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Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.

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Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.
checked and i dont get it
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>my fetish
Carol is probably the only character that could say that line organically, to be honest. You know, the whole pregnancy arc.
I don't get it, what are you angry about?
Is it the gray on the suit or are you triggered by what they're saying
OP is probably intentionally misreading it to mean "monsters = gross fanboys" to make himself upset. But that's so illogical based on even just the context of this panel (ie they're literally talking about a monster they just fought) that I'm not sure why he would do that.
I just want to know how she got covered in monster pheromone.
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>unable to defeat the monsters by conventional means, X-23 digs deep into her catalogue of skills to counter them
>covered in pheromones that attract the ravening beasts she relies on the boundless endurance provided by her healing factor and drives them to exhaustion
she literally used to be a prostitute.
And Carol relates to that how?
Just like her daddy that one
ya mind actually articulating what problem you have with this panel instead of being an autist?
Yeah, but that is a business usually limited to human beings.
Unless Laura was doing the real special customers. You know, the people coming from outside the planet.
>like, oh my gosh, anyone who hits on me that I don't already like is a monster patriarch neckbeard cis male scum
Her son raped and impregnated her in order to birth himself into this dimension.
She got mentally and physically raped by an extra-dimensional being and then taken away to his rape dimension while the rest of the Avengers smiled and waved goodbye.
It's funny you interpret it that way. I think you're just insecure.
Why is rape and prostitution so common in modern comics?
You could argue that if she wasn't covered in literal monster pheromones. Or actually saying something about metaphorical monsters.
Writers get turned on by it.
That was years ago, when Carol was Ms Marvel and in the Avengers.
And the reason is usually that sexual violence against women causes a visceral reaction in the reader that is easy to exploit as a source of drama.
>partaking of a child prostitute is totally normal human behavior and it's weird that someone would call that person a monster.
There's enough actually bad stuff in comics to get mad about instead of taking inoffensive lines and pushing your triggers on them.
I know this is bait but... statistically it's very possible there's at least someone in this board who actually gets triggered by this.
You're trying waaay too hard OP
>people actually read modern marvel
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I don't see the problem considering Laura was a prostitute that specialized in taking heavy abuse and Carol was raped by her extradimensional abomination son.
>Yes, fellow male, Wolverine. I too think it is monsterous when female villains hit on me. I would high-five you but you are covered in monster pheromones.


Yeah I'd say they both have valid reason to make those claims.

This all appears to be in order, OP is a faggot. Moving on.
God damn it Tony.
It's funny that this is apparently something these characters now just "HEYOOOOOOO!" about.
Well, Carol's been mind wiped twice since that happened, so she could just be "heyoooo!' about it by now.
she take the fact she was an underaged prostitute pretty well, look at that smile nearly nostalgic

It's more like shared gallows humor.

>"Man, we've been through some fucked up shit, huh?"
still trying way to hard

That second mind-wipe may as well never have happened. It was supposed to wipe ALL her memory, but apparently it didn't do anything at all.
It sounds more like a wry comment.
I mean, Logan could have brought a similar line after fighting with a bear or some shit.
>Eh, I've tumbled with uglier.
I'm not feeling this bait anon... you need a kicker.
Except I'm not the OP.

Also this is exactly what women complain about. Men complain about the existence of ugly chicks. Women complain about ugly men hitting on them. This is yet another example of comics trying to bring in female readers by having characters and dialogue they can relate to. It doesn't take a fucking rocket science degree to figure out. Case and point, this dialogue would seem very out of place if these were two men talking.
She has a point, I'm pretty sure that Kimua (if that was her name now) wants to fuck X-23
Both Blackheart and Kimura wanted to sexually assult Laura, as well as most of her returning clients from her days as a prostitute. So glad that's still canon.
Underated post.
OP is rusing, or doesn't read comics.
Heh, that was actually funny.
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>X-23 knows OP is reading her
Sorry OP, here's a pity (You).

Continue reading those Marvel comics, you'll hit a homerun with your bait one day.
>This is yet another example of comics trying to bring in female readers by having characters and dialogue they can relate to

I think it's hilarious you think this in itself is a negative

>Women talk about relationships differently than men do

Oh no, stop the presses.
That doesn't have anything to do with you baiting way too hard
Blank backgrounds in every single panel. This shit is getting ridiculous.
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I never said it was negative. Why are you even on full damage control mode? No one is even attacking what you like. The obvious is simply being stated.

DING DING DING, we have a winner.

Moreover, she was an underaged prostitute, which means she was specifically getting fucked by child molesters. It's easy how she might regard them as being a touch unseemly.
There is one with the helicarrier in the background.
But they are like out at sea here, so there would probably be nothing interesting there, anyway.
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OP here, I was actually pretty quiet and just wanted to make up my mind through your discussion.

I'm not the guy greentexting.
The problem I had with this interaction wasn't Laura's remark.
It's Carol's response that made me overthink this interaction.
>"I was sexually assaulted by worse."
>"I know, right? Hate it when that happens! High five!"
This doesn't really make sense. I mean both characters could make that claim, but this is not something you high-five about. This is something you give each other a hug about and whimper.

So that made me reread the thing until I came up with the next best thing:
>God, I hate it when the wrong men look at me. Worse than this monster right here.
>I hear you! High five!
I would've dismissed the notion, but Marvel has a reputation for these things right now.

Ultimately, I guess I'm convinced. A dry joke by Laura about her clients or Kimura or whoever is actually incredibly in character. Carol sort of joining in and being awkward about it also makes sense. So I guess I'll read it like that in the future.
Thanks, /co/. Maybe we're all not quite such a hopeless case as I thought.
Gladly, today OP was a faggot again. Good night.
Avengers 200 came out in 1980.
Check's and here's a free (you) to add to the list.
What was her name, anon?
Oh man, look at how much fun he's having. Good for him.
>that webm
fucking rad.
I could watch it forever.
Are they fucking pre-teens?
No, but their readers are.
Didn't the writer already pull a "anyone who complains is just silly miosgynerds" line in the comic itself? So I don't think it's too far to think it was supposed to hold dual-meaning.
I am genuinely happy for that lizard.
I'm amazed at how such shitty artwork is allowed in modern comics.
She specialized in giving the abuse.
But, anon, X-23 isn't a woman. She's a spcially and emotionally stunted teenaged killing machine.

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Laura used to be a prostitute

Carol was raped by an inter-dimensional being that traveled to 616 by magically impregnating Carol, her giving birth to him, rapidly age, mind control Carol, "marry" her and kidnap her by taking her back to his home dimension.

they've seen shit
given that she was a child prostitute I think OP is more than likely just a filthy casual trying to stir shit up
This guys seems like kind of a tool but he made fun of Linkara so its okay.
Anyone remember that water slide thing where you slid into the crocodiles mouth?
I'm just saying, especially nowadays writers can be really petty and love taking shots at the readers.
X-23 literally was a prostitute

It makes sense
Is she making fun of Hellion?

But in the comic she's a quirky teenager full of attitude.
You seem to have missed the part about jetpacking naked afterwards
I'm imagining a parody of that one scene from Aressted Development now.
The time Rogue finger banged her to steal her powers.
She consented in exchange for money. It may have been statutory, but it wasn't molestation. It probably wasn't even exploitative. It was an act of defiance to get their money in some way other than killing them. Plus she cares about her body the way most people care about their online privacy.
Considering Laura's love life has been Elixir, Angel and johns, it pretty much reads as a jab at waifufags.
>it wasn't molestation
it was severe, bloody s&m
Which she gives no fucks about.
Rape is literally worse than death for most women, it takes away what they perceive as their only societal power. So of course it's an easy source for clickbait style drama.

So am I.
Why is Foom not a genius intellect alien-demon anymore?
He's too horny.
But Blackheart and Kimura are hot.
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That looks really, really fun.
also witnessed
Is that Fing Fang Foom?
why is it that shit tumblr-tier art is used for 5 dollar comics nowadays?
Art quality doesn't change sales, but art style does.
Well... waifufags are the most pathetic of the lot, so thats well deserved
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Get back in the box
As much as I loathe the whole Bendis-vengers thing, does anyone else miss "fat" Carol? Carol gets called fat multiple times, implying that she was some high test levels of THICK. I liked having a sexy THICK superheroine. Plus having the likes of Doom call her fat was kinda funny honestly.
I'm sure Tony has had to work in a lot of clean rooms. Probably 10000 particulates per square inch or less. Sterilization is an everyday thing.

Hey, remember when she was a teen prostitute with a psychotic, abusive, murderous cokehead pimp? Remember when her last client was about to cut her up, but at the last second had a change of heart and killed himself out of guilt?

Nah, must be a jab at the fans. Anything else wouldn't fuel my persecution complex!

Carol you're in no position to say EW to anyone's sexual history
Yeah, that was kinda hot.
You ever wonder if, when they're really bored or something, the Avengers all compare who's had the most messed up sexual encounter?
I mean, about 3/4's of them have at one point had sex with one of their main villains, sometimes while in disguise.
>feminists get mad over video games
>/pol/tards get mad over comics

you're literally the same thing. as long as you get easily triggered over trivial shit, you are the same.
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>the Avengers all compare who's had the most messed up sexual encounter?
Bruh it's just a sick burn get over it. It's one of those things where you say a burn then high five your friend
>/pol/ isn't just reverse tumblr guys i swear!
Don't forget being a wore and god knows what happened in the facility with kimura. She probably had lab techs pulling trains for laughs.
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