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>Memepool month

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>Memepool month
Ok, I laughed.
I feel sorry for all the old Deadpool fans who have to put up with this shit.
And this thread shall die with Sad Keanu-Strange

Please make it stop.
This is some 2006 shit.
This can't be real. Please tell me this isn't real.
>all these outdated memes
So is this a yearly thing now? They did this last year too
This is the All New Marvel Now XD
>Not using Kitty Pryde as a real space cat
>Not using the Raccoon for Rocket Raccoon & Groot instead
They truly have no imagination or ideas.
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You will know true propain in the coming months.
"My parents are dead" is classic and appropriate for a homage.
This is worse than the grumpy cat Sinestro variant
>Keenu Strange
I'm okay with this.
Another one ?
I want to belive that this is an inside joke. That whoever is in charge of deciding the monthly variants browses /co/ and wants to pass off everyone my making Memepool literally real.

I want to, but I can't.

All-New Wolverine = Batman Deaaaaaaaaad!

Spider-Gwen = ??????

Agents of Shield = Success Kid

Contest of Champions = Lost the Game (???)

Silver Surfer = Planking

GoTG = Nyan Cat

Doctor Strange = Sad Keanu
>>7810I wonder when will DC and/or Marvel incorporate Baneposting into a Variant cover
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Parker already got it into Batman '66, just not the cover.
That one's fine. But they could've done some newer memes even of they are shit like "what are those", pepe, or even a regular Deadpool cover.
>he doesn't know about the game
btw you just lost it m8
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Fuck me I laughed

I laughed really hard

It's over, I'm done
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>no grumpy cat
Makes sense, it's been done already
more like he is browsing 9gag in 2012
Oh God
>Spider-Gwen = guessing U Mad?
Sinestro makes for a really fancy-ass cat, tho. They tried.
I heard that it's all about the Game, and how one plays it.
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>Based Rubio
>Doing a "The Game" joke
Pretty sure Pepe is copyrighted. They'd probably need Matt Furie's permission to use him.
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Spider-Gwen is trollface
Could update and have a Red Hulk cover where he's shrieking about the Normies.
I need a textless version of this
I dread wondering if there'll be a variant for Kamala's issue
/r/ing the bottom half of this page cropped into a reaction image
That'd be cool

>white people vs muggas in a dance battle

This is surprisingly clever. Super fucking dated and cringey, but clever.
Ok, now give us:
>him calling Cho a "big guy"
>Cap having to hear about jet fuel and how it can melt stuff
>Herc in a fedora and trench coat
>Ms. Marvel as forever alone with you know who and his GF in the background

I'm pretty sure that's the point. There's a meta-level joke here about how it's all jokes from years and years ago. An additional level of absurdity which makes this funny in a way that it wouldn't have been if these were printed at a time when the jokes were new and fresh.
>Marlel literally makes meme comics
Well, at least they're not pretending anymore.
It is for non channers, which is who they are targeting.
>not having Deadpool crawling like Spider Woman while Gwen is outraged
come on, Marvel
But wasn't pepe made mainstream over a year ago?
Marvel only makes old memes
Kill yourself.
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Has it been that long?
Maybe I'm the one who's out of touch.
anon, this is a literal meme thread, get over
DC's selfie week will forever be the only decent meme themed variant cover set. This is a bold claim, but I feel pretty confident in it.
A lot of those were pretty cute so yeah you're right
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>all these memes
>all these outdated memes
>in 2015/16
>people will buy these
>people thought this was a great idea
>people think these are funny
CURRENT YEAR Marvel fans this this is funny and a great idea, not actual people.
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Who cares? Memes are just the new pop culture. Did you blow a gasket over Spaceballs too?
Kill yourselves, casuals
Old memes? More like vintage memes.
Fucking Troll Face, you can't go lower that it.

At least the Wolverine/Dead Parents one is funny, relevant and a comicbook meme.
Herc's one better have a 'Cool Story Bro' variant.
They are even stealing DC memes I see.
Yeah it was shit, it still is shit. Mel Brooks in general is sorta shit.
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dunno about red hulk though

It's cool face god dammit, at least use the original 4chan name, otherwise don't bother pretending you aren't from 9fag.
Cool face lasted whole two months. Though trollface never got serious use, people still used that name to refer to it for years, if only to make other people mad.
You ain't my nigga anymore.
Whatcpisses me off is that they don't do cool story bro.

That actually involves one of their characters.
>Blazing Saddles
>The Producers
>Young Frankenstein
>Men in Tights
>Though trollface never got serious use

Near the end there practically 10% of every thread was variations of trollface. Still amazed everyone stopped using it after the funeral.

No, 4chan is simply on the bleeding edge of memes.
Trollface as in the name, calling it trollface only made people madder and made more trollfaces pop up.
I'm indifferent to Deadpool, but actually inserting him into memes is super-cringey.

I don't want to be "that guy", but can you imagine the backlash if DC did the exact same thing, but with Harley Quinn?
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no, my friend
Your threshold for rage is too low, I had to suffer through my brother proclaiming the troll song to be an integral part of internet culture. He was 35 years old.
> I mean, it's the current year
Fuck, you made me lose
this is a literal meme thread, jesus
Why? His ongoing's still pretty good.
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> literally stealing what /co/ and most imageboard users do and selling it back to them with a disney mascot attached to it

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who buys comics anymore lmao
Odds of a 'Come at me bro' cover?
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Is that trying to be a trollface?
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Me too.

No, it isn't.
That was a wasted opportunity. I would have Deadpoolzilla regenerating his arm in front of Coulson.
Gotta agree. Much like Spider-Man, 90% of the time in universe Deadpool isn't funny. He's annoying. Outdated memes is a perfect example of that. And then every now and again they bust out a quip so on point and devastating you realize the rest of the time they were just fucking with everyone.
grasping at straws
Who the hell is that between Thor and Shulk? Rogue?
spidey's reaction is how I feel about all of these...
Rogue. Obviously.
>Not using Kitty Pryde as a real space cat

Bendis would never allow that
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>people think any of this is funny

Literally a company of manchildren
Jesus Christ
don't be a faggot
Hey everyone.

You all just lost the game.
>Literally tumblr tier art
>For Al Kekwing book
So this is what it feels like to be triggered.
Why not?
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Already came, bro.
You're telling a guy in /co/ to go to /co/? That's smart of you.
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Marvel is an embarassment of itself
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I know Deadpool's a meme character now but goddamn.
These make the Gangnam Style one look timely.
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>DC will never acknowledge baneposting
couldn't DC technically put a stop on this cover from publishing, since it directly parodies their characters?
It'd be funny if it wasn't making them tons of money.
It's only fun to laugh at whores when they're poor whores.
might be the "awesome" face
I think it's different enough that it's parody. They constantly rip off scens and designs from eachother all the time.
It's a parody of a parody, it's probably fine.
>no OUTRAGE remark
>planking in 2015

It's for the best. If it should ever get bigger, there might be more crashes with no survivors.
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I can't be mad, we already have at least 3 to 4 great books with him right now, and the movie's looking good. These are cringey, but not enough to ruin things
Yes it is
why when their answer will clearly be Harley Quinn Meme Variant Month when Suicide Squad comes out.
what happened with his daughter?
I don't read that much Marvel, I have just never seen that uniform and haircut before.
Not sure. She's still around, but we haven't seen her yet. Again, Shiklah's here, and Eleanor is alive, so why haven't we seen her
That's actually her first costume.
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Yeah the fact that Wade hasn't even addressed her in passing (at least I think he hasn't) is very worrying. I hope she's okay.

She's not okay, is she?
>Wade's finally the popular beloved hero he always wanted to be
>Life goes out of its way to fuck him in the ass
Being Wade Wilson is suffering
Wow. I actually did the same gesture Spidey did before I saw him do it.
>forgets about the giant retcon event that has been dragging out for the last year
The whole daughter angle was terrible, and I'm glad she was poofed out of existence. Well, burnt to a crisp by another planet, but you get the idea.
>and I'm glad she was poofed out of existence
If the Deadpool#5 solicit is to be believed, she's alive, and Wade's using her as bait to catch whoever's trying to fuck with him
>I'm glad she was poofed out of existence
>>78110708 is the cover to the fifth issue. Obviously she's still around.
>not being the surfboard
I'll be keeping my money thank you very much.

No one touches his waifu.
>Nobody can believe Deadpool broke out that fucking ancient meme
>They truly have no imagination or ideas
You expected anything less from Marvel?
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Congrats Marvel, you've actually hit a new low. I am simultaneously impressed and disgusted.
You better only be talking about the cartoon.
Artist have to draw her if he expects to keep seeing her. I would think he would be delighted by the idea of adding more pictures to his massive collection.
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As long as they are dredging up ancient memes I hope they do the GOAT
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Harley Quinn already had a variant month.

None of them were memes.

>Deadpool riding Shadowcat

Weird, I remember him double teaming Rogue with Spidey in the XXX parody...
I bet you think the comic of the two guys getting pulled over is where the face comes from.
i don't get it
I still have hope that they'll introduce the CIAgent.
Baneposting is real life hypercrisis.
Lol. It's that Bat Man maymay
>Harley Quinn already had a variant month.
>None of them were memes
>Scooby Doo
>Scooby-Doo, which is owned by WB.
>Scooby-Doo, a ebin maymay
It's like they're just teasing us now. we coulda had the superior doctor.
What in the incredible fuck is with snow white zatanna?
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>Batman and Robin, which is owned by WB
>Batman and Robin, an ebin maymay

If you don't think that line is a meme, you don't know what a meme is. That line has been a meme for so fucking long you don't even think of it as a meme anymore.
Locution =/= Meme.
She's supposed to look like Daphne you dumbass.
well she looks like shit. I like your insult
> an activity, concept, catchphrase or piece of media which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person
These are great because we finally get to feel about deadpool what everyone around him feels about him.
Parodying Scooby Doo doesn't suddenly make it a meme.
Variant cover artist credits:
>>78107424 - Tom Raney with Sotocolor
>>78107440 - Todd Nauck with Rachel Rosenberg
>>78107460 - Mark Bagley with Andrew Hennessy
>>78107487 - Bobby Rubio
>>78107502 - Will Sliney
>>78107523 - Will Sliney with Rachel Rosenberg
>>78107547 - Khoi Pham with Rachel Rosenberg
Jinkies is a meme. "...you meddling kids" is a meme. They aren't suddenly anything
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Theres been similar spoof covers bdfore
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I fucking hate what Deadpool and Harley have become. Is it possible to save them?
>a catchphrase is a meme.
>Marvel event with the Kree/Skrulls/any alien race
>have new Spidey tweet about it with "ayy lmao"
Now that would be cringe-worthy
I would have adored that, but I don't think he could pull of strange right.
if you're not creating content to influence the public perception, fuck off
My dick in your mother is a meme
What is taste?
Does it differ?
Is it subjective?
And have Cho draw it, it would have been perfect!
Marvel doesn't have the balls.
I honestly forgot about planking and only knew about it from some random video to begin with.

is that also a dr strangelove reference with the hat etc?
I have no idea what this is parodying.
yup. I'm pretty sure Deadpool references that at least once a year.
This is the only one even remotely funny and even then the modern looking art doesn't work because the speech balloons and poses look too different, ruining the effect
no it isn't
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Do you even know what a meme is?
These made my penis recede into my body.
Deadpool is fine outside of shit like this
Yes it is
>Grant Morrison is visiting the Marvel universe, visibly disgusted by the ancient meme-spouting Deathstroke parody
Congratulations! Now those of you who whine that Deadpool is a meme character finally have a tiny amount of validation.
Yes it is.
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I literally had to sit in a lecture for and hour and listen to my teacher talk about memes. I daresay I'm a meme expert now. This fits the bill.


Smiled. A little.
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