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Did Peridot deserve redemption? She's basically Gem Joseph

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Did Peridot deserve redemption?

She's basically Gem Joseph Mengele, torturing gems and making abominations. She also just doesn't seem to be picking up on the whole "sanctity of life" thing Steven and the others are putting down.

Pretty much the only reason she went against Yellow Diamond was because she though YD was acting illogically in wasting the planet's resources.

Honestly, redeeming Jasper would make more sense than redeeming Peridot, regardless of how cute the little cat-nazi appears to be.
sometimes you just have to explain to someone what they're doing wrong for them to know what they're doing wrong
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Eat shit, I'm not going to invade someone else's thread with a new topic, the general is banned for a reason.
>Did Peridot deserve redemption?
"deserve" is applicable to the real world, cartoon characters don't apply. Also it's a different world with different morals.

>She's basically Gem Joseph Mengele, torturing gems and making abominations
Nice assumptions and conjectures.

>She also just doesn't seem to be picking up on the whole "sanctity of life"
Just like normal humans.

>the only reason she went against Yellow Diamond was because she though YD was acting illogically
So what? It's a war, if you get a new ally you smile and say "thank you", you don't whine until they help you FOR EXACTLY THE RIGHT REASON.

Christ, what kind of moralfag wrote this?
Expecting an alien to live here for a month and completely swallow our Earth values with no reserves.
dat project paperclip mindset

I don't care what Peridot did

I'd roast jews with her :3
I thought she said she wasn't involved with the fusion experiements, or even around when they occured.
when is the next episode airing?
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Imagine someone convincing Peridot Jews are the source of all evil on Earth
Project Paperclip was a wonderful thing

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couldnt peridot helicopter'd herself into space and then do whatever lapis did to get back to homeworld though? this bothers me

not a general

She wasn't making the tiny Clusters, she was just checking up on the Cluster in general. So, not really like Mengele really.
>couldnt peridot helicopter'd herself into space
You try to fly a helicopter into space and tell me what happens.
Lapis is a much more powerful gem.
idk about that, lapis used waterwings
She deserved death.

Just.. Like..
your mom
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>Peridot needs to build a Space Helicopter
Well, that's impossible.
>She's basically Gem Joseph Mengele, torturing gems and making abominations.
She didn't do any of those things though.
The cluster and forced fusion experiments were created before she was around.
>She also just doesn't seem to be picking up on the whole "sanctity of life" thing Steven and the others are putting down.
Did you not watch the most recent episodes?
>Pretty much the only reason she went against Yellow Diamond was because she though YD was acting illogically in wasting the planet's resources.
Those resources being the life you just claimed she didn't see the value of.
>Honestly, redeeming Jasper would make more sense than redeeming Peridot, regardless of how cute the little cat-nazi appears to be.
Implying they won't both be redeemed.
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But Peridot wasn't actually involved in the experimenting - she was just there to do the maintenance and report on it

The reason why her redemption worked was because she was left stranded, and that Steven is just that nice a guy that he wants to at least try to teach her that working for the Diamond to ruin a perfectly good planet is bad.

Unlike Jasper, she was just someone who was pulled into the mess - she was just doing her job. Though, doesn't excuse her behavior in squishing the broken robonoid and the DIEDIEDIEDIE thing
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I want to make Peridot dance in the rain with me. While we sing dancing in the rain
But wasn't Jasper just doing her job too?
Jasper is much older than Peridot, and has actually fought against the rebels on the miserable hunk of rock that is the Earth - She's also the only one of the two who is an actual, real threat - She got tossed into a ship reactor, suffered through the crash, and wasn't poofed.

Meanwhile, all Garnet had to do to poof Peridot was squeeze her between her fingers. So while Jasper wasn't even properly doing her job either - she told Peridot to fuck off the second she saw Steven with the Rose Quartz Gem. The main difference between the two is threat-levels and motivations, really
>Though, doesn't excuse her behavior in squishing the broken robonoid and the DIEDIEDIEDIE thing
Both robots and gems are disposable and can be replaced.
Gems are obviously conditioned to see themselves of one of many and having no individual value ("there's ton's of me!").
Perireddit is one of the worst things to ever happened to the show

I hope she gets killed off or better yet becomes a secondary character who gets two or three lines per season because fuck her
>Did you not watch the most recent episodes?
>Those resources being the life...
She said the naturally occurring lifeforms on the planet produce unique materials not found otherwise, those were the materials she was talking about. She was basically saying they could use the humans as a natural method of shit like purifying uranium.

Once Peri is actually upset about the idea of a human dying I'll concede

>It could've been great!
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oh great, it matches perfectly the tempo of "Pace is the trick" by Interpol, thanks for ruining my childhood memories
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I think Peridot must feel so weird at now feeling as though she has value to people more than just her abilities as a tech person

It's kind of sweet to watch, and it makes me excited to see how far her character arc will take her
She has no other choice than redemption
>implying we haven't had this much perifan past couple episodes because she sacrifices herself for steven and gets shattered in the next one
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the great and lovable

Peridot spiked in popularity because of her new status as a catface loli ass burgers

She might become "part" of Garnet
More like Mengele's intern that spent most of his career fetching coffee and reports.

This is not just because I want have nasty, grinding hand tribbing until we tongue-fuck each other's mouth pussies.

She wasn't. It's a meme. You're being rused and I'm ashamed that I have to explain that to you.
Was it rape?
Amorality isn't the same thing as immorality.

Aside from morality itself being subjective, if you're doing something people from a completely alien culture (in this case quite literally) consider morally wrong but you're not doing it with the explicit intention of harming anyone, you're not really a bad person.
>Garnet stopping because peri wasn't ready

nigga that's the opposite of rape
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No way, Garnet asked, Peridot agreed, Peridot seemed uncomfortable so Garnet stopped. Garnet takes fusion seriously man.
>She said the naturally occurring lifeforms on the planet produce unique materials not found otherwise, those were the materials she was talking about. She was basically saying they could use the humans as a natural method of shit like purifying uranium.
Not sure how you came to that conclusion.
She stated that the earth's organic ecosystem produces valuable resources which is true organic life may be the least common resource in the universe.
>Once Peri is actually upset about the idea of a human dying I'll concede
By that logic Steven is evil since he has not had to deal with that yet.
>She stated that the earth's organic ecosystem
Meaning the life on the planet
>produces valuable resources
Meaning refined materials that do not occur without life forms making them
Good thing we're not on tumblr then, isn't it?

>caring about Peridot's past misdeeds rather than her future usefulness to the cause.

Sure is Americans in here.
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So /sug/ is actually just /peri/, when you get right down to it.
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>project paperclip
To b fair she can waterbend, She could pull herself with those wings with her weird water bending powers.
Woops, didn't mean to green text.
>Meaning the life on the planet
>Meaning refined materials that do not occur without life forms making them
Or the lifeforms themselves or in the case of humans our culture
I'm pretty sure the gems could refine steel or build a nuclear reactor but organic life is in itself a extreme rarity in the universe and just on earth the creatures that live here are the source of many many different resources that we take for granted but since they come from a product of our ecosystem would not occur elsewhere in the universe.
Also humans being a seperate sapient race from gems would have numerous cultural differences which could serve either to teach gems of new concepts that they were unaware of or at the very least supply a distraction to curious mind, Peridot had already come to realize this one in particular what with her getting obsessed with a human tv show.
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Guys, just watched all of the episodes.

Is there any must-read fanfiction, stuff like HPMOR, Alexandra Quick, The World's Greatest Chunin Exam...etc.?
>must-read fanfiction
Ignoring that what you said has nothing to do with the thread and should be its own thread, that's an oxymoron
Well, there's no other active steven universe thread right now, do you seriously want me to make a thread just for that?
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Yes, that's how 4chan works. If there's a topic you want to discuss and it doesn't fall under one of the topics in the catalog you make a thread.
well, the way that 4chan works is that there's literally nothing you can do to stop me

I'll wait for someone else to answer the question
You're giving her way too much credit by the Mengele comparison. Peridot is one step up from a pencil pusher. She's a (crappy) technician sent to check on things. She wasn't involved personally in any torture or significant scientific experiments.

She comes across as cold towards life because she had never seen any organic life before. During her very first encounters with it on earth, after only a few days she almost immediately begins to understand its value and turns on her masters. She's a good person. Just really annoying.

Gem culture is different from earth culture. Their society is extremely hierarchical and racist; every gem's existence revolves solely around obedience towards the higher castes. They don't consider emotions, like love, to be valuable. Their primary concerns are utility, power, and aesthetics. Peridot came straight out of this culture, so it's natural that she would have some trouble adjusting upon arrival.
>that's how 4chan works

It's also customary not to make frivolous threads that you know won't create any discussion, like asking a singular question with a pretty direct answer, especially when there's other, more active threads that are relevant to the topic.
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>not wanting to redeem this
>the creatures that live here are the source of many many different resources that we take for granted

Man, that conversation could have taken a wildly different turn.

>"All right, Peridot. I'll listen, at least. Tell me about these so-called 'unique resources.'"
>"Check this thing out. It's called a bee."
>"A bee? What does it do?"
>"It makes terrible Jerry Seinfeld movies and something called honey. From my studies, I've determined that honey is mostly pollen, sugar, and saliva."
>"What? Why would I want that?"
>"Put it in your mouth."
>"Fuck you, I'm not putting it in my mouth!"
>"Come on, just do it."
>"Fine, but I'm telling you it's not goi- ...nyoh my god."
Yes, that's why the correct thing to do here, instead of making a pointless thread or taking a current thread off-topic is you make a thread that fits your needs but will still foster discussion.

So anon could make a thread that says "Let's talk about some must-read /co/-related fanfiction. I just watched all of SU and I'm looking for something good. My favorites are X for Y reasons"

It's not hard to make good posts instead of just shitting all over the site
>To b fair she can waterbend
And drain the ocean ruining an ecosystem.
fuck it's banned again?
I leave for one week and this shit happens.
she's like gem joseph mengele's 4th technition. YD is the one who decided to do the forced fusion program and wants the cluster so bad.
Everyone deserves redemption. If someone can be made good, punishing them out of spite is worthless suffering.
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Pearl doesn't like the ocean, so who cares
Peridot is the best thing to happen to SU. I was considering dropping the show like I have so many others, but the green key lime pie slice dragged me back. I've watched all peridot episodes at least 5 times.
She could have also just used the momentum of that jump she made to go through space and just jumped off rocks or something or change direction since space has no drag and all, plus she could have pulled herself around by waterbending her wings. Just a stupid guess I had.

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>dark fic

I'm looking for stuff like The World is your Oyster, the Universe is your Namesake
>just watched all the episodes

How was it? Did you cry? I want a show that'll make me cry.
>This gif is still relevant to this day.
Also, you should start using the updated superior version already, here: >>79134512
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Not that guy, but I've watched the whole show for the first time just within the past two weeks.

I really enjoyed it, and it had some sad/bittersweet times. I teared up a couple of occasions.
I have come to party

jasperedemption when
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>Peridot pushing Greg off the roof

my fucking sides
Hopefully before Lapis'.

It bothers me that so much of the fandom sees Lapis as an innocent victim who dindu nuffin, even though she was totally fine with killing off humanity to achieve her goal, too. And now she's trapped someone in a hellish prison for months out of pure spite.

But Jasper, who's pretty much identical in morality to how Peridot was, is a big bully who's getting her just desserts from poor, pure Lapis.
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Yeah that was a good one.
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jokes on you, anon

I like them both

I want them all to be chums so this happens:

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This. Lapis is a cunt and she ruined an ecosystem.
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>this nigga says the same exact thing every fucking thread

Who the fuck is woobiefying Lapis in this thread this time, who is the rabid Lapisfag that you apparently see in every single thread? Stop enacting ad hominem just because you can't defend your shit opinions.
Nigga this is my first post in a SU thread since December.
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guys! GUYS!

we shouldn't fight! we should all be buds!
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Someday, but not any time soon.
It's mostly on that other site.
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>She also just doesn't seem to be picking up on the whole "sanctity of life" thing Steven and the others are putting down.
>Pretty much the only reason she went against Yellow Diamond was because she though YD was acting illogically in wasting the planet's resources.
Uhhh, by "resources" she meant the living things of Planet Earth. That was the point - she DID learn the value of life on Earth, and wanted other Gems to learn from that too. We saw more of that in Log #Whatever, when we see her fascination with insects. "Resources" just means anything that's useful, and doesn't she specifically say something like "the life forms here on earth aren't useless"?
I really like this design. It captures the both of them fairly well, but the one niggle is that it feels like Jasper and Pearl instead of their fausion.
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don't leave me alone, /sug/
No. She questioned her superiors without understanding the greater picture, which is that one shitty blueball planet is worth less than purging the crystal gem heresy from the history books.
Lars is such a fucking faggot and I can't wait for him to run his fucking mouth off and get the shit beaten out of him by one of the cool kids.
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>She's basically Gem Joseph Mengele, torturing gems and making abominations.
to be fair she didn't make the clusters/forced fusions she was sent there to check on them

and lich king/necromancer because the gems used in the experiments were already dead
I hope he fixes his shit attitude in The New Lars or I'll be pissed.
You'll never be alone
on the /trash/
Peridot didn't make the shards
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For the last time, Sugar is a Invader Zim faggot. She wrote an extensive fanfic of Zim's redemption and integration into human society.

Peridot is similar to Zim, therefore her shitty headcanon is similar to Peridot's real canon.
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So does anyone have the full version of "Peace and Love"? I'm desperate to find it at this point, I don't think it's on the soundcloud
For the last time, nobody but you cares. Fiction is built on plagiarism and there are no original ideas. If Peridot and the stories she's in are enjoyable to watch that's all that matters.

is lifting themes from a prior work plagiarism, you retard? way to miss the point of that post entirely
I have no idea what the point of that post is, but the poster always sounds like a condescending prick who thinks only they know something everyone already knows.
If you're looking to cry it's a pretty good show for that, but mostly for the backstory episodes, besides maybe a few of the times Pearl just goes off her rocker. The actual plot episodes are mostly straightforward and the rest is just typical coming of age fair
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Your glass is half empty right?
If he does change he'll probably be back to normal by the end of the episode.
>ruining an ecosystem.
son taking an ocean's or multiple ocean's water into a singular tower and suddenly dropping it.. Beach City and all the land for miles inland would be scoured by mile high tidal waves killing any organism either terrestrial or aquatic caught in them
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aw /sug/

I'm never alone when you're around
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Why can't we all just get along and accept that all the gems are best gem?
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Lapis is going to need some serious redemption time though, if Jasper is going to be in the picture.

Looking forward to it

>inb4 Jasper secretly liked it
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your favorite gem a shit
my favorite gem a best
I hope the writers are more aware of how fucked up Lapis' behavior is than the fans are.
Because that just isn't true.
>and lich king/necromancer
*and she's more of a
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The show's been wearing thin of me for a while now, her antics and mannerisms have kept me coming back.
>Lapis and Jasper return
>Lapis is full on dominatrix mode
>Jasper is beta as fuck lap dog

This show does stuff to me.
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>trapped in a mirror for thousands of years
>people are upset that she's angsty and mentally/emotionally unstable
>mfw SU turbo fags compare Lapis's actions to rape, or "worse than rape."
The Great and Lovable Peridot is pretty Great and Lovable.
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I'm not saying Lapis hasn't suffered herself, or that her actions don't make sense for her character.

I'm saying that I don't want to present what she's done as justified, or Lapis as an innocent little flower. She's literally done more wrong than either Peridot or Jasper had done.
Soon you'll grow tired of her
New opening.
G&A&P:We are the crystal
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Jasper part is subjective, because she's an antagonist.
No, she's not a sweet, innocent flower, she's a cute, damaged and unstable flower.

I would honestly like to see Lapis slowly ease back into a stable condition.

>would be boring if she was just another Mary Sue
I doubt she was put in that mirror for no reason.
Peridot was just a newly made tech on a mission. Then she realized her mission and her Diamond are flawed.
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That is unclear at the moment.
>powerful enemy that needed to be locked away
>possible CG dissident (?)
>genuine nut case with a knack for drowning people

>Either is fine
The Answer showed us that Blue Diamond is a bitch. Wanting to shatter Ruby for doing her job.

Lapis was probably put in the mirror for being a pacifist.
That's awful.
Get back to work, Rebecca
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>Inb4 Lapis leak was intentional/fake and they're going to shatter her in season finale.
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Yea I'm go on a limb and speculate that she wasn't a pacifist.
The CG's were about to shit their pants when the mirror began "talking" back to Steven and almost got their asses beat if it wasn't for Steven.

>G&Peri - WE
>Pearl&amy - are the crystal
>Steven - GEMS!
They didn't know it was Lapis in the mirror. The Cgems do know that gems are harvested to power their technology. Probably bad gems are the ones that get turned into batteries/cpus. So they assume that Lapis was a dangerous criminal.
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Funny theory about Lapis being part of blue diamond, because of the whole "did you even wonder who i used to be?" thing, also something about a segmented diamond on her clothes.

Would explain her OPenis
>being part of blue diamond

being under her reign doesn't make her "part" of her
I wonder if they're going to nerf somehow when she joins the CG. No way she's going to be that strong when they fight Yellow Diamond.
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A theory, not my theory.
Was genuinely interesting, until you see that Lapis is actually there in the scene when sapphire speaks to BD.
that could've been any other gem
But Anon Steven is a jew.
Lapis is only strong around a lot of water.

The Cluster is below a desert.
It was a perfect match, the silhouette i mean.

I doubt they would have more than 1 demigod status water-bending gem on earth.
Same with the way there was only one sapphire
Homeworld wanted to exploit the Earth then get rid of it.
Not create a gem civilization on it
I thought they got freaked out because one of their gem harvested tech is actually "alive". She could've been declared dead and didn't regenerate in time.

It would explain the whole "Did you even know who I used to be?" line.
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We're talking a hypothetical where someone like Ben Garrison found her. Judaism is matrilineal anyway so Steven missed that boat.
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Stop being a self-hating faggot, anon.
Go back to /b/ or /pol/, whatever shithole you crawled out of.

This, I'm pretty sure the implication at the time was that they assumed the gem in the mirror was essentially "dead" and merely being used as a non-sentient power source.
The original plan was to Gemform the Earth. Making it a hollow husk full of Gem cities and warp pads. While all the exploited earth material and life force was turned into Gems and Gem Tech.

After Rose's rebellion. Yellow Diamond decided to just destroy the whole thing to create a super weapon. To be used in some other conquest.
Do you even know how to read you fucking idiot?
If you have absolutely NOTHING no contribute then shut the fuck up
Get some preparation H for your ruptured asspussy.
I mean, I hate the blog it comes from... but I love this comparison because the gems are acting a little like "paper clip maximizers"... or at the very least, self replicating machines.

Most just don't give a shit about humanity. Or life. It's all about replicating.

Earth just happened to have advanced enough biological life that they were exposed to alternative views. Some left the old program behind.

Peridot was part of that old mentality.
Peridot wasn't around for the war, she didn't even know who the Crystal Gems were, there's no goddamn way she could have been involved if she didn't know who the goddamn forces they were fighting against were. So she wasn't involved in the experiments at all, beyond checking on them for her boss who actually made the things.

I do not know just how manytimes you people need to be told this shit. You have been told time and time again. And you refuse to listen. Because you don't want your Mengele joke to die due to a lack of canon in its diet.

Well, get over it. Your joke is non-canonical, and trying to keep forcing it makes you look retarded.
I've always been on /co/, if I were to be on an echo chamber like /pol/ I wouldn't need to voice my opinions to you guys. I'm just trying to clear it up for myself
The cluster is made up of shattered crystal gems, it has nothing to do with Earth. Earth isn't a weapon.
They just wanted to make our planet into a bypass from their galaxy to another.
If you're talking about the Kindergarten then that's during the war
>echo chamber like /pol/

every board has a hivemind
I actually kinda agree with this guy. Her being a rare gem in BD's court would also explain her general sense of individuality with the "I'm Lapis Lazuli!" stuff.
Every group has a hivemind...

..but sometimes it gets worse enough to point out.
Ok I think I finally got it, even though relative to homeworld earth is backwards as fuck technology wise, it has potential to improve as it has a general culture of innovation. The problem with mesoamerican society is that it's inherently traditional and anti-evolutionary, so on the long run the genocide created more and better lives for all, while the destruction of earth wouldn't be justified relative to its measly pay.(a superweapon)
It's just a prank
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>Benefit of all the invaders
There, fixed it for ya

I honestly think it's hilarious that someone's trying to justify genocide of any kind.

It happened, people are over it but you can't justify it now.
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This aint /pol/
Why are you here?
Why are YOU here?

You really need more reaction images.
Not everyone who has different opinions is from /pol/ or tumblr or any other boogeyman
Can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen.
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>mfw people forget this is /co/ and this thread has a topic
>you're here

What the fuck makes you think that you fucking idiot?
Is this your first time on an Anonymous imageboard or something?
Nobody is fucking forcing you to digress from whatever discussion you were having, if at all.
We're talking about whether her original allegiance had some justification by drawing parallels. Stop getting triggered and let us try to discuss this
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>mfw I complain but I won't do nothing about it
wut? I don't think you know what Paperclip was...
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I'm not going to send you death threats and it's not like people enforce rules around here, so i'll just post complaints along with reaction images like an average image board fag.
You know nothing.
And I'm sure you are the faggot who used to namefag and samefag
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Because, believe it or not, I'd assume Nazis do other things than find out what the Jews are doing.
No, I do.

I just thought it was interesting, because while operation paperclip was a retention of nazi scientists... comparing peridot (a race of self replicating space synthetic life forms... which are described in a "paperclip maximizer") to them was funny.

Two paperclips. Therefore, must be true.

That's just logic.
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sensible kek
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It's ok
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>you know nothing
i really really love this .gif
>>>you know nothing
It's an /sci/ meme
Basically, low level philosophy and mental masturbation.
Go ahead and save it! It's all yours, my friend!
Did Steven deserve redemption after cross dressing in front of the whole town?
Greg: This fucking kid.... I knew letting those lesbian aliens raise my child was a bad idea! Now he's cross dressing and fusing to turn into a giant woman. Team h-humans forever!
He needs to wear Klansman robes to balance it out tbqh.
as a person who is infatuated with astronomy, lapis getting to homeworlds galaxy (it's a different galaxy confirmed in previous episode) is utterly ludicrous.
That thing must be millions of light years away.

Lapis confirmed FTL character?
Never, she should be an example of someone who is unwilling to change their point of view and in the process of trying to redeem her she gets killed through some chain of events.
I keked.
I think the gems being from the galaxy just boils down to the writers having very little comprehension of how big a galaxy is.

I mean a galaxy is fuck-huge. You can colonize a million worlds and you still would miss the majority of it.
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Fucking hell.
>even though she was totally fine with killing off humanity to achieve her goal

you realize it wasn't the entire fucking ocean and she put it back anyways?
Even sci fi writers fail to actually set up space to scale.
After every bomb week they go back into hiding. According to ... fuck I think it was Joe Johnson or something, they don't particularly prefer bomb weeks over regular viewing schedules but it's CN's decision so they just do what they're told.
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Realism isn't something I'd apply too heavily to Steven Universe.
or maybe she just had to reach a gem controlled planet, or even an old outpost with a warp pad, then warp home, the addition of teleporting plus short space jumps makes her return much more feasible, plus, she might have been picked up by a gem FTL ship when she entered gem controlled space. when you remember that she was going BACK the way the gems originally came to earth, her quick return to home world become surprisingly possible.
She deserves redemption because shits fucked yo.
Hey guys is Steven universe all pre-recorded footage? like when Steven watch's the rose tape that was inside lion, she did a star wipe, do you think it means somthing?
It's this thing called a joke
Only thing that bugs me about Peridot art with her limb enhancers: everybody draws her elbows and knees in the wrong places.
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What are the chances that Blue diamond was killed during the rebellion leaving Pink diamond (most possibly rose Quartz to some effect) to be exiled from the Gem Diamond Authority.
Without a leader whichever gems of Blue Diamond's court remain are treated as second class citizens hence why Lapis was treated like crap.
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God damit i clicked, guess i got to drink that away
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...fuck. im not used to spoilers being used properly
Ah, a typical jasperfag at work. Redeeming strawmen is always a genius idea. Get a better waifu and stop whining, faggot.
That's nice to hear, I created it in the middle of the worst cold I've had for three years so it turned out better than I expected considering.
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pls respond
>Uhhh, by "resources" she meant the living things of Planet Earth.

I took it to mean the shitty TV shows she'd started watching. Hence "all that potential"
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This is no fun when you know it fake
It'd be nicer if their faces were squished together rather than just overlapping.
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its why I thought it might be real because it looks like she's whispering to her rather than kissing.
Do rapists deserve redemption?

The answer is no.
Please, anon, I bet like 75% of the people in these threads are rapists.
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I'm gonna need a source on that, or another anon to confirm.
Who raped whom, exactly?
She will eventually revert to her personality she had for those few fleeting moments with Steven.
Fart noises and all.
Have faith anon
If I had to choose a Lapis personality to stick with I'd choose a really bitter and bitchy one towards everybody except for Steven. It'd shake the team dynamics a lot.
> Maximum tsundere
> Rapid fire personality switching between Stevens and non stevens
I hate you.
Everyone deserves forgiveness.
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That's not tsundere.
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Literally posted in this very thread hours ago, get better bait.
It would have to be a subtle level of bitch to work, else she can't be considered truly redeemed. Steven has got to fix her to a degree.
So was the Lapis thing fake from the beginning?

I really want Peridot to inform Lapis that she has to say "WOW THANKS" after receiving a gift.
I have a feeling that the bitchiness will just evolve into a snarky lovable asshole type, which is fine.
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Yes even the video straight from CN's channel that I saw with my own eyes was fake.
The 2 second preview isn't fake. This one is.

The fact that she'd be willing to work with the CGs is enough progress for me. A snarky Lapis is fine too.
I was too lazy to check if it was true or browse the tread, so I've just uploaded here to see what was the reaction.
>If you wanna know if something is true, just google the exact opposite.
I'd rather she and Jasper both serve as examples that you can't "fix" everyone. That some people are just a certain way (at least towards things), and you won't ever be able to really change their minds about it. Lapis would make a good middle-ground character if she's willing to work with the Crystal Gems, but never completely forgives them for locking her up in a mirror for ages, while Jasper would make a fantastic example of being totally unable to affect someone.
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*at least towards certain things

Have a Jassper for my error.
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I don't think your are believing in Steven enough.

I know. I'll TEACH you to believe in Steven. I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs!
There's no indication that she's a pacifist.

She was probably put in there because she just wanted to go home instead of working on the Earth colony, though.
She has a blue diamond on her clothes identical to the yellow diamond Peridot and Jasper have on their clothes, and similar to the pink diamond on Pearl's spacesuit. It probably just denotes which diamond they serve.
The Native American genocide wasn't necessary for modern civilization to arise.
No, Anon is saying that the original plan was to colonize the Earth. That's why all the structures like Kindergartens were there for. THEN the war happened because Rose opposed this, and when the rebellion made colonization more trouble than it was worth, YD decided to create the Cluster - Creating an experimental super-weapon to use for other conquests, and destroying the Earth completely.
Only because Steven talked her down and healed her.

She wasn't even past Earth's atmosphere at that point. Until Steven talked to her, she would have kept sucking up the ocean until she either got home or there was nothing left - The latter of which would happen far sooner.
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I'm still wondering when human involvement is going to become more of a thing. You think at least one scientist, or someone from the military, or some kind of representative of human power on earth would try to establish a dialogue with them for the purpose of advancing humanity's interests, given how much danger the earth is in.
It was a rape-and-switch.

Lapis is the one who ultimately did the raping.
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Heres my humble theory about that matter.

I think Gem tech uses some kind of idiot wave or something like a sonic fence which makes humans uncomfortable around.
If I were this advanced I would use something like that to keep these low lifeforms away from the stuff i build without haveing to kill them anytiime they come to near. They just stay away themself.

That would also kinda explain how Connies mother thought that these Shardmutants were just normal traffic victims at least if Gems themself were able to radiate something like that.
She was already above the ionosphere with the water tower mate.
You know what, young man? You're absolutely right.
Donuts are on me today.
Which is nowhere near her destination - Homeworld is in another fucking Galaxy. Lapis wasn't even 1/10 of the way to our own moon.
>Leaving in the 'later' part
We're on haitus fucko, lazy bait
HW isnt in the Milky Way?
Nope. In the most recent episode, Garnet says "You can see Homeworld's galaxy from here."
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Did you buy the new game? It unlocks in an hour.
>Steven has to constanly relay everything the CG need to say to Lapis and back.
>Even when they are all in the same room.
>Even when they just go back and forth insulting one another.
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Really? I was just watching some trailers.

I'm not buying any vidya these days and don't plan to until I find a steady income. Even then I only buy games a year or so after release when the price dropped, but if I had the income I'd buy a Homeworld game at release. Any game that got me to cry deserves that.
well i bought it and i'm going to play it

looks fun, admittedly when i looked up a dev diary they kept going on about how well simulated the trucks were

bit bemusing that the first thing they thought of when making a new homeworld feature set was MONSTER TRUCKS FUCK YEAH
I was thinking it was like a mix of Homeworld and Mad Max.

I hope someone calls something "sands cursed" in game.
The "superior" version is tryhard garbage.

The first one is a lot more subtle.
I can imagine Pearl joining the nazi party after taking Hitler's speeches about "cleaning up Germany" at face value and assuming it was some kind of cleanliness movement.
Garnet and Amethyst get put in a concentration camp because of how they look.
Pearl occasionally visits to nag them about how this could be a learning experience in the importance of discipline or something.
Rose ends up breaking them out after wondering where the hell everyone is.
So how do you explain Connie being drawn to gem stuff and having no problem hanging around Steven?
She's a freak.
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That would be mean, pham.
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do NOT bully
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>[character] look at the camera
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well golly Peridot, that sure looks might swell on you...
What, you're afraid they're watching you beat your meat?
I really like the way the artist has done the arms.
Connnniiiieee help meeeeeeee
Still holding true my "Gems were a decommissioned Pathfinder Program for another race." theory.
Seriously, if you can get your hands on this game, play it.
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>raping Peridot
Bullying is one thing, anon
Dammit /pol/ shut the fuck up.
fuck off

janitor ban this cretin already
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>mods actually doing their job

wew. there's still hope.
>Someone has a different opinion that I don't like!
>I know, I'll say they're from /pol/!

Enough, child.

Also, when is Peridot getting her limb enhancers back? She seems useless in a fight without them. (also they are cool)
what I want is for lapis to try and be all aloof and lonery and angry at everyone but Steven keeps tricking her into having fun until she gives up on it
Maybe Lapis will help her get them back.
Maybe never.
The group has enough fight, especially if Lapis joins them, maybe Peridork will just be there for support.
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Holy fuck

At least Matt told us last time the episodes would come back Next Year/January

This "waiting to hear how long we'll be waiting" shit is fucking awful
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Too smug
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>She said the naturally occurring lifeforms on the planet produce unique materials not found otherwise, those were the materials she was talking about. She was basically saying they could use the humans as a natural method of shit like purifying uranium.
She was clearly just trying to rationalize keeping Earth around. The first half of the episode is her being reminded that Earth's protoculture is full of amazingly useless things that still are grand to behold.
Gems have been around longer than recorded human history, I think humans have just accepted their existence in a small way.
just lost my shit at that image, man
Nobody knows
Save it friend, it's all yours!
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Prediction: Lapis completely fucked Jasper, a tough brute, in every single possibly way. Peridot's gonna get similar treatment, though will likely get interrupted by Steven.

At the same time, Steven will realise that Lapis isn't the precious misunderstood angel he and the majority of the fandom believes.
I really feel bad for Greg. He doesn't deserve all that.
I want its name to be Spaghetti.
If you could only have Lapis or Jasper redeemed, who would you pick and why?
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anything to make this bleak existence worthwhile

of course i would
I see you've met my assistant scarface~
will you take her for walk everyday?
Spaghetti will walk every day whether it wants to or not.
Lapis because she is more interesting and a better waifu.
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Jasper. Everyone expects Lapis because poor crying girl.
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Jasper, I like her color scheme more and we already had Lapis episodes.
Memes aside, do you guys think we will actually meet Gem Mengele - the gem that created the fusion experiments?

I feel like Yellow Diamond probably commissioned the fusion experiments/cluster ("I want my cluster"), but I do wonder what gem(s) actually, physically created it.
Either it was the Pearl with Yellow Diamond or no, we won't.
Jasper because it feels unfair for her not to, and because Lapis is OP.

>the Pearl with Yellow Diamond

YD using her Pearl not as an accessory but as intellectual and physical labor, including tasking her with the creation of a geo-weapon comprised of, essentially, the corpses of fallen soldiers...my dick is hard.
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She doesn't get the whole idea, but eventually she bonds with enough of the Crystal Gems and grows attached enough to the Earth through her experiences with Steven that she doesn't want Yellow Diamond to destroy it, but she still is loyal enough to Yellow Diamond to report to her and suggest alternatives to getting Homeworld what it wants. It's when she's confronted with the fact that no, her leader is not perfect, and no, she won't be allowed to save the Earth that she understands how valuable she finds the Earth to be.

Being quite honest I think we could have done an episode of Peridot actually going out and having fun in Beach City with Steven and Connie. I'd love to see Peridot and Connie talk.
>Oh, this is another human.
>Why is this one so brown?
I'm assuming by "redemption" you mean joining the Crystal Gems. If so, neither.

Lapis just hates the gems too much, and Jasper will never change her views in time.
It'd be really cool if they had an episode where they hung around and decided not to join for reasons of either fearing Yellow Diamond or general failure, and show Steven that while everyone is capable of good, not everyone is willing to try.
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technically he is half a girl since Rose is half of him...
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technically nothing you fucking idiot
gems are sexless beings
Cartoons cross-dress all the time. Maybe Sugar had the intention of introducing gender-deconstruction to a younger generation, but to be honest kids probably just laughed at it.
> (◕‿◕) hey kids, it's okay to dress up like your mommy even if you're a boy, even steven's doing it!
Are you insane? Are you half-woman because your mom was a woman?
That's my hope for Lapis really.
I want her to explain to Steven that while she does consider him a friend, that doesn't mean she's going to forgive the crystal gems or join a fight for Earth.
She should just be left to be free and show up occasionally when shit hits the fan.
I hope so, maybe if Yellow Diamond sends more gems to Earth, mainly to see how Steven can learn to love someone who welds souls together
I want Marty to show up later and show us that the version we saw was a caricature that Greg saw him as.
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>half a girl
The only way he's "half a girl" is if he's fused with Connie. Other than that, Gems are sexless and genderless space rocks.
More like Mengele's intern really. Without knowing it's Mengele.
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Me too. I'm expecting the Tumblr salty tears at Sugar for redeeming a "misogynistic" and "sexist" cis male white character.
>Sugar not pandering to Tumblr
Things that will never happen.
We'll have to wait and see
The crew came down strongly in opposition to the Zamii thing, and unlike Tumblr the show has treated race and gender as totally inconsequential.
There's a future episode called Drop Beat Dad, so that's hopefully it.
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Lapis has literally never cried once tho
She did but it was rage tears
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We just need more Peridot episodes and I'll be happy
Just make her the main character
I don't care if Peridot is evil, or even Space Hitler.

She's cute because she' so non-threatening yet makes so many threatening comments.

Basically, Invader Zim
Yeah, anon, I wanted a little sister too, but my mom said she wasn't having any more kids.

and this is why all you say is wrong
I actually have a little sister. She's a disaster.
A cute disaster?
Peridot would be annoying as fuck IRL
holly shit that episode
please delete it from my memories
I have little cousins like here

They are very cute
nice try asslord
Nah. It's pretty horrible.
pearl is perfect
a perfect whore you mean
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can anyone explain why my "free Dorito" poster was deleted? he did not break any rule.
actually other images have been deleted too, the actual fuck?
Maybe the quality of your posts wasn't good enough for the mods.
so maybe the mod should say it so in the thread so I can screen cap it and send forward to site management.
mods are not quality control, they are rule control anyway
At best she's a Gem Adolf Eichmann. Facilitating and enforcing the crimes against gemanity proposed by her superiors with bureaucratic eagerness, concerned only with completing her tasks with remarkable efficiency and above and beyond the brutality that was dictated in an adopted ideology which only exists insomuch as it furthers an image of herself as important and relevant. But really she wasn't even ambitious enough for that, she's just a low-level sycophant.
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why this deserve to be deleted in a peridot thread?

With her nose and neurotic/whiny/motherly personality and lesbian ways, she would have been locked up as well.
It's a peridot redemption discussion thread, not a general
Well, hey, Rose was basically Jim Jones.
>This show does stuff to me

yes to all of this

Lapis could go through this, thanks to Steven I think. I agree with Jasper part.

plot twist: maybe, Lapis is the real villain and Jasper will become a Crystal Gem
there is a jew pearl, a dog drinking in a house burning, a simpsons one-shot character pic, sponge bob and patrick cosplaying, a colt 1911, jesus break dancing, kermit the frog, a fat kid and other dozenb pictures that does not relate in any case to peridot.
a peridot picture in a peridot thread is valid.
your argument is very, very shallow and absolutely bullshit, at all, anywhere, and double bullshit on 4chan, where we can post anything we like as long is tangentially related to the thread and acceptable by rules.
this is not tumblr and you don't get to play gestapo deciding what is good enough or not, get real for fuck sake. this day and age to deal with that argument is so bullshit you better be a troll, man.
Mods disagree you colossal faggot.

If I had to guess you were posting that shit without it being relevant to anyone or anything just to bump the thread.

In case you try to come back with "you're bumping it too!" I'm not. I'm using sage because this isn't on-topic and I'm not a fucking animal like you
whatever. posted a complain, cant do anything else even if i wanted to. but i've benn here for nine years and never see bullshit like that.
fuck this shit I'm out
You can tell someone is new when they start preaching about how 4chan is supposed to work.
agree, and lemme say:it worked better while moot was here.
I don't like (8) (ch0n), and people say taht place is already dying, and I don't want to go to tumblr eeither, but shit, i cant get threads I like because mods don't like what I like, is fucking horrible. we can keep in one thread, so why they have to get in it just to randomly delete posts?
what is the point anyway, it wont make the thread archive faster! on the contrary this thread would be dead yesterday if left alone!
Yellow Diamond stated Peridot had a 'manager'. Could be them, for all we know.
>been here for nine years
>Oh I'm so special!

...wait, 2007 was 9 years ago.
It's nice that we can have threads that die before they're 900 posts long again.
Thread posts: 365
Thread images: 113

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