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RWBY/RT General Thread: Moonlight Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 560
Thread images: 169

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Previous thread: >>81342081

Rules of RWBY/RT threads:
>1. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion
>3. Don't believe their lies

Latest episode: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rwby-season-3-volume-3-chapter-12-end-of-the-beginning

>Red vs Blue:
Christmas Special: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/red-vs-blue-season-13-rv-b-holiday-special

Latest Episode: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-animated-adventures-2016-blaine-stories

>X-Ray and Vav
Latest Episode: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/x-ray-and-vav-season-2-the-x-ray-vav-holiday-special-short

Trash Thread: >>>/trash/2121952
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Neo is best
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5th for Chibi will be objectively good.
So, how many seasons till everyone gets new outfits?
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>+6 Funny
>+5 Funny

What cancerous place is this from
Last Ep of V5. RWBYJN_R all get new clothes, but weapon upgrades are staggered. Blake gets hers first, Ruby gets hers last.
The RT website. Their recent "Ditto! Funny! Lame!" like things are cringie as fuck.
The place where they make this cancerous show of course! Something tells me this isn't even b8. I'm afraid.
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Nth for chibi rwby will suck
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Camp Camp looks promising tbqh familam. It looks like it's got that extra something that XR&V just didn't have. I wonder who's even gonna voice them? Not a whole lot of the known VAs can pull of kid voices.

Nazi kid best kid.
And that new Grimm shirt looks nice as hell. All the recent RWBY merch has looked really great. Almost great enough for me to buy something.
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H-he will be back wont he?
He came back last time, so he will return somehow w-wont he?
Shouldn't the dead girl get Deleted?
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Everyone that doesn't like Arkos is a cuckold, or a trans lesbian from tumblr pissed her ship ain't canon.
Go to bed Burnie.

I seriously doubt they can keep the show going without him.
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I don't mind it not being canon,

Because I know that Rube will be closer to him than Pyrrha could ever be again.
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Can someone write a story of Pyrrha breast feeding her future children with Jaune?
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The saddest thing was I got into the series only recently, so I didn't realize how cute Arkos was until it was too late.
At least I'l always have Lancaster
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Ayy fuck you, liking Yuri doesn't make you a transnigger from Tumblr
I love Yuri so fucking much but hate the LGBT+ and fag marriage

Arkos is shit because it's forced and Pyrrha is too beta to get anyone so she deserves no one , Jaune is a fucking horrible character cause his archetype is that he is a fucking weakass faggot who overcomes his faggy fears, become super strong and gets the girl

That's lazy writing, also Yuri is cuter than Arkos
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Post best girl
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Abandoning Arkos? you sicken me
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How to make Arkos better
>Jaune is a girl
>Jaune is replaced by a girl
>No sexual
>Jaune wasn't a weakass faggot
>Pyrrha wasn't a beta faggot
>Pyrrha is the man of the relationship
>Jaune is a trap
>Jaune is a cross dressing tomboy
>Jaune wasn't a Miles self insert

Literally anyone of those will make Arkos better, if not great agains

I don't know what it is about this hairstyle that infuriates me so much
Your post reminds me of that tumblr post about Jaune headcanon that list "he's trans" every third item
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>that nose
>that pose
>that outfit
>that bra
>that body
>that Blake
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Lurk more faggot, that was disproved in the middle of volume 3 in RWBYg.

>Cuter than Arkos

You'll need Chemical bath deposition forced down that throat to get such bad taste out. Also whatever Yuri ship you like, it won't be canon~, stay cucked fampai.
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>that was disproven by the fans!
What the fuck am I reading?
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Jeanne would be the toppest of waifus though, she would blow all the others out of the water.
>cute blonde
>goofy, clumsy and socially awkward
>determined to become a heroine
>knight girls are best
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There's a difference between being a mentally ill transfaggot and a boy who wants to dress like a girl/trap or a girl who wants to dress like a boy/reverse trap

Like how there's a different between Lesbians and Yuri, and Yaoi and faggots, and liking Yuri or Yaoi doesn't mean you support gay marriage

The more you know
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Weak bait. Arkos is already perfect as it is.
I think that Chibi RWBY is going to redefine these generals. Again. I have very high expectations for it.

Though I expect little from Camp Camp Camp.
Are you saying you don't-

You know what never mind
Camp Camp looks like it's going to be Nature Town V2
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>not even posting the best Jeanne
They came up with much better arguments on why Arkos isn't forced, Arkos is only forced for people like xlthuathopec.
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>Arkos being forced
>disproved by the most retarded and weirdest part of the fanbase
Typical Arkos Damage control
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>Tfw Camp Camp is the best thing RT ever creates
What? Boring and only one season long? Yeah, maybe.
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>The most retarded and weirdest part of the fanbase.

We're not tumblr you idiot and neither reddit.
all Jeanne's are good Jeanne's.
It's just a great name for great girls.
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Jeanne and Male Pyrrha?

I could dig it.
Reddit aren't that weird.

Only Tumblr can compete with us when it comes to weirdness.
>believing fan theory
>over examining a relationship
>not just looking at how it was paced in the show
We tumblr now
Seriously? I honestly really like the way it looks. It could be fun. It's also not written by Lindsay so it could actually be funny.
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I want to lick Neo.
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God damnit this guy's art.
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>Blake is black
>Weiss is a translesbian
>Ruby is autistic asexual
>Jaune is a trans and needs to die
>no she is trans
>no she is a lesbian
>fuck you Iceberg

>Neo vore
>I want to eat Ruby's period blood
>The One!
>Fuck off Neptune Kerry
>I want to cuddle Yang and get fucked by her stump
>fuck you Blake
>Fuck you your Waifu a shit
>no your Waifu a shit
>I want to eat my Waifus shit
>me too
>no your Waifus shit is shit
>no yours shit is a shit
>Making two hormonal teenagers in a small period of time hook up is forced.

At any rate you should get read to nail your eyelids cuck, you'll be getting much more on later volumes.
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Do we know if Chibi RWBY is just an April Fools prank or not?
>somethingsomethingcompany anniversarysomethingsomething
Yeah, but what're our sources here?
And if it's not a prank, then God damn, I really hope it's like Yuru Yuri
RT never does April pranks and Burnie's said multiple times that they won't.
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But we acknowledge our shitposting and stupidity.
At least RWBYg only produces disgusting stories and not disgusting stories along with atrocious art.
>I really hope it's like Yuru Yuri

God I hope so.

Either Yuru Yuri or Hidamari Sketch.
>Jeanne and Pyrrha
Someone please draw this crossover.

That Jeanne isn't based off Joan of Arc though.
All that really does is put it into perspective that most of tumblr probably isn't that awful it's just a vocal minority
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Is there Jaune 63 around besides that one picture that is all of JNPR with adorable DFC femRen?
Already was done.
>Pyrrha meets Jaune and looks at him for 3.24 seconds
>instantly falls for him for no reason
>besides the fact he didn't know who she was
Not forced at all
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That image would be 100% better if they we're their normal genders
>Filled to the brim with pesudo-lesbian antics
If RT keeps up with emulating Japan's preferences for cutesy comedy starring girls, then indeed.
That's just Jaune and Pyrrha genderswapped.

Not the same thing.
I wish absurdly slutty characters were more popular on AO3
I want more slutty smut fics rather than romance mixed with smut
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not based off Joan of Arc

In Bayonetta, Jeanne is literally the historical Joan of Arc. They even have the same birthday.
It's not forced because the two aren't done yet, simple because they already hook up doesn't mean there won't be space for more development between the two in later volumes.
googling rule 63 Jaune there seems to be a few.
>that Nora and Pyrrha
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I...don't remember such a detail.

But I've no reason to disbelieve you, so okay.
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No lesbian anon, no lesbian between those two, just no.
It looks like an indie webcartoon/comic without all the SJW bullshit.
>without all the SJW bullshit
As far as we know
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That's some really fucking cute shit

I would be fucked really hard by Nora but it wouldn't be gay cause our balls ain't touching
This Ren right here.
The cutest.
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>Pyrrha meets Jaune and looks at him for 3.24 seconds
>Her brain releases hormones upon feeling his MASSIVE aura and seeing his HUGE fertile bulge
>She instantly becomes addicted to the hormones and like Pavlov's dog instinctively lusts after Jaune to get more of the sweet sweet hormones
And thus, love at first sight.
Yes lesbian anon, yes lesbian between those two, just yes.

He will be back one day.


i saw this get tweeted by Lindsay earlier
You don't understand shit about romance do you? Get out more.
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Silly anon, you won't get it.
There's a character that's a literal nazi and the beginning song says something about cunt shots. I'm not too worried.

That animation looks really good too. We're probably only gonna get a 6 episode season.
>literally Disney Princess movie
You need to experience real romantic
Not the shit you see in Hentai or disney
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>Jeanne's watch contains the numbers 141216. According to Mari Shimazaki, the character designer for Bayonetta, it represents the year/month/date of Jeanne's birthday, which means Jeanne's birthday is January 6, 1412.
>Interestingly, Joan of Arc also was born on the same date.

Since Jeanne was the last of the witches left after they got fucked up, she probably went among normal humans and tried to lead them through being "Joan of Arc" to fight the angels and restore balance and all that.

The thing with Joan getting burned for heresy was probably a cover up for how Jeanne was captured and mind controlled by Balder.

Jeanne game when?

JNPR in Grimm Eclipse FUCKING WHEN?
Pyrrha likes D'arc, she can't get children from D'maidenhood.
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>Ozpin uses everyone's first name for teams
>Uses Ren instead of Lie for JNPR
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That ass is fucking glorious.
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>He actually believes this.
It hasn't stopped there from being plenty of fanart otherwise.

I like Arkos as much as the next guy, but I would love some crossover art of Pyrrha and Jeanne. It's just too much an opportunity to waste.
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>But I've no reason to disbelieve you, so okay.
As a man of science and reason, this phrase kills me inside. Especially for something so easily googled.
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Yes anon, because everybody agrees the romance in the majority of disney movies is bad. Try harder.
Anon it's a character in a video game.
Whether or not she's an allusion to Joan of Arc or not is of little consequence. It's a fun fact, little more.

For all we know Ren is the only character to use an Asian naming order, and Ren is his given name.
Well then at least it should be Jaune(genderswap) x Pyrrha, that 7 foot tall shank ain't worth Pyrrha time.
so genderswapped JNPR would be cute, but what about rule 63'd RWBY?
boy Blake would still be a shit
Fate-Jeanne not Bayonetta-Jeanne, anon.
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What Arkos would look like

Forced not good fuck you Miles shit

Cute Knight/Princess duo

Epic tier sucking each other cocks at night bromance shit

Cute Yuri shit
It's the mindset that makes me sad. It's people like that that vote for Trump. Inb4 MAGARWBY

Now just imagine the best pyrrha cosplay you saw close to her and it's done.
>Epic tier sucking each other cocks at night bromance shit
But that's what Ren is for.
>he actually believes that Disney have good realistic romance
What are you, 8
>Forced not good fuck you Miles shit

I get where you're coming from anon, but there's kind of a big difference between not really caring about the origin of a character design, and wanting a crazy business man in control of the most powerful nation on Earth.
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>there are people out there, somewhere, possibly in THIS VERY THREAD that like Neptune and support Iceberg
You know who you are, and you sicken me.
when will this be canon
>Sitting at work, bored out of my skull.
>Contemplate both sides of the "Pyrrha should/shouldn't be revived" debate that will undoubtedly be an ongoing thing for a good long while, because letting my mind drift into the inner-workings of fantasy realms is the only thing that prevents me from committing suicide over how shit my job and life are.
>Casually jot down ideas on how to pull it off while making both sides happy.
>End up making the most crack-pot fan theory ever that would likely have the opposite effect and piss everyone off instead.
>Yet it's just crazy enough to fit and works well with the new tonal shift of the series, going down a dark and fucked up path for not one, not two, but three regular characters.
>Unsure if I should post it or not, because I don't know if I want it to piss people off or make them happy.

Should I post it?
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>Never said anything about realistic romance
>Implying realistic romance is necessarily good
Go suck xlthuathopec cock will ya?

We're not /a/, 3dpd is welcome here.
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Don't be a faggot anon.

>We're not /a/, 3dpd is welcome here.
/co/'s cosplay threads are fuckin' great.
Where's that picture of the Yang cosplayer who managed to make the outfit more revealing
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Wouldn't her make a perfect yang?
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>all these 2D race traitor
>being a 3DPD cuck
>not going tm with based 2D
No 3DPD will ever be Yang, and Yang will always be better than 3DPD
3DPD absolutely BTFO
How can 3DPD even compete
>Wake up.
>Google plus.
Wasn't online yesterday.
Found out about Chibi RWBY and Camp Camp.
What else did I miss?

RvB season 14?

And that's about it.
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Interestingly enough, it will message the person up to 3 times, so posting their name a 4th time is useless. The same amount of times used to summon Beetlejuice or Bloody Mary.
>How can 3DPD even compete

By being real, and you can actually put your penis in it.
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Should we make a Chibi Predator to commemorate RWBY Chibi?
The anthology?

Just lurked last thread.
We had (apparently) alpha/beta slave Blake cucking Pyrrha.
That looked fun.
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>implying I need real to have sex
Who need real women when I can get my Occulus Rift, my Waifu programming and my onahole and fuck Winter everyday in the privacy of my home

Just wait to customizable robot Waifus come out, who needs human interaction when I have you guys
Humans do.
It's a psychological need and keeps us from going batshit crazy.
Go out and meet a real person.
I need to save the one page of a doujin that goes a little something like this.
>"AHA! But 2D can never really touch you!"
>"I'm okay with that because real women will never touch me anyway!"
>"...wow, you just said something really kinda sad."
>"Acceptance is the first step to happiness."
God lord, are you Daryush Valizadeh? That's unbelievable pathetic.
But anon your waifu likes Qrow penis better.
Yet another reason to pursue a career in math and programming. Once we reach a certain point where the AI can interact with us on both an emotional and physical level, we'll have no need for other meat sacks other than reproduction. But I'm sure by then the biologists will have figured out test tube babies.
I feel like I've read that before but I don't remember where. Shit, I'd look for it but my room mate is here.
Jaune sings this.
How do people react?
Is this what it feels like to be a Trump supporter?
Can we report him?

sure why not?
It falls under spam so, yes.
I don't think he broke any rule though

I think he's just autistic

sure looks like spam and off topic to me.
This is some next level memes right here, what the fuck does this mean
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Bunch of dead pest from the look of it.

Well, that's all the motivation I need to do this thing!
Prepare for multiple posts of shitty fan-fiction tier theorizing! This is going to be a long one.

So long in fact that it's going to take me a little while to fully type up.
So. This'll take a few minutes.
I feel the hiatus setting in.
Feels bad man.
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Daily Dose incoming fools!
At least we're getting RWBY Chibi in May
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When RWBY Chibi starts up in May, might kick things back up again. At least vol 4 starts in the fall.
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d-don't lewd the Rubes
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Wait until Chibi daily dose comes
My nigger.

Yeah, but a slice-of-life isn't exactly gonna do much.
I honestly think the episodes will be extremely short, probably involve RWByY, Jaune and the Beacon staff.

Though if that leads to some good times I'm alright with it.
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>not posting the same pose in the art style that matches the show
I know this.
That same guy did Weiss recently, I'm sure.
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So how will Jaune react when he wakes up to a little sleeping red haired girl rubbing herself on him?

yes but I can't post it, it's too lewd, there are nipples involved.
Dose of what, doc?
>"Yang is gonna murder me"
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Plows her and plants a kid in her
Didn't we cover this?
Or was that just Ruby trying to keep warm and cucking Pyrrha in the process?

Well post the link my negro.
>making porn that mimics the show's art style
but the show looks like shit
Is Ruby standing on a box here?
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Pyrrhas Urn
Must be a fucking big urn.

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I'd impregnate her just for the Weisscream
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I still want to know what the chingchong in this image says
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Just started this series. Why is everybody's voice but Ruby's bad?
Almost none of the VAs are professional VAs or even actors really, they just grabbed random staff and in some cases girlfriends unaffiliated with the company
Could Remnant have Optimus Prime?

The voices get better later.
A lot better.
Don't worry, Ruby's voice gets worse so it's all consistent.
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Fair enough. I'm pleasantly surprised at how well the action sequences are shot. As for the voices, there's definitely emotion behind it but the VAs just lack power and it shows, Yang in particular.

Y'all dirty ass bitches got me hooked though. Hopefully I won't regret it.

>also holy fucking fuck Yang's character design are they trying to give me a boner
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Yes. Yes they are.

And her VA is probably the one who improves the most over the course of the show so far. She even did work with Funimation.
Oh wait till you see her alt outfit.
Yang's also the most improved voice of all the cast.

The guy that did the action scenes died though.
It's sad that we'll likely never get the same level of action.
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>random april fools names almost got my name right twice

My first name hasn't come up yet.
Mum's maiden name got pulled twice though.
I've seen mine come up several times.
Once on my own posts.

One time was even my father's name too.
A new once.

White Knight when?
I'm jelly my cardboard waifu won't come onto me for being a dweeb
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>It's not forced because the two aren't done yet, simple because they already hook up doesn't mean there won't be space for more development between the two in later volumes.
You know Joyce, you should really sit down and watch volume 3; putting it off for this long isn't going to help.
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Well she couldn't get children from D'Arc either, so what does it matter?
Huh, at least now if Ruby ever goes chibi over cool weapons again in the main show, this time she'll actually be animated and not just be a sub-drawfag-tier 2D cutout
I want my computer back.
I want to post pictures!
It's not fair damnit!
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/v/ trys to hate rwby again
From the teaser I'm optimistic but I don't see it happening again for a long while.
I hope to God they don't cut the comfy from the main show.

I need my fix.
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>that Pyrrha

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But when are we gonna get Chibi May in RWBY?
You don't.
Which is weird, because it's not like they actually saved enoughy ashes to fill a vial, let alone an urn
Click the images till the images it requests no longer appear.
Fucking read the instructions anon.


Oh hey we're anon again
>Ruby thought it was chocolate milk mix.
>Sees it's running a little low.
>Fills it with some of her hown.
>Jaune sees the now full urn.
>Happiest he's been in a while.
>Ruby thinks he really likes chocolate milk.
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I'm excited. Good lord, every scene she's in there are just SO MANY CURVES TO LOOK AT.

Also, what's the deal with Jaune and being voiced by the poor man's Scott Menville? He's okay but it sounds like he's trying a bit too hard. That might just be the writing though.
it looks so forced
One of the writers voices Jaune actually.
He does an alright job when you compare how he normally sounds.
He's voiced by Miles Luna, one of the co-creators of the show at the time
He's kind of a self-insert for him
Eh, they'd be idiots to remove ALL of it from the main show, as that's how it got so popular in the first place.

But the chibi show will hopefully just be nothing but silly jokes, maybe loosely held together by a vague plot, or maybe just random skits. Imagine if it turns out to be shit like pic but animated, it would be amazing
I still think Miles is better as Felix.
Oh thank Neo, the old stylesheet's back
Which one?

They would be.
Also I hope there is no plot to it.
Just fun hijinks and jokes at the expence of the fandom.
It's not gonna be canon (I hope) so there is no reason we can't have things like Sun, Ruby, Jaune and Coco playing cards or some such.
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>select all images with large bodies of water
>click them all, images fade out, replaced with new images, no water left
>verify fails
>ditto with numbers

This makes no fucking sense.
/v/ hates literally everything.

Except for whatever the newest hype is.
And even that wears off within a week. Have they started hating on FFXV again? When I checked in after the Uncovered Show, it was pretty hype, but I'm sure hatred has resumed by now.
the rwby hate thread
Miles is an excellent Felix and a shit Jaune, weirdly enough.
>people shipping Lancaster
>people shipping White Knight

I don't like top tier girls being shipped with a sissy fuccboi.

I only accepted Arkos because the show actually forced it.

Otherwise it should be Cardin abusing the fuck out of Twink fuccboi.
The thing is that he isn't consistent with his own goddamn voice. Like, I've seen the abridgers and fandubbers do a better job of keeping tone than him.
I know.
But if you changed it to the legacy captcha you wouldn't have to deal with it.

The probably don't watch the show.
Or care enough to bitch about the game.

Speaking of, any news on new updates?
The combat revision was a step in the right direction.
Well, by 'plot' I meant more like a plot for the episode rather than the entire show.

Like "this episode RWBY go shopping in Vale" or "this episode JNPR are cleaning their dorm room for the monthly inspection" or "Nora hosts a fake talk show with Pyrrha and Ren as the guests" or "CMEN try to come up with an evil plan but they just keep having bad ideas all day"
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I got distracted so it took a while.
Sissy fuccboi went from scrublord to first-year in under six months (less than that if Winter has just started in the show) so he deserves something.

He's not top-teir yet but he fucking will be.

I mostly ship those because it annoys WR shippers and other /u/-fags.
2 arms wtf? get that shit out of here
i dont think so
But I hate the legacy captcha even more, it's still worse.
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First-timer anon here again. Sheeeeyit they know how to nail the feeling of force and kinetic energy in these fights. The hits look and sound incredibly satisfying, and movement is framed quite well.
Any comfy would be a plot truth be told.
Or silly.

I bet one episode will have Ozpin trying to give some wizdom only for Cardin to misunderstand completely.
Hijinks ensue and that's why Cardin is an asshole.

I would laugh till I died if WRBY showed up though.

Praise be to Neo for giving us Salvation.
Oh god yes, if Chibi RWBY turns out to be a RWBY equivalent of Haruhi-chan Suzumia was to Haruhi, it will be amazing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB18x2atDSo

I'm not /u/ but I do ship White Rose, because they're cute together, mostly because Weiss resists it so much

Worse than bullshit fading images?
Because he has more depth in comparison with Pyrrha.

Also, I don't care for yuri
No Anon!

You can't express any kind of admiration for RWBY in this general!

The general's scientific opinion is that everything looks too light and there's no weight to anything at all during fights!
Many say the same about White Knight anon. As long at it doesn't go to salt it's fine to ship.
Still wondering why Lancaster isn't Magnolia though.
fuck off i will kill you
You are my hero.

Many, many emphatic thanks for this.
Oh just shut the fuck up.

Nah, for what Monty could do he just liked cool fights, which is why some strikes look like they lack impact.
They flow like water but don't feel like they'd really hurt, even when Roman punches Blake in the face she backflips out of it.
Looks cool but again, it doesn't feel like it hurt.

Since aura doesn't block pain it should have still hurt.
It is great.
Yes, particularly because I use a laptop set on a desktop, so typing for something like that can just be annoying.
Fair enough.
I mean yeah, it's kinda light and floaty but everything is still framed really well. Having the characters move at such a quick speed also adds some oomph to everything. The sound design is pretty on point as well.

Really though, watching this series is like watching a Tales game.
This is adorable. Absolutely perfect. Great job anon.
Speaking of Miles.

Does he seem kinda gay to anyone else? Or, I dunno, like..boderline yes homo.
Man, the only reason I don't want to get my hopes up that it'll be like Haurhi-chan is that there isn't a character similar to Asakura, and tiny little Achakura is probably the best character in Haruhi-chan.
So if I want to talk about Camp Camp or RvB when they come out, do I have to do it here? You guys are fucking cancerous as shit.
Though some of his slip ups may be a little suspect.
He sucks at talking dirty apparently.

It's different though

Ruby says something like they can be BFF's or sisters and have bunk beds... Weiss hesitantly resists but doesn't have much fight in her about it.... then admits she always wishes she had bunk beds

There's always the resistance... followed by acquiescence and admission that this is what she wants.

That doesn't happen with Juane. With Juane she gives him basically a dismissal, and it's more firm, there's no acquiescence.

You need the weak resistance followed by acquiescence before it's cute.
pretty much
I think he's the kind of person who is dead set on being "The funny guy" and thus has no real shame or limit if it'll get him a laugh
>I want to put your cock in my mouth

God, I laughed way too hard.
We talk about the most relevant show at the time normally it's just RWBY is what we talk about the most.
It's Waifus: the series.

that's exactly what I'm talking about... weak resistance.... followed by acquiescence that shows how she really feels. The resistance is all about her trying to save face.
Oh I wasn't talking about it being cure.
It's more courtly than cute.

I was taking about the appeal being Weiss isn't all over him, her resistance.
Then Jaune persuing despite that.
Most people state that as the appeal for the ship.
Truly he is a ladies man.
Showed that to my dad.

Never seen him laugh so hard.
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Okay. After typing this shlock half way, stopping to eat a sandwhich, and then masturbating for a while before finishing, it's done.
Well, I promised it to that one Anon who goaded me on with a single sentence he probably isn't even here anymore. But I'm gonna post it anyway.

I don't pretend to be a great writer, so this is probably going to suck.
But I wrote up this crack-pot theory just for you guys anyway <3

>Part 1

Pyrrha WILL return, and Jaune will be the one to do it, with influence and help (Manipulative insistence) from Ozpin.
Here's how!

First, let's look at the three.
>Achilles, whom Pyrrha is based upon, does in fact die just like Pyrrha. And from a similar cause of death no less. Their heel fucking them over.
>What people often neglect, however, is that Achilles in many stories is rescued from his funeral pyre (By his nymph mother) and resurrected. Not only is he resurrected, but he's also made immortal.
All this does, of course. Is tell us that being resurrected would fit with Pyrrha being an allegory for Achilles. The circumstances of course are totally different. Pyrrha (As far as we know), is fully human, while Achilles was only half mortal, and was resurrected by his nymph mother.

But, the mere basis for resurrection fitting the character in general is there. Now how do we make it work in the sense of RWBY? We'll get to that with Jaune and Ozpin.
>Part 2

Let's move on to Jaune first.
>Jaune's real life counterpart, Joan of Arc, was canonized as a saint in the catholic church. Saints are literally keepers of the keys to heaven. They are divine beings kept in the grace of god.
>Joan of Arc was also a Martyr, as declared by Pope Callixtus III after her death. Dying for a cause she believed in despite all opposition.
Now. What does this have to do with Joan of Arc?
We don't know diddly shit about Jaune's semblance except for the following facts.
1)It will most likely be something related to protection and healing, given that it has displayed both powers.
2)Pyrrha was the one who helped him unlock it a bit by using her own Aura on his, and even commented that when he does manage to master it, he'll be able to heal from virtually any wound.
3)When he finally does tap into his Aura, it's going to be massive.
As it stands, Jaune has no official semblance, and we've yet to see it in action.

And finally, we have Ozpin.
Based on the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
But what, do we know about Oz, the great and powerful?
>He's an American politician. Everything out of his mouth is lies and deception.
>He tricks an entire city of people into accepting him as this great and powerful wizard, and essentially becoming their defacto ruler once he takes everything over from the current royal leaders.
Now how does this fit in with Ozpin?
Well, Ozpin is portrayed as the great and powerful wizard Oz pretended to be, sure. But he's also shown on many occasions to be a masterful manipulator like Oz actually was. Getting people to do what he wants, when he wants it. Even if it's something they aren't particularly crazy about doing.
We also know that he is much older than he looks. His motives are never fully explained. He may very well be the 'old wizard' from the four maidens WOR segment like many seem to think.
One of the biggest manipulations we've seen was Ozpin's manipulation of Pyrrha to get her to accept the duty

Eh.. it's not really courtly though, it's a peasant trying to woo a princess, she treats him like he's completely beneath her and has dismissed him without a second thought.
Which is courtly.
Court romances tend to be messy and between people that are of different station.
>Part 3

Ozpin wanted her as the Fall Maiden because she's strong, determined...And most of all easy to control. She has a great sense of duty and is easy to direct at a problem. An ideal Fall Maiden to be certain.

So how do you make all of this work? How does Jaune + Ozpin = Not dead Pyrrha?
Like this.

>Jaune, while on his little season 4 trip with Ruby and the gang, encounter Cinder. Who revealed early on. Say episode 1 or 2, to be alive and well.
>They fight, but even combined they aren't a match for Cinder, who now has even more control over her Fall Maiden powers.
>Jaune Is shot through the heart by one of Cinder's arrows. His body begins to combust, just as Pyrrha did.
>Only this time, it doesn't work. Jaune's aura finally kicks in. His body begins to reassmble itself almost immedietly.
>In this way, he not only "Burns to death" like his historical counterpart, but manifests a semblance that one might consider divine in nature. Christ promised his disciples that they would join him in and his father in heaven, and that they would become immortal. This honor also extends to saints. While the bible teachers that everyone else simply waits in the grave with no thoughts, emotions, or desires and must wait for the second coming of Christ where they'll all be ressurected at once to live in his new kingdom on Earth, saints get a one way ticket to heaven immedietly, so that they may keep the keys to the gates. This fufills not only the "Burn to death" end of Joan of Arc, but also her status as a saint. Jaune is effectively immortal.
>His semblence discovered, Jaune manages to single handedly fight off Cinder. Cinder, visibly distressed that this buffoon is now an indestructable wall of meat, flees. Jaune searches deep inside himself for the name of his semblance: Let's call it Lazarus for fun.
>part 4

>Jaun discovers that not only can he heal his own body up, but he can also heal others when touching...Fuck, I don't know, a wound Ruby got during the fight to see if it's okay. He can also manifest shields to defend himself on others from harm before it even starts.
>Shortly after all of this is over, Jaune genuinely feels his aura coursing through him without any distraction. And he feels something foreign. He feels Pyrrha.
>Back when she used her aura to touch his in volume 1, a small piece of hers attatched itself to his. Miniscule, almost non-existant, but still there. Still distinctly Pyrrha. Jaunde keeps this information from the others.
>They go on adventures for a few episodes, meet Pyrrha's family, break the bad news, do what they need to etc and so on. Jaune is the power house of the team. The hero he was always meant to be and a grade A badass. He becomes a strong, confidant leader, and yet...He still can't shake the feeling that he's just not good enough. That he still can't do anything right. He's still mad over Pyrrha. Mad that she ran offf, mad that she got herself killed, mad that he was too weak to stop her, and mad that his Aura was still inert, preventing him from helping her when she was on her knees with an arrow in her chest. All the while feeling nothing but non-stop guilt, the tiny piece of her living on inside of him the only emotional comfort he has.
>Eventually the group meets Ozpin again. No surprise, he's alive and well. And here for some reason. Why the hell is he here?
>Ozpin finds out that Jaune has finally manifested his Aura. And he's told the nature of his Aura. Ozpin doesn't seem the least bit surprised.

>Part 5 (Almost done)

>Ozpin talks to him in private and explains to him that they need a Fall Maiden, and that Pyrrha is the best chance.
>Juane, still frustrated over the loss of his partner, informs Ozpin that Pyrrha is dead. Lashing out against Ozpin.
>Ozpin casually pulls out a small vile of Pyrrha's ashes, mixed with dust. Ashes that he himself recovered. Maticulously.
>He informs Jaune that, with his Aura, he has the power to bring Pyrrha back. And he has the power to do so, because he has a piece of her aura inside of him.
>This power, however, comes at the cost of Jaune's own life. Ozpin lays on thick manipulation, not that it was needed. With little hesitation, Jaune agrees to do it, for Pyrrha.
>Jaune is able to use his power on what little remains of Pyrrha are left to complety construct her a new body while listening to Ozpin's instructions. However, the body is little more than a shell. A blank slate with no personality. Capable of little else than autonamous breathing. It's barely a person. This process, however, causes a great deal of Jaune's massive aura to literally burn up. His semblance was made to regenerate his own body like this, not another persons. Not to this extent.
>Finally, Jaune merges with her body via kiss. literally breathing her tiny aura chunk back into her, then burning away and using up the last of his own aura to strengthen and reinforce hers.
>And so Jaune perishes a Martyr, to bring back the woman he loves. A Martyr and a Saint. The Joan of Arc aspect of his character fully realized. Jaune dies with a smile on his face. Finally feeling like he did the right thing. Finally feeling like a true hero. The last thing he sees is Pyrrha's eyes flickering open and staring directely into his. Jaune Arc is no more.
>Part 6. Likely two more.

>Only there's a problem. Pyrrha, due to the miniscule amount of her Aura left in Jaune's body from their brief merger, is totally fucking useless. For you Berserk fans...Remember how Casca was post-Eclipse during the convinction arc? Yeah. That's Pyrrha now, minus the demonic rape baby.
>Ozpin new full well this would happen. He also knew that one side effect of the transfer would be Pyrrha gaining Jaune's healing factor, rendering her neigh indestructible.
>He takes retard Pyrrha back to the remainder of the group and informs them of what happened.
>The team is unsure of how to feel. They're shocked and devestated over the loss of Jaune. Ren respects his decision, Nora can't accept it, and Ruby is basically a blank slate. However, they're all at least happy to see Pyrrha. Only Pyrrha isn't happy to see them. Because Pyrrha has no idea who the fuck they are. Right.
>Pyrrha returns to her family in Mistral to be watched after, and we don't see her for a while.

>Fast forward many episodes, possibly an entire season, and we finally get a dead Cinder. Ruby does an intense amount of damage to her, but Cinder eventually escapes. Or she thinks she does. She runs into Ozpin, who puts Cinder out of her misery, but not before uttering a single sentence into her ear. "Do you believe in destiny?"
>Cinder, in her final moments, remembers Pyrrha saying that exact same thing to her. This triggers the Fall Maiden transfer to Pyrrha.
This isn't even a theory.

I'd imagine court romances are between nobles.. people of similar station.
>Part 7

>Pyrrha, upon receiving the Maiden powers, suddenly gains a great deal of clairvoyance. They essentially heal her incredibly damaged Aura, and she finally remembers herself.
>This is where Ozpin's plan starts to fall short, and something he didn't count on happens.
>Pyrrha is well aware now why she's alive. The transfer gave Pyrrha all of Jaune's memories. An immortal, grief-stricken Pyrrha realizes that she's the reason Jaune is dead. Something she never wanted to happen in the first place, and she knows full well that Ozpin is to blame. And due to the nature of Jaune's semblance and aura, she won't be able to bring him back if she tried.

>Pyrrha is not just a Fall Maiden. She's a spirit of vengeance, mad with grief and sorrow, and holding a deep hatred of Ozpin. She disappears from her family
>Pyrrha, by being resurrected and made into an immortal, has been doomed to a fate WORSE than death. Eternity.
>Her optimism and firm belief in the power of destiny, gone. Pyrrha the hero is still dead. Only Pyrrha the Fall Maiden exists. Only pain now.

and the "princess" isn't outright dismissive, she's coy about it. She doesn't say "don't talk to me" or "get away with me" or "It'll never happen", but rather shows JUST enough interest for him to keep pursuing her, without letting him know that she's actually interested.. because she wants to see how far he's willing to go for her. That's courtly.. trying to see just how far he'll go to woo.

Weiss pretty much told him never ever.
Courtly romances are between people of the same or different stations.
You have a place in court you can be counted as a courly romance.
In Jaune's case he's the servant/squire/knave.

Ever seen a victorian drama?
Courtly romances all over the place, sme between nobles, some between people of lowly station.
All the happy ones are between people of different classes.
>Sissy fuccboi
Jaune is pretty built, he only wore a dress because he was being true to his word.

Cardin can't do shit about Jaune anymore with the way he pussied away from that Ursa and Jaune saving his ass.
>Hey guys, I'm a faggot who doesn't know how to use pastebin.
>Part 8. No more parts.

But how does all of this work you might ask?
How did Ozpin know to gather up a sample of Pyrrha's ashes for Jaune to reconstruct and reanimate?
How did Ozpin even know that Jaune would be able to do it?
Because Ozpin knew the entire time what Jaune's Aura was going to manifest into, because Ozpin was on the recieving end of that same style of Aura from one of Juane's ancestors a long, long time ago. This explains not only his incredibly advanced age, but also his youthful apperence.Ozpin is Immortal, just like our Achilles allegory will end up being.
Ozpin allowed Jaune into Beacon Academy for one purpose: A get out of death free card, just in case something happened to one of his maiden cantidates and he needed a back-up plan. The fact that his aura manifested the same way as his ancestor's was a strong of incredibly good luck, one Ozpin wasn't going to let slip away.
And then it hit him.
Let Pyrrha die.
Let her perish. Sacrifice Jaune to make Pyrrha an immortal Fall Maiden, one that he'd have to sic on Salem for as long as he needed.

And when all is said it done, we're going to discover that Ozpin is just as villainous as Salem herself. Possibly even more. An Emperor Palpatine tier manipulator that has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes for thousands of years, with Salem being little more than a rival in evil.

Well. That's that. Does it fit the tone shift? Break the world? Cheapen Pyrrha's death?
Would people be accepting of a Pyrrha resurrection if it resulted in more pain, heartache, and edgy bullshit than just leaving her dead?

To be honest, it started as a bunch of theorizing.
Then I just ended up making up slapping a bunch of it together into scenario in which Pyrrha were resurrected that fit peoples criteria of it not cheapening death.
Court romance, or courtly love, is typically meant to emphasize chivalry and nobility. The classic example is from Arthurian legend, between the knight Lancelot and his Queen, Guinevere. Long story short, their whole affair was, in fact, messy.

I kind of agree with this, although we're in a pretty low traffic time. I didn't report it since there's probably only about 6 people actually posting right now.
The one thing that has bugged me about White Knight, which I am hoping we finally get, is Weiss and Jaune actually talking. Had that opportunity in Volume 2 but Kerry shoved Neptune in and then never went anywhere with the weak character to prove his worth.
>>Hey guys, I'm a faggot who doesn't know how to use pastebin.

...I...I am a faggot. A faggot who totally forgot that pastebin existed until you just mentioned it after the fact. I'm sorry D:.
You're right, it was shit and not worth posting.
I mean, there's the literal idea of a "courtly" romance, then there's the classical definition used in literature where it originates from. It has more to do with upholding one's knightly duties than what we consider romance from a modern point of view.
>Well, I promised it to that one Anon who goaded me on with a single sentence he probably isn't even here anymore.
Nah, still here.

Also, I feel compelled to point out that it wasn't really Pyrrha's ankle that fucked her over. It was a magic glass arrow that could disassemble and reassemble around her attempts to interrupt it. And that while Achilles was rescued from a funeral pyre, Pyrrha's already been burned.

Also I thought Oz was a stage magician? Though I'll admit to only a passing familiarity with the books, and I often wind up conflating details from varying adaptations of things.

And yes, you are a crackpot. A lot of it does seem a tad to high on the edge scale, and a bit too focused on the "Evil Manipulator Ozpin" shtick. I did like the use of a Pavlovian Trigger on Cinder as she dies though, that's a clever idea, I'll give you that.
>Also I thought Oz was a stage magician?

Common Omaha man who's *Father* was a politician. It was in the ballpark but wrong.

I think the movies painted him as a traveling salesmen of magic props and shit.
Not to mention, the whole "Saved from the funeral pyre and resurrected" takes a very different meaning in the original legend, that is when it rarely showed up. He still lost his life, he still left the earth and went to the afterlife, his story well and truly ended there. It was just a form of peace, the equivalent would be something like the force ghosts from Star Wars, still gone but in a better place
Personally I don't care about ships.
From where I sit Ruby is the one with the best chance of getting D'Arc. Let that sink in.

Oh right, I get you.
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Bitch taking a mans guitar.
Oh hey.

She drew him without the damn pimples.
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Now I miss the April Fools layout.
It was alright I guess.

the fact that she doesn't even talk to him as a friend is pretty telling that to me, it's never ever going to happen and I'm glad.

I mean for a courtly love to be happening, If the man is serenading the woman.. she listens... she might act bored, or, she might favor him with a smile.. but she listens to him serenade.

Weiss shut the door in his face as soon as he got her name out.
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I want epic names back.
>And yes, you are a crackpot. A lot of it does seem a tad to high on the edge scale, and a bit too focused on the "Evil Manipulator Ozpin" shtick. I did like the use of a Pavlovian Trigger on Cinder as she dies though, that's a clever idea, I'll give you that.

Yeah....I maaaaay have gone a little overboard. Just a tad...Okay a lot overboard.
It was supposed to fit nice and snugly into two posts.
And then I kept typing. And typing...Typed a little bit more. Then I got hungry. And horny. And then kept typing.
And trying to ramp up the edge factor...And then started going backwards and adding more things...

And then it turned into a bad fan-fic trying to be RWBY edgy that quickly turned into Akame Ga Kill edgy.
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Jaune the Liar.gif
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Well he did lie instead of talking to her like a normal person.

Honestly if Jaune just stopped trying to woo her and talk to her like a normal person he could have gotten somewhere,
That image is really old.
Meh, after the dance she seems to at least have some respect for him.
I mean I'm hoestly suprised it's still a ship because it go shot down pretty hard.

Like any ship it'll happen far down the line if it does.
I don't get it.
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Really nigger?

According to the google machine, Bill Wilson was the founder of alcoholics anonymous and apparently wrote a bunch of books...So...Maybe that?

He got her name out while she stared incredulously, realized what he was doing, slammed the door in his face, he WHINED, then promised not to sing, she opened the door, he started singing again while she glared icicles at him, he awkwardly finished his not even rhyming song, she asked "Are you done?" he said "Yes" and she slammed the door in his face again saying no.

I mean, that's shooting a guy down pretty hard.

I mean, yeah, maybe without the silly attempts at a courtly romance and antics he would have gotten a more POLITE dismissal, but she was going to shoot him down firmly anyway.

At the point where a guy just keeps persisting despite her saying No repeatedly..

Well maybe 400 years ago it'd be acceptable but today, she'd win a sexual harassment case over it and get his ass expelled.
I'll admit I was kind of getting used to it...

I figured. Still just that there exists an image she drew that didn't tack horrid acne onto Jaune is new to me.
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>that is considered sexual harassment

Fuck off.
She had to shoot him down hard.
Yang's encouragement probably didn't help.

Luckily he's moved on.
But holy shit will he be hurting.
At least he's got RNJR.
Just to speak up in defense of White Knight, unlike a lot of characters, Jaune did get the message, and his character did develop. He stopped bothering Weiss like that, got the chance to express his feelings in a more meaningful way, and by the time V3 rolled around, what little hints we got seemed to point to them having a more amicable relationship, within a group dynamic if nothing else.
>harassing a woman to try and coerce her to have sex with you isn't sexual harassment

He's right though.
Women win sexual harassment cases for a lot fucking less all the time. Especially in school settings.
Trust me. I'm from /pol/. I know this shit.
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implying that's an accurate description whatso-fucking-ever

Yes, but he's also wrong because that's wrong.
To be honest anon, they're at least able to hold a nice conversation and Weiss doesn't seem to mind him now that he doesn't flirt with her.
Funnily enough she's even nice enough to compliment him, not to his face but their relationship has improved.

Not White Knight level though.

He wasn't after sex anon.
He was after romance, sex is probably the last thing on his mind.
He's kinda dumb.
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You're right.
Jaune should have been more physical if he wanted to get Weiss.

Coercing her with words wasn't going to work.

eh I'm not entirely in that boat, I do think it's pathetic if a guy keeps incessantly pursuing a girl who repeatedly and FIRMLY shoots him down (not in a way that says "keep pursing I want to see how far you will go for me" but in a way that says "get lost creep")... I don't know if it's harassment unless it crosses the line and he starts touching her.. but in a workplace or school environment, the letter of the law is "repeated unwanted sexual advances"...

When I was an NCO, I had to go through sexual harassment training and I had to sit on some Disciplinary review boards that basically were about male sailor repeatedly asking out a female sailor even though she told him firmly that she wasn't interested, he kept trying, and he'd do it in public hoping that sympathy would get him a yes.

He got his ass chewed out hard by the Chief and we moved his assignment on base so he wouldn't be around her anymore.

That's just how it goes.. if she says a firm No not interested you just gotta lay off if it's in a workplace or school environment where you can actually get in trouble for it.
>Not White Knight level though.
Indeed so. But the point is, there has been development there. And while it's impossible to say where they'll take it, it's clear that there'll be plenty more content for them to develop things more.

>sex is probably the last thing on his mind.
>He's kinda dumb.
And that is why we have so much content of innuendo and out-right sexual advances flying right over his head.
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But that's wrong.

I'm not saying that's not how it is right now, I'm saying that it's fucking stupid.
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Why don't they just put Pyrrha's aura in a Penny-Bot?
Jesus. Which board did that happen in?
>"repeated unwanted sexual advances"
Which is nothing close to what he wanted.

>That's just how it goes.. if she says a firm No not interested you just gotta lay off if it's in a workplace or school environment where you can actually get in trouble for it.
Obviously this was not that place.
Weiss wasn't interested in him but her only reasoning was that she thought he was someone he wasn't, and he did stop pursuing her the moment he knew she was interested in someone else.
Hell he even helped Neptune for Weiss' sake.

Pyrrha's aura is long gone.
Britbong here.
Fucking what?

That can't be true, can it?

There has been development but I honstly don't see them getting to that level.
I mean from Jaune's point of view, why the sudden interest? He'd probably just say no.
While it'd be funny to see I don't see it.

Do we really have that much content of Jaune being that goddamn dese?
Because Pyrrha's aura is gone

Given the reaction, I'd say one of the following.

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Corinne House was my favorite.
>Pyrrha is uploaded to a Penny
>It's not an ergonomic model

that's why I say I'm not entirely on that boat.. on the one hand, I think that she should have the right to decline his requests and expect him to stop, and I can understand that his pursuits may be embarrassing her and making her feel uncomfortable... but he's not actually assaulting her, he hasn't crossed that line, and I think the most important thing in my decisions in a case like that, are did she FIRMLY tell him no and that his advances were unwelcome. Sometimes women like to assume that you'll just pick up on vague body language, or that just ignoring him is enough of a signal. That doesn't cut it in a workplace sexual harassment case, she needs to be firm and clear in her communication that the advance is unwelcome and to stop, then he needs to persist anyway, then he's in the wrong.

I also sided with her because I considered such behavior unprofessional of a serviceman while on duty. If he's in civvies and they're on liberty, it's murkier water, but that behavior does not belong in the workplace and you can't make a shipmate feel uncomfortable to be at work, they need to be able to focus on their duties.

So that's where I draw the lines on it. She has to firmly decline, and he has to persist anyway, and it has to be a work or school environment where it doesn't belong anyway.
>There has been development but I honstly don't see them getting to that level.
I'm not even talking White Knight, just more development of inter-personal relationships, period. Honestly I ship White Rose anyway.

>Do we really have that much content of Jaune being that goddamn dense?
Well...there was that unintentional slave training thing last thread?
Only RT nameGET I could find.
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>Pyrrha's aura is long gone.
>Because Pyrrha's aura is gone

Why don't they just take it back from Cinder, who clearly had it bound to Pyrrha's tiara to use for later?

sexual harassment doesn't mean just pursuing sex literally, stop being an autist.

It can be pursuing a romantic relationship too.
>Ship White Rose.
Fair enough.
Personally I'm more on board with Lancaster, because it pisses off a lot of the fandom.
It's fun to watch the shit that people say against it, like a religon or something.

>Unintentional slave training.
I will be very upset if it did not involve Blake is some way.

>"Wow, you're beautiful. Wanna go out some time?"
>"No thanks"
>"Aww you sure? It'll be fun!"
I this some kind of meme where you keep asking dumb questions while further rotating your hobbit?

>Juane being that goddamn dense

Pyrrha's interest flew right over his head. until she showed up to the dance stag, and even then.. he only partially got it. It didn't fully dawn on him until she put her tongue down his throat.
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>Thinking that words means their meanings is autism
I was kinda hoping he was ignoring it but yeah.
He's really THAT dense.
Fucking hell.

I have this song and I can't help but hear Pyrrha in this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M9_Zowv2xI
I was on /v/ and they said this show sucks.
How do you guys feel?
Should I watch it?
Give it a watch and form your own opinion.
We like it.
It's why we're here.
It's terrible.

If you follow through watching it you won't be able to stop.
>I will be very upset if it did not involve Blake is some way.
Then you'll be pleased to hear you have no cause to be upset.

>It didn't fully dawn on him until she put her tongue down his throat.
I dispute this. I firmly believe he got it at the dance.
I mean, it kinda sucks. But being good and being entertaining aren't mutually exclusive.

Besides, I bet you watch/play/read shitty things all the time anyway.
It is not good.

Seriously, do not go in expecting a good show.

What it is is somewhat charming as a product of a single guy's vision and a small production team. It is also waifubait, cool fights and chuuni as fuck weapons and super powers.

It's only a few hours to catch up to current, so not a massive waste of time.

V1 is very bad, the art is lackluster, the VA work (With maybe two exceptions) is absolutely terrible. The story is cliche and the characters pretty much entirely one dimensional.

Everything gets better every season, but it is still not "good".
Time to read the last thread.

Also, I was about to dispute him getting it at the dance, I think he may have done.
Holy fuck.

that isn't it at all.

>Hey gorgeous wanna go get dinner with me on Friday night?
>"No I'm not available that night"
Not a firm no, she gave an excuse that indicates that she'd be open to the idea on another night. In this case I'd maybe tell him not to chat her up at work (I couldn't encourage that in a workplace), but he wouldn't be in any actual trouble. If this was done on their own time out of work.. no trouble at all.
>Okay how about Saturday night?
>Look you're a nice guy but I don't have time for that right now
Again, a wishy washy decline, giving an excuse, it's still not crossing the line, again, she sends a mixed message saying that if she HAD the time she might be open to the idea. All I could get him with is that it doesn't belong at work.
>Okay well lets exchange numbers and when you have time we can work it out then
>No, I'm not interested, please stop.
----------------Here's the line, this is the line that you don't cross------------------
She's given a firm no and asked you to stop. There's no mixed message, there's no misunderstanding or nuance.. she said no and stop. Time to back off and leave her alone.
>Come on, you should just give me a chance!
>I already said no, please go away.

at that point.. he's in trouble. The longer he persists, the more trouble he's going to get in, especially if this is at school, or a work environment. You can get fired, you can get expelled, in the military you will probably go to DRB.. you probably won't go to Captain's Mast, but if you continue to try to pursue her AFTER the DRB? You will go to Mast.

You have to know the boundaries.
>I this some kind of meme where you keep asking dumb questions while further rotating your hobbit?

No, it's where I ask legitimate questions about RWBY while rotating my hobbit.

Legitimate questions like "Why did both Ozpin and Pyrrha leave behind a personal object after their fights with Fall Maiden Cinder? What significance does Pyrrha's tiara have that either prevented it from behind destroyed or Cinder simply choose not to?" and "Why didn't your mother get an abortion?"

autists take every word literally and don't know how to read between the lines.
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And then one of her friends pretty much encourages him to keep trying.

He'd have been a lot more bold with her if he was sure of her feelings after the dance.

He had to warm his way up to her and he very gingerly placed his hand on hers like he wasn't sure if she would react positively or not.

... then after a little cuddling she threw him against a wall..

so he wasn't sure again... till she kissed him.

There was time between the dance and her death for them to have officially been a couple.. but it never happened, because Juane is just that dense.
I mean, I wish girls weren't as polite when rejecting suitors and just come out and say it but you'd still have to have zero social skills to not read what she meant the first fucking time.
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>you'd still have to have zero social skills to not read what she meant the first fucking time.
Have you forgotten who it was trying to ask her out?
He was running on pure confidence.
>Yang vs Nora is a shipping fight between White Knight and Arkos
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>All I could get him with

Congratulations, you pinpointed why that attitude is wrong even while trying to argue in it's favor.
Man, this is why I hate the courting part.

It makes like zero sense for Jaune to be like that from what else we've seen of him.

Which makes sense as they added it in during recordonf as a joke.
bad popular shows like this gives me this fucking urge to write a 'fix' fic
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We know how that turned out.
And retards just say "fuck it" to common sense and go along with shit that has no basis in reality or accounts how adults should act.
ITT: /co/mblr
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Not quite

right but when we're talking about "is it sexual harassment?" it's not until she gives a clear and firm decline that that line is crossed.

I mean let's put it in lines of a M/M case

You're at work, a man walks up to you compliments how you look, asks if you've been working out, and asks you to go to dinner with him. You say no, you're not interested. He says "why not, it'll be fun, afterwards we can go to a good bar I know they have dancing on Saturday nights"... you tell him you're not gay, and to knock it off. He says "how do you know? Have you ever tried? You might like it"

About how much of that are you going to want to tolerate at work?
I thought it was more bravado instead of confidence.
Confidence means he's sure of himself.

Goddamn, those two are cuties.

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I legitimately think I might like Weiss better if they were a boy. A really stuck up prince with a heart of gold.
>I mean, let's put it in lines of a much more sexual case so I can pretend I'm not a dumbass.
you know, I wonder with the million monkeys furiously typing away on tumblr, I wonder if anyone has actually made a decent attempt at writing good stories with these type of characters. I have an inherent anti-waifu bias so seeing things like this work appeals to me on some level.
What got Blakey so upset?
Can we all agree that Jaune was probably acting on bad romantic advice from his dad?
His dad only told him that all girls look for in a guy is confidence and he's completely right considering it worked with Neptune for Weiss.
>He'd have been a lot more bold with her if he was sure of her feelings after the dance.
Except that he'd just gone through the whole thing with Weiss and come to the conclusion as to why that isn't a good idea.

>she threw him against a wall
>so he wasn't sure again...
He was smart enough to see that something was up. He wasn't able to pinpoint it, not because he was dense, but because who the fuck would guess that their friend was tackling with whether or not to undergo an experimental procedure that could possibly overwrite their personality in the process of becoming a magical demi-god? But he knew something was wrong, something was stressing her out, and that was his chief concern.

>There was time between the dance and her death
Time that would have been spent gearing up for the Vytal Festival. What it seems like to me is that, after having her feelings damn well explained to him straight-up at the dance, and learning his lesson with Weiss, Jaune figured that he'd do what he could while they prepared for the festival, and then he could more pursue something more active afterwards, when things settled down again and it would be back to classes as usual.

Then everything went to shit, she died, and he'll never get the chance.
They've tried but their language skills are about the same as a camel's.
I'd say tolerable but they limit their language to pronouns that make no goddamn sense.

What the fuck is a windkin?
fuck "is it sexual harrassment?" man. that's a line of semantic questioning that is never gonna get solved.

Weiss is kinda Jaune's friend. It's clearly making her uncomfortable and upset. Have some human common decency and stop. I wish Jaune wouldn't be so blind.

When you're in a middling position of authority, management, NCO in the military, etc, you don't have the authority to act completely on your own authority, you're obligated to go by policy. If someone comes to you complaining about a coworker harassing them, you have to get the facts, and then decide what to do based on the policy you're supposed to adhere to. In the Navy and Marine Corps' case.. the workplace is no place for flirting and romantic relationships, keep it professional.

So I absolutely had to tell people, it doesn't belong on the ship, it doesn't belong during duty hours, it doesn't belong while you wear that uniform.

I imagine at Beacon, being a military kind of school.. it would be in their best interests to discourage romantic relationships between students.. teammates not being able to work together because of a breakup or a pregnancy occuring is disruptive to the training they provide.
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Which is why people really don't like the way Weiss reacts to Neptune, shipping aside. It just makes her look really shallow and hypocritical.

To be fair, she might just genuinely be shallow and hypocritical, but while I'm all for flawed protagonists, I'd rather they be flawed in ways that they can actually play off in the story. Like her racism issue that they got over in two episodes.
>Squat Ruby
>Horse-face Weiss
>Ghetto Blake
>Strongfat Yang
...there is so very, very much wrong here.
I want to list Cinder as my emergency contact!

In my experience, most people on tumblr can't write for shit.
Occasionally I'll see some backroads blog that's just some depressed person typing up really heartbreaking, well-written stuff about their crippling bouts of depression and how they want to kill themselves (Typically men, as they usually have legitimately depression reasons for wanting to off themselves).
But these blogs are usually as short lived as the author and almost always ignored, often because they treat their tumblr page as a legitimate personal diary that they keep stored on the internet and use as a coping mechanism for their shit life, rather than joining in the gigantic circle-jerk with the rest of them.
Probably bad advice from his sisters.
I mean the poor guy has seven, that's seven varying degrees of what they like and don't like.
Probably told him a lot of conflicting stuff.

His dad's advice should be the one he really listens to for getting attention of the woman in question.
But it's all on him if they stay interested.
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...I have no clue what is up with this outfit.

I just know it makes me want to fuck her.
She wasn't racist per se, she seemed to hate the White Fang specifically. Then it was just a matter of her accepting and trusting Blake despite her WF history.
The only situation where that's actually intolerable is if the guy actually gets physical. And not some bullshit "he brushed my arm" physical, like legitimately physical. Otherwise, I'm a fucking adult and we can deal with each other as adults.

Look at the case of Weiss. She didn't deal with Jaune as a peer, she just shut him down. I sure as fuck never got the impression that she actually talked to him about why she didn't want to go out with him, and we know from her own dialog that her reasoning was flawed, because she thought Jaune was just after her money or family name.

But she wasn't really uncomfortable. Or even upset. She was just annoyed.
m8s if you want to complain about sexual harassment, don't complain about Jaune, dude has pretty much never been out of order

Complain about Coco, that lewd bitch.
Blame M&K.

The White Knight thing was meant to be comedy which failed miserably. They're bad at handling romabce much more romantic comedy.

We could also see that it's conclusion is reached at the dance arc with Jaune sucking Neptune's cock.

Honestly, you could remove all of Jaune's flirtings and the dance arc and Jaune would have a more consistent character.

Added to that the idea that they just implimented it at recording (I'm not sure but I think Kara was the one who suggested it), and it's pretty obvious that this was never part of Jaune's concept.

Seemed like something the added for the three volume season, but wasn't meant to be in the original planned two volume season.
We all know that her attraction to Neptune was Kerry self-inserting hard.
Very hard.
What bothered me about it was how horribly it was done.

I am on board already.
Yes so many times over.
Did you not already want to fuck her?

Coco has the sheer charisma to make it okay.

In my experience.. gay guys are a little more pushy.

I've had guys go to kiss me I've had guys grab me, They do really seem to think that if you "just tried it" you'd like it. It really makes you uncomfortable and I guess I'm a little more sympathetic to how women react to sexual harassment because I've had gay dudes make moves on me. It really puts things into perspective.

Once when I was drunk (and out of the service by then) I was visiting a lady friend of mine, while out of town. She invites me to a bar, cause there's dancing there.. turns out.. it was the local gay bar.

I mean I was there with a girl, she had me go get drinks, the bartender starts hitting on me, offers my drinks for free for my phone number and shit, I was telling him I was straight, he says "drink enough of those and we'll see if that changes hunny"

It makes me shudder to think of honestly. Gay dudes are pushy.
Except we've never once seen the slightest indication that Beacon works that way.

If Weiss had really hated Jaune's advances, and Beacon had a zero tolerance policy for that shit, she could have gone to any of the faculty. But instead of that happening, she just ignored him, and simultaneously other students were involved in their own relationships and even encouraged Jaune in his own pursuits.

Cinder is not for sex.

Cinder is for slowly torturing and making her beg for death for hours on end before giving in and granting her deaths eternal embrace in the most brutal and violent way possible.

Bitch would have it coming too.
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>mixed gender dorm rooms
>keep teens/young adults in these living spaces together
>for four years
>while they bond together over life threatening situations

>expecting them not to fuck each other like bunnies
>Sexual harassment
>Lets teammate get bullied by freshies
>Shit at decision making as seen by her choosing herself and Yatsu for the match
His dad's advice was literally the shit Weiss hated.
>Did you not already want to fuck her?
Well, yes.

But just, that outfit, for whatever reason, trigger a sort of involuntary impulse in my mind, separate from any pre-existing desire.

Well that's it then, isn't it.
Beacon isn't a training facility. At least, not just.
It's a eugenics experiment.
The idea behind the CocoYatsu team is sound on paper, incredibly strong melee and ranged attacks.

It's just there's no speed in that combo on either side, so when you end up fighting characters based on the roman god of sanic and a praying mantis, you're totally fucked.
Not to mention the fact that Mercury and Emerald are just way better than anyone else in the tournament in the first place.

It's simple.
They expect that most of these kids won't make it past 25.

If they get a few of them teen pregnant now, it'll guarantee another generation to replace their parents.
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Are you upset about something?
Sex can be about dominace anon.
If for the purpose of torture rape is extremely effective.

Two sides of the coin here anon.
In a life threataing situation gender doesn't matter.
A monster isn't gonna care if you have tits or not, so getting used to the bodies of the other gender would be very good.

But yeah I guess sex wouldn't be a thing that's against the rules.
>making her beg for death for hours
I'd rather give her a quick and painless death than put up with listening to that; she's supposed to be the one being tortured here, not me.
But what Weiss hated was the idea of suitors only being interested in the Schnee name.

The moment Neptune showed up with an even worse attitude than Jaune she was all over his dick, probably because he was from a completely different country and didn't know who she was.
This is a good point; it doesn't matter who CFVY put forward, no matter what combo. They would've been steamrolled regardless.
She hated from Jaune.
Neptune did the exact same thing and she was all over it.

So Weiss is shallow or expected differntly of Jaune.
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Can only assume that genetic lesbian babies are a thing in Remnant then (pic related) because Ozpin probably shat himself over the idea of a child with Silver Eyes and Schnee Glyphs.
But that shit was exactly what she liked.

Fuck, Neptune even used the same Snow Angel shit.
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Not for me.
>probably because he was from a completely different country and didn't know who she was

>trying to justify it beyond the truth that Kerry was self inserting

Unlike the other waifu-fags, I'm accepting the fact that Pyrrha is dead and almost assuredly never coming back. To bring her back would probably take some kind of supreme bullshit Deus Ex Machina.
No, not holding my breath for that.

However, that doesn't mean I won't call for blood on the cunt that did the deed.
I hope her death ends up being slow. Slow and painful.
Barbs does it best.
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Could Velvet have caused Merc trouble, if she'd photographed his boots? It seemed like her duplicate weapons could also duplicate combat styles.

I don't think she'd beat him, but perhaps she would do better than Coco.
Yes, obviously.

I'm just saying, if there was an actual reason that'd be it.

except... this is at work.

You can't just walk away. You can't just avoid him after the awkward exchange. You have a job to do.

The reason why romance is discouraged at the workplace is because if you make a coworker uncomfortable, they can't focus on doing work, they might call in sick to avoid a coworker that's been bothering them, they might fuck things up because they're not concentrating because this guy keeps asking them on dates and won't go away. It's unhealthy for a work or school environment (colleges have similar policies)

It gets exponentially worse when the harasser is in a position of authority over the person being harassed. THEN they legitimately feel threatened, like if they make a complaint, they'll be fired.

So we HAVE to have a policy that is more strict,
>probably because he was from a completely different country and didn't know who she was.
But Jaune was also from a completely different country, and was clearly less knowledgeable than Neptune
Isn't SDC an international country?
Neptune said one compliment and then pretty much forgot about her. He never pursued her in any way or pushed for her

By all accounts, what Weiss likes in a man is being ignored and neglected, probably reminds her of her dad

I never did understand this.

Why would Nora be covered in her ashes and not Cinder?
Or hell, even Ruby. At last Ruby was standing in the general area at the time.
>Weiss vs Em.
>Ren vs Merc.
>RNJYB vs Cinder.

Calling it now, this will be the set up for that confrontation.
With Ruby and Jaune working their absolute hardest to bring Cinder down.

It'd be a fucking fight to see.
All of them would.
Not Yang vs Merc?
>No cowlick
At least try goddamn.
they can obviously chose to quit work nerd!

It's a joke image, man. You're reading too deep into it.
>Ren vs Merc.

Uh, anon that fight would last about 10 seconds.
Well, maybe a few minutes considering Mercury wouldn't give a shit.
>You're reading too deep into it.

Nigga we are between seasons right now.

Wow, Weiss has shit taste.
Very shit taste.

She doesn't deserve anyone.
I can freaking talk to them for god's sake. Only an idiot or an invalid ditches work to avoid someone rather than just treating them like another human being.
you guys are overthinking this. this show is bad writing 101. don't force logic into this.
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I see. Good luck to you, then. Or to whatever character steps up to make the attempt for you.

But I assure you, Cinder shall not fall easily!
The SDC is a corporation, but it's also like an Atlas military/industrial complex thing. It's complicated.
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Yang his harder and Merc figured her out already.
She'd be more useful fighting Cinder.

Ren stopped a huge snake with his hands be creating an aura barrier.
No reason he can't do the same to Mercury.

Also, Ren seems to know some proper martial arts, so he'd at least survive. I don't expect him to win.
>Ren vs Merc
Not happening, even though it would be dope. We'll see Merc vs Neptune for the pots, and vs Yang for the conclusion.
Because it's Love and War, a ship.
Nep will be slaughtered in that.
Wouldn't even be a fight.
I think you'll find it's called Electromagnetism.

Yeah I kind of question the logic of how the coed rooms and all are a good idea..

in the military in boot camp they separate male and female divisions, separate barracks, and you almost never encounter each other you might see them marching on base (and what's fucked is that after 8 weeks of not seeing any other women.. these haggard girls that are sleeping 4 hours a day, with no makeup actually start to look good to you..).. A school, coed classes but separate barracks. C school same thing. Once you get to your duty station, you'll be working with people of the opposite sex regularly, some may be your superiors, but.. still separate barracks, separate bays of racks on ships.

They just don't need someone getting pregnant while deployed.
He did stop a snake, but he's also been shown getting incapacitated multiple times.

I'm thinking he needs one hell of a training montage to step to Merc.
Think of it like this anon. There isn't necessarily such thing as consistent combat ability in this show. Everyone's fighting skill can and will change to serve the script; Power levels are meaningless.

Velvet tore through 2 Mech's with ease because the only purpose of her fight scene was to make her look cool. If Velvet was in that fight with Merc and Emmy, the primary priority of the fight is to: A) Establish that Em's illusions are a thing for later and B) Show that the villains are on a whole different level to the students of Beacon, even the seemingly powerful ones like CFVY.

If this was Velvet's first fight, she'd probably get some cool moments in, but she'd still get an ass beating. If her fight scene had already happened prior to that then she'd have no hope.

The point is, it's not Juane's approach that Weiss was not interested in, it's Juane himself that Weiss is not interested in.

Yeah, maybe she's shallow.

She's also a bit racist and stuck up.

They're called character flaws. It makes a character more human.
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Works for me.
That's the point Anon. Kerry must restore honaru for famuri and kill Neptune in a very undignified way. Have Merc just punt him off a boat and watch him drown.
I assumed he and Nora were in line for some development.
I mean as a stamina problem Ren would lose a battle of attrition, but he kills the snake quickly.

I don't expect him to win, but at least managing to Irk the Merc.
Of RNJR I'd say Ren has the best chance against most villains.
Yes we know that anon.
I'd wager that's what most people love about her.

Merc doesn't even try, just knocks him off the boat accidentaly.
A small nudge.
I remember seeing a theory that Weiss Fell for Nep because of Daddy issues. Nep's scared of water so he almost never baths, and he covers up his ungodly stank with massive amounts of cologne and aftershave, which just happens to be the same kind Papa Schnee used

In these cases they have tried talking. They said no, they're not interested, and they asked him to stop.

What else is there to talk about? If he persists when they have already said clearly they're not interested and asked them to stop. What is more 1 on 1 talking going to accomplish. The "don't take no for an answer, be persistant and they'll eventually say yes" approach is one that is not going to be solved by 1v1 talking, and I think everyone would prefer it not be solved by fighting. So.. conflict resolution.. you take it up to your most immediate superior.
Yes. But that's not really what the point was about, in fact that's the opposite.

You know, the more I think about it, the more I don't want it to be any of the existing characters who takes Cinder down.

A big part of me wants it to be Pyrrha's mother.
We hear her mother mentioned, but little else.
I want RNJR to get to Pyrrha's home to break the bad news, only to find out out that Pyrrha's mother is some kind of Wonder Woman tier badass huntress that's basically just a 38 year old Pyrrha in terms of appearance.

She then proceeds to seek Vengeance on Cinder and kicks her cunt into the dirt until Cinder is a broken heap, delivers the family mantra "Do you believe in Destiny?", before piercing through Cinder's heart with a gladius.

And then she punches Ozpin so hard in the dick for failing to protect her child while under the care of his school and even putting her in that situation to begin with that they need to get a woman to do all of his lines from that point forward, that's how far up into his chest cavity she launches his testicles.

It won't happen, but I'd like to dream.

well people were arguing "but Neptune did the same thing and she was all over his dick! Why was Juane wrong?"

Weiss doesn't like messy boy next door fuccbois, she likes "I'm in a boy band, aren't I stylish?" fuccbois.

I wonder how she'd deal with alphas like a younger version of Ironwood, or Qrow?
There's also the fact that he's a walking trying to be badboy stereotype. Including the red jacket of all things.

I have no idea why you keep pushing the characters into your own context.

This isn't whatever blog you live in.

Just as Weiss magically falls for Neptune, Jaune also asks her out a lot. This is seen in a lot of cartoons and anim, the hero always getting rejected to make his true love look more tragic. Exactly like Naruto, Sakura and Hinata.

This is almost always played for laughs and shouldn't be taken seriously.

It's just an american anime, man. Calm your floppy tits.
She wasn't impressed with Qrow though, so yeah, just Neppy.
Hey guess what?

You're fucking autistic.
>Implying they weren't fuccbois.
>Implying Tai wasn't THE alpha.
>Implying Jaune isn't Tai 2.0 when he finall gets good.
Ruby's face in the last panel is like "What have I created."
Just saying "no" isn't talking. That's like the most minimalist form of communication you can have.

And if then it still doesn't work, yes it makes sense to go to a superior, as a last resort. But even in that situation, the punishment is almost never equal. Even if someone was bullheaded, they shouldn't be displaced or fired for such a relatively minor thing, and they definitely shouldn't get a black mark on their record either. It should merely be made clear that he/she stops being such a pest.

It would need to continue beyond even that for real penalties to go down, discerningly.
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Goodnight, lads. See you all tomorrow.
The thing is we know why she didn't like Jaune, and it had nothing to do with his appearance or his advances in particular. It was the reasons she perceived him to be acting that way, which was false.
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You're going to have to go WAY back in the thread to where this sexual harassment tangent got started. I'm talking about harassment at school or a workplace. Initially saying that irl, if Weiss had complained about Juane, she probably would have won the case, and Juane might have been packing his bags.

Then people attacked that view, thinking it's either not harassment, or that it's bullshit that it's considered that way, etc.

Yeah, I get that it's a show, and I don't get angry at Juane for doing it and complain to the writers to not portray it. whatever.

I was just saying, that he probably couldn't pull a stunt like that irl at school without consequences.

Then we got off on this tangent.
>You're fucking autistic.

They just told me I'm schizophrenic and suffer from insomnia brought upon by my crippling tinnitus.
>Lancaster twenty six.
Where are the other twenty five?
My Lancaster folder
To be honest I suprised there are even than many Lancaster pics.
What with how many people seem to dislike the ship.
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I pretty much save every one I see, so I have quite a few
I don't know about other sites because I don't go there but here on /RWBYg/ it feels like most people are Lancaster fanatics complaining about /u/fags while they do the same shit.

I presume it is hated elsewhere because it goes against the /u/

a DRB isn't firing them, a DRB is you getting your ass chewed out by people in Khaki uniforms, and maybe moved work assignments (it's not like it comes with a paycut afterall).. in a civilian equivalent. Your manager chews you out, and moves your desk or office so that you're further away from the other party.

It's only if it persists after that that more serious steps might happen. In the service.. captain's mast.. and then it does become a black mark on your record, and probably docked half your pay for a month or two. If it persists past that.. well.. you could get discharged, other than honorable discharge at that. Civilian world. if it persists past getting an ass chewing and moved office.. you might be put on administrative leave. If you come back and persist.. fired.

It's not one mistake, fired. It's gotta be persistant through multiple levels of disciplinary action.
>on /RWBYg/ it feels like most people are Lancaster fanatics complaining about /u/fags
Lancasterfags rarely comlain at all, it's the salty arkosfags that complain. And everyone that isn't a /u/fag complains about /u/fags

so she's into the boyband variety of fuccboi. Weiss you're killing me here, you have shit taste
That's cute.

I've only seen a few and only a couple have sperged out from what I've seen.
>so she's into the boyband variety of fuccboi. Weiss you're killing me here, you have shit taste

She's 17. She's grow out of it in a few years.

You know.
Assuming she doesn't get Roman'd before then.
Or Penny'd.
Or Pyrrha'd.
But it is still bullshit.
No one on RWBY will die until the final few episodes against Salem by the looks of things, they could continue the show using new characters but in the same world if they wanted.

Permanent maiming is on the table for them though.

Cinder is going to try and pluck out Ruby's eyes now that she knows of the power they hold. She'll get interrupted after taking one.
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Barely anyone brought it up or complained before the finale, honestly. There have been obvious falseflaggers more recently after the finale as well.

We get like one interaction per volume anyways.

It's not like they're good ones.
It was fucking hilarious how Lancaster just burst out of the woodwork in force when the finale hit.

Assuming the fight against salem lasts all 20 seasons.
Well, introducing the big bad at the end of the prologue seems like a reasonable idea.
Salem seems to be important so it's a fair assumption to say that she's the threat for the story Monty had in mind.
Because most of them are Arkosfags with zero loyalty.
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"We'll hold out hope! Maybe she'll be resurrected, or he'll have visions of her, or they'll be reunited in the afterlife!"

Nope, I've never shipped arkos
I think some are actually the very rare few who were on board with it since V1E2.
Honestly, for a decent amount of people, the ship they go for is normally the one pushed by the narrative or the one that has a good amount of chance in happening. If it sinks, They then would move to the next most likely.

Arkos, even though it was pretty borng for me, looked like to be a long runner so you could see why it was so popular.

Of course, this doesn't always work out like Iceberg if it's too shitty.
good lord look how long the Bun's ears are
Great, now you've got that theme stuck in my head again.

no, a normal sized Predator trapped with a RWBY Chibi
Recent? That's been a part of the site for nearly a decade
Ruby and Weiss's personalities and their interactions together would look completely usual in an Ace Attorney setting, actually. Like as the defense and prosecution respectively.
There actually is a RWBY Ace Attorney with Ruby as defense and Weiss as prosecution, you know.
Now would Jaune be Ruby's assistant, or the detective?
rvb season 14 trailer got relased bitches
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But is there homoerotic tension between them as is the norm in Ace Attorney?
Isn't Gumshoe really bad at his job?
Were you not here yesterday?
>Vick narrating
>Voices of all the Freelancers, indicating that they're gonna show up

Ohhhhh boy, the hype is real
>Salem seems to be important so it's a fair assumption to say that she's the threat for the story Monty had in mind.

It's honestly hard to tell what Monty had in mind.
He was, first and foremost, an animator.
While he did a pretty damn good job at world building in RWBY, he was not the best storyteller. He had to rely on other people to help him with that direction. Like old-school George Lucas.

It's why whenever I see someone complain about shit like "X will never happen because it would make Y meaningless/not make any sense/feel cheap/look stupid/etc", or any crap like it, I roll my eyes.
Monty pulled all of his inspiration from JRPG's, fighting games, and anime. Tropes from all three of these sources are littered throughout the show.

For all we know: Salem is just the boss at the end of disk one, Pyrrha will descend from the heavens with bullshit mary-sue Lightning powers on a golden chariot because Fall Maiden deus ex destiny machina, Penny will come back as a *Literal* gundam, and right before Ruby is killed by Cinder, Yang will tap into the power of pure rage and shred Cinder's Aura to pieces with the Shun Goku Satsu.
And then there's a beach episode where everyone is getting along with each other and being civil, including the villains.
Are these things likely to happen?
Probably not. It's a bunch of bullshit I just spouted off the top of my head.
But at the same time, I wouldn't be all shocked if some of them did.

...And now I'm sad with the realization that the last Final Fantasy game Monty probably played was fucking Lightning Returns.
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>k after the c
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Speaing of Lancaster and Chibis, I've recently been trying to write a fic on it. Sorta like Puchimas in a way but not really.

On a completely unrelated note to the rated M fic I am writing, how large do you guys think ChibiRuby's vagina is? Or wven just her mouth? Do you think maybe the size of a pencil?
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This tweet was made a long ass time ago wasn't it. I remember us having some kind of discussion about it.
No it was literally this week.
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>Wake up.
>First thing I do is check Rwbyg
>See this
I guess I remembered it wrong.
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It's like you guys have never watched Puchimasu
There was no need to have a discussion about it anyway, the vials are obviously meant to represent Pyrrha's ashes.

Miles didn't say what they were because he wasn't just going to tweet spoilers to the recent finale of the show he's in charge of.
I thought that it was cause he always received vials from that guy whenever someone died in RvB?
So 3 vials mean 3 character deaths which makes sense.
The vials are for three different people though. Him and Kerry, the writers, and Jen Brown, Pyrrha's VA.
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Not sure how many folks follow tanglecolors

But there should be a Stuffed Rabbit comic commission showing up there later today in case anyone's interested.

Arkos smut commission is still ongoing, reached out to ndgd but haven't heard anything yet.
Yes, this is what happened
They were for Miles and Kerry because they wrote Pyrrha's death
Post characters that have a 0% chance of surviving the series
I know that was why they received them.

That is exactly what I said.

I was pointing out why it doesn't make sense for the three vials to represent the three separate character deaths, as each person only got a single vial. Thus, the Pyrrha Ashes interpretation makes more sense.
Velvet will make it out considering she's like "the audience's character" despite her being very controversial in the community.
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I'm reasonably excited for this.
Pic related.
>Sun lifiting one with no weights.
>Jaune running like a monkey.
I can't help but feel his should be the other way around.
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>implying they wont redeem Adam and pair her up with Blake again
>despite her being very controversial in the community.
Not really. Everyone outside of /rwbyg/ blindly loves her, along with the rest of CFVY, because "muh cute badass bunny waifu! I May Faaaaaall!"
God I hope not
How the fuck do you even redeem mr.edge
Thread is sleeping.
Anybody got expectations for RvB:14?

It's an anthology so what stories can we expect?
I'd love to see this happen because it would probably cause tumblr to stop watching rwby, increasing the quality of the fandom considerably

Lots of mini-slice of life style episodes, probably at least 1 ep dedicated to caboose for sure. Wouldn't be surprised they have the 2d animation team do an episode or two. Not sure what they're going to use the gamegrumps for, but it should be interesting.
I'm anticipating
>Blood Gulch in the Captain Flowers era
>Project Freelancer prior to season 9
>Chorus before the Reds and Blues landed on it
>What Carolina was doing after she got thrown off the cliff, before she found the reds and blues
"Bunny waifu :3"
No, see, they're not using the gamegrumps, the gamegrumps are in charge of at least one episode. That's what the credits in the preview mean.
>Wouldn't be surprised they have the 2d animation team do an episode or two
I believe this has already been confirmed, along with stuff like stop motion and more CGI
I hope it's good.
To be quite honest I stopped watching after bloodgultch.

>What Carolina was doing.
Was she that important?
Make him say he's sorry, that should be enough.
It's sad when 4chan of all places has more of a collective brain than the rest of the fanbase.
I swear to God if they pull shit like that I won't do anything because blake is worst girl and she deserves only shit
Ahh ok, well then that sounds interesting for sure. If we can get stuff like this
I'm down for it.


Same I'm interested to see what they have lined up.
>Was she that important?
She's the new Tex
That might actually be interesting then.
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No, they don't.
>Could have given Renora a cool moment.
Yeah, would have been nice.
If you tone down the edge a lot and... yeah, that's all I got. Like, it's cool that he seems like a proficient antagonist considering he kicked the shit out of Blake and Yang, but all the "Muh Blake!" just made him shit.
I doubt the Edgemaster is gonna apologize for fucking Blake and Yang, considering one's a traitor, and the other "oppresses his people".
This. They are the Beauty and the Beast after all, they are meant to be together.
Remember, the beast seemed like a bad guy at thje beginning.
*Fucking up Blake and Yang.
Yeah but the Beauty was actually likeable and the Beast was just a bit of a dick, not a terrorist.
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>I doubt the Edgemaster is gonna apologize for fucking Blake and Yang

At the same time?
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I now have a joke smut I'm going to write.
>Adam puts his massive throbbing cock into Yang's dripping Vag.
>"MUH BLAKE!" Adam screams loudly as Yang cries.

I'll put it on /trash/ one day.
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Yeah, but they are messed up enought to deserve each other anyway.
This is the way I thing this will go (or the way I think it should go at least):
>Blake's main issue is running away of everything.
>As soon as Adam started acting extremist she ran away, and that probably fucked up him even more.
>She needs to be redeemed on that.
>At some point she will realize that she should have stayed at his side to try saving him.
>She will try, and she will succed. Blake is not worst cat anymore.
>Adam will be redeemed thanks to her, will make a small heelturn in favor of team RWBY and will die, probably making an heroic sacrifice for Blake.
That way their story comes to a perfect end to me. He became a beast, the beauty saves him with love, and he becames human again.
Only difference would be him dying, because RT won't have the guts of letting him go unpunished after what he did to Yang. I would like him to live though.
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Speak for yourself. I've made atrocious art as RWBYg exclusive before and I'll probably do it again.
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>mfw /v/ isn't making fun of us anymore for liking RWBY ironically
Good times ahead, bros
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It's only because hating RWBY is the norm and /v/ must be as contrarian as possible at all times.
Blake kinda looks like that chick what told the white guy that his dreadlocks were cultural appropriation. Would in-show Blake do the same to someone wearing something with animal ears?
Shut the fuck up Caren, that joke wasn't funny the first time.
No, Blake would imagine confronting him in her head, blowing him the fuck out with a verbal beatdown while everyone around her is speechless, and then begins applauding her.

Keyword there is "imagine", in reality she would sit there and do nothing at all.

>Blake needs to be redeemed for leaving her abusive boyfriend, because if she tried harder, she could have changed him

What a great lesson for the kids
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Night RWBYg.
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Business as usual, then!
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Sweet dreams anon.
No, she would silently judge them before complaining about it on tumblr later, while making up a fake anecdote about how she confronted them politely and they called her faunus scum
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>Neo watching me as I sleep.
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hey remember that time in the 40 episodes this show has where Ruby and Blake,two of the four main characters, talked to each other
RE: Moving away from Poser, maybe RWBY Chibi them trying new production methods without the risk of problems occurring on their main production?

Apologies if a) Someone else suggested this already or b) I'm stupid and wrong
No worries, it has been brought up, but we still haven't gotten 100% confirmation that they've moved away from Poser for the new season yet. We probably won't know until RTX unless they come out and tweet or post about it. They've hinted at it, especially since they already use Maya for certain elements of RWBY and for most of RVB, but we're still not sure.
No, you're not wrong and it would be a good way to experiment with a new-ish series.
This is provided that they'll be using fully 3D environments though.

It would be very good practive for using Maya and the like but it's still difficult and too early to say so.
With volume four coming in Fall they could use this as practice, but then I'd expect the episodes to be about five minutes long.

I also expect Tumblr to love this more than the actual show.

That said, what they use making Chibi they could have used on the actual show itself.
>muh opressive cis white faunus
What if he wasn't abusive? Yeah Miles said so, but they say a lot of misleading shit to avoid spoiling stuff.
What if he became abusive after losing his shit? Blake clearly said he changed. Maybe he was a good boyfriend before.
>Yeah Miles said so
It was at the RWBY maraton stream. But I missremembered that, it was Lindsay who said it, not Miles, he didn't state anything about it besides that Adam is a creepy motherfucker, making it even more unclear to me. Lindsay has said stuff that contradicts the canon before.
You guys like RWBY ironically?
Yeah I remember Lindsay saying it, but the VAs don't actually know much about the show, sometimes only finding things out when they watch the episodes themselves

>What if he became abusive after losing his shit?

Then he's still abusive.

The Black Trailer shows Blake left after he showed his willingness to kill civilians. Anything bad he did is on him and his decisions, not her.
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>Is there Jaune 63
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She should remember her place.
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>Male POV

Absolutely fucking Haram.
>I wrote a PTSD Blake once.
>Origional idea was for a PTSD Yang.
Fucking scary at times.
That autists descent into full SAO tier wankery was something to watch.
Whoever it is, please stop posting /v/ threads.

Or at least use an image from the actual game in the OP.
last night i had a dream that rwby chibi was a kart racer
may was a playable character for some reason
yea its fucking stupid
I would totally play a Chibi RWBY cart racer.
That sounds kind of genius for some reason.
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Considering you could just transform the weapon designs into some sort of vehicle, this is actually not a bad idea.
You kind of had me, and then it turned out to be Jaune killing himself to bring back Pyrrha.
Page ten.
On a phone away from a computer.
Somebody get the new bread.
Yeah. There's plenty of characters that can easily be differentiated from each other, perfect for a racing roster.

Plenty of great locations for tracks, too. There'll be even more when V4 hits.
I'll get it

New Bread

You know when you look at it, as bad as the writing was, Palpatine's plan was not nearly as pants on head retarded as that.
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