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Thread replies: 287
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I had never truly felt 100% disconnected from The Simpsons.

Until now.
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Pre-emptive whining for an episode that wont even air for two weeks?
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So what's about it?
Why is there a painting of Homer smoking a bong in the background?
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One last excuse to make boyhood joke

He's not. It's a painting of Homer confronting Bart over Bart's ownership of a bong. "Look at what I found, boy."
>Not using question marks
More than likely a depiction of the first time bart smoked weed, without further context.
Weren't you all bitching about how it'd be a good idea to age up the Simpsons?

12 years motherfucker
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Homer's half lidded eyes and smile suggest otherwise.
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We bitched for months over Every Man's Dream

>Abe is dead

Yes but the time to do that would have been like 10 or 15 years ago
Maggie/baby with the Unibrow is the second worst pairing on this show

Right after Lisa/Milhouse
Yeah, by 3 years tops. Young teenagers are fine.

Older teenagers/young adults are just gonna be awful.
Why even care at this point? Of course it sucks, The Simpsons has been shit for longer than it's been good.
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The 100% disconnection episode for me.
Not Abe
are you telling me it took 12 years to make a movie? why isn't everybody talking about it? I mean 12 FUCKING years, holy fuck!
Another future episode with loser miserable Bart and ridiculously successful Lisa?
This fucking episode. They threw so much continuity out the window for this shit.
It took us 12 years to make that potato salad. TWELVE YEARS!
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This one was mine. Stopped right after it. Then a few years later I randomly saw a Treehouse episode that went the full run without a single rewarding joke and I knew I did the right thing.
We should start like a survey or something

>your 100% disconnection episode of your former favorite series/comic/whatever
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If this isn't them announcing that they're in a 3-way relationship, I'll be mildly dissappointed
for me when they killed Maude was the point when the simpsons started going downhill.
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Did you know Barthood took twelve years to make?
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After 'Holidays of Future Passed', Kearney is the only acceptable ship for older Maggie, and only when they're much older.
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But there is smoke coming from the bong.

Red dress press is when I felt completely disconnected. I mean The Simpsons have never been roll on floor laughing funny but once they were doing episodes were it was a story with no jokes, yeah yeah I was done then.

And now it's just a general simpsons bitching thread.
I'd fuck teen Lisa so hard
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For me it was ether "Eight Misbehavin" or "Kill the Alligator and Run",witch ever came first.
Theyre doing another one? I remember when timeskip episodes were once in a blue moon
You say that as though there is a chance that it won't be terrible
Are these images all from a trailer or something? The episode hasn't aired, right?
Reminder "Holidays of Future Passed" was supposed to be the last episode.
But all recent Simpson episodes have been terrible. Why are you whining about this one?

>Lisa in a relationship with TWO women

How empowering
Best part is that Lisa ended married to Milhouse. Writers fulfill their fantasy through their self-insert and Lisa's life was ruined. It was great
the nsync episode was the one that did it for me
>Weren't you all bitching about how it'd be a good idea to age up the Simpsons?

have they actually done it or is it another non canon ep? Because if they have that's interesting
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I hate the whole "MC ends up marrying the person who had a crush them but they hated" trope, ie Tootie/Timmy, Arnold/Helga, Milhouse/Lisa, etc.
It's fucking insanely unrealistic and reeks of lazy writing.
Childhood crushes are best suited for an awkward month of dating in high school, railing a few times, then never talking after graduation, not fucking marriage.

And I feel like Lisa having an open relationship with two women only to end up with a man fits in with her "EVERYONE LOOK AT ME! CHECK OUT HOW PROGRESSIVE I AM! Wait, no one's paying attention? Ah well never mind I'm done with it." personality.
To be fair Arnold never hated Helga I don't think plus that was a lot more fleshed out than the others which were one dimensional cliched bits.
You don't know if it's an open relationship. I'm in a closed three way relationship for instance. I grimaced when I saw the image mind. I feel like it was put in to be PROGRESSIVE and GENERATE DISCUSSION (read: Marketing)

>end up with a man fits in with her "EVERYONE LOOK AT ME! CHECK OUT HOW PROGRESSIVE I AM! Wait, no one's paying attention? Ah well never mind I'm done with it."
Keep in mind these people will often hate each other. It depends on if they see it has somebody to swan with or somebody who takes attention away from them.
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Fuck you Mike. Boyhood was a nice movie
But if all Simpsons are terrible why are you whining about his whining anyway?
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Agree. Even Timmy showed some sympathy toward Tootie once in a while, I haven't watched FOP for many years though. Meanwhile, Lisa just show contempt for Milhouse. They don't even look compatible or anything, it's entirely one-sided. The writers pushing Lisa/Milhouse in recent year is a side-effect of nobody on the staff giving a shit about the show
Timmy didn't hate Tootie, and Arnold didn't hate Helga. I can understand making thinking that in regards to Hey Arnold, but Fairly Oddparents is a show about magic granting fairies, why the fuck would it be "realistic"?
Oh, that's why. I thought your breed of shiteater died out.
>you're stabbing her, she's stabbing you
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I used to complain about every episode of the Simpsons because I could not believe that a show that was so good was so low.

But I don't care anymore, it's too far gone. I just can't help but pity the people that will never see how good this show used to be
>Family guy
>That fucking bird is the word episode
> Peter yelling the song over and over, at one point screaming it at the 4th wall
>Switches to an anti-religion/Jesus episode out of no where

>months later people still quoting that song as if it was even good

Literally stopped watching the series after that and never looked back. I'm so lucky I got out before it somehow got worse
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>grow up listening to this old Dr. Demento CD
>think Surfin' Bird is a fun, silly novelty song
>Family Guy does it
>now it's common and obnoxious
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>And I feel like Lisa having an open relationship with two women only to end up with a man fits in with her "EVERYONE LOOK AT ME! CHECK OUT HOW PROGRESSIVE I AM! Wait, no one's paying attention? Ah well never mind I'm done with it." personality.
At least it was in-character
for me the simpsons died after the 10th season

I can tolerate some things from 11 but for me Maude's death is the final nail in the coffin and the cowboy episode with Bart in one of the later seasons is throwing dirt onto the burial ground.

I always thought unibrow was a girl or is that one of the points of this?
It took them a hell of a long time to do this.
>Bart with a faggy emo haircut
nah. just nah.
Why are they so obsessed with Lisa x Nelson?
>It took them a hell of a long time to do this.
10 and 2 years, perhaps?
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>an episode that took place during the 90's
>of a series that has been around since the late 80's

I want you all to take a moment to let that sink in
Goddammit, do I need to have seen that to even understand what's going on here?
>Reference to a movie that got old to make fun of a year ago
I mean it is the best film ever made and took 12 years to make but really?

12 years
Haven't they done this concept several times before? Why is it bad now?
So what's the writters obssesion with making Bart a loser and Lisa a successful person?
There's a reason people are watching Cartoon Network a LOT more than they used to in my country. It's because everyone is getting massively burned out of these adult cartoons they have on the Fox channels.

Every single one of them is garbage.
>No one ever does stuff with the Itchy and Scratchy movie future bart
Bart is dumb, Lisa is smart.
Bart was meant to be an under achiever but i he tried hard he could do decent. Though that stopped a while ago
>Grampa RIP
But I thought the current timeline of the future episodes stated that Abe was put in a cryogenic tube for about 20 years.
Even if he tries his hardest he fails. He's dumb.
But he still tried his best and he has shown he has several talents but apparently they forgot about it and made him the eternal loser while Lisa can do whatever the fuck she wants and still win
Bart is streetsmart and adaptable, Lisa is easily intimidated and a perfectionist. Lisa might succeed in an ivory tower type job but she would probably hold herself back, refusing to work with others.

The writers are children living out a brainwashed "girls rool boys drool" worldview that doesn't reflect the real world in the slightest.
>Bart is streetsmart and adaptable
Just like a hobo
I'm not sure if it was ever said one way or another in the earliest episodes, but by now it seems everyone depicts him as male.

Never even considered it being male till now, honestly.
rewatch the episode "Bart Gets an F"
I believe its season 2
You mean the episode where despite everything Bart tries his hardest and manages to get a D? Meaning he doesn't fail showing if he puts his mind to stuff he can do better than everyone who says he is a failure

I think you missed the point of that episode
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>That episode where Bart and Lisa have a fight at the end
>Lisa, an eight year old girl knocks Bart, a 10 year old boy out in one punch
He didn't get a D. He got a pity grade. And he kissed his teacher. Can't get any lower than that.
baby gerald
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>That episode where Bart finds outs he's an expert at playing the drums
>because of Lisa's emo garbage, Bart future in that career is ruined
>look at this lit bong i found son
fucking this.
>school performance indicates life success
yeah nah. Watch Lisa's Rival or Bart the Murderer.
Oh gee, another thread that gives hype to another lower common denominator bait ratings trap episode that we all know it's gonna NOT live to its premise and its gonna SUCK HARD!

Just stop watching this cesspool of filth!
+1 nice post gentlesir!

Sooo... how long it took you to realize the Simpsons are shit now?
Spoiler alert; it's actually a surprise series finale. This is the final episode of the show as it is now; it's going to stay like this and all future episodes will now take place in the time shifted Springfield with Bart as the main character.
>At the end he apologizes to her
Isn't Kearney like in his twenty's in present day simpsons?
They're retconing Holidays of Futures Past?
>Maggie: Marries Unibrow Baby. They have two kids and own a business selling electric heaters and electric heater-related accessories

Ironically, the only thing that could ever make me watch the Simpsons again is if they did an entire shot-for-shot remake of King of the Hill from start to finish with adult Maggie as Peg and Gerald as Hank.
>implying she isn't in a lesbian kekquean relationship, which the simpson are promising will be 'normal' in the future

Need I remind you of the current year?
It is the Year of our Lord, Em Em Ex Vee.

this is the correct answer, the beginning of a slow hellish decent into terrible
spamaggie and meatballs?
What's this Itchy and Scratchy episode that people keep mentioning in the thread? I think I missed that one.

Also being smart doesn't make you successful. Homer works in a nuclear power plant and he's pretty dumb after all.

In the early seasons a plot revolved around an Itchy and Scratchy movie being released and Bart being banned from seeing it as a punishment. Bart goes on to apply himself and becomes a USSC Justice, he and homer see the movie together. Homer calls the mouse a jerk.
Kearney actually shaped up to be like a responsible big brother to Maggie, since Bart was the most uncaring selfish cunt on the planet. Kearney's there because he's her emergency contact, notice how neither of them are wearing rings.

Maggie's lover is out of the picture, unfortunately.
Isn't there a scene where Marge feels the need to have a talk with him about "poor Lisa's feelings", even though he has absolutely no need to feel sorry for her?
Or am I thinking of another episode?
Saddlesore Galactica is the absolute worst thing they've ever done in my opinion
Because Bart's VA is a Scientologist.
>favorite series

>Family guy

out of all Seth Macfarlene shows you could pick you had to pick the shittiest one. Bravo Anon
>cartman goes from a stupid fatass who rips on his friends to get a rise out of them, to an evil mastermind hitler incarnate
>the focus gets taken away from the four boys' misadventures to "cartman's shenanigans featuring butters"

Zombie South Park isn't as bad as Zombie Simpsons or Zombie Family Guy, but no zombies are good zombies.
But randy got funnier as time got on.
>bitching or pre-emptive bitching about something /co/ already bitched about
the cancer killing /co/
Yeah. That happens a lot.

And then that got exhausted to tedium after a couple of seasons. That B-Plot Mr. Mackey had in the Tweek x Craig episode was even re-recorded/boarded and given to Randy. Why?
I was never connected to The Simpsons to start with. There were good and bad episodes and that's all I see.

I do agree that unibrow baby is just.
At this point they really should just make an episode where Marge becomes a robot, Moe getting a cellphone, Bart owning a bear, or some crazy wedding.
South Park is less a zombie show and more a show that just isn't the same thing as it was in the earlier seasons. They've done a few full pivots over the course of their run.
Thanks man.
Okay /co/ explain to me how Bart who:

1. is based on the creator of the Simpsons
2. is well loved by everyone in his class and atleast has the respect of his teacher
3. has gone as many if not more crazy adventures as Homer
4. is a born leader and highly creative in his pranks
5. refuses to resigns himself to the bullshit of the world that Homer has long succumbed to

almost always is depicted as a loser in the future?

Shouldn't he end up as a Matt Groening type cartoon creator? The only thing Bart sucks at is school. Are the writers of this show so successful that they assume you can't succeed in life if unless you get all As in elementary school?

I get that Homer's life sucks because he knocked up Marge in high school, forcing him to put his dreams on hold to provide for his family. We're never given a reason for Bart's future sucking so hard, other than he was a troublemaker in school.
Watch the Day the violence died. Liza didn't do any of that by herself. Bart has potential but they flanderized it later on in the series.
>*Lisa not Liza I mean.

See >>77743355

It is almost like Bart isn't a straight forward self insert
Older Bart looks like such a fucking douchebag.
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It's been so long I don't even remember the last Simpsons episode I watched.

But I do remember my last favorite reaction image.

Howis Marryinf Milhouse "ruining her life"

He's a good guy who loves her. He deserves to win in the end
Lisa is a progressive liberal female, so she's successful.

Bart is male and his VA is a Scientologist.
>Episode in the reboot that starts off with a fox hunt
>Bender is hardcore in favor of it
>Discovers that the fox was a robot
>Bender is offended
>The episode SHOCKINGLY turns into yet another robot rights episode.

American Dad
>That episode post-TBS where Stan has to learn to appreciate the family he has for the sixth time.
That one had a bit more build-up. The episode where Jeff comes back and the one where Roger dated the fuzzball alien were pretty terrible as it is, but the example I gave was my final straw.
yoooooooooo, nigga Dr. Demento is my SHIT son!
I cant fuckin get Dead Puppies outta my head ever since I heard it on that niggas show years ago!
>when I realized every other episode was a Bender episode.
It's both, really.
And for what purpose? It wasn't even funny at all
it was bad for the last few times
they are just doing it again because a movie like this came out 1.5 years ago
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Bart seems that kind of kid who completely slacks off in high school and does nothing but smoke weed and have a good time without any consideration for the future future. He may be outgoing and creative but that doesn't get you anywhere if you don't try.

You're also underestimating how dumb he is. Remember when Bart studied his ass for a history test and only managed to get a D minus?
>Are the writers of this show so successful that they assume you can't succeed in life if unless you get all As in elementary school?
Not necessarily but they do think Bart is dumb. It reminds me a little of how everyone thinks Morty is dumb. Spouting facts and calculations is more indicative of intelligence than more subtle shows of ingenuity.
If he craved attention, or money, he would at least be persistent enough to get it.

If you're used to failure, you don't give up.
Underrated kek
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NEVER SPEAK ILL OF HELGA AND ARNOLD. she deserves someone as good as Arnold to make her a better person and eventually a GREAT president. fuck you im mad
>zombie south park

We've been over this before.
nazi zombie south park*
jeez, sorry
No, its not.

Zombie Simpsons specifically refers to the fact that the shows staff has changed overtime to the point of hardly any of the original team being involved anymore.

South Park has consistently had most of the same people involved throughout. Matt and Trey simply changed its style of humour over time, because the original style relied too heavily on the novelty that its a cartoon with swearing, which already wore off by the dawn of the 00's.
>Zombie Simpsons specifically refers to the fact that the shows staff has changed overtime to the point of hardly any of the original team being involved anymore.
No that's not what it refers to at all, though that is a factor. It refers to how the charm is gone, and characters and tone have changed so much the show is a shell of its former self.
12 YEARS HAND DRAoh wait
Duh. The end result of it is the focus though, not what caused the end result.
>It refers to how the charm is gone, and characters and tone have changed so much the show is a shell of its former self.

Wouldn't this mean zombie simpsons started with season 4, then?
>makes retarded statements then tries to erase them on the internet
>thinks seasons 5-7 don't have charm or the classic tone after they found their grove
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I told you everybody would forget about Boyhood after awards season!
>Last episode of the Simpson ever.
>Start of episode where Homer screams at the car in his garage about to run him over.
>He runs into the house.
>His entire family is standing there staring at him.
>"What's going on?" he asks. *canned laughter*
>Lisa shakes her head. "No, not this time. It's too important."
>*canned laughter stops*
>Marge: "Homie, we need to talk."
>Bart is about to cry, looking at the floor.
>Marge: "We can't... we can't keep doing this any more."
>Homer: "What do you mean?"
>Marge: "We have to let you go. You're too far gone."
>Homer looks outside. The world is dissolving into paint. He realizes he's in a cartoon.
>Homer: "Wait! Wait! I'm not ready!"
>His family dissolves.
>Cut to his family standing around him in a hospital. Bart, Lisa, and Maggie are grown up or older. The doctor is unplugging him from a life support system.
>The entire series was a coma dream. It's why nothing ever really changed or had consequences.
>He was partially aware and pieced things together now and again.
>Beeping in the room slows and becomes a flatline.
>Maggie cries and runs out.
>The end. Forever.
I really liked this episode
I wonder if Simpsons will ever do an entire episodes worth of a couch gag.
wait, I thought this was Future-Drama
I thought the Family Guy Effect happened when kids first learn about history and pop culture from watching Family Guy.
Many people still think Walt Disney was anti-semitic from one throwaway Family Guy joke. Just imagine having such a stain on your legacy because of Seth MacFarlane.
They do Milhouse x Lisa stuff, too. Nelson and Lisa has been a gag since they dated in season 8, so it's become a running joke like Milhouse's crush on Lisa.

To be honest, I enjoy the Lisa/Nelson stuff a lot more than Milhouse anyway.
I've seen most episodes up to 2009ish. Nothing ever struck me as bad as singing, murderous, underground jockey elves. Maybe that new Lena Dunham episode.

Lady Gaga was awful too but it's just too easy an answer. It shouldn't be mentioned at all let alone in any worst-of lists.

Family Guy is where memes go to die.

>Why Bart is loser in the future?

Because that episode when male Simpson are dumb because genetic
>tfw i ship bart and nelson
>also a bit of lisa and nelson
i am ok with this
Arnold never hated Helga, she just picked up on him and he didn't understand why until the movie. Bartlett said he's essentially flirting with her in the tango scene from April Fools, which takes place after the movie. Then there's the preschool clips from Helga on the Couch where Arnold kept doing nice things for her/smiling at her.
>He doesn't know

I envy you.
But he's a boring plug, she's terrible too but it's not like she gets along with Milhouse
He's boring and it's not like she's faithful to him. She's been seeing Nelson on the side for years in one of the future episodes.
Doesn't mean she won't be miserable, it would "ruin her life"
>Ultimate Spider-Man
>Green Goblin is back from being shot to death I guess?
>Also Captain America leaves Peter to die on a bridge after he takes a FUCKING BULLET for him
>And no one helps him deal with the Sinister Six except his Amazing Friends who both get one-shot and might as well not have been there

Fuck Peter's death. So many fucking "why" moments. I still gave Miles a chance but he was fucking beyond boring and his OHKO venom shock was just stupid so I dropped the whole thing.

The only good things that came out of that fiasco was May shooting Electro and chewing Cap out at Pete's funerals.
autism. it's just time to leave
>Bart studied his ass for a history test
It was one night. He pulled a single all-nighter for a class he had not been paying attention to at all and managed to squeak by with a pass.

He was going to be held back a grade. Do you know how far behind you have to be to be held back? There's no way he could've done a whole year's worth of work in a night, if he got an A it would demonstrate either that the whole elementary school system is a joke or that Bart is a super genius.
true, the cowboy episode was the benchmark of sucky seasons to come

>that entire "what if?" episode

Didn't it also have Arnold's daydream Helga throw his assumptions about her back at him, essentially him realizing he can't judge Helga only the negatives?
It's funny that 30th Century Fox was the episode that completely finished off Futurama for you, when for me it was one of the few memorable episodes from the post-movie seasons that were memorable for good reasons.
so.... what episode is this?
At this point, put ANYONE in charge instead of Al Jean. For the love of God, please. Anyone.
It's in the subject line
Didn't Homer smoke pot at one point?
just so you all know, I fapped to Lisa's sexual adventures described itt.
Me too, same exact story, holy crap!
>implying any of the future episodes are canon
>implying any of the post season 9 episodes are canon, even the handful of 'good' ones.
I guess they needed to make it obvious.
Episode when crows attacked his eyes?
>People still don't get that the Simpsons exists on a sliding time scale.
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Since you said 'disconnect' and not 'stopped watching', Gravity Falls after AToTS. I'm going to watch the finale but I have no hope for it being anything satisfying.
The difference in strength between an 8 year old and a 10 year old is though. But lucky shots happen

Is that literally the only time Bart has ever had a successful future?
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>it's literally Lisa with a bow
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>The Simpsons wont end before they're ruining every single good thing the show ever did
Yes. He was a construction worker on the Lisa wedding episode but he seemed happy with his life and it was mentioned Bart was going to the law school at nights. Then the Simpson gene episode happened and everything became bleak for Bart
>muh feels
>muh sad ending

fuck off retard...
Ugh I cringed so hard. Fuck off.
This gives me feels for some reason.

Does this episode end with him being a loser like other episode that take place in the future? Bart ends up poor and divorces his wife while maggie becomes a rockstar and lisa gets rich and marries milhouse.
I wonder if the white knights in charge of the simpsons realize that their Mary Sue bullshit actually harm the feminist movement rather than helping it.
Fuck that episode, it made me taste my eye juices for years they wete never sweet
That episode was the one that made me realize Family Guy is written by hacks.
> mfw Future Bart in Lisa's Wedding had a decent life without being an exaggerated loser
Who are the two.women with Lisa?
Strong independent women
I've never seen a sp episode I dislike
>Many people still think Walt Disney was anti-semitic from one throwaway Family Guy joke
To be fair, that throwaway Family Guy joke was inspired by rumors that had been around for a long time
>That B-Plot Mr. Mackey had in the Tweek x Craig episode was even re-recorded/boarded and given to Randy.
Is there a reason to believe that other than that anon pretending to be a South Park staff member who claimed that, among other things, the PC Carnival would happen in S19E08? (It didn't happen.)
Yeah but they were just rumors and it's enough for some lady disney to trash her grandad like "Yeah he totally was racist probably!"

And she never even met the fucker. I was SO mad.
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Yvan eht nioj
Women and seamen don't mix together
Nah. BART GOOD LISA BAD is just as bad of writing.
I've seen one or two kinda boring ones. But I have to agree that there aren't any that like PISS ME OFF by not LIVING UP TO THEIR POTENTIAL
Eh? What happened?
>Lisa: Gets knocked up by Milhouse, has to marry him, and ends up in a miserable existence for the rest of her days
So, Marge?
At least she didn't get the Simpson gene.
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>Lisa the Simpson
>Could have been great episode about going against biological/genetic determinism
>Instead goes for 'it only affects the XY chromosome so Lisa's fine but Bart's fucked for life' route
Is this now the canon of how there lives will go?
>on the simpsons

I'd be surprised if they don't scrap it next episode
I would have loved for the family to age real time and have the show progress like that.
Maggie's even fatter.

Bart Simpson, I'm your father
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Because 40 yearolds never marry 20 yearolds?
Wrong fucking example there m8, they actually had stuff in common.
>And if you are going to have mixed feelings about a family member (and we all do) take it from me, you really need to be as honest as possible about those feelings, or else you are going to lead yourself into many a blind alley in life!! ... Anti-Semite? Check. Misogynist? OF COURSE!! Racist? C'mon he made a film (Jungle Book) about how you should stay 'with your own kind' at the height of the fight over segregation! As if the 'King of the Jungle' number wasn't proof enough!! How much more information do you need? But damn, he was hella good at making films and his work has made billions of people happy. There's no denying it. So there ya go. Mixed feelings up the wazoo.

She goes on but it was just an attempt to get attention. No one knew she existed before and no one cares now.

It was a grandNIECE though.
Everyone call Disney a racist. He actually was a racist but back then everyone was a racist. It was even supported by the mainstream science until the end of WW2
I said EVEN fattER
Lisa's a heifer, but with Homer's habits and genetics and Maggie's oral obsession which had been consistently encouraged by her family (pacifier), I guess Maggie's sheer heft tips the scales more than her blimp of a sister.
maybe fat as a kid, and then bullied into sucking down cigarettes instead of milkshakes.
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I sure liked the part when they had a mundane conversation that went no where
I just thought of the funniest ship.
Milhouse and Maggie.
It would make Lisa so mad.
It would make Bart so mad.
It would make Homer and Marge absolutely lose their shit.
Milhouse Van Houten would finally win, and someone would finally find him cool.
Maggie would finally find a way out of her cunt sister's shadow.
Only if Millhouse is an adult while Maggie is jailbait
Fight that hebephile oppression
his funeral was pretty sad in a good way as well
It reminds me of what happened with Finn

For some reason writers don't think young average boys can be interesting or useful.
I don't care for her either but I may be in love with bff Tina Fey
that's what I meant, around 15-17 yr old Maggie.
She'd probably realize Milhouse was a dork otherwise.
Also when He's flashing back to his highschool days, his principal calls him and Barney Springfields Answer to Cheech And Chong.
Maybe there will be an episode where new teacher guest star convinces Lisa to wear a "pro-go" while doing extreme sports, lisa does an extreme sport with babby, and then the Chinese government take the babby away.
Featuring a duet by Adele and Macklemore
Bart was the cool kid that would never hang out with the writers in Elementary school.
Lisa is the obtainable goal for them.
They always put Lisa on a goddamn pedestal. It's fucking retarded considering how resourceful Bart is too. Someone as charismatic as Bart is way more likely to end up being a politician than Lisa.
While them parodying boyhood sounds lame, I really have enjoyed the past few "future" episodes, so I can get behind this too. We'll see though

Are they still the only two characters whose hair is the same color as their skin?
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there's the creepy pale kid who I think is named Wendell?
Pity they didn't make it Sheri and Teri.

I just don't really see that being very much in Bart's established character. It's a feel-good moment that he hits a point that is easily recognizable as being very successful, but law school just doesn't seem like a Bart thing at all.

I think while he's not book smart by any measure, he probably has a lot of creative intelligence that he ends up funneling into something and is quietly moderately successful at it. Like, scrapyard art or something.
I just dislike the part where they decide to get super preachy.
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Is there anyone willing to draw this?
I wish I could draw in Groening's style. Does anybody know if there's a Simpsons style guide floating around on the Internet like the King of the Hill one?
Remember when Simpsons was good?

It's SCOTUS you fucking retards
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>homer passing a bong to bart
una vela
The early teen seasons are worse than anything airing now
>bangs hiding the unibrow
I still haven't seen it. Was there really any point in taking 12 years to make it, using the same actors? Like, wouldn't the same effect be achieved by using multiple actors? Or is there some legitimate reason for taking so long?
Spageraldy and Magballs
The novelty of it, I guess.
Lisa's delicious feet.
In the first future one he was at least a successful construction worker doing the work just because he loved it. He had a string of failed marriages, but at least he was happy with where he was in life. In the later future ones is where they think he grows up to be a drug addled loser with no prospects and no life.
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>Made a thread a while ago saying I was new to Simpsons, should I continue past season 8
>Get told to watch S09E02 The Principal and the Pauper and decide for myself

Is this one of those major turning point episodes in quality, or have I been memed on and infected with bias? I watched an episode of 9 prior and didn't like it, and after being suggested this one I didn't like it either, first episode I felt uncomfortable watching after 8 seasons of generally good and consistent quality. It feels like characters have been warped some in the past, but this one went kind of far and then very weakly put it back together. First time I ever wished for an 'it was all a dream' ending.

Did this episode take 12 years to make?


This and the rick and morty couch gag are the only good things to come out of the simpsons in a very long time
>lesbian polygamy
Now that's what I call Progressive(c)
money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money
>If you're used to failure, you don't give up.
Wrong. Lot's of people stop trying if their expectations are low enough. They can't be so easily disappointed but they've lost some of their driving force.

You can actually train an animal to expect electrical shocks without trying to flee or protect itself.
m-m-m-money m-money money money money money
You sure that's not his son?
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money money money money money

How ass blasted does it make you to know that the episode "I Dream of Jesus" was not just nominated for an Emmy, but was nominated for "Best Comedy", alongside 30 Rock, The Office, Weeds and Flight of the Conchords? A feat that hadn't been managed by an animated series since The Flintstones back in the 60s.
Not at all. Only baddies care about these commercial award shows anon.
It's things like this that are the worst. When someone else is good at something and it makes the Lisa feel bad whatever happiness that person has must be sacrificed to the Lisa.

>The Lisa writes poetry, but no one takes it serious
>Moe publishes poetry under his name
>The Lisa is happy to have her poems published
>Moe is happy to be successful
>The Lisa is jealous of Moe's attention
>Moe doesn't reveal the sham and ruin everything
>The Lisa tries to trap Moe and reveal him as a fraud
>Moe survives the assault
>Moe confronts the Lisa and still wants to work with her to write poems
>The Lisa tells Moe to fuck off and leaves him high and dry
>The Lisa cries to Homer and Bart like a baby and they decide to destroy Moe
>Moe reveals poems he wrote himself, but they bomb
>Moe sees the Lisa who is so, so sad
>Moe admits to everything
>Moe and the Lisa are now best friends again, and Homer and Bart's revenge plan fails
>Moe goes back to being a dirt poor loser next episode
always the dream shit or coma shit...
German Homer ded.
Was his VA for 25 years
Wow, what a cynical view of relationships you have. Personally I'm optimistic and believe that love conquers all. The size of your wallet doesn't matter. As the great Tyler durden would say "You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis."
Not very. I keep forgetting the Emmies are a thing.
You should think about the shapes, and how they relate in angle and scale to one another-
Right now you just think "eye" and "nose, but it'll look closer to a style if you use more abstract terms.
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>the simpsons has been bad now longer than it has been good
is this a joke
Go away, Milhouse.
I think I'll name my kid Chad. I never met a Chad in my whole life and it seems like whatever a guy with that name does is automatically better than anything a whiny /co/ward knows how to do.

Fuck, even if it's a girl I'll name her Chad, see if that gives her bigger balls than you.
fuck off simpsonsguy.
Did you know The Simpsons took 26 years to make?
It's interesting how some of the bad episodes up to a certain point (say, pre-HD) still yielded funny things that people generally know of.

The only thing new simpsons has given us is simpsums and most people unfortunately haven't seen it.
I recently watched the entire series beginning to end and I have to agree. Seasons 11 to 17 are really bad but they have the occasional smile inducing moment. Beyond that every episode is this bizarre, meaningless non-story that's just painful to watch.
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The point I realized I should stop watching the Simpsons is the episode where the guest starred a bunch of rappers.

Not because of the rappers, but because I realized it was the exact same fucking plot and idea from the episode where Lisa discovered Jebidiah Springfield was actually a terrible person, but decided to cover it up. Just the truth to cover up was Bart's phony kidnapping instead.
>Shouldn't he end up as a Matt Groening type cartoon creator?

Well, he kinda did that already. Remember Angry Dad?
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