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What's the EarthBound of animation?

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What's the EarthBound of animation?
Hey Arnold
The old Looney Tunes cartoon Duck Amuck.

Also this
The Iron Giant

fucking finally someone typed the name out right
No ans No

I dont think ones really been made
Gravity Falls
Close, but a bit too "urban" and not fantastic enough.
Some similarities in the story and setting but very different in tone.
Monster Allergy?
Ed, Edd n' Eddy
Moral Orel
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every animation creator these days is trying to make the 'earthbound of animation'

just look at steven universe and gravity falls and bullshit

they all wanna be le deep and indie

Over the Garden Wall
>le deep and indie
Earthbound is a Ninendo game so it isn't indie, and I'm pretty sure it's just supposed to be about some kids going on an adventure.
Do you think the episodes of South Park where the boys just play a game or pretend are trying to be deep too?
you have no idea what earthbound is do yo
Homestuck, but that's kind of the point. Also it's more a comic than animation.

Interestingly enough, even though you mentioned it by accident since you obviously don't know what you're talking about, Steven Universe might actually be the closest thing mentioned in this thread. Too bad it's shit.
Lacks the contemporary touches, but yes, good call.
Peanuts specials.
Invader Zim

Something from well over a decade ago that still has a small sect of ridiculously, almost cult-like, die hard fans who swear up and down that it didn't get proper justice at the time.
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Clarence is.
I'm not even shitting you.
yeah i can buy it.
This guy gets it.
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>ITT: I didn't play Earthbound
With how boring the combat system is why would I want to subject myself to that shit just to get to a couple of "SO QUIRKY" jokes and references and a derivative sci-fi/fantasy story?
A decent-but-not-exceptional weird thing that kids liked and influenced them to find and/or create media similar to it? He-Man, maybe Ren and Stimpy if you stretch it.

An urban fantasy that tackles a traditional hero's journey through the eyes of reasonable madness? Wizards.

A good semi-traditional piece of fiction that fell victim to horrendously poor advertising? The Powerpuff Girls.

Something that should have been out the door far before it did, but due to circumstances beyond their control combined with the hubris of their creative heads kept getting delayed until it was past the point when it should have came out? The Thief and the Cobbler.

Earthbound's a lot of things to different people: you can compare some of it to something else, but it's hard to pin down one simple cartoon that encapsulates what Earthbound is to everybody.
Enlighten us, tripfag.
It aged like milk so I don't blame those people.
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earthbound is literally just a dumbed down dragon quest.

and i know you aren't slamming dragon quest. because nobody would do that.
This is correct.
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>never played earthbound
>goes to thread related to earthbound to spread hot opinions
Only one of those things is actually about the game itself though
>earthbound is literally just a dumbed down dragon quest.
Nigga what? Earthbound stood out because of how different it was, it was the setting and the characters that made the game, it wasn't some boring ass story about magic crystals, dragons and princesses, basically earthbound was the original undertale
>I am too dumb to grasp anything but the most superficial aspects of stories so I can't understand these comparisons

Well damn, enlighten us on what it actually is, then, because I'm banking on the "decent but not exceptional weird thing" interpretation out of the many I've heard over the years.
Don't compare that trash to Earthbound.
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I played Earthbound, but to me I'd say it's just hard to find a similarity to it that you can really say "this is the Earthbound of animation", especially if we're narrowing it down to /co/ related stuff.
>basically earthbound was the original undertale
You give Undertale too much credit with this wording.

Undertale is pretty much EarthBound worship.
I like it for that.
And the goats.
Undertale was officially voted as the best game of all time, what the fuck has Earthbound?
I'm just saying you're describing aspects related to the production and impact of the game, not the content
>getting this triggered
Use your fucking brain before spouting stupid shit, undertale's core concept is the deconstruction of RPG tropes, this is what Earthbound was built around, regardless of its reputation and the fact that its nothing bout a failed attempt of copying an actually good game they actually do share the same idea, which is why i made the comparassion
Thank you for admitting you've never played a Dragon Quest game, it would really have hurt your argument if you kept on pretending you had.
i'm talking gameplay, ya dullard.

also the original Mother did actually have magic crystals, dragons, and princesses.
>muh gaming websites
They are run by fucking retards who know nothing about their own hobbies
>muh /v/
/v/ has zero consensus, you can't ask what is the best of anything there
Comparing... asses?

People are getting confused here. Be more specific, wht do you mean by "Earthbound of Animation"? The story, the feel, the following?
>They are run by fucking retards who know nothing about their own hobbies
I thought gators had been banned from this board?
Dragon Quest mechanics are the reason the first one is so tedious compared to the second one.
Dragon Quest aside i keep my statement
By gameplay standards yeah, its pretty average, but my point is that its strongest points aren't related to that
It's true though, just like with comic sites.
Eh, stop caring. All those "What is Earthbound/Citisen Cane/Boku no Pico of /co/?" threads aren't made for that, they're to express or spout opinions and thus subjective.
how does that make my statement less true?
>le deep and indie
None of those are even trying to be "deep." That's just what the fagdoms want to see them as because they were never educated on pieces of genuinely thought-provoking art.
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>genuinely thought-provoking art
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This desu senpai
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/co/, does it ever occur to you how remarkably wrong and oblivious you can be?
Over the Garden Wall
But Earthbound LITERALLY is a Dragon Warrior clone. Itoi himself admits as much.
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Harvey Beaks

well holy shit this flew over my head
this makes sense
Its actually kinda amazing how the original Mother managed to capture the aesthetics/style of Peanuts.

This. Nothing compares.


Maybe this, as far as having the same feel to it -- the innocent child caught up in something a lot more sinister than he knows.
>Implying anyone with undertale in high regard would know jackshit about anything
As is Dragon Quest a clone of Ultima.
>implying you don't just hate it because of homestuck
>the innocent child caught up in something a lot more sinister than he knows.
Like, Ben 10?

It's my favorite game. I play it every couple years. I don't see anything on it's level in cartoons, then again I don't watch cartoons so that's probably why.
>implying he doesn't hate it because people like you and the rest of the undertale fandom (which is comprised mostly of the homestuck fandom) exist
>Maybe this, as far as having the same feel to it -- the innocent child caught up in something a lot more sinister than he knows.
Doesn't that describe most "small children go on adventure" media
Besides both being shit, what is the relationship between these two completely different things?

One is a boring strip that quickly decomposes from being an adventure game spoof into batshit retarded drama and the other is a videogame that fails at everything that makes a videogame fun before also failing at story-telling.
thank you for proving you're just part of the /co/ shitposting brigade and you don't actually know dick about shit
Over the garden wall
There hasn't been a more accurate assessment of what these two pieces of shit media are in this thread.
>You hate it because it's homestuck
>I never correlated the two
how are people still this retarded
To be the Earthbound of animation, a show would have to have a huge cult following but a terrible critical reception. Bonus points will be awarded to shows with darker themes beneath a veneer of simple humor and child-like wonder.

I can't think of anything that satisfies those conditions. Maybe Peanuts? But Peanuts has a wide following and is beloved by critics, though it does fulfill the thematic elements of Earthbound.
but you did. I correlated them, and you confirmed the correlation.
It certainly has the quirky aesthetic
That they are both unrelated shit?
everyone copied Dragon Quest though so who cares
Final Fantasy, Pokemon, etc.
the sad part DQ isn't as popular as the rest as far as the west is concerned
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A lot of cool heads and well thought out opinions in this thread
>the correlation is that they are both shit
>this argument started because you brought up homestuck
not the anon you were replying to before though
How did pokemon copy dragon quest?
that you hate them both and you do it because of the fandom. do you really think 'fails at everything' is a valid criticism that shows you've even looked at the game?
You're bad at arguing
Especially because your defense is "both homestuck and undertale are shit and everyone knows it"
I replayed Earthbound recently actually just to see if nostalgia was the only thing keeping it alive for me. It was a lot shorter than I remember, but the ending still packed a lot of emotional punch (and I'm someone who didn't enjoy shit like undertale at all).

The closest thing to it's aesthetic, I'd say, is skeleton jelly
If anything it copied SRW.
>this thread

Everyone knows that Hellboy and Twisted Metal are just clone copies of DOOM which is directly lifted off of Alone in the Dark
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What's the Final Fantasy of animation?
>implying i'd use my full arguing skill against a habitual shitposter.
Ben 10
>agrees that homestuck and undertale are shit
>backpedals immensely
>starts an argument by shitposting
Homestuck easily could have been, but Hussie has had it tough since he started production on it.
>You hate them both for reasons that weren't in your post!
Anon, pls.
So a cartoon that is about
>a group of chosen, psychic kids that collect music to defeat aliens?
>With random battles and quirky/weird combat?
>That involves animals, cults, the undead, aliens, and random people?
>That has early 90's American satire?
>That has extremely dark undertones?
>That is a coming of age story?
With a dash of Wizardry.
The monster recruiting system came from Dragon Quest V. Although SMT did it first, Pokemon's early concept sketches show that the game was originally envisioned as very, very Dragon Quest-like, suggesting that's where the influence came from rather than SMT.
Scooby Doo
Steven Universe
Gonna go with these senpai
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>same setting
>same "made by someone who just love what they do"
>same weird ending
>same kid/adult double game
>same overall quality or realisation
>same feels
Over the Garden Wall is the goddamn Earthbound of animation, if there's such a thing
>the sad part DQ isn't as popular as the rest as far as the west is concerned

I blame that on Enix/Square Enix being very withholding with western releases, and giving shitty localizations to what do come over
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the localization for dq4 on NES was really really good though! better than final fantasy got, at any rate.
They're both great, anon. You don't have to take sides.
kill yourself
>The monster recruiting system came from Dragon Quest V
The capture system in pokemon came from the creators love of going bug hunting as a youth, I've read that multiple times
But you could still be right
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>Hey Arnold
I haven't read/played it so I can't say, but it seems to be similar
>Iron Giant
>Gravity Falls
sort of, in the same way Hey Arnold is
in some ways
In look and feel

Maybe throw some Courage the Cowardly Dog in there too.

These all cover different aspects of it. The closest on the whole I can think of is Iron Giant.
also creators have stated that the idea of trading pokemon came from wanting to trade items from DQ
>he's mad because I'm telling the truth
>admits to not playing EB
>goes into a thread about EB to give an opinion
Is this what autism looks like? Jesus
Steven Universe

Because tumblr incarnate
Not really, the game is timeless. It aged better than most games.
Jimmy Neutron ?
Mother 3 > Earthbound
Nobody is asking you to.

It's just bad form to have opinions about things you haven't actually experienced. It makes you look like an ignorant retard.

If that has some appeal to you, then go ahead. I ain't mad.
How so?
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Nothing. There's a lot of show that have some of the traits in common and maybe even share it's excuse-plot story, but there's nothing that's willing to go absolutely all-out in it's surreal-yet-understandable wackyness. No matter how hard they try to be unique, pretty much every show still likes to keep things consistent and stick to a single theme, because they want to make a universe that makes sense. Earthbound's makes literally none, and it's so much better for it.

So no, you won't get anything like pic related in a cartoon, because they're too afraid it won't work out.

(When it comes to comics though, I'd say Problem Sleuth heads in the right direction).

(Also, anyone in this thread who hasn't played Earthbound's sequel is truly awful at video gamesing.)
I only play good jRPGs though.
this probably would have been my answer.

I'm sure some older ones would have fit the bill as well though. DND for example.
Use: stairs.
>he never played a JRPG
They're the only things worthwhile anymore.
oh shit. I have it.
THIS is the Mother. of animation.

Garfield's halloween Adventure.
FUCK this is accurate.
FLCL or Abenobashi Magical Shopping Arcade
Digimon, urban kids leave home to go to far away land with quirky environments to fight weird monsters, series ends with fighting some kind of nightmare fuel monster bent on destroying the universe then go home
>nobody's mentioned spirited away yet

trash, all of you
Sym Bionic Titan.
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>There'll never be a cartoon this beautiful about Earthbound
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>smeary blob filter
Final Fantasy is the Final Fantasy of animation.
>No matter how hard they try to be unique, pretty much every show still likes to keep things consistent and stick to a single theme, because they want to make a universe that makes sense. Earthbound's makes literally none
Earthbound is mostly a parody of Americana and western pop culture as seen through a Japanese lens.
It's pretty unfiltered in how far it took its absurdity compared to all the things taking inspiration from it but it's not like there's no cohesiveness to it.
>group of 4
>bright colors and vivid backgrounds
>BGM is great and aesthetically both very similar
>hero's journey story focusing primarily on a young boy with supernatural powers and a destiny
>extraordinarily controversial in their respective communities

I didn't finish EarthBound but I'd guess this is probably one of the closest guesses in this thread
EarthBound's not THAT shitty
>emotional core to it that radiates occasionally
>silly and strange exterior
>dark segments

Rick and Morty, maybe?
Garish colors, perspective all over the place, 2-frame walk animation and 4 second loop combat music?
In terms of appearance I'd say Clarence
>What's the EarthBound of animation?
Hard to say. Most cartoons today have more than 2 frames when they walk. Most of them had more than that in 1995 too if I recall
Fun but the fanbase kind of ruins it?
Too many to list.
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