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come down, we're about to eat.
JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........pass the butter
>eating in full costume
The X-men are into some weird shit.
"And now, I'm going to slice this roast with my mi-AAAAAAAAARGH!"
"The Slaughterhouse! Its brutality toward the cow must have left some...AAARRGHHHH...Psychic aura of pain on the meat...I'm sorry X-men, yoru on your own"
>there was a point in time when storm stopped getting naked every single chance she could come up with
>Gambit's obligatory comment about gumbo to remind you he's cajun.
I'm sorry to drop by unannounced, but have any of you seen SHOOOOOCKEEERRRR?
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Guys! No fair! You can't eat dinner after my bedtime!
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Our beverages are nearing room temperature. Allow me to SUMMON THE ARCTIC WINDS TO CHILL THEM TO AN APPROPRIATE TEMPERATURE
Why is Scott standing up? Does he have to make sure everyone eats properly?
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You presume to attempt to eat the last slice of ham, mutant? You shall pay for your hubris, RIGHT NOW!
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I wonder how Storm's tights smell after some hero-action.
SILENCE. My power swill deny you the use of cutlery and all table utensils
Please pass the egg salad
What gets me is that it's obviously uncomfortable. Wolverine's blue pauldron things banging against his chair, Gambit wearing fucking form fitting body armor. Only one there who's max comfy is Beast and that's just because he's wearing a built in carpet.
>Beast is basically eating beside you in nothing but a speedo.
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>Only one there who's max comfy is Beast
Professor X's chair is so comfy, he cant even feel it.
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He's leading them in prayer. Everyone knows all mutants are super christian.
Oh yeah, they need SOMEONE to blame.
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>Table what are you......ARGHHHH
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> The episode where Nightcrawler makes Wolverine believe in god
How'd that work out?
>Dear God, it's, uhh, it's Logan. Listen. How come you made me so short?
>making Storm eat on her own side of the table because she's black

What the hell? This isn't the Golden Age.
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Everyone except Cyclops

No one ever listens to Cylcops
But the blue guy is on the other side.
The truth is nobody wants to be around Storm eating cause she uses her powers instead of a fork. Food goes everywhere and makes a mess.
We wus queenz and shiet.
Why didn't Charles have a costume? I bet he made the others wear one because it was his fetish.
Storm was literally a queen. she gets a free pass.
He had that worker fatigue when he goes into action
Being a cripple exempts you from combat, and subsequently, having to wear the combat uniform.
I remember him wearing a stupid pure black leotard in the 90s
and pants
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nah cyclops yer a right cunt mate, jean is my shelia and a bonzer little bird she is too
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Rackle Frackle!
>Golden Age
surely, you mean Orange Age
I miss 90s Marvel. It had just the right balance of drama and fun.
>it's like I'm wearing nothing at all
>nothing at all
>nothing at all
He occasionally wore some, I remember in savage land episodes he wore some green military suit.
"Why are you all staring at me like that, my X-Men? There is no more food coming. There is only this plate for me, and that plate in the center of the table for whoever has the balls to take it for themselves.
This is a test, students. You will pass, or you will go hungry, and if you faggots decide to just share the shit I will make you all piss your pants simultaneously. And I mean it, don't I, Scott?
Beast already has the only tray and only cup. I think he's getting it. He's prepared better than anyone else.
>the ends of the earth Spidey was talking about was the other part of new York, once shocker crosses state lines he doesn't give a fuck
"Hey Sugar, pass me the EEEEEEEIGH!"
He is the dinner monitor for that week, it is his job to make sure everyone is eating dinner properly.
Shouldn't Storm be worried about staining that outfit?

And Beast ought to put a shirt on at least, nobody wants blue hair in their food
The time has come my X-Men, a new enemy has risen that threatens the very existence of mutantkind. I'm talking of course about THE INHUMANS.
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other...part of New York?
What are you talking about?
Why do I get the feeling he's dinner monitor for every week?
Storm can wash herself easily. Or just go nude. She likes going nude.
"The ham... Ah gained its powahs... Ah'm now juicy and succulent... "

"Damn right, ma chérie"
Okay this is just getting lewd now.
>Wolverine slices the turkey with his claws.
He's got an advantage in distance. Scott damn sure isn't getting it and Rogue and Wolverine will probably break the table trying to.

If it comes down to powers the food's just gonna get ruined. It looks like a shitty salad. So it'll be a contest of strength.

I guess Rogue or Beast.
Rogue is minding her figure, so McCoy has this in the bank.
This plate's for you, Morph!
>Scott damn sure isn't getting it
He just gives them a mini blast when they get near the food, it is how a cyclops marks it's territory in the wild
Come on. He was only added in the series so he could be killed off right away. Nobody gives a fuck about Morph.
He is one of the original five. He's used to the Professor's shit by now, hence his level of preparation.

Scott's hanging back because he knows better than to try and fuck with Beast's food.

There's a reason he went by Slim for so long.

What, with his senator Kelly impersonation?
>Mah fellah Ah-mericans, ae am an idiot
do punches from the punch dimension leave a unique scent?
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What up, mah Muggas?

And they managed to cover a whole lot of comic stories/arcs.
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Ew, one of the muggos. Go back to your X-Basement and leave us handsome X-Men alone, ugly.
But what about McCoy?
He's fuzzy, so he gets a pass.
He has the voice of Kelsey Grammer. Shit's soothing.
He has the voice of Kelsey Grammer. Shit's soothing.
Well he's a big guy so he gets a pass
Scott sleeps in his costume. There is an episode of the 92 Cartoon where everyone gets woken up in the middle of the night, hank and Logan are in their boxers, storm and Jubilee in night gowns, and Scott in full costume
My favorite was Jubilee's fairytale theater just because you know chuck, logan, and gambit were lying to Jubilee about having to see the president because they didn't want to watch the kids and because there were no chaperones other than the 15 year old girl in the mine
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I have seen you all naked, I even have pictures.
Who are you again? Does anybody know this guy?
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...it doesn't matter. You want to buy some naked pictures or not?
Those where the times. Best cartoon
While we're talking about this show, what the fuck was up with that Gambit episode with the voodoo chick?
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I've brought cake and this time I think I'll cut it myself since Wolverine never washes his claws before cutting anything at the table. That's gross.
Hey, that's a good point. I bet people get hella infections from his claws putting his arm innards all up in other people.
if wolverine had tons of STDs and infections, would he even notice?
Healing factor, man. He doesn't get infections and STDs. Sure, he smells bad, he never brushes his teeth, he never bathes, and his claws are covered with who knows what but he's fine. He MIGHT have a lice problem.
The question is if he has them and his body just undoes their damage, or if he has superactive white blood cells that commit germ genocide as soon as they're sensed.

I'd favor the former argument, as I think having overactive white blood cells cam cause problems.
He doesn't have to, I would assume his healing factor also works on his immune system, so any germs on his claws would get destroyed once they retract
Where are the plates?
His body won't destroy the germs and bacteria and poop or whatever on his claws, it's his immune system, it'll protect him but his immune system doesn't have a cleaning and sterilizing property. So the crap on his claws would be there, but he just wouldn't get sick from it.

When Claremont lost influence on the title. There stopped being as much fetish content in general on it.
What the hell is he doing with his claws?

Does he give them the punji stick treatment before going into battle or is he just scratching his asshole with them?
His healing factor is tuned down by the fact adimantium is poisonous so most of his healing factor goes to making sure he doesn't die of heavy metal poisoning, when he loses the adimantium his body freaks out. See the first time the xmen Go to genoshia and he loses his healing factor and fatal attractions

Of course this makes no fucking sense when you consider he wasn't in the weapon x program until he was like 100 years old and that he doesn't die of heavy metal poisoning when he loses his healing factor a few years ago...
Dude spends a lot of time in the sewers
>Why can't Nightcrawler get the pizza? He can teleport!
>I got the order last time!
If he's cutting people's guts up badly enough, he's definitely going to be getting shit, or at least partially digested food - which at a certain point becomes shit - on his claws.

Really eviscerating someone and cutting open the digestive system is VILE.

Of course, even on really bad days Wolverine usually doesn't aim there or has more control.

Sabretooth on a bad day though? He would probably be like some kind of nightmare. He would look and smell terrible from all the gore and various things that rightfully, belong inside the people he just tore apart.
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Bobby shut up

Scott I need to lie down.
>that "native american" skintone they gave forge
>Of course this makes no fucking sense when you consider he wasn't in the weapon x program until he was like 100 years old and that he doesn't die of heavy metal poisoning when he loses his healing factor a few years ago...
His healing factor wasn't as strong 100 years ago, all the crazy shit he constantly goes through with the X-Men made it stronger. If he settled down and stopped foghting all the time, it'd start to get weaker. As for the poisoning, Beast took care of it as soon as he lost his healing factor.
tfw your mutant power is to clean dishes
>try to make forge look native american
>ends up looking like sinestro cosplaying as revolver ocelot
>Bobby inviting his Catholic father and Jewish mother
>The tension between Betsy and Kwannon
At least they got food for everyone this time.
*it's a psychic projection*
Charles can make their brains think they ate, making them perpetually feeling full without having actually eaten
>It's a downtime at the X-mansion episode
>Charles thinks the gang aren't eating responsibly and announces he's putting them on a physic diet
>The food they eat won't be real
>Sends the X-men into an existential crisis as they hunt for real food and try to trick Xavier
It looks like they're having a poorly-maintained pitcher's mound for Thanksgiving dinner.
>Everyone loses it and just becomes cannibals
>Scott tries to be the sole voice of reason
>Scott gets eaten first
>Xavier rolls back into the room to ask them how their first day on the new diet has been.
*bobby starts trying to eat a house plant*

X-Men should just be written by the It's Always Sunny writers
>The gang tries to lose weight
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So It's Agreed. We'll get one cheese pizza, One with Pepperoni and Mushrooms and one with Olives!
>Wanda comes out of nowhere
>"No more food!"
>House of Pancakes, coming this Summer
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Mermaid Man! I figured out how you can stop Man Ray for good!
I swear to God, if you tell me to rape him, I will shoot you
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Just plunge your trident into his whirlpool! Treat him like a blow fish! Put your swordfish into his blow hole! Teach him the second definition of seamen!
Damn it commissioner, my dick hasn't worked since the end of WW2! I physically can't do it!
He has the voice of Kelsey Grammer. Shit's soothing.
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I don't care, set your dick to wumbo if you have to, just get it done!

Chief out.
Scott was right to come in normal clothes.
Damn it Chief, you're a madman!
dammit i love /co/
We love you too anon
>OK everyone, Deadpool made a formal complain about Beast shitting on his lawn.
>Deadpool has a lawn?
>I think the better question is why is Beast going across town to shit on his lawn?
Because Deadpool keeps pissing in Beast's litterbox.
Except me.
I don't know him/her
Don't lump me in with you, faggot.
You come back here and get some lovin' you homosex
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AHHHH Somebody help me!

I thought it was "Wraggle Fraggle!"
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The fuck is wrong with Jubilee?
>Logan, please, carve the turkey.
Is Die Nner german?
Imagine wiping your ass and accidentally popping the claws.
That's why you make friends with that kid who's mutant power is cleaning other people's asses from anywhere in the world (but not his own).
>you have big dreams of starting up a company to sell your unique genes as a new cleaner
>as soon as you try to talk people tell you to fuck off and do the dishes
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This is some great grub
Is that why toilet paper comes up clean after a wipe on random occasions? A blessing from Ass-Wipe Boy?
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You know, I've wondering.

So Wolverine's claws are his mutant bones that pierces through the skin of his hands, right? And when it retracts, it's inside of his arm.

So what if Wolverine cut somebody with AIDS and retracted his claws without wiping it? Those that mean he'll get AIDS, too? You know, I don't think we ever saw Wolverine wiping his claws clean before. Only God knows how filthy the inside of Wolverine's arms are.
>but not his own
Such a cruel fate
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Umm my blood can double as hand sanitizer...

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>X-Men should just be written by the It's Always Sunny writers


This ones for you Morph! YEEEHAAA!
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