mistake to expect the War on Justice to be told anything. Their whole gimmick is to NOT comprehend things. Instead of admitting they're wrong, they cower behind things like this:

the "nab" should be "woj" because now that i think it, it sounds like a mexican wind onomotopetia
for real though dude what does woj stand for

i googled it but nothing came up
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here you go, whoever requested the probotional teazer
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>Nobody's pretending to be victimized except for SJW's.
Actually, nobody's pretending to be victimized except for the people who see the statement "this is a reversal of gender roles" and scream that it's an act of verbal war.
War on Justice, apparently. Whatever that means.
not even 2 hands of a god? a.k.a my hands
Draw what you think a woj is
help clear this up for us
It sounds like a wet wad of paper.
you're amazing
Nah i think you ment this
(image courtesy of loki)
that doesnt fucking tell me anything

just more buzzwords
It's not verbal war. The most conveyed here was minor frustration. It's not just "this is a reversal of gender roles" (which is stupid, meaningless, and pointless), it's "this is a reversal of gender roles which is brilliant, and intelligent and it's the greatest thing that a piece of media can shove into itself."
20 out of fucking 10, Glub, how can one person be so BASED
You're no god.
>people are saying that art might have a positive message
>this is somehow a bad thing

>people notice the obvious links between art forms and reality
>this is somehow a bad thing

>people create art that deliberately avoids bad cliches
>this is somehow a bad thing
nah, woj is the sound effect for something wet and noodly falling to the floor
"wad o' J.O."
>It's not verbal war.
It is to the people raging over anyone approving of a comic that defies gender roles.
>Good morals shoved into places that they have no place where they should be in order to appeal to brainless idiots is a good thing.

>Making these connections more important than they actually are in order to make everything in media seem like a horrible injustice.

>Subversion for the sake of subversion is good.
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>you will never be raped by a nigh-omnipotent girl
why live
w-well..maybe i'd rather bleed than breed. unless i get to be on top
It's not "rage". You are missing the point, again. You are the only person making a big deal out of this, God damn.
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if SJW stands for single jewish woman

what does WOJ stand for???
Homestuck is not art if its pretentious.
like cat roxy?
it's just short for wojack
It's not supposed to tell you anything. Intentionally reducing opposing viewpoints to easily mockable meaningless soundbites is a common symptom of the War on Justice, right before raging at anyone who tries to discuss social issues as if there was something inherently wrong with acknowledging them, and pretending that all their victims are evil monstrous hypocrites when all it really takes to provoke them is someone expressing an opinion they disagree with.

BTW, that's an answer. The War on Justice is a counter-movement against people trying to talk about social justice, which is based on being edgy and directing ridiculous amounts of rage at things for tiny or fabricated reasons.
Jade doesn't rape Dave though, they're husband and wife, he can't get raped by his wife silly
Doesn't she have a dog penis or something?
why is everything a war with you people
i was about to get mad at this post, but then i finished it and was happy.
so it's basically a reverse sjw?
world of juice, dave's end goal
Anyone who thinks Dirk is amoral is ridiculous. He's just socially awkward and a flirt and they blow it up into this whole thing about how he's basically a rapist.
Yes he can, and she rapes him all the time

That doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy it


Why would she
Jesus, you're so exhausting and smug.
>The War on Justice is a counter-movement against people trying to talk about social justice
No, WOJ is literally the SJW's answer to being called SJWs. If you're not a SJW then you're automatically against social justice (aka you're racist, homophobic, etc.) and are waging war on "progress".

If you keep pushing the acronym like a bad meme it will never catch on.
You know since Jade can grow apples and probably control gravity
And dave could accelerate time to mass grow those apples
They could make a juice world
Yet another reason why DaveJade is perfect
Bec is a male dog.
Jade is part Becquerel.
It's already become a bad meme
Kankri is that you
Guys meet my new word: BTPWAK, which stands for beating toilet paper with a keyboard. You should use it every time you beat a toilet paper with a keyboard.
Because she has the body of her sprite which was prototyped with a male dog after her dead dream self.
She has Bec's ears, that's it
>>Good morals shoved into places that they have no place where they should be in order to appeal to brainless idiots is a good thing.
It is if you remove the baseless assertions such as "tropes which promote good morals have NO PLACE in stories" and "anyone who likes these tropes is EVIL AND MINDLESS". Clearing away that, we're left with

>Stories having good morals which appeal to people are a good thing
This is true, because the aforementioned "good morals" do nothing to reduce the quality of a story, and in some cases even enhance it.

>>Making these connections more important than they actually are in order to make everything in media seem like a horrible injustice.
Removing the strawman from this statement, we're left with

>Making connections is good
Nobody is making these connections "more important than they actually are", that's just people being overly sensitive to them and exaggerating the approvers' comments.
>they make a planet where the ocean is apple juice
>this quickly stops once dave becomes paranoid that john might have pissed in it
all these nice things jade's doing for dave, what's he ever gotten for HER
she could also have Bec's dick
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>unironic WOJ discussion in HST
This place keeps evolving but never actually changes.
Ahahaha, did you type that by BTPWAK'ing?
Damn it guys you're like a fucking ad for juice I'm so thirsty now
>unironic gender discussion
If you dislike Davekat, you are a homophobe ;^]
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dog child.png
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he got her the best present of all
How are you sure?
you're right
Who fucking cares? Shut the fuck up about this already.
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just as planned.jpg
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>they start a new SBURB session and keep throwing carapaces into the game until one of them rolls land of apple juice and jars

Twist: the winning carapace ascends as the witch of piss
Fuck off with your acronyms already
>The aforementioned "good morals" do nothing to reduce the quality of a story, and in some cases even enhance it.
t. barneyfag
hussie told lexxy

>This thread right now
See, I'm glad you understand how consent works
Now you have to understand that you can't just make a baby in one day
Have a link?
sounds like a lame gift, he should get her a fursuit
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more like pic related
aradia did NOTHING wrong
Maybe Hussie is going to do some sort of desert wasteland ruins thing?

Midnight Crew was sort of like a carry-over of Problem Sleuth. I feel like this could be like the carry over of the Exiles.

He also likes deserts I think. What with him in the desert getting the ring for Vriska, Aradia and liking to explore ruins and shit. A whole flash dedicated to Jane exploring ruins.
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>time player can't make a baby in one day
>Jade shly telling Dave she'd like a puppy for christmas
>dave not getting the metaphor until later
i'm mad this was never used
what if vriska was autistic all along
ah, i see. i'll find a week where i'm free anon.
>dave refusing because that'd mean their kids would be born in September and nobody wants their birthday right when school starts, that sucks
>what if
>what if
Why does Jade have the shoes from the Wizard of Oz I never got that.
the foster's autism comic edit with John makes more sense

No, I don't have it. Someone else post it, please.
>tfw born on the 23rd of september
she dindu ----me---
>what if
Vriska and Nepeta are canon autists

Probably Jake too
Which zodiac is around september?
Libra and Virgo?
every character in homestuck is autistic
Your parents fucked on Christmas
Dave and Jade will be smart and make their kids born march-june like good parents.
That's not Toby but George Buzinkai (Doctor, Explore). Toby hasn't contributed to Volume 10 at all except by having some of his tracks remixed. If these people are going to upload the music to youtube the least they could do is give proper credit.
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she had open house visits earlier
>they'd be associated with kanaya and terezi
Well even worse, a puppy would be a terrible gift
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WAIT, could it be??!?!?
Don't forget Karkat

only autists rage all the time
Just like Hussie

>born in April

My parents made every effort to ensure that I succeeded, even before I was born, and yet I still turned into a useless autistic NEET
>why is everything a war with you people
The WoJ is the WoJ because THEY consider it a war. To them, thinking in the wrong terms doesn't just mean they disagree with you, it makes you an evil warrior out to destroy them.

Not every social justice discussion is a war, but that's what the War on Justice considers it. Hence the term "WAR on Justice": they consider their targets "warriors" because they think of it as a war.

>so it's basically a reverse sjw?
To be exact, it's the sort of person who would use that term to attack the opposing side in an argument. They claim that they're "really" only mad at the "evil ones" who do exaggerated "bad" things, but as seen here, disagreeing with them is all it actually takes.

So basically, yes.
write what you know i guess
>implying Jade wouldn't use the puppy-dog eye trick thing to convince him
>"open house"
more like open hive if you ask me

no im not butthurt that i didnt get in on it
>being an aries or taurus
you are probably the latter and a lazy fuck as well
>No fic where cronus holds down terezi and rapes her
don't post this image. it gives me a boner.
Hussie should stop it with his femdom fetish. I do agree with giving glasses to as many female characters as possible though.
>you are probably the latter and a lazy fuck as well

You nailed me
>implying she doesn't enjoy it
why don't you make one yourself?
Shut your mouth, femdom and its various subsets are literally the highest tier of fetishes
Me no good fictographer
Ascend made me want a fic where Aradia meet the Flintstones.
that explains it
What brought this on exactly
Why is there like
One pic of that
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All you had to do was ask, anon.
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honestly a flintstones meets the trolls would be a good crossover

since flintstones is just MODERN DAY...BUT WITH ROCKS and trolls are just MODERN DAY... BUT WITH GRUBS
Ascend uses the Flintstones theme.
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He is the biggesy mary sue, anon
Wait really?
>I hope all these musicians make it big.

me too
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>tfw virgo and got sylph of space with that classpect spreadsheet
i still really like kanaya
enjoy frogs
enjoy autism
I'm pretty sure he's the opposite.
i didn't know Silvagunner worked on HS music
>Hussie should stop it with his femdom fetish.
A few of them would be fine, but I think just about every female in the comic is the dominant type except Roxy, Nepeta, and Calliope. Almost none of the guys do, and when they do it's usually supposed to be a joke about them being failures.
Roxy is so the dominant type
post moar, feggit
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i got seer of heart on the latest version, so i'll just go with >>83843874
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sorry but that's where it ends
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thats the spirit
>seer of heart
You can see souls?

What's even the point?
welp looks i'm heading to bed then.
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Why not toss WWE in while you're at it.
>insults his friends
>lol acting tsundete irl will give lots of frienda :^)
>suffers for no reason other than to pity his existence
>guaranteed leadership, because a giant penis with tits told you so
Aww it's RoseJade! They look so happy!
would NEVER...
she's pure!
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not for long
never this image
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Wow I suck at macro photography
Got this thing printed. Sorry for the blurry photos, probably because I'm not using the right lighting and autofocus isn't really working. I made two keyboard sizes; the first seemed kind of small so I upscaled it (and it turned out slightly too big). Will take better photos tomorrow, but at least now I've got all 4 Phernalia done.
As if. Dumb slut would lick my feet if I asked her to.
Shit, at least Anakin and Obi-Wan had a few moments in the prequels that could be vaguely described as "friendly" (not that anyone in those movies showed anything approaching genuine emotion)

On the other hand, pre A6A6, everything we see in Vriska-Terezi relations is fucking awful
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Seers are a bit weirder than that. The Seer of Mind couldn't read minds, she could foresee the results of certain choices.

The Mind aspect is about the choices people make, while the Heart aspect is about the core of their identity and personality. A Seer of Heart would be able to understand people, and foresee where their central personality traits would lead them.
Shit that actually sounds rad
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Looks amazing!
delete thii2
>71 unique posters in a late night thread
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every time you post, it makes me regret the cute things i've drawn for you

Seeing souls/emotions clearly; probably means understanding people's core intentions. Very empathetic, might be good for keeping teammates communicating/open
god bless you
delete your account
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>late night
>not late morning

git gud
man, i just wanna a bed right now..BUT I KEEP COMING
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Loki <3< Angel confirmed?
Stop living in the wrong timezone.
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what if I just really like this ship
western europe bestern europe
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vriska doesn't deserve it
Half of these just wanted to know what the fuck a woj is.
This is an American thread.
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Well if they're stuck in the old universe together in the end, they might as well right?
which fetishes should my fantrolls pander to
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edit 1.png
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nah you dont mean that
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b-but..i-,i..i wanna be with the cool kids..oh..ok i will. only if you say "sleep snug anon-kun"
I'm pretty sure kismesissitude isn't supposed to involve murder.

That said, it's totally in-character for Vriska to be so bad at black romance that she does exactly the wrong thing all the time.
dont let the plotholes bite!
what if aradia suicides
you should draw an older sahtii

i want to see how LONG those horns can get
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strongmad 2.png
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i was tanlines
pretty sure i was blonde girls too
fossilized meme
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speaking of fossils...


she made him fucking bleed.....
I never got this one, what was that from.
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oh ye8h????????
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a sad sahtii.png
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i might do ancestor or older versions later
but for now
heres a new drawing
whys she sad
Yo Angel do you ever sleep

It's like no matter what hour of the day you're on here
always appreciated, i love sahtii
yeah of course
its like 2:30 here
i have a lot of drawing to do
I never got why Japanese artists constantly insert English words into their songs. Doesn't make much sense to me.

and that song has nothing to do with matryoshkas what the fuck seriously
It's trendy for some fucking reason
>i have a lot of drawing to do

i'm legit excited, what're you plannin
it's cool
well most of their younger generation learns english in grade school and are bilingual
so throwing in words that most japanese people know kind of mixes it up a bit is what i would guess

aw man i dont want to disappoint you mean its literally a bunch of commissions and prepping to sell at AX. im trying to squeeze fantroll stuff in between it all
Sketched Gritte and I don't know where her sign is supposed to go haha. Also wasn't sure on shoes, but she's supposed to be feral so...

I'll see if I can draw more tomorrow/today/fuck it's passed midnight

If the anon for this ever sees this just reply and I'll look through the archives
either assimilate or die
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the weak are forgotten by history. evolution marches on.
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and the last one for tonight
long slut
does she even have tits lmao

it all makes sense now
what spreadsheet
Being a Britbong is suffering, but if you're still about it's very much so appreciated as the anon who originally wanted it done.
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The book is already out???

Did some anon already dump Vrisky Business?
I've found this https://imgur.com/a/Chghx but it seems incomplete. No 'The End' or anything...
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high test trolls.png
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Why is Bowman so fucking fat

Why is Bowman so fucking fat and happy all the time
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What's with this half-assed, ironic bullshit? If you're gonna do a muscle-girl AU, you need to really embrace it in a completely sincere fashion.
thats the whole thing. our least favourite girl dumped it a couple nights ago
davekatanon<3<trashconstruct OTP
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What did Equius mean by this?
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1. canon exiles
2. chameleon bowman

pick one
he's gonna solve the spider8itch problem in the best way possible
by giving her a good dicking
He was smiling at his butler horse because he brought him a towel.

Given the way Vriska was swooning over Arquius in act 6, I really would have liked to have seen some more interaction between her and Equius earlier on. The few interactions between them we've seen hints at some potentially interesting dynamics and they DID grow up right next door to each other. A small missed opportunity, I feel.
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I think he just liked seeing Vriska brought low this way. She's slightly worse than he is on the hemospectrum, but holds herself to be so high and mighty. I think he enjoyed all that melodramatic grovelling she had to do, and the fact that he had this advantage over her. "Good. This is 100% the way that things ought to be between she and I. No more of this f001ish posturing on her part. I 100k forward to future interactions between us now that my dominance has been ine%tricably established."

And of course we know that he gave her a robot arm with a remote control which he could utilize, which I'm sure was exciting to him too.
do you think she had to message equius to get him to unlock parental controls on the arm any time she wanted to masturbate with it

E%actly! 100k at that baiting and backbiting. I would have enjoyed seeing more of that between the two of them. It reads almost like a sibling rivalry.
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>Equius taking control of Vriska's arm while she's sleeping
>He makes her lift her shirt, touch her breasts and other lewd shit
>All while he's in his hive, spying on her with a binocular and masturbating furiosly

Last for Eridan
*wwalks out of thread*

This is the closest one I could find.
she's mourning for the slow death of the franchise that she was based off of
>fic can still happen canon
all of this writers other stories are about her getting raped by highbloods. the fact that shes this depraved is hotter than the writing itself
Thread posts: 912
Thread images: 251

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