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Green Arrow #1 (2016) Preview

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Because of >>83630050
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>Try to objectify me and you'll bleed.
This is embarrassing.
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Wow. This was really fucking bad.

What's good, DC?
>this schlocky as writing after the Rebirth issue
It's not that bad chill
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I don't even know what to say anymore. Who is allowing this to happen.
I feel a strange urge to masturbate to dickgirls.
good preview. Looks like Percy is gonna be the new Scott Snyder around here where the general public enjoys his run, but /co/ wants to be hipsters and hate on it.
>emiko is hot now

th-thanks otto

And yeah, kind of disappointing preview.

To be perfectly fair, we said the same thing about GA Rebirth's previews until the actual thing was released. Maybe this will get better? But the pacing is certainly off, and Percy seems like he's reading from an SJW's thesaurus.
Preview was fine you absolute babies.

Someone is trying really hard to sway our opinion to hate this preview.
You're embarrassing.
The only thing off about this preview are their tiny ass bows.
Crap, you caught me.
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>Emiko is hot
>She's also snarky

Otto, you need to slow down.
>GA is using a compound bow
It still triggers me.
It's just a little too wordy, but I don't mind it.

I kind of like how Percy is using that sort of terminology but playing it straight. SJW to literally mean someone actually fighting to end real social injustices and not stupid internet bullshit. Objectifying literally meaning treating people like objects as far as buying/selling them goes and not just an inappropriate sexual comment. Pissing off both sides is the platonic ideal.
Oh look /co/ are being a bunch of twats about a GA preview again.
I'm gonna enjoy this run more than I thought.
7 of those posts are the OP posting images you spaz
>All these terrible one liners
stop, no please.
They're inhuman slavers anon, literally selling people as property.
It's just shitty dialogue then. Who would ever say that?
Superheroes do m8.
She's a pre-teen trying to sound edgy.

Isn't Emiko like 11 or 12?
What's your point?
A 12 year old co-opting what she's heard from an ultra liberal older brother?

Are we going to do this song and dance anytime Percy uses a leftist term?
It's not an unreasonable thing to say.
A pre-teen superhero who was raised by a an assassin super villain.
Yeah, I like that too. I wish people would actually notice and read that instead of having a kneejerk reaction to certain terms like they're triggered
I think they probably bumped her up to 13 or so. She looks too tall here >>83630434 unless Olile is a manlet.

But it is in the realistic range. I had a couple of classmates in 6th grade towering over everyone at like 5'7" but they didn't grow more than that. Some girls just get their height and everything all at once.
I'm fucking loving this so far. The arts cool. Good street level shit. And the dialogue is fine. I love how batman or superman can belt out the corniest shit and folks go "ITs comics...comics and silly stuff go hand in hand" but a kid comic character says one shlocky line "UGH...this dialogue doesn't feel natural or like what people might really say in this situation"
Cos yeah the times I've seen street vigilante archers teamed up with sonic screaming rock star crimefighters take on human traffickers IN THE REAL WORLD they didn't talk like that.
Stop it. That's not how fiction works, don't be an asshole. Your first justification was good enough it's a kid saying a schlocky line. "Riction doesn't have to be good or believable because it isn't real silly" makes you look like an idiot. Oh why did this character just cut out their own eyes for fun, oh well there are dragons in this book so nothing has to make sense. Internal consistency, and actually attempting to write believably is a thing that people do, and it's a thing that many people prefer.
>Maybe he just likes the idea of you living long enough to realize your potential as a crazy old cat lady.
Made me chuckle. Glad to see Emiko again.
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Really liking this so far. Hopefully this is the run that will really launch Percy as a writer and Schmidt as an artist.

If anything, playing "spot the newfag" for people getting assblasted over Green Arrow being a liberal here is going to be worth it alone.

>WTF Ollie said he's a SJW. CRINGE.
>WTF Dinah mentioned privilege. CRINGE.
>WTF Emiko mentioned objectification. CRINGE.

Can't wait to see you fuckers freak out should Ollie call someone a Nazi and ride a hybrid.
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What role do you think the Wild Dogs will play in this story?
Always nice to see Dinah butt
Fuck off. You know damn well faggy whiners aren't bitching because of a lack of 'internal consistency'.
People are fine with silly dialogue and costumes and outlandish shit all commonplace in comics only when it panders to their likes. Hence why a comment like the objectification one in the preview is made...oh suddenly NOW is when we require realistic natural dialogue from our fucking super hero one liners.
Its faggy whiny shits picking and choosing when a thing is okay or not based entirely on their persoinal likes and dislikes. And its only when its disliked that it steps over some imaginary line.
I'm glad someone else gets it.

Fuck you guys and your knee-jerk reactions to terminology. This book is great.
Percy said they won't show up till later till at least the second arc They were just on the cover as a tease.
No please we need more
I'm not really defending those people, I just hate it when people use that shitty argument. Like who gives a fuck about fiction then, there's no point in reading it, it isn't real, and no one should try so fuck it. I guess it's characterisation though because GA and BC don't sound like edgy teens, the differentiation of character voice is a good thing.
It's really insane how easily baited people are by this stuff.
>riding a hybrid
I know it's not the same, but I just imagined Ollie riding an Arrow-Segway, instead of the cycle.
>try to objectify me and you'll bleed
>because i'm a [object]

The writer probably uses irony on purpose in that last one, so whatever, but the first part of the line is so horribly cringy. Why would you make her say that? I know this is supposed to be some sort of SJW comic, but why don't the writers learn to write this stuff less on-the-nose? It's almost a cliche.

SJW writers need to start looking for new ways for saying the old stuff. That's all I'm asking. Give me all the feminism in the world, but write it in a new, interesting way. The lack of subtlety and subtext is why I don't like SJW writing.
the joke is that she's using objectify in the normal sense rather than in the SJW way
Isn't it a joke though? The writer is making fun of SJW's. So Oliver is a Social Justice Warrior, because hes an actual warrior, lol geddit. She doesn't want to be an object, because they literally are treating people like objects and selling them lol geddit. He's just not delivering the joke that well, unless this is all unrionic.
>SJW writers need to start looking for new ways for saying the old stuff. That's all I'm asking.

The thing is that they don't really care about storytelling. You can't be a Conservative writer or a SJ writer, and still be good. You can be a writer that is Conservative or an SJW, but a write foremost, the worst of these people are not writers. I think this is writing foremost though even if its isn't that clever of subtle.
He's using SJW terms against them. Basically showing them what they should actually be fighting against instead of irrelevant entertainment shit.
Lot of triggered folks in this thread.
Triggered is my trigger shitlord.
you just triggered yourself twice anon
It's my internalised misogyny. Patriarchy has negative effects on us all Anon.
Oh my fucking god, they're shoehorning the shithumans into a DC title now??!?
The end
Wait when did Emi and his old team come back? I stopped reading GA after the Arrow writers took over
Please let Emiko be in Teen Titans, please let Emiko be in Teen Titans, please let Emiko be in Teen Titans.
41. Percy is treating the arrow writers as a elseworlds.
One of many reasons why he is based.
He is only bringing usher Diggle because he debut in lemire run.
>Asian girl with colorful streaks in her hair
Every damn time
>Percy is treating the arrow writers as a elseworlds.
As any right thinking person should.

>Asian girl with colorful streaks in her hair
That's just the lighting, anon.
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Love it.
I was so sure Wonder Woman was going to be the best Rebirth series, but GA is stealing the show.
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Felicity really let herself go.
>That's just the lighting, anon.
Percy posted a preview and one of the pics is Emiko and she has a blue streak, it's not just the lighting.
Jesus, this is like the third Denny and Neal scene I've seen in two days where Ollie is Godwin's Law: The Character
Is that run worth picking up or should I just start with rebirth?
Percy's first run was kind of hamstrung by a lot of the stupid constraints of the New 52 that were put on Arrow and by the fact that Percy was still fresh to writing comics.

It had some really fucking weird pacing issues in the first arc and the Werewolf arc has extremely bad art.
I'll be honest. I loved the rebirth issue. I'm diggin this preview. I was hoping rebirth would give me a good 'in' to get back into dc comics.
Gonna be reading flash, action comics, aquaman, and def this.
But I gotta say one of the things that's drawing me to ga...getting to see the whining and tooth gnashing at any perceived sjw shit. I can't wait for people to flip their shit.
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Green Arrow #2 variant by Neal Adams
Is Ollie really comparing Hal, a guy who had a parent who was Jewish, to Nazis?
he's an ass like that
That jewish thing came in later.
The first villain of his run is basically Moon Man, you decide.
Very good.
This is a big fucking problem that needs to be corrected immediately.
It that Neil adams? Holy shit it's great! The inker did an amazing job.
Looks really good.
I feel like a liberal douche would be the #1 person to use a compound bow though?
Didn't #1 come out last week?
Are they ALL gonna be #1s?
She's at least high school as of Green Arrow #41

They never explained how because yeah she was introduced in the New 52 as 11 or 12. But it was just after Convergence, so blame that.
That was the Rebirth issue, this is the real #1
The irony is that a weapon is an object, anon.

I feel like /co/ gets triggered by anything that has hints of maybe progressive language as easily as Tumblr gets triggered by anything that has hints of maybe chauvinist language. Like, if a book has a character say something all liberalish, it's a bad book now.
Yeah, it looks way better than Batman: Odyssey or The Coming of the Supermen do. I feel like those have really scratchy inking that doesn't suit Adams' style. This looks good.
Seeing as Percy's GA seems to use the Lemire cast, should I read the Lemire books? I skipped everything Green Arrow from the first awful DCnU issue until Percy came on. I heard people say great things about Lemire's run, but the stuff I heard about it sounded dumb. "It was ME, Ollie! I was the island!" or something about his dad being behind it all.
Lemire's run is good overall
Here's my general Percy theory, he's a lib, and there's no problem with that so am I but he's been taking the Adams formula, fantastical equivalent to a real world issue, and then willfully stretching it past the realms of good taste, turning these issues into material for entertainment first and preaching in a distant second; I'm surprised he hasn't been chewed out by some prominent tumblrite yet for it. Percy's response to BLM is a villain pale as the moon who dips his exclusively black victims in bleach. The drone program in the same issue is named "panopticon," a name so unsubtle that it wraps back around into absurd fun over political gesturing.
Percy's doing something that is almost impossible now, confronting political issues with a sense of fun, irony and excitement without delving into lecturing.
He sets up some cool stuff, but doesn't deliver. He also changes up his origin in a LOST-esque tweeest and Ollie just doesn't feel like Ollie. Also the art in the run is traced.

Oh my God. That is fucking awesome. Anyone know where I can find that without the titles and logos?
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You're the fucking man.

Not to decide if that should be my phone's background, or if I should keep my current one.

Nu52 Superman with Krypto, saying, "You should see the other guy."
I see. I might check it out.

One plot thread that I'm sad was dropped after the reboot was what J.T. Krul was doing in the pre-reboot Green Arrow series about Ollie's dad and that woman who took over Queen Industries. Nobody read that run, but the first six or so issues were actually pretty good, before the Brightest Day tie-in shit completely derailed everything. There was Brightest Day tie-in shit from the beginning, but Krul found a way to weave it into the story in a way that wasn't too intrusive most of the time (except for when Martian Manhunter shows up and is like BLARGH MUST BURN SHIT and then is like ACTUALLY NVM and the caption is like THIS SHIT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE IF YOU READ BRIGHTEST DAY)

Yeah, I kind of sense that. The first arc wasn't very subtle (I still like it, though), and it was like, "what if I talk about racial profiling through KILLER ROBOTS THAT LITERALLY JUST KILL BLACK PEOPLE." The one with the Wargs was a little bit more subtle, where he talks about hostility and persecution and hate. Yea, it does seem similar to the O'Neil/Adams stuff, where they would talk about stuff like racism, environmentalism, authority etc. through stories with, like, a Charles Manson analogue, Black Hand's plastic city, or even ones where they go to space.

I also like that his Ollie is very flawed, and isn't, like, unambiguously the correct hero. Like, the one with the Wargs, there's kind of the undertones that Ollie is not that much less selfish than anyone else for wanting to bring "Doctor Miracle" just so he can cure his city, when he could be helping literally anyone else, including the ill and impoverished in Africa.
Did /co/ actually enjoy this? I see half of everyone complaining over Black Canary being a diehard SJW and the other half say it's the best Rebirth book so far?

Imo Flash, Aquaman and Superman were better
>Did /co/ actually enjoy this?

>Imo Flash, Aquaman and Superman were better
Those are good, but GA is also really good. Of the Rebirth titles thus far, Ollie is the most complete turnaround from a New 52-esque starting character that's still trying to find his way to one that's close to an Ollie who has the personality and character of someone who's been developed for decades. If the goal of Rebirth is to inject the classical elements people missed from the reboot, then Ollie is really farther along than anyone else at the moment. Couple that with Percy, who did a good job with his previous GA work considering it's his first writing gig and was slightly hamstrung from happenings by the previous team, and Schmidt who is giving a good fun cartoony style and you get a title that's really the most refreshing out of all the titles we've seen thus far.
Well, I sort of invert my preferences with yours because I loved how comically unsubtle the first arc was, apart from perhaps the way that almost-literal-Moon-Man was basically thrown away the moment he was no longer useful, a common inference that the radical right is effectively just an ideologically inclined arm of a materially inclined corporate master.

The warg stuff was generally to vague to have that same crazy appeal, apart from the hilarious blackboard in the anti-warg camp that basically says "WE ARE FUNDED BY THE KOCH BROTHERS OKAY." Though I have to say that the crummy art in that arc really does make it hard for me to enjoy it.
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