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Thread replies: 668
Thread images: 251

Is he right?
Yup. Sturgeon's law applies to people too.
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Yes. The rule of might makes right still apply. Everyone sadly cannot reach or make it to the top.

too true.
I still need that answer if desk officers do go out on the field or if they're stuck doing paperwork.

I need it for my worldbuilding damnit!
There is a reason they're called Desk officers
they do paperwork but can go to field if needed?

are they experiencing Judy's meter maid dilemma of "not a real cop"?
This new BL comic is starting great.
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Sometimes I wonder if it's better just to completely disappear and live on the street. Just not let any of my family know I'm going or where, then just disappear in the crowd in NYC or just retire to the streets of Philly.

Death looks more inviting every day when there's no point in fighting anymore. I'm not bringing a child into this waking hell. It ends with me, alone.
I support this ship even though it doesn't make sense. Chub on chub, pred on prey, age difference, size difference... It's just too pure for this world.
Just added a new chapter to my noir fanfic on ffn.

Nothing happens in the chapter it just leads in to the next part where stuff does start happening

Name of the fic is The case of the Salisbury Peddler.
daily reminder that a sleazy mayor shouldn't be packing pecs and abs
The ZPD downtown precinct is supposed to be the busiest one in the city.

interesting shit:



According to the LAPD, Desk Officers are Police Officers II and III.

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>tfw stu reminds me of my dad and some of the shit he says

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maybe it's Gideon's dad. Christian Grey.
this thread is unclean, it must be purged
oh so they still do field work

what about a quartermaster? or the "police who does computer shit"?
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nice! will check it out when I wake up!

okay thanks for this too >>81191797
Simpsons did it

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Please purge yourself
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What merch does /co/ own?
Thinking of buying some ZT plushies. Saw some of the talking ones in a shop today but decided against it. I might order some of the regular non-talking ones from the Disney Store. I'm curious as to how big they are though. Are the regular plushies the same size of the talking ones, bigger, or smaller?
so I get it that the application form has the "do you have criminal record" part

but does it also cover "are you a victim of a previous police case"
he should fuck off and learn how to use condoms
watch the movie again
I have one blind box Finnick and one Judy Pop Funko
Weaselton is the opposite of appreciated.
I wonder if theres going to be a noticeable increase in new police recruits because of this movie.
You know it's kinda nice that the only thing I can really say I didn't care for was Shakiras song. I only kind of enjoy it because it's played during the train scene which is just a really enjoyable minute of seeing the city.

Though the song comes along with Gazelle which makes it a-okay in my book. She can sing whatever she wants as long as she shakes her ass and hips while doing it.
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will the other one suffice?
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That "Try Everything" song sounds so damn generic...
I really like the "I popped the weasel!" line. I think it had to do with just how excited and happy she was.
>Taking dead prey selfies is probably a thing with tourists when they meet predators for the first time
>WIR: Alan Tudyk served as a red herring for the true villain reveal
>Frozen: Alan Tudyk served as a red herring for the true villain reveal
>BH6: Alan Tudyk served as a red herring for the true villain reveal
>Zootopia: Alan Tudyk contributed to the villain's plot but otherwise was just a regular petty criminal

It's a start, I guess? Any bets on Moana?
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Wait, now I'm thinking.

Does Weaselton get two corrupt cops from another precinct with him or would it be better if that were Hopps and Wilde (reluctantly) partnering with the weasel to down bigger prey?
Reminder that Jason Bateman, JK Simmons, and Alan Tudyk are all in Arrested Development.
>Judy's right foot

Clawhauser is from I get is a desk Sargent/dispatcher, but in real life these jobs are separated.

His job would be greeting civilians that came to the precinct to report crimes or had booked an appointment to see senior police officials, that sort of thing.

Another one of his dutys would be booking people/animals who had been arrested the usual admin that goes with arrests.

Also If there was enough evidence he would also be the one to charge them with the offence.

Now because this is his only thing he will be doing and won't be on the beat, most departments don't make these kind of cops do massive or hard working annual physical fitness tests as there is no need.

Plus unlike most cops he is just sitting at a desk all day every day, as someone who has had to sit at a desk for three months you would be surprised how fat you can quickly become.

Also a dispatcher he would be directing units and all that other stuff around.
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>WIR: Alan Tudyk WAS the true villain hiding under another villain's mask

Is he even doing something in Moana?
I have the novel and that kid's book that is a summary of the movie. It's not for me though, it's with my younger sibling. I ordered the artbook for myself, and might buy the carrot recorder for my sibling.

What I really want for myself, toy-wise, are the tsumtsums, but I don't know where to get them. I'm not that fond of the initial/regular stuffed toys and the plastic figures.
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It says something when YT covers are marginally more pleasant to listen to
yeah, saw that post in the old thread

so now you say there should be a dispatching officer, well time to add that in the mix then

anyway are there quartermaster police officer? what about an officer that handles computer shit like networking, or do they leave it to another government body altogether?

also when recruiting do they look up if the person had been involved in a police case, not necessarily a witness or criminal, but say, a victim?
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I hereby pronounce DA JOODY thread dead
It's okay anon after seeing it today I'mg going to get one too.
I think he has some kinda crazy contract with Disney right now or something, maybe they're trying to make him their John Ratzenberger?
Can't you just order them from the disneystore?

Oh, that's what she said. That makes more sense.
i bought the small finnick plush and the judy infinity figure
I'm also interested in getting the plushes, but I just don't like the talking ones. Thinking of getting the normal ones but I can't find them anywhere. Any one here have them? Curious as to hos big they are.
>bleh, bleh!
Just migrated, I just want to keep in a discussion about it since I actually really liked it.
>building photography portfolio
>looking through my photos from an old trip to costa rica
>found this one of an adorable bunny who lived at the youth hostel I was staying at

I'm not from the US, but I'll check that. I have checked local websites and stores in the past weeks, but no dice.
I thought she was saying BLOOD BLOOD
I've been trying to go over something in my head for a story I'll never write.

The bullpen scene. Would the chief (or captain, or lieutenant) really be handing out cases like that to individual groups of beat cops, or would it be more them interacting with their sergeants, who would then command their squads?

most places will have their own I.T. services, either in house for larger buildings, or as a contractor to come in. For the police, I imagine, mostly be staffed by civilian workers and headed by a sergeant.
I thought she said "I caught the weasel" not popped.
You can probably just order them from the Disney Store.
I saw the French version. It IS supposed to be "Blood blood".
so it's not a cop but rather an outsider then?

crap I was hoping not to make it look like Kyu from Kamen Rider Drive
And it's gray. What a coincidence.
He's literally based off him.
It's amazing how I can't recognize Alan Tudyk's voice. He sounds so different in each role.
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I also for the art book today
I got the Disney Infinity figurines because I thought they looked cool. Now I'm caving and buying the game too because why not.
Pic related is actually the moment I knew this film was going to be fucking awesome.
Weirdly enough I heard both. Looks like I was wrong.
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finNick is the best ship there is
>King Candy
>red herring and not true villain
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Holy fuck.

I wonder if he's in Gigantic as well.

At least we know the Duke's coming in for a cameo at least in Frozen 2.
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Friendly reminder that there's no getting off this ride


>they will never be together
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mine would be the train ride

Who had best asses? Judy had a nice one, Gazelle, were there any nice assed gals? Maybe Judy's mom. She was a cutie.
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If that's gay, then I must be advanced gay
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I am so sorry.
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we never get to see wolf puppies huh

>the poster also already teases gideon
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Just some books with stickers.. however if there was regular finnick for sale in poland i'd buy him in a heartbeat.

heard the merch is flying off the shelves, wonder if Easter boosted some sales...
I don't understand why people see it like they won't be together. They're basically deflecting the questions until they can finalize what's in the sequel. And that one answer from them, which says that they did not intend them to be shipped/be a romantic couple is technically correct. They were not a romantic couple in the movie, but they're not saying they won't be in the future. They're playing safe.

I'm not even a hardcore shipper. I just see it as them being safe with their answers. Online people, especially on twitter, can be crazy.
It was really just a crazy little scene. Her saying bloood bloood was one thing, then she whipped out the ketchup. It's like they tried to skirt the line between being as family oriented as possible while not really shying away from things either.
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So I'm not alone in having le smug fox as my phone's wallpaper?
That is technically correct, is a safe answer, and doesn't alienate the two camps.

Rich Moore knows how to play.
There was one howling as Bogo and Clawhauser performed a dance move that was just sex.

there's a howling cub at the concenrt.

you didn't spot him?
I need pics!
If they aren't a couple in the sequel I'm going to be livid.

Do you have the webm of Nick biting her neck? I need to fap and really appreciate if someone shared it.
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>interspecies romance

dude that's blasphemy, that's heresy, that's unthinkable!
Wasn't sure if you did or not.

Really he does three jobs
Booking Sergeant
Desk Sergeant

There are quartermasters within the NYPD but they cover everything from weapons to uniforms.

But many Special units such as Counter-Terrorism, ESU, CRS etc have there own armoury and I suppose quartermaster.

It would be pointless training someone to be a police officer just to have them do networking, most departments if not all employ civilian staff/contractors for stuff like that.

And depends if you just gave a statement to a police officer on the street then I don't think so but if you went in and gave a statement/went to court then yea.


No during role call you would be addressed by your Lieutenant and then assigned a street within your precinct or if you where doing something else like a missing person you would just be told to search "X" and be on the look out.

Sergeants would do most of the commanding when on the beat,
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I want a TV series about the other ZPD cops
Do not fap to thoughts of Nick killing Judy. Why would you do this, Anon? Playful neck stuff is ok though.
Directors said the city is okay with it. Come on, it's zoo thousand and sixteen!

I don't care about shipping at all, but where does this whole "they are playing it safe" thing come from? I read some of the posts and they're blatantly saying "no they are not a couple" how is that safe or staying neutral at all? it's literally tossing aside ALL speculation that they might have been by the end of the movie and that's bound to piss some people off that wanted them together. I mean, anyone that saw the film and wasn't thinking about rabbits fucking obviously saw that they were friends at the end, but if people want to speculate, let them, this pretty much makes it canon that speculation would be pointless.

Idk man
"Qwiches? Like those ladies on brooms on Howloween? I reckon they taste mighty foul."
Considering most of the species in Zootopia are sub-6 feet, yes.

Animalets, when will they learn?
Lol. They want the characters to be popular through shipping so they won't be canon yet. Nobody ships canon.
I want you to stop posting this shit
I didn't see this when I checked his sadpanda page

you're taking these puns zoo far!
At least you're honest, man. I don't have it but I'd give you your fap fodder if I could.
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I'm just going to assume they won't be together so if it happens I'll be happy, and if it doesn't I'd have already gotten used to the idea. Because why would anything good happen?

quartermaster can cover gear and equipment then

so it looks like I really have to go for someone like Kyu from Kamen Rider Drive, I wanted to avoid that

hmm I get it - do police hire outside for vehicle maintenance or is it quartermaster's job still?

and it looks like I can still pull a "joined the police force because police are shit and so he will do revenge"
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I don't have it with me, but if you look up Shakira's music video you can see them dancing. The cub is howling to the left.
Why is this so blurry?
They're saying they're not a romantic couple in the movie, which is correct.

But in the sequel? That's up in the air, and that's why they're playing it safe. I'm thinking the execs are probably polling/calculating what's the next best move, couple-wise.
I know, even the color patterns match judy (white paws, nose, etc). The difference was that it didn't mind being called cute.
This. Rich Moore strikes me as someone who knows how to play this.
He did nothung but look good and be a figurehead. Look at Paul Ryan, a skeezy GOPe goon that I'd fuck in a heartbeat.

oh. there's already a noir fanfic by another writefag. damn my being late to the party.

would anybody be interested in a little noir-style vignette thing? I'd like to write a little for this.

Alternately, I'd like to write a little scene with Nick and Judy dealing with the inevitable mountain of paperwork after a case.

If you're interested in either of those, just give me a reply with one or the other and I'll slot it in after I'm finished writing a thing for /IO/
>he will never racistly hatefuck you
Why do we continue?
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>the next best move

Yeah hi, everyone in the world here. The next best move is to

-yours truly, everyone everwhere.
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Anyone else really want to become a cop after watching this?
but he got over it anon

now he's a caring guy

yeah, but I don't think part of his repertoire working out
Yeah I think there's a disconnect between what's 100% in the first movie and what people want to see. As far as first movie goes they weren't a couple. Just two animals who got extremely close due to their circumstances. With how good their chemistry is and how close they are, people really want them to become a thing.

So a majority of people seem to want them to be a romantic couple. When someone says they're just friends or platonic, they're talking about within the first movie, which is indeed correct.

I personally feel if they don't put them together it'll be a lot of wasted potential. The first pair of characters to get close enough together to actually feel like they have a reason to get together? To not go through with it would feel like shit.
In the facebook QA stream, they said they are hedging their bets at the moment, knowing that whatever they decide they'll make at least one camp mad.

after seeing what the real cops are doing?

not really.
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The NYPD Fleet Service Division looks does all the maintenance and repair on all NYPD vehicles.

They will loan out cars to other units or Divisions that will most likely be an older model that was fixed while the other one is in for repair.
To the movie's credit it got me to very briefly imagine what it would be like. But being a cop is really a pretty awful job. At least, it would be for me. I'm not cut out for it.
>real cops

lel no
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I do. I've never felt this inspired by a movie before.
Looks legit

Thanks a lot, anon.
When is the last time people have wanted to see two characters kiss this much? Like genuinely and not just "oh yeah durr I totally want to see Scar clean out Mufasas throat with his tongue" sorta shit.
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>Nobody ships canon.

But I ship Bonnie with Stu.
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all right, so I guess I can make the quartermaster be the IT person too, and simply make a mechanic guy
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>my friends and other critics saw this coming

Sometimes its good to be stupid. I was legit shocked when this happened
No, because the working conditions for cops are shit in my country.
And because I'm already working my near dream job (telecommunications engineer).
Gotta wonder what happened to this guy in the past. What was his ambitions? What were his dreams and what happened to them?

I wonder if he buries his misery with carrot alcohol or whatever the fuck rabbits drink.
Execs will probably wait until the movie is released everywhere, just so to formally consider all markets.
How can they kiss? Their mouths don't fit. Look, they're only touching lips.
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>Anything but "She's for Nicks use only"
You people make me sick. SICK I TELL YOU!
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>1170 total votes
>44% wants to fuck her
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>tfw already am
>Look, they're only touching lips.
That is the literal definition of a kiss
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>not wanting to make the world a better place
This guy gets it
>they're only touching lips.
is this no longer a kiss?
when was that decided?
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I did but Zootopia cops don't even carry firearms
You just have your dick in his ass. Not gay bro. Bros being bros. It's not a kiss, it's just touching lips and massaging the other persons tonsils with your tongue.
But that is only the platonic kiss.
i want nicks knot
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Already am one.

Shame New York is not like Zootopia.
>>not wanting to make the world a better place

Hey, nobody asked me if I wanted to be a part of the world, it was foisted upon me. I'll settle for just not making the world any worse, thank you very much.
It's fun and comfy, you'll probably like it. If you want a play set that you can really utilize Nick and Judy with I recommend Toybox Takeover.
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well to be honest /b/ has most of the votes
Good for you. When will street thugs be reclassified as domestic terrorists? Im tired of all this due process we have to give them.
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>Wanting to make the world a better place

Real life cops have an agenda. They don't care about really cleaning up the city because most of the crooks are related to them.

If I really wanted to make the world a better place I'd become a vigilante.

>Active police officer
>on 4chan

that's got to feel weird.
Seriously, this.

I think the thing about Nick and Judy is that I can't consider this shit just "another shipping" like any other pairing that fans make up, this isn't fucking stupid shit like elsa/anna that has no realistic fucking grounds in the film and is just desperate fanboy grasping at straws to pull them together. Nick and Judy are built up in such a way that it's a crime not to have them together, there's no doubt that they wouldn't make each other happy and love each other to bits. Hell, they already DO. It's just a matter of having the freedom to go the next natural step so they can hold hands and kiss and do all that other mutually exclusive cutesy shit.

Friends is fantastic and all, but it's really hard to imagine a male and female with such a close dynamic and chemisty not progressing further, it's only natural and perfectly acceptable.

Holy shit. How long did it take to get on the force?
inb4 judy becomes the next cancer banana
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How many predders have you shot?
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What animal would you like to see teaming up with Nick and Judy in the sequel?
I totally saw it coming, but went with the flow and enjoyed it as much as if I hadn't.

In the scene when Judy is about to show Manchas to Bogo, I completely knew he was going to be gone, but the scene and the soundtrack seemed so confident that it changed my mind a second right before the reveal and it actually got me.
What's the point of having the guy as your husbando if he doesn't call you every racial slur in the book before calling you a faggot while punishing you with his dick?
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>have Nick wallpaper
>everyone thinks you're gay
>have Judy wallpaper
>everyone thinks you're a weeb-tier waifu fag

The only real solution is to have them both.
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Bellwether Walking 60fps.webm
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>the way her floof bounces as she walks

Maybe it's his furaffinity page?
Do you operate?
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I appreciate you. Stay safe friend.
Pretty fucking cool. Thanks for all the info!
nice. My recruitment began 3 months ago
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I have a judy wallpaper and actively tell people she's my waifu. My powerlevel.
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Hey Cop. I don't live in New York but what's the protocol for accepting civilian treats?

I want to just bring a box of donuts to my nearest precinct but I'm afraid they'd think i'm trying to poison them or something. Even if the box seems sealed, I'm worried someone would find it suspicious I'm also scared they'd arrest me if I was on their queue for all the shitty pirating I did in high school. What if I have a record and don't know about it?
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Pretty much all they need is a kiss and that will be enough to make the shippers happy. Best case scenario for Nick and Judy would be for them to get married at the end of Zootopia 2 though.
Have you ever done a missing persons case?
>police have been sent to monitor the thread
i don't know if this is good or bad
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Honestly, there isn't much on 4chan that's really criminal, and whenever something nasty does get posted, often other posters do a cop's work for them. Didn't /b/ stop a mass shooting or something a while back? True, 4chan does go "WE R LEEJUN!!1" sometimes, but apart from cyberbullying, what crimes have we really committed?
This is so cool

due process is an important factor in a free civilized democratic society and I know it might be a pain but sometimes things aren't black and white and the system knows that.


True that, but it's my shithole.


Counter-terrorism? I applied last year so not long but been on the force for around ten plus years now.


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Does anybody else think Nick's "acting" during the final scene was a little TOO good?

I want to see him beat someone large mammals ass for starting shit in his city. Wouldn't have minded if he clothes lined Bellwether at the end when she tried to run by, or just Jorban basketball grip her face.
How does it feel to be a cop and browse 4chan? Also NYPD guy, I appreciate the info you've been posting even though I'm not really in on the conversation
>sent to arrest the degenerate furfags who want to fuck at least one of the characters
on a completely unrelated note I have to leave forever
>been a con man since he was 12
>is good at acting
this was a kiss
Remember, Nick was completely fine with being the stereotype people saw him as. If I had that attitude I'd know how to act typical nigga gangster too. I'd practice for that. He probably did too.
if he's speaking in the sense that winners are owners of productive property and the losers are those who work for wages less than their labor's value then he's right.
A nypd cop wrote me a ticket on my bike on Atlantic Ave. Diiiiickss.
Well, he IS a conman trying his best to fool a mark. And it's not like he'd actually hurt someone he was madly in love with.
I have that same picture as my wallpaper
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No it was 10/10 fake me out. Also he gets to realise all that pent up anger at how fucked pred vs prey is.
More like, isn't fear justified if any sane predator can act and attack like that?
A red panda gal. Think of it; Rabbit and Red Panda.

If you don't think that would be cute af then get outta my face.
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Who's this?
He did photoshoots showcasing his vitality and in how good he looked in shorts. This was the man that wanted to be vice president.
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>True that, but it's my shithole.
Daredevil cop, pls
Welcome to the People's Democratic Republic of Bloomberg City
you know, for a villain who has been using the chemical for a long time, how come she didn't notice that the ammo didn't dissolve?

well, mad respect to all you three. I don't know why I'm so surprised by this though. surely sheer probability alone dictates that there are police officers on /co/, but damn. three in one thread.
Oh shit its the cops. Everyone hide your folders.
>Chair handle.

I want them to get married and I want Nick to propose by using the same case Judy used when she gave him his badge. Could just replicate the scene but he'd have changed the badge for a ring.
nahh... not really. It only shows how much these two trust each other
A big guy
Is it bad that no matter how evil Bell acted, I still found her adorable?
She didn't use the gun often. Doug was the one who hit the targets
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I'd prefer they never outright say anything but heavily imply they got together off screen.

Like an off comment or scene where they're hanging out off work.

HTTYD 2 I felt executed it nicely. It was definitely more overt in some parts but the minor details like this I felt communicated more.
Heat of the moment. Also blueberries don't splatter like a paintball
Doubtful she ever used it herself.
Same here, I sort of jumped when it happened.
She was just the boss. Doug was the one shooting it. And he was still back where the lab originally was, drinking his spilled latte.
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This Finnick stuff is the best
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night howler.png
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I was under the impression that she was never personally involved with chemical processing or shooting targets. Maybe she assumed it took a bit longer to fade away.
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Hey guys sorry but duty calls.

I should only be gone for a few hours or so, sorry also other police officer. Nice to meet you.

Hope thread is still up but if not I'll be in the other one.
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absolutely disgusting

you can do way better. pic related
Never. Always love your waifu anon
I thought she'd knew how it'd look like, like maybe have a kidnapped pred to have it tested.

pretty good camrip.

still... it would be a crime watching it in such quality, this movie deserves better.
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Yeah that's the thing. Maybe 5% of the audience with Frozen (and that's being very generous), came out of the movie thinking there was any sort of romantic vibe between Elsa and Anna. The people who ship Elsa and Anna are obsessive fans, and even among obsessive frozen fans they are still a minority.

Most people who I know who I've seen Zootopia with have said things like "Nick and Judy would be a cute couple," "I think Judy has a crush on Nick," or "I think Nick has a thing for Judy." And these are normalfags, not obsessive internet dwellers like us. Most of them don't even know what "shipping" is and they're shipping Nick and Judy. They made it so obvious that the audience picked up on it, and yet they didn't make it too obvious because they don't actually hook up within the timespan of the movie.
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No, because they strategically made her that way. Those fucks. I can't quit this cute sheep.
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Don't forget your fox repellent, bro
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Doug would be a great tie in to the next movie. Seeing as how we don't know if he was caught and could still harbor resentment. After his lab was destroyed.
Doubt it will still be about prey vs preds though.
Even the plush looks smug as shit, damn.
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Have a great day, NYPD anon.
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>owning merch of any kind
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will disney deliver?!
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I agree. Even my phones camera makes everything look flat. I wish I could fix it but idk how.
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This, I've seen both and there is an INSANE amount of detail you miss with the camrip.

Speaking of which, is there a better camrip out yet anywhere?

Got a friend who can't see it because it's not out in his country

I've got the XVID.AC3.HQ.Hive-CM8 one and it's watchable but not perfect
need more nick

Now there's a man who won't hide you from his parents in fear of shattering his family ties and make you say that you're just buddies who go on suspiciously frequent camping trips and will instead worship you even as you grow old together.
Does he just... crawl inside?
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>Not supporting things you like
>Not giving more reason for to make a sequel or tv series

I'm not cop yet >>81193773 It takes hell of a time and effort to join this formation here.

t. yuuropoor
>dat filename
As long as it's the one that doesn't blur out at the end.

There's uploads floating around claiming to be a screener but it's just one of the old camrips if I'm not mistaken.
The art book is good. The carrot recorder is a nice gift to a kid too (your child, sibling, cousin, etc). The stuffed toys and figs are ass, but overall buying merch actually helps convince the execs to give the movie a sequel/other material in the future.

Tsumtsums are fucking great though. They look like great pillows.
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It kind of makes sense in HTTYD though because Vikings weren't particularly known for their outward displays of affection. The movies are more about the friendship between Hiccup and Toothless, and if they focused too much on romance between Hiccup and Astrid it would have probably detracted from that.

Zootopia is primarily about the friendship / relationship between Nick and Judy. They're already at the center of things, and if they get romantic that just makes the bond between them even deeper. For the sake of not over-saturating the movie with romance though, it would be better if they either had it happen between movies and they're in the "post honeymoon" phase, or if they had the actual confession of love, kissing, marriage etc. happen near the end of the movie after some buildup. If they hook up early in the movie and the rest of the film is them adjusting to their new relationship status, a lot of kids are going to find that kind of thing really tedious and uninteresting.
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I'd buy the Art Of book and the bluray but that's about it, cause you know, I'm not a child.
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>tfw you can't protect that smile
look at these savages! half of them not covering their imaginary junk!
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he sure did when he was with that hippo chick
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>It's a "Main character has the same name as me" movie
The blind box figs are pretty good.
Your name is judy?
Poor Canineu Reeves.
>if I pull off that donut, will you die?
Quick someone post more Gideon, I need it now!
Not a main character, but iktf. It was an interesting experience because I was rooting for her

What I want to know is if bellwether had successfully framed Judy and Nick how could she have explained it to the Zpd. Worse case senerio Judy's carrot pen got broken during the scuffle.
last question from me, and kind of asking for clarification from before, because I probably just didn't ask it the right way, or something.

In the movie Bogo hands out case files to the officers themselves.
I'm wondering if, for a situation where the chief/captain/lieutenant is handing out cases like that, that it would be to a sergeant rather than a patrolman. I imagine that in real life the missing persons cases would be handled by a specialist squad who could enlist other patrolmen in helping them, much like how there's homicide and fraud and so on. But I figured that for beat cops, their sergeants would be given overall assignment ("Your squad is patrolling this neighborhood", "I'll need you around these streets", "You're on parade detail") with the specifics being dictated by the sergeant ("You're patrolling from Frost Street to Lake Lane") I'm just figuring that the Lieutenant/captain/chief wouldn't be interacting with the patrolmen like that every day. I am however running under the assumption that Bogo works as the Captain of his station AND takes over the first shit's lieutenant position as well, so he runs the first eight hours, until another lieutenant takes over and he reverts more to his Chief roll.

In my story idea Bogo runs through a bunch of happenings, and near the end assigns a sargeant and his squad to basically follow up on a report filed by the night shift. Going back over what was found, going to the scene, that sort of thing. Would that be accurate way to deal out such an assignment, or would Bogo just give it to two or three patrolmen?

Also what would be some minor things that would place a patrolman on desk duty? I need something to break up Nick and Judy for a bit, and Nick being forced to do only paper work would really help with the mood I'm going for him.
Judy is a nice name tho.

Haven't seen the movie yet, is eh actually openly gay? How is that represented?
>That feel when you have such an uninteresting name that it will never be the main character in a fictional work.
I like the plushes and the figs
No one is openly gay, It's mostly implications. The directors confirmed there are at least 6 gay characters.
how did they make nick to be so cute
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Fug, man
Don't believe the gay shippers here. No one is actually explicitly gay in the movie. The closest one is probably Judy's neighbors with the hyphenated last names. Which is interesting because they're just doing their normal things and their gayness isn't smothered on you.
I really really like this gif
No, homosexuality is a sin, and Zootopia is a very devout city
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oh god I love being chrome.jpg
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>Nick and Judy are on patrol with Officer Francine the elephant
>criminal is getting away
>Francine fastball-specials judy like a bullet towards the perp using her trunk

Size-difference shenanigans are always fun.
He's not officially gay.
He's labeled as gay because
a. He runs a bakery when he gets older


b. He explains he was such a bully because he had a lot of "self doubt" that turned into anger which people assume means he was conflicted about his sexuality as a child.
Listening to gazelle allegedly makes you a fag.
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that artstyle

could it be K9
It should be in the Q&A they did on Disney's facebook page.
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>7 studios in my theatre
>all 6 of them playing BvS
>the rest is shitty dystopian YA that no one cared about
I just wasn't ready for it to leave /co/
I distinctly remember not hearing that
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Gideon is shit though.
This could be useful.
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Well enjoy your trip to hell heathen
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>Nick tsumtsum is out of stock/nowhere in the Disney store
And here I was ready to pay the huge shipping fees to ship to my shit hole country
Kill yourself fatfag
Do you live in ASEAN?
I watched the Q&A. They did not say such a thing.

But Rich Moore definitely "stole" a framed Glen Keane drawing from someone's office.
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As someone from a big family, these bunny pile pictures warm my heart.
I was thinking the same thing.

This is true.
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nicholas cage laugh.gif
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If that's OC well done Anon.
This torments me
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I want it so bad
>the Nick one is winking

Goddamn it even his tsum tsum is smug af
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I just want you to know that I saved it
You think furries will make him their god?
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Sir. We're going to have to have a look at that recycle bin of yours.
I like the idea of Judy being really turned on by seeing Nick being a good dad.
For directing Tangled and Zootopia, yes he should be one of /co/'s gods. I don't care of the furry element.
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escape to beer mountain.png
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>tfw let a small child grab the last Nick and Judy tsum-tsum for the day when I went to the Disney store
Well, Rapunzel will do for now

The world is full of people who think they're losers. They're wrong.
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Pretty strong opinion there anon. Care to explain why you think that?
you're not alone, brother
why are you still awake
Clawhauser looks like he's taking it up the ass.

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do you think Nick has ever tried that to get laid?
he's 32 and fairly attractive, chances are he isnt a wizard
Judy's neighbors.
Frantic pig?
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I want to purchase all of them and hold them like this.
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I'm checking their online store. Nick and Judy are nowhere in the Zootopia tsumtsum line up. Fuck this.

I'm supposed to get Nick, Judy, Rapunzel and Flynn. Now I don't want to buy anything.
can't sleep
why are you too though?
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>tfw minority race
>tfw fat loser that people are afraid of
>tfw at the same time people lust over my race because of our assets
>tfw would be a predator
>tfw Dawn wouldn't love me
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1MB, 320x240px
I swear I would kill for a TV series more than a movie at this point.
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>The pig who sells flowers is gay
>Want to check out the /trash/ thread to see what the fanfic anons have been writing
>Don't wanna risk seeing rule 34

Not that I wouldn't mind tasteful/romantic lewds of this, but this is one of the few things where I find r34 kind of off-putting

Is it worth it, /co/?
Dare I chance the magical realm?
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Judy noodles1.png
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Still drawing Judy and Nick on my part.
>all these cute art from S. Korea
kamsahamnida, SoKor
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>i read crazy amounts of Zootopia Fanfic
>mfw none of them mentioning Judy or Nick having plushies of each others species
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merchandise! merchandise!
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stawberry greatsword.jpg
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>Nick charming her with the whole single dad routine
>that look on her face

What is it about this fucking fox that makes every lady's ovaries explode?
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That's it for that one.
Hasn't this picture been worked on for like 5 days now? Is there more stuff on another layer or something?
She might. It may be painful for you, but she might get off on dominating a high and mighty pred.
I'm the one who asked btw. My bodyclock is fucked up.

Of course he had to
That tax evasion money would've helped as well

isnt this a bit racist?
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>What is it about this fucking fox that makes every lady's ovaries explode?

we should ask every lady.
One of them that was posted here mentioned that Judy had a fox plush that she hid away from everyone.
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all these threads... all show me bellwetherfags are obnoxious
We all started somewhere. Just rip the bandage off now and become one if us.
My focus has gone on drawing Yandere Juy but I will try on continuing on it.
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And as a fallback there's always tons of fox hookers
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I expected to cringe

But I smiled
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there's all of one story link posted there, you're not missing much.

Just go to ffn, you know, the site made for such things.
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By far the most expensive /co/ related merch I own. I have art books and many figures from various series, but this was an order of magnitude more costly than any one other purchase.
Where's this image actually from?
The artist really nailed her ass.

Something I wish I could do
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It's fine no matter what you work on, good stuff all around. Keep it up.
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So now that the cops are gone

Who wants to help me figure out how to pirate DLC for Disney Infinity 3.0?
What's she thinking /co/?
>tfw too many idea's and began drawing a sketch
>tfw too slow to draw and IRL getting in the way of drawing/coloring
I.. I'll try my best.
i already did pirate it
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big heads.jpg
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>Yandere Judy
keep up the good work anon

holy shit, how much did that thing cost?

something about Watership Down, and how she was forced to watch it in Bunnyburrow elementary school history class
>If only I had a fox taser
"Now is my chance to get those tickets."
Too bad there aren't any here
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another zootopia thread.gif
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Why does Gideon brush past the fact that he basically bullied Judy in their youth? A simple apology doesn't seem like enough, he could have at least baked his own apology pie for her.
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>Too bad there aren't any here
haha yeah i know right
A Platypus officer.

He doesn't really do much and inexplicably vanishes early in the film and only shows up again at the end.
You see how he looked at Judy like he didn't even want to fuck her. He's obviously gay.
He didn't know Judy was back, I guess. Seemed pretty sincere with the apology at least.
Dubs confirm this is what she thought
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I was bullied when I was younger, but after awhile it just sorta stopped

there was no heartfelt apologies or therapy sessions needed, we just stopped caring about each other and went on with our lives
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yeah we probably creep them out, why would they want to talk with us about our new husbando..
Nigga they were kids.

He apologized and that is enough for that.
That's how I want to go...
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Gonna go watch the movie for a 4th time today. Need some inspiration to get through the work week and keep drawing.
That was over 10 fucking years ago m8. Move on
It's most likely from a camrip.
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So its possible? Sweet. I'll try to google it then
I love Nick's ears
He didn't know she was going to be there and probably had to do a lot of apologizing growing up. He probably saw a therapist and thought it was best to apologize with a rehearsed set of lines. Which isn't bad, it's just that he's not too good at finding the right words to say on the spot.

I love how you can read too into just about any character more comfortably in this movie than in most others. They all have a nice level of depth.
SadJudy/SadNick were/are great and I look forward to more. That is all.
>Yandere Judy
You know that was already drawn..
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>it's a "Nick and Judy enter a space-jam style basketball tournament against another city precinct" episode
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Judy x Gideon
Nick x Francine
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The sheep is the cuteness
Im enjoying "After the Concert"
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By 杯具螺旋丸 on Pixiv.
What anime is this?
I'll give it a read later on
I still enjoy this crossover
The fuck is Baymax doing there.
I'm working on a fanfiction myself involving copious amounts of sex, violence, jokes and feels. Hoping to post the first couple chapters tonight.
I don't understand why it's such a popular crossover

>samurai finnick

now this is Respect.
About four hundred bucks including shipping. The colors are a bit off but other than that it isn't bad.
Can't wait!
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he's perfect.
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FUCK wilde.png
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>second spoiler
>she keeps hitting on him around the office, putting everyone in danger
>nick just spends the whole time trying to escape and stay away from er of being crushed
>bogo catches wind of it and assigns judy to a temporary Mammal Resources position
>judy takes francine out for lunch to have a "girl talk"

could be funny if we got a TV show

but I want more
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>Judy being addicted to mayonnaise
"You.. you promised you would pull out..."

This is depressing af...
What's it called? I might read it later
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Judy's wisdom.png
198KB, 1000x800px
>wants more
I.. I'll try.
Mayo on freshly-cooked rice plus some kind of salty meat dish is fucking great.
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Nick frown.png
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>mislinked it
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deluxe edition action figure.jpg
4MB, 3208x4768px
Finally arrived in the mail
that fucking resolution jesus
not bad.
That the german one?
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>copious amounts of sex, violence, jokes and feels
hot glue

I'm still waiting for something to happen in that
I had to compete with disney's renders

Yes. Still smells like paint
I can't figure if Nick and Judy could make one another happy as anything more than friends.
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>tfw /co/ keeps coming up with show shenanigans

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Strongly considering...

where's judy?


we're not that kind of fandom!

actually we're not even a fandom.
>litteraly every peice of merch is going to be smug as fuck

>nick drinks lots of coffie because he's a nocturnal animal.

We're a loose confederation of co-aligned independent operatives.
I haven't picked a title yet- vacillating on it. I'll pop back to whatever Zootopia thread is up here when I post it to give a heads up. Gotta edit it and throw it up after work.
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Will Judy become more cynical as she hangs out with Nick or does her boundless optimism change Nick instead?
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What does this mean?
nick changing would be cuter
it means theyre not a couple yet
Jeez, I've been out of the loop on Gintama for too long.

I can't recognize 90% of these characters.
>tfw I found out Rich Moore directed the Roswell episode of Futurama.

No wonder I liked this movie so much.
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Who would win in a fight?
Jake Wilde
Nick Wilde?
The Judy one didn't look that great
They grow together. He needs a bit of optimism, she needs a bit of cynicism.
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>tfw you realize that Judy's spotify playlist heavily, HEAVILY implies she's in love with Smugfox
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tell me, what's with the fluffy tail?

not that I want one but a dub would mean an increase of popularity in western regions. Gintama deserves more popularity as its one of the only Jump series that hasn't become tired garbage yet.
Jake is he goes "savage" like they do on that show.

It's bad, by the way. The show is bad and I wanted to like it.
Them being a couple is not canon in the movie. That is technically true. But he's not saying they will not in a sequel or whatever they are planning on the franchise.
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i have OCD too, that's why i cannot buy any merch like figures or plushies because they're not up to scale to each other.
It got a couple laughs out of me. I mean it's bad but its not Kung Fu Dino Posse bad.
>They can make friends?
But does it have an interesting plot?
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>it's a "Nick and Judy are fucking pissed because there's a pigeon going around the city causing trouble, but they can't arrest him because he's a diplomat from Aviopolis." episode
>it's a "Nick and Judy are babysitting Frufru's kid, but he gets lost and they have to chase a toddler around the city" episode
>it's a "Nick gets in a fight with Bogo and the only way the can settle it is in the ZPD fighting ring" episode
>it's a "Nick and Judy go undercover at a fancy event" episode
>it's a "Judy fakes her death as part of a deep undercover assignment, and Nick is going around the city against orders, looking for her killer" episode

If Nick and Judy ever opened up a restaurant/ brewery together, "Wildehopps" would be a great name.
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What do Fox and Bunny do on their off time?

Nick plays Jazz trumpet at night clubs along with Finnick and Flash

Judy does a lot of cardio and gardening

I was thinking of becoming one before the movie now I am seriously considering it, what is an average day like?
No questions. Just touch it.
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Vidya games.
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>Dawn points her gun towards your forehead causing you to sweat profusely. "Predator or Prey?" she asks with a smirk.

>Instinct tells you to lie but instead you hold your ground. You sigh and reply "GOODIE TWO GOODIE TWO GOODIE GOODIE TWO SHOES GOODIE TWO GOODIE TWO GOODIE GOODIE TWO SHOES."

She holds her gaze looking you up and down
before dropping her gun and joining in with "DON'T DRINK DON'T SMOKE WHAT DO YOU DO DON'T DRINK DON'T SMOKE WHAT DO YOU DO"

Remove Rebab
I'd like to think so. Don't want to give away too much, but I'm trying to make it be not too contrived given the angsty and fluffy subject matter within.
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>those suggestions
anon please, my feels can only get so erect
God speed you magnificent bastard
>comfy matching clothes
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what do you think finnick was for?
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well so long as it's not another attempt to retread the scrapped plot
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Its a "Nick gets stuck sitting on an exploding toilet for the third time that week" episode
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Thoughts on interspecies progeny?
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>the file name
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I would be all for more elaborate police blues.

These uniforms are literally the only thing I like from FMA
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Is she good enough for Nick?
Fuck off faggot
She's a wolf.
Nick's smirk makes it
Yes, for someone to be a winner there must be more who are losers. Winners are losers though.
>smug bunny

Knowing how Disney genetics works, I wouldn't be surprised by it at all.
Nope. No worries there anon. Not even close.

I can tell you it involves Nick getting injured in the line of duty and Judy feeling guilty for being gone that day due to an embarrassing "girl bunny issue." Nick then has to confront his feelings for Judy after facing his own mortality.
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how do you draw nick without having it look like a generic fox
sounds overly angsty
Sounds gay. Don't stop, I'll read it anyways

They said their age ? When? How old is Judy?
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Mods are only allowing one Zootopia thread up at a time. Might as well make this a general.
directors did. and judy is either 24 or 25, I don't remember
Everyone's a little bit gay. So I'm hoping that line of thinking, everyone will read a little bit of it.

Flawless logic.
Make him smug
Nick said hustling since 12 years old, and Judy calculated 20 years of hustling
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Judy is (at least) 24 by way of the "When I was 9" event occurring before "15 YEARS LATER" is shown on screen at the academy.

Nick is (probably) 32 by "Since I was 12" adding 20 years via his tax papers.
When Judy threatens to arrest Nick for tax evasion, it's for 20 years of undeclared income after he said he made $200 a day since he was 12. 12+20=32

The intro with Judy takes place when she was 9. The main story is 15 years later. She's 24.
shhh don't say that word
t-this is a civil discussion about a recently released animated movie, we have a lot to talk about

>every girl who saw the movie
what's up with the blonde hair?
and some b-boys...
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I'm guessing I am not alone in thinking that the slight age difference only makes them cuter together.
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Everyone knows that disney likes subliminal messages, I have been trying to find the one in zootopia the past few days.

This is me just spit balling, but what if the subliminal message is to get more police recruits?

I mean Hell i have fallen for it, I havent found any evidence yet but it kinda makes sense in a nonsensical way.
It's sick and unnatural. Judy should find a nice rabbit her age and Nick can hook up with a nice fox who he hustled to get her number.
>found fresh Zootopia comic on DA
>huge 22 MB image file
>rather Furaffinity-style artwork

Eh, I'll just link it.
jesus christ

what the fuck
I'm trying reaaaally hard not to make it ALL about that.

That being said I am a weak shiftless bastard and it will play a part.
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>implying that 8 years is significant
>implying that it's bad for a fox and a rabbit to fall in love in spite of their differences
>If Nick and Judy ever opened up a restaurant/ brewery together, "Wildehopps" would be a great name.

>beer name
>not Hopps Wilde!

It's begging to be made into an IPA, and I hate IPAs.

Actually she's 24 iirc
to the point and not as autistic as expected, all in all pretty good
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Fresh from the oven.
Wasn't Judy supposed to have hair as well?
It's cute, age isn't much a big deal when you're past like 23
I should ask my local brewer. I could design the label.
Is there one with Nick as Jetstream Sam? Motherfucker is just as smug as that fox.
The "rule" is half your age + 7 years, and Judy is within that range for Nick.
>Judy: "Hey Nick, wanna get married?"
>Judy: "Let's get married."
>Judy: "I know you're not sleeping so hurry up and answer me."
>Nick: "You...sly bunny..."
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>Wreck it Rhino exists
>This means a Sonic game also exists
>Which means Sonic has a rival
>We will never see Nick trolling Judy in Mario 3D World
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>finding age difference unnatural
This needs to happen. It's perfect. Judy as Raiden too
>page three

get it together faggot
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She had a cute little pixie tuft kind of like her VA's hair.
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Murk lore.
he's obviously joking, anon
>subliminal message to get more police recruits
>not to create more furries who will continue to line Disney's already massive and deep pockets for decades to come
watch the teaser trailer
Maybe they wanted furry cops?
How did I get banned again
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>not to create a generation of cops who are furries
Or ya know. They're different species, especial a prey and pred.
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Nick paws 60fps.webm
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>naked fox wiggling his toes

So in just the teaser they managed to introduce to kids both the furry fetish and the foot fetish.

So basically Tarantino meets Furaffinity.
You mean Mousio?
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Dear god....
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Disney knows exactly what they're doing, anon.
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Unfortunately, the trailer for this clip cuts into this scene right after her subtle tail wiggle.
Oh yeah, it got a few laughs out of me too, but in the end I just felt like I was watching it just to watch it, waiting for it to get better.
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>all these deleted post

Man, mods sure hate Zootopia
Mods are on a killing spree of anything remotely furry, even joking about it or saying how much you DISLIKE furryshit. I just got back too.
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Why are the mods being such cunts?
lol mods love just handing them out on zootopia threads, it's a way to vent anger for not being able to ban 'furry' on sight. Would be funny if they didn't make it Global like retards but what can you do?
It seems to be mostly appropriate Gideon hate.
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>Doug as Sundowner
fuck yes

Judy the Ripper vs Senator Dawn "Mammalmachines Bunn!" Bellwether when?
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>younger than both main characters in a disney film
That hasn't happened in a few years. Why are they gradually making their MCs older?
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In Zootopia 2 it's going to be Judy's turn in the fanservice spotlight.
Fuck you cunt mods

I'm not really fond of the police but this movie made me wanna become a cop
One glance at /co/ is all you need to confirm this.
We might have to move on to /trash/. At least there we can discuss more fan stuff and post without random bans.

dude, i saw what they deleted "i wanna fuck x" is shitposting.
They're literally deleting anything Zootopia related except this thread. ANYTHING.
Nice filename
>moving to /trash/
oh god not this again
last time I went there was from /sug/
I thought /sug/ was tolerable at best but in the /trash. it was a fucking hellscape
That's how this fairground ride works. We hang out in a thread during the autosage instead of booting up a new one immediately after 500 replies.
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Nice what department?


Thank you.


No problem it feel great being here.




The only time case files are handed out from what I know and seen are to detectives on cases and they the top brass aren't the ones that give them the files just Lieutenants and other Detectives.

Chances are is that Bogo interacts with the other officers for film plot, we don't see and other rank within the Department other than him.

and well anything from smashing you patrol car into something, not doing paper work right, getting drunk and coming in etc.
The irony being of course that Judy is a vegetarian.
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>I wanna fuck X is shitposting
fuck this bullshit
Usually it works out fine. Although if it's a 700 post thread that hit 251 images a long time ago, it basically just devolves into mindless drivel and shitposting because the mods won't let us make a new thread, and we can't post any more images.
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counter-terrorism pro:tip

bridges are stupidly unsecured and a huge security flaw, I'd look into it

-just got 5 days of CS for climbing them, terrorists aren't gonna post on instagram about their climbs and get caught like me
We can make that hellscape a home.
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its fun once or thrice... but it's too constant in these threads.
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New concept art released

This guy's a phony, I should know. Just went on a marathon of usa cop shows.
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Ech, I guess. I only saw the movie today so I'm not used to the scale you fuckers shitpost at yet.
God, is that seriously where he lives?

I don't know, the old concept art said that he lived in a basement apartment.
he actually did in another of those comics
I really like to think this bridge is some kind of symbolism about the complete transformation of Judy.

Before she enters under the bridge: Idealist Judy being injured by the reality
After she enters under the bridge: Pragmatic Judy being conscious of the reality of Zootopia
I think he did at one point, but more likely he lives in the abandoned warehouse a stone's throw away from the bridge.
I hope this flow of concept art continues because its all been pretty nice.
His Tax form shows an address.
In the original concept he lived in an old and wet basement.

So I guess he does not live there, the warehouse in the background of that scene is an unused set from the original story. Hence maybe he lives in the warehouse.
Maybe 1955 Cypress Grove Lane is on the other side of the bridge and that chair is just where he hangs out.
Are barbie dolls racist?
>New concept art released
Nick's drinking bridge looks like it was originally a lot darker and gloomier. I get the feeling that they changed it to be more bright and serene because it's also the place where Judy and Nick ultimately get back together, and it was important that when it reached that moment that the scene looked warm and happy.

Also, the original concept art makes it look more like Nick actually lives under a bridge. In the final movie it's more ambiguous, because he just has a lawn chair and a table next to it. There's more evidence of Nick living the hobo life here.
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>200$ a day

The whole plot was originally much darker with the shock collars and all, so I wouldn't be surprised.
>Are ________ racist?

Depending on who you ask, yes.
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comfy bunny and fox are best bunny and fox
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>shock collars
>what a great idea that was.
That's part of the issue. The only reason I could see why Nick would be living under a bridge is if he lost his Pawpsicle hustle due to the anti-predator panic, and he had been living in an apartment that he could no longer afford. The movie never suggests that, though, and in the final cut it looks like the bridge is simply where Nick likes to go to be alone.

This art is actually from the final draft of the film, not the Noir inspired one. However, there was still a bit of overlap between the two, because they didn't necessarily go from dark and dystopian to colorful and optimistic all at once.
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No arguments there.
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The more I see them the more I'm intrigued. Same goes with the whole underground amusement park Nick owned (concept art in pic)
we /zoo/ now?
I bought Batman: Arkham Knight the other day after watching Batman V Superman, and Catwoman gets forced to wear a shock collar. I immediately thought of Zootopia.
>Some autist trying to start a general

Stop, just stop. Just enjoy the threads while they last. Nothing good ever comes out of generals.
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i hate collars, but damn this themepark looks fun as hell, let's hope they wont scrap this idea for the next movie.


i think people are taking it zoo far.
I don't know, the storyline would've been way more interesting.
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generalfags won't listen anon, this is why we can't have nice things
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>let's hope they wont scrap this idea for the next movie.

I'm hoping that that's where all of nick's pawpcicle money was going.
There's always money in the Pawpcicle Stand.
I'm all for a little more freedom of posting but I honestly don't think a general is a good idea. Just look at /fnaf/, for an example. They used to discuss nothing but the games but now it's 99% just discussing fan content. I really don't want it to get to that point.
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maybe in french depressing animated movie.

Is there a joke to this image? I've seen it posted like twenty times and I still don't get it.
I like how they had Nick steal some blueberries at the start to set up that he likes them.

Little touches.
>that female mordecai
Do the paperwork one and make it a comedy.
I really really want to hug Disney World Judy.

They actually modeled the whole theme park it is just sitting there on their filesystem waiting to be used.
I like how the couple times they used them, they used actual California Police radio codes.

McHorn called in a 10-31 when he saw Judy chasing Weaselton, which commonly refers to a "Crime in Progress"

When Machas goes savage and attacks Judy and Nick, she calls in a 10-91, which I think refers to generally any sort of animal related incident/attack
Is it just me or is 2016 really, really furry?
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>tfw in these threads all day at work instead of my usual work stuff

I have a problem, /co/
Those hips
Waiting to be used in an MMORPG?
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it's march.
What do you mean?
what's that japanese one in the bottom middle?
True. When you start having generals, particularly for a property that has finite content like a single player game or a single movie, the thread's posters are evnetually only in there to keep the thread alive because there's nothing left to talk about.

With Zootopia we're still having tons of fun talking about the movie, but eventually we'll reach a point where there's nothing new to discuss other than fan content. At that point, it would be time to simply stop making threads until there's some actual news about the franchise. If it's a general though, people will do anything to keep the conversation going. 4chan isn't supposed to be like a traditional message board, and generals drag us a bit too dangerously close to that format unless it's for a not-canceled TV show.
The boy and the beast. I don't know if it's still in theaters though…
The Boy and the Beast, the latest Mamoru Hosoda film.
in my country after graduating from the academy, you're assigned to prevention department
>Sheep & Wolves
>Norm of the North
>Richard the Stork
>Ping Pong Rabbit
>The Nut Jub 2
>Rock Dog
>El Americano
>Ice Age 2016
>Trouble Down Under
>The Secret Life of Pets
>Animal Crackers
>Open Season Scared Silly
>Quackerz 3D

I'd never even heard of these until today. There was a "Nut Job 1"?
thx m80s

It got a limited domestic release, out on the same day as Zootopia, seems to be out of (most) theaters now after having made $474K.

jesus that thing looks like its going to watch her sleep
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Your "problem" is that you want to make /zoo/ great again. You are an anon on a mission and nothing can stop you.

I have the same problem. I'm in here every day for what feels like hours, and it's cutting into my productivity significantly.
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same boat, i could try to contribute but am still not good enough

goodnight thread!
There was a Nut Job 1 in 2014. Its chief claim to notability was that it was co-produced by Korean animators who put 3D Psy and Gangnam Style into the movie.

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Even more Zootopia art released:
> http://jimjam-art.tumblr.com/

Also yesterday
released new concept art as well.

I guess they have to get all images they want to release on their blogs approved first and the approval may happen at the same time for multiple people.
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Aside from actually-being-at-work-doing-work time, I haven't had any productivity on side projects at home for a solid month.
I love it when the mods do their job.
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Shite that was fast

Mods are confirmed ninja
I want horsefuckers to leave. Go back to your little ghetto REEEEEE
I am not going to be able to watch CGI fur the same way ever again after zootopia.

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We still don't know how genetics work. Plus there's always sperm banks.
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y doe
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So do I.
I want to write, read, and watch film but I can't fucking concentrate because I keep coming back to these threads.

Help me.

I am thinking about learning how to draw the characters, though
>being a cuck by proxy
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Fucking hell, in russia this has already gone MLP levels.....
>inb4 ban
The fur in other movies from just this year looks outdated next to Zootopia's.
I love Disney genetics
Yeah, I'm pretty sure she said "caught", I've even seen the movie 4 times.
Guys, I'm scared
Damn loved this film man, but those adverts before the film where so cheesy, no kids film will ever come close to this.
Zootopia is more "scientifically accurate" though so I don't know how far they'd be willing to stretch the audience's imagination. We all know that a bunny + a fox =/= a box in real life, and the animals being able to talk wouldn't really change that.
Some of these movies look pretty bad.
Wrong thread, wrong board, wrong website.
This looks like something /b/ would do.
there's cops in this thread man, have some dignity.
what kind of species is that fox ?
A gray fox.
Writefag here.

I still feel dirty about writing it. It's like I've crossed some sort of threshold and became a fully fledged furry.

Just... Just fucking shoot me senpai.

It means he's playing us like a damn fiddle. He's gonna rustle us up into a 'will they/won't they' frenzy so we all go to see the inevitable sequel to see if the bun-bun and the fox finally fug.
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I hope that there'll be more of this. I like the premise and the art.
Don't. Your writing was great and you (thankfully) didn't cross over into writing a smut fic. Do more.
Man, I hate the Disney circle-jerk (sans Zootopia, of course) but man... man oh man why do other animation studios only make stupid comedies?

The only exception I can think of is the HTTYD franchise, and even then it's like the only serious series DreamWorks is working with as it starts working on 'Trolls' or whatever.

There is an opening in the market for darker animated films that don't try to pander to kids, but aren't filled with adult humor.

I want to see some David Lean-esque animated films damnit!
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where is the first part ?
"Adult" animation makes no money
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This one cracks me up. Dammit Nick.
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Finnick is best.
Brilliant edit.

Fair point. Still pisses me off though.

>tfw I remember people bitching about HTTYD2 for killing stoick

Funny thing is people are fine with Disney doing "dark" and even praise them for it, but whenever any other studio tries it they fail.

The only non-Disney/Pixar films that seem to do well at the box-office are stupid comedies, and it depresses me. There is so much potential there for the medium, but people just like the same-old shit.

I love Zootopia and will be rooting for it come Oscar time, but I still hate the Disney fanbase and the company itself.

I hope they make a subtle foxhound reference when/if we get a Zootopia 2
Don't worry, so long as you don't want to fuck the bunny you're not a dirty furfag, at least not in my book. You are however a dirty shipper. Sorry, can't help you there.

You don't want to fuck the bunny, right?

I mean shit we got a Breaking Bad reference, I'm amazed there wasn't a snake wearing tigerstripe camo with an eyepatch during the jungle scenes
Rich directed WiR so he must have some idea about games.
I would die a happy man if that where the case. Something small though.
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