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>Batgirl #50 >It’s the explosive conclusion of the epic

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>Batgirl #50
>It’s the explosive conclusion of the epic that changed Barbara Gordon forever! The enemy lurking at the edges of Batgirl’s life has been revealed, as have the gang of heroes assembled to help her! From this point on, Batgirl doesn’t walk alone!

Does this mean Fletcher's run is over? Are we finally getting Batgirl Inc?
I thought the negro was crippled?
It's the end of the arc. The teased the arc a couple months back, saying it was for her 50th anniversary.
Next month we'll know for sure."Conclusion" sounds like a new title or new direction/writer at least.

And its right after Eternal ends.
Would they really refer to the current arc as an "epic"? There hasn't really been some sort of huge over-arcing plot a la Morrison's Batman Run. I feel like they're referring to Fletcher and Stewart's run as a whole.
>Finally get Batgirl Team up book
>No Cass

I swear to fucking God
>From this point on, Batgirl doesn’t walk
>doesn't walk
Technically Eternal isn't over by the time this issue comes out. They probably don't want her guest starring before her debut story is even over.

She could easily show up right after.
>Would they really refer to the current arc as an "epic"?
Do you REALLY want them writing Cass?

Really and truly?
Or do you and other Cassfags just like bitching about every little thing?
Sounds like a new direction, but I doubt they are leaving. Tumblr fangirls riot too much.

Every single one of them except Spoiler has a very punchable face
Because they're all varying degrees of smug. Steph, on the other hand, just looked happy.
People have been asking for a Babs/Steph/Cass team up book since 2009. It would we bullshit if the team up finally happened and didn't have tgem all.
the book is going to be babs/steph/cass and fan favorite harper row.
Isn't that black girl crippled? How does she have such shapely hips and legs?
she can still move a little.
>Babs/Steph/Cass team up people have wanted for years
>Written by Stewart and Fletcher

This is some Monkey's Paw bullshit
Only sometimes. That way, they can say that the new Oracle is still crippled without actually writing her as handicapped
Am I the only one who feels that having someone else do all the "Oracle" stuff for Barbara is more insulting to her character than just not having it at all?
yeah withmuhdik
what is the new birds of prey thing is what Valentine is doing now? Have hope anons.
She does more for Gotham and the world as Oracle then she ever will as Batgirl.

Paralyzed or not.
>fan favorite harper row
They're going to put her in every book until we like it.
Goddammit, Anon. You can't give me hope like that.

Hey man, don't knock on Brenden Fletcher. He's a really nice guy.

You mean being a human plot device for other characters, and never being the star in her own book?
Yeah while Black Canary isn't my thing, it does prove that he's not the problem with Batgirl.

Stewart needs to fuck off and finish Seaguy.
>batgirl blacked
>no cass
>lesbians and other sjw everywhere

only čucks would read this
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>epic that changed Barbara Gordon forever!
>changed Barbara Gordon forever!

Remind me again. How long is forever in corporate comics?
Pretty much. Oracle was in the JLA. She wasn't Felicity Smoak. She was a superhero and a leader. And she was tapping the best ass in the DCU
Weird how they still write her as handicap then huh?
She has muscular dystrophy or something like that.
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Who the fuck do you think the ??? stands for?
They fucked Dick Grayson up so bad I don't want them to tackle any other batcharacters.
>40 pages

A lot of the #50 issues are boasting this. Does anyone know if this includes ads or not?>>78188957
She already listed Frankie
prob Harley Quinn desu senpai
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Hate this art and hate their expressions.
If the speculation based on "epic finale" that this is the last issue for this creative team is true, then we could get best of both worlds.

Because one person has said it on /co/, does not make it 'speculation'.
the solicits say 48 pages so I would guess 8 pages are ads and 40 is content
Sure it does. One person speculating (and I happen to agree with them, so there you go: 2) is still speculation.
>48 pages
>+2 for front and back cover
>Issue #50

God yes, please. Nothing could make me happier except maybe King getting control of Batman.

It sounds like the conclusion of an arc. Nothing more.
If anything, Barbara and Frankie are moving in with Harper, Stephanie, and Cassandra, in Gotham City.

Eternal year one gave us Stephanie, and Year two gave us Cassandra. Now it's time for all of them to team up and get naked and take a hot steamy shower together. ...hell, Dick, Luke, and Tim can join too.
>If anything, Barbara and Frankie are moving in with Harper, Stephanie, and Cassandra, in Gotham City.
I would have to imagine it's the other way around. Placing the story in Gotham's version of Brooklyn allows them to have a lighthearted hipster culture while still technically being in Gotham, the most depressing and dark city on Earth.
Babs sure loves taking pictures of herself in the bathroom.

>Implying this isn't hot
Is that Black Girl like an Alien or something?

Why is she red?
It's what happens to black people when everything has to be pastel colors.
It's that Monkey's Paw
You have to appeal to teenage girls.
, anon.

They like phones and selfies and shit like that

That and Squirrel Girl, huh.

I guess a lot of nerds used to wish women would get into comics as well.

Fucking Monkey's paw.
I'd fug them all
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>They like phones and selfies and shit like that
But while other people are taking a leak?
>They like phones and selfies and shit like that

I know you guys have no idea what normies are like, but bathroom selfies are like ridiculously common for both genders.

Turns out the most common room in any building to to have a mirror is the place where the most selfies are taken, go figure.
Time to lez up.
prob cass
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Can't wait
So how well is Batgirl doing in sales? Why hasn't DC tried to emulate its success with other monthlies?
>He hasn't heard about the DC You

Also, this book is ending. Black Canary might continue, or maybe that'll end soon, too. We're totally gonna get BoP.

But with Babs with Luke, now is literally the perfect time to finally let Dinah get some Dick. I don't think this chance will ever come again, but now that the books are all coming to a close, I think the dream is dead.
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>So how well is Batgirl doing in sales?

It's doing worse than Simone's run was when they switched teams.

It was still at 41k before convergence though.
It's also been lacking variant covers since the whole #changethecover drama.
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She deserves some Dick

I only read the first arc but I honestly thought the new52 BOP was okay and I really liked Starling. Can we get her back?
I like it this way. This way it's like Cass is too busy doing real shit that matters to hang out with these children.
>People have been asking for a Babs/Steph/Cass team up book since 2009.
Not this Babs.
Technically not really this Steph, either.

Its also not very good. The trade is also selling really well.

I think Batgirl could use a better writer. Gail returning and not making it depressing shit would be okay too I guess. She's okay usually but I think behind the scenes she was pissy about her run and let it show in her writing.
Batgirl is confirmed to being selling very well in trades and digital. DC also fucked up big time by not relaunching the book right off the bat since there was absolutely no reason to do so in the first place. Batgirl is also not being propped up by variant sales currently since they stopped running them since the Joker controversy.
but she's red?
It's getting a Batman vs Superman variant though

I know. It's fucking cruel.
>let Dinah get some Dick
Dick is probably going to get with Star
>right of the bat
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>he thinks Dick and Kori will be together ever again
>He didn't read Starfire

If they had given Black Canary to a better writer maybe people would care enough to keep it afloat. She's a pretty well-liked b-lister but Fletcher's series has just been kind of blah. I especially hate that she's with a band called Black Canary instead of just staying with Ashes on Sunday or whatever.

And what is Heathcliff doing there? He's a kid who would let him run a band?

Also I wish the kid was new52 Sin...
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Why is Harper so fucking bad?
They don't how to make her stand out so they just shill her and have characters kiss her ass.
She feels so entitled to have Batman and co train her, and when she's with Dick she keeps whining about how hard her life is. If others don't call her out by the end of the weekly then I assume that's just going to be her character when it's not just "mashing various batcharacters together".
>two sidecuts

Fucking hell.
I don't like what they did to Batgirl
She used to be a major player
Now she's not even street level
>getting triggered this easily
Back to tumblr with you
DC is trying so hard to make Harper a thing, but instead of actually showing us she's a good character (she's not) they just have every character talk about how great she is. It doesn't help that she's written as super unlikable.
I agree with this. Barbara doesn't really feel like a superhero at all anymore so much as just some kid who is in way over her head. I know that was always kind of Batgirl's origin, but she typically grew past it.
why is harper keking steph? steph needs to get this bitch with bad hair with tim so they can be awful together, and her and cass can be together.
Is Frankie actually calling herself Oracle?
They haven't explicitly name dropped "Oracle" yet, but they've alluded heavily to it and probably will in the near future.
I don't like that. Barbara should be the last person who needs help from a new Oracle.
Steph wants the sexy Batman
Ugh. Which one of those is nuCass?
>Luke, and Tim
Add Jason for shittiest Robins around.
She's getting Lobdell treatment.
Hey, you all want her to have book.
>implying King doesn't belong on Green Lantern
Come on, we need it more.
>They just have every talk about how great she is

Great at what exactly?
Fuck me if I know. Batman saw something special in her, so we know she's great. Iirc, she's smarter than Tim and can hack his shit easily. And she can win same fights as Cass.
>most depressing and dark city
>not Hub City
Is Hub City show in New 52 at all?
Like once. In the zero issue of Justice League, I believe. Where the fuck did Not Question go after that Trinity of Sin mini wrapped up, anyway?
Has DC given her the Batfam plot treatment? Where she fucks up badly and falls then she put herself back again and rise up.
No idea. I know that Vic Sage is played like a puppet in New Suicide Squad. Wouldn't be surprised if Waller whacks him.
Don't think so. She was failing at start, maybe? When Batman told her to fuck off with superheroics. Then he warmed up to her? And after Damian died she was one who snapped Batman back to reality. Of all people, it's literally who.

Shit, is that Rose Wilson?
It's Dinah. Babs likes to draw her with platinum blonde hair.

Oh, yeah, I can see that. Hair over the eye was what got me. Oh well.
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None! Nu52 Cass is more about fighting the Mother (B&RE's primary enemy so far) than being part of the Batfamily.
>epic that changed Barbara Gordon forever!
>Where the fuck did Not Question go after that Trinity of Sin mini wrapped up, anyway?

Limbo just like everybody else magic related that failed to sell in the long run.
>that one Batgirl review from a female trashing all over their stupid Wedding Episode and dopey attempts at romance
At first it wasn't for me, and I was okay with that. But I don't know who reads this anymore.

At least Tarr still makes fappable ladies? Her page layouts are kinda bad, though.
>stupid Wedding Episode
>tfw you write a character acting so stupidly and OOC that another writer has to have that character apologize for the event a few weeks later.
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>Babs sure loves taking pictures of herself
she learned from a master...
>DC is trying so hard to make Harper a thing, but instead of actually showing us she's a good character (she's not)
If someone could make fucking Cindy Moon likeable, I'm sure there's a writer to make Harper a good character.

Although she does suffer for only existing because editorial wouldn't permit Cass to come back for the crime of Batgirling while Asian.
I can't be the only one who buys this to jerk to Batgirl and Black Canary when I don't pay the internet, right?
>that one Batgirl review from a female trashing all over their stupid Wedding Episode

At least link it. It's one of the funniest reviews I've ever read

That's not true. Snyder was making Harper regardless.
I liked Harper in her first appearance. Snyder just pushed her too hard, too soon. Giving her a costume made her generic, and shoving her down the readers' throat made her unbearable.
and we have the winner of /co/ for today. goodnight everybody!
I'll make a confession: I first started reading monthlies with Court of Owls when the New 52 happened. Since then I've gone back and read a bunch of older stuff, but when it was still new I was so excited that I thought I was going to be around for a whole brand new character.

Now I realize how wrong I was. Turns out that writers make new characters all the time, but most of them are just forgotten because they're shit, when I assumed I was seeing the birth of a new Robin-tier sidekick.
Well, I'm not saying she can't be a good character, but nobody's put the effort in, she's just always right, and Batman thinks she's great, and Dick is in love with her, and so on and so forth.
I started reading Spider-Man during the six months they were trying to make Anya Spider-Girl a thing, so I understand.
I keep half expecting to find out that Snyder has a daughter named Harper or something.
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Snyder should have made a real story for Harper's first appearance, not just have Batman tell her to fuck off after she fished him out of some water after he escaped the Owls' maze.
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>That dialogue
>Harper's whole character

Now that I think of it, maybe she will fit in with Fletcher's Batgirl.
What are you talking about? It's pretty obvious that she's getting transitioned into the bat family, and based on cover #50 and Fletcher's tweet, she'll be joining Team Batgirl pretty soon.
What about the cover for #50 has anything to do with Cass?
You're seriously saying that while defending a selfie cover?
the cover/description shows that there's gonna be a team up series from this point out, and the tweet confirms that someone not on the cover will be joining them. It pretty easy to figure out who.
Given time travel doesn't exist, forever.
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>People have been asking for a Babs/Steph/Cass team up book since 2009

Yeah, when Barbara, Cassandra and Stephanie were all different characters. Back then all three were clearly distinct and there was a natural role for each of them in a team, with Babs as the brains of the outfit, Cass as the brawn, and Steph as the comic relief. That's gone now, as well as a fair bit of history together that would have served as a larger context.

I think they fucked that concept up irreparably when they turned Babs into what's basically a second Steph.
>turned Babs into what's basically a second Steph.
NuBabs is way too smug and self-righteous to be Steph. Original pre-Oracle Babs was actually way closer to Steph.
Wonder would Cass be smug or smiley on cover.
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smiley. and holding hands with steph
Could live with that scenarion.

Fletcher clearly hinted that Cass will join the team by naming one member as "???"
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>when they turned Babs into what's basically a second Steph.

Go read Batgirl Year One, fuckmook.
>turned Babs into what's basically a second Steph
You mean they removed everything original about Steph and turned her into a Silver Age Babs expy minus the brain.
Unless ???? is a swerve to fuck with you.
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>that pic
>What could have been
Just keep Babs Tarr on art please. PLEASE.

Or because the book Cass is currently in isn't finished yet, and they want this to be at least somewhat of a surprise.

>Batgirl of Instagram
>Sideshave the Edgehog
>Sideshave the Echidna
>Dinah and Steph I guess

Man, I don't even think I want Cass to be there if those other shit characters are also getting in. Can we cull the trash first?
No. We have to push our beloved OCs over Cass and Stephanie.
I'm pretty sure Frankie will remain as "background support" for the foreseeable future. As for Harper, hopefully Batfam editorial realizes no one wants her and has her "go off to college" or whatever else they do with forgotten teenage heroes.
>has her "go off to college" or whatever else they do with forgotten teenage heroes.
They are murdered horribly when the next writer comes along.
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Steph cheated on Cass with Kara in her ongoing. This is only universally natural of Cass using Harper to make Stephanie jealous.

That whole ballet things was such shit. Should have been the coolest fight ever, and it was just shit that made both Cass and the villains look weak as fuck. Only one that benefited from it was Harper "fan favorite whether you like her or not" Row.
Cass already did that when she slept with Tim and got the universe rebooted. This is a new universe one in which harper is being steps bestow for some reason

Oh yeah that happened too. Well maybe Cass believes in not getting even but doing all of Steph's loved ones until she come's crawling back.
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