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i guess being white is boring now

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i guess being white is boring now
I know, right? You see white males everywhere.
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They made hulk into an Asian?
He's supposed to be the strongest there is, not the smallest there is
Fuck marvel, hulk was my favourite character
The Hulk has never been interesting this is no exception.

inb4 Fixit Fags
Sorry to fuel the fire /co/, I'm honestly not interested in sociopolitical nonsense, but it is a little troubling Bruce Banner and Hulk's psychological character is considered secondary to his appearance.

Then again Hulk Smash seems to be the majority of what people take from the character anyway so nothing was really lost I guess. Interestingly Batgirl is preferred as Babs instead of Cass. Curious.
I love the fact that they are turning on this book after its first issue cause "Cho is misogynist"
Micropenis is the only thing that explains Hulk's rage
Hulk was boring. And has been shit since planet hulk, you don't need to read it as racial.

that being said hulk is still boring.
Yeah, it's kinda the problem of having a character who is just "as strong as the story needs him to be"
If you told me Doctor Banner was already Asian I would have believed you.

Doesn't seem like much of a change.
Why the fuck are hulk's powers passed out like its fucking candy?

Hulk has never been white as far as I can remember. Gray doesn't count as white, btw

If you're talking about his other persona well, it's a shame they replaced the tragic Bruce Banner with edgy teenager Amadeus Cho
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>Hulk now knows martial arts
May God have mercy on his victims
If they redid Captain America what would he be?

Mild mannered Trans-gendered liberal pacifist vegan Zerr Hurr?
Why does /co/ take internet articles so seriously?
>Make Hulk Asian
>Still can't stump the Trump

Is Marvel even trying?
>Hulk Math
>Hulk Martial Arts
This is so dumb, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went for it anyway.
Stuff like Hulk Clap sort of counts anyway.
The Hurk
We don't like discussing things we like. The comic itself was pretty good, Pak and Cho did great. But why care about that when there is PC to complain about.
I'm willing to bet that the comic will barely touch Cho's asian side unless they want to dress him up in some oriental outfit for laughs. I kind of want to see Hulk with a Fu Manchu now.
You won't rike me when I'm angly.
Well, in your case it seems to have led to predictable results.
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Amadeus Cho
>Mind of a supercomputer
Possesses Hercules' powers
Wields adamantine mace

Becoming the hulk seems more like a downgrade.

Hulk is more like a pet hero more than anything
Insecurity is a furnace that burns any feul.
Damn they really want that chink movie money
Look no further than lesbian Latina Captain America.
Devil Hulk comeback? Long time coming.
She's actually in the new comics. Forgot what her name was.
Have they revealed yet how Cho got hulk powers? And did banner lose his or is he just on vacation?
You know what would make him even more interesting?

Miss America. She's not new.
Yeah, that's the chick.
I see it more as Amadeus Cho being a boring and irrelevant character that they have to make him the hulk so people would pay attention to him
And they want that billion chink population to watch and give them that commie dolla for a upcoming hulk movie ching Ching version.
Marvel is setting it up
Can we make Trump the Hulk?
Im fine with this. The Hulk was a boring character and the only thing I found interesting about him was the gay muscle porn.
I've been reading 70s and 80s comics lately (well, the last two days) and I'm open to trying Hulk. Anything good?
I don't want to have to read something that's more then 10 issues either.
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>You won't like me when I'm Ang Lee
>Ang Lee directed the first Hulk movie (the first modern hulk movie)
>Movie bombed hard
>Cho-lk destined to be shit
You see how any baitposting gets a trillion replies on here? These articles are basically baitposting.
> oh no! the rhino horn powder got infused with plutonium!
> so that's why everything but my dick was getting larger
> I need to buy more rhino horn powder
Hard to appeal to the Chinese with a Korean character.
You want BBC or ABM?
This shit right here, they took the wrong aproach to this shit, the first issue is actually interesting and fun, and motherfucking Cho tits, it is well writend and drawn, it would have been the exact same if it was Banner or any other white guy as Hulk as it did not got into any asian related issues or some shit, it's a fresh start with a Hulk with a different attitude, but this ass makes it sound as if the only thing that changed and made it better is that Hulk isn't white now.
Who is Devil Hulk?
Anon, you're implying that they've actually read the book
>implying being white ever was interesting.

It's literally like playing life on the easy difficulty.

Regardless, Marvel's gender/ethnicity swapping is just mainstream pandering.
There is already black atheist lesbian Captain América on Spider-Gwen universe.

She is also a gender swaped version of Falcon.
I'm Asian and I find this to be so fucking lame.
people like you are why everyone makes fun of this board
We've had all of one issue. Go read it yourself because it's fantastic.

Short answer: no.
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Iron Fist already taught Doc Green kung fu.
He's Amadeus Cho, so I'm okay with it even if I do prefer Banner Hulk.
Go read PAD's Hulk run. It's the best and most definitive Hulk run.
>I don't want to have to read something that's more then 10 issues either
>PAD's run is 147 issues
Uh, well, nevermind I guess. If you want one short thing to read out of PAD's 12 year long run, go for Future Imperfect. Only 2 issues and really good.
I liked Indestructible Hulk a lot actually, but mostly because of the Bruce Banner portions.

>that wrist angle

Does Bagley even know how punches work?
>but it is a little troubling Bruce Banner and Hulk's psychological character is considered secondary to his appearance
But that's the central point of every argument against this PC bullshit. People care more about how characters look than what they represent or how they act.
The Falcon is now Captain America, so that answers your question right there.
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Well that is just the flavor of today's society. I'm assuming you pull the article from a liberal website, and they aren't nescessarily shy about letting loose their "Progressive for everybody except for white men, whom we don't care about the nationality of, but rather stereotype because of skin color and physical body."

It's not racism if you apply it only to people of a certain skin color and a particular gender!

But you have to make sure that the white male you're insulting isn't a MtF/FtM trans, a homosexual, a Muslim, Jewish, or Disabled because then you are slightly in the wrong for not paying attention to those other parts of them.

Also, Incredible Hulk is what now? Chinese? Japanese? Korean? Vietnamese? This is why I fucking hate PC liberal talk, because its amazingly racist by putting people with similar features into one categorization, not taking in the whole individual culture, or individual a person is. Its just "Nope, slanty eyes, good at math. He must be Asian American!"

Go ahead and call a Jamacan African American and see how confused they get, and how fucking retarded this system of PC backwards think is.
>Sorry to fuel the fire /co/, I'm honestly not interested in sociopolitical nonsense, but it is a little troubling Bruce Banner and Hulk's psychological character is considered secondary to his appearance.

That's because these people don't buy comics, so they wouldn't know the first thing about characters.
>But you have to make sure that the white male you're insulting isn't a MtF/FtM trans, a homosexual, a Muslim, Jewish, or Disabled because then you are slightly in the wrong for not paying attention to those other parts of them.

Only if they're not Israeli.



>The PC Crowd are a bunch of hypocrites
Who wouldda thunk.
>Asian american
Wouldnt it be fun if he was from the middle east?
what happened to dr banner?

Isn't this what you wanted? Less white characters being turned black, and them being turned Asian and other races?
He's Korean, not Japanese.
The problem is with the obnoxious tone of the article.
Cho is Korean. That's a market of 40million people. If they wanted money out of this, they would go for something a bit bigger.
Say, China.
Nobody force you to read it, I mean why do you care about what retard think?
>implying anybody care
They arr rook same

So Hurk studies 24/7 then kills himself playing starcraft?
Who fucking cares what some random article on some backalley clickbait site that the OP had to go out of his way to try and find for the exact purpose of getting you riled up said.

I could go right a facetious article on a free blog for the purpose of trolling, post it here, and probably get a 500+ post thread of people like you getting super goddamn triggered.

You know what makes this place /co/mblr? It's not that y'all are all a bunch of SJWs. It's that you faggots can't help yourselves but get outraged over literal whos and "articles" that the rest of 4chan isn't stupid enough to give the time of day.
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He's already the 7th smartest person at Marvel. Dunno how much time he needs to spend studying.
Being the standard does that.
Why are comics and cartoons so keked? What's this obsession with black washing white characters? Why not just make new black characters?

Cause when I read the OP I don't think "Oh shit Hulk's Asian now", I think "Oh look an Asian version of the Hulk"
>It's that you faggots can't help yourselves but get outraged over literal whos and "articles" that the rest of 4chan isn't stupid enough to give the time of day.

Have you been to the rest of 4chan?
That's the joke. Cho is a nerd who's too clever for his own good and now he's also too strong.
Mix with hot chicks and comedy for an unabashedly fun book about clobbering monsters and getting told by chicks.
>the rest of 4chan isn't stupid enough to give the time of day.
That's a lie because /b/ and /v/ love this shit and they represent the majority of this site.
Because the white version already exists. That makes non-white/male/straight/etc. Versions more likely over time.
Also it's all pre-existing characters inheriting titles.

Aaand there have been tons of Spider-Men, Captain Americas, Hulk-variants etc.
Not to mention the tone has been very different for most of the legacies in ANAD.
TA Hulk is a comedy that reads a bit ecchi, for example. And Captain Falcon looks to go almost blacksploitation in the second arc, after baiting TV into advertising them with the first two issues.
Oh, and how many simultaneous spiders do we have now? They don't replace squat, I tell you. We have like 3 Spider-Man solos, a Spider-team book with 4 more Spider-Men and two Spider-Women, three different female Spider solos...
Does the pig count as white?
>man being constantly made fun of by chicks

And yet, /co/ continues to deny that it's been taken overy by tumblr.
>/b/ and /v/ represent the majority of the site
Top kek. Good back to 2007, grandpa. This is /pol/'s image board now. The rest of you are just places for us to talk about specific topics while /pol/ is the general "main" board.
>hating cheesecake
>hating based Cho
>doesn't read comics but gets triggered by articles about comics
Sounds like you're the tumblrite.
Cho is closer to a poser wigger than anything Asian I've ever seen.
While being a super-smart Hulk. And still a nerdy teen full of himself. Yeah, that is gonna be fun.
Have you never seen anime?
>implying Steve would put up with your bigoted bullshit
A lot of asians act like wiggers
Was it ever interesting?
I'd be mad if Totally Awesome Hulk wasn't so entertaining so far
you people need to stop giving attention to this crap and try to hold onto what dignity you have left. when you get butthurt over petty shit like this you're losing the battle. Just don't buy the book.
I actually hate the Hulk and how he has overshadowed Bruce.

Now you are telling me Bruce is no more? Fuck this shit.
I thought Cho was a shitlord, now Vox loves him?
Cho is a fucking Gary Stu. I hate how Pak made him into his shitty self-insert.

Why the fuck did Marvel even greenlight him? There's already enough Asians.
Not based Cho, other Cho
What the fuck is the Korean obsession with Starcraft?
What's up with that? I've been watching Fresh Off the Boat and the main kid acts like he's from the hood.
Why are white gringos such cu.cks?
it was free in EVERY pc cafe in korea.

the first game. the second game is trash and rightly died out. all the starcraft obsession - the pro teams, the gaming tv channels - all was from the fact that there were already a shitton of PC Cafes there and all the kids needed something to do there, hence brood war and wc3.
Bruce is still in the book. He just isn't Hulk anymore.

You should be happy about this.
Based Cho is the artist for Chulk. The whole book is just a showcase for Cho's cheesecake and kaiju.
Planet Hulk.
I really liked Cho when he started out, having him go down this Hulk route and the Herc one before is such a fucking dumb waste of what could be a great power/character.

Like, could you imagine how great Cho could be if he had a decent power latched onto his super-computer-ness, e.g. puppet mastery/mind control
>. Interestingly Batgirl is preferred as Babs instead of Cass. Curious.
Because ethnic diversity only applies to guys. "White woman" have somehow not only managed to get themselves qualified as a social and cultural minority, but the most important one of all.

Babs, Carol, Jessica, they all get passes because they're women, even if they're white as fuck.
>Bruce is still in the book. He just isn't Hulk anymore.

Again? Isn't this the second time in 5 years?
Hes the hulk just not the focus of the book I thought.
Banners off doing avengers shit and Cho is fighting godzilla and shit
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what's so interesting about being white? you've spend the past few hundred years convincing the world that white is the normal, the generic, the default human. generic is always boring compared to alternatives, even if it's just the added subtext.
Nor Captain America.
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>Asian Hulk

So the only difference is that he's going to get angry again in an hour?
No. Cho is the only "Hulk." And neither of them are on any Avengers teams either way.
His trigger seems to be smugness, not anger.
But being Asian hasn't had anything to do with the story so far.
Cholk is interesting because he's actually a written entertainingly not because he's Korean.
Yeah, but people who don't read comics don't care about that, and these articles are written for two types of people
>SJWs who want to pat themselves on the back anytime a fictional character is no longer a straight white man
>anti-SJWs whose entire life revolves around being angry anytime someone who isn't a straight white man appears in fiction because outrage is the only emotion that their clinically depressive selves can muster
Neither of whom are comic readers. Just a bunch of belligerent millennial sheep obsessed with their precious Outrage Culture.

Totally Awesome Hulk is, ironically, a comic that would trigger both of them.
>non-straight white male main character
>Based Cho going full cheesecake complete with OUTRAGE! spiders
I fall into neither of those camps and I was triggered.
Fucking Cholk. Talking shit about Shulk.
Note how small the censor bar is.
>OUTRAGE! spiders

What's that?
Cho puts SpiderGwen saying "outrage!" on his sexy commissions now, he included Miles doing the same thing without the word bubble in the Hulk issue
Yeah, but that's being triggered by Cho's poor taste in waifus. That's a totally legit reason to get mad.
Yes and also way to read a comment on Banner and the lackluster direction of the Hulk books over the past years as something personal
Even Superman as problem solving elements on how he can apply his infinite super powers to problems so he can save as many lives as possible. Hulk just hits shit until it stops.
Bruce Lee banner
I can undrestand being opposed to change in concept but TA Hulk makes a lot of sense and you should give it a chance.

1. Its not a new character. Cho has been around for a while now.
2. It's written by the guy that did Planet Hulk
3. It's drawn by the guy that does tits, ass, and giant monsters in that order, and has spent the last six months of his free time making fun of Spider-Gwen's artist. And given the production time on comics, at least half of that time he was also working on this title.
4. Cho isn't the only Hulk left. We've clearly got Jen's glorious green ass, and Bruce is still a presence in the first issue and we all know that he loses his powers like once every other year only to gamma charge it up again.

If you want an SJW book to be mad at make a Spider-woman thread because this ain't it.
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>written by the guy that did Planet Hulk
I'm not opposed to the change, I'm opposed to this article.
You got an issue with Hulk Carter of Mars?
This. Planet Hulk is literally a meme-comic for tumblrites and redditors.
>Banners off doing avengers shit
Which team?
And why do you care what this article says? Do you get triggered by every random comment made by someone on their tumblr blogs too? Do you troll through youtube comments to get angry at things?

Going out of your way just so you can get angry is pretty pathetic, to be quite honest family-desu.
Eh. Spider-Woman seems more like a "we're having a baby" book.
With absolutely no moralist ambition so far. It's really about how being pregnant is boring and limiting.
Whichever one is uses the MCU Avengers.
Yeah well I am on /co/, I've gotten pissy about things I know won't exist in 2 hours because they're that fucking dumb. This will be around longer.
I'm going to move if it makes you feel better.

I don't get why he is the Hulk when synergy says he should be Iron Spider...
The thing that really gets me about the book is that they've been hyping it up as "pregnant Spider-woman" but according to solicits, she's going to give birth by the 6th issue. We're getting like a 3-issue arc of her being pregnant, then a 3-issue arc of her giving birth.
>move on
>I've gotten pissy about things I know won't exist in 2 hours because they're that fucking dumb
As the person who just called you out, I hadn't really considered this myself.

I guess we're both pathetic faggots.
So Bruce is cured of the Hulk and we can expect more science with Stark and Richards?

Marvel is all about brand synergy it would be logical to be surprised they didn't line that up.
Bait-O-Meter: 3 out of 10

No style at all. Try harder, son.
As an Asian I say that keep changing the race or gender of a character is stupid. Make new characters instead. Like how they created Spike instead of just paint some existing hero black or She Hulk as a separated character instead of just making Hulk be a woman.
He might also be dead.
None. Steve has the integrative Inhuman-Mutant-Normie-Wizard-Homocidal Maniac-team, Hawkeye is eyeing the New Avengers, Tony is with Captain Falcon, Whor, and Vision herding rookies, Widow is on no team and Banner is dehulked.
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Please no.
You mean with his head popping into the corner of the panel?

I was hoping it would be the Manara pose.
>implying Bruce Banner is boring
>implying changing his race makes him interesting
I'm black as the night is long and I've got to say this is more fucked up than a football bat
>tfw no ongoing adventures of Bruce and Clint
That should have been the premise of Fraction's Hawkeye book
As long as it's not randomly changing a characters ethnic background it doesn't really bother me. Bruce Banner is an american guy and that stays. Cho has been around for awhile. So it's cool.
It doesn't matter what minorities think as long as whites feel good about themselves for being progressive.
That might be hard to sneak in but let's hope Cho gives it a shot.
Wouldn't they be triggered by all the cheesecake?
What does that even mean?
Planet hulk + WWH if the best comic story there is

I just don't get why people accept hand me downs and pity one time deals. Korean Hulk is OK but this article pisses me off race does not fucking make a character personality does. Also I hate Hulk powers being thrown around like candy.
>favorite character
>not knowing Cho is the new Hulk for months now
Yea sure
It means " I don't like it but I'm too lazy or stupid to explain why "
and choi sucks btw
lamest addition to hulk in a long fucking time
I'd rather have fucking brood become a humanoid hulk then we get another she hulk out of it instead of hulk with dumb hair.
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So for the comic readers what happened to the original Hulk

All I read from Google is him absorbing a lethal amount of radiation that would be too much even for the Hulk

They just stop there. Not that he died etc.
Yeah, that's all that's been covered for now. I should probably storytime the issue
Would be neat
You're right. It's 2015.
>Make new characters instead
And how is Amadeus Cho not that?
Planet Hulk didn't have that much cheesecake.
Who cares. Comics are fucking stupid
And cartoons aren't?
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It means it got too popular and so now he hates it.
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Except in over 90% of the world
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I can't get over how horrible that hair is

It distracts me everytime I see it

That's what makes him interesting. He's an exotic savage now
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I would imagine cap would not be in support of the bigotry that leads to these race changes either.
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>little boy getting close-up of hulk's dick

what's the point of drawing that?
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Does Pak & Cho's version of Amadeus remind anyone of Wong from the X-rated JAB comics?

I'd post a spoilered image here but I'm not sure if that's against the rules on a blue board.
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What's the point of the hulk if he's in perfect control of his powers and they're entirely unrelated to him being angry?

I'm gonna be honest here, I've never picked up a Hulk comic in my life, but my understanding of the character is that those two aspects are pretty integral to him.
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Jesus fucking christ this is cringeworthy as fuck
It's like something from the 90s trying to be all cool and with it but just comes off as try hard as hell
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That is madness. Basically a suicide plan for humanity, or at least large portions of it.
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His sister seems like a a huge cunt.
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/co/ is just so awful with the whole opinions thing to not like classic Hulk. Not PAD Hulk because that shit ain't classic, but the real pulpy pre-Mantlo stuff
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Miles is cute
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Hulk is an analysis of a character's psych. Hulk works differently for every person. It's only uncontrollable and anger based for Bruce because Bruce has a bunch of deep-seated anger problems. Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Red She-Hulk, and every other non-Banner Hulk has different triggers.

Also a lot of Hulk's best stories are the ones where the "uncontrollable" and "RAAAH ANGER" stuff isn't the central focus. Go read PAD's Incredible Hulk run followed by Pak's.

Analysing how different character's "hulk" varies is the main point of having different people be able to hulk out.
Fuck you. The storytime thread was great.
Because he is an established character already.
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For fun!
Because the storytime thread had people that actually read comics instead of just use them as a reason to get OUTRAGE!'d
You know what? We should bitch more about the book. That will guarantee it'll last longer than four issues. Then we'll get plenty of Pak/Cho/Cho goodness.
>I've only read PAD and Pak like the hivemind so they're the best stories
That is not why the new hulk book is good god DAMNIT.
Outrage miles
This kid is in the top ten for intelegence on the planet, and now has hulk on command powers. The only way to reign in someone like that would be "disiprin". Also, she is probably an older sister who would both be instantly over looked by the male younger sibling and then doublly so when he turned out to be a super genius. I bet she has to put up with his BS every minute of every day and then has people badmouthing her wherever she goes because they see her for two seconds and not think about the years leading up to that two second interaction. Maybe see how she is when Cho isn't around.
>I can use the > key
Not even >>78076687 but holy shit is that a non argument you have there.

>Cho sustaining art on an ongoing

Meh, things change. Sometimes it's not a bad thing, sometimes it is a bad thing. I'll wait to see the stories before I make a judgement call.
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It's not at all realistic that everybody who talks about Hulk will ALL say 'PAD and pak are the best bro' unless that's all they've read, which is very very very likely as all Hulk threads where someone asks what to read, the responses are 'read PAD and pak bro they're the best'

They're stories that largely put the Hulk off the run and just make him another superhero
I think you're responding to the wrong post
Are you more of a Herb Trimpe kind of guy?
I'm getting a Spock vibe from this.

I doubt Bruce/Hulk is dead. If anything they have him contained/he's in a coma/etc.
Hulk being your favorite character is more of a problem.
I think more about Sal when I think about Hulk(even if Mantlo veers far from the savage childlike vagabond), but Herb Trimpe has probably drawn most of the best Hulk stories

I don't know what kind of human being you need to be to not think the 70s Hulk comics are great
Actually Marie is younger.
Her parents are dead and her brother is a douche.
It's understandable.

I mean, it's like Cho's playing at being the superhero you see in the Avenger's movies, which makes sense. Hence the quips and immediate waifu-ing of anything female.

I think this has potential where it is at the moment.
This is a bit offtopic but you know that Hulk Agents of Smash show

Do those guys ever... unHulk or are they permanent Hulk in the show
they redo him all the time. Just fucking now there are three versions in concurrently titles.

You do not read comics. You only know these characters as icons.
That's big for a normal human maybe.
Wait are we counting Black Lesbian Atheist Cap? Or who's the third? I know Steve and Falcon but who's your third?
Captain America 2099 is running around too.
TAHulk is actually good but the main character being asian American isn't the reason why.
That's actually pretty racist.

It's good because Frank Cho is excellent at drawing monsters and Greg Pak is just a solid writer. It's a good team.
I liked Pak's Action Comics but it had nothing to do with the race of the main character, that is fucking retarded
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>Cap 2099
I wanna see Cho draw her.
Yeah, I wasn't looking forward to TAHulk because it was diverse. I was looking forward because of the return of the Pak and Cho team.
Is the comic the Amadeus Cho?
I liked the Prince of Power thing actually.
I'm liking TAHulk too but I hope it's temporary
He's being written by Pak, so yeah, I'd say he's THE Amadeus Cho.

In Avenger Assemble Hulk and Widow develop a cure to unhulk the other heroes she says she can cure him next and he says Hulk is all that's left and he can never be Banner again becuase if he was cured he would just disintegrate. That he is pure gamma radiation now.

So no and they never ever will.
That's fucked

Fuck that.

Kind of like how USM made him Iron Spider? I don't want him to be Iron Spider but something like that would be better. I just really don't like Hulk being as much of a legacy character as Marvel makes him out to be. He is the one hero where it feels forced. Well Superman would if they were all actually from Krypton but they vary those origins nicely. One doesn't even have superpowers.
>Character created to explore the psychological effects of a Jekyll-Hyde situation where someone is forced to shift between two extremes
>Completely ignore all that to use the same character for big action scenes and progressive baiting
When was the last good Hulk story?

It's funny because the movies are what that show is pulling from right down to one episode just copying it entirely and he doesn't dehulk...
There actually was an Agents of Smash episode where he dehulked and became Banner to be with scientist Betty but doused himself with Gamma near the end of the episode to permahulk again
Post it please
Cho has been around since 2006, and on his own he's a great character but him suddenly taking up Banner's mantle is not the best direction for him
Don't you think it's a bit bizarre that you're criticizing this take on the Hulk because you think it differs from the original idea when you haven't read any Hulk comics before?
That and Chulk is only one issue deep so it isn't really clear what they're going to do with the character
I'm mad.
But need to see this episode.
>not making Hulk Eurasian
>not making him like Elliot Rodger

Missed opportunity.
literally already been storytimed in this thread buddy
scroll up
He's not really a misogynist though, he's just horny
If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Sararymen always look THIS close to snapping into a murderous rampage.
Last time hulk was interesting was when hulk/banner split. I like chulk but it has nothing to do with race
Rhetorical question, and I'm not criticizing this run so much as the recent Hulk stuff. Didn't even know this existed until today though given the article in OP I'm not holding my breath about this one
why did they do this?
That's fair.
Hulk just isn't an easy character to write, to be honest I wasn't a fan of Planet Hulk or WWH.
Why regressive types believe that race is some sort of interesting trait? i'm latino and i'm as boring as any other person, my race doesn't make me "interesting"
Yeah at no point is he referring to women as if they're below him. Hell, he's bullied by his own sister. When he Hulks out, his libido goes nuts. It makes sense that a horny teenager would be a horny Hulk.
Planet Hulk is decent enough and WWH was ruined by being an event, when all events are trash that change everything forever. It could have just been Hulk going on a rampage where he wants to cause damage

Is Agents of SMASH any good? I couldn't finish season one of Assemble and USM is like torture porn for me though season 3 was at least a tiny bit better in certain areas like less cutaways and better one liners. Team was still fucking useless and even though they couldn't balance a team of four they added a second team and then merged them. Man fuck that show.
That's because #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen anon.

White women have used feminism and social justice to trick POC into furthering their racial and cultural hegemony.

It's really gross.
He's really not defined by his race. I don't think it's even brought up in the comic at all. Cho's been around for a while in the Hulk mythos. Him getting to be a Hulk isn't that much of a stretch.

Because they need to feel good about themselves. Its fine seeing more diversity but marketing then as their race is a fucking issue
I'm talking about the article.
It is not. The age demo is probably way lower than a typical action show and the reality show shit really breaks up the content. Only watched it cause I was craving some Hulk without any bullshit like he has been since Pak

I want good Marvel cartoons... Why have they fallen so far they were making their own DCAU
He is just an excuse to give Hulk asian eyes, this is not like Grey or Red Hulk. Also why does he even need more superpowers? His supposed absurd intelligence could make him a Batman Macgyver but instead we get a horny Hulk.
After an economic downturn a lot of retirees lost their savings. So one of the low maintenance, low cost, high profit businesses were cyber cafes.

They buy a few computers, charge people for the time used, and that's it. EZ money.

They installed starcraft on the computers and everybody liked it so word got out it was good business.

Then it took off because Asians are super autistic and have no lives. Think Germans but worse.

Don't listen to the other guy that says the second one is shit. He's just butt hurt because no LAN.
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I never even knew hulk transformed into a person. I thought he was just hulk all the time
They try so hard to seem not racist they loop back around to it.
>Asian American rampaging anger fuelled monster
>Seung-Hui Cho.mp4
> Elliot Rodger.wma
will he learn kung-fu now?
Duggan's Omega Hulk which was the most recent Hulk run.
It's just clickbait. Identity politics is easy clickbait because it gets both the SJWs and anti-SJWs, both of whom will spread it around to everyone and won't shut up about it.
Only if you're also male.
I don't see how him having absurd intelligence would make him "overpowered" or some such when he's still less intelligent than Banner. Cho is 7-8. Banner is 4-5.
So I had to ask this question.
I am Chilean, so does that mean I am white or do I win some SJW points?
He doesn't look asian, just.... retarded, not in the usual "hulk smash" retarded, but in the wrong number of chromosomes retarded
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>Super Genius: Amadeus Cho’s mind operates like a hyper computer, capable of rapidly and without mechanical aid perform an infinite number of unimaginable complex and simultaneous calculations, in his mind with minimal stimuli. He can quickly, simultaneously and perfectly analyze multiple information streams (e.g. threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations, by identifying the variables and quantum possibilities in any situation, and he uses this information to adjust the outcome to whichever is most favorable to him. Because his mind operates like a hyper computer; he can process information quickly and this gives him a hyper-accelerated learning aptitude. He also possesses limitless information storage and retrieval, enhanced pattern solving/recognition, extremely high perception and observational skills, perfect deductive/reasoning skills and investigative skills, superhuman strategic/tactical analytical skills, and an eidetic memory (meaning that he never forgets anything and has perfect recall).
But the comic is actually pretty good so far. Yes, it's a dumb headline from Vox but the last really, really good Hulk run was from Pak... who's writing this comic anyway.
Yes, Amadeus Cho is only interesting because he's Asian

>Marvel made the Hulk interesting again

Nah, GREG PAK made him interesting again. If this book was written by anyone else it would most likely be complete shit
There can always be fill-ins while he works on each new arc.
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Looks like they didn't cover the difference between gamma radiation and unspecified Kiber Fusion Reactor radiations in Banner's fancy college courses.

And somewhere, Arthur Chu laughs.

This this this this.

I know why clickbait articles word their titles like this, but all it does is obscure what's really going on. The title just makes it sound like Marvel is some beneficial big corporate entity, with no mention of the specific author who's actually writing the fucking book.

Pak is the best Hulk author since Peter David, but the actual article only starts talking about him like a third way down the page.
>turtle monster
>that booty

Bless you, Cho.
How interesting can you make a character whose entire power is "I GET BIGGER!" all the time.
What happened to Banner?
not him, but i think he means it was made for normalfags who never touched comics.

White are literally a dime a dozen everymans.
Hulk is another sentient being inside a guy
he absorbed the wrong kind of radiation to prevent a reactor meltdown.
It can change at any given time depending on how problematic you're being
Because it's Marvel, the same people who gave a comic to a popular costume.
About time. It's 2015 afterall.
Who's they? Link plox. I wanna see the salt.
Are you kidding? He's probably screaming that this comic is racist and sexist.
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I can think of one.

Created and written by PAD, too. Too bad it's for DC, she'd be the ultimate Amadeus Cho villain.
How is that small? It's halfway to his knees.

Maybe you should lay off the orc porn.
i know i shouldn't be replying to bait but has anyone in this thread actually met a real asian american?
>race plays a bigger role than a character

That's racist
I am one
It's Jimmy Neutron hair.
Wasn't he banging that medusa chick?

>gary stu
>when everything blows up on his face

yeah, such gary stu
These are all the same thing basically.
>He is interesting!
>He is a chink!
>Blaxploitation 2: Electric Blackaloo
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I just might buy this if the Hulk had ever been fucking interesting in the first place.
He's a gook, get your slurs right
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I got it just for the art.
Is he not dating the snake-girl anymore?
Why does Gnasher have the axe and Gasher have the club? Shouldn't those be switched?
Axes create gashes and clubs gnash things.
It's the large brow of a hulk-out plus the smaller angled eyes.
>He's never read the Tales to Astonish years
>He's never read Peter David's run
>He's never read Pak's original run
>He's never read Aaron's run

You know, you could just say you were never interested in reading about him. You don't have to lie.
I thought Amadeus was Iron Spider. I need to read more instead of relying on the shows
Are you forgetting that time EVERYONE became a Hulk? And the time everyone became a Spider-Man? This is just what comic books do.
Not that Black chicks or Korean chicks or whatever really care about what happens to other girls outside their race either.
But now he's "interesting". You know because...they changed his race
we don't know where she is
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>Ten Hamburgers

Is this supposed to be cool? just fuck off.
is there something wrong with showing that Cho needs a shitload of energy to Hulkify?
Cho was always a big eater wasn't he?
They didn't mention her, did they mention her in Savage Wolverine?
In my opinion it's the worst of the 4 disney/marvel shows. The graphics are the worst compared to the others and the plot is almost always about gamma
Speaking as a parent, you CANNOT grab a baby's arm like that. Cho just broke half the bones in that poor little's guys upper arm and maybe just dislocated his shoulder.
that kid is at least a toddler
Well, it is. We had seen every single incarnation of white man possible in fiction, they stopped bringing up anythign to the table long time ago. That's why people turn to pushing women and people of color into the spotlight - because they are few thigns white man is not and still have stories we didn't seen done to death.
Not sure if bait or if /co/mblr
It's gotten that bad.
Look at the panel again. There's a clear shift in movement between panels, from holding his hand, to presumably holding him in his palm before tossing him back to his babysitter. It's not like he just grabbed him by the arm and flung him.
I miss the character dynamics of EMH
>Ant-Man being level-headed and asking Tony to not go too crazy on the super-hero thing and trying to rehabilitate villains, not just punch them (well, before the crazyness and multiple personality disorder set in)
>Wasp trying her best to keep the team together and ease Cap into the modern times because being an Avengers is the most exciting thing that ever happened to her
>The Science vs Magic debates between Tony and Thor
>The Remember the Past vs Look Toward the Future debates between Cap and Tony
>Clint and Hulk being sarcastic assholes all the time
All gone, like tears in the rain...
That 'bring Banner back or I'll kick your ass' scene where Banner made Hulk laugh until he transformed back was GOAT.
Are you complaining for the sake of complaining while pretending you can read

Cause you can join up with Scans Daily for that
Writing Hulk properly is like masturbating. You can't just blow your Hulk load and have him smash stuff all the time. That's boring, because he's pretty much unbeatable.

You wanna tease the audience. Keep putting Bruce into scenarios where he's about to Hulk out, but refuses to because it'd cause him even worse problems. Show him dealing with assholes and injustice that get the audience as angry as he is. Only when you've gone without Hulk as long as possible do you let him out, and give the audience that catharsis.
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>Making him a member of the most populous race makes him somehow interesting

It'd be more interesting if he were one of the rarer races, like a Samaritan or something. That'd be cool.
No, that's just the reason liberal shits try to attribute to the complaints. Marvel is so heavy handed with the "look they're not white and/or male now!" that it causes the books to suck, they barely try. And the media assumes any complaints are because of race. If Bruce Banner had been black, I wouldn't care. I liked the Hulk for his story, not his ethnicity. Cho doesn't have Bruce's story, that's why the book sucks.
except the book is great, faggot
And that's your opinion. It's fine of YOU like Cho's story as much or more than Banner's, but I don't.
why would whether you like a character or not affect the book's quality? It's the same writer as a great Bruce run, with a great artist backing him up

the book is still good regardless of your opinion of the lead
I am not interested in Cho. I am not interested in whatever he's doing, because he's the one doing it. He won't have Banner's man or monster inner conflict, his history, his rivals, his enemies, his friends, he won't have anything that made the Hulk interesting. That makes the book not worth reading.
>i guess being white is boring now
When has it not been?
The past few millenia, but now it's 2015.
>he won't have Banner's man or monster inner conflict
did you even read the issue? are literally just making a snap judgment based on not muh?
To be fair he won't have Banner's but he's definitely gonna have his own.
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>/co/ is going to hate on based Cho Cho because of muh esjoos
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are you really surprised

although honestly if I were the type I would be offended at that article implying that only reason <person> is interesting is because he's non-white
Nah, I'm gonna hate SJWs because they're touching my Cho.
>asians never do this SJW shit
>asians are model minority
>thread still brings up a bunch of shitty asian stereotypes because an asian character was used as a social justice tool
see this is why no one likes white people
Nah white people are fine most the time, they sure make a lot of cool shit. They're like the Asians of the West.
Sorry, but no, he doesn't.
Why link to that and not the page where there's a Monster in his backseat or when he almost Hulks out.
It's obvious Cho is denying a lot of underlying issues plus he's a wreckless dick.
Oh yeah? >>78076554
It's a fun book and probably the only time that I liked Miles Spiderman.


There's your problem.
I figured that they meant this Cap that has also been showing up in Spiderman 2099
No shit, sherlock
But he's green
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Asian Hulk? Old hat.
Well I guess the character portrays all the stereotypical Asian-American traits. Meek and geeky on the outside, ticking timebomb on the inside. I might even say Hulk represents the Japanese honne/tatemae culture.
>Amadeus Cho
did we read the same comic
>represents anything japanese
Man, Aaron's run sucked. If you're going to recommend a recent Hulk run, at least go with Duggan's.

>She is also a gender swaped version of Falcon.

Wasn't it the other way around with falcon being a dude clone?
if you read comics you'd know that cap murric 2099 had been a black woman for years
The book is genuinely good, but the fact they're trying to parade it around as some sort of paragon of the importance of diversity is just fucking annoying.

I thought I was over this and had grown out of my anger with Captain America and Whor, but to claim that a genuinely enjoyable book is enjoyable primarily because they fused two existing characters, one of whom happens to be asian? When that point is almost irrelevant?

I'm mad again.
you're full of shit. She was created this year and she isn't black.
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>Implying SJW's care about chinks
>Implying SJW's support anything involving the problematic shitlord Frank Cho
Why do people call mulattos black when they are also half white? I think it's extremely racist.
If you strike someone hard enough with a club it'll split the skin creating a gash. Likewise you can gnash someone up pretty badly with an axe. Perhaps they use their tools in this suboptimal fashion to make it more of a challenge for themselves.
she became queen so they had to split
So, to date we have the following
>Captain America is now Captain Nigger
>The Mighty Thor is now Mighty Whor
>Wolverine is now Sniktbubbette
>Ms Marvel is now Ms Muslim
>Incredible Hulk is Kim-Hulk-Cho
>Iceman is now Icefag

Have I forgotten/missed anyone else?
>Wolverine is now Sniktbubbette
Anon please her name is Whoreverine. Get it right.
Either name works for me. I'm just trying to stay up to date on all of the SJW retconning
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Different strokes for different folks anon. I was never able to find the first half of Aaron's run but I enjoyed the hell out of Stay Angry. It wasn't what I'd call a serious story but I found it to be - and you'll have to excuse my use of buzzwords here because I can't come up with a better word to describe it - "fun." The sheer lunacy of hulk waking up in strange places with strange people trying to kill him and having to smash his way out while trying to figure out what banner was planning just did it for me.
Take pic related for example. Here we have Hulk fighting a Russian Cyborg bear in the middle of a techno-organic forest inside a secret stealthed soviet space station built during the cold war. It pleases my inner child.
>clubs gnash things
gnashing is a thing you do with your mouth, not a blunt instrument
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>Captain America is now Captain Nigger
U wot m8?
Not until they write Sam saying "Show me ya moves" in an issue of new Cap
Because that's the rule whites set up.

One drop rule senpai.
They actually do. Most Asians in America are actually strongly liberal and what not.

They care when they side with them.
You dumb cvcks, her name is Vulvarine.
They did that in the Ultimate books. He became a drug kingpin.
Strongly liberal maybe, but they also hate blacks more than the KKK. There's a Chinese convenience store around here that doesn't let black people inside.
Of course, there are no civilization as xenophobic and racist as Asian ones either.
When did kale become a meme?
That's all it takes? Are people really that easy to please?
>Are people really that easy to please?
Nope, Jews just control the media and establish false narratives.
Not every Asian country is Japan.
>doesn't realize I mentioned Chinese immigrants
Butthurt leftard BTFO
>Strongly liberal maybe, but they also hate blacks more than the KKK

We have a few Chinese shops and Koreans as well and they pretty much let blacks roam where ever. Of course this is in the South so i'm sure they're used to seeing blacks around.

They're the people keeping them in business. Chinese Restaurants Korean hair and nails shops.

Also, Japan is a xenophobic country. China and Taiwan are meeh. South Korea is mad liberal and we all know the head of North Korea idolize Dennis Rodman

Most,if all Asians countries are xenophobic because they're 99% Asian, what do you expect?

Most countries that have large homogeneous populations are like that. Where are you getting your info from? The internet?
When has this ever happened
This isn't the Hulk formula
>Hulk is now interesting because he's Asian American

So Black Panther would therefore be more interesting if he was Dutch-African.

What is it with these shitheads and "race change = character improvement". What does it change, really? Unless we're going to bring in a whole new rogues gallery for Amadeus, of course. You know what would have been "interesting" for a Hulk book? A mini-series of Bruce retiring and setting aside his demons PERMANENTLY and giving the mantle over to Amadeus, who instead of a runaway as Bruce had been for the better part of his following, is a true blue rookie hero as Kamala had been.

Fuck the damn news sites. Race change isn't a positive thing or a negative thing. It's something that really doesn;t fucking change a thing. If I were born Caucasian, would that make me a better person? Would being born African "improve" me, character-wise?

It's a good thing the book is nowhere near as bad as the other boots.
If they made Black Panther Asian I would laugh forever
It's not race change = character improvement, it's not white = character improvement

Or not male = character improvement

Or not straight = character improvement

etc etc. As everyone points out, they don't give a rats ass about the story.
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Has Spider-man ever gotten Hulk powers?

Serious question, /co/.
During Hulked Out Heroes he did
Wait no, the book was called Hulked Out Heroes, the event was World War Hulks
>[insert comic] is a buzzword for buzzword and buzzword
He literally told falcon to take the shield fresh after saving his son.
It really has
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>not Hulkdoken

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So I take it /co/ has problems with idiots pretending to be 'nerd culture' experts too?
But is the book good?
In this instance, and in future instances of this comic, you'll need to specify if you mean Cho the character, or Cho the artist.
Phenomenal. Best Marvel book after Vision.
I still don't get Linkle.

She's male Link, but she doesn't use a sword? How is she Link if she doesn't do that one thing? Isn't she more like Link's sister or something? And where does Link get a sister?
I didn't really like the first issue of Vision, but I never really cared about the character.

I sorta like Cho, but I've never really been a Hulk fan either, so I thought I'd pass on this book.
But I guess I'll check it out now.
She's a separate character from Link.
Link has a sister in quite a few games

and she's not Link, she's a separate character
The plot of Hyrule Warriors is some alternate dimension shit is going down and Zelda characters from different games and realities keep being pulled into the same universe. Linkle is presumably from some alternate universe where Link is a girl and there's no Master Sword.
Easiest if you just think of her as Link's sister since he's had them once or twice in the past. Actually that would be the best approach for Nintendo to take. And now I really can't help but think it would be fun if Nintendo made a game where you could switch between the two of them at will. Have Link act as the melee character, while Linkle acts as the ranged character.
Linkle has nothing to do with Link. She's just a girl from a chicken farm who wants to be a hero. Granted, given the nature of Hyrule Warriors' crazy "pull characters from every time period" plot, it could very easily turn out that she actually is an incarnation of Link.
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Only the rule 63 fags or liberals would like it.

I remember one time that someone say "They should change link gender because women need something to support".
I've always thought it would not be a big deal to just let you select your gender at the beginning of the game and never really bring it up. Just a cosmetic thing, y'know?
>and there's no Master Sword.

So she carries around a Master Sheath instead?
Personally, I like the idea that she's just a fangirl of the Link legends, and just got some crossbows and a Link cosplay. She doesn't get the Master Sword because she's not the Chosen One by the Triforce, she's just a girl with just a bit too much enthusiasm for heroism.
Anon was asking a question, not inviting a circlejerk about whoever you dislike.
Plus, Asians are extremely racist. They hate each other
She IS the master sheath.
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