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Star Wars Rebels

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Thread replies: 657
Thread images: 179

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Inky Waifu Edition

>Newest Rebels Recon Episode (2x19 - The Mystery of Chopper Base):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob90p0SoMpY [Embed]
>Upcoming Releases:

>Star Wars Canon Guide:

>Download links: (Check here for the newest episode + Books, Comics, Films, etc)

>The Clone Wars Legacy Content:
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>yfw only the inquisitors die
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First for best girl.
First for Twi'leks
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Hell yeah
I love sexy star whores
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>tfw everybody dies but the entire episode is actually just Ezra having a force seizure
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Today is the day...
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Less than 24 hours at least, but technically not until tomorrow since it airs US EST.
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For some reason that pic made me realize how heartbreaking this will be
She better die.
I just want to see heads rolling, doesn't matter who
Kanan? More like SLAYnan
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inb4 cliffhanger on whether she really dies or not
Fith brother...meh
I decided to download Galaxy of Heroes to dick around with until the episode airs. It's not bad and the number of different units is nice. Still the level up system is a mess, requiring you to replace the same fights over and over again to get that one item that doesn't even always drop...or just use Sims to play that level for you instantly. And you still might not get the drop.

And then you can only do so much until whoops you're out of power and can't play until the meter refills or you use your relatively rare resources that you're always on short supply of unless you're constantly throwing money at EA.

Anyone have any tips or tricks to make this game fun? Or if it isn't fun now is it pretty much a waste of time?

Not that all app games aren't wastes of time, but it's the fun that's important.
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When danger shows up she'll fly away, don't worry.
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Has anyone checked Pablo's Twitter? Has he had to respond to this multiple times already?
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Now seems to be a good time for this...


Let's see them predictions!


>no Darth Vader
Ya silly bitch
What the fuck?
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What a time to be a fan!
Whatever happened to the image with summaries of everything? Do you have those summarizes in a text document? I want them please.
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What is the link for the stream and what time does the finale start on it?
>what time does the finale start on it?

9 PM, or a little afterwards.
>9 PM
but what timezone
Do those spots on her face happen to extend to other areas of her body? Is it wrong to want to see her reclining in an evil black imperial bikini?
what is this from anyway?
trailer for the finale
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It's EST
link please?
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They go ALLLLL the way down
Oh god, it's been a while.

The plan was to write it up to add to the new Guide in the OP, but Google Sheets is awful and hates large paragraphs. Completely rekt the formatting, so I abandoned that.

Instead, I hyperlinked every entry to the corresponding Wookieepedia page, if that helps? I know Wookieepedia can be shit, but I think most of the pages should have a decent summary there.

Otherwise, I do not have a text document of the old summaries I wrote. I may have the old pictures somewhere if that helps?

Fingers crossed, as soon as the episode airs at 9PM ET/PT (whatever that means, I am a britbong)

If it leaks (looking unlikely) then it will be played as soon as I get my hands on a copy. Otherwise, it's up to the regular livestreamer.

But the stream will be up long before the episode airs, because I plan on having movies playing. At the very least, the OT + TFA. Might as well make a day of it. Unless I wake up to find it leaked while I was sleeping. That would suck.
Anyone else terrified they gunna die before the finale?
It feels likely; that's God's kinda funny, ya know?
This is what I wanted to hear.
why would vader kill ahsoka I thought he wanted to capture her
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He's a complicated man, and no one understands him but his padwan.

The Emperor want's to capture her. That is Vader's foremost intention for her. But in terms of his own desires, he wants to kill her because of what she represents to him.
Ya damn right.
Define 'fun'.

>Ahsoka and co freely run away again aka 'barely escaped'
>Ezra doesn't turn, just kinda tells Kanan
>they rejoin fleet and credits roll


Ashoka has to much plot armour, Dark Vader is totally gonna die.

I think that Dark Vader will die.
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People who have seen it says it ends on a cliffhanger and shakes up the entire series.
What are the chances they use this chance to write off Seventh and FIve, and replace them with Two and Three?
Look at those crocodile tears. Like a betrayer such as her really cares.
Is there a "Do It For Her" picture for Ahsoka?
I think she's just cold.
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I hope she gets her "you were my brother Anakin I loved you" or "if you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine" moment at the very least.
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>vulnerable looking ahsoka
Thread theme
True, those clothes might be too thin for the weather she's in.
What, like Ezra dies?
If they play either of these I might get dust in my eyes
Because I haven't cleaned up recently
S-Shut up, I won't cry. Who cries?
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>finale shakes things up
>ends on a cliffhanger
>tfw it all goes back to the status quo in the season 3 opener two months from now
I'll cry like a little punk
What's the context for that face, anyway? Did Vader blast him with the Force or something?
I agree with the first two but I think the cliffhanger changes the status quo and next season will be different.
Yup. Force push.
When Ahsoka's vision of Anakin asked her if she knew what he'd become, what did Anakin become anyways? And what does that have to do with the black armor guy?
>tfw Ashoka fights vader and loses, isn't killed but crippled. Can no longer fight

>tfw Ezra gets his dick chopped off, comes back next season as Ezrella

You're reaction?
Link to stream?

Legend of Korra Season 4
>When Ahsoka's vision of Anakin asked her if she knew what he'd become, what did Anakin become anyways?
A father, of course.
He became murdered by Darth Vader, who was secrelty obi-funs other apprentice
Anyone expecting a last-minute cameo like the ones we got last season finale?

I'm expecting either Palpatine himself or Thrawn.
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Feel free to bookmark it or whatever, and get in there early.
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>or Thrawn.
When does a new episode usually leak? 10am?
Anakin became goth, that's what black armor guy represents
Hasn't Sheev already made an appearance?

I wish the laughter that I produced upon reading that could be translated into text
What if Ezra kills younglings?
Based on the context of the post I'd guess a game that doesn't let you play it for awhile but then make you buy some kind of resource to keep playing it.

But this is EA, right? Not bloody likely you can escape the micropayment machine.
That's good, but I don't think any characters within the English or any other Earthly language could portray it properly.
I don't think Sheev has been physically seen as anything but a blurry old news image
But MSW anon

Ahsoka Vs Vader,

suddenly emotional duel and this part of the soundtrack plays https://youtu.be/7MJzvyzbqGI?t=73

i'd cri
>What if Ezra kills himself?
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What if Moraband is actually the planet Luke is on in The Force Awakens?
4chan BTFO
Moraband was dry and dusty and Luke was on an island in the middle of an Ocean, and in Star Wars planets only have one biome.
So it's a great way to shake up the status quo by changing an entire biome or showing multiple biomes.
It's Anch-To or something
That guy sounds insecure.
How embarrassing. Who the hell ever wants to be THAT fan? The one who asks people involved in the movie about a fucking ship? If I was Reylo, I'd be mortified.
What the fuck is reylo?
Thanks, cAnon
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Rey/Kylo shipping
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Planet already has a name. Ahch-To.
This is the faggiest thing I've ever seen.
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>Someone was so triggered over a ship that they went to the Star War's officials to complain.
word to the wise shippers are invariably cancer, including those in this very thread
It is EA, but they're fucking horrible with micropayments in GoH. I mean, do they really expect people to pay $40-$100 for a character pack?

On the plus side, at least the best characters can be grinded for without spending a single penny. Plus, judging by recent updates, even the paywall characters will be grindable at some future point. The only hiccups I have with it are the repetition of getting shit done, complacent gaming syndrome up the ass, and the wall that everyone will eventually hit. I mean, you can only grind for so long before it gets tedious.
Poor Pablo. His job requires that he be nice to these people.

Not that Star Wars fans haven't always had their crazies, but at least with the prequels everybody already knew what was going to happen. We have to deal with at least two more years of this crap.
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Bought the beginner game and plan to run it with a few friends this weekend. Anything I should know outside the manual?

Never GM'd a game before, so this might be a train wreck.
This is embarrassing on so many levels
Shipping only becomes true cancer when you expect your ship to be real and try to discuss it with writers and officials.

Reylo shippers are among the fans who do that. Which is strange because it's not exactly a ship that's given a lot of basis in canon. I don't know why they think it'd ever be real.
Also, it's a mobile game, so the whole "play for a bit and wait some more" isn't tremendously bothersome and should really be the way you play the game.
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>This level of triggometry
>Bothering an official about the equivalent to someone being on their period
What is this, amateur hour? First couple minutes on the internet?
Wow, so it's not even Rakata Prime? It even sort of looks like Rakata Prime, since they're both island worlds.
I hope Andi grabs your coffee and spills in on you.
>expect people to pay $40-$100 for a character pack?
A lot of online games are like that and it's ridiculous. You think they'd know barely anyone is going to buy a 100 buck package even if it provides a 20% discount on whatever widgets the game runs on. Instead they should just nickle and dime people. Small transactions are much more likely to occur and people rarely keep track of how much they're actually spending until they get their bill, by which point it's often too late. Unless you're that dad whose kid managed to spend four thousand bucks on Jurassic World and the media helps you raise a stink about it.
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I wonder if Pablo shitposts with us?
>I mean, do they really expect people to pay $40-$100 for a character pack?
The sad part is not only do people do it, but a glimpse at the GoH forums points to most of those people looking down on F2P players
Dumb Reylo shippers, BBRey8 is the endgame
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This isn't okay!
>Inb4 it was Pablo who posted the picture
You underestimate the power of the Dark Side
How bout chu ask him yourself.
Why are they bringing 4chan in this mess? Tumblr is the one that actually threatens people and bullies others about that ship.
Neat, but the /tg/ Star Wars General should be able to help you more:


Hope I didn't fuck that up, been awhile since I've bothered with a crossboard post.
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>sewn-together articles of varying repute, source, and tone
>reliable/accurate prediction
Did you learn nothing in December? MSW is as reliable at Star Wars predictions as /v/ is about staying on topic. The site even says its often based on rumor's and hear-say.
Nah, it's all pretty bad. People shouldn't get so attached to fictional characters. It's rather silly and usually indicates a low level of literary appreciation.

I mean it's fine enough to think X is cute with Y, but if you self-identify as a shipper you're definitely cancer.

This trailer worries me and all but I refuse to believe that Filoni would end such a great ship so tragically.
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He's hot gluing this tonight right?
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If he isn't shitposting with us... then he is shitposting against us!
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Fuck that's a really cool looking figure.
I call bullshit on the anons that said several threads ago that Pablo knew how to handle Star Wars fans. Nobody fucking knows how to handle Star Wars fans. Just watch, he'll go insane. Even Lucas went insane.
>People shouldn't get so attached to fictional characters

R-right. I'll keep trying not to love my waifu too much.
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>I wouldn't worry about what an online forum thinks, especially about wasting time
Pablo knows his bants
I...have no words. Though I get the feeling that these are the same people who blow entire vaults on a gatcha system, then proceed to bitch when they don't get what they want.
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Please excuse me I don't mean to be rude
But tonight I'm hot gluing you
Holy shit I hadn't seen this yet.
Dat force choke.
It's pretty cool

There's a Kanan figure coming out too
To be fair, he handled a stupid shipping question in the most polite and diplomatic way you possibly can
Quit being retarded with your crack ship, SS/Ezra is fun and all, but you're starting to act like one of those shippers that intermix fantasy with reality.

I know you might be ironically shitposting, but don't ironic shitpost, because sooner or later it becomes real.
Well, star wars is both massive and the sort of franchise that attracts a more. let's say annoying, sort of person.
There's an easier way, anon. Just pull a Leeland Chee and tell people, "Hey, it's all canon somewhere, baby," while getting toasted. Nicely toasted.

Not seriously implying Leeland Chee was using drugs in order to handle his job as Keeper of the Holocron, mostly joking about the mess the canon tiers ended up in because at the end of the day it didn't really matter how the hell it all worked, the movies were still supreme. He could say whatever he wanted to make people happy and go cash that sweet paycheck for a job well done.
It's great because they don't even realize he's insulting them too
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Fuck and I was just looking if there was a Kanan one. Gonna have to get these
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Disney has dispensed with the canon tiers, though. They have elected the way of pain.
What if Ezra kills Seventh Sisters got body.
Yeah, I mean if I was in his position I probably would've either been a dick or ignored it outright. Pablo's pretty good at being just saucy enough to be entertaining but not offensively so. I'd drink with him.
Coffee, that is.
Ask the /tg/ general.
I wish I could find a better variety of these things. The rarest I've seen was a Greedo and an ARC Trooper
What if Ezra kills you?
Oh shit I didn't even fully get that until now.
Based as fuck.
Abusing someone because they romantically pair two fictional characters together seems like a tumblr thing to do, not a 4chan thing to do.
I've seen Greedo everywhere. Nobody wants him.

Currently all I can find is the shitty Emperor's Wrath Vader figure.
I will freely abuse anybody who ships tbqh
Sheev showing up seems like it wouldn't be good idea for him, based off the fact he keeps his Sith persona, as well as his ability to use the Force in general, a pretty well guarded secret.

Unless him showing up means they plan to just kill everybody.
I think the boards here do just the same amount of pairing but instead of acting 'mushy' about it they shitpost.

Dammit, I still want Sideshow Collectables to make a 1/6 scale Ahsoka figure!
Is "Emperor's Wrath" supposed to be like those flashes of lightning causing him to go transparent?
Some of the character choices for Black Series have been utterly retarded. Greedo actually got a figure before Vader of Chewie. Hasbro was also completely flabbergasted that Greedo wasn't selling and he became the line's first notorious pegwarmer (along with Slave Leia), so much that a lot of places didn't even see newer figures like Vader, Jedi Luke, TIE Pilot, Cody, etc. that were actually really anticipated. So thanks to Greedo and Slave Leia those figures go for high prices on the secondary market because almost nobody had a chance to get them.
I believe that Star Wars Rebels will finally buck this terrible trend of age-restricted romances and let Seventh Sister prey upon the innocence and puberty of Ezra. Age gaps of 10 or 20 years weren't uncommon in Victorian, Interwar, or Cold War literature. And romantic attraction between a teenager and an adult wasn't considered strange until the 1980s.
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>They have elected the way of pain.

Well met, anon.
4chan users abuse everyone so nobody gives a fuck about it if they dare to ship on here. Tumblrites give many shits about this sort of thing though.
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I'm taking Sabine hostage before I die.
I've been searching for the Jango Fett for like 2 months at this point, and certainly haven't found Ahsoka or Kanan yet. Took me 6 months just to find Phasma, 3 months to get a First Order Stormtrooper, but got lucky with Kylo Ren almost immediately last September. All I ever see 99% of the time are Finn, the Guavian Enforcer, and Constable Zuvio.
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There is nothing wrong with loving your waifu. Heck, you can even write fanfic and draw art of the characters you love. But holy shit man, don't become a 'Shipper', don't be the person that harasses the writers or fellow fans with your theories/ships, don't make page long blogposts on why your ship is the best and call other pairings or fans of other pairings 'problematic'. Don't be an asshole in a fandom community and you'll be fine with loving who you love.
>Rey beating Leia

Fuck this mang.
I ship you two
>ironic shitposting isn't allowed
but ok
Post your ships.
So Seventh kills Kanaan and Ezra chokes her to death in revenge?
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I'm lucky to even be able to see a Finn. All I find in my area are Zuvio and, to a lesser extent, the Resistance Trooper.
Actually yeah, it's technically not.

>ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Look man, that's how /tv/ became the hellhole it is now. It used to ironic shitpost about stupid shit and act like fools, until it actually attracted fools that turned that place into a complete circus.
Leia was kinda shit in the new movie, which is the biggest thing on the minds of most people voting.
To be fair anon probably thought it was the /aco/ Star Wars (Buttcheek) General and got scared away.

There aren't actually generals on /aco/ are there?
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>Oh god, it's been a while.
>The plan was to write it up to add to the new Guide in the OP, but Google Sheets is awful and hates large paragraphs. Completely rekt the formatting, so I abandoned that.
>Instead, I hyperlinked every entry to the corresponding Wookieepedia page, if that helps? I know Wookieepedia can be shit, but I think most of the pages should have a decent summary there.
>Otherwise, I do not have a text document of the old summaries I wrote. I may have the old pictures somewhere if that helps?
Well shit :(
Guess this means it's gonna be Rey and Kylo in the finals.
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>There aren't actually generals on /aco/ are there?
I actually don't know. I've never been there
/aco/ is full of non-Western generals. It's a hellhole.
Do you at least have the old image?
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Doubful. It'll probably end up being Luke and Vader.
There is, but they kept going on too long and since there isn't as much smut content that others would like until you start posting the same shit, they dried up.
I've heard it's really put the hurt on /d/. I'm probably losing some cred only hanging around /tg/ and /co/ but most of those boards are more trouble than they're worth since if you hang around long enough it's just the same material for the same fetishes over and over again.
This was what I had last before I abandoned it for the Google Sheets
Rey may make it past Yoda but she'll lose to Luke and Kylo might make it past Boba but he'll lose to Vader.

Is that pottery? I feel like there's some pottery in there.
Hope it can help in some way
Alright, if that's how /tv/ got to where it is today then I'll stop for the greater good.
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Been playing Jedi Starfighter lately. It's no TIE Fighter but it's surprisingly fun.
Basically /d/ is four times slower than it used to be. Most of the art is just reposts of stuff already seen since Pixiv, Tumblr, Twitter, and the Chinese sites don't have too much fetish stuff available.
What happened is that some of the most popular fetishes on this site have majority Western/non-anime art. When /aco/ was created, all those fetishists thought it was an command to move over there. This crippled /d/ severely.
Original please
>tfw barely canon

Shadows of the Empire was awesome. All the N64 Star Wars games were.
>tfw got Kylo from ToysRUs for $5
Based employee discount
requesting the picture of zeb's rodian schoolgirl magazine stash
You forgot the crucial point of that as well
When /aco/ was being made/ /d/ was in the middle of a civil war regarding that. Once it was made, the war really got messy, but it eventually subsided
/aco/ really fucked up /d/ mainly because it was made in the middle of a war

In spite of some minor errors, this is pretty good!
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Ebin Hawk
I know that feel. Wish I could've abused it more often.

Passed up a chance a few years back for a nice looking figure of the robot from that silent film, Metropolis.
TIE Predator a best TIE
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Just think, the Star Wars universe has a porn industry. How vast do you think it is? How many niche genres does it have?
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>working at toysRus
I'm so sorry anon.
Former target-fag myself.
You hanging in, there?
was this in an actual episode, I seem to remember seeing it or something similar
kek. Can anyone create anything original in SW without referencing the OT?
Out of interest, what errors? I know I had some, I am curious to know if I have since clued up on it all.

Otherwise, thank you!
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Shit, forgot pic
>How vast
>How many niche genres does it have?
There's a million and one for a mere 7 billion of one species. There'd be exponentially more with a galactic population with a smorgasbord of species.
Yes, the image was real, Zeb did have a magazine with a rodian schoolgirl on its pages.
Not that there's anything wrong with variations on a theme, but WEG had an absolute fuckton of neat OC stuff.
I bet the most sick type of porn is humans handholding , without gloves.
does anyone happen to have that specifically, trying to prove to a friend it's real
failing that the episode it showed up in
Still no TFA BluRay extras? I thought the leakers obtained a retail copy.
I started the game up a little while ago. The interface and navigation is a bit messy and the resources are obviously heavy on steering people towards borrowing Mommy and Daddy's credit card.

After playing for awhile I decided, what the hell, might as well buy one of the Chromium cards. I sure as hell wasn't going to waste crystals on energy, after all. I unlocked...the goddamn starter Ewok. The game said, "Oh, you have that already? Well here, have 7 shards for that shitty ewok you plan on replacing the moment you actually do unlock something better."

Goddammit, EA. I'd swear you're doing this on purpose.
I kinda want to see a TIE that's just the little central ball. Like "TIE/Short-range Emergency" fighters, where you can quickly field a ton of fairly difficult-to-hit little spheres, which would carry power packs to allow them to hit and move just as well as a standard TIE, but be unable to sustain any operation longer than what would constitute an emergency before you could get actual fighters into the action.
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It's not
I thought /aco/ was deleting a lot of those threads anyway, though maybe it's calmed down since it opened. I recall people being happy to make the first Star Wars thread and it was nuked the moment orange you-know-what appeared.
I love tie ships. "Lets put large areas of ship in flat huge shapes that make it far and beyond easier to get hit." Such a joke.
Oh fuck that's pretty cool, I wouldn't think they'd carry something like that.

It was a seasonal position, I grabbed what was on sale while I was there and dipped.
Kylo was in a damaged box, so that dropped him down to $7.99, and in I used a 25% off coupon and my 10% employee discount and picked it up.

In hindsight, I probably should have grabbed some of the Infinity figures when I had the chance.
>Goddammit, EA. I'd swear you're doing this on purpose.

Tell me about it. Based on the last two chromium pulls I've done, EA seems to think that ranking up Greedo is a good idea.
Here you go, it's in episode Fighter Flight at the end of it.
I got Qui-Gon Jin and a Snowtrooper
I'm talking about pre-/aco/. The days before and during /aco/'s creation, /d/ was in the middle of a war
When /aco/ was made, it made things worse
But yeah, now /d/'s settled down. Couldn't tell you anything about /aco/. Never been there
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Oh man, so many good memories of defending against those endless waves of tanks and bombers. That was a really fun game.

Was this before or after they removed his paywall? In any event, at least you got one of the better units.
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Can't really blame him
When you think your race is all but "extinct", it's time to start branching out
Compatibility might be an issue, but life, uh, finds a way
Nah this was when you could already get his shards from those weird looking squad cantina tokens.

I'm not terribly displeased with GoH, though it helps the only 2 characters I really want(ed) require no money, only patience.

How does that even work?
>It's time to start branching out
Probably doesn't even need an extinct race for that.
What I meant was that from how I understood /aco/ in the early days /d/ mods were deleting Western threads and telling them to go to /aco/ but /aco/ was deleting a bunch of threads too. Turns out a lot of Western cartoon content features, well, stuff that's usually told to go to /b/.

No clue if it worked itself out. I guess it doesn't really matter, it certainly doesn't effect me. At the very least people mention Star Wars threads there so that, at least, got worked out.
I've seen deleted scenes around but none of the behind the scenes stuff.
At least once you unlock Allies you can play around with a bunch of people you don't have. It's better than nothing and a good way to get a feel for who you'd like to grind for.
At this point it depends on what kind of janitor or mod is prowling the board on any given day. There are some instances that /wst/ threads on /d/ has had content deleted for being too western or vice versa on /aco/. It's still a minefield, but just not as volatile like it was several months ago. All in all, it's just a headache and mostly not even worth the time and effort there to have a good time there.
Well, on /d/'s side, it sort of worked out. You'll see the occasional western stuff but other from that it's 100% western
Can't really speak for /aco/. Like I said, never been there
The creating of /aco/ messed up everyone since no one knew what to do/what it was for. /aco/ was created mainly for /co/, not for /d/, but since /d/ was in a war regarding western art, it made things worse because now people were sending it to /aco/, while people who were confused argues that /aco/ isn't for that
Thus the mass deletions on both parties, like you said

It fucked everybody up at the time, but it seems things have panned out

Revenge of The Sith:
>Anakin leads the 501st to Courscant to kill Jedi there, before heading to Coruscant to kill the remaining Separatist leaders.

1. Change Anakin to Vader from that point down. Yes, I know some people like to still call him Anakin only until he's in the armor, but he's still technically Vader at that point.

2. Change both of those Coruscants to 'The Jedi Temple' and 'Mustafar' respectively.

>Obi-wan takes Luke to his blood relatives on Tatooine, and Leia to her adoptive father Bail Organa on Alderaan, splitting the twins up so that Vader would be less likely to sense their existence.

1. Kenobi did not bring Leia to Bail, as he was there the entire time and volunteered to take Leia.

2. The Lars family are not blood related to Luke. Owen was Anakin's step brother, not half brother.

Lords of The Sith:

Vader, Palpatine, and a Clone Trooper-turned-Royal Guard traverse the dangerous Ryloth forests, killing everyone in their way.

I'd take the Clone trooper bit out considering he didn't survive the Lyleks, and the other guard (who was just a regular guy) survived the whole thing.

>Palpatine punishes Vader for his compassionate thoughts by making him kill every innocent Twi'lek they come across.

Should move this down to the bottom of that, since Vader wiped out the village right after he beheaded Isval.

Rebels - Season II
>Ahsoka sends the Ghost crew to look for Clone Captain Rex, Commander Gregor anmd Commander Wolffe.

Take out Gregor and Wolffe. She sent them there for Rex.

>Meanwhile, two Inquisitors (Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister) have been continuing a plan laid out by Sideous since the clone wars; The kidnapping of Force Sensitive children across the Galaxy.

You misspelled Sidious.

I probably missed things, but those stood out to me.
Ahh ok gotcha, yeah I knew most of those. I just never got around to updating the thing because I switched over to Google Sheets.

You definitely got me on Lars not being blood related to Luke, don't even know how I fucked that up.
>You misspelled Sidious.
"As you command, Lord Hideous."
"What did you call me, Vader?"
"N-nothing, Master."
Will Vader have the high ground?
His geography will compare superior.
>tfw noone will redraw this with Vader stabbing her in the gut
Will the episode be out early on streaming like all the others usually are or are they holding it back because its the finale (I think they've done that before with the previous finale)?
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Fuck. It just now hit me that there will probably be no more Ahsoka after tomorrow's episode.

I'm legit sad.
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The force choking is their type of foreplay. No reason to be worried anon
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I fixed it...
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Yeah she provided so much to the last 6 episodes she was in
Almost 10 whole minutes of rebels screen-time
Maybe I'm bitter
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That's... reassuring


I was talking about Star Wars as a whole but it's not like she was a huge part of rebels either.

You bitter fuck.
I have little doubt that she'll appear again from time to time, whether she dies or not. She's quite popular with the younger crowd.
Ahsoka gonna get captured and tortured for information
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tfw you will never waterboard ahsoka wih your dick
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>SS will never tease you as you are bound, gagged and naked in front of her
Good, she's not that hot anyways.
When does this figure come out? I'm not a toyfag but this looks awesome.
Been out for a couple of weeks, along with Kanan, but fucking impossible to find as you may imagine.
It's been sighted in stores for a few weeks now, but that usually means it'll take a while before all stores start stocking them. Once that happens, good luck finding one though. Popular BS figures get snatched up fast, though if they're popular enough they may get re-issues (a lot of people missed out on Kylo back in September but in the last two weeks or so stores have gotten more shipments of him
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Nice dubs Sheev.
Average 4chan intelligence ladies and gentlemen.

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Golly gee, you got us good, Anon!
Well damn, I wished someone was talking about us.

But seriously though, how many of us actually have a Twitter account?
So, about tomorrow's stream, is there a way to reduce the stream quality on my side?

When i try to watch the eps live the episode stutters like crazy, and i was wondering if there is a way to reduce the video quality so it isn't as bad.
You don't need an account to go on Pablo's twitter
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My statement stands whether he was talking about 4chan or not.
Well it's supposed to auto-adjust for individual users. There is a settings icon, sort of looks like a machine cog, on the video player. If you click that, you may be able to manually lower the quality.
Thanks, i hope i can get it to play without problem, because of all the episodes i could miss, i want to enjoy this finale with all the faggots on /co/
I kinda wanna watch the finale in a stream with you guys, but I'm almost positive someone will show up spouting spoilers right as it starts. Does that sometimes happen there?
I'm surprised that one anon didn't already spoil it.
Maybe he's waiting for the stream for maximum effectiveness, who knows.
It has not happened at all, even when we stream late.

If you are scared of that happening, you can ignore chat and go Full Screen, but so far, the streams haven't had a problem with people trying to ruin it.
Collecting toys sounds hard. I can find this on ebay but not on Amazon... I don't understand. Why don't the manufacturers make them available to Amazon? Do they have a special deal with retails stores to only sell there?
Well that's good to hear I guess.

What time does the stream go up on the XD website?
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What if Obi-Wan kills Maul?
So where does the stream that everybody here talks about take place? Is it on cytube?
It's on Alderaan
Yes it's the houseordo cytube.

The moment it airs live on tv usually.
It will be a two-parter.
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Say what?
You should stream a handycam recording of the television broadcast
At a silky smooth 12fps with Taiwanese hard subs, uploaded onto Youtube in 14 parts?
I hope Alderaan doesn't blow up over tonight's episode.
With a 30 second dubstep intro at the beginning of every part.
it's on Alderaan
The new episode is on Alderaan
And you just blew it up
Turns out Tarkin's favorite waifu, besides the Death Star, was Ahsoka. He destroyed Alderaan out of rage.
Just not enough stock to go around generally. Gets sold out instantly. Either they underestimate the demand or are trying to spike it higher by creating artificial shortages, not sure which (probably the latter, but you never know how incompetent these companies can get sometimes)
Don't forget to comment everything that happens on screen
>actually subjecting yourself to twitter
Anon, are you sure you weren't the one who really lost?
You don't use twitter? Good way to keep up with news and events.
No, man, I wait for 4chan to post what I want to be true even if it really isn't.
Do you know what else is a good way to keep up with news and events
The News
I wish. Turn to the news these days and mostly they just tell you whatever BS is trending in social media. Like zero effort to doing their jobs. But then news has turned into corporate whoring, so no surprise.

Kidding aside following Pablo isn't bad, but it would be depressing to see what he goes through on a daily basis.
I'm talking about cartoon and comic related stuff.
Since some writers and people who work for shows take to twitter.
Or you can just use /co/
Since you're, well, here
Twitter is kind of a "straight out of the horse's mouth" kind of deal.
>Turn to the news these days and mostly they just tell you whatever BS is trending in social media.
Actually. I was staying with my grandparents a while ago and they watch the news every night and they were talking about the fucking blue/black gold/white dress shit on live TV.
Sometimes /co/ get their source from twitter.
Exactly. Saves the trip of going to twitter
Someone has to go to twitter though
And that's their problem
4000 years later the Millennium Falcon looks almost exactly the same.
This is like saying in 4000 years we'll still be using iPhones but just a bit faster and a different color. What happened to progress?
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I made this for future shitposting
But I want to report to /co/ about cartoon news. If I don't deliver cartoon news, who will?
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It's the Legends bar that really pulls everything together

nice work, anon
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Well sure, you got the requisite Fatty Mando, but at least the uniform coloring gives them a sense of cohesion instead of looking like a gang of Deviantart Donut Steels.
Paint Fatty Mando pink and it's Mando Majin Buu
Yeah, they actually look kind of cool with matching colors
Is that one in the middle a girl?
Even when there isn't one that's hugely obese, for whatever reason the Fat Mando principle is still in effect, and the mass is just distributed among the others so instead of a handful of normal sized guys and one whale, you get a bunch of fairly chunky ones.

It's uncanny how this seems to affect Mando groups more than any other SW costume group.
I never believe something I read on /co/ until I see source or if it's stickied.

There's a lot of liars here.
Dr. Aphra, I'm MAN'DO'ADE
>It's uncanny how this seems to affect Mando groups more than any other SW costume group.
Given that Mandofags are basically the weeaboos of the Star Wars fandom, it's not surprising.
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Now Anon, why would we ever lie to you?
I spy boob plate
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force rape.jpg
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You should ALWAYS be worried, shitlord.
Who's the artist?
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If you had to pick one waifu to die in the Rebels finale, which of the two would it be and why?

>tfw both choices are soul crushing
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Tell me about Darth Bane. Why Does he wear the mask?
The fucking size of that mag, man.You'd think datapad porn would be more safe.
Because I don't care about her
At all
Right one, because I want Ahsoka to live.

Not because I like seventh sister, but because it is her time to go.
I want the new canon to have an in-universe Mandofag who acts exactly like weeaboos
>superior Mando'a culture and language, better than filthy ba'kaa gai'jin customs and filthy basic
>this is a replica Mando'a vibroblade made with superior Mando'a beskar folded 1,000,000 times by a true Mando'a blacksmith
>I'm saving up to move to Mandalore where I can be closer to the Mando'a culture I love so much, I'm sure I'll fit right in because I've studied Mando'ade language and customs
>I only watch animated produced in Mandalore and only in its original Mando'a language with subtitles, even though I don't need them because I'm extremely fluent in Mando'a, sleemos who need to have their Mandime dubbed over aren't worth my time
It could be a scene in the end where Vader is visiting him or something.
Have steadily warmed up to SS and though I like Ahsoka I think it's her time to go. Got to be Ahsoka for me.

Well, there's a canon fanboy now, so why not a weeaboo? We have to draw the line at furries and ponyfags though.
I want to rape Luke.

Ashoka. I like them both but its Ashokas time and it'll actually mean something.
Luke is not for sexual.
This, Luke is not for fug, he is for hug

but also for fug
Innocent young boys are always for sexual.
Ahsoka, her time has come and her death will actually mean something.

Also in her limited screentime SS had decent chemistry with Ezra and Kanan...bit like Ventress used to have chemistry with Obi-wan (and to an extend Anakin) in TCW. So there is potential for the future.
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can't spell rape without yoda.webm
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>Palpatine was originally gonna do the Sheev spin during the fight with Maul and Savage

I never knew I wanted this in my life

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Why has Yoda gotten away with being a serial rapist?
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Reminder to rewatch Clone Wars episodes S05E17-20 for maximum feels tomorrow.
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OHHHHHH that awkward early stage 3D stuff looks so goofy/creepy
Someone should stream those four episodes.
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>not unlimited
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Sorry to inform you, but the chance of your waifu surviving this episode are 3 to 6.5 million.
Both die
>Brown Tua clone
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Some anons just want to see the world burn
Ezra dies would be fucking great.
I'm bad at timezones. How many hours until regular airing time?
Has anyone checked TWC/Comcast/whatever service you guys have to see if it's up early?
Like 18
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Yeah it's great.
I gotta hand it to the people who do 3D animation, I couldn't look the entire day at something that is so unfinished.
18 hours on the dot.
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>Adam Driver is considered a millennial sex symbol

The future is doomed
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>Adam Driver
>Sex symbol

That guy looks like he weighs 30 pounds soaking wet underneath that black dress

>be Eurofag
>episode is usually out and uploaded when I wake up
>get to enjoy tears with my breakfast tomorrow

Ahsoka. Orange buttcheeks don't change the fact she is ugly and her voice is annoying. I just don't want to see her anymore.
Heard he had an eight-pack. I heard he was shredded.
It was already doomed when the alien who plays Sherlock was crowned "sexiest man of all time". This just reinforces the new generation's shit taste.
>be Eurofag
>go to sleep early so I can get up in the middle of the night to watch the stream
>get to enjoy live tears in stream chat

900 years of molesting padawans makes even the Masters think it's supposed to be normal.
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No, you need to have proper muscle to be shredded. His bodyfat is just so low his everything is showing. He is the ultra-skelly.
>the new generation

More like tumblr generation, they're the ones getting wet over these homely men.
Adam Driver was a US Marine.
Current version of Ashoka isn't ugly. Still, she needs to go.
Driver is actually pretty buff, the real skelly is Hux.
>the new generation

It makes sense now that everyone in these threads are in their 40s.

Is he 15?
Good news for the guys on this site then!
I'm glad it's not just me.
None of us are rich/famous or play fictional troubled abusive assholes, we're doomed.
AUDIENCE POLL: What is the best name Lucas ever came up with?

What is the WORST name Lucas ever came up with?
>What is the best name Lucas ever came up with?

>What is the WORST name Lucas ever came up with?
Jar Jar Binks
I'm fond of Sidious.
Obi = ANH Luke > Poe > Han > ESB Luke > Anakin > ROTJ Luke > Maul > Qui-Gonn > Hux > Finn >>> Kylo
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>Ahsoka is seduced by the dark side
>Darth makes her wear a slave outfit
>his 20-year old fantasy has finally come true for real this time.
Darth Icky and Darth Insanius
even his body is weird.
Order 66 dubs make it true. She'll sit at the foot of his Sith throne like a good little dog.
Pretty standard for someone who prefer to eat smaller rather than train harder.
I have only seen the original trilogy
who bitch is this
>I have only seen the original trilogy

People like you are scum.
Sexual aggressive doomed gril.
Inferior Continent here, how many hours left?
my nerra
High impact sexual butt cheeks?
like 17.5
Guys, what if... what if we don't get the finale early at all and have wait until regular airtime like... like normies?!
Can someone break in to Lucasfilm and steal the episodes?

And while you're there take the unfinished Clone Wars scripts, future canon timeline and other things like that.

Then we watch it on HouseOrdo.
Does anyone here have control over the HouseOrdo playlist?
Are your young brother dying from cancer right now?
Umm... sure
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the walking dead
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>While shit hits the fan on Malachor these two are hanging out together.

Damn...I want an alien best buddy.
You are lying, aren't you? You have to wait like everyone else.
I'm not, I swear. He has ass cancer.
Do you think he will be killed right at the moment he finally decided to change sides?
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Okay, deliver him to Lucasarts headquarters, we organize pre-release for him.
That's not possible. He's bed ridden and I live in Australia.
Han Solo.


Eeeh, I can't really think of one that's Snokeworthy.
I don't know about this, Vader was the type of guy who preferred daughters.
Lucas would've named Starkiller "B.J. Dart"
B.J Dart was a replacement for an even worse name.
Rey is very sandy.
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Never underestimate this man
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>tfw Chewbacca was betrayed on another level because he thought of Kylo as his nephew
Oh god, that AT-AT is to cute.

Kinda hard to say with Chewie, he knew Kylo for like, 15 years max? That's almost nothing to a wookie.
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Initiating HERO summoning ritual

Yeah, but Kylo was his best friend's kid. He was essentially Kylo's godfather.
That's probably longer than he'd known Han at the time of ANH
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We season finale now
There will be no HERO for you this time
You'll just have to wait for the regular broadcast time... like the PLEB you are!
That would be mega-ironic considering how and when he murdered Tua.
Last Rebels episode for a while. What is the one thing you hope happens in this finale?
That the pacing/mood is consistent and I will be entertained.
Maul dies. I like him and I loved his TCW storyline but the guy is way past his expiration date, moreso than even Ahsoka. He really has no business even being here.
I'm sorry to tell you this, anon, but you're watching Rebels. There well never not be those 2 issues.

Plot points that ties directly with the new trilogy besides the things we've already seen.
Shut the fuck up, we're getting that link in the next 2 hours.

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I've got faith that the pacing/mood will improve and I've been entertained so far by it.
Where is this faith coming from? We've gone 2 seasons now and the show has been shit compared to clone wars for its entire existence. You really think they're just gonna fix it all in the last episode magically?
Will they go blasting off again?
wew lad
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I got some finale spoilers.

Look at your own risk!
Rebels is a better show than Clone Wars. I mean, I don't really believe that but I will say it to be contrarian.
One of them goes blasting off again for the last time.
It's the waifu one, not the boring one
I'm hoping that they kept a portion of the budget back for these episodes and we'll see a noticeable quality bump as we did with 'Future of the Force' when they splurge whatever they have left.

>literally swooncing in
I said that it'll improve, not that it'll be magically perfect. I've got faith that things will slowly improve over seasons since Filoni and crew know their craft as seen by CW.

Have we a Team Rocket edit of the two of them yet? Seems the most fitting.
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You're not supposed to show that anon.
Do you think she'll make it?
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B-but this has not happened yet!
I both do and don't want her to die.
Man, Chewbaca probably held Kylo as a baby, watching that boy kill his best friend has to be rough.
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Human babies must look so weird to him, but you just know he huddled it extra tight for warmth.
She probably has long, flowing golden hair under her suit hood.
That image will never fail to make me feel sad
She probably has a long and painful end ahead of her.
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SS Flowers.png
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All I want from the finale is for SS to make it out alive...hopes are dwindling by the hour though.
Checked and ;_;
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The only good thing about Galaxy of Heroes is how Vader shouts NOOOOO when you defeat him.
Stuff like this really makes me want Kylo to die horribly. He basically fucked over everything for the original cast.
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Yoda says goodbye to Ahsoka.webm
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It's almost time. Even Yoda has said his goodbyes.

That episode is old Anon.
First poor Pablo, have to involve himself in petty ship wars
And second, it's tumblr that hate Reylo? They say it's super abuse
>Yoda knew
>Yoda, the bastard, he knew
What did he think would happen?
I know, I was just trying to express my hype. Last week we got the episode around that time, should be any second now...
>They say it's super abuse
Yoda wants them all dead. They're all renegades, no longer bound to any Order and thus they are chaos.

There must be no Jedi pretenders for there to be any Return of the Jedi. He sent them into the meatgrinder knowing they would all die. This way Luke will be truly unopposed when he restarts things under Yoda's careful ghost guidance, naturally.

Proceeding exactly as planned, all is.
Everyone, post yfw Revan never gets mentioned, and no material from kotor 1 & 2 are mentioned at all.
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>Revanfags' face when
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haven't played either so I'm neutral
He is like Alexander the Great for them, or maybe Cicero. We hardly ever see the nerds of Star Wars Universe, so...

I'm not really thirsty for it. (Who cares whats canon and whats not? Kotor 1 and 2 still exist and I never considered the EU canon anyway)

But having the cast on Malachor and not having some vague reference seems like a waste. Especially since they wanted to bring Revan into canon as far back as clone wars.
>they wanted to bring Revan into canon as far back as clone wars
And now, with no Lucas to cock block it, it's somewhat likely to happen, so long as Disney doesn't really care.

Yeah, the most I'm expecting is a line of dialogue in the vein of
>There was this dude called Revan and he did some crazy shit, anyway moving on.

At best he'll pop out of a holocron but thats being really optimistic.
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I mean, that's a bit unfair, he's a Dark Lord, fascism is part of the package
MFW i now have a face to staple to my rey fuck doll
Hey can you post a schedule or something for when you're streaming. I'd love to watch TFA with you guys.
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>yfw he's the one canon-posting KotoR fags
Really, that'd be enough, just his name being uttered on screen.
What annoys me is that, in The Clone Wars, they refer to Plo Koon as Master Plo rather than Master Koon - since the ridiculous allegations of racism aimed at The Phantom Menace Lucas now has to be over-cautious, which is a great shame.
Which Malachor are we even talking about here? I mean, there are at least four other planets in that systems.
Kenobi x Ventress
Still annoyed that book killed it for me
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SS needs to dance
Ezra v SS dance off when?
We can probably assume it's the important one.
they are not putting the season 2 finale online till it airs on TV first this time this weeks to avoid leaks
Hello Fives!
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Lucas's true form.png
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>those dice
Too good for numbers, are they?
[Citation needed]
>listening to it with the sound on

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As if he'd stand a chance
They did that for the last finale
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Anon, you're just as drunk as Barney, apparently. Go home.
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Y-you don't know that will happen! Maybe she'll survive! I mean, they wouldn't REALLY kill her off, would they?
W-would they?
I'm a little afraid they'll chicken out at the last minute. Like, it looks like he killed her but at the end of the episode it turns out she's still alive.
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oh no.jpg
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Forget about the outcome of the actual finale. I want to know what horrible things Darth Andi has planned for Pablo in the recon.
That would be pretty lame, and I actually want her to survive. I think she's gone through enough suffering, having her own master kill her would be...
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Indeed, SS will forever be known as the Dance Mistress
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Where it all began.jpg
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His face the first time Andi bugged him (Recon #2)
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So does anyone know how many more hours till this airs?
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>Dance Mistress

Pablo thinks about that Andi candy

the sick fuck
15 I believe
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>2 in the morning bong time

T-Thanks anon
>That gif
God Ian must have had a blast playing him.
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>ywn have that Andi Candy
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`>"Hey there anon, wanna touch my chest plate?"
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I love Battle Droids. I'd love if one made a background cameo in Ep8 or 9
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>we will never see these droids again
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sleepy droids.png
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> you'll never save a B1 from rust/trashing
> never have it fight the empire as rebel in lack of CIS
> never be buds with one of them
> never upgrade its protocols or body
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>File: sleepy droids.png (910 KB, 1451x1168)
> programming so shit they can't even respond to the proper post

It's okay Roger Rogers, I still love you.
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How many hours till the new episode anons? Im sitting here and i dont think i can handle her getting killed
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Mister Bones tho
No episode for at least 12 hours
What happened to that poor droid?
Lucas is an OG weeaboo, he was really into Uchuu Senkii Yamato.

Yeah, I feel really bad for Master Niggawat never being named on-screen too.
Matt Parkman from TFA rebuilt it into a Grievous knockoff.
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He was found by this guy some time around RotJ and put back together using random parts. Also the guy was 15 or something when he built him.
Hold me, anon
So... does he have a fetish for organics that he dresses up like one of us in the worst way possible?
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i cant bring myself to your the ending of season 5 again
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This time she leaves forver.
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Oh fuck this sadness, get smashed and remember the good times. Put on a groovy beat and do chores/work or speculation.
>implying the entire Mortis arc wasn't to set up an Ahsoka force ghost
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Almost there!

What's funny is that on average, the people spending money on those kind of games only represents like 10% of the players (or even way less I'm not sure) and the games still make tons of money, which means that those people spend at least as much as they would spend on buying "real games" at full price, on abusive FTP games...
how long till ep?
We need a countdown or something.
14 hours.
So there isn't going to be an early rip?
Doubtful at this point. I figure they're taking care since it's the finale.
They want us all hot and bothered till it comes.
i think this place will implode about 20 minutes till ep airs.
Maybe we'll just get extremely lucky and some kind soul will have mercy somewhere and upload it early so I can finally get some sleep
It'll be around 2am for me when it does and I've got other things on my plate today, I just hope one of you will link it/the google drive tomorrow and the thread the meltdown happened in.It's weird that the general doesn't backlink the last thread, that's something a lot of other generals do.
>tfw haven't seen any of the new episodes except the two first
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Link to the stream site on the image. I made the image with paint, sorry for the quality.
You missed Chopper's new friend, and how Chopper murders several people.
Chopper became the new villain?
I can't say you got me, but the image you picked made me laugh, so there's that. It's 4AM and my eyes are on fire but you've given me a gift.
So its confirmed Rex was in battle of endor? That's pretty neat
Now that's a pretty scary picture.
This tweet is shopped. The guy actually said Jedi Council Forums instead of 4chan
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Goodbye.. My friend
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inky sleepwear.jpg
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Now this is just cute
Apparently tonight's episode will have an advisory

"The following episode may include scenes that
are too intense for younger viewers. Parental discretion is advised."
They are gonna do it. HOLD ME ANONS they are really going to do it
sex scenes?
Sabine massaging oils into Hera's Lekku's plz
The interviews that was linked in a thread before stated that there's stuff to disturbing for the youngest viewers

> mfw
Oh shit son
Shit's going down
True, but I think I could see Grand Inky in the nightgown (antiquated) and 5B in the pajama (full protection on all sides.
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She's dying
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Based filoni does it again.
What was the newest episode of this "last half" of the season? I have seen two of the newest episodes but i can't remember what episode number that was. Last one i saw was episode 11 i think.

Did you all know these 10 things?!
i dont care about force awakens in the slightest
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Oh oh...
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Kanan gonna diiiiiiiiie.
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Viewer perversion is advised.
yfw its sex scene
>Vader dies

> its a different timeline
SS finally gets her hands on Ezra?
I want to hug her
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>All the jedi are going to die
I want to hug her and grab her butt
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>Kanan takes Vader's place after Luke appears from another dimension and warns them about canon
>the third Inquisitor is Snoke

cap this
I want her to hug me
>Kanan dies
>Ezra turn to the dark side
>Ahsoka is captured
I think Rebels is like Marvel's agent of shield, daredevil and so on. They are set in the same universe and same characters and events exist. But the movies still has the final say in what events are "true". I.e a event happening in rebels will not necessarily affect any of the stories told in the movies. As one movie director of the newest? movie i believe he wasn't even aware of what happened in agent of shields. I think this is the case with star wars rebels too.
if ahsoka lives I drop the show
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>People would rather discuss Rebels than TFA
The third one has odd feet.
this general has some retards who hate the new original, ignore them
It's true though
Imagine that, in a Rebels thread no less!
The fucking nerve, amirite?
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>people hate TFA for being unoriginal

> holy shit dude Ahsoka and Vader abd Maul? this season is the best!!!!
>wow people like (general thread topic) more than (not thread topic)
>that's weird
Are just tired or did you forget that part?
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Using old, established characters to tell a completely new story =/= retelling the same story with new characters and settings.
It is easy.
Loads on people on 4chinz dislike new stuff. Until newer stuff comes along and suddenly the not completely new stuff gets good.
This happens fairly frequently.
People didn't complain about the characters being unoriginal, it was the story.
actually it was the planet biomes
>Lightsaber hilt is such a retarded idea!
>So all the inquisitors have spinning double sided sabers... and the main character has a lightsaber gun!
Episode 8's story will save us!!
>Ezra's story

It's a genrul rule. TFA discussion goes on >>>/pol/
This is the Star Wars general.
Someone should screencap this and post it in a few years when people are shitting all over 8 and saying 7 had it right all along.
What storyline is rebels stealing from?
>The characters are established ones! At least some are!
>this fucking unoriginal shit uses the Heroes Journey motif? Fucking dropped.
Jesus, we get it, you're bored.
Go bother another thread or something, fuck off. There's plenty of bait-starved fish in the sea, no need to stay here.
Well, technically it is the Rebels general, but most people just use that as an excuse to shit on TFA when it appears.
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and the movie was discussed to death here and everywhere else. Rebels offer a new content, so deal with it
Star Wars moved on from that mentality years ago. They have much more fluid contact between each branch.
>It'll be around 2am for me when it does and I've got other things on my plate today, I just hope one of you will link it/the google drive tomorrow and the thread the meltdown happened in.It's weird that the general doesn't backlink the last thread, that's something a lot of other generals do.

Yeah UKfag here as well. I'm worried about waking up and having to sieve through tons of spoiler to get the download link :(
god forbid we get a piece of star wars media that isn't about a fucking heroes journey
New thread when?
I want him to bear my children with those hips.
just open the thread and ctlr-f mega, cloud, kat or something
What does the OP subject say, Aristotle?
/tg/ has a vauge Star Wars general, I'm pretty sure /tv/ does too. Go to either, assuming you don't go to the latter already.
To be fair, half the time this general is just named Star Wars General, cause that's what it's used for for the most part.The majority of posting is Rebels, but I wouldn't say it's limited to that.
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If you can name 5 good pieces of media that don't use the Heroes Journey to tell its story, I'll consider that.
Emphasis on good
True, but it's allowed here because of rebels, and rebels is the primary topic when it's in season or there's news for it. The threads slow down otherwise unless some shitfest happens....speaking of which...
Just look at the pastebin in the OP where it should be once it's up. Otherwise Ctrl+F.
Mulholland Drive
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Don Quixote
Home Alone
I agree with the point you're trying to make here but "good" is a super loaded requirement.



F5 any of these, they're filtered to show newest shit first so new episode will appear at the top.
It's been a while since I saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but as I recall, you can absolutely apply the Hero's Journey to it. Also, I wouldn't call Home Alone good, it's really just a violence fest with no attempt to do anything else.
The Godfather
Storm of the Century
Sleeping Beauty

Which reminds me that Interstellar is almost word-for-word for the fucking Hero's Journey.
how about horror movies? Or thriller ones?

Stuff like Psycho, Nightmare on Elm Street. Or tangential stuff like Jurassic Park.
> Emphasis on good
> doesn't mention good

Anyway, if you're pedantic enough you see a pattern everywhere, no matter how long the reach.
but he did mention good, anon
oh god, I should go outside if I can't even read properly
>Mulholland Drive
Okay, that's one. Psych thrillers are almost cheating but fair enough.
You do know hero isn't a literal monicker? The protagonist doesn't have to be a hero.
The framework is what's important. Call, impending change, rising action, climax, character growth, reconciliation, conclusion. Heat doesn't appear to be beyond that.
>Who Framed Roger Rabbit
That's not even hard, it follows the structure fine.
>Don Quixote
Same here
>Home Alone
Jesus, come on anon, it's the same here
Did you flunk English class in school?
Ok, I just woke up, my eyes hurt, I opened this, and for just a fraction of a second, I thought this was real, and my heart skipped a beat.

Jesus fuck.

The EU doesn't work how it used to anymore anon. Before, Lucas, and many other people, didn't consider the EU canon, it's true.

Now however, Lucasfilm is in charge and has put their foot down in saying that their books and comics and games ARE canon, as much as the new movies are. They even call it "Canon" now. Like, they DON'T use the term "EU". Just "Canon" for the canon stuff, and "Legends" for the non-canon, to emphasize that the canon stuff really is approved as canon.

So this means that, even the slightest nods to peoples favorite EU characters and events means a lot to people. If Revan is ever mentioned, even once, it will mean he is officially 100% super duper canon, as much as Vader is, and no amount of "but only the movies matter" will be able to stop that or the fanboys from being happy.

Yes, I will come up with something soon. Keep an eye on these threads.

The plan is to have TFA end leading up to the new Rebels episode, so expect it to be around then. I am of course wondering if this should all be done earlier, or if we have a back-up plan for it leaking...

I was also thinking, for extra heartbreak, in grabbing Ahsoka-centric TCW/Rebels episodes to watch...

What do you guys think? And when would be an ideal time to start this marathon?

>says the manlet
attack of the clones
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How long do we have to wait until season 3 begins?
This. Filoni, please.
I'm 6'2, Adam.

he's 6'4

that's a normal body he has for someone who isn't trying to get big or isn't on gear.
Your body is weird, Adam, deal with it.
I generally go to bed at 2AM GMT+2 so I am up for anything between these 10 hours.
I have to be at uni in 15 hours. I hope it comes out soon so that i can have some sleep
I will finish what I started.
Any schlock can throw out structure and organization. Look at fanfiction. The point was to back up his feeling that Star Wars content should go without it. So it'd better be good content.
>leaves home
>goes to new land
>adventure escalates
>shit goes down
>attempts at reconciling the narrative conflict made
Horror/thriller movies are kinda cheating because they have the distinction of subject matter usually meant to subvert normal narrative trends for emotional reaction. But a lot still follow the structure.
>impending action
>rising action
Im pretty sure this isn't missing from the story.
Oh lord did this start because of misreading something? Fuck
I'm not typing the outline out again, damn it. I think I finally understand why /tv/ went insane. I don't think I could deal with this everyday. Fuck it
>Start:senator arrives
>Call:Zam attacks
>thresh.:obi tracks dart/romantic tension
>rising act.:jango fight/tatooine search
>dénouement:clone cavalry/dooku retreats from yoda
>end:Coruscant wrap up
c'mon /swr/. Don't tell me you guys don't remember this shit being shoved down your throat too.
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When everyone understands the basic outline of protagonist driven narrative.
So it'll be a while.
I'm on it
I was the misreader and I was >>81258436, I overread the "good" story part and wanted to be snarky, my other point still stands

> if you're pedantic enough you see a pattern everywhere, no matter how long the reach
When is mega
When is new thread
Veteran FFGRPG player, the dice dont have a binary win/lose outcome like when you use numbers. there are 4 different symbols that go for 4 different combinations of results

Success / advantage - the best kind of success, your action can even grant to an additional boon. For example slicing a door and while you are in the security system, you come across some keys for other secured systems.

Success / disadvantage - what you were trying to do works, but something goes wrong and somehow disadvantages you. You are slicing into a door, and you get it open, but just as you slide the panel back on, the alarms are triggered.

Failure / advantage - what you were trying to do failed, but some boon was granted to you. You may not be able to slice the door open, but disable the security system around a lot of the perimeter so you can more percussively open a window.

Failure / disadvantage - not only do you fail, unforeseen consequences are to bare. Not only did han not get the door open, but now the blast doors are shutting!

ok, shill complete.
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