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Since the dawn of man we have asked one question... When the

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Thread replies: 88
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Since the dawn of man we have asked one question...
When the fuck will prequel update?
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The author is busy turning an old unused attic into a sexy beast of a home office.

This photo is outdated. I've since deep-cleaned the carpet, and then covered all the tables with boxes of merch so it looks like a mess again.

The giant "DRAW MORE CATS" banner is from Chmarr.
I see Chmarr knows how to keep you motivated.

I'm somewhat reminded of Ronnie and M Dude now.

"No matter how many cats you draw, her look of stern disapproval will never change, but you keep drawing them anyway."

That's the alt text I'm getting here.

could you sell those banners in some other form?
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I hope you have a mat down under that office chair, otherwise it's going to fuck up that nice carpet.
I love that fucking banner so much
>You will never draw enough cats Kaz
Hot dang. Is the view nice?
I can't, because I'm not the artist! And he can't, because he doesn't own the character. And really, I think a "draw more cats" banner would only have an audience among three people, and it'd be nicer to give Tracy and Scott one with their own characters.

No, it's a tree.
Draw Aeris and Leo
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>Glass desk

This will not end well
Draw Rocky and Freckle.
ha yeah. was looking at a computer desk recently. And saw a million, DONT DO IT, posts/reviews.

Ergotron especially for the Wacom.
If this thread is still active when Prequel updates I will stick a toothpick in my urethra on livestream.
You keep contact with them?
I'm genuinely curious.
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We know you're gonna do that anyway anon.
magical nursing bra

that was a good thread

i love it when fetish ends in lore
March. Maybe
This pic triggers me, QW is full on lez, which means she can't be best girl by default.
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>wanting Kaz to delay his update speed by three days
After seeing his Renamon though I'd be open to seeing him draw other stuff, his style translates well

For a furry idol kaz hasn't filled even the basic quota of overrated anthro character drawings. He needs to do a Krystal and an Isabelle.
So I'm thinking this magical nursing bra fills Katia with a powerful maternal instinct, so she feels compelled to seek out the closest thing to a khajiit cub, which happens to be the grumpy bartender. I dunno why he'd agree to let Katia breastfeed him, maybe that's his one turn-on.
>trying to ruin WeedumxBartender
mate they have like 5 days left til their inevitable grisly demise. Just leave them be
Hey man, it's just out of necessity unless she gets gojirra to do it
>desk facing away from banner
Goddamnit Kaz
Its to intimidate guests
Like a mob boss sitting in front of a displayed weapon
I feel the Janny will be here any minute to arrest these criminal scum for violating the law

Intimidate guests into drawing more cats? Is that Kaz's labor force whom he gets to do these updates?

[spoilers]Is the reason we have such sparse updates because Kaz has no friends?[/spoilers]
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Fucking... goddamnit.
Is that a ping pong table next to the wall?

Well both khajiit in this town seem to be complete doormats and Katia is turning out to be real gangster in comparison
Let's make a list.

-Coco Bandicoot
-Rouge The Bat

Who else? Are there any popular lizards?

replace Coco with Freya and chuck some Sergal in there and we're done
Os it any good?
has cider ever finished that lewd bartender? i need it
It's pretty good, but you'll probably get through it really fast.
yeah he did
link and/or pic?

bout 4 posts down
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I know I will regret this, but care to explain?

some anons made a painfully terrible background for a magical object that makes Katia lactate
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Well that's awful.

The prequel threads have slowly been slipping into madness. Hopefully we can get an update soon before this becomes an established thing.

as if it isn't already


you didn't see prequel threads by 2013? when it was all vore, all week?
Quite new. I only started reading prequel a few months ago.

90% of the Prequel porn I have seen is absolute shit.

well yeah, we absolutely have been a bottom tier general. The comic started in 2011 and it's been posted on /co/ since.

Kvatch is to Prequel what the boat is to Berzerk
2014 was quite crazy too, what with floozy, bartender quest, golden asses and trying to fill a bathtub with cum
The only thing that saves Prequel threads from becoming absolute garbage is how often Kaz and other people involved in the comic throw treats at fans.

Vaguely related question: how many people primarily follow the comic because they think Katia is cute? I want a head count on this.
Sergals are the dumbest shit ever. I don't even understand what the fuck I'm supposed to be looking at or why someone thought this would be a good idea to draw, let alone hundreds of furry artists.

Throw Krystal and Um Jammer Lammy on that list and we'll be golden.

Those were funny and not just shitposting though.

The vorefags were just autistic as fuck. The main nigger who commissioned it all will keep denying it but he came in every thread saying "HEY FELLOW VOREPHILES LOOK AT ALL THE NEW TREATS I BRING YOU!" and the rest of them would repost the whole gallery over again because "generals are bad! We're doing good by killing them!"

And then one of them made a new thread anyway
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on the internet, no-one knows I am a cat, and I would cuddle with Katia.
I'm in the minority in that I like seeing characters struggle til they eventually succeed and found (some) of it funny. Crazy shit.
I like the story AND I also like the involvement with the audience.
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This is very relevant in a philosophical way if you think hard enough
I imagine this was some kinda of pest control thing, but the guy's not even going to use the body?
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that toss
The moose was attacking him and if I remember correctly the guy had his son with him at the time

He can always return though
He would've shot the moose with a riffle if that was the case.

Looks like he just wanted to pass through the road and the moose was too unfriendly for its own good.
...that's a dog snout.
shhh, it's the rare catwithadogsnoot
No it was just some dumb ass riding too close to a moose. The thing then charged to drive him off, and he opened fire. The fuckers was just in a hurry to "go fast" on his snow mobile, and that is why the moose attacked.
spotted the hippy
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In the sense that they're unfortunate things?
Think harder and all the answers will come to you
Ha! Nice pic.
Also, one off
clearly Kaz and Morbi are just working on an art swap collab, right guys?
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>katia tries this
>she just ends up slipping on the car hood and hurting herself
>Rubbing orange juice on a car
Beyond the obvious furbait, that's just stupid.
How, the lizard bitch put fucking mountain lions in an old ladies basement to kill her pet rats.
stop trying to turn me into a furry you fucking cuck
Rats are pretty gross though
no thanks I'll take my 2D waifu and go home
Their style of work is too different for them to colaborate on anything. I believe they might even end up hating each other if they ever do.
It's a parody of advertisements for cars and car accessories. It's stupid on purpose, you need to get a sense of humor.
I got that, I'm just pointing out that it's absurd, even for a parody.
Anyway I can get any of the merchandise still?
I fucked up and missed out
It's not supposed to be taken seriously, just like the sex appeal of the animals (not that it stops certain people).
Contact Kaz about it. Probably way too late at this point.
Will do thanks
What a shame if so
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