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>BvS bombed worse than ASM2 >WB is literally re-shooting

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>BvS bombed worse than ASM2
>WB is literally re-shooting and re-editing the entire SS movie FIVE MONTHS before release to copy GotG and Deadpool
>Critics hate WB/DC more than hitler and will go into SS prepared to hate it no matter the quality (plus some SJWs think Harley Quinn is sexist)
>RT score will be 30%
>Audiences will listen to critics and not see the movie
>Budget too high
This is how the DCEU dies
>1 IP
>OP left his thread
try harder.
But it's true though.
They are literally reshooting the entire movie les than five months from release just to copy Marvel Studios.
But none of it matter because BvS literally killed te DCEU
>They are literally reshooting the entire movie les than five months from release
That isn't true though
>in denial

Yes it is.
You keep using that word.
Faraci says otherwise
Did no one learn from Trank's Fantastic Four????
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Yeah that's right they are reshooting the movie when all the actors are shooting different pictures right now
Hell Leto has grown a jesus beard
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It's true. They are doing major reshoots because of BvS. They want SS to be more like Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool. That's why they had the second trailer rip-off GotG's OOGACHAKA trailer
It will make money based on being a edgy comic book movie. Harley Quinn alone will guarantee at least 50mil weekend


preferably in IMAX and with a large popcorn (don't forget to tip)
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>we want to make it more fun
Bot just edgy, CRAAAZY.
Teens eat that shit up, especially if JokerHarley is involved. Like Alice in Wonderland was a while movie, but people only care about slapping Cheshire Cat on everything and going "we're all mad here :^)"
I'm going to hate this movie because of the audience most likely, and I usually don't let fans ruin shit for me. Hope I'm wrong.
Most websites hate SS Harley Quinn because she dresses like a slutty stripper which is sexist.
Why do you think no one talks about her comic despite selling in the top 10-25 margin. Because they don't wanna promote such a sexist character. When Suicide Squad comes out they will call her character sexist which will cause the public to hate her.
This is weak bait anon
Its impossible for them to do reshoots without the actors present
Even the most rookie scooper would know that.
It's a pretty stupid assumption but we all know DC is GrimDark ThornHeart and Marvel FormulaQuipson McNonce, with no exceptions.
>They are literally reshooting the entire movie les than five months

How dumb do you have to be to actually believe they're doing this?
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>/co/ now likes Faraci
This is too good.
>most websites don't talk about
>despite her comics selling
and that supports that SS will fail...?
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>muh rt score
>(plus some SJWs think Harley Quinn is sexist)
Who on earth thinks Harley is sexist? I think she's a character they have to get right, but that's all.
Anon, it's obvious they are trying to rip-off GotG. They even tried to make Queen their own OOGACHAKA.
Even Gunn knows this
>After every movie smashes records people here in Hollywood love to throw out the definitive reasons why the movie was a hit. I saw it happen with Guardians. It “wasn’t afraid to be fun” or it “was colorful and funny” etc etc etc. And next thing I know I hear of a hundred film projects being set up “like Guardians,” and I start seeing dozens of trailers exactly like the Guardians trailer with a big pop song and a bunch of quips. Ugh. […]
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Go away, Max Landis! You're just jelly that RT doesn't like your terrible movies!
>"Guardians was a mistake"-Gunn
Who is the person?
>he believes Faraci
Kek. He wasn't even right about BvS; he was too kind on it.
Your mom
It's true though

Many websites have reported on it
Link them and maybe I'll believe you. (Though it still sounds like utter bullshit)

And Gunn was ripping off Tarantino, who rips off just about everyone. He's got a big head after one popular movie.
They're reporting on Faraci's report.
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How come they're all Frank-Heads?
Which is a true report
Dc loves ripping off Marvel
That's why they used queen to rip off GotG's hooked on a feeling and has everyone acting quirky >>81377737
and is about a ragtag team of criminals teaming up to save the day (also croc is Groot)
And you know this, how?
>source of a source

You don't schedule reshoots and get a budget of 10 million dollars in 1 week, that's fucking impossible and most of the actors are doing other things right now. They scheduled these reshoots months ago because the guy that plays Killer Croc had a scheduling conflict for part of filming. He's the only one doing this.
Fucking really? If I weren't so easily baited I might be tempted to call this ridiculous and move on with my life.
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>Over $500 Million
How stupid are you?

And nothing of value was lost
Marveldrones aren't even subtle anymore...
>hear about the jokes
>ask my friends if the Pies will be featured in the film
>hahahaha, oh man, I hope Harley hits everyone with a pie
>. . . Harley isn't the one who is throwing them
>she does in Injustice!
>Boomer throws the pies....
>wow, that's dumb, it should be Harley, she's the funniest

I want Ostrander's, not Glass'
>250 million budget
It barely rescued it's own budget, and it should have been an instantaneous success.
Every trailer really sold me this movie already, unlike BvS.

I hope the changes are for good, and that WB is not just shitting all over the movie.

How can a studio be so fucking shitty.
Nice thinly veiled console wars thread
I'm guessing you got banned before for putting the console wars in the OP post and learned to do it with the first reply
I hope the reshoots are solely to change it to "Captain" Boomerang.

And when the movie does well, the studio believes it's entirely due to this change.
Good, I hope it has the same fate as BVS and I hope the DCEU is dead. Harley shouldn't have been in the Squad in the first place and she shouldn't have been based on her N52 persona
Max Landis is an insult to the Y chromosome

You're supposed to grow OUT of puberty, man
>>WB is literally re-shooting and re-editing the entire SS movie
Can we please fucking stop with this shit. Literally the only source is that faggot Faraci.
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>>BvS bombed worse than ASM2
It's true though
It's only fair since Marvel comics has been ripping DC comics for decades.
>Not a bomb
It's literally making 0 money overseas, how is it not a bomb?
>reeshooting the entire movie in 5 months
I don't think you understand how long post production takes.
>Any trailer set to a 70's hit is ripping off GOTG
Were they ever?
What's farci's source?
Anons, how do you thrive on creating such discontent and chaos with the simplest and most obvious lies? I want to get into shitposting.
A source of a source. Seriously.

He heard they were doing some reshoots that were scheduled months ago and just made a clickbait article out of it to capitalize on the BvS release.
You just stop caring anon and ride the wave
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I feel it.
Knowing this is probably a minor short interrogation scene by Batman or something.
>and will go into SS prepared to hate it no matter the quality
DCfanboys are the worst...
Anything related to Batfleck wll do alright imo. I think Justice league will suffer the most from the current BvS situation though.
Anon pls, it's pretty obvious they used Queen to try and ape GotG's success. Even Gunn knows >>81377737
>make an anti-DC thread
>it's the CRITICS who are anti-DC not me, honest ;^)
See >>81377632
She's dresses in a problematic manner and likes srx. If she covered her skin more like Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel and was asexual then websites would like her
Comic nerds=/= the public. When the public finds out how sexist and offensive Harley is, the outcry will be huge. Even worse Gods of Egypt
Remember when Slutfire happened? Imagine that times 100000
It's 90% of the world that is, buddy
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A shit movie is a shit movie...
Even with Bohemian Rhapsody backing it the trailer still looked more serious than GOTG.
I can't stop imagining Batfleck just grabbing Evans and breaking his neck.
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>people unironically hated Slutfire
I blame the cartoons for this to be honest
It's true. Even the writer of Thor noticed it.
I'm gonna see it because David Ayer makes some of the most unintentionally funny movies out there with his 7th grade tier edge. Suicide Squad is just one huge disaster waiting to happen with him attached.
Nope. BvS literally killed the DCEU and DC universe. Every critic and website hates them and expect nothing good from them thus will never give them good reviews no matter what because they hate them. And the trillions of people who go to these websites and critics will tell other people and more people will hate DC movies. Soon no one in the general public will like them because the news told them not to.

The only way the DCEU can be saved is to end it and have Joss Whedon remake it since people recognize him from Marvel Studios thus will instantly boost their popularity and make people think Marvel is making DC movies now.
Just because you'll see it doesn mean others will.
You're seeing it with me whether you like it or not.
This is the most nigger stupid thing ever written

Are you aware of Transformers or Pirates of Carribean?
Okay Dad.....can you at least buy me popcorn?
No we're getting frozen milk duds.
>And Gunn was ripping off Tarantino
Not really?

I see Star Wars and Indiana Jones more in Guardians (all the way down to using digital matte paintings instead of CG animation in some shots) than anything from Uno Farto.
I'm talking about using popular music as the soundtrack to the movie. He's not the first one to do it, but he makes it sound like he is.
>higher budget
>might make less money

That's a bomb
Your movie theater do frozen milk duds?
Bayformers and PotC aren't hated as much as DC is now
Suicide Squad on Suicide Watch
damn, I guess dc doesn't need snyder to rape their movies. they can do it themselves
Well it made double it's budget

> cost 250 mil
> make over 500 mil

It's really disappointing compared to the competition, but that's not a bomb
Because they aren't relevant.
>If she covered her skin more like Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel and was asexual then websites would like her
But they aren't asexual.

Amazing Spider-Man cost that much as well, made over $700 million, and was a massive blow to Sony's plans for the franchise. Marketing costs can easily match or even exceed a film's production budget. A $250 million film would come closer to needing $800M to $1B at the box office to really show a profit.

$250 million is also on the low side for the film's budget going by some reports. Back when Turkish Airlines announced their sponsorship deal, their press release pegged it at $350+ million.
Yes, but they aren't sluts not do they have exposed skin
This is some /v/ tier shit.
Learn English.
Wait, how would Harley count as a slut if she's soley devoted to the Joker? Wouldn't a slut be the opposite of that?
How can it be /v/ tier shit when it's literally all true hmmm?
They're probably just reworking the script a little because they finally decided the Jason Todd theory is more interesting than whatever hot topic bullshit they originally had.
all this shit flinging between Marvel and DC fans...it's like something I'd see on /v/.
Having sex period makes you a slut. Unless you're doing it to become a parent like Spider-Woman. Or having sex with a person of color/Muslim/Jew. Or you're a lesbian.
A lot of "Literally" being thrown around itt
Oh I see what you're playing at. Never mind.
Maybe there wouldn't be flinging if WB/DC wasn't trying to copy Guardians of the Galaxy with Suicide Squad. It's cheap and Lazy an obviously going to fail.

They can't afford to get back the entire cast and crew. Anybody saying "Literally reshooting the movie" is a moron. I imagine Harley Joker and possible (Fucking hopefully) Boomer get more screen time
By that logic, Civil War is trying to rip off Batman v Superman.
What did you literally expect?
>Anybody saying "Literally reshooting the movie" is a moron
You don't need the entire cast and crew to add the Jason Todd theory. All you need is a couple of scenes.
Has Harley ever canonically fucked the Joker?
>just to copy Marvel
You know neither did Marvel invent humor, nor do Marvel movies change the fact that both DCU movies are joyless.
Jason Todd is going to be in the solo Batfleck movie (if it still gets made after SS bombs). Jason will come back as the Red Hood because Geoff Johns is in charge of helping story-telling in the Batman section of the DCEUverse. And Geoff Johns hates Batman and the only Batman story he knows is Under the Hood.
Also Jared Leto's Joker will be in the Batman solo film.
So get ready to see Batfleck telling Red Hood not to kill Joker and feel incredibly awkward after BvS.
>charcater dresses slutty on her own choosing
>is being called sexist
So i have to give up my right to free media because some self consious fatties dont want someone prettier then them to exsist? Over entitled bitchs.
It is very very very very obvious they are copying GotG with SS.
First they used a popular song like bohemian rhapsody as their hooked on a feeling. They have all the characters act quirky an quippy to copy Starlord's crew. Heck, it's even a movie about a gang of criminals working together to save the day from a powerful force. They even have killer croc as their muscle to copy Groot. It's obvious.
>They have all the characters act quirky an quippy to copy Starlord's crew

Only Harley at this point. Is Harley copying Starlord now?
You dont see me bitching and whining about how batman needs to be more flabby, and how his abs are an unrealistic beauty standard. Hypocritical femenist cunts.
Deadshot was quippy and Boomerang was wacky

They even had a scene where the guards are beating up the hero (Starlord in GotG and Deadshot in SS)
I think this is the problem.
They wanted to copy Gotg, fired their load of jokes in the trailer and realised it is not enough.
I just hope they come up with better jokes.
>Deadshot was quippy

He was?
Some guy who had an emotional breakdown while watching BvS. Thinks it's the capest of kino, apparently.

A woman also killed herself
Look upon this man, anons. This is a man who has no idea what the term "perverse incentive" means.
>what is this? Cheerleader tryouts?
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>They even had a scene where the guards are beating up the prisoner

It literally is. Captain America 3 was changed to civil war as soon as Batman vs Superman was announced.
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>mfw /co/ endlessly talks about movies yet has no idea how much movies cost and there are expenses far beyond production and marketing budgets
>tfw I really liked BvS
>literally nothing 4chins can do to change my mind

I too liked BvS
I even liked Jesse Eisenberg as Lex
Marvel fags btfo
People fail to realize that his characterization creates balance between him confronting Batman, Superman, and Lois. wtv though, no point in explaining when it'll just be "le forcing yourself to see something differently to enjoy it"
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