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What's the hardest dish you've ever attempted to make

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What's the hardest dish you've ever attempted to make and how did it turn out?
I live in a tropical country and I tried to make croissants. The butter just oozed out of the dough.
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General Tso's chicken and crab rangoons. Took like 2 hours and wasn't as good as my favorite restaurant, but not bad at all. Also took a month to slowly buy all the ingredients because it was 2010 and I couldn't find a job. Then by the time I was ready for my first attempt, my mom used my green onions in a potato soup. Punched a hole through the kitchen wall when I found out.
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Good Custards kick my ass.
>creme caramel (always kicks my ass; never made a good one)

Quiche took about about 6 hours to make
>mix custard night before
>Make shortcrust
>cool shortcrust
>shape shortcrust in pan
>blind bake (one time I didn't cool before blind baking...big mistake)
>patch holes from butter melting
>rebake to set the patches
>cook fillings (bacon and onion confit) took an hour and half to confit onions
>cool fillings
>set out custard to room temp
>grate cheese
Finally get to assemble ingredients!
Aerate custard mix pour into shell
float on 1/2 fillings and cheese
Aerate remaining custard
float on remaining fillings and cheese
Bake another 45 minutes and hope.
A little brown on top but the custard was set.
Spanish omelette. It turned out good, but not good enough for my autism.
It's not hard to make but for me I always fuck up pasta
Made gnocchi and it turned into a fucking goop cause I thought I put enough flour but I didn't. So I ended up making a shitty gnocchi lasagna with sauce and basil and mozzarrella it was bretty gud
I've made a lot of pain in the ass recipes but no one is standing out as the hardest.
tried makin that sauce where you have to whisk it constantly but it only consists of lemon and eggs and something else; totally fucked that up; just ended up sweating a bunch and making a decent tasting lemon egg thing. think it's called holiday
probably some dessert/baking thing. ive always sucked at them. I do remember tamales being a huge pain in the ass, not hard, just annoying and time consuming. I do like my recipe though and I made a fuck load so it was worth.
ye, how do you do it; i followed that recipe .com gave me but apparently every comment on that site is automated because it didn't work.
What was wrong with the last batch you made? If it separated than I bet you added the butter too fast/didn't whisk fast enough to emulsify
it literally turned into a pancake I was sweating into the mix was whiskin so hard. nice trips trap. when do you know to stop whiskin

lots of problems

they weren't uniform
first time they didn't have legs
some were dense

just lots of trial and error and wasted money on almond flour

I hate baking in general
Wanted to make sourdough.
Turned out more as a foccacia bread.
For me it's the dumplings. Tried for over an hour to get the dough right. Then could not get it thin enough so just went with 3 mm thick wrappings. Big mistake it was like eating bread but at least the filling turned out great.
Pro tip boil with salty water.
>try to make bread
>comes out as a yeast-flavored biscuit every time
Tried to boil water. Created nerve gas then caught fire
This... tried grinding my own almonds, which turned out horribly. Plus they stuck even to the wax paper, and the ones that didn't were burnt and tacky.
>he didnt even activate his almonds first

now you know anon.
Gluten free beaver tails for my celiac girlfriend.

Turns out you need to get into some crazy gluten-free-wheat-alternative alchemy in order to have the yeast interact with the dough in any meaningful way.
Made wonton shrimp and pork soup. Folded every damn little wonton and used bok choy and slow simmered a broth for near a day. Came out honestly great even though a couple of the little dumplings/wontons fell apart in the soup.

It was just such a pain in the ass I've never bothered with it again and just buy it from a restaurant if I really want it.

Also once slaughtered and prepped a boar. Right fucking messy shit but it's easy cooking after that.
i make biryani semi regularly
it turns out nice
i fucking love biryani
lol. green onions are like 50 cents a bunch
ok, how?
par cook rice in aromatics
make a veggie yogurt sauce
layer rice and veggie yogurt sauce and more aromatics
bake in tightly sealed heavy vessel

i use this site for recipes, it seems authentic and is very thorough: http://www.vegrecipesofindia.com/biryani-recipes-veg-biryani-recipes/
I guess making gyoza/potstickers? But that's less difficult and just more so tedious because you have to properly stuff, fold and crimp each one. You also need to cover the already prepped ones in a moist paper towel so the dough doesn't dry out.
Then you have to steam them and then let the bottoms get cooked a little so they have a light crunch.
It's not really 'difficult', it just takes time is all. Fuckin worth it though, god damn.
What recipe where you working off? I was listening to this brown guy's instructions. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JceGMNG7rpU
I made Kouign-Amann a few months ago and that was a bitch to get right mostly because of how tedious making laminated dough by hand is. Super worth it, though; impressed the fuck out of everyone at the birthday party I brought it to (~35 people).
Tuna patties without any sort of binding agent.
They didn't really keep the shape of a patty, but I was eating it with a fork anyhow, so it didn't really matter.
I tried to microwave an egg once. It puffed up and deflated, sticking to the bowl.
Trying to make ramen from scratch.
Other than the time dedicated to making the broth, I fucked up the noodles my first time and they came out mushy and broke apart while boiling.
Still had some damn fine soup though.
Years and years ago I made a 12 layer mocha cake for my sister's graduation. The cake layers were alternating sponge cake, meringue, and purposely deflated souffle (2 each) and the remaining layers were two different flavors of buttercream. Took for fucking ever to put together and it was a mess to cut thanks to the meringue layers, but it turned out nicely and was impressive at least.
>tfw you will never have a sibling who would go through that kind of trouble for you
>tfw your sibling is a selfish dick who showed up to graduation for the free meal mom and dad paid for
>not even a congrats card
>tfw one sibling lets her friends molest and abuse you and the other sibling sends you to the emergency room with multiple open wounds on your face
could b worse
>Yfw your sibling dropped out of school at 16 and hasn't had a job since, but mommy still buys him clothes, treats and stuff to keep him happy
He's 22 now and fat as fuck, threw up walking to a bus stop.
Everyone can be a waste of time, money and attention, even family.

Sorry about your shitty siblings, anons. If I could bake comfy cakes for you all, I would.
I've looked, and haven't been able to find anything difficult. There isn't much depth to cooking, at least the traditional kind involving stuff that grew in dirt. It's all a result of iterative trial and error, not expertly enginerded.
I tried making tuscan fish and it was awful.
I had to make a Jamaican style Christmas dinner once, after a bottle of champagne and a gram of ketamine first thing in the morning.
It shockingly turned out just fine.
I made a normal one alongside it just incase I fucked up the Jamaican one... both turned out great.
How many good boy points did you lose for that tantrum??
>Jamaican style Christmas dinner
What does this involve?
If you don't know, you can't afford it
Macaroons, they either don't raise, or they crack or burn or donĀ“t cook, I'm starting to suspect my oven.
I don't know what the hell I was thinking - more like why I thought to even try this - but I did up some reconstructed nachos.

The base was essentially a heavily peppered cheese riddled corn soup with a fine spray of cornstarch and water on top that I hot knifed into a crust, more cheese on top, torched to a bit of a crisp just to give a familiar grasp on what this is.

I gave it a solid drizzling of cilantro-cumin-onion "goop" (basically blended them with water, added oil, let it sit for a bit, strained it, and mixed it with a bit of cornstarch to thicken it back up a touch)

I tossed tomato reduction, sour cream, garlic, and whipping cream into a whipped cream canister and made a few flowers on the perimeter

Then I took a filet mignon, nicely crusted but still quite rare, sliced it thinly, and placed it slightly off centre as though it were a whole steak.

Atop that, some baby chives, and jalapeno "caviar" (mashed jalapenos, water, sodium alginate, calcium chloride).

It was really only hard in number of steps and not knowing what I was doing or why. It turned out great.
I did a matambre arrollado for a holiday dinner (sort of a flank steak roulade with veggies)
turned out ok flavor wise but I fucked up the rolling and the eggs ended up all bunched in one of the ends
my friends didn't even notice and were very happy about it, but I was a bit ashamed deep down inside
I chuckle at your finely crafted, authentic autism.
Also, what did you need the green onions for?
beef wellington

>Shugar cookies
They never turn out right, run all over the pan and taste vile. Made them twice, trow them out twice. Maybe they would work if amerifags wrote recipes in grams, not some fictional cups
I haven't prepared an acceptable beef stroganoff. I've tried three times and I wasn't happy with any of them. The meat toughens up, the sauce is too thick, or both. Cooking with lactic acid can go very wrong.
None because the wall needed to be torn down soon for replacement anyway.

For the meal, you jackass.
I tried making a mille crepe by myself once. It looked like ass but it still tasted good.
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