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Are you allergic to any foods, anon? What happens if you

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Are you allergic to any foods, anon?
What happens if you partake in said foods?
Itchy moth and throat as well as persistent taste for the day.

Almonds get me flushed and slightly itchy.

In allergy season I also react to Tomatoes/Kiwis/Strawberries/Nuts with a slight itch.

No serious allergy though, glad i didn't get all of my dad's nut allergy, he starts coughing and tearing up.
Nope, feels good man
Allergic to gluten

It gives my tum tum a little ache so I make sure to always demand gluten free, even if the place isn't equipped to do so.

Rather... Uncomfortable for my stomach and for bathroom visits
Some itching and redness
And the fucking up of my insides
I get a rash all over my body if I eat shellfish

Lucky I don't really enjoy eating them anyway, they're disgusting bottom feeders.
>Are you allergic to any foods, anon?

No, my genes are fully functional.
Raw celery. It makes my tongue and cheeks numb, but I still eat it since I like it.
Not persuing a human eugenics program was a mistake. We need to cull the weak.
same. the only thing wrong with my body is that after a quart of milk my lactose intolerance kicks in
This is getting ancient.
We're like seven or eight years into one guy not shutting the fuck up.
Go back to 2004 if you want to be original.
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I think I may be mildly lactose intolerant. But I only notice a problem if I drink straight milk, or eat too much cheese.
It kinda varies from a general uncomfortable feeling, to bad gas/bloating, to waking up the next day with my skin and joints feeling swollen/puffy, to waking around 5am feeling like this one spot in my intestines is passing a bunch of razor blades and metal spikes and being slowly ripped apart with the pain overwhelming my brain and causing me to curl up in the fetal position with full body sweating delirium and nausea which can either just happen once lasting over the span of a few seconds or can come in wave after wave for like 15 minutes. That last one usually happens with too much cheese. I don't eat cheese much anymore, but more because it's too fattening... the pain is always really horrific but it fades away really fast with this warm fuzzy feeling and is easily forgotten and doesn't stop me from falling back asleep as soon as its over.. cheese was worth that much.. but not worth the fat disgusting gut I lost..

Also green tea, and a quite a few random black teas, make me want to violently throw up my internal organs. I stick to camomile.
mouth itch with kiwi, pineapple, and less than ripe bananas. like fiberglass in my tongue

sucks because kiwis were my absolute favorite fruits growing up
>A food allergy diagnosed because someone has a "scratchy tongue."

Every fucking time. Does anyone need a more clearcut definition of why we 'murricans are insane?
so what is it? is fiberglass tongue a new feature of a recent kiwi strain?

Here's my You impression:

>Something's toxic because it "makes you vomit."

Have you actually gone to a medical professional for an allergy test and been shown to be positive? If not, your anecdote is not an allergy.
All humans are LI after the age of 3-4.
You're not doing anything wrong. Literally everyone reacts bad to dairy.

The primary cause is the addition of vitamin D, the gold standard of human life, which some people think is 100% necessary for survival when in reality it's poisonous and dangerous to absorb or eat.

The FDA really has a lot of people fooled with shit like synthetic b vitamins, riboflavin and D.
And you will see this as soon as someone replies to this post.

I would advise extremely minimal sun exposure and minimum dairy consumption.
does it matter if i've been diagnosed by a medical professional?

I was telling an internet stranger about how MY mouth reacts when I eat some fruit

do i qualify for some kind of welfare that i'm not aware of that you think i'm abusing? can i get a handicap sticker for my car?
>does it matter if i've been diagnosed

Yes. It's the only thing that matters.
so if i go to the doctor and he says "you are not allergic to kiwi", i need to continue to eat kiwi despite the discomfort? i mean, i'm not allergic so i have no excuse, right?
No. You just need to stop claiming you are allergic to Kiwi. Why are you being so hyperbolic?
did i say i was allergic to kiwi, or that my mouth itched when i ate it?
The question is literally "Are you allergic to any foods, anon?"

The implication of your post is that you feel you are allergic to Kiwi fruit.

You have not been tested and therefore can not claim to be allergic.

Come back and post when you have been tested and shown to be allergic.
>people who disagree with me will prove me right by telling me I'm wrong
The effects are probably overblown, but sun exposure is actually not recommended by like any governing body. Nor is dairy (directly). Your body still needs some vitamin D, though.

>All humans are LI after the age of 3-4.

Well, I'm glad that you've confirmed my opinion I am a member of the ubermensch, or an alien transplant. I'm the poster that drinks 24 ozs minimum of milk everyday and never had digestive issues. I'm older than 4, btw.
Not the retard you're responding to, but the majority of the world is to some degree lactose intolerant. Differing gut bacteria will change how your body reacts to eating a food, and you ingest so much dairy that I'm sure your body's gut biome has adapted not only from an evolutionary standpoint, but also just you personally.

High fat foods will give people the shits, but normal diet kind of sets the bar for how high makes those greasy shits happen.
>drinks 24 ozs minimum

You must look and smell absolutely disgusting.
I can't even fathom how gross you are like holy fuck
>You must look and smell absolutely disgusting.

Why would you think that drinking milk adversely affects your looks or your smell?

Is your brain broken? I can't think of any logical connection here. You clearly believe some really silly shit.
A tiny bit. From UV light sources.

I said limit, don't remove.
I do have milk, cheese and butter in my fridge man.

Everything the fda puts into our food is poisonous and 80% of the synthetic versions of vitamins they feed us are labelled as hazardous to humans by NFPA 704.

That's not the same vitamin d you get from sunlight, my guy. And those b vitamins were never naturally sourced.
I can't explain much (sick of doing so) without you guys doing research.

(Chemical name) NFPA 704
THIS is how you google your food ingredients.
Going to wikipedia simply tells you that everything the FDA puts in your food is good for you, while visiting actual chemical distribution and research websites gives you a story far different than the "we need that to live!" shit you get here.

Anyone know how the fuck synthetic, man made chemicals could have possibly become necessary for a life that FAR outdates them?
Think about what you're touting. We lived for thousands of years before the FDA made these synthetic food additives and convinced GOD DAMN EVERYONE that they had to eat them or they would die.

I use common sense, others parrot the fda and their made up synthetic chemical deficiencies.
Who do you trust? I don't give a fuck. Just use your god damn brain when it comes to hostile government agencies.
Lmao this fat fuck is so triggered about his bitchtits

You are gross looking and low-income
You're fucking nuts. I'm 6'3" and 210lbs and I don't smell. The proofs in the pudding, me boyo. Women look at me when I walk into a bar.
They look at you and wonder "ewww this fucking fat fuck is so gross why is even here"
Dude the FDA doesn't put anything into anyones food, they just provide guidelines for what can and cannot go in. They're the reason your cheeseburger isn't full of rats and bile.
A shot of penicillin would ruin my night out.


Yes they do and it's the law.
60% Of the food in the US didn't end up with the same 5 synthetic chemicals in it because they make food taste good or anything.
4 Of the additives have NFPA 704 ratings of 1 for hazards to humans and riboflavin is literally a fucking nightmare if you don't get your info from wikipedia.
They literally do dude.
Certain guacs make my mouth itchy and my tounge white. I had guac on toast yesterday and It gave me that pretty bad. But if I go to Chili's and try their guac, I get only a really mild reaction, almost like acquiring a taste for spicy foods. Bananas make my mouth burn, as well as walnuts, and almonds give me stomach pains.
Anything green. Makes mouth itch.
My ex-girlfriend was a Celiacs sufferer. Eating even a little gluten would ensure her ass would be glued to a toilet within the hour, and she wouldn't be able to stray far from it for the rest of the day. I'm talking Defcon 1 shits.

She was a nice girl, I miss her.
Deadly tree nut allergy . Before knowledge of my allergy I ate some walnut bread when I was around 4 and went into a coma... Besides not being able to pigout on random desserts , It really does not affect me .
As kid I was allergic to strawberries, my face turned red after eating it. Not trolling here, just my skin around mouth got slightly red. Now i can eat strawberries, nothing happens.

But recently i think i developed allergy to kaspicirine or to chili. After eating spicy paprika, or sriracha, I usually have slight astma for few hours. So any cigarette smoke, some perfumes, clothes that smell of washpowder (usually old women abuse it), all that irritates my lungs.
Well aren't you lucky, I have full blown seizures when I smell perfume and I don't get to control when I encounter the shit. I have only desensitized dish soap and hand soap in 5 years of work, still can't use bar soap or detergent.
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allergic to pollen which somehow translates to my mouth being itchy after eaching some fruits like apples
I think I've become egg intolerant. If only for boiled eggs. I ate a boiled egg ten hours ago and I'm still burping sulphur.
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>I have only desensitized dish soap and hand soap in 5 years of work, still can't use bar soap or detergent.

I'm sensitive to fragrance as well. However, I don't know if you would be able to use the same fragrance free products I use which are:

Vanicream Cleansing Bar





Most recommended brand of Fragrance Free soap from Allergists, Dermatologists and Pediatricians.

Pharmaceutical Specialties Inc., the company that makes this fragrance free soap, is an American based company too, located in Rochester, Minnesota.

I personally use their Vaniply™ Ointment, Facial Cleanser, Free & Clear™ Shampoo and Conditioner, and Cleansing Bar.





If you love fragrance-free products, this is the best brand to buy them from.

They sell fragrance free Sunscreen and Shaving Cream as well.

Are you white by any chance?
Why not go to a competent doctor and have them treat you to remove the allergy?
Me too. My throat swells closed.
Quit being a twat.
Fluoridation, Mandrake. Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face?
Perhaps this is God's way of telling you that you should drop dead.
>have MD's cure your allergies

That would be a brain transplant and we aren't quite there yet.
Nut allergies can be treated and abated with increased doses of nuts...

What ever happened to that guy that was getting the brain transplant in europe a few years ago,..
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Arighty so
>The primary cause is the addition of vitamin D, the gold standard of human life, which some people think is 100% necessary for survival when in reality it's poisonous and dangerous to absorb or eat.

vitamin d is bad? wut
Just let the monkey fling shit in his cage. Don't interact with it.
only bananas, cause some rash and makes my mouth have this weird burning itching sensation, but nothing major. usually have them with cheerios
Knew a girl that was the same way by the name of Monica. Either her or my vegan teacher made some gluten free brownies that were... interesting.
>you had a GF gf
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I have IBS and react to most foods. Pain is a daily routine. I fast for long periods to get pain free vacations, but it's difficult to combine with having a life. Also, it causes muscle athropy and weightloss. My existence is kind of shit.
So he ist not allergic to Kiwi, he just displays an allergic reaction when he consumes it.
Perhaps it's god's way of telling him to wage holy war against plastic bitches that stink up everything with their shitty perfumes.
Allergic or picky eater?
life threatening allergy to tree nuts

moderately serious allergy to crustaceans, a bit of dried shrimp or shrimp paste in certain asian foods won't cause a reaction but trying to eat a whole shrimp definitely will

some raw fruits and such can cause a bit of throat irritation but that's not what a fucking allergy is
Not an allergy but I have IBS and eating too many beans will give me the worst stomach pain ever, like take a day off work tier pain
>beans give me gas
peanuts & tree nuts.
I die. Severe anaphylaxis, throat swells up, head swells, can't breathe, I die unless treated immediately. Found out when I was a three year old and wanted some cashews. Ate one, and I was projectile vomiting and wouldn't even fit in a jacket because my head was so swollen it couldn't close around my neck.

I get around it by making most of my own food now instead of buying prepackaged stuff which is usually unsafe as companies go for a better bottom line and produce shit on the same lines.

I've also been told I should avoid shellfish as the two are typically linked, so i've never had crab, shrimp, or lobster.

All said though, allergies in my mind aren't that bad, i've never really gotten to experience the stuff, so I don't know what i'm missing, so to speak, unless we're talking candy.

fuck you kit kats, I will never forgive you for cheaping out. Cuntwhores. I fucking hate kit kats.
Not an allergy, but I have ulcerative colitis, and if I consume dairy protein, it triggers a flare-up, causing intestinal lining to tear/disintegrate, which causes pain, and loose, bloody stools, and long term increases the likelihood of cancer. I have other UC triggers like wheat or alcohol, but most require a relatively large quantity, whereas dairy protein causes problems even in a really small quantity.
Any and all seafood.
Violent, violent diarrhea and projectile vomiting
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