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Endtown updated. Cop might actually have been an allright man

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Endtown updated.

Cop might actually have been an allright man trying to do his job right, we might never know, now.
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posting small version, if there is some guys wanting it?
When Wally said he didn't deserve Holly's kindness, it was foreshadowing that Holly doesn't deserve Wally's kindness
But Wally deserves every inch of Kirbee.
Good bye Lt. Lovehammer. Now you'll be punching angel perps in heaven.
RIP tough-guy cop. Let's hope his partner's packing, or he's toast as well.
>it's just motion blur

and kirbee every feet if wally.
Fun fact here is that in the pouch where topsiders usually have a zero gun there's a pistol instead.

Seems that pre-Zero Gun time napalm rifles and guns were the only weapons that they had.
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>literally burn it with fire
>someone dies and for once it isn't Holly's fault

He'll be fine.
It just grazed the back of his neck?
so what are the odds this will turn into a shoot out between the police and the topsider wannabes?
Doc get hit in the crossfire, passes out.
Holly tries to drag him away.
Doc mutates, healing the wound.
Both Cops and one Not-topsider dead. Remaining sees two mutants, hauls them off.
Shit happens, wind up at Pep cola stadium where Walt stages the breakout and everyone ends up in Endtown.
Well, now I need to reread the comic after college finals end
Nah, the bullet didn't penetrate his skull, so he's not dead.

The wound however will stress him enough that things will get toothy soon before he has a chance to actually die from blood loss.
What do people see in this comic? Poorly drawn, edgy furries killing each other and crying about being persecuted because they're furries?

Is there something great hidden beneath this layer of garbage?
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read it and you'll see...
Honestly asking a question anon. Not trying to troll, just wondering what gets people to care about this thing.

But it looks kind of crappy. What's good about it man?
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Oh you're being genuinely retarded. Here you go my dude, you've earned it
lol fuck off with this shit

either read it and see if you like it or don't go into threads
I tried reading it before and it was shit.
I guess it's just not for me then, alright.
It's not about furries, it's about a bunch of people who mutated into furries and trying to deal with the idea that they're not human.

Also death, lots and lots, of painful, slow (Or mercifully fast) death.

People go slowly insane because Schism Syndrome.

Art is personal taste, I like it personally, lot of little details.
>it's about a bunch of people who mutated into furries and trying to deal with the idea that they're not human.

Huh, that actually sounds kind of interesting. I'm not sure exactly why the remaining non mutated humans would be persecuting these mutants though.

I think it's too unrelentingly gorey for me but at least I know more about it now, thank you.
Because they haven't mutated, they don't want to, and the best they can figure out is that all the mutant furries carry and spread the virus. So whatever else they might have to do to reclaim the planet, they'd have to kill all the furries (and infected humans) first. They think.

Plus, humans respond really well to having someone to take their frustrations out on, even if they might logically not really be responsible for causing them, especially if all their authority figures tell them it's not just okay, but good, to do so.
>I'm not sure exactly why the remaining non mutated humans would be persecuting these mutants though.
Because they carry the virus, and according to them if you destroy all the furries that somehow will make the virus disappear
Give the comic a chance, it can look like your generic furry comic #1324 but let me tell you that once the comic reach Sparkplug you won't stop reading and maybe you can also see that the comic is not that gorey as you believe
All Endtown pics are tiny on my phone for whatever reason.
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Pretty sure Aaron confirmed that miniaturised zero weaponry was one of the Topsider's post-war inventions, yeah. Though I also recall him saying that technologically, they've mostly regressed.
If you made this;

It should say "I'm looking for your zipper." or "at your zipper."
Why would being "the perfect height to give blowjobs" be a positive factor for her? It's not like this is a japanese anime where girls have eye-rolling orgasms from sniffing dick cheese.
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>dick cheese.
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There's a factor for you too buddy.
Looks like other went through his neck.
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this is why you bring in the professionals
Why are they so adamant about killing mutants? It's not going to change anything when the virus is airborne.
They are in denial, that's the way Apex (or whatever is in charge now) can control the masses: giving them a common enemy
Word of god says it's not actually a virus. But topsiders think it is and that it's hosted by mutants. Deprive the virus of a host and the can't reproduce. Over time(very quickly IRL in most cases) the virus decays and becomes inert.

This is what the topsiders believe, although the reality is that they have no idea about how it actually works. How have they not noticed this? Probably due to their authoritarian command structure and the fact that all or nearly all of them are batshit insane from being stuck inside a ziplock bag.
They're desperate, they're in denial, and the average topsider has nothing else to do beyond killing mutants and being stuck in their suit 24/7/forever. It's an ugly recipe for hostility on a crazy level.

Is there an Archive of Aarons comments for worldbuilding?
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Sure. The first email ever sent to the guy.
Neat, so there's really a big ocean after the waste. Also:
>The Great Green
>Possibly mythical sylvan Eden
Dragons confirmed?
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There's a bit of concept art of the Great Green that suggests that Wally and Holly might reach it, maybe, eventually. Although it seems so surreal that I hope they don't have to die to get there, or anything like that.
one thing I don't get.

They're in these hazmat suits, and presumably have an air filtration system.

If they don't really know how the virus works, how do they filter the air properly? Whenever the suit gets cut they insta-mutate, so they have to know something about how to filter it out.
I wonder if them reaching it will be the end of the story or if the place isn't all that idyllic and even a nice looking place like that is hiding it's own little version of hell.
Calling it now The Great Green hides a portal to enter in the reality were "I" lives then is revealed that is the girlfrend of Marx the one that's behind all of this
They probably assumed it was an ordinary physical virus to begin with and used standard NDDC filters with pores small enough to block viral bodies, presumably. When that actually worked, the probably just kept up the practise.

If the "virus" really is a supernatural entity of some sort, however, then we can at least derive from that the facts that A) it must come in "masses" larger than the filter pores, like the virus that it was hypothesised to be and which the lower-ranking Topsiders still identify it as, and B) whatever else it can do, it cannot pass through solid (or possibly just inanimate) objects, so it's invisible but not exactly ghostly.

Wild speculation time: My guess is that "I" was turning animals into something like those bubble-like souls seen at the crossroads (disappearing them in the process), except instead of reincarnating in another time/reality, they zeroed in on humans that were on a similar "wavelength" to whatever animal they had been, and "merged" with the souls of said humans, attempting to impose their shapes upon the human bodies. If the humans were conscious adults with a strong sense of self, they would consciously fight the change and end up as random biological doodles that are little but ravening animal instinct, but if they're innocent children or unconscious, their bodies just accept the invader and the change and they end up as half-and-half animal people.

Aaron said that his stand-alone art should not be considered as a hint of things to come.
Oh? Seems like everyone around here's been interpreting it as a pointer to where Wally and Holly have been going ("over the sea and far away").

I'll just treat it as a window into a better world, then.

Once this story arc is over I'll ask Aaron for permission to post part of his emails.

Shit is going on now, but there was a whole different load of shit that would have hit the fan without Kirbee around.
Maybe it's Ork logic

they Topsiders believe they are completely protected from the virus, ergo it does not have any influence on their minds which has been stated as a vital factor to mutation

although, that doesn't explain Ethel.
That would be a clever idea if not for the fact that mutation caught people totally by surprise when the virus first broke out - they didn't expect to mutate into anything at all so they should have no reason to think they'll mutate therefore psychic immunity
Wow, maybe he *was* planning to have Holly be the one that was possessed or something like that, then, until he switched out the "Jim gets eaten by Sarah at a cannibal orgy" plot detail and decided to make Kirbee central to the plot.

Was the re-plottening something that happened during the hiatus, like the lizards getting redesigned?
>lizards getting redesigned

separate change, apparently he wanted them to tower over Holly, Wally and Chick
Wow that is...

On a different level than the horrors thus displayed in the comic. I am pretty glad that didn't happen.
look at it this way...

We'd have attracted furry vore fetishists
Well they already eat fertilized eggs with viable fetuses, but it's impersonal and our current western society is okay with fetus killing. So I mean, there was already animals eating animals. Plus the comic opened with Al almost getting devoured by a horror.

But I already feel bad for Jim. That would've been just way too gruesome.
fetus eating and death due to possession by interdimensional nightmare monster?

much less horrifying.
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This latest arc is really putting Holly's reaction here, when Chic tells her what part of their diet consists of, into stark clarity.
Yeah, it's the personal nature of things. Like I said, we're kind of conditioned in our culture to just accept fetus killing, and I know that eating fertilized duck eggs is a delicacy in some Asian countries. So I guess it's less horrifying to me.

But devouring someone who gave up everything to support you because he loved you? While cucking him at an orgy? Brutal.
Holly is adorable when she isn't broken inside.
Well, eating unfertilized eggs is totally normal for Holly. Milk Trial, after all. And probably the largest bulk of their eggs are non-viable anyway. But yeah, the fetus eating must've been hard on her. Just imagine if Allgood had heard about their lifestyle.
there is a significant difference between eating an egg and drinking milk. In this case, it is the difference between eating cheese made from breastmilk vs eating a fetus.
Especially when hope for the unborn is such a large part of her maternal side. She was invested in that baby to the point where losing it pretty much broke her, even in advance of everything else that happened. To hear that the lizards reserve that investment only for reptile babies probably knocked something else loose inside her mind.

I wonder if, if she *was* originally going to be the possession victim, Chic telling her this was the point where she would have gone nuts?
Yeah but Holly was morally okay with the cake which used eggs
Holly had no idea about the cake. "Morally" her beliefs are not simply extended to being OK with anything else. Judging by her reaction in >>82492001
It's reasonable to assume she was not ok with it at all.
But she's always been broken inside in mouse form, since we first met her.

It shows, too - most of the time she looks a little gaunt-eyed and dishevelled. Personally I think that's part of what makes her adorable.
At a certain point you have to wonder exactly how much of what type of creature you are affects your personality and conscious.

We already know that people who are awake during the mutation process end up monsters, but is the fact that you have to be asleep to just get turned into a rat or a skunk a good thing in the end of it? What if it turns out to be a slower burn than if you had been awake, what if the animal you mutate into isn't random at all, but based on those deepest darkest desires. Those things you keep shut away and hope never come out.

Think about it, reptiles are way more likely to eat their young than most mammals(yes there are exceptions), and the reason for Chic being kept alive didn't stick out to me at first, but it's because he's a bird. This all has to do with the reptilian part of our brains that tells us to be territorial and aggressive, and if Chic had been born a fucking badger then he would've most likely been killed because there was no slight connection between him and his mother that would've nudged her for mercy.

Jesus what if they're getting worse? Sarah pointed out the healing factors, but what if every time they take a bump, that animal side comes out a little more. Is that why Flask was the way she was? All those horrible experiments just drove most of her humanity out and let the beast in?

Why the fuck am I this invested in a comic about cats and mice?
She spent multiple weeks in confinement with the other Milk Three and also heard the testimony about the eggs in the cake, obviously she knew

Anyway you're missing the point, there's a big difference between a fertilized egg and unfertilized. You know the yoke is no an embryo, right?
I stopped buying eggs a few years back when a fertilized one got mixed in with the edible ones.

You ever wonder what a dead chic looks like as it plops down onto a frying pan? I wish I didn't.
That does not mean she was OK with it. At no point does she say she was OK with Linda using mutant eggs. Nor does she acknowledge she knew the cake even used mutant eggs.

That being said, if they were unfertilized is it the same argument? Lizards don't lay eggs like chickens do, and the eggs Linda used are chicken mutant eggs.
No, I don't wonder because I know

I saw Survivor: Palau, Survivor: China, Survivor: Caramoan, and Survivor: Cambodia so I knwo what it looks like. They really love their duck fetuses on that show.
I don't even know what we're arguing about in the first place if NOT whether Holly was okay with the cake. I think she was.

Obviously no one's saying she wasn't okay with eating fertilized eggs with fetus inside them. And she didn't flip out when they were offered normal, unfertilized eggs in the kitchen when they first arrived (funny enough it was Sarah who made the big deal).
Shit, I should have asked about Holly's whiskers (do female anthros see them as equivalent to facial hair and trim them?) and teeth (does Holly have to gnaw to keep them worn down?) when that request for email questions was open in the last thread.
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She didn't really have any comment. Chick might have gone into greater detail.
Hah we used to own bantams, we had that happen once or twice.
Nothing stopping you from asking Aaron yourself. His emailis on every comic page and he loves answering fan question.
Whiskers grow fast, plus they are very sensitive

betting mutants who have made it this long as mutants keep them to "complete the look"

although the idea of a mutant shaving herself to try appear more human again is intriguing. I have a feeling that sort of thing was not impossible in the first few years after the war.
We have had some prior speculation about this in past threads.
I'm too shy to do engage with anyone non-anonymously.

I fully accept that the Internet has ruined me.

Yeah, but on that note, cutting them short probably prevents or at least deadens some fairly alien sense-data, an idea that some mutants might find appealing.

I was mostly wondering because Holly usually seems whiskerless, but that close-up shows short ones and I seem to recall there were a couple of other similar shots from the current "Self Exile" arc, too.

You know, I feel like sheep wool would be a byproduct that even Allgood would have difficulty arguing against (not that he wouldn't try). The best wigs were already made out of real human hair, after all.
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Holly definitely has whiskers, they are just very thin
Yeah, like I said, I've been noticing them through the "Exile" arc (notice she implies they've been out there for weeks). I'll go back and see if they were a part of her look before the trial.
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